#Sum insured and sum assured
davidjohn4252 · 5 months
Sum insured vs sum assured
Sum insured is the coverage for damage whereas Sum assured is a pre-defined sum payable to nominee. Learn the difference between sum insured vs sum assured at SBI Life.
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batboyblog · 7 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week. #5
Feb 9-16 2024
The Department of Education released the first draft for a wide ranging student loan forgiveness plan. After Biden's first attempt at student debt forgiveness was struck down at the Supreme Court in 2023, this new plan is an attempt to replace it with something that will hold up in court. The plan hopes to forgive debt for anyone facing "financial hardship" which has been as broadly defined as possible. Another part of the plan hopes to eliminate $10-20,000 in interest from all student loans, as well as a wide ranging public Information push to inform people of other forgiveness programs they qualify for but don't know about.
The House passed 1.2 Billion Dollars to combat human trafficking, including $175 million in housing assistance to human trafficking victims
The Department of Transportation announced $970 Million for improvements at 114 airports across 44 states and 3 territories. They include $40 million to O'Hare International in Chicago to improve passenger experience by reconfiguring TSA and baggage claims, and installing ADA compliant bathrooms(!). The loans will also go to connecting airports to mass transit, boosted sustainability, installing solar and wind power, and expanding service to under served committees around the country.
Medicare & Medicaid released new guidelines to allow people to pay out of pocket prescription drug coats in monthly installments rather than as a lump sum. This together with capping the price of certain drugs and penalties for drug companies that rise prices over inflation is expected to save the public millions on drug coasts and assure people don't pass on a prescription because they can't pay upfront
The EPA announced its adding 150 more communities to its Closing America's Wastewater Access Gap Community Initiative. 2.2 Million Americans do not have basic running water and indoor plumbing. Broken and unreliable wastewater infrastructure exposed many of those to dangerous raw sewage. These Americans live primarily in poor and rural communities, many predominantly Black communities in the south as well as those on tribal lands. The program is aiming to close the wastewater gap and insure all Americans have access to reliable clear water.
The White House announced deferred action for Palestinians in the US. This means any Palestinian living in the United States, no mater their legal status, can not be deported for any reason for the next 18 months.
The Department of Energy announced $60 million in investment into clean geothermal energy. The plan will hopefully lead to a 90% decrease in the coasts of geothermal. DOE estimates hold that geothermal might be able to power the hopes of 65 million Americans by 2050 making it a key step in the Biden administration plan for a carbon-free grid by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
The EPA launched $83 million to help improve air quality monitoring across America. With updated equipment local agencies will be better able to report on air quality, give more localized reports of bad air quality and the country will be better equipped to start mitigating the problem
The Department of Energy announced $63 million in investments in domestic heat-pump manufacturing. Studies have shown that heat-pumps reduce green house gases by 50% over the most efficient condensing gas boilers, as technology improves this could rise to 75% by 2030. Heat pump water heaters meanwhile are 2 to 3 times as energy efficient as conventional electric water heaters.
HHS awarded $5.1 million to organizations working with LGBTQI+ Youth and their Families. The programs focus on preventing homelessness, fighting depression and suicide, drug use and HIV prevention and treatment, as well as  family counseling and support interventions tailored for LGBTQI+ families.
The House passed two bills in support of the oppressed Uyghur minority in China. The "No Dollars To Uyghur Forced Labor" Act would prohibit the US government from spending any money on projects that source materials from Xinjiang. The Uyghur Policy Act would create a permanent post at the State Department to coordinate policy on Uyghur Issues, much like the special ambassador on antisemitism.
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Capitalists hate capitalism
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As the Marxist agitator Adam Smith once said, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
Smith understood that capitalists hate capitalism. They don’t want to compete with one another, because that would interfere with their ability to raise the prices their customers pay and reduce the wages they pay their workers. Thus Peter Thiel’s anticapitalist rallying cry, “competition is for losers,” or Warren Buffett’s extreme horniness for businesses with “wide, sustainable moats.”
These anti-capitalist capitalists love big government. They love no-bid military contracts, they love ACA subsidies for health insurance companies, they love Farm Bill cash for Cargill and Monsanto. What they don’t love is markets.
Case in point: pharma giant Merck. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes a provision that allows Medicare to (finally) start (weakly) negotiating the prices it pays for (a tiny handful of) drugs. If you’re scratching your head and wondering if you understood that correctly, let me assure you, you did: the US government is currently prohibited from negotiating drug prices when it bargains with pharma companies.
In other words: Medicare simply pays a pharma companies — whose products build on billions in publicly funded basic research, whose taxes are reduced by billions in research credits, whose patents are backstopped by billions in enforcement — whatever it demands.
To do otherwise, you see, would be socialism. Markets are “efficient” because they “discover prices” through bidding and selling. In the case of publicly purchased drugs, the price that Uncle Sucker “discovers” is inevitably “a titanic sum” or possibly “add a couple more zeroes, wouldya?”
Enter the IRA. Starting in 2026, Medicare will be permitted to negotiate the price of ten (10) drugs. The negotiations will use the prices of other drugs from the dysfunctional, monopolized market as a starting point and go up from there. The negotiations go on for three years, and there are multiple stages where pharma companies can hit pause with court challenges:
The system will not consider the prices that Medicaid or the VA (which are allowed to bargain on prices) pay. Nor will it consider the prices that other governments pay — the US is alone in the wealthy world in offering the anticapitalist price-taking posture when dickering with the pharma companies.
But this isn’t enough for Merck. They are suing the Biden administration over the IRA’s drug pricing plan, arguing that it is an unconstitutional taking under the Fifth Amendment:
Merck is represented by Big Law firm Jones Day, who made their bones by representing the RJ Reynolds from smokers with lung-cancer, arguing that the smoking/cancer link wasn’t scientifically sound. That’s not the only fanciful argument they put before a judge: Jones Day also represented Trump in his attempts to overturn the 2020 election (they also hired Trump’s counsel Don McGahn as he exited the White House’s revolving door).
As Ryan Cooper writes for The American Prospect, Merck’s argument is that the “fair market” value of its drugs can only be discovered if its single largest customer — Medicare — simply pays whatever Merck demands of it:
They explicitly denounce the idea that a powerful buyer should use its market power to extract price concessions from sellers like Merck: “leveraging all federal insurance benefits (amounting to over half of the prescription drug market) to coerce companies to abandon their First and Fifth Amendment rights is a quintessential unconstitutional condition.”
Rebutting this argument, Health Secretary Xavier Becerra said, “negotiating for the best price is as American as apple pie. Since when is competition in this American system a bad thing? Why should we be the patsies around the world and pay the highest prices for medicines?”
The irony here is that Merck itself is a very powerful buyer. Whether negotiating commercial leases, raw materials or wages, Merck is ruthless in extracting the lowest prices it can from its suppliers. The company attained its massive scale the old fashioned way: buying it. By drawing on its nearly limitless access to the capital markets, Merck bought out dozens of its competitors:
Anticapitalist investors funded these acquisitions in the expectation that Merck would be able to use its market dominance to pay suppliers less, charge customers more, and use some of the resulting windfall to corrupt and bully its regulators so that it could buy still more companies, charge still higher prices, and impose crushingly low prices on still more suppliers.
The IRA’s drug-bargaining provisions are extraordinarily weak. When they were first mooted in 2021, I talked about how Democrats were caving on muscular drug price controls that would benefit every American (except a handful of pharma shareholders):
They did so despite wild, bipartisan support for imposing price discipline on Big Pharma, and ending the 300% premium Americans pay for their drugs relative to their cousins abroad. 95% of Democrats support strong price controls; so do 82% of independents — and 71% of Republicans:
No one believes Big Pharma’s scare stories about how this would kill R&D: 93% of Americans reject this idea, including 90% of Republicans. They’re right — nearly all US basic pharma R&D is directly funded by the federal government, with pharma companies privatizing the gains:
Despite the fact that really whipping the shit out of Big Pharma would be both popular and good for America, the Dems’ final version of pharma bargaining is a barely-there nothingburger where ten drugs will become slightly cheaper, after the next federal election. This is called “political realism” and it’s a fantasy.
The idea that limiting drug controls to the faintest, most modest measures would make them easier to attain was obvious nonsense from the start, and Merck’s anticapitalist lawsuit proves it. Merck will settle for nothing less than total central planning — by Merck. For Merck, the role of the federal government is to wave through a stream of mergers culminating in Merck’s ownership of every major drug; patent extensions for these drugs to carry them into the 25th century and beyond, and unlimited sums paid for these drugs on Medicare.
Given all that, there would have been no downside to the Dems passing an IRA that subjected the drug companies the same modest, commensense, market-based discipline we see in Canada, or the UK, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland.
But that’s not the IRA we got. Instead of defending a big, visionary program in court, the Biden admin is facing down Jones Day and Merck to defend the most yawn-inducing, incrementalist half-measure. What a wasted opportunity.
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: A caricature of a businessman with a money-bag for a head and a stickpin bearing the Merck logo, standing atop a pile of bundled $100 bills. At the bottom of the pile, a frowning, disheveled Uncle Sam offers up a $100 bill.]
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Image: Flying Logos (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Over_$1,000,000_dollars_in_USD_$100_bill_stacks.png
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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artcallednaturalviews · 2 months
World Live janega Show The world in a bill dick Or rather verdict Pull the blocks out Who falls Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure She pours her passions Upon all of US and the rest of the World Obviously not watching Due pray & wish Maybe notice will be next year With continued to lower more standards The better will be for! Besides, you’re insured! Maybe part of Pro25 Is to keep you lower! (Should been read as a commodity) Reserves are always low World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure El low The low By an x human Similar to the animals Near extinct in species If We (US) only defined ourselves prior Where did Covid coulture that petri go! Last alone drug test Now that other country has cloned you And we (cause I’m talking to sames) never get anywhere You’re And have been cloned No not you they threw that sample but The REST of Us sits in results You saw you We bleed near on another Under the concrete The palo deities Are you, Apache or Navajo ? Not even from this Continent! May have sum blood sequestered for Get ready Physical no nah physicol Realm My life depended on medical assurance Pay hold still don’t sick Paid for nothing Being healthy Diablo unhealthy and steaming with out a name before brought by Jesus lived in a den Never World Wide until White Man I wore multiple blue targets Now I’m Tiger Roaring for a sleep……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. How many the times………………………………………………. ………………added after Shut down Covid The dots not part of my family Just lost in Country Never believing in a World That other Dude, didn’t either The life 2024 years ago was flat We all global NOW Intellect Or Educated They all Leaders Fight against Scalp a Well it was near a closed (He was only twenty) Paid for however! It was Toucan fruit loops or fruity people’s Not the emplace of love Add chocolates Like chalk tasting corporations Empowering indivisible’s with Justice and Awe Under weather Who made out better! A world Wide Jane go show! Pad or plug Can’t somthing else In bleeding! You could haves it Just have it And irredisregard a planted Human In the other State Not have it They never add income brackets to deceased of our days! We could see who is killing who! I heard of how many Violent attacks (A not a one shot an ear) It trivial in violence politics Not for you or me Under 2nd That’s for them We never see! Unless covert and calculations Like don’t be violent or fallow the leaders! Not Honda commercial Or may be I am Don’t pull my buds on apocalypse Sinnister under neath wanting in Not counted as Refugee (If you can make it across a field) Prior to NFL sports Prior to the late unknowingly U S of A That rugby, that a bushel basket suspended That’s like swatting slave over in a plantation We have solo Soon to be Breakin’ Dancing in Olympic That USA made their own The owners did They did a round up World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure Is it to long now making you cough that was added in fees Better there than there And screwing me all up After Thelma and Lois I knew everything Add Requiem, a Blender
You can’t govern ur own bodies
Allow government to make you
Your medical insurance is always a top priority
Why couldn’t you
Be healthy
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Why You Need a Professional Liability Insurance
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Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) coverage protects individuals and corporations against claims such as negligence, misrepresentation, malpractice, and errors or omissions for professional services rendered. It benefits people of various professions, including accountants, engineers, lawyers, consultants, and medical professionals. Individuals, who are licensed professionals, and rendering services within the scope of their profession to a 3rd party for a fee, should strongly consider Professional Liability Insurance.
Insurance firms typically sell claims-made Professional Liability Insurance, which includes an extended reporting or a retroactive date that clients may purchase. The extended reporting time covers claims made within a particular time following the insurance policy expiry. Or, the client may renew coverage by purchasing a claims-made policy that includes a continuous retroactive date.
One great benefit of Professional Liability Insurance written on a ‘duty to defend’ policy form is that it protects clients against frivolous lawsuits that can be very expensive and damaging to their business or career. For example, a vindictive customer may decide to sue an individual because of a service they received or advice that did not go their way, despite the individual not being in the wrong. And regardless of how groundless the lawsuit may be, without the right insurance coverage, the individual or business may incur hefty losses defending meritless claims.
Individuals or businesses at fault for either errors or malpractice for services rendered face an even more considerable financial risk that may leave them and their businesses bankrupt. However, such clients can still benefit from PLI since it may cover the costs of legal representation, settlement, and judgments filed against them, removing the financial burden from their shoulders.
Besides protecting businesses or individuals against allegations and lawsuits, Professional Liability Insurance will add professionalism to a firm, making customers confident in their practices. With this type of insurance, customers can also rest assured that the business complies with state laws and that the company will make up for any financial losses should anything go wrong.
Many clients and customers expect business owners to have errors and omission (E & O) insurance before carrying out any new project. Consequently, purchasing PLI will give them peace of mind because they can win the trust of clients and customers, and also protect themselves against lawsuits filed by those unsatisfied with their services.
Most importantly, having Professional Liability coverage is a sound investment that can be cost-saving and help a business owner secure asset protection and achieve financial stability. While some may rely on contracts to shield them from prospective lawsuits, they should realize that contract clauses are often challenged in court and can be very expensive. Conversely, PLI centers on risk management, and paying a small sum upfront to avoid a much hefty and debilitating fine later can be highly economical in the long run.
Usually, Professional Liability Insurance costs will mostly depend on the nature of a business because some businesses face higher risk levels than others.
Professional Liability Insurance benefits can greatly outweigh the expenses one may incur when facing a lawsuit. Therefore, professionals and business owners should look for an insurance broker to help them determine the best insurance provider and where to get it at the best price.
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How to Solve Issues with Brush Clearing Services in Converse, Texas
Living in Converse, Texas, do you know the significance of keeping your territory clear of brush? A congested brush can hold onto things, cause fire dangers, and basically look unattractive. In any case, now and then, brush cleaning services of San Antonio Land clearing are ready to help! We’ll investigate any normal issues you could experience and guide you through settling them.
Normal Brush Clearing Issues and Arrangements
Deficient Clearing: You walk the property after the assistance and find missed brush heaps or immaculate regions. This is what to do:
Audit the agreement: Rehash your agreement to figure out the agreed-upon extent of work. Did it indicate the total evacuation of all brushes or simply unambiguous regions?
Impart Plainly: Contact the brush clearing organization and cordially call attention to the deficient segments. Give photographs or a stroll through if fundamental.
Settle on some mutual interest: Go for the gold that works for the two players. Maybe a team can return for a speedy final detail, or we could offer an incomplete discount for the unclear regions.
Property Harm: Mishaps occur; however, finding harm to your property after brush clearing is disappointing. This is the way to deal with it:
Report Everything: Take pictures and recordings of the harm, including timestamps and clear visuals.
Audit Insurance: Check your property holder’s protection contract to check whether it covers harm brought about by workers for hire.
Contact the organization: Illuminate the brush-clearing organization about the harm. Preferably, their protection ought to cover fixes.
Look for Goal: Assuming their protection denies the case, arrange fixes straightforwardly with the organization. If all else fails, consider documenting a small legal dispute (counsel a lawyer for direction).
Flotsam and Jetsam Removal Concerns: Undesirable brush heaps or dispersed trash can be a significant blemish. This is what to address:
Legally binding commitments: allude to your agreement to check whether garbage removal was remembered for the assistance.
Pulling Choices: In the event that removal is excluded, talk about pulling charges with the organization. Then again, research nearby choices for brush recycling or removal offices.
Do-it-Yourself Approach: For limited quantities of garbage, consider leasing a truck or pulling it yourself to a removal place. Make certain to follow Spaak’s guidelines in regards to yard garbage removal.
Unforeseen Expenses: Stowing away expenses or charges past the underlying statement can be a frightful shock. This is the way to stay away from them:
Definite Statement: Prior to employing, demand a nitty-gritty, composed statement illustrating all administrations included and their comparing costs.
Explain Degree: Guarantee the statement determines the size and kind of brush to be cleared, removal strategies, and any expected extra expenses for unanticipated conditions (e.g., an extremely thick brush).
Installment Timetable: Settle on an installment plan ahead of time. Try not to pay everything forthright, particularly until you’re happy with the work.
Correspondence Breakdowns: Lethargic project workers or hazy correspondence can cause significant cerebral pain. This is the way to further develop it:
Assigned Contact: Lay out a solitary resource inside the brush clearing organization for all correspondence.
Composed Documentation: Circle back to verbal concurrences with messages summing up key subtleties like courses of events and assumptions.
Be self-assured: In the event that correspondence issues continue, make it a point to your interests and solicitation a more responsive methodology.
 By following these tips, you can really resolve issues with brush clearing administrations in Converse, Texas, regardless of whether you employed them from San Antonio land clearing. Keep in mind that clear correspondence, a distinct agreement, and self-assured follow-up are critical to a smooth encounter. With just the right amount of exertion, you can guarantee your brush clearing project works out as expected and leaves your property putting its best self forward.
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vanita95 · 2 days
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Miami Marine Survey: Miami Marine Survey: Protecting Your Boating Investment
Miami Marine Survey: Miami Marine Survey: Protecting Your Boating Investment When it comes to taking care of your boat, one service stands out in Miami: miami marine survey. You may ask yourself: "What exactly is miami marine survey?" "Why do I need a miami marine survey?” In simple terms, miami marine survey is a comprehensive check-up for your boat, conducted by trained professionals who know what to look for in order to ensure the longevity and safety of your investment. In the category of Marine Survey Information, it's clear that miami marine survey plays an essential role for boat owners. miami marine survey assesses all aspects of your boat’s condition and value. Is the hull structurally sound? Are the engines functioning properly? Does the electrical system meet safety standards? These questions and more are thoroughly addressed in a miami marine survey. The company Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting is renowned for providing top-tier miami marine survey services. Their team of certified marine surveyors goes the extra mile when conducting a miami marine survey, leaving no stone unturned in their comprehensive evaluation. This meticulous attention to detail is what makes a miami marine survey from Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting so invaluable. A miami marine survey isn’t just about being responsible; it also protects the boating investment you've made. Imagine buying a car without getting it checked first; the same principle applies to boats. By booking a miami marine survey, you're ensuring that your boat is worth every penny you have put into it. In terms of Marine Survey Information, it should be known that a miami marine survey serves as a useful tool when purchasing insurance or selling your boat. An up-to-date miami marine survey can provide all necessary information needed to set accurate policies or list reasonable selling prices. Just like how annual health check-ups are vital for our well-being, regular miami marine survey checks are critical for your boat. In the case of malfunctioning equipment or structural issues, a miami marine survey will spot the problem before it becomes catastrophic. The peace of mind offered by a miami marine survey allows you to confidently navigate Miami's beautiful waters without worrying about unexpected breakdowns. With a miami marine survey, you know that your boat is prepared for the open sea and can withstand the elements in the long run. For honest, reliable, and detailed results, choose Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting for your miami marine survey. Their dedication to ensuring that every boat owner gets the most out of their investment matches the level of care they bring to each miami marine survey they conduct. In summary, protecting your boating investment involves more than just regular maintenance. Incorporating a miami marine survey as part of your upkeep routine ensures that everything runs smoothly and safely. Remember, it’s not just about saving money on repairs; a miami marine survey also provides assurance that you and your loved ones are safe during your seafaring adventures. So, if you haven’t already done so, book a miami marine survey today! A miami marine survey may seem like an additional expense initially, but it can actually save you significant costs down the line. By identifying potential issues early on, a miami marine survey helps prevent major problems that could lead to costly repairs or, worse, accidents at sea. To sum it all up, a miami marine survey is an essential aspect of responsible boat ownership. It informs you about the state of your craft, keeps you compliant with insurance requirements, and illuminates any necessary maintenance - all designed to protect your boating investment. Do not hesitate to engage in a miami marine survey for your vessel. It's a decision you'll thank yourself for in the future.
miami marine survey
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ginteja1234 · 6 days
Term Insurance Plan
A Term Insurance Plan offers financial protection for a specific period, ensuring that the policyholder's loved ones are financially secure in the event of an untimely demise. Ginteja’s term insurance plans are designed to provide comprehensive coverage at affordable rates, allowing individuals to tailor their policies based on personal needs and financial goals. This type of plan ensures that in case of unforeseen events, the insured's family will have a financial safety net to cover expenses such as debts, education, or daily living costs.
Ginteja recognizes the importance of flexibility in a term insurance plan, offering options to extend coverage or add riders for additional benefits like critical illness or accidental death coverage. With a simple and transparent process, policyholders can choose the duration and sum assured that best aligns with their financial responsibilities. A term insurance plan not only brings peace of mind but also supports long-term financial planning with minimal premium outlays. For more details Contact us.
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vmfinserv · 7 days
Is a Money Back Insurance Plan in Jodhpur a Good Investment?
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When thinking about your financial future, one important question often comes up: is a money back insurance plan in Jodhpur a good investment? If you are considering options like the Money Back Policy LIC Plan in Jodhpur, it’s important to understand how these plans work and if they fit your needs. What is a Money Back Insurance Plan?
A money back insurance plan combines insurance coverage with a savings component. Unlike other insurance plans where you receive the payout only after the policy term ends or upon death, a money back policy gives you regular payouts during the policy term. These payouts are called survival benefits. So, if you buy a Money Back Insurance Plan, you receive a portion of the sum assured at regular intervals, and at the end of the term, if you’ve survived, you get the remaining amount along with any bonuses. Why Consider a Money Back Policy? 1. Regular Income: One of the main advantages of a money back policy is the regular income it provides. If you choose the Money Back Policy, you’ll receive a percentage of the sum assured at predetermined intervals. This can be useful for meeting financial goals like paying for your child’s education or managing family expenses. 2. Life Coverage: Besides providing regular payouts, these policies also offer life insurance. In case of the policyholder's unfortunate demise, the nominee gets the sum assured. This ensures that your loved ones are financially protected even if you are not around. 3. Bonus Facility: Many money back plans come with bonus facilities. Bonuses are additional amounts that can increase your overall returns. If you have a Money Back Plan, you might receive bonuses that add to your survival benefits or final payout. 4. Savings Component: Money back plans are a good way to save systematically. Since you get money back at intervals, it helps in planning your savings and spending more effectively. The disciplined approach of saving regularly can help build a financial cushion over time. Things to Consider
1. Lower Returns: While money back policies provide regular payouts, the overall returns might be lower compared to other investment options like mutual funds or stocks. If your primary goal is high returns, you might want to explore other investment avenues alongside insurance. 2. Premium Costs: Money back insurance plans can be more expensive than traditional term insurance policies. You pay higher premiums because you’re getting regular payouts and insurance coverage. Make sure that the premiums fit your budget and financial goals. 3. Lock-In Period: These policies have a fixed term. If you need to access your money earlier, you might face penalties or lower returns. Ensure that you are comfortable with the policy duration and the terms. Is It Right for You?
If you are looking for a mix of insurance and regular savings with a focus on financial security and planned savings, then a Money Back Insurance might be a suitable option. It provides a steady income, life coverage, and a bonus facility. However, if you are aiming for higher investment returns and have a high-risk appetite, you might want to consider other financial products.
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movingguruscompany · 8 days
Top Reasons to Hire Professional Moving Services for a Hassle-Free Relocation
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You're about to begin on a new adventure, and relocating to a new home or office can be an exciting but daunting task. The thought of packing, loading, and transporting your belongings can be overwhelming, which is why hiring professional moving services is the key to a stress-free move.
At Moving Gurus Company & Junk Removal, we understand the importance of a smooth relocation. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing top-notch moving services that cater to your unique needs. By hiring professional movers, you can avoid the hassle and chaos associated with DIY moves, and instead, enjoy a seamless transition to your new location.
One of the primary benefits of professional moving services is the expertise in handling and transporting your items. Our team is trained to handle fragile, bulky, and heavy items with care, ensuring that your belongings arrive at their destination in pristine condition. We also provide efficient packing, loading, and unloading services, which saves you time and energy. Moreover, our professionals are equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to navigate tight spaces, stairs, and other challenging situations.
Another significant advantage of hiring professional movers is the reduced risk of damage to your belongings. Our team takes extra precautions to protect your items during transit, and we're fully insured to provide you with peace of mind. Whether you're moving locally or long-distance, our experts will ensure that your belongings are safely transported to their new home.
At Moving Gurus Company, we handle a wide range of moves, including residential, commercial, long-distance, and local moves. Our team is experienced in navigating complex moves, and we'll work with you to create a customized moving plan that suits your needs and budget.
So, why choose Moving Gurus Company for your relocation? Our experienced team provides reliable service, and we're committed to delivering exceptional results. We offer customized moving solutions based on your unique needs, and our team will work with you every step of the way to ensure a hassle-free move. Don't just take our word for it – our satisfied clients rave about our services, and we're proud to share their testimonials with you.
Summing up, hiring professional moving services is crucial for a stress-free relocation. By choosing Moving Gurus Company, you can rest assured that your move will be handled with care, efficiency, and expertise. So, why wait? Contact us today for a free moving quote and let us take care of your relocation needs. With our team by your side, you can focus on the excitement of your new adventure, while we handle the logistics of your move.
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de-santablogs-007 · 8 days
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What is endowment? An endowment plan offers fixed returns to the policyholder upon maturity along with a sum assured to the nominee if the insured dies during the policy term @ ICICI Pru Life.
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Term Insurance for NRIs: A Comprehensive Guide
Term insurance is a straightforward, affordable, and effective form of life insurance that provides financial protection to the insured's family in the event of their untimely death. For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), securing term insurance has become increasingly important as they balance their lives abroad with responsibilities back home. This article delves into the specifics of term insurance for NRIs, its benefits, and how to choose the right plan.
Understanding Term Insurance
Term insurance is a life insurance product that provides coverage for a specific term, usually ranging from 10 to 40 years. Unlike traditional life insurance policies that have an investment component, term insurance only provides a death benefit. This means if the policyholder passes away during the policy term, the nominee receives the sum assured. If the policyholder survives the term, there is no payout. The simplicity and affordability of term insurance make it a popular choice for many.
Can NRIs Buy Term Insurance in India?
Yes, NRIs can purchase term insurance policies in India. Many insurance providers in India offer term insurance plans specifically tailored for NRIs. These plans cater to their unique requirements, considering factors such as foreign residence and currency conversions. The process of purchasing term insurance for NRIs is relatively simple, and most of it can be done online.
Benefits of Term Insurance for NRIs
Financial Security: The primary benefit of term insurance for NRIs is the financial security it provides to their family members in India. In the unfortunate event of the policyholder’s death, the sum assured can help cover expenses like children's education, outstanding loans, or any other financial responsibilities.
Affordable Premiums: Term insurance premiums are generally lower compared to other life insurance products. For NRIs, this means they can secure a high sum assured without spending excessively.
Tax Benefits: Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, premiums paid towards a term insurance policy are eligible for tax deductions, up to a limit of ₹1.5 lakh annually. Additionally, the death benefit is exempt from tax under Section 10(10D), which is beneficial for NRIs with tax liabilities in India.
Coverage in Foreign Countries: Many term insurance policies for NRIs offer global coverage, meaning that even if the policyholder resides in a foreign country, their family can claim the benefits in the event of their death, regardless of where they live.
Currency Options: Some insurers allow NRIs to pay premiums in foreign currencies such as USD, GBP, or AED. This flexibility ensures that policyholders can pay premiums based on their financial convenience.
How NRIs Can Choose the Right Term Insurance Plan
Choosing the right term insurance for NRIs involves several considerations:
Coverage Amount: The sum assured should be sufficient to cover the financial needs of your family. Factors such as outstanding loans, children’s education, and lifestyle should be taken into account when determining the coverage amount.
Policy Tenure: Opt for a policy tenure that aligns with your financial goals. For instance, if you plan to retire in 20 years, a term policy with a similar duration would be appropriate.
Insurer’s Reputation: It is essential to choose an insurer with a strong reputation, good claim settlement ratio, and a track record of serving NRI customers effectively.
Riders and Add-ons: Consider adding riders like critical illness cover, accidental death benefits, or waiver of premium to enhance the protection provided by your term insurance policy.
For NRIs, securing the financial future of their loved ones back home is a priority. Term insurance for NRIs offers an affordable and effective solution to meet this need. By choosing the right plan, NRIs can ensure that their family remains financially protected, regardless of where life takes them. The key is to assess your financial goals, compare various plans, and select one that provides the best balance between cost and coverage.
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FD vs Life Insurance: Which One Should You Choose?
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Financial planning is all about making the right decisions to ensure your future security. With so many options available, two common financial products that people often consider are Fixed Deposits (FD) and Life Insurance. While both are valuable tools for managing your finances, they serve very different purposes. To make an informed decision, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of both FD and life insurance. Let's dive into the details to see which one suits your needs.
What is a Fixed Deposit (FD)?
A Fixed Deposit, often called an FD, is a financial instrument provided by banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). In simple terms, it's an investment where you deposit a lump sum of money for a fixed tenure at a predetermined interest rate. The money grows over time as interest accumulates, and at the end of the tenure, you get back your principal amount along with the interest.
How does an FD work?When you open an FD account, you agree to leave your money with the bank for a specific period, say one to five years, and in return, the bank pays you interest. The longer the tenure, generally the higher the interest rate.
Types of Fixed Deposits:
Standard FD – Fixed tenure and interest rate.
Tax-Saving FD – Locked-in for five years with tax benefits under Section 80C.
Flexi FD – Linked to a savings account for added flexibility.
What is Life Insurance?
Life insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company. In exchange for regular premium payments, the insurer promises to pay a sum of money to your beneficiaries upon your death. It’s a financial safety net for your loved ones, ensuring they are financially secure in case anything happens to you.
How does life insurance work?You select a life insurance policy based on your financial needs and pay premiums either annually, quarterly, or monthly. If you pass away during the policy term, the insurer pays out the sum assured to your beneficiaries.
Types of Life Insurance:
Term Insurance – Pure protection plan; no payout if you survive the term.
Whole Life Insurance – Coverage for your entire life.
Endowment Plan – Insurance plus savings; gives a payout even if you survive the policy term.
ULIPs – Combines insurance with market-linked investment options.
Key Features of Fixed Deposits
Guaranteed Returns:FDs offer a fixed interest rate throughout the tenure, ensuring guaranteed returns. There's no market risk involved, making FDs a low-risk investment.
Interest Rates:The interest rates on FDs vary based on the bank and tenure, generally ranging from 4% to 7%. Senior citizens often get an additional interest rate benefit.
Tenure Options:You can choose the tenure for your FD, ranging from a few months to several years, depending on your financial goals.
Key Features of Life Insurance
Financial Protection:Life insurance provides your family with financial protection in the unfortunate event of your death. It ensures they have enough money to cover expenses like debts, education, and daily living.
Premium Payments:Life insurance policies require regular premium payments, which can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. The premium depends on factors like age, health, and the sum assured.
Maturity Benefits:Some life insurance policies, like endowment plans and ULIPs, offer maturity benefits if you outlive the policy term.
FD vs Life Insurance: The Fundamental Differences
Risk Factor:FDs come with almost no risk, making them a safe investment option. Life insurance, however, has a variable component, especially if you opt for plans like ULIPs that are tied to market performance.
Investment Objective:FDs are purely investment vehicles designed to grow your money with guaranteed returns. Life insurance, on the other hand, serves a dual purpose: providing financial protection and, in some cases, offering savings or investment growth.
Liquidity:FDs offer better liquidity, allowing you to withdraw your money prematurely, albeit with a penalty. Life insurance policies, especially term plans, do not have any cash value until maturity or death.
Returns: FD vs Life Insurance
FD Returns:The returns on FDs are fixed and known from the start, depending on the financial institution and tenure.
Life Insurance Returns:For term insurance, there are no returns unless the insured event occurs. Endowment plans and ULIPs, however, offer maturity benefits and market-linked returns, which can vary significantly based on the policy.
Tax Implications of FD and Life Insurance
Taxation on FD Interest:The interest earned from an FD is taxable. 
Tax Benefits of Life Insurance:Premiums paid towards life insurance qualify for deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, up to ₹1.5 lakh annually. Also, the death benefit and maturity amount are generally tax-exempt under Section 10(10D).
FD vs Life Insurance for Risk-Averse Investors
FDs are ideal for conservative investors seeking guaranteed returns and low risk. Life insurance, particularly term plans, appeals to risk-averse individuals who want financial security for their dependents.
When to Choose Fixed Deposits?
If you're looking for a low-risk investment with guaranteed returns, an FD is the way to go. It's perfect for short- to medium-term financial goals like saving for a vacation or home renovation.
When to Choose Life Insurance?
If your primary concern is ensuring your family’s financial well-being in your absence, life insurance is crucial. Opt for life insurance if you have dependents who rely on your income.
FD vs Life Insurance for Long-Term Financial Goals
While FD helps in wealth accumulation for short- and medium-term goals, life insurance plays a more significant role in long-term financial security, especially for your family.
Liquidity and Withdrawal Flexibility
Premature Withdrawal from FD:You can withdraw money from an FD before maturity, but it usually comes with a penalty.
Liquidity in Life Insurance:Life insurance generally lacks liquidity, especially term policies. For policies like ULIPs, partial withdrawals are allowed after a certain period.
Combining FD and Life Insurance in Financial Planning
Both FD and life insurance can be valuable parts of your financial portfolio. While FD provides short-term financial stability, life insurance secures your family’s future.
Both FD and life insurance have their own sets of advantages. FDs are ideal for risk-averse investors seeking guaranteed returns, while life insurance provides financial protection for your loved ones. For a well-rounded financial plan, consider using both.
Can you lose money in an FD?No, FDs provide guaranteed returns, making them a safe investment.
Is life insurance necessary if you have other investments?Yes, life insurance offers financial protection that other investments don’t.
Which one provides better tax benefits: FD or Life Insurance?Life insurance provides better
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repairroofing · 14 days
Factors You Should Consider Before Hiring A Commercial Roofing Contractor
Everyone knows about the importance of protecting their roofs as it is the foundation of the entire building. You often Google to find reputed companies for appropriate roofing services. But have you ever thought of considering what qualities in a trade roofing company you should consider? A roofing industrialist examines and assures all roofing materials are assembled in the right way. 
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Let’s explore some factors you must contemplate before you hire a roofing contractor.  
Reputation and relevant experience 
The experience of a roofing industrialist in trade roofing is a fundamental indicator of their reliability and expertise. You should look for a contractor who has accomplished projects that match your domain or needs. Check reviews of the contractors on online platforms to investigate the projects that the contractor successfully completed. 
Insurance and license 
All roofing industrialists in any province must have a license which shows that the contractor satisfies the minimum standards of a roofing industrialist. For instance, a commercial roofing contractor in Newport Kentucky, must have a license to operate in Winchester, KY, USA. 
Responsiveness and personalisation 
You must examine the factor of the contract whom you are going to hire has the responsiveness toward the consumers to deliver all authentic information. You also need to evaluate their ability to respond to you quickly during emergy and develop personalised roofing solutions. 
Material quality and warranty 
Evaluate the quality of materials that the contractor will use in your project. Most credible roofing contractors will offer some state of guarantee on their craftsmanship. You must understand the fact that if a contractor is confident about his work’s quality, then there will not be an issue with offering a guarantee. Sum up: Hiring professional roofing contractors is essential for assuring the success of your roofing projects. You should contact a professional trade roof contractor who can offer you personalized services, maintain material quality, and has a strong reputation. Besides, you should also consider examining the fact that the contractor has a relevant license, his ability to be responsive, and others.
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amanktreks · 16 days
FD vs Life Insurance: Understanding the Differences and Making the Right Choice
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When it comes to financial planning, two commonly debated options are Fixed Deposits (FD) and Life Insurance. While both serve distinct purposes, investors often find themselves comparing these two due to their long-term financial benefits. However, they cater to very different financial goals. This blog dives deeper into the differences between FD and Life Insurance, helping you understand how to utilize each effectively.
What is a Fixed Deposit (FD)?
Fixed Deposits (FDs) are savings instruments offered by banks and financial institutions that provide guaranteed returns over a fixed period. The investor deposits a lump sum amount with the bank, which earns interest at a predetermined rate for the tenure chosen by the investor.
Features of FD:
Guaranteed Returns: One of the most attractive features of FDs is the assurance of returns. The interest rate is fixed at the time of investment and remains unaffected by market fluctuations.
Safety: FDs are considered one of the safest investment options, especially for risk-averse individuals. They offer capital protection along with steady returns.
Flexible Tenure: Investors can choose the tenure of their FD, ranging from a few months to several years, depending on their financial goals.
Liquidity: Though FDs are fixed for a tenure, they do offer premature withdrawal options, often with a penalty. This provides a certain level of liquidity to the investor.
Benefits of FD:
Low Risk: FDs are perfect for individuals who prefer low-risk investments with guaranteed returns.
Predictability: Since the interest rate is locked in, investors can predict their returns, making it easier to plan for financial goals.
Tax Benefits: FDs with a tenure of five years or more qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. However, the interest earned is taxable.
What is Life Insurance?
Life Insurance is primarily designed to provide financial protection to your dependents in case of your untimely demise. It is a contract between you and an insurance provider, where the insurer guarantees a sum of money to your beneficiaries upon your death, in exchange for regular premium payments.
Types of Life Insurance:
Term Insurance: This is the most basic form of life insurance. It offers death benefits to the beneficiaries if the policyholder passes away during the policy term. Term insurance is affordable and provides high coverage.
Endowment Policy: This type of life insurance combines insurance coverage with a savings component. It offers both death benefits and maturity benefits if the policyholder survives the policy term.
Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs): ULIPs offer insurance along with investment opportunities. A part of your premium is used for insurance, while the remaining portion is invested in equity or debt funds.
Benefits of Life Insurance:
Financial Protection: The primary purpose of life insurance is to provide financial security to your family in case of your death. This can help cover daily expenses, pay off debts, and secure your family’s future.
Long-Term Savings: Life insurance plans like endowment policies and ULIPs provide savings along with protection, helping you build wealth over time.
Tax Benefits: Life insurance premiums are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C, and the death benefit is typically tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.
FD vs Life Insurance: Key Differences
While both FDs and life insurance are important tools in financial planning, they cater to different needs.
FD: The main objective of an FD is to earn safe, stable returns on your savings.
Life Insurance: The objective of life insurance is to provide financial protection to your dependents in the event of your death.
Risk Factor:
FD: FDs are virtually risk-free. Your principal is secure, and you know exactly what returns you’ll earn.
Life Insurance: Life insurance, especially term plans, carries no investment risk. However, policies like ULIPs involve market risk as part of the premium is invested in market-linked instruments.
FD: The returns from an FD are fixed and predictable, typically ranging from 5-7% per annum. However, they are taxed as per your income slab.
Life Insurance: Term life insurance doesn’t offer returns unless the policyholder dies during the term. ULIPs and endowment policies provide returns, but they are generally lower than equity-based investments.
FD: FDs provide some liquidity, as you can withdraw your money before the maturity period, though a penalty may apply.
Life Insurance: Life insurance policies, especially traditional ones, lack liquidity. Most policies have a lock-in period during which you cannot withdraw funds.
FD: The interest earned on FDs is taxable, making them less tax-efficient.
Life Insurance: Life insurance premiums qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C, and the death benefit is tax-free, making it a more tax-efficient option.
When to Choose FD:
FDs are ideal if your goal is short-term savings and earning a fixed, safe return. They work best for risk-averse individuals who want to avoid market volatility. FDs are particularly useful for building an emergency fund or saving for specific short-term financial goals like a vacation or home renovation.
When to Choose Life Insurance:
Life insurance is essential if you have dependents who rely on your income. It is primarily for providing financial security to your loved ones in your absence. Term insurance, in particular, is a must-have for anyone with financial dependents. Life insurance is also useful for long-term savings, particularly if you opt for ULIPs or endowment plans that combine protection with wealth accumulation.
FDs and Life Insurance serve different financial objectives, and your choice should depend on your individual needs. If you’re looking for guaranteed returns with no risk, FDs are the way to go. However, if your primary goal is to secure your family’s financial future, life insurance should be a priority. Both can coexist in a well-rounded financial plan, ensuring both growth and protection.
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dashcapital · 20 days
The Pros and Cons of Home Loan Insurance: Is It a Must-Have?
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Buying a home is a major milestone, and for most people, it comes with the need for a home loan. While arranging for a home loan, one term that often comes up is home loan insurance. Many potential homeowners wonder whether this insurance is mandatory and whether it is worth the extra cost. This blog will explore the pros and cons of home loan insurance, helping you decide if it is a must-have for your financial security.
What is Home Loan Insurance?
Home loan insurance, also known as mortgage insurance or loan protection insurance, is designed to cover the outstanding home loan amount in case of the borrower’s untimely demise, critical illness, disability, or job loss. The insurance amount is typically used to pay off the remaining home loan amount, ensuring that the family of the borrower is not burdened with debt during challenging times.
The Pros of Home Loan Insurance
Financial Security for Your Family: One of the biggest advantages of home loan insurance is the financial security it provides to the borrower's family. In the event of the borrower's death or disability, the insurance payout helps in repaying the outstanding loan amount. This prevents the family from being burdened with the debt or facing the risk of losing their home.
Covers Critical Illness and Disability: Many home loan insurance policies offer coverage for critical illnesses like cancer, heart attack, or stroke. If the borrower is diagnosed with a covered illness or becomes disabled, the insurance can help pay off the remaining loan amount, reducing financial stress during such a challenging period.
Peace of Mind: With home loan insurance in place, borrowers can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their loved ones will not have to deal with the burden of loan repayment in case of unforeseen circumstances. This assurance allows them to focus on other aspects of life without worrying about what might happen in the future.
Flexible Payment Options: Home loan insurance plans often offer flexible payment options, allowing borrowers to pay premiums in a lump sum or through equated monthly installments (EMIs). This flexibility can make it easier for borrowers to fit the premium payments into their budget.
Additional Benefits: Some home loan insurance policies come with additional benefits like accidental death coverage, waiver of premium on disability, and coverage for loss of employment. These add-ons provide an extra layer of security and can be particularly valuable in specific situations.
The Cons of Home Loan Insurance
Increased Cost: One of the primary drawbacks of home loan insurance is the added cost. Depending on the policy, coverage amount, and the borrower’s age, the premium can add a significant amount to the overall cost of the home loan. This additional expense might strain the borrower’s budget, especially if they are already dealing with other financial obligations.
Limited Coverage: Home loan insurance typically covers only the outstanding loan amount. This means that if the borrower pays off a significant portion of the loan, the coverage amount decreases accordingly. Additionally, not all policies cover job loss, critical illness, or disability, so it is crucial to carefully review the terms and conditions to understand what is included and excluded.
No Benefit for Borrower: In most cases, the benefit of the insurance is realized only if an unfortunate event occurs. Unlike health or life insurance, where policyholders might receive a payout in different circumstances, home loan insurance is specifically tied to the loan repayment. If the borrower completes the repayment without any incidents, there is no direct benefit received from the insurance.
Mandatory Nature by Lenders: While home loan insurance is not legally mandatory, some lenders may insist on it as a condition for approving the loan. This can put borrowers in a position where they feel pressured to purchase insurance they might not want or feel is necessary. It’s important to remember that borrowers have the right to shop around for insurance policies that best suit their needs, rather than taking the one offered by the lender.
No Tax Benefits: Unlike life insurance or health insurance, home loan insurance does not offer any tax benefits under the Income Tax Act of India. This lack of tax incentives can make it less appealing to borrowers who are looking for ways to save on taxes.
Is Home Loan Insurance a Must-Have?
Whether home loan insurance is a must-have depends on individual circumstances. If you are the primary breadwinner and want to ensure that your family is not burdened with loan repayments in your absence, home loan insurance can be a valuable safety net. It offers peace of mind, financial security, and additional coverage options that can be beneficial in the long run.
On the other hand, if you have sufficient life insurance coverage, a stable financial situation, or other assets that can cover the loan, you might consider whether the added cost of home loan insurance is necessary. It's essential to evaluate your financial situation, consider the potential risks, and choose a plan that aligns with your needs.
Home loan insurance is a useful financial tool, providing a safety net for your family and ensuring they are not burdened with loan repayments in case of unforeseen events. However, it comes with its share of drawbacks, such as increased costs and limited benefits. The decision to purchase home loan insurance should be based on a careful assessment of your financial situation, future goals, and personal preferences.
If you're looking for expert guidance on whether home loan insurance is right for you, Dash Capital can help. Our experienced team offers personalized advice on home loans and insurance, ensuring you make an informed decision that fits your financial goals. Visit us today to learn more about our home loan insurance options and how we can assist you in securing a brighter future for you and your loved ones. Reach out to Dash Capital for a consultation today!
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