#Strawberry Dreams reflects any and all personal preferences I have for hrkg headcanons I think
kagiura-akira · 2 months
I just finished reading "I'll love you if you let me" and I'm currently making my way through writing a comprehensible appreciation comment. (Since ao3 was down I have lots of things to say because downloading the fic meant I could annotate a ton on little details)
Having said that and being a film student I'm kinda obssessed with the movies you choose to reference and the way you did it. (The whole talk about Jennifer's body had laughter so much that I couldn't concentrate on them having a moment lol.)
The scene of howl's moving castle is so cute too because the way Kagi guesses that Hirano will mention it before he does showcases how much they know each other. However, if he could guess that it means Hirano must either: mention the movie frequently or show that he really really likes it.
What is it? Why does he likes it so much? Do you have any headcanon about it? (Sorry if I'm sounding overbearing I just really liked the fic and wanted to hear your thoughts on the relation between Hirano and Howl's moving castle)
nonono it's not overbearing I just finished reading your comment too I think. :)
I had it in my head that they'd probably watched it at some point. idk "that's my girl" is something I personally immediately associate with it even though I'm a way bigger fan of the book than the movie (HUGE fan of the book series btw), so more than Hirano not knowing anything other than HMC that has that kind of line, it was mostly me not knowing another movie that says that. 😂 LOL I hope that's not disappointing cause I didn't have any real intention behind it when I first wrote it, but I have some ideas on Hirano's movie preferences, at least. I'm gonna put a cut cause my answer is getting long sjcjsjf
Given they watch movies together somewhat frequently, I think it's only natural at some point one of them is a Miyazaki movie, and for him to mention it by name is most likely because they'd watched it recently in my mind. I'm of the mindset that Hirano likes a good psychological thriller to keep his mind busy, but sometimes when he's too tired to think, he'll like a nice feel good movie he can enjoy as-is. ☺️ Not that there aren't things to analyze or appreciate in the fluffier movies, but a movie that doesn't mindfuck you is just inherently easier to digest. LOL
I mentioned in my other reply too but Jennifer's Body being used as a bad horror movie for them to watch took some deep diving into the movie again. There's a part in the story that one of them mentions I think the slippery squirrel thing? And they say that it's probably a dig at the region the characters live in. Of course there's no way for either of them to know that, but I had to make mention of it somewhere because the regional humor in the movie is much more appreciable now that I like live in that area of the midwest 😂 I have for several years now but I didn't when the movie came out bc I was still in college then, so watching it now makes it funnier.
"That is the most 'Wisconsin' thing I've ever heard you say" is a favorite phrase in our house lmaooo
I don't have too many preconceptions on Kagi's movie interests but I firmly believe he loves a good drama, especially a romance. Kagi a k drama enthusiast by accident??? Quite possibly. He's definitely a crier, but I don't think he would seek sad movies or scenes out on his own. I can see him accidentally getting hooked on a drama and being a blubbering mess, so Hirano asks why he's still watching it, but he insists he's too invested now and he has to keep suffering through it just to see the happy ending or else it'll haunt him for life. LOL He's probably prone to liking comedies and sports movies as well, but I can't see him having too many strong negative opinions or genres he hates. I can see Hirano being pickier (not by genre but by synopsis - the man's got high standards for the movie blurb 😂) but he's likely to not say anything if it's something Kagi really wants to watch. He'd probably just focus on watching Kagi's reactions instead of the movie itself.
As for howls moving castle, I think it's possible that the movie resonates with Hirano a little bit. Sophie in particular I feel like he could sympathize with. Not because she feels old/dull and has this complex about being a failure (and is keeping herself locked under the spell herself but that's a book revelation and not the movie), but I am assuming you've seen it so like. You know the kind of special hell the inside of the castle was like before she came along. Lol her distaste for the chaos and disarray probably resonates with Hirano feeling like that with Kagi sometimes. Kagi is inherently flirtatious with him, too, so howl being a big flirt is another parallel to Kagi. But again Howl and his vanity and basically womanizing personality is more apparent in the book so I don't remember how much of it is apparent in the movie.
I can see Hirano resonating highly with Sophie, even if Kagi's similarities Howl aren't super strong or apparent. If they were to watch it more than once I'm sure he would be a little more analytical in his second watching experience and think about some deeper character analysis. That would be about when he starts drawing parallels
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