#Swamo Creature is stuff I figured was in the primordial soul
ratwavegamehouse · 9 months
So GREED is a really cool game. It's got a super engaging voice, a vivid setting and it looks like it's really fun to toss characters into the meat grinder that is the Plerorealm.
If you haven't checked out GREED yet you absolutely should.
Gormengeist so made a Letterbox list of GREEDlike films and that's honestly such a simple but cool idea I was surprised I'd never seen it before. I've seen (and made) lots of Spotify playlists which is in the same vein.
So I was inspired by this (and also I'm having a bad fibro flare and can't really leave bed much) so put together some Letterboxd lists for some of my own games. Check them out here:
Fear the Taste of Blood
Wild Duelist
How to Embrace a Swamp Creature
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