#Sung Jin-Woo gets wings after becoming the shadow monarch
dashinhfuzzydeer · 10 months
When the black heart of ashborn entered his chest, he always had this feeling. His back was really itchy, he felt uncomfortable, he left like he was squeezed inside a box, he felt like he was trapped.
It was in his fight against the three monarchs, it was after the beast monarch pierced his chest his chest that he felt free.
The skin of his back tore apart as pairs of wings emerged from them. His right side, where his black heart was, it had four vivid black wings whereas his left side, where his human heart was still beating, had four snow white wings.
He finally felt free, his wings extended, stained in his own blood, tearing the muscles and veins clutching them close, it was undoubtedly painful but at the same time, it was so relieving, he felt like he had a cage that had trapped him.
He left free like a bird who wanted to see the end of the horizon.
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