#Sukanto Tanoto
beritapatriotcom · 9 months
Miliarder Indonesia Sukanto Tanoto Beli Hotel Termahal di China Seharga Rp 3,7 Triliun
Sukanto Tanoto Beli Hotel Termahal di China – Perusahaan milik miliarder kertas Indonesia, Sukanto Tanoto, yakni Pacific Eagle Real Estate telah membeli sebuah hotel mewah di Shanghai dari pengembang Tiongkok yang mengalami kekurangan dana. Melansir Forbes, Kamis (4/1/2024) perusahaan perhotelan tersebut bernama Dalian Wanda Group. Akuisisi ini seiring dengan perluasan investasi properti oleh…
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abbyew20 · 3 months
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obaline · 3 months
Ne faites pas d’affaires avec le groupe papetier APRIL ! - Sauvons la Forêt
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radarduaempatnews · 1 year
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petrosolgas · 1 year
Bracell e Senai firmam parceria e abrem programa de formação; alunos serão contratados ao final!
A Bracell, uma empresa de grande importância na produção de celulose, acaba de anunciar uma excelente oportunidade de capacitação em parceria com o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (Senai). Serão oferecidas 32 vagas para a posição de auxiliar de manutenção, disponíveis tanto para homens quanto mulheres que residam nas cidades de Lençóis Paulista e Macatuba.
Confira os requisitos exigidos pela Bracell
Para se candidatar às vagas de auxiliar de manutenção oferecidas pela Bracell em parceria com o Senai, é necessário atender aos seguintes requisitos: ter idade mínima de 18 anos e possuir ensino fundamental completo. Não é exigida experiência prévia no setor, pois todos os selecionados que forem contratados como funcionários da Bracell passarão pelo programa de treinamento do Senai.
O programa de treinamento tem duração de oito semanas e está previsto para começar em 17 de abril. A gerente de recrutamento e seleção da Bracell, Marcela Pereira, destaca que a empresa está em busca de profissionais que desejem se desenvolver e crescer profissionalmente. A empresa investe em treinamento e prioriza a qualidade do atendimento e a segurança de todos os seus funcionários.
Outras oportunidades disponíveis na Bracell
Técnico (a) de operações florestais I — Lençóis Paulista
Requisitos: curso técnico completo em áreas como florestal, agrícola ou agropecuária, experiência com atividades de campo, em operações florestais de silvicultura, conhecimentos intermediários do Pacote Office, CNH B.
Analista de eficiência florestal pleno — Alagoinhas
Requisitos: formação compatível com a área de atuação, possuir vivência de 1 a 2 anos em atividades similares será um diferencial, disponibilidade para mudança de local de trabalho.
Assistente administrativo — Lençóis Paulista
Requisitos: ensino médio completo, Excel intermediário, conhecimentos em informática, experiência anterior com atividades administrativas, superior completo ou cursando será um diferencial.
Engenheiro de projetos I — Lençóis Paulista
Requisitos: ensino superior completo em engenharia civil, experiência na liderança e gestão de projetos civis, CNH B.
Técnico de pesquisa I — Camaçari
Requisitos: técnicas de análise necessárias, conhecimentos básicos de análise instrumental de baixa complexidade, inglês técnico para leitura, segurança laboratorial.
Supervisor de colheita — Alagoinhas
Requisitos: curso técnico em área florestal, agrícola ou correlatas, curso superior na área de trabalho relacionada, experiência na gestão de operações de colheita florestal, conhecimento do Pacote Office, noções básicas de mecânica (hidráulica ou elétrica).
Saiba como concorrer às vagas da Bracell
Para se candidatar às vagas disponibilizadas pela Bracell em parceria com o Senai, os interessados têm duas opções: deixar o currículo impresso na secretaria do Senai de Lençóis Paulista ou realizar o cadastro online através do site de carreiras da empresa. É importante lembrar que as inscrições estarão disponíveis até o dia 31 de março.
Se voc�� preenche os requisitos e deseja fazer parte de uma empresa líder mundial na produção de celulose solúvel, que valoriza o desenvolvimento profissional e a sustentabilidade, não perca essa oportunidade e se inscreva nas oportunidades disponíveis.
Benefícios oferecidos pela empresa
A Bracell oferece diversos benefícios aos profissionais selecionados para as vagas disponíveis, entre eles:
Plano médico;
Participação nos resultados;
Plano odontológico;
Transporte fretado.
Conheça a Bracell
A Bracell é uma empresa do grupo Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) de Cingapura, que iniciou suas atividades no Brasil em 2003 com a aquisição da Bahia Specialty Cellulose (BSC) e da Florestal Copener na Bahia. Fundada por Sukanto Tanoto, um empresário indonésio envolvido principalmente na indústria madeireira, a Bracell ampliou sua atuação no país em agosto de 2018, com a aquisição da Lwarcel Celulose em São Paulo.
Atualmente, a Bracell é uma das principais empresas produtoras de celulose solúvel no mundo e possui suas principais operações industriais no Brasil, localizadas em Camaçari (BA) e Lençóis Paulista (SP), além de possuir áreas florestais no interior de ambos os estados. Com um compromisso com a sustentabilidade e o desenvolvimento profissional de seus colaboradores, a Bracell se destaca como uma empresa líder em seu setor.
O post Bracell e Senai firmam parceria e abrem programa de formação; alunos serão contratados ao final! apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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karlotapost · 2 years
Biografi Sukanto Tanoto Pengusaha Sukses Indonesia
Biografi Sukanto Tanoto Pengusaha Sukses Indonesia
Karlotapost – Biografi Sukanto Tanoto Pengusaha Sukses Indonesia Biografi Biodata dan Profil Sukanto Tanoto Pengusaha Sukses Indonesia . Blog tempatnya mengenal Tokoh dan Orang terkenal Di dunia Sukanto Tanoto Pengusaha Sukses Indonesia . untuk menambah Ilmu pengetahuan kita juga memotivasi diri untuk mengambil sisi Positive dari seorang Sukanto Tanoto Pengusaha Sukses Indonesia  Sukanto Tanoto…
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beritaterkinibanget · 5 years
Agnez Mo, Anies Baswedan, dan Sukanto Tanoto dalam Nasionalisme Kita | #RecehkanTwitter #BebaskanLuthfi>>> Click Link ini !!!
Agnez Mo, Anies Baswedan, dan Sukanto Tanoto dalam Nasionalisme Kita | #RecehkanTwitter #BebaskanLuthfi>>> Click Link ini !!!
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Eramuslim.com – BANYAK tokoh-tokoh pegiat politik marah dengan Agnez Mo beberapa hari ini. Bahkan, mantan ketua Walhi, Emmi Hafidz, seperti dikutip Tempo dari akun FB-nya, minta Agnez pindah saja ke neraka.
Pasalnya dalam suatu wawancara bergengsi di Amerika, BUILD Series, Agnez mengatakan dia tidak punya sama sekali darah Indonesia. Sebelumnya, Kevan Kenney, pembawa acara, menanya…
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kliksoreang · 6 years
Kegiatan Filantropi Menjadi Bagian Keseharian Keluarga Sukanto Tanoto
Kegiatan Filantropi Menjadi Bagian Keseharian Keluarga Sukanto Tanoto
Kegiatan Filantropi Menjadi Bagian Keseharian Keluarga Sukanto Tanoto –
Sukanto Tanoto merupakan pengusaha sukses pendiri sekaligus Chairman Royal Golden Eagle (RGE). Namun, ia juga dikenal sebagai penggiat kegiatan sosial. Pria kelahiran Belawan ini melakukannya bersama-sama keluarganya melalui Tanoto Foundation yang digagasnya.
Lahir pada 25 Desember 1949, SukantoTanoto bisa menjadi panutan…
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jurnalpost · 6 years
Perusahaan Sukanto Tanoto di Luar Negeri Peduli Terhadap Masyarakat
Perusahaan Sukanto Tanoto di Luar Negeri Peduli Terhadap Masyarakat
JURNALPOST – Pengusaha Sukanto Tanoto dikenal sebagai salah satu pebisnis tersukses dari Indonesia. Namun, namanya juga mentereng di dunia bisnis internasional. Hal itu dikarenakan kesuksesannya membesarkan Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) yang dikenal sebagai perusahaan yang peduli terhadap masyarakat di mana pun mereka berada.
RGE didirikan oleh Sukanto Tanotopada 1967 dengan nama Raja Garuda Mas.…
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sukanto-tanoto-blog · 7 years
APRIL Shares Sustainability Journey at Eco-Business Forum
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APRIL Group recently participated in a panel discussion on how businesses can contribute to the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Held in Singapore, the forum marked the release of Eco-Business’ Global Sustainability Pulse Survey and profiled the sustainability journey of a range of companies as a canvas for discussion.
Represented by Agung Laksamana, Director of Corporate Affairs, APRIL was invited to share a wide-lens perspective of the company’s sustainability journey, touching on challenges and opportunities encountered by the forestry sector overall.
Citing examples from APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy implementation, Laksamana noted that there had been a significant change in the understanding and maturity of approaches to sustainable development since the start of the decade. This could be measured by an increasing number of commitments to eliminate deforestation and a rise in stakeholder engagement, where there is now much greater collaboration between private sector companies, civil society groups and the government at the landscape level.
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APRIL’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Independent Peatland Expert Working Group were referenced as examples of increased collaboration and transparency, as well as a science-led approach to complex issues such as ecosystem restoration and responsible peatland management. APRIL’s Fire Free Village Programme and its expansion through the Fire Free Alliance provided further evidence of this industry-wide collaboration to tackling vital issues. However, Laksamana noted that there remained work to do.
“Journey is the right phrase to use,” he said. ‘We are making progress towards our goal of achieving a long-term business growth that benefits the local economy and the community while at the same time generating a neutral net-positive impact on the environment.
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“Through forest conservation and restoration, science-led peatland management and community level fire prevention, and development programmes, we are demonstrating not only a commitment to sustainable forestry, but to the advancement of Indonesia’s Sustainable Development Goals as well,” he added.
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wealthnsociety · 2 years
What is the Global Wealth And Society Programme?
The initiative Measuring Wealth to Promote Sustainable Development tries to persuade governments to look for ways to go "beyond GDP" as a primary indicator of societal progress. We aim in building a better world, so we have the Global Wealth And Society Programme which aims to promote the positive impact wealth has on sustainable projects. 
Simply said, wealth is the entire value of all of our assets as a society. Wealth is significant because it symbolizes the current resources available to assure the continuation of our social and economic activities in the future. 
We seek to identify the important role that the privileged have towards their respective society through the Global Wealth And Society Programme:
1.Muhammad Yunus:-
Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. He served quality education, clean water, affordable and clean energy, decent work, and economic growth. 
YSB has supported over 3000 Entrepreneurs, completed a revenue of $13 Million per year $ 13 Million of social business financing, helped create over 30,000 jobs, and impacted the lives of over 3 million people in Colombia, Brazil, Haiti, The Balkans, Tunisia, India, and Uganda. 
2. Sukanto Tanoto:
Sukanto Tanoto is an Indonesian businessman involved primarily in the lumber industry. Tanoto Foundation is an independent family philanthropy organization founded by Indonesian. Tanoto's business interests are represented by the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) group of companies (previously known as Raja Garuda Mas). 
The Foundation focuses on improving access to knowledge and education, with a specific focus on countries in which Tanoto has a business presence, including Indonesia, Singapore, and China.
Key activities include: Providing access to education through the provision of more than 20,000 scholarships (as of 2018), improving the quality of schools and teaching, and funding medical research into diseases prevalent in Asian populations. 
With the Global Wealth And Society Programme, we also give  Certification in Corporate Social Responsibility, we provide it with the aim to obtain an independent review of the corporation's or foundation's public claims for the benefit of its high-net-worth clients and partners. It is not intended to meet any legal criteria that are specific to each country and differ from one another.
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Program Kemitraan untuk Petani Sawit Oleh Asian Agri
Asian Agri yang merupakan salah satu unit bisnis dari Royal Golden Eagle senantiasa berusaha memberikan yang terbaik tidak hanya untuk kepentingan perusahaan melainkan juga demi kepentingan masyarakat dan petani sawit yang bergabung dengan Asian Agri. Hal yang mutlak diberikan oleh Asian Agri untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada petani yang sudah bergabung adalah memberikan program kemitraan.
Ada banyak bantuan dana dan fasilitas serta penyuluhan dan informasi tentang sawit yang akan diberikan oleh Asian Agri, perusahaan milik Sukanto Tanoto, kepada mereka sehingga para petani sawit tersebut dapat tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi petani sawit yang berkualitas. Diharapkan juga program kemitraan yang dijalankan oleh Asian Agri yang merupakan salah satu unit bisnis dari RGE ini memberikan banyak manfaat besar kepada para petani sawit itu sendiri.
Manfaat Program Kemitraan Petani Sawit dari Asian Agri
Ada banyak manfaat program kemitraan petani sawit dari Asian Agri. Salah satunya yaitu untuk memberikan keuntungan yang bisa dinikmati perusahaan bersama para petani. Dengan dijalinnya program kemitraan, peningkatan penghasilan petani sawit juga meningkat sampai dengan 3% dalam waktu satu tahun saja. Peningkatan produktivitas yang bisa diperoleh juga tentu turut mendongkrak angka pendapatan dari para petani. Jika awalnya petani hanya mendapatkan penghasilan sampai dengan 1,2 juta dari hasil produksi setiap hektar setiap bulan, maka saat ini dengan langkah dan upaya pendampingan petani sudah bisa mendapatkan hasil sampai dengan 1,9 juta hektar dalam kurun waktu yang bersamaan.
Petani swadaya dan petani plasma berbeda. Petani swadaya adalah petani yang bekerja secara independen artinya bekerja tanpa ikatan dari pihak manapun. Mereka bisa mengolah lahan mereka sendiri dengan bebas dan menentukan kemana saja ia ingin menjual. Kelemahan dari petani swadaya ini adalah produktivitas hasil kebun cenderung rendah karena semuanya dilakukan secara mandiri. Hal ini terjadi karena mereka punya modal minim dan pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan perkebunan yang kurang memadai. Hal inilah yang kemudian menjadi alas an Asian Agri untuk bermitra dengan petani swadaya karena keprihatinan dengan petani independen tersebut. Beberapa kini ada yang sudah beralih menjadi petani plasma yang sadar betapa pentingnya kemitraan. Sementara itu, kemitraan dengan petani plasma berarti Asian Agri memberikan suatu langkah pendampingan dimana Asian Agri memberikan bibit kelapa sawit berkualitas lengkap dengan tata kelola yang baik dan dana yang dibutuhkan.
Asian Agri, perusahaan milik Sukanto Tanoto, juga mengoptimalkan tim penelitian dan pengembangan terbaik untuk memberikan pendampingan. Patut disadari bahwa produktivitas hasil kebun petani swadaya yang cenderung lebih rendah nyatanya seringkali berakhir dengan dampak yang buruk. Khususnya dampaknya buruk bagi kelestarian alam dan lingkungan karena petani seringkali mengkompensasi lahan pertaniannya dengan membuka suatu lahan baru dimana langkah ini punya dua konsekuensi.
Konsekuensi yang pertama adalah ada area hutan yang dibabat sehingga akan semakin berkurang jumlahnya. Sementara konsekuensi yang kedua adalah banyak yang menggunakan metode pembakaran dalam upaya pembakaran lahan dimana hal ini seringkali memicu kebakaran lahan dan juga kebakaran hutan. Sejak diberlakukan kemitraan dengan para petani sampai saat ini sudah ada banyak capaian positif yang tentunya diharapkan akan berkembang semakin tinggi lagi ke depannya.
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hamzaaslam · 3 years
Tanoto Foundation Donates S$1 million to Business China
Tanoto Foundation Donates S$1 million to Business China
The Gift Supports Business China’s Business Leaders Programmes Over Next Five Years SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 20 December 2021 – Independent philanthropic organisation founded by Mr. and Mrs. Sukanto Tanoto, Tanoto Foundation and Business China Singapore inked a partnership to support Singapore businesses that are or will be operating in China. The partnership is aimed to support Business…
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energeticaindia · 3 years
Latest Renewable Energy News update & Conventional | Energetica India Magazine
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RGE and Bank of Communications Jiangsu Branch Sign Agreement on First Foreign-owned Carbon Asset Custody in China
Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) and Bank of Communications (BCM) Jiangsu Branch have entered into the Cooperation Agreement on Carbon Emission Trading Funds Custody in Nanjing. Made three days after the launch of China's national carbon emission trading market, the agreement is China's first carbon asset custody business between a financial institution and a multinational corporation. The agreement will bring into full play the role of carbon emission trading as a bridge and engine between financial capital and the real economy. The agreement is a strategic move by RGE in partnering the banking sector to facilitate China's efforts to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Under the agreement, RGE will open a dedicated account for carbon emission trading settlement with BCM to handle all its carbon emission transactions in China. The account will be under the supervision and custody of BCM. At the signing ceremony, Lin Bo, a top official of the Party Committee of BCM Jiangsu Branch, said that BCM remains committed to promoting the development of real economy through financial innovation. The custody agreement will further deepen the business relationship between both parties in fixed asset loans, cross-border supply chain financing and green finance. Moving forward, BCM will continue to leverage its advantages in international and integrated operations to enhance business support for RGE. Since its entry into China, RGE has been focused on sustainable development and announced a target 30% reduction in carbon emissions in China by 2030, said Shu Langen, Vice President of RGE China. The cooperation will enable RGE to increase carbon asset management efficiency and achieve its emission reduction target. This marks a new strategic move by RGE to actively participate in carbon emission trading and help bolster China's carbon peak and neutrality goals. Since its entry into China in the 1990s, RGE has invested over RMB 60 billion (USD 9.3 billion) in Beijing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Chongqing, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, and other provinces and cities. Its business groups Sateri (Fujian) Fiber Co., Ltd., Asia Symbol (Guangdong) Paper Co., Ltd., and East Asia Power (Xiamen) CCGT Power Plant have for many years been involved in the pilot carbon market of their respective provinces. Founded by Sukanto Tanoto, RGE manages a global group of companies in resource manufacturing. Presently, the operations of Sateri, Asia Symbol, and Pacific Oil & Gas (PO&G) are included in the national carbon market. For instance, all of Sateri operations have completed carbon emission verification work and will participate in the national carbon market. Sateri established a carbon management committee to promote energy efficiency, while carbon emission rates have since continued to record declines every year. Sateri remains on track to achieve 30% carbon emission reduction by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. Industry experts have suggested that the signing of the cooperation agreement, following the launch of China's national carbon emission trading market, and the offer of professional custody services by commercial banks can guide companies to play an exemplary role in carrying out carbon emission trading compliantly and efficiently, spurring the improvement of the national carbon market.
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emaratdaily · 3 years
Tanoto Foundation Launches ‘Unlocking Potential’ Podcast Series – Arabian Post
Tanoto Foundation Launches ‘Unlocking Potential’ Podcast Series – Arabian Post
JAKARTA, INDONESIA /SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 16 July 2021 – Tanoto Foundation, an independent philanthropy organization established by Sukanto Tanoto and Tinah Bingei Tanoto in 1981, has launched its inaugural ‘Unlocking Potential: Conversations with Tanoto Foundation’ podcast series. The first episode, titled ‘Beyond the Pandemic’ and available on Spotify and YouTube, features Tanoto…
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Azwar Siregar: Mereka Pemilik Lahan Kebun Sawit Terluas di Indonesia, Lalu Bilang "Minoritas Tertindas" Darimana?
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KONTENISLAM.COM - Ada yang bacot merasa minoritas di negeri ini tertindas...
"Pemilik Lahan Kebun Sawit Terluas di Indonesia
1. Martua Sitorus alias Thio Seng Hap
2. Anthony Salim alias Liem Hong Sien
3. Ciliandra Pangiono
4. Sukanto Tanoto alias Tan Kang Hoo
5. Susilo Wonowidjojo alias Cai Daoping.
Terus NARASI Minoritas tertindas darimana?" balas Azwar Siregar di akun twitternya.
Minoritas di sini tertindas? Kok bisa kaum minoritas jadi KAPOLRI???
Kok bisa kaum minoritas jadi MENTERI yang levelnya Perdana Menteri???
Pemilik Lahan Kebun Sawit Terluas di Indonesia 1.Martua Sitorus alias Thio Seng Hap 2.Anthony Salim alias Liem Hong Sien 3.Ciliandra Pangiono... 4.Sukanto Tanoto alias Tan Kang Hoo 5.Susilo Wonowidjojo alias Cai Daoping. Terus NARASI Minoritas tertindas darimana? pic.twitter.com/6QVK2Syqi9
— Azwar Siregar (@azwarsiregar) May 15, 2021
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/33HuYV3 via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/05/azwar-siregar-mereka-pemilik-lahan.html
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