#Suzanne Glendenning
thecoachingdirectory · 9 months
What is hypnosis and how does it work? There has been a lot written about hypnosis and pretty much everyone has an opinion of what it is and how it works. Some people believe it can help, but other people are afraid without understanding the process. Here are some myths and learn what happens when hypnosis is used. Check this out!
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feedimo · 3 years
Red Fred’s redemption and a treble for Chelsea’s women – Football Weekly
Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay, Troy Townsend and Suzanne Wrack to discuss the Premier League and the Women’s FA Cup Final
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source https://feedimo.com/story/125801030
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thecoachingdirectory · 10 months
What’s your perspective on your role in life? Sometimes our influence is supporting and regenerative although unfortunately, it can often be destructive even if that is not our initial intention. We can be drawn to the negative rather than what is possible for us. What is your personal perspective? Check this out to learn more.
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What is hypnosis and how does it work? There has been a lot written about hypnosis and pretty much everyone has an opinion of what it is and how it works. Some people believe it can help, but other people are afraid without understanding the process. Here are some of the myths around this process and look at what happens when hypnosis is used. Check this out!
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Are you one of those person who are playing the blame game? Responsibility and accountability are important issues and should be part of the team values but getting into the blame game is an unnecessary minefield. People often feel if they apologize for incorrectly or unfairly blaming someone else then it’s OK. Who do you blame when something goes wrong? Check this out to learn more!
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Time is a valuable resource, and our use or misuse of time is something we are personally responsible for. The reality is that we all have the same amount of time each day as any of the world leaders but it’s what you do with the time you have that counts. It's about time. Focus on what is important to you and why. Read on to learn more.
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Do you have the habit of overthinking things? This habit might be holding you back from making sound and productive decisions. Overthinking can become an obstacle to success. Many of us choose to participate in this time-wasting and frustrating behavior without even consciously realizing it. Check this out to learn more that can help you achieve your goals.
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What’s your perspective on your role in life? Sometimes our influence is supporting and regenerative although unfortunately, it can often be destructive even if that is not our initial intention. We can be drawn to the negative rather than what is possible for us. It’s all about perspective. We could try taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions, and the outcomes of both and dare to let go of dependence and be accountable for creating positive change. Read on to learn more.
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thecoachingdirectory · 10 months
What game are you playing? It’s not my fault. I didn’t do it. It’s not my responsibility. Someone else must have messed up. Who is to blame for this? Is this a dialogue you are familiar with? Blaming is a waste of time, it can be demeaning, derisive, and unproductive. Check this out to learn more.
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thecoachingdirectory · 10 months
Want to know how to make your journey a little easier how to gain clarity on what it is you want and why, and how to work on your desired outcome? There is so much advice out there about achieving the perfect life that it’s easy to become overloaded. Unfortunately, not all of that information is genuinely helpful. Here are the 9 tips on how to get the right picture for your life jig saw. Check this out!
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thecoachingdirectory · 10 months
Time is a valuable resource, and our use or misuse of time is something we are personally responsible for. We talk about work/life balance, but working out how to manage our time, actually takes time. For many, this simply reinforces the perception that we just don’t have sufficient time management skills, but is that simply an excuse? Read on to learn more.
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Do you want to make your journey a little easier? You might need help to gain clarity on what it is you want and why, and how to work on your desired outcome, whilst addressing the fears that can hold you back and distort your perfect picture. Here are 9 tips on how to get the right picture for your life jig saw. Check this out!
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There has been a lot written about hypnosis and pretty much everyone has an opinion of what it is and how it works. Some people believe it can help, but other people are afraid without understanding the process. What is hypnosis and how does it work? Read on to learn more..
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Want to know how to get the right picture for your life jig saw? Suzanne Glendenning of Quantum Results Coaching International, share some tips that can help you put the right pieces in the right place to make it happen. Check this out!
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Do you have an issue or challenge that has been weighing down on you long enough? Do you have any idea what hypnosis is and how does it work? As someone who uses hypnosis regularly, Suzanne Glendenning, in her practice, she decided to tackle some of the myths around this process and look at what happens when hypnosis is used. Read on to learn more.
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Who do you blame when something goes wrong? When do you choose to blame rather than confer and discuss? Who is responsible for ensuring that the person who made the mistake was trained and advised correctly? The blame game shouldn’t be left in the playground, it shouldn’t be there in the first place. What game are you playing? Read on to learn more.
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