#Supposed ml s5 Bible leak
kisilinramblings · 1 year
I don't know if it's just me but it feels like the writers deliberately thrown out Adrien's support system so he's become dependent on Marinette and Marinette alone and I don't think it's good for him.
I don't think it is ill-intentioned. I think it is more the writers team wanting to keep the story focused, but in S5 especially, it is truth there is a lack of narratives involving Adrien considering other aspects of his life other than his love life which is probably why you feel that way (and I'm pretty sure you aren't the only one).
It's not like during S4. The narrative during that season did "put aside" Chat Noir to better illustrate what Ladybug was doing to him and as viewers, we better understand his sentiment of feeling left out. And this lead him to get this interesting arc of questioning himself. Who is he inside Ladybug's team? Who is he as Adrien? What about his future? What does he want to do later? The scenes he got as so important and critical in his evolution during this arc of his.
In S5, it feels like Adrien is more out to figure how he can be a good boyfriend and setting an example for the young audience.
Not a bad thing by itself. Not to mention I don't often see male characters having this kind of narrative in fiction. That is when the characters do become an item before the end of the show/season and that we don't got that couple broke up the next following. We notably didn't have the chance to have this when Marinette and Adrien were respectively dating Luka and Kagami. Though I do like that Kagami, in her case, point out how envious she is that Adrien has now put up the work and fell back in love with him. For me, this is candy.
Anyway, relationship is work. From both sides. And I really like that Miraculous is giving it attention.
Though it is true that once Adrien starts officially dating Marinette, we don't see much scenes of him with Plagg, with Nino, with the other boys alone or any other character than doesn't revolved of him talking about Marinette. Even with Ladynoir interactions are very few now. (sorry, I am missing them).
Marinette has also a lot of focus on her love life as well this season again, but it is a least a bit more balanced with side stories. Like the miscommunication with Kagami during Perfection. Her trauma. The organization of the bal with Zoé during Adoration. Both Chloé and Lila causing her problems. Whatever is happening with Félix/Argos.
For Adrien, it was different at the beginning of the season. Especially with Evolution or even better Illusion in which we got that story involving how Adrien felt about his image used like that for Alliance, Gabriel trying now to be "involved" in his son's life, La Résistance.
Or in Passion, we got a bit of his relationship with Nathalie where he is reacting about the fact she is sick and don't know what he can do to help.
In Intuition, we do see Adrien gets a bit preoccupied by his father's health, but then Gabriel says to him that he is just overworked and wants to work less and be more present for his son, only for to answer his phone and leave the room with his father's permission. Like Karma right back at Gabriel, but at the same time, I hope this will go somewhere. There was an opportunity there even if Gabriel doesn't deserve it.
And we do get this scene in Pretension where Adrien goes to his room as ordered by his father but is paralyzed and cannot go back to support Marinette. Or have Adrien react with disgust at Gabriel after learning that he will move to London once the school year is over. Illustrating how Adrien is still at Gabriel's mercy, feels he is scared or furious at his father. But hey! At least, we have Adrien keeping out this thing about having to move to London a secret to Marinette for now.
So there is tension in the father and son, and I'm glad there is, but Marinette is the only catalyst when it isn't Nathalie backing up and protecting Adrien behind the scene. And on top of that, Félix decides to switch his attention to Kagami instead of Adrien and hasn't yet told him anything.
Like, please, have someone in this household tell this boy the freaking truth about what is going on so we can see him react a bit and contribute to move things out as well in the best of his abilities.
Anyway, despite this, with 7 episodes left to conclude the Agreste Arc. I'm still interested to see where this is going. And with Season 6 and 7, I'm curious to see what will be next.
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What is this about the season 5 "Bible" being leaked? What happened, where and when??
And most importantly, is it any kind of trustworthy source and where can that be checked and confirmed?
Right now both here on Tumblr and on Twitter I see nothing but vague enough posts ABOUT the supposedly leaked season 5 Bible and while I'm glad that you guys in the ml spoiler tag didnt go total apeshit disregarding everyone else... I would still like to know and find out about this leak to be sure that someone out there isn't completely making a fool out of us other fans with a fake s5 Bible leak. I don't want to say that I don't believe this Bible leak exists at all, but it is suspicious enough that when I look it up I actually only find posts talking ABOUT the Bible, what it supposedly said and people asking to IGNORE said Bible. But never actually the Bible itself or anything DIRECTLY from the Bible that isn't just passed down words.
Cause I'm gonna be honest, Miraculous has a massive spoiler, leak and overall chaotic release culture unlike any other show I have witnessed yet. And we fans are completely desensitized to all of this and don't question this kind of stuff anymore the way we should. If there is any show I can see someone successfully pull of a fake final season Bible hoax right before the season starts its definitely Miraculous.
The only thing I found that I can say is definitely credible is that Thomas Astruc acknowledged the leak in a tweet and didn't call it out as a fake or anything right there and then
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But even here it's important to not just jump to conclusions right of the bat and acknowledge that there is still a big grey area free for interpretation to be read in this tweet. There is NEVER just one way to read something like this and the original intentions behind it also can vary widely. I learned to be very VERY careful with vague stuff like this. Especially with as little information as I can actually find online for the Bible leak (much less the leak itself) I just wanna throw out there that this may not be a direct "no" to discredit it, but at the same time this also isn't a direct "yes" either.
It's an acknowledgment that the Bible leak exists and that there is something about the matter that Astruc definitely takes seriously. But what the aspect of the content of the Bible is that he takes serious and to what degree can not be said from the tweet alone.
Let's say hypothetically the Bible leak is a huge fake and incorporates 15 big informations about the season, 13 of it are bullshit but 2 actually managed to hit the nail on its head. Then for these 2 informations alone this tweet would be warranted since Miraculous leaks and spoilers have the tendency to go viral incredibly fast with people taking too much at face value. Miraculous is in an increasingly vulnerable position regarding potential fake leaks, more than any show I have ever seen.
Look, don't read this as me saying I deny the possibility of the Bible leak actually being real and that whatever is spreading around the internet right now is not to be taken seriously at all. Of course not.
I'm just asking to step back a bit, look at the situation at hand and the actual informations you have to go off of and question it more than just on face value. This is the internet, false information are spread like wildfire and theoretically speaking, every information you get on the internet should be questioned for its biased and background while being taken with a healthy dosis of caution.
I guess I'm not so much asking for you to not take the leaked Bible itself seriously, the situation I see probably just rubs me the very wrong way because I can't find too much substantial and credible when I'm looking for it online now which makes it seem like a prime example of people (especially young people/kids like the main audience for miraculous would be) being taken advantage of, manipulated through false information and desensitized to believing sourceless news/informations on the internet right of the bat.
I guess where I am getting at here at the core is to please be careful with informations and leaks like these. Check the sources, anything official you can put your trust in and most importantly take everything you see with a grain of salt. I'm not saying don't believe it at all, acknowledge the possibility that it might be true but keep at the back of your head that there are countless ways for this to have played out behind the scenes than you assumed at the first glance and that you simply don't know what the actual truth in this regard is.
Acknowledge the information but also acknowledge how little you know when it comes to big stuff like this, especially when there isn't alot to find source-wise. Miraculous is a fictional story so there is not too much harm being done to not take fact-checking this super seriously. But there are endless examples like this regarding the actual real world and real world problems where source wise you get just as little and people are getting taken advantage of and manipulated on grand scales by other people with the needed know how to believe false informations.
Miraculous is fictional but the desensitizing/manipulative nature leaks/spoilers can have (especially as massive as it always happens with Miraculous) are very much real and I guess I'm just asking you guys to be careful.
I find it hard enough to sometimes actually take any tweet of any of the ml screw members seriously and at face value because they simplify or straight up contradict what's going on it the show to a degree I refuse to support. And now someone anonymous leaked the s5 Bible and I can't find too much credible about it?
Yeah, I'm gonna take this with a HUGE grain of salt and wait for the show to actually air to see what happens.
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