#Stella Junior of Solaria
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Janaya telling Enya and Stella Junior that demons, cambions, and witches have the right to be on Earth just as much as fairies do, after he learnt about the intolerance Niko faced from a fairy (that is not Stella Junior and Enya). As well as the responsibilities Niko has as a heroine.
Stella Junior and Enya belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
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gloriousdreamunknown · 4 months
🗡️ Stella Junior
Moon style ring of solaria
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emsartwork · 4 years
Sorry if you’ve already answered this but J was wondering if you could talk more the girls childhood/growing up? Love what you’re doing btw, absolutely adore how you’ve basically recreated the Winx world! 💗
Thank you!!! and sure thing! long post ahead
BLOOM: she never really had any problems family wise, Vanessa and Mike told her she was adopted at like…. Age 7 or so (in a positive affirming way obvi) and even if any kids teased her about it she never doubted her parent’s love for her. Even with Daphne’s spell helping her blend in with earth life, Bloom still had a nagging sense she didn’t “fit”, and got lost in fantasy books and art whenever possible. Growing up she deals with some body image issues that probably stem from the whole wrong fit feeling. Bloom grew up an artistic and quiet kid, Mitzi and Selina were her best friends from childhood, and because they both had really strong personalities, Bloom often repressed her own feelings in order to play peace maker. Up until high school, where Mitzi, who was always the leader, slowly started to turn into a bully in order to gain the approval/fear of her peers, targeting Selina specifically. Bloom was more of a follower at the time and just didn’t want to loose her friends so she didn’t stand up to Mitzi but tried to treat Selina as if nothing had changed, which was not cool with Selina and she not-so-subtly started to reject Bloom as a friend. Bloom, for her part, did get her shit together and stand up to Mitzi, loosing her only other friend right before her senior year of highschool (she was still technically friends with Andy but they had also just broken up and everything was awkward lmao). Bloom regrets not standing up to Mitzi sooner, and wants to rekindle her friendship with Selina (and Mitzi if she’s willing to tone down the bitchiness).  
STELLA: So Stella’s childhood is a little more complicated. Stella is the first SoLuna heir in Solarian history, and a very loud minority protested her very existence. Stella also had to stay close to the Second Sun of Solaria as a child, so she had a very solitary and confined early childhood in a wing of the Solarian castle. When she did figure out how to sneak out she was only 10 or so, and spent most of the time just wandering around the capital city. She didn’t have any problems in the city, but an off duty guard recognized her and took her back to the palace. Stella was then sent to an elite boarding school under a false name (Sasha), she formed close friends with Nova and Varanda, but the trio was the target of the rest of the school’s bullies (for various reasons). Junior high was peak nerd Stella, but she “princess Diary-ed” herself when starting high school and started placing all of her value in her appearance and status as a sex object. Her parents’ marriage was also starting to crumble and Stella felt like she had lost their love. Because Stella craves validation and affection, this lead to a couple bad relationships because the only way she could get people to “love her” in her brain was through physical intimacy, even if it didn’t really fill the void she felt. Nova and Varanda were her rocks during this period and Stella was able to learn to love herself first with their help. Stella was insanely nervous to leave her friends and go to Alfea, and tried to force friendships with other people originally, (this mostly lead to people thinking she was annoying and getting multiple censures from Griselda), and her first genuine connection on Magix was with “Prince Sky” (Brandon). Nova and Varanda were VERY worried when Stella first told them about “Prince Sky”(Brandon) and how fast they had gotten into a relationship and they may have stalked/threatened him on a visit to Stella but they eventually came around and started to like him. Stella being expelled was only kind of an accident, Varanda texted Stella in the middle of a Chemancy class her application to Alfea for the next year had been accepted and Stella got SUPER excited and blew up the classroom. She probably could have stayed in school but her response to Fraragona and Griselda’s “now what do you have to say for yourself young lady” was *giddy laughter* and “ i only wish the explosion had been big enough to send me forward to next year!!!!!” and griselda was like “either she goes or I go” and Stella was like “ya gurl i gone” of course her time back on Solaria didn’t go exactly as planned as her parents were just fighting every time they tried to do something together making her people pleasing/self blaming tendencies worse. 
FLORA: ahhh my baby So Flora does remember her father, not a lot and she feel guilty she doesn’t remember more, but she was only 7 when he died. Alyssa remarried when Flora was 13, and eventually she adjusted to having a younger sister who she loves very much now. Due to Rhodos’s nature preservation needing a lot of room for study Flora and Miele grew up pretty far away from any town and didn’t have a lot of friends. This is primarily why Flora and Miele are so close despite their age difference, and why Flora took her role as protector so intensely; she was the only one there (I mean besides the parents obviously). Flora did well in school though she was quiet and reserved, which made making friends even harder than living in the middle of nowhere. She figured out the best way to make people like her was to give them what they wanted, and this snowballed into Flora becoming kind of doormat not comfortable with voicing her true feelings and faking a lot what people expected from her. Flora has a lot of repressed…… everything (Bloom mostly just has a lot of repressed anger she’s good with other emotions lmao) she has trouble identifying what she’s feeling and for the most part is content to leave her feelings buried as long as the surface remains calm. The Winx do help her start to access her feeling more, and encourage her whenever she does voice an opinion. Helia is a perfect match for her in the sense that his quiet nature leaves Flora to express herself without trying to mold herself into whatever she thinks he wants (of course on the flip side this also means Flora and Helia have issues with communication and repression but that’s another topic). 
AISHA: hoo boy another complicated one. Aisha was raised in a strict environment, this mostly stems from her parents and their more…. anxious natures, but royalty on Andros is not as free as some of the other planets. Aisha’s world consisted of lessons and adults and rules and she had very little control over her own life. Aisha met Anne in a rare moment of freedom in the tidal gardens where Anne’s father worked. Anne was biding her time waiting for her dad to get off work so they could grab some dinner and was dancing. Aisha just watched her for a while before Anne noticed her and asked her if she wanted to play. The two formed a fast friendship, and Aisha finally started to feel like she had some sort of influence in her own life as she snuck out of lessons to play with Anne every evening she could(obviously their favorite thing to do was dance lol) Unfortunately Anne and her father disappeared one night. Aisha lost her only friend, the only social outlet she had, her one source of freedom, and couldn’t even figure out what had happened. Feeling so out of control lead to a pretty bad anxiety disorder for most of her teens, primarily triggered by the dark or being trapped in some way. She also has issues trusting others and letting people help her. Aisha started to act out, trying to exert any kind of control and relieve some of her anxiety. Her risk taking behavior got pretty bad, but she had started to tone it down after she met and bonded with Piff(royal business trip to Magix she skipped out on). Of course when the pixies went missing she wasn’t going to let her friendship vanish again and tracked them down with a not so healthy single minded determination.
TECNA: born to higher class parents, Tecna had greatness thrust upon her from an early age. She received extra training and education basically from birth, which she was fine with for the most part. Tecna grew up being able to handle academic pressure very well and met all of her teacher’s and parent’s expectations.  She and Riven had a brief collision as preteens in a school before Riven got expelled. Tecna’s one issue was that of her emotional intelligence, Zenith doesn’t really place an emphasis on that, so she was able to advance through high school very predictably until she attended a non-Zenith based workshop for magic. She found herself socially ostracized and very very confused. Of course Tecna had never met a subject she couldn’t master and emotions wouldn’t be an exception right??? Wrong. Zenith’s information about the brain and the chemicals produced was of no help, her teachers and parents didn’t understand why Tecna suddenly had this new interest in such an illogical subject, and worst of all, Tecna realized she didn’t understand her own brain chemicals. Tecna had a mini existential crisis, realized she had no idea what she even wanted to do with her life or why it mattered and applied to the Alfea Fairy program because “FAIRY MAGIC EMOTION MAGIC HELP” also it would offer her strong emotional experiences(transformations basically require it), the opportunity to work closely in groups, and personally obverse her dorm-mates emotional states. She got way more than she bargained for but doesn’t regret it a bit.
MUSA: my angst child T-T so basically, the first half of her childhood is p good, her parents work really hard and don’t always have enough money but the family unit is pretty stable. At around 12, Musa’s mom gets sick. Nobody is too worried at first, but she never seems to get better and she takes a big turn for the worse when Musa is about 16, Matlin is finally diagnosed with Core Failure Syndrome. CFS is similar to Core Fatigue, but while Core Fatigue can be remedied fairly easily with rest and magic, CFS is virtually incurable unless it’s caught really early. The causes are still unknown, and the symptoms (fatigue, nausea, cognition issues, and muscle weakness) can be prolonged but mild until it’s too late. In the later stages (extreme fatigue, numbness in the extremities, chest pain, joint pain, memory/focus issues, inability to keep food down)  all you can do is try to make the afflicted comfortable. Ho-boe is understandably distraught, and tries to freelance write for music but goes into a pretty bad depressive state. Musa has a few odd jobs here and there, and thats mostly what’s keeping them afloat among heavy medical debt. Musa latches on to her mother for emotional support as Ho-boe is super dissociated. When Matlin does pass as Musa turns 18, Ho-boe finally breaks, and violently destroys every last reminder of Matlin because he can’t deal with the pain. Musa, who has suddenly had her one emotional anchor cut off, is super freaked out and scared by this and it really damages their relationship going forward. Musa becomes incredibly anxious, and can’t really process her mother's death because her father won’t talk about it with her and is still shut off emotionally. Moving to Magix only worsened it as Musa rebelled and went after music with a desperate passion. Applying to Alfea was a way for Musa to get out of the house, and she and her father weren’t on speaking terms when she did leave for the college. Musa had planned on learning more magic to further her career as a musician, special effects infusing magic into a song rubbing shoulders with rich and well connected people who could possibly get her connected to the big shots in music….. The winx situations had her change some of her long term plans a little, but her connection with the group + her separation anxiety and fierce loyalty didn’t really leave any other choice lol 
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winx-reboot · 5 years
S1 Ep1 Reboot Story Beats
The first season is more of a remake than a straight reboot, the end of the season changes the story moving forward.
Episode 1 
- Begins largely the same
- Bloom introduces herself
- Bloom finds Stella fighting off enemies/Trix forces and Bloom defends her, discovering her powers.
- Bloom and Stella talk about magic and other worlds.
- Stella mentions taking Bloom to Alfea to learn magic as thanks for saving her.
- Stella says that she had a squad of freshman specialists guarding her at the time of the attack.
- She escaped through a portal (by way of the ring of Solaria) but the enemies followed her through.
- Her ring needs to recharge before opening another portal.
- They go back to Bloom’s house
- Bloom talks to her parents and they confess she was found in a house fire, unharmed, and they adopted her. (This cuts the episode where Bloom goes back home and gets new powers she never uses again)
- Bloom is distraught and confused, leaving the house with Stella following her.
- Stella comforts her and they talk more about magic, why Bloom might have magic, and the specialists. It’s dark by the time they finish talking.
- Bloom and Stella are attacked again
- Stella transforms to protect Bloom.
- The Specialists arrive, having to take the long way to get the Earth, and try to fight off the evil forces.
- They win and Bloom’s parents find them.
- Bloom and her parents reconcile and agree to let Bloom go to Alfea.
- Bloom and the Specialists are formally introduced.
- Bloom and Sky (going as Brandon like the original) meet cute.
- Stella flirts with Brandon (going as Prince Sky)
- Riven’s still tsundere and Timmy’s still a nerd.
Additional Notes:
- Stella is wearing a variation of the dress she wore in the original first episode; extravagant but still alien.
- The Specialists were meant to escort Stella to Alfea, as a junior assignment; Stella shouldn’t have been in danger but she’s still an important princess.
- Bloom’s parents are still loving and care very much about Bloom but don’t know how to approach magic.
- Bloom has unexplained things happen around her but never outright magic powers.
- Bloom is still bullied by Mitzy but it affects her more harshly.
- Bloom uses fantasy escapism to deal with the bullying and quickly wants to befriend Stella because she’s a fairy.
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When Stella Junior used her moonlight magic in a method she is comfortable of, the result was unfair. So later on, she was shown a different way of using lunar magic.
Stella Junior belongs to @gloriousdreamunknown
Damon/Drake and Ethan belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Hannibal, Janaya, and Marianne belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
Athena belongs to @cooltmoney95
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⭐️- Marianne
⭐️ (star) - If your oc could wish for one thing to come true, what would it be and why? How would this change their life?
To have Staryummies be nonexistent and Kai’s dark magic be stripped away. A staryummy turned Stella Junior into a were-staryummy and cause the stars in the Magic Dimension to lose their glowing light because they eat the starlights. Marianne have seen Stella Junior suffered so much being a cursed fairy. So much that she have to leave the Guardians of the Supernatural, that she was selected by the Council of Major Fairies, for the safety of the supernatural communities, and have to enroll at Camp Synonymous to controls her curse. Most importantly, the Winx Club have saved the universe by bringing the light back into the core of the stars, having the staryummies turn back into lumens, and stop Valtor from getting the Wishing Star. Having the Staryummies coming back ruined what the Winx have accomplished.
Stella Junior wouldn’t live in Townsville, still be a part of The Guardian, and not a fairy with a curse. Most importantly, no Staryummy infestation in Townsville if the Lumenia’s royal family hadn’t decide to let Emo and his family stay, and the stars are shining brightly in the Magic Dimension.
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It is a weekend morning in the city of Townsville. Instead of eating breakfast cooked by her godmother, Bloom, Stella Junior decides to head for Chillaxation instead. It is the weekend now, that means she has the day off from Roxy’s Townsville Animal Rescue Park. Stella decides to tied her hair by a night theme ruffled ribbon in a small ponytail to the left side of her head with the rest of her hair loose. A bedazzled denim jacket over her crescent moon patch black t-shirt, a purple skirt, and purple sandal heels for footwear. Stella Junior head out by walking on foot, taking the Townsville transit bus, and with magic from her Moon Sticks. As she reach for her destination, Stella Junior could see the cashier, who’s taken her order for Sapphire Diamond and Enya and the pixies’ order, coming. It would seem that she been going on an early morning jog.
Stella Junior waves a hello to Holly Test. Suddenly Stella Junior felt cold, her whole body shivered. “Why it is so very winter cold right now?” Stella Junior asked to herself. Frost is forming on her face and Stella Junior can see her breath. Her eyes are widened. Winter must be coming early. Stella Junior groaned, realizing she had find the perfect winter fashion that is stylish and to keep her warm. She wish she is back on Solaria because unlike Earth, this planet has longer days, brighter sunshine, and a longer summer.
“Hello.” Said a wheezing and tired Holly Test. Her legs are twitching and body shaking. The salty liquid comes out of her skin’s pore after an excessive jogging. Her sweat-stained workout clothing clung to her body, causing Stella Junior’s skin to crawl and gape in disgust . “Let me get the key…… *wheeze* I will open the coffee shop…… *haa* My dad is coming and the others arrived later, oh gosh… I’m dying!…”
Holly slips her hands into her pink and yellow sweatpants’ pockets. She found them in her left pocket. There, Holly unlock the door, entering the coffeeshop, switching the light of the lanterns on. Stella Junior enters the coffeeshop shop, being the first (unofficial) customer to arrive. She goes to the counter and order something for herself: a bacon, sausage, and egg wrap and a ssuk latte. Since the employees will be arriving later to have the coffeeshop officially start running, Stella Junior decides to picks a book to read from the bookshelf. She select Eleanor & Park from the bookshelf, taking it to an empty table.
‘Maybe I should have breakfast with Bloom and Enya.’ Stella Junior thought to herself. Stella Junior see three super-heroines and a familiar superhero coming inside the coffee shop.
“Hey everyone……,” Holly greeted tiredly.
Stella Junior hears a few replies, a grunt, and a groan. Oh jeez, even Ethan is here. Stella Junior has flashbacks of them sparring, she reverberated the memory many times through her brain. He seems quiet. Too quiet. Maybe it is now it is now the right time to talk to him . They must be an associating with Ethan as well. Droids came out of the kitchen, holding out a tray of drinks in each robotic arm.
“One yuenyeung for Dragon Girl and one large Rainbow Surprise Smoothie for the Bunny Girl,” said The droid. “One small chocolate strawberry smoothie for the Bee Girl.”
“Thanks,” said Candy dryly. She stretched her arms. Then Sunny grabbed her large rainbow smoothie. “So glad it’s Saturday.”
“Really Holly?” Said Sienna, grabbing her small chocolate strawberry smoothie. “I pre-ordered my usual morning coffee drink, not my usual smoothie drink.”
“Hmm?”, that is all Holly could say as she is bobbing her head, trying to focus on pouring herself a large mug of freshly brewed coffee for Ethan. She drink the entire thing in one gulp. Holly shake her head and blinks. She passed the mug of coffee to Ethan. Ethan is given two glazed doughnuts, two chocolate filled croissants, and two chocolate donuts by the droid. The symbiote, Serpent appears as a small dark blue tentacle slithered out of Ethan's sleeves and take each of the respective pastries. Ethan takes a sip of his mug of coffee. He sigh, wishing he can sleep late like he used to be, but can’t. Stella Junior ponders to see that the customers got their order before the coffee shop begins. Just why? Is this a VIP thing?
[An hour and thirty minutes later]
Stella Junior’s order of bacon, sausage, and egg wrap and a sookcha latte arrived and served at Stella Junior’s table.
“Thanks you so much for your patience,” said Holly, now rejuvenated thanks to the coffee. “I am so sorry that the order arrived late. Even though you shouldn’t be here, but I don’t want to kick you out. That would be so rude of me.”
Stella Junior is picking up her ssuk latte and tastes the earthy, grassy, and slightly bitterness of the drink. This drink is similar to matcha and the odour reminds her of the field of daisies in Linphea. “It is fine. I just want to reward myself for being here and able to finally get to enjoy the taste of this drink I have heard so much about. I actually feel that this is worth it.”
Holly smiles. “Oh, I am so glad you are feeling well.”, Stella Junior continues drinking her ssuk latte. Maybe Townsville is not so bad after all.
Candy, Sienna, and Sunny belong to @cooltmoney95
Stella Junior, Enya, Sapphire Diamond, Amaya and Tori belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Ethan belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
Holly belongs to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
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Josie is sipping her cup of masala spiced hot cocoa, her prize for winning the sled race. There is a smile on her face. Joby hums as he drink his. It is nice to spend time in the outdoor, instead of locked up in their room and playing video games together like Power Punchers, Slide the Ferret, Tiny’mon games and Smash Badger (both latest ones and old ones (own by Johnny such as Smash Badger 3, that was released on May 5, 2007, and Smash Badger 9)). Josie, his little sister heard mumbling noise. She gasp and saw the weird-looking creature, the staryummy buried in the snow. Josie dug the creature out of the snow. The staryummy is shivering. She gasped.
“Oh, she is still there,” Joby thought wearied that the best day is going to ruin because of Josie finding her. If only she mind her own business.
“Who abandon this poor ugly furball,” said Josie. She dusted the snow and boop Lilly’s non-existing nose. “We got to find the culprit,”
Joby looks at his little sister with an unamused expression on his face. “It is obviously the Twinkly girl. That furball was with Twinkly this whole time.” He said.
“Oh really? I never noticed. Good observation Joby, she is on my suspect list,” said Josie. “Maybe it is another one of those typical pet owners who’s abandoned their pets and allow them to become strays.”
Joby is getting fed up, he knows that Twinkly is the prime suspect. The game of Sherlock and Watson is getting on to her. Josie swore that after their time in Camp Synonymous, she never wants to play Sherlock & Watson, she is getting pretty attached to it. Her current and ongoing interest is between being a ninja and a Ribeye Knight. He is actually a bit jealous that Josie has something in mind on what she wants to do with her life, thanks to her time in Townsville and meeting the people here and visitors outside Townsville. Making good memories and bad memories that allow them to grow.
Josie take a closer look at Lilly and raise her arms in the air.
“Perhaps Haruko and her parents can foster this critter. It does looks like a cat of I squish my eyes a bit.”
Haruko, just like them, was a camper at Camp Synonymous two summers ago. Originally from Bellswood, moved to Townsville last autumn. Haruko is a cat person. Literally, she has many cats living in the house and not to mention talk to the stray cats in town. Joby looks at Josie, with a cynical look. “I don’t thinks she will handle living together with cats. But most obvious, that is not a cat. You really need to have a better idea.”
“Well we cannot take her!” Josie replied, crossed at her own big brother. “Our uncle won’t let us and we can’t hide it in Holly’s lab because she does not like it when we go to her lab.”
Joby nod. Joby puts his hand on his chin to thinks of available fosters. He doesn’t know if the reclusive symbiote host, Ethan would allow Lilly to stay in the apartment because: A. Niko occasionally having two dogs named Fifi and Flytrap around their apartment. B. He prefers to have his life quiet and slow. C. No shenanigans because he already has to deal with enough shenanigans. D. Serpent would most likely eat that staryummy.
Morgan? No, he is in Bellswood now. Janaya? Nah, just like Haruko he has cats and a possum living with him, and most recently dogs. Mirage? Definitely not, she could slice this poor creature in half.
The staryummy, Lilly insulating her body heat to warm herself up in the freezing cold by shivering. This is so hard! How can they help this poor defenceless creature? If only it were easy to take care of her, just like in a game?
Joby snaps his finger. “I got an idea, Josie,” said Joby. Josie looks up at Joby, to see his eyes are filled with determination.
“To the coffee store!” He declared.
At the Chillaxation, Stella Junior is standing still as she is getting a finishing touch of her make up done by the Chillaxation employee, who is currently on her break, Mirage.
“Done,” said Mirage, satisfied of her work. Mirage pulled out her compact mirror from her uniform pocket and hands it to Stella Junior. Stella Junior looks at the compact mirror nervously.
“I don’t know…,” said Stella Junior, looking at the mirror compact. Her face is decorated, other than the dark shade of blue eye shadow on her eye lids. There are ‘two pink hearts sided by side’ sticker on the left cheek and a blue crescent moon and golden stars painted on her right cheek. “I do appreciate that you are helping me get ready on my date, it just that I look like a Lolita Gothpunk. I’m unsure Ladarius would like this new look.”
She loves the Lovecore aesthetic that she is wearing, but the aesthetic combined with it does not match her taste. What was it called again? Lunarpunk? The lily pad design on her dark blue skirt and the black collared lace chocker, equipped with a mushroom accessory on her neck, and the pearl necklace wrapped around her neck are adorable. She love the dark blue and black wrist pieces that match her skirt, headband, and chocker. The elastic leather lace up waist corset is tight on her waist.
“Well Spiritcore is associates with Lunarpunk and related to other aesthetics,” said Mirage. “Mushroomcore, Anime New Moon, and Spacecore. Plus, I don’t see that what you are wearing is just Lunarpunk.”
“Geez, thanks for the insight. I needed that,” Stella Junior said sarcastically. She find it quite interesting that the current generation of Townsville fashion trends are up-to-date by going shopping to update their wardrobe, following icons on the internet, and researching Earth Fashion Aesthetics on their own. Stella Junior sighed, wondering if she is/could ever be a part of Townsville when her true home is actually Solaria. Stella Junior, an All-Star Magical Heroine wonders how the legendary heroines, Bloom and Aisha balance being an Earthling and their respective home planet (Domino/Sparks - Bloom and Andros - Aisha)?
“AHH!!” Just then, someone from afar was screaming, snapping out of her concentration of her dilemma. “Stella Junior?!? Is that you?!? What are you wearing?!”
Stella Junior’s fear increased as she recognized who it was. Mirage narrowed her eyes at the person. “Hey. Shut your pie hole,” said Mirage.
“What are you doing here?” Stella Junior asked, crossing her arms, turning around to faced her little sister, Twinkly. Stella Junior takes a couple steps back. “Hadn’t the French Dragon, our parents, and the MHC told you to keep a safe distance from me? Otherwise, and I don’t blame you, another incident will occurs, and I will be blame.”
Twinkly winced by this statement. She looks around to see there are people inside the coffeehouse, witnessing what is going on. Mirage is confused by what is going on, but decide not to ask since she saw the tension between the two. Stella Junior being cold and this girl, Twinkly being timid.
“I know, you don’t have to remind me. I ruined everything.”
Stella Junior scoffed. “Enough with the pity party. If you want to buy something here. Go and order something.”
Twinkly is silence and bow her head in the exact same silence. “Okay sissy.”
Twinkly goes to the line to buy hot chocolate.
‘What’s her deal?’, Mirage thought about what she just witnessed. She has not catch up on supernatural world’s celebrity news because of her busy schedule. This is quite similar to what she seen siblings arguing through her friends/co-workers before.
At the same time, Joby looks at Twinkly surprised, not the good kind of surprise. He glares at her from afar. Joby keep holding Lilly tight. He doesn’t let go. He does not have trust in this fairy for leaving this poor creature behind. If she wish that this creature needs to be hidden, he will fulfill her wish.
“Great, just as I thought I would l never see her again.” Joby thought. “Especially at my uncle’s cafe.”
Josie tuck her big brother’s sleeve, “Come on Joby,” Josie whispered. Joby nod. The Test Siblings walks over to the staff room, undetect. As they enters the break room, they saw T06Y, formerly a prototype of D00K13, and now their robotic sniffer dog, is currently here helping those with sensory overload.
Josie and Joby show T06Y a shivering staryummy. The mechanical sniffer-and-crime evidence collecting dog bot leaning in the sight of the staryummy, scanning her. The data he collected is left with an error.
“T06Y, request for this Tiny’mon, Lilly to be back in the Tiny’mon World?” Joby requested. T06Y replied with beeped and whooshed.
“This is the unreleased and latest Tiny’mon and it has escaped from the game.” Joby lied. “It needs to go back to her respective habitat. Could you please send a message to Aunt Mary and our Aunt, Susan? Please.”
T06Y looks at his owners and nod. T06Y emitted steam and his stomach compartment activated. Lilly’s eyes are widen, and before she get out of Joby’s hands and bounce away, she is scooped up by the mechanical hands and is now inside T06Y.
Joby pet the robot dog. “Good boy.”
R0V3R woofed robotically and wags his tail. Josie and Joby are proud that their plan to give this prohibited creature a place is coming in motion.
Lilly’s fleshes and magic is converted into data thanks to the static animator, taking her to the world of Tiny’mon. Lilly looks around and see that she is in an unfamiliar place, filled with creatures call Tiny’mons. Lilly look around and she screams.
Joby Test, Josie Test, T06Y, Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason (mentioned), Niko Corduroy (mentioned), and Mirage Fagry belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
Stella Junior Dorana of Solaria, Twinkly Astrid Bloom of Solaria, Lilly, and Ladarius of Linphea belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Haruko Fife (mentioned) and Morgan Morningstar (mentioned) belong to @aprilbrowines
Ethan Corduroy (mentioned) belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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“What a hassle…,”
The twelve years son of Janet Nelson Junior and Johnny Test, Joby Test, walking down on the concrete sidewalks of Townsville’s wealthiest neighborhood. Carrying a box of donuts and muffins. These donuts and muffins are treated to welcome his aunt and uncle, Susan and Eugene Test-Hamilton and their son, Fredrick. Why him? Yeah, he is familiar with where he is going as he has a cell phone, which is in his jean pocket, giving him direction. Why does Holly get to stay at the coffee shop all by herself, all while Josie gets to hang out with Andrew? There is a slight chance that Fredrick is home, if it weren’t for him learnt about the gym. Thanks to Holly showing him around town, Joby is most likely sure that Fredrick is stopping by at Mr. Pedrosa, Mrs. Copular, and Mrs. Jackson’s gym, working out on lacrosse exercises. So he definitely didn’t have time for him like he used to. Joby’s tracks are halted when a girl, less than a year younger than him starts to have a conversation with him.
“Hi, I am Twinkly and I am a fairy.” Twinkly, a girl of 11 years old, introduced herself.
Joby is not enthusiastic about the initial meeting. Moreover, she defines herself as a fairy. He is uncertain if this girl is engaging in make-believe or simply delusional. The latter is the most probable outcome. He is advised by his mother and aunt to ignore it. Joby just shrugs it off and decides to resume walking. Hoping to not see her again. The fairy gave a frown when Joby left her side.
“Hey!” Twinkle said, "I was conversing with you! Don't walk away from me. I'm in a state of confusion and uncertainty about my current location.”
“Do I appear to have a sense of care?” Joby responded.
“You’re so mean,” said Twinkly.
“Ugh, what do you mean by that?” Joby asked. “Because I am visiting my aunt and uncle, I am running late and can't help you. That’s mean? No, it is not. Accusing me of mean is mean.”
Then he gives Twinkly a slight smirk. “You are a fairy, correct? Why not use your magic to find your way.”
Twinkly opens her mouth and then close it. Finding the appropriate words is proving to be challenging for her. Although she's a fairy, she's still not fully-fledged. She doesn’t have her standard fairy form, Winx yet, unlike her elder sister, Stella Junior, whose have her Charmix form. It's difficult, particularly when he doesn't appear to be the type of person who believes in magic.
“That is what I thought,” said Joby Test. “See ya never.” He uttered these words before departing. She stomps her foot into the sidewalk quietly because she doesn't like his behavior.
“What a jerk,” Twinkly thought.
Fredrick Test, son of Susan Test and Bling-Bling Boy (mentioned) belongs to @princekaiofstars
Andrew Cunningham (mentioned) belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
Stella the Second (mentioned) and Twinkly belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Joby Test, Holly Test (mentioned), and Josie Test (mentioned) belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
This short story is a tie-in to The Norrisville Ninja and The Townsville Kids.
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In the dungeon of the Solaria Royal Palace where the flaming torches are the only light sources, the cell that is brightest is where residing in this chamber is a magical creature calls a lumen. It appears no one has visited the lumen. The only interaction she ever made is the capricious and malignant fairy.
A knock on her cell door cause the lumen to snap out of her trace of thoughts. “You have gotten visitor!” Said the Royal Guard. Keys are jittery and the click from the metal lock cause the strong oak plank door to open. The lumen get off the bench seat she was sitting on to looks up at her visitor, entering her cell. The lumen is shocked to see it is none other than Princess Stella Junior Dorana of Solaria. Also known as her victim she corrupted into the monster. The air is tense and there was only silence as the fairy and lumen did not looks at each others. However the tension is finally broken when the apologetic lumen bow to Stella Junior.
“I’m sorry Princess Stella Junior Dorana of Solaria, I am responsible for turning you into this staryummy form that you are now cursed upon.”
“No need to apologize,” Stella Junior declined the apology, letting it slide because she knew it was not her fault at all. “You were a staryummy with no will… Thanks to Kai.”
The lumen gasped, and saw the conflicted feelings in her body languages - narrowed eyes, shaken fists, clenched lips, and wrinkled nose with flaring nostril. The lumen shake her head and try to stop the wedge between Kai and Stella Junior from going further.
“All he wanted was to know what a staryummy is like, after he overheard his mother and sister’s conversation-”
The lumen covered her mouth, realizing she said too much, especially when it is costing Stella Junior’s relationship to her own family. Stella Junior’s attention shifted, changing her bitterness toward her little brother to a complete shock on this revelation. “…. About the sorcerer, Valtor.”
The one responsible for the destruction of Domino, her godmother and her big sister’s home planet. But why did her mother and her little sister were talking about Valtor? Twinkly already knew about the story, The Winx and the Dark Wizard, Valtor. Stella Junior is reminded of this as a part of her curriculum, History on her first year at Alfea. Perhaps, this lumen know something than she don’t.
“What do you know about Valtor?” Stella Junior asked. The lumen’s lips are tighten. If she said more, Stella Junior will feelings betray.
“Please, it could be your ticket to bailed out of this prison….” Stella Junior negotiated. “If you can help me know what is the full story of why I became like this.”
The lumen gulps, this could be her only hope of being freed. However, will she have a home to go back to? The lumen closed her eyes and told her about Valtor return, and how he drained the light to the core of the world, the star the lumens reside in.
“The demon my mother, my godmother, and the Winx fought… He had return…” Stella Junior’s eyes are widened. “Does that means he have Valtor’s Dragon’s Flame?” said a startled Stella Junior, jumping to assumption. The first princess of Solaria theorize that his magic has something to do with a piece of the dragon’s flame from Stella’s Bloomix power, and perhaps down the line of their adventure, it became corrupted somehow by Valtor in their battle to save the stars? But what the lumen said was shocking.
“No!… It’s dark magic I have never seen before.” The lumen exclaimed.
The lumen cannot help but remember the dark power corrupted her heart and obey Valtor to drained the energy of the star core and other terrible actions. Just saying that makes her bring up this trauma from years ago. Her stomach is now twisting and turning. Her soul feels dirty. The lumen’s light is flickering and is ready to unleash the light at any moments!
“Unknown dark magic that I don’t want to feel ever again.” Said The Lumen. “EVER!”
Stella Junior’s head is now spinning. “Wait…! That is not true… so when Valtor is revived by Argan, his magic is no longer from the Dragon’s Flame, but dark powers, outside to the Magic Dimension, which apparently Kai have now.”
The lumen hesitated at first, but then give a slight, yet fast nod and an anguished hum.
Valtor, the Magic Dimension’s Lord of Evil… Does not have the Dragon’s Flame as his source of magic. Instead it is from the dark power, alien to the Magic Dimension… Stella Junior is speechless. That means the dark power that fused inside of her to become a were-staryummy is foreign. And it is now becoming one with her Sparx! That is why Counsellor Hannibal and Counsellor Eugenia said they never seen this dark magic quite like this before. Then something struck her in the head. “Is it possible that anyone could manifest this dark power? Valtorian Magic?!?”
“No idea!” The lumen snapped, her strong composure finally breaks. The poor lumen finally start crying, she cannot take this anymore. The pain in her heart is too much for her. The Winx Club may have save the universe many times, but can they not make the bad memories go away? It is better to be locked up away in this cell, than take the offer Stella Junior has given her. The lumen snapping at her and breaking down caused Stella Junior to flinched. She can sensing the negative energy from the poor lumen. Stella Junior only just want informations. None of her parents know where she is, but one of the guards will inform her parents where she is. Now that she have it, she need to leave right away. “I just wanted to let you know that Kai didn’t do it out of malice. He cannot controls his own power… So please….” The lumen begged. “Don’t estranged your brother! Otherwise he will suffer from loneliness!”
Stella Junior is conflicted. It is logical that she has the rights to be angry at her brother for what he done. She does not want to see his face again because the damages were permanent for her. At the same time, her heart is telling her that the imprisoned lumen was right about her blaming Kai is wrong. He did suffer so much than her after all. Plus, Kai is now in Echo Creek, living with a host family. It was better off for Kai to stay at Echo Creek because he won’t be facing any sigma of being a dark magic wielder as there are families of wielders of the dark arts who would help him with his magic, The Diaz Family and The Butterfly Family, also known as the Butterflies of Darkness. That lumen need a peace of mind as well, since her father sent this lumen to the dungeon. Stella Junior would full heartedly accept the lumen’s request. However, she is in a swirls of emotions. She cannot accept it. She can’t do this. It is all too much for her. She is just a kid too. Not just a princess.
She is not the fun-loving girl anymore. She has traumatized her own sister because of her were-staryummy form. She is not worthy of being The Guardian of The Supernatural.
“Let me thinks about it,” said Stella Junior. “I cannot make a promise like this that could become broken…” Stella Junior admitted and explained it as best she could. Emotionally and logically to set boundary for herself. Something she learns during her time at Camp Synonymous. Stella Junior curtsy and dismissed herself. “Thanks you, I am truly am grateful of you given me a peace of mind. As promised, I will ask my parents to bail you out. It may take some time.”
Stella Junior leave the cell, where the distressed lumen is left alone in the cell. The Moon Fairy’s footsteps echo in the dungeon. She felt bad for not giving the lumen what she wanted at least: Reconciliation with her little brother. It is conflicting because, it would be only closure for the lumen only and not herself. And because of… Her own mother. Stella Junior doesn’t know if this is favortism or Twinkly is entrust with this secret, however it must have been a burden for Twinkly to carry it all alone. Their mother is overprotective towards Twinkly because Twinkly has survived many attempts in being kidnap. Plus, she is using her knowledges to help their mom, their dad, and their grandmother manage the kingdom. To become strong enough to protect their sister, Kai have spend a part of his childhood sparring with Sky and their father. Their mom do coddle Kai. However if their mom did not pass on her knowledge of their adventures that could be beneficial to the enemies, maybe Twinkly have less chance on getting kidnapped and Kai to spend more time having fun in his childhood. And to take the role of being the big sister and a good role model for them, because what about her? She is going to become Solaria’s next Guardian Fairy and one day, future Queen of Solaria. However….. right now, when she reaches the throne room, Stella Junior saw her mother and father, Queen Stella and King Brandon of Solaria on her throne with the queen mother, her maternal grandma, Luna and her little sister, Twinkly solving the problems for their subjects. It seems Twinkly knows what she is doing because she knows everything about Solaria. Only Twinkly is given the information about Valtor’s return but never Kai nor herself. It would seem Twinkly is the better candidate as Queen of Solaria because she has the ‘Ring of Solaria’ and she was the only one to know about Valtor’s first. Perhaps Stella’s Bloomix power would better off be in Twinkly’s hands too, or the Bloomix power die with her. After all, it is certain that her Sparx is incompatible to the Dragon’s Flame. Stella Junior looks at her two rings, her Moon Sticks, she is wearing, glistening in the sunlight. She use them to teleport back to Townsville. Tonight, she must look at the waning gibbous moon and bathe in its moonlight, just like the revelation.
Stella Junior Dorana of Solaria, Twinkly of Solaria, and Kai of Solaria (mentioned) belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Hannibal Demerest (mentioned) and Eugenia Maximoff (mentioned) belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
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@gloriousdreamunknown’s Stella Junior’s Sirenix Fairy Form (Were-Staryummy Mode)
Based on Tritannus and Politea from Winx Club Season 5 and the Atlantic wolffish.
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“Coffee! Coffee!” Said the dragon whisperer, Enya. Stella Junior exhaled tiredly. Since she and Enya are going to stays at planet Earth for a long time, they has been going out shopping for themselves and getting to know this city. Especially now that Stella Junior, with help from Bloom, open up a bank account at The Bank in Townsville, transferring her money from Magix to Earth and converting Magix’s monetary system to American Dollars, and getting her first ever Earth credit card. Stella Junior had manage to magically shrunk their shopping bags to pocket-sized, keeping their new clothes in her skirt pocket to prevent her arms getting sore. But she is definitely now exhausted.
“I never try Earth’s coffee before. But I preferred the one at Molly Moo back at Pixie Village,” said Amaya, Pixie of Rainbow and Stella Junior’s pixie companion. Tori, Enya’s pixie companion, slightly nod. Tori and Amaya came for a visit because they miss them. Three people agreed that they want to go inside. Sapphire Diamond, Enya’s chihuahua fairy pet barks, joining in on wanting to go inside. Oh great now it’s 4 against 1. Is Sapphire Diamond even allowed to go inside? She is consider an animal, despite once was a discarded toy. Plus, there could be a policy stating no dogs are allow.
“I don’t thinks Sapphire Diamond is allowed to enter the coffee shop, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “Plus, we.. No, don’t give me the puppy eyes,”
Stella Junior seeing Enya’s eyes widened and have a pleading expression on her face.
“You are not ten years old, you are fourteen.”
Enya put her hands together.
“Please Stella Junior?”
She need to say no. Marianne and her godmother, Bloom can say it easily.
“No, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “I have to pay for you all. I already spent my allowance on our shopping spree. Bloom lectured me about spending our money wisely.”
“Aww, you are no fun. Where is the old Stella Junior?”
That sentence hits Stella Junior hard. It takes her a few seconds for the moonlight fairy, Stella Junior to be defeats. She decides to enter Chillaxation for a coffee break. Enya, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond are in a jolly mood. As the five enter inside the coffee shop. Stella Junior picked up the scent of roasted coffee in the air with the hint of hazelnuts, caramel, vanilla, lavender flavour syrup, and chocolate. From the sound of soft jazz music to the biodegradable and solar powered charged lanterns, hanging up on the ceiling, brighten up the place, it is actually quite relaxing. It is no wonders why the Townsville Kids stop by to get snacks and drinks there. There are even a books, stacked in the bookcase at the back of the coffee store. Twinkly would definitely love to read them all. If she joins them. The five join in the line to the counter. Stella Junior notices dog treats and cat treats on the menu. Ok, that is perfect. This place allow dogs and cats to enter. Stella Junior looks at her friends. “Okay, please tell me what do you want? Except for you, Sapphire Diamond, I will decide which dog treats is suitable for you.”
“Bark!” Sapphire Diamond barked. Enya, Amaya, and Tori look up at the menu and the donuts on display.
“Milky coffee and a coconut eclair!” Enya said with a smile.
“I definitely wants their finest rainbow smoothie,” said Amaya.
“An iced coffee please,” said Tori.
Stella Junior nodding at all of their answers. A curly red haired girl with teal/navy blue gradient eyes covered by her teardrop shaped glasses. She is standing by the counter and stares at Stella Junior and her friends. She is wearing a white shirt with a blue collar and blue sleeves. The name tag, Holly Test is on her shirt. Holly is shunned because she see two pixies, she has never seen them in her lifetime. She wonders if they are from Townsville’s supernatural community. And if not, then they must be new here. Holly cleared her throat, and bring back her bright composure after settling in on her new encounter. This is not the time to be looking, she needs to make some sales.
"Hello and welcome to Chillaxation, what can I get for you?" She greeted them with a smile on her face.
“Can I have… A small milky coffee and coconut eclair for Enya, three peanut butter dog donut treats with carob icing for the dog, Sapphire Diamond, one rainbow smoothie for the pixie, Amaya, and an iced coffee for the other pixie, Tori.” Stella Junior ordered. “Make sure Enya, Tori, and Amaya are written on their respective cup. All of the cups have to be small too.”
“One small cup of milky coffee, one coconut eclair, three peanut butter dog donuts with carob icing, one small iced coffee, and a small cup of rainbow smoothie. Anything else?” Holly asked.
“I want both an iced coffee and a rainbow smoothie!” Said Amaya. Stella Junior shushed Amaya, the customers hearing Amaya’s outburst. Stella Junior’s cool composure fractures a bit. Holly Test stares at Stella Junior, then goes back to typing on the keyboard on the POS Terminal, editing the order. “So two small iced coffees then?” Holly asked, ensuring the order is correct. Stella Junior nodded. “Did you want anything for yourself?” Holly asked. Stella Junior shook her head.
Holly nods. "That will be $35.86.”. While Stella Junior takes out her VISA card from her wallet, to tap it into the scanner, Holly turns her head and calls someone to get his order.
A girl with slushy dual colored short hair, black and red and blue eyes is holding a tray of someone else's order. She is wearing the same uniform as Holly except the name tag said, "Mirage Fagry" on her blouse.
“Miss Fagry, this we need two small cups of iced coffee and a small cup of rainbow smoothie for our new… fairy, I MEANS pixie customers, and a small cup of milky coffee for the child named Enya.” Holly instructed, while processing everything she saw. “I will have Mx. Creecher get the dog treats and donut.”
Mirage nod in ennui. Mirage got two cups from the stacks of blank labeled cups and poured refrigerated coffee into Amaya’s cup and Tori’s cup. Then Mirage goes to the ice dispenser machine to dispense some ice to the iced coffees. Mirage stirred the ices in the coffee with a spoon, and then sealed the lid in each cup. Mirage then gets another cup from the stacks of blank labeled cups, but only this time a small size. She dispenses hot coffee into the cup and added hot milk from the milk dispenser. Finally Mirage filed the blank label on each cup with a black sharpie marker, marked their order. Mirage put their orders on the tray. “The rainbow smoothie will be coming soon,” Said Mirage to Stella Junior. She did not care about the presence of the pixies that much than Holly. “So please wait at one of our available tables.”
Stella Junior nod.
“Let’s go sit down,” said Stella Junior. Both pixies, fairies, and fairy pet goes take a seat at the free table to wait for their order. Enya frowned, wondering why they have to wait. It would be so much better if there is magic in this place. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to goes through Hologram, one of Earth’s social media network platforms. Mirage goes to the backroom to make the rainbow smoothie. Meanwhile, Beppi, another employee of Chillaxation with multicoloured hair, applied gloves to get one coconut eclair from the stand, and place it into a paper bag. Then get the dog treats in a separate paper bag as well. They put the bags of ordered treats on the tray. Twenty minutes later, Mirage came back with the small rainbow smoothie. As Mirage placed the rainbow smoothie on the tray, she called out their names.
“An order of milky coffee for Enya! An iced coffee for Tori! An iced coffee and rainbow smoothie for Amaya! With dog treats and a donut!”
Stella Junior stopped what she is doing on her phone. She turns off her cellphone, and put her phone away by putting it in her skirt pocket to leave her table. Mirage served Stella Junior the purchased goods.
“Thanks you,” said Stella Junior.
"You are welcome. Enjoy." Mirage replied. Stella Junior take their orders before heading back to sitting with her friends. Enya drank her milky coffee and eating her coconut eclair, while Tori drank her iced coffee, and Amaya drank her rainbow smoothie. “Wow! This is the best smoothie I ever tasted!” Amaya complimented. Stella Junior watched them eat and drink, while opening up the paper bag and giving Sapphire Diamond her peanut butter dog donut treat with carob icing. Stella Junior’s cellphone vibrates. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to see an emojix sent by Bloom, Enya’s mother and her godmother, expressing a mini Bloom tapping her foot and looking at the time from her wristwatch she is wearing. Stella Junior frowns, realizing that they took so long to go back to Bloom and Enya’s house. Stella Junior send an emojix of Enya drinking coffee, then send a text message that they will be back soon to ease Bloom’s mind. Stella Junior release another sigh. She wish she can say no, otherwise Bloom won’t have to worry. Then again, she should just tell Bloom that they will be running late and where they are now. Also, seeing them being happy go lucky, it’s probably worth it.
Enya Peters-Eraklyon, Stella Junior Dorana Solaria, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Beppi Creecher, Holly Test, Marianne of Domino (mentioned), and Mirage Fagry belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
The Cappyverse belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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@gloriousdreamunknown’s Stella Junior’s Enchantix (Normal and Were-Staryummy)
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Stella Junior sat down alone at the rectangle mobile maple cafeteria table with stools. The cafeteria foods here is not what she expects. Stella Junior looks at the hamburger she has received from the cafeteria droid. The burger has two slices of beefsteak tomatoes, one iceberg lettuce leaf, cheddar cheese slice, and a well done ground sirloin within the sesame seed burger buns. Just as Stella Junior is about to take her first bite of the hamburger, she stops in her track as she saw her godmother’s niece, Marianne giving Hannibal a hard time, who is just doing his assignment: Supervising the Second Summer Campers. At the same time, Stella Junior noticed a reptile in one of her campmate’s hair. Is that a chameleon?
Stella Junior decides to not focus on that and instead looks at Marianne and Hannibal. Oh great, just what are they talking about this time? Perhaps Marianne is trying to tell the Bishop Counsellor to either be nice to her (She does not need any treatment!) or they are not getting along again (well Hannibal is a dark mage after all). Stella Junior notices that Hannibal is just standing there, looking at her. No emotions in sight. Suddenly, she saw Sandra joins in on the conversation, causing Marianne to give Sandra her full attention. It is probably something important. That is a relief. Stella Junior then resume to eating her hamburger. As she takes a bite of the burger, she notice that she is tasting only the vegetables and cheese inside the buns. Where is the burger patty? Stella Junior looks down to see her olive green coloured jean is stained with grease, thanks to the burger patty.
“My jeans! Ugh!”
Stella Junior let out a sigh, and have the burger patty and the grease magically disappear using her Fairies’ Magic. She grumbles because now her lunchtime is ruined. She needs to get a new hamburger to eat now.
Athena Jojo belongs to @cooltmoney95
Sandra Stoppable belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
Stella the Second Dorana Solaria belongs to @gloriousdreamunknown
Hannibal Demerest and Marianne of Domino belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
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Stella Junior’s Butterflix (Normal and Staryummy Mode (aka Dark Butterflix))
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I'm kinda sad that bebe and sissi don't know about the curse during the FINAL/enchantix year?
Yeah. Sorry, I am unsure if Sissi and Bebe were/are officially Guardians of the Supernatural... Unlike Stella Junior (who got this position thanks to High Queen Roxy's recommendation), who became one for only a short while, thanks to being bitten by a mutated staryummy.
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