#Sugar Industry
thyofthee · 2 months
Remember kids, many companies who are trying to ‘help’ with the obesity epidemic are payed off by major sugar companies; such as Nestle, Hershey, Mars, General Mills, etc; to say that lipid-fatty foods are the ones causing the epidemic.
While just like anything a heavy amount of fatty foods is not good for you, simple sugars that are pumped into the foods and drinks meant for people and especially children, are way worse for people.
The idea that a diet should contain more Carbs than proteins, dairies, and fats is what causes mass obesity especially within children, tooth decay, gum decay, strokes and chronic heart conditions.
A healthy diet is mainly protein, vegetables, fruits, with limited carbs. There’s a reason once humans started mass farming of rice, wheat, and rye we also saw all these conditions appear.
This isn’t just American consumerism, this is world wide. Even if people talk about how Europe doesn’t have as much sugar in their foods, candy and chocolate companies dominate.
And by allowing these companies to continue, we see an increase of human rights abuses (especially Nestle in Africa) and monopolization.
Nestle is trying to monopolize water, stealing it from reservoirs from Africa and selling it back to the people at extreme mark ups. They’re distilling of this water is leaving these countries with no other option than to by or drink contaminated water.
Coca-Cola is Mexico while yes does not use corn-syrup (one of the most unhealthy inventions by mankind) still holds a monopoly over entire Mexican states. They take the water for their bottling plants leaving people to have to buy Coca-Cola as a way to not die of thirst. This is why Mexico has some of the highest tooth decay rates and childhood obesity rates in the world.
And if you’re the type of person to blame this on GMO’s you don’t know what you’re talking about. All human agriculture is genetically modified that’s how we have most fruits especially citrus plants. But we have grown these plants to have an exuberant increase in sugar to the point that zoos have to stop giving things like apples and bananas to their animals because they’re getting cavities and dying of obesity related heart conditions.
The reason nobody does anything about this is because sugar companies are the biggest companies in the world. They use fake rivalries (such as Pepsi Co. Vs Coca-Cola, Hershey Vs Mars, etc) to make you buy more products and fuel them. Almost all companies are owned by these major brands.
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othmeralia · 1 year
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I love the graphic cover of this Ukrainian 1928 yearbook on the sugar industry. Beets, books, and chemistry!
Title: Yezhegodnik po sakharnoy promyshlennosti / Redaktirovali J. A. Kukharenko Ежегодник по сахарной промышленности / Редактировали Н. А. Кухаренко, 1928. by Ukrainskij Naučno-issledovatel. Institut sacharnoj promyšlennosti.
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thebigdeepcheatsy · 1 year
Dan VS Idea 2
Dan VS The Sugar Industry - Chris is suffering from obesity related diseases and is recommended to go on a low fat diet, but it’s making him feel worse and ends up spending more money on more medicines. Dan finds out that it’s part of a conspiracy involving Big Sugar, which is run by Jimmy Junka, a ruthless parody of Willy Wonka and a drug kingpin, complete with his own minions, the Thunga Bungas, a bunch of goofily-dressed muscular trolls that threaten to silence Dan through song. He and Elise form an alliance to take down the crooked candy man once and for all!
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rajpushpme · 11 months
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Stainless Steel Sheet.
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fabtechstainless · 1 year
Jindal Stainless Steel Plate Manufacturers & Suppliers in Mumbai, India
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rajpushpmetal · 1 year
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Titanium Gr2 Sheet Plate and Titanium Gr5 Sheet Manufacturers
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kittykslitterbox · 1 year
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Fraudulent/Scammer/Possible identity theft. This man asked me for my drivers license, front and back; had me enter my social into a website and then asked for my phone number. All things needed to steal your identity or hack your accounts.
Don’t fall for it. I asked for his ID, he had an excuse. I asked for his license plate, he had an excuse. Do not trust anyone who is not willing to show you these things when they’re asking for them from you!
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We are Suppliers and Exporters of Stainless Steel Sheets, Plate, Coil, Round Bar and Rods in India.
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radissonimpex · 2 years
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pannaginip · 3 months
Sugar refiner Central Azucarera Don Pedro in Nasugbu, Batangas, terminates all its employees, saying 'increased sugar importation' by the government in the past years hurt its operations. Thousands of sugarcane planters and field workers are affected.
RHI [Roxas Holdings Incorporated] did not say how many CADPI [Central Azucarera Don Pedro Incorporated] workers would lose their jobs, but as of end of 2022, CADPI had 445 employees. CADPI workers were sent notices of separation on February 28.
The Philippines used to be one of the world’s major exporters of sugar, and sugar was among the country’s leading export products. When the Philippines was still an American colony, US companies put up sugar mills that produced sugar for export. The US and the Philippines had free trade relations, and the latter supplied a large part of America’s sugar requirements, but this special relations ended in 1974.
In 1960, the Philippines’ sugar exports still accounted for 11% of world trade, but this fell to 1% in 1990, according to a study by the government think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
According to former economic planning secretary Cielito Habito, Philippine raw sugar prices were 1.3 to 2.4 times higher than both world prices and Thailand’s price from 2011 to 2019. Yields of Philippine sugar farms were 60 to 65 tons per hectare compared to an average of 70 to 75 tons for Thailand, India, and Brazil, he said.
In a statement in February 2023, the farmers group Sugarfolks’ Unity for Genuine Agriculture Reform-Batangas warned that the closure of CADPI’s milling operations would hurt 4,584 sugarcane planters in Batangas and mean less work for more than 10,000 sugarcane field workers. It urged the government to take over CADPI, provide subsidies for sugarcane planters, stop sugar importation, and extend aid to sugarcane farmers affected by CADPI’s closure.
“It has been difficult for local sugar refineries to compete given the high prices of raw sugar feedstock and of outside fuel costs, which have increased significantly in recent years,” RHI said in 2023. “These costs eroded the white premium margin to entice local refineries to process and refine raw sugar.”
2024 Mar. 1
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essindia01 · 4 months
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akshita24 · 4 months
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chinimandi · 4 months
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🏭The Sugar & Ethanol India Conference in New Delhi, organized by ChiniMandi, provided valuable insights into the Indian sugar market and industry. Our presentation highlighted India's position within the global context, focusing on the dynamics of the global sugar market. The consensus for the 2023-24 Indian sugar production stands at 31.4-31.5 million metric tonnes (MTTQ). Initial estimates were lower due to decreased stocks and increased domestic consumption, prompting government action to maintain production levels. Despite surplus capacity, weather remains a significant factor affecting production. Ethanol diversion could absorb any additional surplus, making India a key player in the global ethanol market. This ensures the international market remains immune to Indian fluctuations, preserving stability.🏭 #SugarIndustry #EthanolProduction #IndianMarketAnalysis
🏭Click here to see the full article: 
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sarkengg · 4 months
Process Design 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Success
Process design is a fundamental component of business success. It involves identifying and improving processes to create a more efficient and productive organization. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about process design, from the key elements to its importance in various industries. We will also discuss the objectives of effective process design, common challenges faced in process design, and strategies for overcoming them. Additionally, we will delve into the tools and methodologies used in process design and how they can contribute to successful project outcomes. Whether you are a business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, understanding the principles of process design can help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively. Let's dive into this guide to learn more about how you can use process design to optimize your organization's success.
Understanding Process Design
Effective business process improvement begins with individual steps in process design. This involves creating new processes and mapping out clear procedures for the design process, ultimately aiming to achieve specific goals. Process consulting plays a vital role in problem-solving and contributes to consistent and efficient production processes. Incorporating web design and user experience elements, along with graphic design and BPM (Business Process Management), enhances the organisation's process design.
The Role of Process Design in Business Success
In ensuring a transparent chain of responsibility, process design aligns production processes with business objectives. Technical consulting plays a crucial role in redesigning business processes, while process design documentation aids in operations management, resulting in better outcomes at an affordable cost.
Key Elements of Process Design
Involving the creation of a new workflow, process design requires visualization of the business process. Key to effective process design is automation, with process mapping being its initial step. Clear templates aid in clarifying the design process, enhancing user experience and efficiency. The inclusion of individual steps and new process can greatly contribute to the graphic design, web design, BPM, and organization of the overall process map.
The Importance of Process Design in Various Industries
Efficient process design is indispensable for enhancing production processes and ensuring better outcomes in various industries. Whether it's creating a new process, optimizing a web design, or improving user experience, individual steps within the process design play a critical role. From graphic design to organization, each new process requires careful planning and implementation. Process maps and BPM (Business Process Management) are crucial tools that ensure a transparent chain of responsibility and streamline operations management across different industries.
Process Design in Chemical Industries
Efficient production in the chemical industry is ensured through streamlining chemical production processes. This involves revising existing production processes and aligning workflow with the help of technical consulting. The ultimate objective of process design is consistent and reliable results.
Process Design in Polymer Industries
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Efficient polymer production relies on meticulous process design, which involves revamping manufacturing processes. Thorough documentation is essential in this industry to ensure optimal outcomes. Process design consulting facilitates the automation of polymer production, aiding organizations in achieving their production objectives. Emphasizing individual steps, a new process, and process map in polymer industries contributes to streamlined operations and improved user experience. This approach aligns with the organization's BPM strategies, ultimately enhancing production efficiency and quality.
Process Design in Sugar Industry
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Efficient and cost-effective sugar production is the primary goal of process design within the sugar industry. This involves visualizing the entire sugar production process and creating comprehensive documentation to ensure clarity in operations. Technical consulting plays a crucial role in aligning the workflow, ultimately resulting in consistent and affordable sugar production. The objective is to streamline individual steps, establish a new process map, and enhance the overall user experience. This approach integrates web design and graphic design to optimize the BPM and organization of the sugar production process.
Process Design in Dye and Paint Industry
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Streamlining the production of dyes and paints involves creating clear procedures for the production process. It ensures visualization of production processes and supports alignment of workflow in the industry. This results in consistent and cost-effective production. Technical consulting plays a crucial role in aligning the workflow, ensuring the efficient production of dyes and paints.
Process Design in Paper Industry
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Efficient and consistent production of paper is the goal of process design in the paper industry. This involves documenting the paper production process and aligning workflow through process consulting. The result is the affordable production of high-quality paper, achieved by visualizing the paper production processes. Utilizing individual steps to streamline the new process and creating a process map enhances the organization's efficiency and user experience.
Process design in Rubber Industry
Optimizing the production of rubber products involves revising existing processes to ensure consistent efficiency. Technical consulting plays a crucial role in automating rubber production, while process design documentation provides clarity throughout the production process. By employing individual steps and new processes, the rubber industry can achieve cost-effective and high-quality production. This includes the use of process maps, web design, and user experience to streamline and visualize production processes, ultimately enhancing the overall organization of rubber production.
Objectives of Effective Process Design
Aligning operations management and business processes is essential for consistent results. Mapping the workflow ensures clarity in production processes, while efficient design yields better outcomes at an affordable cost. Emphasizing clear procedures and documentation as best practices, effective process design becomes the first step towards problem-solving in new product development. This approach drives individual steps, optimizes user experience, and supports web design for seamless process mapping.
Normalizing Outcomes
Through promoting transparent responsibility chains, process design ensures normalized outcomes. Visualization in process design plays a crucial role in achieving consistent results, while process consulting guarantees alignment with specific goals. The individual steps in the process design offer clarity to stakeholders, enhancing understanding and collaboration. Redesign, automation, and alignment are integral aspects of implementing new processes, ensuring efficiency and optimal performance. Embracing these elements is paramount in achieving successful project outcomes.
Encouraging Efficiency
Encouraging efficiency involves streamlining operations through a cohesive workflow and leveraging technical consulting for production process redesign. Implementing process design templates and revisions ensures efficient business processes, aiming for clear procedures, effective automation, and streamlined workflow. This concept ultimately leads to the efficient design of production processes, aligning with the NLP terms of individual steps, new process, process map, and bpm. Emphasizing user experience and graphic design further enhances the efficiency of the overall process design.
Avoiding Chaos
By transparently visualizing the workflow, process design documentation helps avoid chaos and incorporates the best practices of flowchart visualization. It sets clear procedures, ensuring organized operations management and avoids chaos in the workflow. Additionally, process design templates prevent chaos in the documentation of the design process, ultimately leading to an efficient and effective new process. This streamlined approach encourages user experience and promotes an organized and efficient web design, enhancing the overall process map.
Ensuring Accountability
Establishing and maintaining clear procedures and documentation in the process design fosters accountability among the team members. This ensures that the responsibility chain is transparent and that each individual step can be traced back to the responsible personnel. By visualizing the new process through process maps and web design, the organization can promote transparency and accountability in its operations. Furthermore, the automation of the process design leads to consistent and predictable results, further fostering accountability within the organization.
Streamlining Collaboration
Encouraging efficient workflow fosters streamlined collaboration, while process design templates institute effective collaboration. Visualization aligns the workflow for efficient processes and collaboration, and documentation fosters a transparent chain of responsibility, streamlining collaboration. Automation streamlines operations management, fostering collaboration and ensuring accountability.
Tools and Methodologies in Process Design
Process design incorporates various tools and methodologies to ensure efficiency and consistency. Utilizing process design templates and revisions is crucial for the design process, while visualization and documentation are considered best practices. Automation and flowchart visualization also play significant roles in the different steps of process design. The process design institute emphasizes clarity, revision, and automation to guarantee consistent results. Furthermore, alignment, redesign, and adherence to best practices are key aspects that contribute to the success of the design process.
Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Process Design
In top-down vs. bottom-up process design, the automation and clarity of individual steps differ significantly. Alignment and redesign also show distinctive differences between the two approaches. Additionally, process design templates and flowchart visualization vary, impacting the new process and user experience. Furthermore, documentation and revision demonstrate unique characteristics in each approach, affecting graphic design and BPM. Notably, visualization and best practices play a crucial role in enhancing the organization's process map and web design.
Business Process Design Tools
Employing business process design tools involves utilizing process design institute revision, automation, and alignment. These tools enable the enhancement and optimization of processes, ensuring operational efficiency. Additionally, process design documentation, flowchart visualization, and redesign are pivotal in streamlining operations and amplifying user experience. Adhering to process design templates, clarity, and best practices further empowers organizations to innovate and implement new processes effectively. Overall, these tools play a crucial role in fostering continuous improvement and organizational success.
Challenges in Process Design and Strategies to Overcome Them
Challenges often arise with process design documentation and flowchart visualization, requiring effective strategies for resolution. Additionally, process design alignment, revision, and automation encounter obstacles that demand practical solutions. The visualization and clarity of process design also pose challenges, necessitating innovative strategies to overcome them. Moreover, the utilization of process design templates, best practices, and various steps faces hurdles, highlighting the need for effective strategies in overcoming these challenges. The process design institute's revision, alignment, and redesign similarly require adept strategies for successful implementation.
Common Process Design Challenges
Efficiently achieving a specific goal entails tackling various steps within the process design. This requires ensuring consistent results and establishing a transparent chain of responsibility. Effective process design ultimately leads to better outcomes, aligning closely with operations management principles.
Strategies for Effective Problem Solving
To effectively solve problems in process design, individual steps and clear procedures are essential. Technical consulting provides best practices, while documentation and visualization aid in problem-solving. Automation plays a key role in enhancing problem-solving processes. Moreover, alignment of stakeholders is critical to achieving effective problem-solving outcomes. Implementing new processes and web design can also contribute to improving the user experience, ultimately enhancing problem-solving strategies in process design.
The Continuous Cycle of Business Process Design
The continuous cycle of business process design involves the redesign of production processes to achieve clarity in workflow. Objectives drive this continuous cycle, aided by process design templates for visualizing new workflows. The institute of process design promotes and supports this ongoing cycle in its entirety. This cycle ensures that the business processes are continuously refined and improved, allowing the organization to maintain efficiency and adapt to evolving market demands.
Maintaining and Improving Process Designs
Process design revision leads to product enhancement. A transparent chain of responsibility for maintenance is crucial in process design. Google's process design tools, along with process design templates, facilitate efficient maintenance. Additionally, process design documentation ensures clarity in maintaining process designs. The utilization of these individual steps for new processes and the implementation of process maps aid in web design, ultimately enhancing user experience and graphic design. The structured approach of BPM provides organization in maintaining and improving process designs.
Can Effective Process Design Achieve Success in Your Projects?
Effective process design plays a crucial role in achieving success in your projects. It ensures that the end result aligns with the product's concept, leading to affordable cost outcomes. Additionally, it promotes transparency and accountability through a clear chain of responsibility. By optimizing automation and efficiency, effective process design produces consistent and improved outcomes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are The Objectives Of Process Design?
The objectives of process design include improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing quality. It aims to identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and ensure consistency in output. Process design also helps organizations achieve better resource utilization and improved customer satisfaction.
Why is it important to understand process design?
Understanding the importance of process design is crucial for business success. It improves efficiency, eliminates bottlenecks, ensures consistency, and helps adapt to market changes.
What Is The Product Process Matrix?
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The Product Process Matrix is a tool that helps analyze the relationship between product type and production process. It categorizes processes into Project, Job shop, Batch, and Continuous based on product characteristics. Understanding this matrix can streamline processes and improve efficiency.
How do you determine which processes need to be redesigned?
To determine which processes need to be redesigned, you can identify bottlenecks, delays, or errors in the current processes. Analyze feedback from customers and employees for areas that need improvement. Compare industry best practices with your existing processes and prioritize based on their impact on business goals.
In conclusion, process design plays a crucial role in the success of businesses across various industries. It ensures efficient and streamlined operations, promotes collaboration, and enhances accountability. By understanding the key elements of process design and using the right tools and methodologies, businesses can overcome challenges and achieve their objectives. It is important to continuously evaluate and improve process designs to adapt to changing market dynamics and maintain a competitive edge. Effective process design can significantly impact the success of your projects, ensuring optimal outcomes and driving business growth. We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences with process design in the comments below.
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pipeflanges · 5 months
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fabtechstainless · 5 months
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