#Subject: the doctor at Nofim and yes!! this is all about me    9.8.2022
nataliesnews · 2 years
Subject: the doctor at Nofim and yes!! this is all about me    9.8.2022
From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 5:17 PM To: [email protected] Subject: the doctor at Nofim and yes!! this is all about me
 Since the Corona I have really not being feeling well.
  Besides the Corona I think I have not felt well for the last two months.
  I still have  no appetite , all the other things that my proper doctor told me to day and that his 82 year old mother is complaining about . But it is at least two weeks that I have not only been tired but exhausted and feeling that everything is just too much for me. I thought I had an infection in my bladder and also had tests taken here. The nurse never sent the sample as she said that the doctor had not authorized it. Why I do not know as the doctor was in the clinic when I complained. All she had to do was pass it on to her.  I was feeling better but the last days were bad. I hung on as I had made an appointment to see my proper doctor at the clinic. I also noticed that the doctor here at Nofim had not called me in after the results of all my tests came in. This made me really lose confidence in them. Which I had already began to feel when I fell and the nurse refused to come in. At the time I complained and it was dealt with immediately.
  I went to Rene and Jeff overnight and was a lousy guest as the next day I kept on falling asleep.  I came home the next night really feeling lousy. The appointment this morning was for eight. First of all he sent me to do another sample and it seems  I have pretty heavy infection and of course he gave me antibiotics. But then what confirmed my opinion of the doctor here was that my family doctor asked me why all the tests he had asked for had not been done and also that certain medicines had to be changed as I had been taking too heavy dosages.
 Rene sent me home with a food package but I will keep the brisket for when I again have an appetite. I am going out this evening with Irit and Fay and would cancel but I ready did that two weeks ago. We are basically going out for Fay so I will have to get the energy
 I have asked today  to speak to the head of the medical committee here. I do not want to complain but just that they should be aware of that is happening here.
 I have not been back to the Kupat choliem Clinic since I moved into Nofim but that was because I really needed nothing more from them than tests and first aid. But in future I will stick to the old doctor whom I do trust. 
 I have started a course at a water therapy at the Teddy Stadium which is so expensive. But since the Corona and also with this extreme heat my leg has seized up completely. I have started exercising again at Nofim….unless they decide here once more to close everything down…and found that it did help. But I really was getting worried that if I let this continue I would have less and less mobility. Unfortunately I do not have insurance for this as it is unbelievably expensive. I always wonder about insurance as some people say that you go on paying year after year without using it , it is not worthwhile in the long run. I had thought just to go once or  twice to learn more physio which I could do on my own but even in this first lesson I saw she was doing things with me which I had never done before. So I will stick with it. I am not travelling so will pretend I am
 Besides that I went for a deep massage….painful as all hell. Li El said to me that I am her oldest patient and I am in a better state than many others. But while I lie there, I find myself thinking that I am paying for this. I can tell her to stop. But I just moan away!!! And last night I slept and woke up feeling as if my leg was more normal than it had been in a long time.
 So I spoke to the head of the Committee today and she said that I am not the first to bring this up and that they would discuss it at the next meeting. I hope they will solve the problem as they did the last time. I wonder how long it is for the doctor to go on pension.
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