gutachter · 2 years
Erste hydroaktive Gebäudefassade „HydroSKIN“
Erste hydroaktive Gebäudefassade „HydroSKIN“
Stuttgart: „…Die Glasfassade eines Hochhauses kann so heiß werden, dass man darauf Spiegeleier braten kann – ein wesentlicher Faktor für die Überhitzung unserer Städte. Andererseits produzieren Hochwasserereignisse jährlich Schäden in Milliardenhöhe. An der Universität Stuttgart wurde jetzt eine hydroaktive Fassade vorgestellt, die nicht nur Außenwände und das Gebäudeinnere, sondern auch den…
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Blog reviews
Livy Dukes is a CU photography student who also did a freelance placement year like myself, so I thought it would be interesting to review her blog. From reading Livy’s blog, it is clear that she has gained a lot of experience and confidence in the freelance photographic field, which I really commend her for, as I’m aware of how hard it can be. I feel like Livy has perhaps gained more from her professional freelance year, as I think she was more prepared in the first place – she knew she wanted to freelance from the start, compared to me, who decided it was my plan B when I couldn’t find a placement/internship with a company. I really enjoyed reading about Livy’s experiences as we have similar interests and experience in music photography, both working for Indie Midlands, so it’s interesting reading her take on the music photography career, which is often hard to make a living from, but she’s definitely made the most of her experiences and has been able to develop a significant portfolio. One thing I would perhaps like to have seen more of is whether Livy developed any other personal ‘artistic’ projects which could be helpful in preparing for final year.
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Emma McGarry is currently studying at Academie Minerva in Groningen, The Netherlands. I found Emma’s blog particularly interesting as she’s studying Fine Art, whereas the majority of the other CU photography students are studying Media/communications (or something similar) at their host universities. I found that I was often incredibly jealous whilst reading her blog, and wondered if I should have perhaps done a year abroad instead. Emma was able to explore her artistic side more, and was able to develop her skills but as an artist and a photographer, which I think is something that I have lacked from my placement year. Seeing all of Emma’s images were great, but the post I enjoyed reading about most is her 3rd Year Expo, where Emma had to curate a showcase of her work alongside all the other students and had to talk to industry professionals about her practise. It’s clear to see how much she has grown in confidence, and how valuable her time at Academie Minerva has been.
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Joe Scotting’s was probably one of the blogs I looked forward to most each time. Joe decided to vlog his time and experiences whilst in China and Germany, which is think is great because Joe’s character really shines through the videos, plus he gains experience in video editing which is a great skill to have in the creative industry. Joe started studying Journalism in Hangzhou, China in his first semester and then moved onto Stuttgart, Germany for his second. Joe’s most recent blog post (this time written, not vlogged) was a true and heartfelt take on his time whilst in China. From his vlog’s Joe seemed to be living it up in Hangzhou, but his written piece evidenced his struggled in adapting to a life in China. Although it was upsetting to read about the stressful times Joe experienced, it was also enlightening to read how he overcame his feelings of isolation, a feeling I’ve also experienced this year. Having known Joe for a couple of years now after living just a block above him in first year, I can see how much Joe has grown as a person, especially in confidence and it’s great to see that he’s come out of a frankly sh*tty situation, and is now happier than ever in Germany.The only thing I wish Joe has done was vlog/blog more about his time in Germany, he mentioned to me that I’d love it in Stattgart, but it would have been nice to see all the things he did whilst out there. 
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gutachter · 2 years
Cannstatter Traditionsbad wird abgerissen
Cannstatter Traditionsbad wird abgerissen
Bad Cannstatt: „…Das rund 50 Jahre alte Stadtbad in Bad Cannstatt soll nach der Inbetriebnahme des Sportbads im Neckarpark abgerissen und durch Wohnungsbau ersetzt werden. Am 11. September endet in Stuttgart die Freibadsaison, und das Personal wechselt in den Hallenbadbetrieb, der am 19. September losgehen soll. Natürlich immer noch mit einem Fragezeichen versehen. Laut Stadtverwaltung wird…
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