#Swap into the crystalverse
huffle-dork · 6 months
Since the Switch part of SITCV is done here’s the very first thing I drew for it!
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I absolutely ADORE Alt’s outfit! …which is just like his normal stuff just switched around BUT STILL and bros mix of casual and hero clothes was fun too JGHH
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A forced bow
Anyways been having many thoughts about the swap au
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crystalninjaphoenix · 6 months
is Jackie trans in the paranormal preeteens fic? (if so. Yippie! /pos)
Firstly) the fact that he's changed his name
Second) in Swap into the Crystalverse which i'm not sure how cannon it is to the actual fic (but is still fucking cool regardless) his reaction to Alt's pin is:
'"Oh, I-I um, oh, the, uh--" The boy's face is slowly turning red. "They--they all look cool, but, uh…" He hesitates, then jabs a finger towards the trans one. "Thatoneanywayyeah my name's Jackie'
And THEN he says
Jackie laughs awkwardly. "Y-yeah. Nice that you got that from him. I'm sure my dad would get me one… if we knew where to get them." Anyway. Time to shut up. He probably gets it.
Idk if i'm reading to much into this? maybe I am lol but also if not, thats so fucking cool :D I love Trans Jackie Head cannons <3
Yep, Jackie is trans in Paranormal Preteens! :D In fact, Jackie is trans in every fic I write. It’s a core fact of the “Crystalverse”. PNPT!Jackie had such a strong reaction to Alt’s trans pun because, as a teenager in a small town in 2008-9, he hasn’t met many other queer people. It’s exciting for him! :D
As for the canonicity of SItCV to my fics at large, it’s… sort of canon? I won’t be referencing any of the events in my fics, but the world and information and characters’ traits presented in SItCV is all canon, if that makes sense ^-^
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artoutoftheblue · 2 years
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16 || They/Them || Ace & Pangender || American (Central Daylight Time) || Autism/Asperger's Syndrome, Suspected BPD, ADHD, Anxiety, Executive Dysfunction, Anger Issues (which I do my best to keep at a down low) and Depression
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2. Overseas AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
3. Breaking the Bounds AU (My SAMS AU) (Updated Post) (Current Statuses of the characters): Art tag, Rambling tag
4. Roleplay AU (Has yet to be named)
5. Shapeshifter AU (I'll bring it back eventually)
6. Warrior Cats x SBS AU (Statuses of woodclan) (Statuses of other clans): Art tag, Rambling tag
7. Lord Solar AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
8. Confined to one Spot AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
9. Mask of Innocence AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
10. Lord Crimson AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
11. The Cost of Doubling Down AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
12. Wings of Fire x SBS AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
13. Swap!BTB AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
14. Game of Thrones x SBS AU (still in the works)
15. Stranger Things x SBS AU (Still in the works)
16. Always Evil AU (still in the works): Art tag, Rambling tag
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24: TSAMS Demon AU (info post): Art + Rambling tag
Crossovers I post about sometimes:
-General Crossover Tag
1. Breaking the Bounds AU x Celestial Siblings Show: Tag
2. Breaking the Bounds AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
3. Breaking the Bounds AU x Crystalverse AU: Tag
4. Lord Solar AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
5. Overseas AU x Celestial Siblings Show AU: Tag
6. Overseas AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
7. WC x SBS AU x Celestial Siblings Show AU: Tag
8. Hunger Games Time Loop Crossover (death post): Tag
9. Hunger Games Game Night Crossover
10. Confined to One Spot AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
11. Mask of Innocence AU x Celestial Siblings Show AU: Tag
12. Lord Crimson AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
13. RightHand Supernova AU: Tag
14. Breaking the Bounds AU x Red Blue and Black AU: Tag
15. Celestial Siblings Show AU x Haunted Stars AU: Tag
16. Supernova AU x Haunted Stars AU: Tag
17. Red Blue and Black AU x Haunted Stars AU: Tag
(If you wanna crossover with any of my aus then @ me with some scenarios! I love doing crossovers with anyone!)
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youvereachedthebadend · 2 months
((I know its unlikely to happen since it doesn't fit the format of SATCV, but each time I read the current bad end chapters I start wondering how the swap boys would react to the voices.
Given that they were already a bit uneasy with the "Jack can't be seen or heard" thing I'm ready to bet that adding the voice would freak them out, ha ha)) -:)
((Oh god yeah XD Disembodied voices aren't really a thing in Huffle's Swap Boys world, they would have no frame of reference other than "...ghosts?"))
((Unfortunately since me and Huffle already wrote everything, there is no opportunity for the voices to show up in SAtCV. And you're right, it doesn't really fit the format, does it? But fun fact, technically, unlike with all my other writing, the Swap Boys visiting the Bad End is probably canon. It just happened during a time when the voices weren't there. So you could totally reference the events of Swap Across the Crystalverse (and its future sequel hehehe) in an ask and the guys would know what you were talking about.))
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huffle-dork · 6 months
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Since we’re all wrapped up on the Septicheroes chapters of SITCV here’s Windstorm and Bro being silly <3 love they!!
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huffle-dork · 6 months
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Hey y’all! Merry Christmas :) me and @crystalninjaphoenix wanted to treat y’all this year to a collab we did!! So- starting tomorrow we’re gonna be releasing chapters from a rp story we did where Bro, Alt and Magnificent are thrown into a bunch of Cry’s fic universes! We had sooo much fun writing this and we’re so excited to share it with you all!
I’m gonna release the first two chapters for y’all tomorrow here and on AO3! If y’all have any questions or wanna be tagged when it’s released, let me know! :D
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Oh yeah this is what Alt walked into when he got to lil Chase’s house HFGVB
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And the asshole cat in all his glory jghvh
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huffle-dork · 6 months
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One of my fav bits of worldbuilding in the Fantasy Masks AU is how Cry handles queer topics in a respectful and believable way! Like the concept of “born in a different name” which is being transgender! And just the whole concept of gender in Glasúil is so well done! So- here’s a moment from the latest SITCV chapter where the boys bond over being Trans <3
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Heyyy so one of my fav parts of SITCV just got posted and it’s my fav cuz of this guy :)
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A fucked up fusion of Alt and Stitched Anti me and Cry started calling Backstitch! He’s so fucked up I love him and his part of the fic sooo much!
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap into the Crystalverse Chapter 1: Switch
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix
Read Swapboys | Read Switch | Read SwitchSwap | AO3 Link
Tag list: @brokentimewatch
AN: so I haven’t written any more of switchswap yet cuz I gotta finish alt.exe first but Cry knows the plot points I’m planning so like- this takes place after switchswap where the Switch and Swap boys know each other and alludes to stuff that’ll happen in switchswap without giving away too much plot hghgg I’m sorry writing is hard but! I love this part :’) hope you enjoy!
After the chaos that just happened, Bro Fantastic is met with sudden calm. It's late afternoon, and he's standing on a set of train tracks. On either side are station platforms with benches and lights that are just now turning on in preparation for evening. Everything is quiet.
There's a man on one of the platforms. He has brown hair, dyed with streaks of green and black, and heterochromiac eyes: one blue, one green. One hand is reaching inside his black jacket's pocket, the other is held out, protectively shielding a redheaded boy--small for his age--who seems very curious about what just happened. "Get off the tracks!" the man says. "There's gonna be--wait a second, do I know you?"
Bro Fantastic shakes off the wave of vertigo from whatever that spell was and then dips down to his knees, clutching his burnt stomach. He blearily looks out at the man shouting at him- he looks like Jackie but… edgier- wait-!
Bro’s eyes widen and then he pushes himself off the tracks and bursts into the air then quickly lands in front of the man and boy. He laughs a bit dazedly, gripping his wound. “A-Anti!” He exclaims, blue silver power bright in his eyes. “Thank god this place has at least something familiar…”
Anti's eyes narrow in suspicion, then widen again. "Oh, fuck, yeah! You're--wait." He glances at the redheaded boy. "Uh, I mean--"
"Dad, I'm eleven, I hear you say that all the time," the boy says.
Anti laughs. "Alright, fine." He turns back to Bro. "You're from that--that other place. You're... Chase. Right. Sorry, I forgot your name." Then he notices the wound. He inhales sharply. "A-are you alright? Stupid question, you're not. Shit, we have to get to a hospital, uhhh..." He pulls out his phone.
Chase waves Anti off and tries not to let himself grimace, “no no I… I’m fine- I can heal fast just- hurts like a bitch till then…”
"I'm Will," says the boy.
Bro smiles down at the boy and waves, “Hi Will, you’re Anti’s son, huh? He def mentioned you pretty sure…”
"Yeah, this is Will," Anti repeats. "What're you doing here, anyway? How are you here?"
Chase’s eyes then widen as he straightens up and looks around frantically, “Oh shit right-! Uh I don’t know how it happened but- Magnificent… he took Alt- and made him use this weird doorway thingy! And then- god everything happened so fast… there was this huge burst of light then… I was here.” He shakes his head, “But god damn this… this isn’t good- Mag could still have Alt or- or he might go after some of you all again-!”
He looks at Anti desperately, squeezing his aching stomach. “Anti, can you help me find them?”
"Doorway thing...?" Anti is confused by that, but decides to move on. He's seen weirder. The point is that shit's going down. "Yeah, man, of course I'll help you find them. If that cat c--bitch is here, it could mean trouble..." He shivers just remembering things in that other world. "I gotta get Will home first, though. Or, maybe to Rama's house, it'll be safer that way. Yeah, I can call them to come here and pick him up."
"Daaaad," Will whines.
"No, don't be like that, bud, this is dangerous. Rama will keep you safe." Anti looks down at his phone again and starts tapping. "If you're sure that you can heal, we'll forget the hospital. I'm texting the others to let them know. Maybe they've seen Alt or Magnificent. In the meantime... I dunno. I need to stay here and wait for Rama to come get Will. You can stay too, or maybe I can give you the others' addresses and you can start looking around? Do you have your phone with you?"
Chase pats down his outfit in mid panic before relaxing, pulling out his phone. He’s not even in his super suit- but he does keep his utility belt tucked under his shirt sometimes. He’s wearing a tank top that looks like his super suit but with his emblem tinier in the upper corner- new merch he was trying out… heroes gotta eat too you know? And of course- his signature jacket, but one of his knock off ones that had a hood. He might not even need to whip out his mask- “yeah yeah I got it I….” He grips at his stomach and pushes past a wave of pain but it’s getting less and less. Only problem with super healing is it took energy from other parts of his body- meaning he might be grounded for a bit. God that sucked ass… but the others were always telling him he shouldn’t be pushing through injuries anyways. But his nerves were on fire thinking about Alt…
“I… fuck I guess I should try to recover for now… I might get myself lost otherwise. Hopefully one of the others might run into Alt…” He chewed on his lip in worry. “I hope he’s okay… and that whatever magic Mag used- hopefully he’ll be out of commission for a bit…” But- things like that don’t usually go their way.
"Okay good." Anti looks at him, concerned. "Yeah, sit down, man. There are benches everywhere. Alt's pretty tough, he'll be fine for a little while." Probably. Maybe.
Bro nods and stumbles to sink into a bench, holding his wound. He could feel it closing up and hardening but god that burned like a motherfucker. Sometimes he hated his ability- but it made it so he could save people faster and that’s what matters.
"Okay so I don't think cell reception works in other universes but WiFi is probably fine, so turn on the WiFi texting option so we can reach you just in case. I'll call my friend to come get Will." Anti glances down at his own phone. "Looks like Jackie and Schneep might be here soon, too. Good."
"I like your jacket," Will says to Bro.
Anti laughs. "Yeah, his jacket is cool."
Bro blinks and then smiles at Will, “Thanks lil dude! I… designed it myself- kinda- this is, a knockoff of the one I made. Superhero Fan merch you know-“ ah his delirium is showing off his adhd wonderful but hey, maybe this kid likes superheroes…
"Oh, cool. A real superhero?" Will's eyes are wide. "Like Uncle Schneep? Wicked. Michelle would go crazy!"
Bro grins wide and nods, “Yup! I’m Bro Fantastic~!” Shit did he even have his mask? He was too tired to check- would be cool to show the kid though. “Though you little dude, can just call me Chase if ya want- or bro~!”
Will looks over at Anti. "How do you know this guy?!"
Anti smiles gently. Eleven-year-olds are probably smart enough to understand multiverses, right? But are they emotionally ready to deal with that being real? Probably not. "It's a long story." Anti sits down on the other side of the bench Bro sits on. "Uh... we have some time. I'll explain..." Bro settles in to listen to Anti’s retelling, even if all he could feel was dull panic swirling in his gut.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, Alt pops into being in a suburb. It's fairly ordinary-looking. Houses are taken care of. Except... for one. One that has yellowing grass, grayed peeling paint, and shingles falling off the roof. But Alt doesn't see that right away. He appears with his back to it.
Alt’s body is hard to piece back together at first, pixels and shapes at first before finally snapping back together. He crashes to the ground and grips tightly at his arm, biting back a pained scream. Black magic pulses painfully in his veins and it burned, eating away at him. Purple still fought in his eyes but- he was away from Mag and his influence so it was starting to clear. He grit his teeth and ducked his head to the ground, letting out an angry scream. “that MOTHER F̵̟̂U̵̎̉C̷̡̈́Ḱ̸͊E̵͐̒R̷͂̇!”
Okay okay- he needed to try to figure out what the hell was happening… all he could piece together was Mag took him, and used him for something. Something dangerous… Chase was there but- didn’t manage to stop it. Alt finally peeks up his head to try to look around, feeling himself pale. This… this wasn’t Brighton- it didn’t feel right. God no- did Mag actually manage to- to multiverse hop?? And he used Alt to do it!
Alt glitches angrily and curses up a storm as he tries to get to his feet. Ugh he feels faint- but he has to try to get up. He has to stop Mag- he has to find Chase!
As Alt struggles to get up, the door to the house behind him slowly opens. Then he hears it. The voice, so hard to describe and yet so distinct in its indistinctness.
"Well look who's back!"
Alt’s blood runs cold and he stumbles back from the door, unable to stop his limbs from starting to tremble. His eyes widen and he tries to glitch back but the black magic flares and leaves his body only fizzing with glitches. “No- no no no- not you…!” He whispers, dread filling every inch of his body.
Distorter giggles. How did he get so close to Alt without him realizing?! He's only a few feet away. "How'd you get here, Anti?" he asks, grin widening. "All by yourself, too? None of those friends of yours with you? Aw, what a shame. But it's okay." He takes a few steps forward. "They'd only get in the way." His head tilts to the side. "Looks like you're having trouble there. Can't get those powers to work like they should? How useless."
Alt’s panicking, trying to back away as he feels gray fogging up his vision. No no no!
“I… I don’t know- Mag… Mag did something…! He… he…” Alt tries to get his magic to work- but anything he tries to summon has the dark magic reacting in kind, sapping his energy. Still, Alt tries to hold out a sparking hand, blue and green struggling to flare up in his eyes. “S-stay back-! G-get away from me!!!”
"Oh? But it sounds like you need help. I'm happy to be there." Distorter's grin widens further. He walks right up to Alt, undeterred by his threats and sparking, and reaches out with a blackened hand. Stay calm, Alt. Nothing bad is going to happen =)
Alt shudders and tries to pull away but his thoughts start to fizzle into nothing but fog. Especially as Distorter manages to grab him.
He… he does need help. He’s in pain- he’s scared. Distorter can… can help… right? He’s… he’s helped before… right? It was all so… fuzzy.
Calm washes over him so fast he nearly loses his balance. It’s like all his senses have been turned down to zero. His eyes widen and the magic around him fizzles into the air into nothing but spare electricity.
“…help…” He whimpers- whether it’s to Distorter or a cry for someone else… it’s hard to say.
"Shh. Don't worry." Distorter's smile widens again as he steadies Alt from falling, holding him up. His grip is tight, clenching his upper arms. "Do you think that Magnificent came with you? He probably did, right? We should go find him before he finds you." Maybe this time he'd get one up on that magician. He'd be a useful friend. Or at the very least, it would be good to stop him before he messed with the others.
Alt swayed in Distorter’s grip, head threatening to fall to his chest. It felt like something was trying to leak out of his eye but he could barely feel it. “Yeah… mag… mag’s here.., we… we gotta… gotta stop him…”
Distorter was powerful, he could help Alt stop magnificent. …they were friends after all…
Distorter briefly wonders if any more people from Alt's universe showed up. If they did, it would be good to have a... shield of some kind. "Come on. We'll go together. We'll help each other. You can protect me, and I'll make sure nothing bothers you."
“Mmmmkay… yeah…” Alt muttered dazedly, eyes glazing over. “We can… protect e’chther…” His mouth didn’t want to work.
His mind tried to wander, brief panic flickering in his gut. A smiling face was in his vision- a nicer smile then Distorter’s… with sun kissed cheeks that radiated warmth. But, Alt couldn’t grasp onto why he was important. It didn’t matter. Distorter would tell him what mattered.
"Exactly." Distorter lets go of Alt, letting him balance on his own two feet. Is he still swaying? Whatever happened to him before must've done a real number on him. It'll be fine, though. Nothing to worry about. Now... where to go? He thinks about it for a moment, then nods. "Magnificent will try to head to a certain place sooner or later. Let's see if we can beat him there." He disappears from Alt's vision, reappearing some way down the sidewalk. "This way."
Alt nods distantly and trembles slightly before pulling his body to walk after Distorter. He gripped at his arm, a dull ache trying to make itself known. Blood flowed slowly down his cheeks as he dazedly walked after Distorter. He had to find Magnificent… he had to. Nothing else mattered.
Magnificent himself has appeared in a different, unfamiliar location--just as he wanted. This looks like a neighborhood, made up of rows and rows of old-fashioned-looking townhouses. He stands near a street intersection No people or cars are in sight... but there's a weird green glow coming from around one corner.
Magnificent looks around his new surroundings, a burst of pride and erratic excitement overcoming him. He laughed madly, clawing back his hair as he took stock of himself. Kinda weak from the spell but nothing he can’t recover… he just needed another source of magic to steal. But, at least he had enough to disguise himself… he can’t draw too much attention to himself right away. In a buzz of static his eccentric clothes change into something light and casual- a dark green button up, a black blazer, black pants and purple dress shoes. His scar is disguised- his hair pulled up into a brunette bun on his head. He grinned and checked himself over. Alright- perfectly normal!
He closed his eyes to let out some energy, trying to see if he can sense any magic sources nearby. Once recovered… he could hunt down the greatest sources of magic he can find here…
He opens his eyes to notice the green light and tilted his head curiously, much like a cat would. He started to slink towards it, almost hungrily.
There is a man standing at a bus stop. He's wearing a red jacket, which calls Jackie to mind, but he's not him. His hair is dyed green like meadow grass and his eyes are framed by a pair of glasses. The green glow is coming from something... floating... near the man. Something... green. And... spherical. It's moving up and down somewhat frantically, making it hard to notice details.
"--can't figure out what you're saying if you go so fast!" The man is talking to the floating thing. "I get it, it's important, but--really? Yeah, I know, but I can't fucking drive, do you want me to just walk away? We can keep going to their house--Okay, okay! Look, calm down, anyone could see you." The man glances around--and notices Magnificent. He freezes like a deer caught in headlights. The green thing also freezes and ducks behind him, like it's hiding.
Magnificent smiles charmingly at the two as he approaches. “Well… don’t you keep the most peculiar company?” He muses silkily, walking up but stopping just a bit short of the pair.
“You seem distressed, young man. Might I ask what’s troubling you and your… pet?” His eyes locked into the glow from the spherical thing- he couldn’t understand the power that came from it but it had something. And that was enough…
"Uhhh..." Jack takes a single step backwards, immediately wary. This stranger... he looks like Marvin, but he obviously can't be him. Unless he figured out some new spell with those cards, but even if he did, Marvin would never call Sam a pet. "W-well, I... I'm actually on my way to visit some friends, but they... want to leave..."
Sam wants to leave because Sam was suddenly struck by the feeling that something terrible is going to happen. And as they hide behind him, they say that this might be it.
No kidding. But Jack's not sure how to proceed. He didn't expect to be ambushed by...whoever this is. Maybe this is one of Distorter's tricks that he heard so much about? "And, uh... I-I don't want to upset them, so I'll just... hurry and go..." Sam really doesn't want him to go to Marvin and JJ's house. They say the bad feeling just gets worse when they think about that.
Magnificent tilts his head like a predator looking down at its prey. Jack can see his image stutter slightly, one of his eyes glowing green, the other devoid of life, surrounded by ugly raised scars like cris cross over each other like lightning. But, the image quickly fades as the stranger smiles.
“I see- well. Don’t let me keep you! Sounds like this is an urgent matter… so sorry to disturb.”
It was taking everything in him not to pounce right now- but he needs to be patient. In control.
"Uh... yeah." Jack starts walking backwards... slowly... and then abruptly turns and hurries away, walking as fast as possible without actually running--who knows what would happen if he ran?! Sam perches on his shoulder as he fumbles with his pocket and starts pulling out the phone. He has to tell the others! This feels like some weird shit that'll involve them!
Ah perfect- these idiotic humans never thought about how bad it was to turn their back on a threat. Mag grins and then lashes out a hand to try to grab Sam in a flash of purple and green magic.
Sam's pupil widens as the magic grabs them and yanks them back. Jack immediately stops and spins around. "Sam!" he cries. "No no no, let them go!" Sam squirms, nerve-tail lashing, and Magnificent now has a clear view of them in all their eyeball-ness for the first time.
Magnificent’s eyes widen at the sight then he laughs, holding the eye up closer to his face with his magic. “Well aren’t you a curious little thing?” He purrs. He then cups his hands around the eyeball and starts to crush his magic around them. “I hope you’re not too attached to your human, little eye, because I need whatever magic or power is running through those nerves of yours!”
He’s not sure if he can- but he tries to see if he can siphon some magic from this strange glowing creature.
Sam squirms, tail lashing. Their glow dims slightly and Magnificent feels... something. It feels sour, in some way. And sharp. But it's only a small trickle, and their glow is still going pretty strong.
Magnificent squirms slightly at the feeling of the magic he siphoned. Unpleasant… but something…
"Hey! Asshole!" Jack looks around, desperately. He doesn't want to get too close but he can't just let Sam be hurt. In desperation--acting on instinct and not really thinking--he throws his phone at Magnificent. Immediately regretting it the moment it leaves his hand but oh well its too late now he's committed!
Before Mag could push for more he hears the shout and then lifts up a hand to catch the phone in a wave of magic.
Unnatural cat-like eyes meet Jack’s glowing in the night as the man grins. “ooooh? Is the human thinking himself brave? How adorable~!”
He flicks his hand and his magic darts back to make Jack’s phone hit in the stomach. Magnificent’s voice darkens to something dangerous, “I have no use for useless things like you- get out of my sight and I might spare you~” He chuckles, crushing a hand around Sam.
Jack staggers back and barely manages to grab his phone before it falls to the ground. What should he do? What can he do?! He looks at Sam. Their nerve-tail flails wildly, but they tell Jack to get out of here, that they don't think anything too bad will happen. But Jack can't just leave them!
Then he has an idea. He makes a show of fumbling with his phone as he puts it back in his jacket pocket, using the motion to hide him dialing the first number on his recent contacts. "I-I'm not useless," he says, further distracting this--this evil doppleganger. "I--I know about you. Or--or your kind. You're a magician, aren't you?! What are you going to do with Sam? They can't--they can't help people like you!"
Magnificent chuckles more and tosses Sam up and down in his magic, like someone throwing a ball. “I guess you could lump me up in that title- though I am something far greater~!” He purrs with pride. “As for your little creature- I don’t need much… just a bit of whatever power they have to claim for my own. Then- I can hunt for… bigger fish~” Mag’s eyes glow brighter as he grins. “You know of magicians- that means some are around… I guess you were more useful to me than I thought!”
He shakes his head and then looks down at Sam. “Though- you are rather unusual, little eye… maybe I should keep you to study closer, hm?”
Nope nope nope nope--Jack can feel Sam's distress at that statement. They say something about deja vu and other Sams that he doesn't quite understand, but it's not the time to ask about that. "No!" Jack blurts out. "No, you can't--you can't get anything from them!" That sounds desperate (which it is) but he's pretty sure it's true. "I can--i-if you're so curious I can tell you anything you want about them, just leave them alone!"
There's a faint voice on the other end of the phone conversation. He can barely hear it but it's recognizable. He wonders how fast they can get here. Even if they run it'll take a while--maybe there's some magic that can help.
Magnificent studies Jack with a critical eye. He could see a faint magic aura from this boy- but it’s faint. Not even flowing in his blood, just there. How disappointing.
Mag pulls his lip back in a snarl. “I have no time to waste on hardly magic mortals, boy. I doubt any information you know will even be of use to me.”
Mag squeezes at Sam trying to see if he can get another inkling of magic- he can’t teleport right now, and he isn’t stooping down to running away from something that’s not even a threat.
Jack's heart pounds in his chest. Sam is begging him to leave, to run, reassuring him they'll be alright. He doesn't believe them. But he'd be no help if he gets himself killed. He stands there, frozen, watching Magnificent squeeze his friend--
And then there's a puff of blue smoke behind Magnificent. Before it even disperses there are three wheels of blue light spinning out, heading straight for Magnificent.
The dark magician barely has a chance to suck anything from the eye before he’s struck by bolts of blue light. One hits his arm- then the others manage to throw him off his feet, He flies back, the magic holding back Sam crackling into static. He yells in anger, his disguise also melting away to show the masked villain in all his dramatic glory.
He turns to snarl at the source of magic that dared to strike him-!
Jameson stands there, hands raised, a shield crystalizing into place even as the smoke from the teleportation spell still lingers. His eyes widen. He thought he recognized the voice over the phone but he hoped he was wrong.
Sam flies to Jack as soon as they're able, smacking into his chest. He catches them and holds them close to his chest.
Go! Jameson signs.
Jack hesitates.
Go! He repeats, more insistently. Tell the others!
After another second, Jack nods, and turns and runs.
Jameson lets out a breath of relief. He just needs to distract Magnificent for long enough. He's sure that the dark magician would prefer him as a target instead of Jack.
And he's right- Magnificent's eyes light up hungrily as he pulls himself and sways slightly, looking off kilted as he grins wildly. "Well well well! Hello there, kitten~!" He laughs. "Oh I was hoping the universe would be kind to me... and they deliver you here to me on a sliver platter!"
The mad magician then lunges at Jameson with his hand outstretched- trying to grab him with his claws.
Luckily, Jameson's shield is solid. He spins it around to block Magnificent's attack. How are you here?! he asks, unsure if Mag would know what he's saying. Then he puts his hands together, cupping them like he's holding a ball. A sphere of blue light forms in his hands and he drops it on the ground, letting it splash. The magic spreads across the sidewalk, turning it blue and slick like ice.
Magnificent bangs across the shield and then jumps back, landing in a crouched position on the sidewalk. His eyes reflect the light like a cats as he giggles, pulling himself up to full height.
A voice slithers into Jameson's head, purring, "Now Jameson... so hostile~! Is this anyway to treat your master?" His eyes are swirling as he tries to advance. "It'd be so much easier if you didn't fight, little bird... I won't harm you, I only need to borrow something from you."
The magic spreads across the sidewalk and Magnificent stumbles then hurries to hold himself up, trying not to fall flat on his face. He growls. Being drained is a real inconvenience... but all he had to do was make Jameson fall back under his thrall.
Jameson flinches back, keeping the shield up. He smiles a bit as he sees Magnificent stumble--there's something vindicating about that--but it distracts him for just enough to make eye contact. The swirls are familiar... comforting... His shield is flickering... No--no! He shakes his head and tries to resist but... why would you resist something so beautiful? The shield dies quickly.
Magnificent grins even wider and strides forward more, humming. "Very very good, birdie~! Fall nice and deep for me... and this won't hurt a bit~"
He approaches and then grabs Jameson's arm, digging his nail into the skin, branches of black veins spreading across the surface. Then, he tries to siphon magic from the magician, greedy trying to pull as much as he can.
Jameson shivers. There's a dead feeling creeping into him from his arm, from the spot where Magnificent grabbed him. He looks down and sees the black veins spreading. Faint alarm bells go off in his head but he can't bring himself to do anything about it, even as weakness makes his arms and legs tremble. He falls to his knees, breathing heavily.
The air seems to shimmer...
Magnificent laughs as blue light floods into his veins, pulsing with energy then fading to blazing purple. He feels his magic and strength returning. He doesn't drain Jameson completely though, not yet- He may be of use to him... he needs to find another way to hop to the next multiverse before he finishes up here. Oh and find his cub... just in case. But, this will suffice for now~
He lets Jameson drop to the ice below and sighs dreamily, "Mmmm just what I needed! Thank you very much, Jameson~!" He then bends down to pick him up by his hair and hums in thought, "You should stick by me though, little lark~ I may have further use of you."
The mad magician is too distracted by his prize to notice anything shimmering in the air-
Jameson's eyes are glazed over. He doesn't react at all to anything Magnificent is saying or doing. The combined hypnotism and draining has left him weak. He looks up at Mag and mumbles in a raspy voice, "Yes... yes, Magnif—"
And then, for a split second, there's a flicker of orange and blue and yellow, a spiral much different than the ones Magnificent uses—
And Jameson is gone.
The stolen magic remains in Magnificent's veins, but the blue ice coating the sidewalk is also gone.
As if it—and Jameson—were never here in the first place.
Magnificent blinks in mild surprise at the new colors- then springs to his feet as Jameson disappears, wildly looking around for any lingering hints of magic. He then curses in Gaelic and throws a tinted punch into the bus stop sign, making it dent in on itself in a burst of purple and green sparks.
He then hums and tries to breathe, studying the lingering blue in his veins. ... he had enough, enough to at least look for his cub and find out more about what this dimension uses to explore other universes. In a wave of static, he dons his disguise again and then walks further into the night, looking for any other lingering of magic around.
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 12: SepticHeroes
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Septicheroes | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
 The apartment building on 88 Parker Street was very tall, and pretty utilitarianism. But it's the correct address. Now Magnificent just needs to get into Room 1010.
Magnifcent smirks at the building. Simple... easy. He disappears and reappears in one of the hallways and checks the numbers on one of the doors. 1001- perfect.
He shifts his appearance- but doesn't go for his usual one. No- he shifts into a man in an orange and white costume, and a white cat mask. He laughs and changes the appearance more, to look like he's injured. He could still milk the burn on his side but covered his skin in his signature dark magic veins. A little treat for himself, imagining the same look on that troublemaker once he got his claws in him.
He limps down the hall, finally spying the right room and hurriedly bangs on the door, putting desperation in his voice. "C-Chase?! Chase!!" He cries, panic evident in his voice.
Inside the apartment, Chase starts as he hears the cry. That’s not Jackie, that’s—He immediately stops his editing. “Frosty?! Up!” Frosty steps up close and Chase grabs the leash, letting Frosty help him up. He hurries down the hallway with Frosty and unlocks and opens the front door. “Marvin, why are you—Whoa, what the hell?!” Burns? Veins?! “Holy shit, man, get in here.”
Mag Marvin stumbles into the room and pants like he’s ran a marathon. He staggers and finds the closest surface he can lean against, grunting in pain. “C-Close the door- hurry!”
“Okay okay!” Chase glances into the hallway. There’s no one there but there could be. He closes the door. “Let’s get you over to the sofa, man. You look like you need to lie down.” He gently takes Marvin by the arm and pulls him over. “Why didn’t you go to Schneep? This looks serious.”
Wait a minute. Frosty isn’t with him. He looks back and sees him still by the door. Okay? Sure? But why are his hackles raised?
Marvin grunts and let’s himself be led, shaking his head. “T-That new bitch… h-he found all of us- I… hnghh-!” He cringes as a wave of pain overtakes him. “I-I dunno how I outran him but I just- you’re the closet thing I thought of…” He glances at the dog and bares his teeth at it. Stupid mutt…
“Everyone? You were with them? Oh wait, yeah duh, you were all at the safe house.” Chase frowns. “That’s kinda far… but I guess you’re in costume so…”
Frosty growls back at Magnificent when he bares his teeth. “Frosty? Down. Sit.” Chase shakes his head as Frosty reluctantly sits down. “I’m sorry about that, he’s usually better behaved around strangers… kinda has to be, yknow? Wait, remind me, have you guys met before?” They’re at the sofa now, and Chase gestures for Marvin to sit.
Marvin makes a face at Chase, “Is now really the time for that?” He grumbles. He glances at the dog- hopefully it won’t cause much trouble. “I-I can fill you in more in a second just… I-I need a first aid kit… I dunno if we have a lot of time.” He takes off his mask, to show he has a bloody nose and scratched/burned face.
“Oh shit.” Chase’s eyes widen. “Yeah, I guess not, sorry bro. I’ll go get the kit, you rest up here.” He whistles and Frosty stands up and follows him down the hall. Where did they keep the kit again? Right, in the bathroom. On top of the medicine cabinet. He reaches up and grabs it, stumbling for a bit before Frosty rights him. “Uh, I dunno if we can treat whatever those veins are, but I got everything else!” he calls. Hopefully they have everything.
Mag smirks as Chase wanders off. He twitches his head and the tv in the living room flickers on and blares static. As soon as Chase comes over to help… Mag can’t help but laugh.
Chase walks back into the living room, confused. “Did you turn the TV… on…” For a moment, he’s entranced. Then he tears his eyes away. “Why is it static?”
Marvin watches Chase carefully then grumbles out, acting as if he just opened his eyes from slumping against the couch. “What? I don’t fucking know- can we not get distracted please?”
“R-right. God, Frosty, what the fuck?” Frosty is now growling at the static TV. “If you can’t be nice I’ll have you go in my room and I’ll whistle when I need you. Yeah. Go on.” He whistles and points down the hall. Frosty’s ears and curly tail droop, but he’s well-trained, and goes down the hall.
Marvin smiles a bit at seeing the mutt run with his tail between his legs.
“I’m so sorry about that,” Chase says, sitting on the sofa next to Marvin. “He’ll be back soon, of course, but this is better for both of you. Where’s that remote? No, wait, prioritize. We’ll turn the TV off after.”
Once Chase sits down next to him, Marvin reaches out and latches onto Chase’s wrist, bringing him closer to try to look into his eyes. Is it just Chase or are his eyes… swirling. “C-Chase.. I… I gotta warn you-“ He pants, looking at his enemy friend desperately.
“Wh—okay, a-about what?” Chase is a bit weirded out. Marvin isn’t usually this touchy-feely, what with the burns on his hands and all. And is something… different… about his eyes? … No. it can’t be.
Slowly, Marvin starts to grin and digs his nails into Chase’s skin, showing off sharp canines and glowing green eyes that spiral with purple. “…Your friends are next~”
And then Mag tries to pump his hypnotic power straight into Chase, seeing if he can overpower him.
The effect is instant. Chase is not expecting this. He is not defending himself. He shudders a bit, then his eyes glaze over.
Magnificent laughs and shifts back to his normal appearance and then cradles his claws under Chase’s chin. “Mmm there we go… so good to see you exactly where you should be, Chase Brody~”
“What do I do?” Chase asks, looking to Magnificent for guidance.
Mag leans back and then waves at the boy, “Call your friends- we have much to discuss!”
"Mm-hmm." He pulls out his phone and dials Jackie's number. After a few rings, it picks up.
"Chase? Chase what is it?" Jackie says. "Hang on, I'm putting you on speaker so everyone can hear." The others all crowd around.
Alt and Bro gather around with twin expressions of worry.
On the other side of the call, Magnificent slips Chase’s phone out of his hands and in a snap, traps the vlogger in suspended green strings, making him hang like a puppet. Then he giggles. He switches the call to FaceTime.
Alt’s heart drops, “oh no-“ he whispers.
Magnificent pulls himself into frame and makes sure to position himself so that Chase hangs in the background. “Well hello heroes! Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time~!”
"Chase?! No!" Jackie grips the phone tighter. "You bastard!"
JJ jerks forward, almost shoving past Jackie, scanning the screen like he can't believe what he's seeing--or he can believe, and he doesn't like it.
"So you are this Magnificent!" Schneep says. "What do you want with Chase?!"
"Yeah, you bitch, are you too scared to face us without any bargaining power?!" Marvin adds. Jackie shoves him out of frame, too angry and concerned to even shout at him why that's such a bad thing to say in this situation.
Alt and Bro watch with wide scared eyes.
Magnificent laughs and then lets the phone hang in the air as he goes to prowl around Chase. He pulls Chase forward by his chin and digs his claws into his skin. "Careful careful what you say, kittens! I have dear Mr. Brody's life in my hands~"
He giggles and eyes the camera then appears in front of it, grinning from ear to ear. "Let's seee what do I want? Oh yes- I want that cat masked bitch's head on a spike" He suddenly growls, static almost fully taking over the screen as his eyes glow toxic green.
Marvin takes a step backwards as Magnificent threatens him. These strangers weren't kidding about him going after his other selves.
Then, on a dime Mag grins, "And well- I met someone who had their eyes on all of you as well! So we formed a- partnership~! And your darling Chase was first on the list!"
"Someone else...?" Schneep mutters. "Is it... that one...? They found Magnificent?"
A gust of wind rustles the curtains, but Jackie forces his face to stay calm. His eyes flick around the background. It's very familiar to him, but he doesn't give it away.
Mag hums and steps back, dragging claws back through Chase's hair and under his chin. "I'm not sure what i'll do what Mr. Brody yet though~ will I.... make him a pet of mine? I hear his memory is already shit- maybe it'll be a blessing to his poor damaged mind~!"
Alt suddenly shouts and glitches wildly as he shouts out, "NO! Magnificent, leave him alone!!"
"You're a sick fuck!" Marvin shouts. "No matter what you'll do, we're coming after you! You might as well let him go now before we fucking kill you." Jackie shoves him again, giving him a warning look and jerking his head towards Bro.
Bro gently pulls Marvin back and gives him a warning glare.
Then, with his hand that's not holding the phone--making sure it's out of sight of the camera-- Jackie makes a sign with his hand. Flat.
JJ's eyes widen. He steps out of view of the camera and quickly signs He's in Chase and Jackie's flat.
Both Bro and Alt's eyes widen as Jj tells them their location.
Magnificent laughs loudly and throws back his head, "Oh you naive kitten~ that's exactly what I want~!" He grins, "But, should we make it interesting? Maybe set a time limit? Some stakes? But, maybe not because~ As soon as you come to claim your friend, you will die~" He giggles with insanity.
Alt is stunned- Mag wasn't one to stray from killing sure, but he also wasn't one to go straight to killing. In a morbid sense- he liked to play with his food. But, either way this isnt good... Mag isn't targetting them for once- his eyes seem set on the people here so-
He suddenly shoves his way towards the phone and then as he touches the surface and turns to static. He glitches inside the phone- trying to rush through the connection to get to the other side.
"Alt!" Bro tries to shout after him.
As Alt glitches into the phone, he feels the rushing sensation of running down the circuits, glitching until he finds the connection. It is a bridge connecting two islands, and he glitches for the network, the other side getting brighter--and then it is like he hits a wall.
It feels like he is in a room. Electricity runs down the sides, lightning forming a cube around him. He is not really here. When he looks down at his body, it is not real. It is simply his brain processing what's happening into a familiar form.
Alt jolts as he's stopped and he looks around in panic. What the fuck? His heart starts going into overdrive- wondering if he's gonna get stuck- stuck in code and lose himself, nononono!
There is someone here. A figure of a man standing in front of him. Of course, it is not a man. It is simply a representation of a man. Alt perceives him as wearing a black costume, a hood pulled up over the head, dark armor that makes the man look less alive and more robotic. There is no face. There is simply a black screen, with glowing red eyes and a jagged, red smile. "What a unique power," says a voice. It sounds... almost like him. If someone made his voice into a Vocaloid. "As you can see, not unique enough."
Alt growls and shouts at the man, "W-Who are you?! What did you do??"
The smile widens. "I have asked Magnificent to call me Anti, so you should too, to make it easy."
Alt's blood runs cold. Oh... oh no. Another evil Anti. Fuckkkk.
The figure paces the length of the electric cube, body fizzling and glitching like Alt's own body does. "I have blocked you. I wish to talk, Alt. Or should I call you Anti? That's the name your phone is registered under. But judging by your web history, you probably had a different one long ago. Don't worry, I cannot find it, and have no intention of using it if I could. I am simply...observing you and your brother."
Alt bunches up like he wants to attack, body glitching even more than usual. "H-How can you look into my phone? My web history?? I-I'm not even from here!”
"It seems your phone is still able to use the WiFi and data here. And where there is a connection, there is a way in for me."
“You need to let me go- I can't just sit around chatting with some coward who won't even show his face!" Alt growls.
Anti laughs. "Show my face? This is not a space that will let that happen. Whatever you are seeing exists because your mind, even one so tuned to electricity as yours, cannot experience the digital world as it is. Besides, how would you know my face is real?" The face on the screen flickers, reflecting Alt's back at him, and then shifting to look like Bro, then this world's Jackie, then JJ, and then it returns to its simple red smile.
Alt's horror increases as Anti explains and steals his and his friends' faces.
Again, a laugh. "But if you wish to go, you can. I will simply warn you. I have no intention of harming you or your brother. Unless you threaten my plans, as those you associate with have. If you were to return home, I would even be willing to help."
Alt growls, anger spiking and making him glitch even more. "You-! You're the ones hunting them down- the reason JJ and Schneep can't even be out in the open! I don't need your fucking help, psycho! I can figure out this shit on my own!"
Anti tilts his head to the side. "Very well. If you change your mind, go to the North SepTech building. I will be there. No matter when you stop by. And with that, we have nothing more to discuss." The figure dissolves into red pixels, and the green lightning of the cube turns red.
Alt narrows his eyes at Anti and then looks around the room in panic as the light turns red.
Alt feels himself pushed back, back back, until he is forced out of the phone entirely and back onto the floor of the safe house. Alt is pushed back with such force he feels the breath knocked out of him. He crashes to the ground and skids slightly from the force, arcs of electricity bouncing off him. As he stops he spasms a bit with glitches and pixels, biting back whimpers of pain.
"Whoa!" Jackie jumps a bit. To him, it looks like Alt dived into the phone, and then immediately got pushed back out. Magnificent and Chase are still on screen, exactly where Alt last saw them. "Alt?! What happened?!"
Bro is next to him in an instant, trying to check him over, "A-Alt!" Then he glares at the phone and Magnificent, "What did you fucking do to him?"
Mag looks surprised though, "... I did not do that-"
Alt grits through his teeth and grunts out as he tries to get his muscles to stop, "G-Got stopped- b-by a-another A-Anti...!"
"Another--fuck, it's that bitch!" Jackie growls. "Of course! They're helping Magnificent, they wouldn't want Alt to get there right away!"
"Well it will not stop us from getting there through other means!" Schneep says.
JJ joins Bro by Alt's side, grabbing a throw pillow from the sofa as he does. He places it under Alt's head so that he doesn't give himself a concussion while spasming.
"Look, you motherfucker--and the other one, if they're still listening," Jackie says. "We are coming there. We are getting our friend back. And you, Magnificent, will regret it."
Magnificent only laughs, grinning wide, "I look forward to it, Jackie."
Then, as much as it pains him to leave Chase there, Jackie hangs up the call.
Alt's body eventually starts to still and he pants, gripping his hands into fists. But, he does look up and signs a thank you to JJ.
"Jeez, fuck, are you okay, Alt? Wh-what happened? They pushed you out?" Jackie asks, joining the others.
Alt stiffly pushes himself up and leans against Bro who helps him. He looks at the others, "I-I was trying to get to Chase- but i... i got trapped in- in this green room. With a man, who had like black armor and a digital mask on his face." He shudders, thinking of his impulse mask. "He said to call him A...Anti- he said he just wanted to talk... and that he was observing me and Bro." He looks back at Bro with wide eyes, "He... he knew my name. He said he could see our records through our phones..."
Bro's eyes widen, "What does he want? Did he say why he's working with Mag?"
Alt shakes his head, "H-He said... if we don't get in the way of his plans... he won't hurt us... he even offered to help us go home..."
Don't believe a word that man says, JJ says, looking a bit pale at the description of Anti's appearance. He does whatever he can to get what he wants. To fulfill... whatever secret goal he has, god only knows what that is. He is probably teaming up with Magnificent to get the rest of us out of the way.
"If Magnificent wants to kill Marvin, it would be easy for this... Anti... to nudge him towards that," Schneep says slowly. "And the rest of us, while he is at it."
"Coward. Fucking coward." Marvin grits his teeth so hard the others can practically hear the grinding noise.
"He always uses others to fight his battles." Jackie shakes his head.
Alt slowly nods and grips at his wrist, "...I can get why he wants to work with Mag then..."
"We don't have much time. We need to rescue Chase." Jackie emphasizes.
Alt looks at Jackie, his voice quiet, "... that's what they want though... we'd be walking right into a trap."
"I know, but what the fuck are we supposed to do?!" Jackie shouts. "I'm not going to let him turn Chase into a fucking pet!" Wind blasts the curtains open. Jackie takes a couple deep breaths, calming down.
"Personally I think this guy is underestimating us," Marvin says. "We know about his powers, so we can be prepared. He has Chase, but we have the numbers. And he did collapse pretty easily when I just grazed him with my solid-heat energy. Jackie, you've tanked a couple of those."
"Yeah, and they hurt like a bitch," Jackie mutters.
"Exactly!" Marvin says triumphantly. "I doubt he has infrared to see Schneep with, and your fucking air control is so much stronger than people think."
Bro nods, “Yeah! He’s used to us but the rest of you all are wild cards to him!” Alt looks away, still shaken from talking to Anti.
I'll come too, JJ says.
"Are you sure?" Schneep asks.
JJ nods firmly. It's different now that he has Chase. He looks at Bro and Alt. Which means... you should know what I can do. It... may disturb you. It disturbs some people. He pauses. Those strings that magician was using on Chase on the call... I believe mine are the same. The sign for 'same' is two fingers on opposite hands pressing against each other and drawing apart. As he signs it, a green string appears, connecting his fingers and extending as they separate.
The swaps look up at JJ. Bro doesn’t look too surprised, just a bit, his eyebrows raising up. But Alt jolts back like he’s been shocked and scrambles away from JJ slightly, a wild scared look in his eyes.
JJ puts his hands together again, the string disappearing. He's a bit saddened, but mostly, he accepts it. I told you I've done terrible things.
"It was not his fault," Schneep says defensively. "That Anti--they--h-he--I-I am still--I cannot believe that--" His voice is shaking.
It was never supposed to be used on people, JJ says. Just dolls.
Marvin, meanwhile, sees Alt's reaction and softens. "Hey," he says quietly. "I get it. It's scary. Same thing happened to me." He glances at JJ. "But now I know Jameson wouldn't do that again."
Seems I may have to, to rescue Chase, JJ says. But Alt, if you don't feel comfortable, I can indeed stay back.
Alt looks between the others as he tries to calm down. Eventually, he shakes his head and looks back at Jj with determination, “no no… you should be there. Mag…mag won’t expect someone with powers like him. We can give him a taste of his own medicine.”
JJ nods, looking relieved. Alright. If there's anyone who deserves that, he seems like the one.
"How do we get there fast then?" Schneep asks.
"Bro and I can fly and Alt can glitch," Jackie says. "We can go first?"
"Then we have less numbers, though," Marvin points out. "Look, I can call Kanchana. She can drive, and she can be here soon."
Jackie looks at Bro and Alt. "Do you guys have any ideas?"
Alt and Bro exchange looks. Bro raises an eyebrow at Alt. "Do you think you can glitch us all over there? You at least know how to get from here to the city now."
Alt furrows his eyebrows, "yeah... i.. i think so- honestly being in the... circuit whatever- it kinda gave me a boost once all the- shocking was over." Alt pushes himself to his feet then offers out his hands to the others, his eyes glowing. "If we link up- i can at least get us back to the city."
Schneep raises his eyebrows. "You can do that? Impressive. Teleporters here can rarely take more than two others."
"Well, sooner is better, so let's try it," Jackie says, taking one of Alt's hands. The others all hold onto him. "Try to aim for the apartment hallway, if you can, I don't want to take the stairs or elevator all the way up."
"If you guys can picture what the flat looks like- I think it'll bring us there... its- tricky sometimes. But, having a pull helps." Alt says.
As soon as the others are all linked up with Jackie, Bro grabs Alt's other hand and nods his head with encouragement. Alt slowly breathes and then closes his eyes. And then- all the boys dissappear in a flicker of static and pixels.
They form in the hallway, the septichero boys feel like their blood was replaced with pop rocks for a second- but it fades quickly.
Alt looks a bit dizzy as he sways but then shakes his head and keeps going. "Okay uh good- apartment hallway! good! Which one is it??"
Jackie takes a moment to recover. God--that sensation really threw him off. He shakes his head, forcing himself to recover, and points at Room 1010. "That's ours," he says. "Let's go!"
"Wait, we may need a pl--" Schneep starts.
"Jackie wait!" Bro calls out.
But it's too late, Jackie is already moving. Chase forgot to lock the door when he let "Marvin" in so Jackie's able to kick the door down and rush in. "Hey BITCH!"
As he opens the door a bunch of green glowing strings lash out to try to grab him.
Bro winces as the door opens. Alt quickly tries to glitch to help Jackie out.
"What the--hey?!" Jackie is moving too fast to stop even if he wanted to--momentum, and all that. He gets tangled up quickly, struggling against the strings but only making it worse.
"Jackie, for fuck's sake!" Schneep says, exasperated, and pulls out his knife. He disappears from sight--always good to have that advantage when it's possible--but the others see him walking up to the wall by the door, avoiding the trap by avoiding the doorway.
Meanwhile, Marvin rushes in, stopping just before the trap, and tries using blades of orange solid-heat energy to cut through the strings.
The strings try to tighten and yank Jackie forward- but Marvin's attack is too quick and slices through them easily. Magnificent yells in rage and tries to blast fire at the heroes.
Chase is still suspended behind him, nice and hypnotized.
Jackie recovers quickly and dodges the fire attack, while Marvin conjures a quick shield that just absorbs the heat of the flames. No one else is in range, unfortunately.
"God!" Jackie gasps. "Schneep, I know you can hear me, I'm sorry I didn't listen!"
"Yeah you are!" Marvin shouts. "What the fuck, Windstorm?!"
JJ quickly hurries inside and gets behind Marvin. Chase! he signs. Snap out of it! His hands move fast, too fast for anyone to notice the strings appearing out of nowhere and wrapping around his fingers.
Alt glitches in and tries to sneak up behind Mag, but Mag senses him and grabs by the throat and throws him across the room. "Stay out of my way! I'll deal with you once these troublesome heroes are dead!" The mad magician snarls. He throws green tinged lightning at Marvin's shield, trying to break it.
Marvin expands the shield, protecting both him and JJ. The lightning crackles harmlessly against it. "Ha!" Marvin grins. "It's not just energy you know!" After all, solid-heat energy is harder to break than ethereal magic. Behind Magnificent, one of the strings holding Chase snaps, seemingly on its own.
Magnificent is too focused on his revenge to even notice someone trying to free Chase. In feral rage, black magic crackles around him and then in an instant a black tiger- that is a tiger who's fur was black and stripes were purple, lunges at the shield, clawing and scraping and roaring.
The tiger hits the shield with such ferocity that it doesn't notice the way the energy burns and hisses against it. Marvin is surprised and loses his concentration, falling beneath the weight and claws of the tiger. JJ gasps. One of the strings loops around the tiger's chest. He pulls it off and it slumps to the ground, burned too much to move again. Marvin fares only slightly better, bleeding claw marks marring his shirt and skin.
"Asshole!" Jackie shouts, diving straight for Magnificent, aiming a punch fueled by wind.
JJ glances at this wild attack and decides he needs some support. He throws a second string at Magnificent, long like a lasso. One of them is bound to hit him!
Behind Mag, a couple more strings snap.
The tiger roars in pain, backing up and shaking itself out from burning its paws. The pain is so much Mag shifts back and falls to the ground, spitting curses in latin. The string wraps around him and yanks him up and he shouts in surprise only to then get a wind tossed punch directly in his face. He flies back and rolls on the ground, groaning.
Alt glitches to his feet. "H-Holy Shit-"
Bro flies over to try to help get Chase down, getting in front of his face and slapping his cheeks. "Hey hey! Other me! Snap out of it!"
"Yeah! That's what you get, asshole!" Jackie shouts, landing solidly on the ground. "Let Chase go!"
JJ lets go of his end of the string and it moves on its own, pinning Mag's arms to his sides. It doesn't wrap around his wrists, but one end is fairly close to his hand and could easily move.
Chase's eyes flicker, but he can't quite bring himself to shake off the trance.
Schneep flickers into visibility next to Bro, still holding his knife. "Keep going, one of us will succeed first," he whispers, and disappears again, resuming his cutting of the strings.
Bro nods and keeps trying to shake Chase awake.
"Never!" Magnificent snarls. He clenches his fist, and then- all the strings holding up Chase flicker and then disappear. Magnificent snaps and orders, "Brody! Dispose of your friends and anyone else who gets in your way!" If Chase needs it, Mag summons a green tinged knife for him to use.
"No!" Schneep reappears and grabs Chase from behind. "Chase, you do not have to do that!"
"I-I..." Chase pauses, breathing heavily, struggling. Then he shouts and stumbles, losing his balance and falling right into Schneep's arms, who quickly rights him. "Wh-what the fuck? What the fuck?!" He looks at Mag with horror in his eyes.
Magnificent yells in rage, tv static burning in the air around him as he attempts to snap himself out of JJ's strings, "Worthless fucking MAGGOTS! I'm gonna to tear each and every one of you apart!"
The strings break with an audible SNAP!
Magnificent pushes out and then in a blind rage, reaches out to grab JJ by the arm and attempts to drain him of his power.
This power is somewhat familiar, and yet so alien at the same time. It sinks into Magnificent's limbs, a petrifying power turning him to wood and plastic. He freezes up momentarily, and JJ yanks his arm free before he can get too much. What he managed to steal sits inside him, a stiff coating that converts slowly.
Magnificent stiffens and looks down at his arms with wide eyed confusion. "W-What is this?! Why is it hard to m-move?"
Alt hurries over and glitches JJ away, "Are you okay?"
I'm fine, JJ says, looking a bit shaken--more by the glitching than the draining, honestly. He looks at Magnificent. Not a very nice feeling, is it?
Bro helps pull Schneep and Chase back and doubles checks on Chase, "Hey other-me, you hanging in there?"
"I-I'm... I'm hanging, bro. Or I'm not, anymore." Chase laughs. "Honestly you probably would've won that fight anyway. I'm not... very capable."
Bro smiles sadly, "Let's get you somewhere safe then- maybe hiding in the bedrooms?"
Meanwhile, Jackie gasps and starts digging in his pockets. "I forgot I had these!" He pulls out a pair of metal circles--handcuffs, of some sort, though they look different than the models Alt and Bro are familiar with. More futuristic, somehow? With lights. "I-I don't want to use pow-sup but I don't think we have any choice here." He eyes Magnificent warily, then rushes forward, hoping to catch him before that strange paralysis wears off.
As soon as Jackie tries to handcuff Magnificent, the dark magician lashes out. Jackie gets one of his wrists but he digs his claws into Jackie's skin, trying to drain him. "Get out of my fucking way, Jackie!"
The power that he drains is a blast of air, he is standing in a wind tunnel buffeted by gust after gust and trying to breathe. But he manages to stay on his feet. A good portion of the wind funnels into him, where it stays, a swirling mass that slowly converts to his own.
Jackie cries out and jerks backwards, losing his balance and falling. "Wh-what...? Oh. H-how did you guys...?" he mumbles weakly.
Chase watches this happen with wide eyes. "I think you have bigger problems right now!"
"No!" Marvin thrusts out his hands, a red dome flickering around Magnificent--seems he's forgotten about the teleportation.
Magnificent is disoriented as he takes the power but at least he can move this time. He growls and teleports out easily, lunging to try to shove Marvin to the ground. "Fucking YOU! It'd be best for everyone if you just fucking died!"
Marvin cries out. He's injured so he's not able to get away, but he has enough strength to keep Magnificent from shoving him.
JJ gasps, forces himself to stand up, and lunges for Magnificent from behind. He grabs his wrists and a pair of red strings wrap around them from the point of contact.
The results are immediate. Magnificent feels a paralysis--like what happened when he drained JJ's power--creeping up from his arms.
Marvin takes the chance to run in the other direction.
Magnificent's furious expression is wiped off his face as the strings take effect. He slumps slightly in JJ's grip, eyes wide.
Alt backs up with wide eyes, "...oh my god you- you got him-"
JJ takes a deep, shuddering breath. He pushes Mag so he's standing upright, where he makes him stand there, not moving. It was luck, really. Put the cuffs on him!
Schneep moves first, helping Jackie to his feet and taking the cuffs from him. He walks over, probably less cautious than anyone else would be, and snaps the cuffs around Mag's wrists. "Jamie, I know you hate this, but please do not let him use his powers," he mutters. "We are not sure if this will work."
JJ nods. He drops most of his control, only making sure that Mag would freeze up again if he tried using his powers, fighting them, or running. Otherwise, he was free to do as he wished.
Mag shakes his head as most of the control is dropped. He growls at JJ and every attempt he uses to fight has him stiffening and stalling. He curses up a storm.
Alt sighs in relief and slumps down. His movement has Mag noticing him though. Hm... he did prefer to drown his puppets under his power. But, if he didn't have it... he always had one failsafe tucked under his belt. And since his blitz incident... the trigger should be very well kept. He grins and then snaps his fingers, calling out, "Anti! Say Goodbye."
Alt stiffens as his eyes widen and he gasps, limbs locking up. He grips at his head and cries out, "No no- nonono y-you fuc-!" And then, Alt's eyes get filled in completely with black and his head falls to his chest.
"NO!" Bro calls out.
Magnificent laughs crazily and then shouts, "Kill them, Anti!"
Alt's head snaps up, his expression blank as electrcity builds up around him. Then, he dives at Jackie and tries to pin him to the ground by his throat.
Jackie is still exhausted from his power draining, and cannot move fast enough to resist as Alt launches himself at him. He lets out a strangled shout and immediately tries pushing him off. Breezes flicker weakly around him.
JJ's eyes widen and he immediately tightens control again, making Magnificent back away and stand very still. He wants to help but he's not sure how! He doesn't want to puppet Alt.
"No!" Marvin shouts, diving for Alt and trying to pull him off Jackie.
Meanwhile, Schneep starts digging around in the backpack attached to his costume.
Alt builds up electricity to try to shock Jackie but he's pulled off by Marvin and shoved away. He stoically regards Marvin and then glitches a green -blue knife into his hand and tries to slash at Marvin.
Bro makes sure Chase is okay before flying down to try to help Jackie.
Marvin starts to conjure a shield, but hesitates, not wanting to accidentally burn Alt. Unfortunately he hesitates for too long, and gets one more slash wound to add to the tiger attack from earlier. He cries out and staggers backwards.
Alt just keeps going after hitting Marvin, advancing on him with his knife raised.
"Got it!" Schneep pulls something out of his backpack and throws it at Alt. It's a rope of some kind, aiming to tie up Alt.
Alt’s distracted by Schneep trying to throw the rope at him and he glitches out of the way, then dives to try to attack Schneep.
Schneep doesn't even move out of the way. The knife just goes right through him. "Chase! Bro-Chase! Can you snap your brother out of this?!"
"I-I can try!" Bro shouts and flies over and then pins Alt to the wall by his wrists. "Alt, cmon! Wake up!"
Alt struggles against him, breathing heavily, eyes twitching. Something in him is fighting.
Magnificent laughs, "Try all you want, heroes... I train my pets very well~"
"C-Chas-" Alt gasps, black flickering in his eyes.
Mag's smug smile fails and he yells in rage, only to be stopped by JJ's ropes. "No! You- You motherfuckers! I wont lose to you pathetic heroes!"
Alt slumps against the wall some, trying to break free and being able to slightly. It's a struggle as his mind is stomped on by the commands- triggers planted in his head over weeks of imprisonment. He gasps like he can't breathe.
I could... try to help? JJ suggests tentatively. If you are okay with that?
Bro looks at JJ and then back at Mag and slowly nods, "Y-Yeah... a-anything you can do to help! I... I don't think I can talk him out of this..."
Alt's mind is filled with nothing but abuse. Pet pet pet pet- pets do what they're told. Pets follow orders. Pets don't talk back. Pet pet pet pet. The glitch whimpers, digging nails into his scalp.
"You worthless cub! Obey me!" Magnificent screeches.
Alt's expression hardens slightly but he still seems like he's struggling.
JJ nods. He gives Magnificent a dirty looks and takes away his ability to talk. They don't need that right now.
Magnificent is basically a statue now, just with more rage in his eyes as he silently seethes.
JJ steps forward and gently takes Alt by the wrists. Strings appear, colored a gentle blue-green gradient, like the way Alt dyed his hair in his hero disguise. And JJ asks Alt to fight off Magnificent's effects. All of a sudden, Alt finds a boost of strength within him.
Alt blinks and almost jerks out of JJ's grip. But, then he feels a rush of strength and power in him and he glitches in response. And soon green-blue light flickers in the darkness in his eyes before it finally breaks like glass and Alt gasps. He heaves like he was just running a marathon and then looks at Jj with wide eyes. "...i... god- t-thanks JJ..."
Bro hurries over to Alt and puts a hand on his shoulder. "H-Holy fuck Alt... are you okay?"
"i...I think so-"
JJ lets out a breath of relief and smiles at him. No problem. The strings on Alt's wrists fade away on their own.
"Is everyone else okay, too?" Chase asks tentatively from where he'd been standing the whole time.
"Tired, but fine," Jackie says. "I think Marvin is the one to be most concerned about," Schneep points out.
Marvin looks down at the various slashes on his chest. "...yeah." He pauses. "Magnificent ruined my costume, that bitch. It's hard to get flame resistant material that actually looks good."
Alt glitches towards Marvin and is about ready to help stop his bleeding when he comments on his costume. Then, Alt can't help but burst into shaky laughter. "T-That's what you're concerned about?!"
Jackie laughs.
"Yes, it's what I'm concerned about," Marvin says. "I've felt worse pain than this, it'll fade." He hides how he winces when he moves. "This suit could've lasted for years without wear."
"I would doubt your comment about pain, but then I remember you plunged your hands into fire, so." Jackie sighs, and leans against the wall. "Honestly, though? I'm glad we didn't wreck the flat too much. I don't want to deal with the landlord on top of... all this."
Alt laughs quitely and then slumps against the back of the couch, mentally exhausted from all of that. He glances at the stock still Magnificent in the corner and then shudders. ... they should probably get him out of here soon... Then Alt finally registers Jackie's comment, "Wait- you plunged your hands into fire??"
"It's a long story," Marvin waves away Alt's reaction. "No really. It's a long story," Jackie repeats. "It took like fifteen minutes when he told the rest of us." "Basically I had to get rid of my fingerprints," Marvin sums up.
Alt blinks, "Oh... well- I guess that's one way to do it-" He answers.
"The first aid kit is out if you need it, Marv." Chase points at said kit on the coffee table.
Schneep hurries over and grabs it. "I think some of those slash marks may need stitches, but they are not bleeding too badly, so we can treat them for now until we get to my own kit." He pauses. "Although... there is a chance the safe house was compromised."
I'm sure Miss Yang or Soren could find us another, JJ says.
Schneep raises his eyebrows. "Oh, so Kanchana has her last name spelled but Soren gets a sign?"
Shut up, Schneep.
He just laughs.
"Hey Chase, where's Frosty?" Jackie asks.
"Oh shit!" Chase hurries off into the hallway. He returns not long after with Frosty in tow. "I told him to wait in my bedroom when this all started, I can't believe he didn't come running. But then again, he probably would've just been in the way, so I'm glad his training was so thorough."
Bro seems to relax seeing mostly everyone is fine and Mag is incapacitated. Then, he panics slightly with Chase about his dog but when he sees Frosty is fine, Bro squeals slightly and floats over to him. "Omg!! Pubby in person! Oh my god you are just the cutest!!"
Frosty seems to smile, his tail wagging. This guy looks just like his owner! Does he have two now?
Chase laughs. "He likes you."
Bro squeals in delight and touches down to give the good boy so many pets. "oh who's a brave boy! oh who's a fluffy good boy?? who's a boy??"
While Frosty is busy being showered in pets by the Chases and Marvin and Jackie talk with Alt, JJ and Schneep stare at Magnificent, uneasy. What do we do with him? JJ asks.
Schneep shakes his head. "If these three are staying here, we would have to get him to somewhere equipped for powerful supers... even though he is not one. But they have to leave eventually, so eventually, the answer is the same."
Alt watches the others warily and then he pushes himself up to talk with JJ and Schneep. "...as much as it'd be nice to stay... we gotta keep trying to go home... the longer we stay here- the more likely he can break out of this and try to hurt you guys again..."
JJ nods slowly. My power is not complete, even if it is pretty strong. And he's... as much as I hate to admit it, clever.
"I would not put it that way," Schneep mutters, glaring at Mag. "More like... squirmy. Wormy."
Alt nods to Schneep mutters, agreeing. "Yeah... he's.. a real tricky one."
The point is, he could probably find some way to get out unless I keep him frozen all the time, and that takes concentration. I have to sleep eventually.
Jackie joins the conversation. "It's impressive that sleep is the first thing that could break that concentration. I could get knocked out of the air if I let my thoughts wander, which is why you always take your ADHD medication, kids." He chuckles a little, then becomes serious again. "Do you... want to leave soon?"
Alt laughs wryly at Jackie's attempt at humor and then frowns. "... I don't want to force you to keep him like this... even if it would be cool to stay here a little longer... but its... its too risky."
Jackie sighs. "Yeah. I understand." He flashes a smile. "But hey, maybe you guys could come back some time in the future. When things are less tense for you. We could hang out. Do super stuff." He turns to Chase and Bro. "Did you guys hear all that?"
"Huh?" Chase looks up. "Something about risk?"
"Alt's saying it's too risky to stay here for too long," Marvin says. "Eventually JJ's hold on that bitch other-me is going to wane."
Bro stops his petting of Frosty and looks back out and then looks really sad. He flies over to be by Jackie and can't help but let his face fall a bit. "God... i know we need to but... this world is so cool! E-Everyone's super.... like us-" He holds his arms slightly and looks away. "I... I wish we could stay..."
Alt tries to smile. "Hey we'll... we'll mark this place down- we can try to come back when its safer, okay?"
Bro subtly wipes at his face and then nods slowly, "...right. ... we gotta take care of the bad guy. Hero work just... keeps on trucking."
Jackie gives Bro a sad smile. "I know, right? Sometimes it feels like it never ends. You guys better take a break when you get home. These guys are always going at me for never taking breaks, so I'm passing it on."
Bro chuckles lightly, "Here's hoping we can... I think our universe suddenly got allergic to us or something-"
"Do you want to keep the cuffs?" Schneep points to the pow-sup cuffs on Magnificent. "I know they may not work in your world, but... there's an equal chance they do."
Alt hums in thought and then shakes his head. "I don't think they will... you guys should keep those for someone it'll actually work on."
Jackie nods. "Alright." He takes the cuffs off, not looking directly at Magnificent as he does so.
JJ makes sure that his hold is tight--he doesn't want Jackie to get attacked again. Then he looks at Bro and Alt. It's guaranteed that my powers can't stretch into another universe. There IS a distance limit on them, it only encompasses the city or so. A universe is a bit farther than that.
Alt laughs, "Yeah I kinda expected that."
Schneep laughs too.
"Are we saying our goodbyes, then?" Marvin asks.
Bro and Alt share a look and then nod, "Yeah I guess it is..." Alt says quietly, looking up at the others. "...sorry for all the trouble." He says looking away and letting his hero markings fade back.
"It was no trouble at all," Schneep reassures Alt. "We have faced dangerous things before. This was a bit... unprecedented... but it was fine."
"Besides, it wasn't your fault, anyway," Marvin adds. "It's this bitch's. And... Anti, I guess. I guess that's his name."
"We have to find him sooner or later," Jackie mutters, then perks up. "Yeah, don't worry about the trouble. I'm a hero, I live for this stuff. If I wasn't getting in trouble for you guys, I would've been getting in trouble for some random people on the street, guaranteed."
Bro laughs and claps Jackie on the back. "Same! God- I hope someday my Jackie can meet you... when we come back we'll have to bring the whole gang!"
JJ smiles. It was nice to meet you both. I hope we can see each other again some day.
"Yes, I do as well," Schneep says. "I would love to compare universes."
"It's so cool that we even got the chance to meet you guys!" Chase says. excitedly. "I thought the multiverse stuff was all made up, crazy that it's real. And crazy that there are two heroes like you out there."
Alt and Bro both blush at Chase's compliment.
Alt looks bashful and mutters quietly, "...'m not a hero..." but then he sighs and looks up with determination, "...but i'm working towards it."
"I hope you guys figure out how to stop that Anti guy... we've barely been here a day and he already knows wayyy too much about us..." Bro grumbles. "I hope you kick his ass."
Alt laughs and then pulls out the TRVLR again, zipping his magic in and checking the coordinates.
Magnificent is silently trying to kill the others with his mind.
"Hell yeah, we will kick all of Anti's ass when we find him," Jackie promises. "And hey, Alt? Let me tell you something. Sometimes I feel like I'm still figuring out how to be a hero too. And I've been doing this for three years now." He smiles. "So don't worry about it too much, okay?"
JJ inclines his head. You'll do great, Alt. I know it. Seeing someone like Alt work so hard... made him feel like he could, as well.
Alt flushes more but he nods and smiles at Jackie and JJ. "..thanks guys... that means a lot."
Again, the past universe on the TRVLR is grayed out. Two UA prefixes and no sign of getting closer to home. Maybe it's time to try another. The first one Alt sees with a different prefix is UF-0606021FM. Might as well check it out.
Alt looks at Bro, "You ready?" Bro sighs and answers honestly, "Noooo- but yeah-" He grabs Mag's arm and then Alt takes Bro's hand. He waves to the others, "Bye then."
"Bye guys!! We''ll be back! I promise!" Bro grins.
And then, Alt clicks the jump button.
To the three of them, they fall for a split second, through a dark place filled with orbs of green light. And then they are gone.
"That's so cool," Jackie whispers.
Chase rolls his eyes. "Is this really the time? They just disappeared."
"Doesn't stop it from being cool." Jackie pauses. "I hope they come back. I want to hang out with other-Chase."
"I'd be offended, but I want to hang out with other-me too. And Alt. He seemed chill."
"Other-Chase said he could be a bit prickly, so be prepared for that."
"In any case." Schneep turned to Marvin. "You are sitting down on that couch so I can fix you up enough to get back to the safe house. Even if it may be compromised, that is where all my medical shit is."
"Alright, alright." Marvin makes a show of grumbling, but he sits down.
JJ laughs and sits down next to him. We'll have to clear all our stuff out, Henrik.
"Maybe you can call Soren for help," Schneep says teasingly.
"I can't believe you're on a name-sign basis with that guy," Jackie says.
He's a charming man.
"He was in prison, JJ."
So was I, that says nothing.
Jackie snorts and rolls his eyes. "Okay okay, you can fall for whoever you want, just be aware. I'm going to take a nap so I won't be able to say goodbye to you guys when you leave the house."
"Oh shit, right, I was editing," Chase says. "You guys use the space as long as you need."
It's not long before they all part.
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap into the Crystalverse: Prologue
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | SwapInverted Crossover | SwitchSwap | AO3 link
Taglist: @brokentimewatch
Alt was in his room, tinkering with some scrap and his magic. He had an idea he wanted to try so badly… but he couldn’t quite figure out how to do it. He sighs in frustration and let’s the magic he’s using fade as he huffs and leans back. Glitches walked up next to his leg and purred, rubbing against it. Alt absentmindedly pet her- until he heard the tv is his room suddenly flick on.
He jumped, glitching to his feet as he saw exactly what he was fearing it would be. Tv static pulsing with purple and green magic, an after image of a spiral within its depths. He heard the laughter of the mad magician already in his head and he shouted out and covered his ears, turning away and shutting his eyes.
“No no no! Fuck you- fuck you! Leave me alone!” Alt hissed but the magic around him increased, white noise filling his brain, bringing more of the siren’s call.
“I don’t have time to play these games, kitten. I need you for something very important and I need you now.” Magnificent’s acidic voice clawed at Alt’s mind. Purple flashed in Alt’s eyes as he momentarily looks back towards the screen.
Then he screams and grabs his head tighter, “no!” He tried to do what Dr, J had been teaching them- nonsense- he needed to fill his mind with enough to throw off the pull! He tried to think of colors- of his friends- the last gaming session they had, the night at the pub him and Henny had last week! Anything- anything to-!
The static reached a fever pitch of awful noise that was impossible to ignore. Alt felt it in every bone, pulsing in his blood. “Oh no you don’t, Anti. I’m not dealing with your rebellion today. You will come to me now.” Alt made a choked noise as his body and mind are assaulted with nothing but noise and pain.
“I-I’m not your fucking puppet anymore…! Y-You can’t- you can’t make me…!” Alt tries to bite back but it’s so hard to think with all this noise- sending his heart beating wildly and making him panic which only makes it worse-! He can’t stand it! The static is swallowing him whole!
He’s forced to look back at the screen- and the noise dulls to a quiet roar as Alt feels his body go slack, and his mind go blank. Purple light fills his eyes.
Laughter. His master approved. “Finally. Now, Alt, no more thinking- no more fighting, no more games. Come to me.”
“…yes, Magnificent.” Alt mumbled in a daze, glitches starting to build up around him.
Then, his door burst open, Chase’s eyes frantic. “Alt I heard screams and Glitches crying and-!” He paled, “no-“
Alt’s eyes met Chase’s as his body started to turn into pixels. Chase used every ounce of his speed to reach out to Alt, not even thinking.
They both disappear in a mixture of tv static and glitches.
When they start to come back together they’re in a dimly lit concrete cellar. The air smelled musty and old- the walls lined with boxes of what looked like ancient artifacts. But, Chase shuddered as he recognized the symbol on the boxes- the 3 irised eye of Sclera.
Chase felt Alt move away from him and he hurries to try to hold him back. As Chase looks out towards the other side of the room, his blood runs cold.
A familiar doorway stands just slightly away from the wall. One made of one type of a stone on one side, marked with runes. The other made of pure obsidian. It’s just like the one they saw in… that other world. The one with the inverted thems.
Magnificent is standing right in front of the archway, uncharacteristically stoic and serious as he gazes out at Chase with cold eyes.
“Fantastic,” He spits, baring his teeth like a feral cat. “Unhand my cub. This doesn’t involve you.”
“Like hell it does!” Chase shouts, trying to gather up the struggling glitch. Alt wasn’t immediately trying to glitch away, which was something. Chase can see the magic fighting in his eyes as he looked at the archway behind Mag. He recognized it too. “You stealing away my brother to do god knows what is very much involving me!”
“D-danger-“ Alt whispers dully, not looking away from the arch as purple fights against blue in his eyes. “D-d-dangerous-“
Magnificent laughs and shakes his head. “Don’t play dumb with me, hero. You know exactly what this is~! We’ve all dealt with it once before!” His eyes shine with madness as he throws out his hands, “a gate to the multiverse! You have no idea how long I’ve searched… how long I’ve yearned for this!”
He steps forward, static building up behind him- the noise making Alt shudder and the corruption in his eyes get stronger. He tries to shake his head, cowering against Chase. “Nonononono-“
“Sclera tried to hide it from me~ but finally… I’ve found it. But… I can’t activate it alone.” Magnificent’s eyes flash hungerily towards the trembling glitch. He shoots out a hand- and green strings shoot out and then wrap around Alt’s wrists and his neck. He’s pulled away from Chase and into Magnificent’s arms.
“No! Fucking! Mag!” Chase cries out, power pulsing in his eyes. “Have you learned nothing, you egomaniac?! Messing with the other universes- its never worked out for you and only puts the rest of us into shit!”
Magnificent’s eyes are ablaze with frantic, desperate anger, grabbing one of Alt’s arms and blasting a wave of dark magic into him. Alt screams and writhes as the magic sinks in, dark veins crawling up his skin. Then he slumps, eyes fully taken over by purple. “I will have it- I will finally be able to do it! To become the most powerful magician these feeble worlds have ever seen!”
“Alt! No!” Chase cries and desperately tries to reach out to grab them. Magnificent snarls and blasts out magic fire- hitting Chase full blast in the chest. The hero doubles over and crashes to his side, curled up in pain.
Magnificent drags Alt backwards with him like a robber holding a hostage, claws sunk into his arm. Alt can’t resist as he’s pulled. But as they approach the door- Alt’s body fizzles and snaps with glitches, parts of him trying to turn into pure pixels. He whispers in a very small voice, “n-no… d…d-d-danger-“
“Silence.” Magnificent snarls as he grips Alt’s chin and forces him to face forward. Magnificent uses his other hand to flare out a black magic flame and then sends it into the archway. The air feels electric and heavy as the feeling of something being very very wrong increases on all of them.
“Anti. All I need you to do now-“ Magnificent giggles darkly, whispering in the glitch’s ear like a temptress.
Chase is struggling, trying to reach out to grab them. “No! Stop…!”
“-is glitch.” Magnificent purrs. He digs his fingers into Alt’s skin and flares more of his magic into him, barking out, “NOW!”
So much happens at once-
In a burst of electricity and speed, Chase lashes out and just manages to grab Alt’s foot-
Alt’s back arches as the magic forces him to use his power, a strangled gasp escaping his lips. Then his body breaks apart into pixels with a sharp electric zing! Alt’s own chaotic magic rockets out- green blue electricity meeting with the black magic flames. The runes on the doorway flash and hum with energy, color filling in the shapes rapidly. The three of them are immediately caught in a bubble of magic, darkness and blue crackling energy rapidly caving in on them like a black hole.
Then, the magic rockets out in a burst of color and white light as the runes finish powering up, blasting apart boxes and antiques in a wave of power.
And in the center of the doorway, was only a circle of soot. Bro Fantastic, Alt Brody and Magnificent were nowhere to be found.
In their own universe, at least.
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huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 24: Inverted
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Inverted | Read The InvertedSwap Crossover | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes | Fantasy Masks | Horror
Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
Magnificent falls for a second, and then lands somewhere completely different than where he left. This is the ground floor of a tall office building--an abandoned office building, judging by the broken windows and graffiti everywhere. The front doors are open, probably broken. Outside is an urban area at night. To the left is a set of elevators and an empty doorway leading to a stairwell. To the right and back are hallways leading deeper into the building. The fog from the previous universe is gone.
But, for a nanosecond, while he was falling in the dark place Mag could have sworn he heard a scream. Animistic and angry... and targeted at him. He should probably be sure to avoid that last world.
Magnificent falls into the new world and gasps for a second, panting slightly as he feels the connection with Cait Coill break. He allows himself to shudder for a second and then he pushes himself up, pushing all that fear away. ...never again.
He looks around the space and hums. This doesn't feel like home either. Might as well look around.
But he doesn't get a chance to look around. He only takes a few steps before he hears the fizzle of static to the right.
"Y̡o͢u͞!҉!" A voice gasps. Something flies through the air towards Mag.
A knife buries itself in Mag's right arm, close to the shoulder. When he turns around, he sees a man, glitching and translucent, with a white eye-patch covering his right eye and a green scarf around his neck--oh fuck. Magnificent knows this Anti. And he looks pissed.
Magnificent yells out in surprise and pain and stumbles back, gripping at his shoulder. He goes to snarl at whoever attacked him and then freezes. "...y-you-!" He gasps, stumbling back even more.
Anti growls, another knife appearing in his hand. "You're back?! Why now?! Fuck! I knew I should've killed you, no matter what They said!" He glitches forward and goes for an attack.
"L-Let me explain-!" Magnificent tries to shout, only to get stabbed again. He growls and throws out fire towards Anti and then tries to run.
Anti glitches out of the way of Mag's attack and reappears, blocking the front doors. "There's nothing to explain! You're going to fuck everything up and this is not a good time!" He throws the knife again.
This time, Magnificent just barely catches the knife and he throws it to the ground, "Believe me- if i had a fucking choice I wouldn’t have come here! For once, I actually miss my miserable excuse of a universe!"
"Then can you go back??? I'm sure the museum still has the doorway on display!" Anti laughs. "But even now, you're not going to, are you? That's just who you are." He conjured another knife. If Mag doesn't want to get stabbed again he better think fast.
"Unfortunately I need to find my pathetic cub for that to work!" Mag bites back. He then steps back and eyes the new knife and then glares at Anti before trying to teleport past the doors to get away.
As Mag teleports around him Anti spins around and throws the knife one last time, a last hurrah.
The knife sinks into Mag's back and he falls to the ground, scraping his face. He turns back to snarl at Anti. "Listen- I'm not here to get in your way, Glitch! Let me go, and I'll stay out of your hair!"
Anti laughs again, darkly. "I doubt that. But sure. You get one chance, Magnificent. After the chance I gave you last time, it's more than you deserve. Next time I see you, I will end you." And he fizzles away in a pop of static.
It's probably for the best, anyway. Magnificent implied that Alt was here, since he needed him to hop universes. Anti should find his other self before the magician did.
Magnificent glares at the spot Anti was as he painfully pulls himself up. Fucking shit... 3 new stab wounds and its only been 5 minutes. ... Mag isn't even sure he knows what to look for now- why did they have to come to a universe where he already failed? Best stick to the shadows for now... see what he can find... He slinks into the shadows and turns into his cat form, licking his wounds.
Alt appears in what looks like a normal living room. It's an open design, with the kitchen and dining room sharing the same space, but Alt appears in the living room area. There's a sofa and a beanbag and a TV and lots of plants. The windows outside show the night sky in a suburban area. And then-- WHAP! Something hits him in the head.
Alt shouts out and glitches backwards, wide eyes looking towards whoever attacked him. "H-Hey!"
He spins around to face a man, wearing a black hoodie with red patches on it. He holds a bo staff in his hands--clearly what he used to hit Alt--and isn't putting it down. Long hair is tied back in a braid, brown with some odd white streaks around the face. A face which is half-covered in what look like burn scars. A patch hides the man's left eye but his other eye narrows.
"Anti, this isn't the time for your bullshit!" he shouts. And then hesitates. He glances Alt over. "Wait. No. You're not--you're that other Anti. From the other universe."
Alt glitches back more, holding up his bandaged hands up towards the man. He freezes as the man says his name and he steps away, looking him over with a slight bit of fear. "I... I'm sorry do I- do I know you...?"
The man laughs, lowering the staff. "I guess I do look pretty different since you last saw me, huh? Fucking Marvin... It's Jackie. You and all your friends showed up in this universe about... a year ago? Ish? I've lost all sense of time. Oh uh... don't worry, I'm not planning on... doing anything. I-I'm trying to be better. And I don't live with the others anymore." He shivers.
Alt's eyes widen and he backs up more when he realizes who this is. "Y-You-!" But, he does relax a bit at hearing he's not with the others. Though, he still looks cautious and keeps his back against the wall. "... i-is that right?" He says, skeptically. But, his face does seem to soften as he takes in Jackie's appearance more. "...shit man... you look like you've been through hell..."
"You're one to talk," Jackie mutters. "What the fuck happened to you? Why are you here, anyway?" He pauses for a moment. "Oh, uh, do you... need anything? I can... make tea or something. I think. He said I could use his food..."
Alt looks down and grips at his arm, feeling the wounds underneath still aching with pain. "Uh... it's a... long long story..." He blinks up and actually laughs a bit, "...god tea sounds... really good actually... who's he, though?"
"Um... the guy whose house this is," Jackie says slowly. "H-he's out right now, I don't know when he gets back but hopefully it's soon. Uh... you sit down, I'll make the tea." He collapses the staff into a short stick and heads to the kitchen, talking as he gets out the tea and kettle.
Alt is hesitant but slowly he makes his way over to the couch, limping slightly. He sinks into it and looks around, taking in the place.
"Anyway. His name is Frederick. He's a magician. And he... saved me." If Alt looks over, he may be able to catch a glimpse of Jackie's face turning red. "Got himself hurt in the process but still lets me stay here... yeah. H-he's a good guy."
Alt blinks at Jackie and sees his red face and smirks slightly. "A magician, huh? ...is he the one helping you want to get... better, you said?"
That just makes Jackie's face get redder. "Partly. I think I also have some renewed... empathy, I guess? But then again, I could've easily got worse. So... yeah. He's a good influence."
Alt can't help but smile, "... he sounds like a great guy. And that's... good to hear, dude. I mean- major relief on my side too so-"
Jackie laughs. "Yeah. I can imagine. I'm glad I'm the one who you popped up next to, which... again, what are you doing here?" The kettle starts whistling so Jackie begins to prepare the tea, ready for Alt to explain.
"Well..." Alt starts, crossing his arms and idly fidgeting with his bandages. "It- started when Mag kidnapped me... made me use a freaky doorway- like the one that brought us here the first time actually. Managed to get me, Bro and him into another universe... again. But, this time it was- another group we've met. But, in their home dimension instead of ours. We found a device there called the TRVLR- made by some group called IRIS. It can help us travel to other dimensions... we just don't know which one is ours... they're all coded with these- numbers and symbols and I still don't really know what they mean." He sighs and feels his pocket to make sure its still there. "... god i've lost track of how many we've been to now... but- yeah... we're literally just trying to get home, but we keep choosing wrong."
By the time Alt is done talking, the tea is done. Jackie brings the cups over, handing one to Alt while keeping the other for himself. "That... fucking sucks, dude," he says, with a dark little laugh. "That really sucks. IRIS, huh...? I think we have that here, too, they make, like cameras and shit. I don't know anything about them and... TRVLR, was it? A dimension-hopping device? Weird... I didn't think we were at that point in our tech, if we were ever gonna get there." He shakes his head. "Sounds insane. I'm guessing you got really roughed up over time, then?"
Alt takes the tea gratefully and takes a sip- god, it felt really good to have just a good cup of tea. It made him miss Dr. J though. Tea was his first solution for everything. It was the pureblood Brit in him.
"It is insane, I'm still having trouble believing it if I'm honest," Alt laughs. But, then Jackie brings up his injuries and Alt goes quiet. He grips his cup a bit tighter and curls up some. "... kinda... but uh... it was mostly... t-the last place we were in..." He shudders.
"Really did a number on you, huh?" Jackie mutters. "Well... I think I get it. Maybe. I-I don't want to make any assumptions, but... I mean, look at my face." He gestures at it. "You think this shit happens by accident? I didn't fall into a barrel of acid." He takes a sip of his own tea.
Alt looks at his reflection in his tea, his voice small. "... I was taken by a... doctor. But, he wasn't human... but ... he was that universe's version of ... of Schneep. He was... a monster." His hands tremble now and his expression looks haunted.
"...oh, you mean that literally," Jackie says, eyes widening. "Literally an inhuman monster. Oh. That's... oh." He shakes his head slowly. "I'm... so sorry. I-I can't imagine... well, I can easily imagine how Schneep would become that. But I can't imagine what it would be like if he was a monster." He sighs. "Maybe you should just stay in this house, then. I don't know what Schneep is doing now, but he's in Mirygale--the, uh, city where you showed up last time where we all lived. Right now you're in a smaller town called Red's End. It's... far away. Like, an hour's drive. So the others won't get to you."
Alt finally looks up at Jackie, his eyebrows furrowing. "... you'd... really let me do that...?" He seems to be contemplating this before he sighs and takes another sip of his tea. "... as tempting as that is... I gotta find my brother... and Mag- before he fucks something up around here... again." Alt's shoulders slump, looking back down at his tea, the exhaustion on his face as heavy as the bags under his eyes.
Jackie pales a little bit. "God, I forgot that guy came with you. Fuck. Shit. We don't need two of them here." He rubs his temple like a headache is forming there, then drinks more tea. "Okay. Yeah. You guys tend to appear near people who are like you in your own world, right? I mean... Anti's not here right now--I think--" He glances around, but no, Anti would've shown himself by now if he was here. "--so maybe it's your counterpart or the counterpart of someone you know. Which... doesn't bode well for the other Chase or Magnificent. Or maybe that cat bitch would come out on top. Who knows? Your brother, though..."
Alt swallows nervously, looking pale himself, "Yeah... i... I gotta find him. But... fuck- if the others are an hour away." He groans, "That's gonna take sooo long! Why did I end up all the way out here!" He then grumpily drinks more of his tea, his shoulder glitching a bit.
"Ohhhh be glad you did end up all the way out here," Jackie says seriously. "Marvin's lost his fucking mind and he's taken Jameson and Schneep down with him. Jack's still with them, they still make him upload for some reason, but I don't know where Chase is and I honestly..." He swallows a lump in his throat, hiding it with more tea. "Anti probably would've been safe for you. But that's still a four out of five chance of running into those guys."
Alt's eyes widen and he looks at Jackie with horror. "oh... oh god-" Alt whispers. " I... o-okay yeah... its probably good im here... but it's not good for Chase!" He drinks the last of his tea and then gets an idea. "... do I still have Anti's number...? Maybe he can help me get back to Mirygale..."
"You have a phone number for him?" Jackie asks, surprised. "Well, by all means, then." He gestures in a 'go ahead' way.
Alt does indeed have the number Anti gives him. When he calls, it only gets through half a ring before the other end picks up. "It's you! Are you here? In my universe? I forgot I gave you a number. I saw Magnificent." Anti's voice fires off rapid statements one after another.
Alt blinks. "Oh shit getting right into it- uh yeah I'm here! I appeared by Jackie- he said we're an hour away... and he caught me up vaguely on what's happening. But, Mag and me aren't the only ones here- my brother is too! And it sounds like he could be running into some serious trouble."
"I'm coming there," Anti says. And Alt's phone starts gently fizzing with static. Green and black pixels shoot out of it, forming a person in the middle of the living room. Anti shivers--not in the way people do, in the way that lagging images on a computer do--and glances around.
Alt jumps and drops his phone, curling up his feet to his chest on the couch and covering himself with his arms for a second.
Anti’s eyes land on Jackie. "Hi."
"Hi." Jackie looks wary but not angry.
Alt blinks at Anti and then looks at the two, a bit confused by their reactions but- also relieved.
Then Anti looks at Alt. "You mean Chase, right? He's here? Yeah. He could probably be in some shit."
Alt lowers his arms and nods, "Y-Yeah... I-I gotta go find him- if Marvin's gone crazy I... I dunno why he'd wanna hurt Chase but... I-I don't want to risk it!" He pushes himself to stand up and winces a bit as he puts too much pressure on his bad leg but keeps standing, meeting Anti's eyes. "and... I dunno... m-maybe I can help? I've... I've gotten a lot better with my magic-"
"He'd want to hurt Chase because he's gone off the fucking deep end," Anti says bluntly. "He's--" Then he stops, noticing Alt's wince. "Are you... okay?" He glances him over, really looking. "No, you're not." His brows furrow. "There's not much in your universe that would do that, is there?"
"He's been hopping between worlds," Jackie explains. "The last one... fucked him up."
Anti nods slowly. He reaches out to Alt. "I might be able to help. I can't heal you, but it can help with the pain. Can I?"
Alt stiffens slightly and tries to wave it off before Anti calls his bluff. He purses his lips with a slight glare. But, he blinks as Anti offers his hand. ...He was an asshole the first time they met- and he still kinda is. But, now, Alt does trust him. How could he not? "Uh... sure-" He looks at Anti's hand like he's not really sure what to do though- "...how exactly can you do that?"
"I'm electric," Anti says simply. "You are too. More than most people. I can reach your nerves more easily."
Anti gently takes Alt's hand. The moment he does, Alt feels a tingling sensation spread from the point of contact all over his body. It's a little weird, but not painful. And when the feeling fades, nothing hurts--though he is still aware of his injuries.
"There. I don't think I'll be able to convince you to not search for your brother, so at least now it won't suck for you."
The sensation is strange- but also kinda nice. Alt shakes the feeling off and then clenches and unclenches his recently stabbed hand to see if it hurts. It doesn't. Alt grins, "Oh dude that's metal! Thanks!" He then looks back at Anti and nods in determination. "You're damned right, if Chase is in trouble, I'm gonna be there."
"Keep in mind this is temporary." Anti gestures vaguely at Alt. "If you start hurting again let me know."
Alt nods to Anti, "Right."
Then Anti looks at Jackie. "Well? Do you want your redemption?"
Jackie takes a drink of his tea. "Not if you're going to press gang me into it," he mutters.
"So you're going to let someone else possibly go through it, then," Anti says plainly.
Jackie flinches. "You're terrible at this." He rubs his eyes. "Look... you guys can teleport all over. I can't. I won't be much use for the actual search anyway. But... if you find something out, let me know. I can try to help."
Anti nods once. Then he turns to Alt. "How far can you glitch?"
Alt then looks between Anti and Jackie as they talk like he's watching a ping pong match. The younger glitch looks up and flushes slightly, "Uh- probably not too far right now... I'm kinda running close to empty... b-but I can try? To see how far? ...I dunno I don't really measure the kilos when I do it-" He mutters.
Anti nods. "That makes sense. However you got here, it probably used a lot of your energy. Look if absolutely necessary, we can... do you remember Amp?"
"Oh fuck!" Jackie shouts from the sofa. "I do!"
Alt stiffens a bit, "Uh... y-yeah- how could I forget?" He tries not to think about his last weird glitch fusion, but... that was more recent and weighing on his mind.
“Well he’d probably give us both a boost,” Anti says. “Might not be needed, though. Just bringing up the possibilities. I could also take you through a shortcut, but I don’t usually like to do that unless absolutely necessary. You want to try and head out by ourselves first?”
"I'll keep that in mind..." Alt grips at his arm and tries not show his discomfort. Amp would probably be useful... but that would also mean opening up his mind to Anti and- he can't do that right now. "Uh... what's wrong with using a shortcut? Is it dangerous?"
"For you guys," Anti says vaguely. "Come on. Once we're in Mirygale I'll explain the situation to you." He glitches, reappearing towards the door.
"Good luck you guys," Jackie says. "You know where I am. Or, Anti does. The Anti from here. Fuck. Just go, it's not cool anymore."
Alt looks back at Jackie and laughs. “yeah- maybe we’ll see you later. Thanks for the tea.” He glitches to meet Anti by the door then waves at Jackie.
"No problem." Jackie waves back at the two of them.
"Let's go," Anti says, and glitches outside.
Alt braces himself- hoping he has enough energy to keep up with Anti and not pass out on him. He glitches after him, hoping Chase is okay.
Bro appears in a hotel lobby. The decor and furniture is kind of old-fashioned, but with a modern flair and the colors are muted, mostly shades of blue. There are sofas, armchairs, a low table, a fireplace, and a long desk. A few doors are visible, one obviously leading outside.
Bro steadies himself then looks around at his surroundings. “Hmmm… this could be home- but I feel like I would know about a hotel like this by now.” He sighs and messes with his hair. “Just great alright… please be a kinder universe this time! Thank you!” He starts to look around, see if there’s anything of note around here. Or a sign of any of this universe’s thems-
He doesn't have to wait long. There's movement in the windows, and then the outside doors open. A man steps in, with messy brown hair and cracked glasses, carrying what look like grocery bags in one hand. He stops short when he sees Bro.
"Chase?" he asks. "What are you doing down here? Did something happen?"
Bro’s eyes widen. He recognizes this guy- from the first time they ever universe hopped! That crazy doctor- “Oh uh- hi Schneep?” He laughs nervously.
"Hallo," Schneep says, looking confused. "What are you doing down here?"
Bro looks even more confused, “Uh you know- just… hanging.” Oh shit he thinks he’s this universe’s Chase- shit shit shit. “Uhh what’re you doing?”
"Hanging?" Schneep only looks more confused. "Ah... I went to get groceries. I do not think I told you. Did you get worried? My apologies. Here, let us go upstairs and put them away together." He walks over and grabs Bro's arm, gently but with some force behind it, and starts walking towards one of the doors.
Bro gets grabbed and he tries to pull his arm out. Sounds like the actual chase is here and he does not want to mess with his doppelgänger right now! “Ah actually I was about to go for a walk! I think! L-Lovely day for one isn’t it?”
Schneep stares at him, blinking. "Walk?"
“Uh yeah- you know? The thing you do outside? In f-fresh air?” Bro laughs nervously. “The thing you just did- I’m assuming. For the groceries-“ Why does he feel like he’s just digging himself a really big grave?
"...you want... to go outside. For a walk for fun. At eight thirty at night." Schneep narrowed his eyes slightly. "Chase. Did something happen?"
They're near that long desk that hotels have. Schneep lets go of Bro's arm and walks around to the other side.
Fuck- it’s night. How did he not notice it’s night??
“No no just! You know- been… cooped up all day! Gotta get that blood flowing you know? It should be… fine- I can take care of myself!” He can’t remember what all these guys can do but Alt was scared of them for a long time- he doesn’t wanna expose himself and get into major trouble. All he has to do is convince Schneep to let him go outside and it’ll be fine!
"I know you can, I am not denying that," Schneep says. "It is just a bit unusual. You have not had a problem with the new, ah... what is the word? The new... place to stay... yet. Well, I suppose this is not a problem, but you do not go out much."
“Yeah you know- can only stay in once place for so long!” Chase says through a too big smile. “You should probably get those groceries up there! I’ll be back soon- yeah!” He gives a thumbs up.
"...okay." Schneep nods slowly. "I will do that."
“Sweet I’ll uh- see you in a bit then!” Bro starts to head back towards the doors-
The doors are locked.
Schneep stares at Bro, something intense in his gaze. Like he's waiting for something.
“Uhhh is there a reason the d-door is locked, Schneep?” Bro turns back to ask nervously.
"We always lock the doors when we come back in," Schneep says in a dead, flat tone. "I do not think we've told you. You do not have a key."
That is not a question. That is a statement.
“Uh yeah- right…” Bro says slowly. “…c-can I have a key?” He tries to smile innocently. “Or can you unlock it?”
"No." Schneep folded his arms on the desk, leaning forward. "Why do you ask? For your walk? Why do you want to go outside, Chase?"
Bro sighs and then stands up straighter, cracking his neck and his eyes glow slightly. “You know I’m not your Chase, huh?”
"Oh!" Schneep jerks upright. "No, I did not, but that makes sense in retrospect." He laughs. "I was getting worried about you. Hmm, did I press the button for no reason, then? No, no, the others will want to see this."
“… double shit.” Chase curses under his breath. He then grins and holds up his hands. “theressss no reason to call the others!! I’m just- you know? Passing through! Don’t want to bother you all so uh- see ya!”
He tries to punch through the door.
Huh, that's weird. It's sturdier than it looks. As he punches the wood, it cracks a little, revealing that it's only a thin wooden cover over a metal door.
Bro cries out and shakes out his hand, stumbling away from the door. “What the fuck?! Ow!”
"It is a bit too late for that," Schneep says. "In fact--do you hear that?"
Footsteps. They're getting louder-- One of the doors bursts open and tendrils of violet-black magic fly towards Bro.
Bro’s stomach drops and he whips around and tries to get into the air before the tendrils grab him and painfully pull him back down. He screams and writhes in the magic, trying to get out of it.
Marvin is standing in the open doorway. This world's Marvin, not Magnificent. Bro recognizes him... but something's different. His eyes. They used to be normal blue, but now they're purple. Even the sclera are tinged a pale violet.
"No you don't, Chase," he says, grinning. That voice--it's different, too. An echoey tone follows the words, a hiss that lingers on the S in his name. "I thought we agreeeeeed you'll be staying. Though... that was a high jump there, wasn't it?"
"He said he is not our Chase," Schneep reports. "Do you remember those visitors from last year?"
Marvin laughs. "Oh yes! Theeeeyyy started this all, in a way. It's so nice to ssssee you again." The tendrils retract, pulling Bro along the floor closer to Marvin.
Bro tries to fight the tendrils- tries to dig his feet into the carpet or grab at something. But it’s too strong. He looks at Marvin with wide scared eyes. “W-well that’s… new-“ He half- whimpers. “W-what did we start e-exactly?”
Marvin crouches down on the ground next to him. The tendrils begin wrapping around Bro's limbs, pinning them together.
Bro shouts as his limbs are pinned together and he squirms in their painful grip.
"You all arrived here from sssssomewhere else," Marvin says. "Somewhere that I got curious about. And somewhere I'd like to go to pay back that other me. So IIIIII started doing some research. Days and days and weeks of research. I didn't find anything about other worlds, but I found so much more. And I realized that some things were holding... us... back." His smile widens. "And getting rid of those things did so much for me. For us. Just recently, actually, IIIII found my potential."
Bro smiles nervously at Marvin. “heyyy that’s- great? Happy for you bro?? T-this sounds like it had nothing to do with me though so m-maybe you can just?? Lemme go? Please??”
"No. Because IIIII just saw yoooouu try to fly away." Marvin flicks the rim of Bro's cap, knocking it off his head. "And I'm curious how you do that. On your own. With no spell. I'm sure Schneep over there is curious too." He looks up at him. "Do you have room for a group project?"
Schneep's expression brightens. It's sickening. "I always do."
"Lovely. I'll take him down to the practice room."
Bro feels his stomach drop and he fights more against the tendrils, trying to break out. “T-There’s nothing to get! I-it’s just super powers! No need for a group project!! Everyone hates group projects!” He tries to joke- but there’s definite panic in his voice.
"'Super powers' don't EXIST here," Marvin says impatiently. "And why not? Why couldn't we have ourselves mmmore powers?" He laughs. "Don't make a fussss about it." He turns and heads back through the door, taking Bro with him, but then stops. "Schneep, can you go check on our Chase, if this isn't ours? Mmmmaybe a doppelganger arrival disrupted something."
"Of course, I will make sure he's okay," Schneep says.
Marvin laughs again, like he's thinking of some private joke. "Yes. Make sure he's 'okay.' And if he's not, tell Jameson." And he resumes, magic tendrils tightening their grip on Bro as he struggles.
“My powers aren’t something you can just take, asshole! Mag’s already tried that!” Bro shouts in anger. He tries as hard as he can to break out as Marvin and Schneep talk, only to yell out in pain as the tendrils tighten. He tries to keep fighting though- always keep fighting…!
"I've heard thaaat before," Marvin says, almost teasingly. "We had someone show up here from nowhere just like you did. They said the same thing, something about light and dark being part of them. But we did it anyway." The hallway door slams shut, separating them from the lobby. "Now shut up or I'll burn out your vocal chords."
As Bro gets dragged down the hallway, the tendrils just tighten further. Marvin is not letting this one get away.
Bro swallows and shuts up like Marvin asks. But he can’t help but shake- fearing what’s coming.
13 notes · View notes
huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 21: Horror Septics
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Horror Septics | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes | Fantasy Masks | Horror
Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
The power Magnificent took from the forest allows him to teleport vast distances. In his rush to get away from there, he ends up in a town on the edge of some body of water. A sea coast, judging by the smell. And it only took a handful of teleports. There's a strange mist that seems to hover around his feet at all times now. Like he's carrying around a fog machine.
Magnificent stumbles across the street, holding his arms and looking around. The power feels- strange in his system. But… very powerful. He thought he’d be drained trying to do go far but.., he’s fine. That’s incredible. Could he just- escape that thing’s watch and run? Find other things to crush? He… had to find this worlds version of him… right? Why did it feel like… he already did? The fog is new and unsettling but- it could be worse. He keeps an eye out- looking for anything in a red hoodie.
There are some people on the street, going about their own business. They don't notice the mist--or if they do, they don't stare. They do look at Magnificent's face and outfit. Clearly, this isn't a normal appearance for this world. But it must not raise too many questions, because, again, no stares.
Except for one.
A man, younger than Mag is, with sandy blonde hair and a lot of freckles. He's standing beneath a shop's awning and not even bothering to hide his stare.
Magnificent feels the stare on him and locks eyes with the young man, stilling in his walk. He narrows his eyes and tilts his head like a cat, his eyes catching light unnaturally.
The man stares back for a moment. Then he glances to either side and gestures for Magnificent to come closer.
Magnificent checks around too and then he teleports over. He just stares down at the man and raises an eyebrow. "... You're staring an awful lot, aren't you?"
The man gasps as he teleports and staggers backwards. "S-sorry, I dinnae mean to pry, I jus--" He straightens. "Did ye come from Faoirise Hollow? Did ye... talk to it?"
Magnificent narrows his eyes, "... is that the name of the forest back some ways? With the... mist?" He purses his lips and then nods, "... if you're referring to what I'm thinking of then... yes. What of it?"
The man goes pale. "Oh. Oh no, did--did ye agree to anyt'ing? Did ye say yes?"
“What does it matter to you?” Mag spits.
"T'at's not a no." The man's eyes widen. "I-I'm sorry, ye can'--maybe if ye get far enough ye'll be able to escape--" And then he stops. And goes quiet.
“What,.. what do you mean?” Mag tries to hide the way his voice tries to shake.
"I'm sorry, I think I've mistaken you for someone else," the man says. "Were you going to go take the ferry? It leaves soon. You should hurry."
Why is it so quiet?
"What the hell are you talking about?" Mag presses, stepping forward, "Why- why do I need to escape?"
"Escape? No, I'm sorry, I think you're not who I was looking for," the man says, smiling. "I'm sorry to bother you." He turns and starts to head inside the store. The awning above shifts. It must have been sturdier than it looked, though, because it doesn't even creak.
Magnificent feels a chill go down his spine- why... why is it so quiet? "W-wait!"
The man does not wait. He goes into the building, the door slowly closing behind him.
Magnificent staggers back, eyes wide. Something's... something's not right here. He backs away more then- he tries to rush back down the street. He said something about escaping- before he started acting even more strange- maybe he should look for a way out!
As he runs, he notices something strange. There were pedestrians on the street, but not anymore. And his footsteps are not there. Even as his feet pound against the pavement, there is no sound.
Magnificent feels panic start to grip at his chest. He tries to run faster.
He keeps running and running until— Something stops him. Not a wall, not a magical forcefield. It gives a little before snapping back. As he stumbles away, he notices a cut on his face. And then he notices the near-invisible string hanging across the narrow street, side to side like some sort of spider web.
Some of his blood stains a strand red.
Magnificent shouts out as he hits the string and when he sees the blood on his hand he staggers back. “What… what is this?!” He yells out in anger and tries to burn the string with green fire.
The string burns easily. But it was never really meant to stop him. Only keep him busy for long enough. He is standing under a lamp post. The light goes out.
Magnificent yells and then whips around, holding a flame out and trying to sound threatening, "W-Who's there?!"
He’s looking in the wrong place. By the time he thinks to look up, it’s too late. Something brushes against his arm. When he finally does look up he can’t even see much, as it’s hiding behind the shattered lamp. There are spiral eyes that stare at him, and jointed wooden hands that reach for him, and then—
In the last two worlds, he found himself under someone else’s control. When JJ managed to put his strings on him, and when the King commanded him. And though that control was strong, maybe he would have struggled out of both of those trances if given enough time.
This is different. It is a crushing weight where the others were merely heavy. There is no way out of this.
Magnificent stiffens and he gasps as his body and mind are completely stolen by the entity pursuing him. He can't fight. He can't even scream.
His own voice speaks. “You weren’t supposed to see me. But you were getting off track. Did you not understand the request? That man was not wearing a red hood, why did you speak to him?” A pause. The thing on the street lamp shifts, joints twisting. “It is not on this island. This town has a ferry to the next. Check there. Do you understand?” Though he cannot use his voice, he somehow knows it will hear him if he tries to answer.
Magnificent wants to fight but he shudders as he hears his voice speak without his say-so. He can't- how could he have been so stupid?
He tries to tell the thing, "Y-Yes."
"Good," his voice says.
And much like when he was in the forest, he feels something loosen. Less like a tight grip, more like unzipping a tight jacket. He can move and talk and do whatever he wishes once again. But he can feel that sensation of control waiting. Resting against his skin.
Magnificent gasps again as the control is lifted, but he feels uneasy and cold. Like the puppeteer has only put down the control bar for a second. And he hates it. How was he supposed to know the thing he's hunting wasn't here? He growls and bares his teeth then stumbles forward to find the ferry. It's pretty clear what he's supposed to do now...
As he makes his way there, the strange man's words drift through his mind. What was it? "If you go far enough maybe you can escape"? Something like that...
Go far enough.... he needs to find his cub. They need to get out of this universe as soon as possible..
It's definitely night by the time Chase and his new companion make their way into the city, but the presence of street lights does a lot to make it bright in a way that Chase probably wouldn't have appreciated without the last universe. Right now the two of them are in a suburb area, but it can't be that far from somewhere more urban. Cars pass by on the road every minute or two. Jack looks uneasy, but he's not going to leave Chase behind.
Chase isn't looking much better- especially cuz they're walking. He feels like he's about to burst out of his skin, but he's trying to stay calm. Even though his instincts are trying to go crazy. Something is really really wrong here... and he's so worried about Alt. And even Mag-
"Do you know where your brother would go if he was on his own?" Jack asks quietly. "If not... public libraries always have free charging ports for phones. Sometimes they have cables, too. Or you could buy one if you have money. I don't."
"He'd... he'd be trying to find me," Bro admits, shrugging. "That's what he's done in every world before this..." He pats his utility belt and checks to see. "Um- I have money. Not a lot- and... man i should keep a cord in here-"
Jack laughs a little. "Sorry, that's not really that funny. I just--yeah, probably, you should carry one. Cords are pretty cheap, though. If we can find a petrol station or a convenience store they're probably selling them there." They walk for a little while more... and then a few drops of rain begin to fall from the sky.
Chase looks up at the sky and scowls, "Offff course- just our luck!"
Jack looks up as well and goes a bit pale. "Shiiiit. Okay, uh--maybe it'll stop soon, where can we--it's all fucking suburbs, of course it is. I need to get a tent somehow, for fuck's sake."
One of the houses nearby has a For Sale sign up. Jack looks at it and hesitates. Noticeably.
Chase blinks in confusion. "Hey like- rain sucks but... it's just rain. We gotta keep looking... If Alt has been alone then- one of those things might have him! I can't stop cuz of some rain..."
"Chase, I know, but--well, if you're from another universe and don't have that much money, I'm going to assume you don't have a place to stay?" Jack says tentatively. "So you don't have anywhere to... change clothes if they get wet and cold? Trust me when I say that wearing wet cold clothes is an easy way to get sick."
Chase hesitates and then looks at the rain, pulling his jacket closer around him. He hears his friends' voices in his head, reminding him to take care of himself. He can't help Alt if he's sick.
After another moment of hesitation, Jack hurries over to the house with the For Sale sign and starts trying the door.
Bro groans and then hurries after Jack, looking around for any sign of danger. Just in case...
Chase doesn't see anything of note. It's all pretty normal. But there is a car coming so they better hurry. Jack takes something out of his parka pocket--a swiss army knife. He unfolds a couple of the attachments and fumbles with the lock on the door until it clicks. "It's always easier than you think," he whispers, and pushes the door open.
"You know... probably not something I should know-I'm kinda a hero back home..." Chase mutters but- he can't let himself be alone right now. He follows closely after Jack.
"Oh that explains some things," Jack says as he steps into the living room. "I mean--you kinda have that personality, but also... Sangria likes fucking with people who are, uh 'good' the most. You know, like... moral. A 'hero' would be a perfect target."
"...bastard-" Chase mumbles as they head inside.
The house is unfurnished, lines in the carpet like it's been vacuumed or cleaned recently. There's the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, and stairs leading up. The kitchen actually has a fridge in addition to the installed counters and cabinets. Maybe it's also built into the room.
Chase looks around and double checks some of the rooms. After he does he finds a wall and then settles against it, sighing and resting his arms on his knees.
Jack looks at him. He sits down across the room so they are facing each other. "This is a dumb question, but... you okay?"
Chase grips at his arms and grits his teeth, "... I'm losing my mind- I... I feel so s-stupid sitting here! But i... I hate that I'm actually scared... to go out there alone. And also cuz you're right- I can't let myself get sick looking for Alt I just... I always had an inkling of where he'd be in the last couple worlds. Or like- we'd find each other kinda quickly. But now I... I don't know- and ... it feels dangerous... there were stakes before but like... nothing felt like this." He laughs quietly and pulls at his hair, "My instincts are going crazy- My like.... h-hero senses- they don't usually steer me wrong... and that means something r-really really bad could be happening to him...!"
"...oh." Jack goes quiet, thoughtfully. "I'm... sorry. I... it looks like it's just a drizzle out there, maybe it won't last that long." He pauses. "It... sucks, yeah. I know. I don't... really know what to say, hah."
There's nothing he can say, really. Chase knows he's wasting time here. But even if he wasn't, could he really protect Alt against anything like this? He wasn't even able to protect him when Magnificent dragged him off in the first place. If he could do that, they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. He's not really a good brother.
It's hard to breathe.
Chase feels tears coming into his eyes and he slaps a hand over his mouth as it suddenly feels hard to breathe- what- what was happening? Where were all these thoughts coming from?
"Oh shit. I-I wasn't that bad at comforting you, was I?" Jack sits up straight. Then, as he looks at Chase, his brows furrow. "Did something happen? Chase, do you feel alright?"
The thoughts are coming from his own head, of course. They're just louder now. But does it matter where they're coming from at all? Does it matter when they're true?
Chase is shaking, trying not to panic but his chest is so tight. "S-Something's... s-s-something's wrong...!" He gasps quietly. Yes he gets thoughts like this- all the time actually. But... not so loud. Not so harsh- not lately. He had been doing better...!
Jack scrambles to his feet and starts to hurry over, but stops halfway across the room. "Chase, behind you!"
Behind him? Behind him is just a wall.
Chase believes Jack more than his thoughts right now- He turns around.
A pair of hands grab his head, preventing it from turning entirely. One covers his mouth, while the other grabs his hair right above where--oh, that's not a good spot, is it?
Chase screams and tries to thrash his way out- until he feels the hand next to his scar.
Chase can see something gray out of the corner of his eyes, and his imagination can fill in the details of a face.
He freezes- Why... why does this remind him so much of Distorter?
"Hey!" Jack breaks into a run, lunging at the wall. Suddenly, the hands disappear. Jack slams against the plaster and looks down at Chase, visible eye so wide he can see the whites around the iris. "Okay. New plan. We get the fuck out of this house and risk hypothermia."
As the hands disappear Chase gasps for breath and pulls himself back up. He grabs Jack's arm and runs for the door. "A-Agreed!"
The door is locked.
Chase fumbles with the handle, "FUCK!" He then lets go of Jack and tries to ram himself against the door.
"It’s locked?! Shit!" Jack looks at the nearby windows and go for that while Chase tries the door. The latter rattles in its hinges, but even the strength of Bro Fantastic can't break it down--even though it should.
The windows are locked too. Jack tries using the handle of his swiss army knife as a pike of some sort to break the glass but it doesn't work. "Is there anything in here we could use?!"
"Bro I literally have super strength! S-Something is wrong here- I....!" Chase is trying so hard not to panic, now trying to kick at the door in desperation.
"You do?! Wait, when you said hero you meant like--"
"Yeah dude I'm a super hero!"
Jack shakes his head. "Okay, this isn't the time. There's always a way out. There's always a way out!" He grabs Chase and pulls him away from his (fruitless) efforts. "Maybe somewhere else in the house!"
Bro runs after Jack. He'd fly to find an exit but flying inside is generally not a good idea! He learned that back at the Stitched guys' apartment! He nods though and runs ahead, trying to look for an exit.
There are various windows throughout the house, but they're all locked and made of strangely sturdy glass. The upper floor of the house--with three empty rooms and a closet--is the same.
"There's always a way out, there's always a way out, there's always a way out," Jack keeps repeating, sounding more frantic with each repetition. "There's always a way out, there's always--is that blood?!"
There's a trapdoor in the ceiling of the upstairs hallway. A red liquid is dripping from around its seams. It's not blood. The smell is wrong... sharp. Intoxicating.
Chase skids to a stop in front of the trapdoor, holding a hand out to stop Jack. His eyes widen as he smells it. "... is that... w-whiskey?"
Jack stops to smell it as well. "Oh fuck, yeah, something like it." He covers his nose. "That's a really strong smell. The question is, do we go up there or avoid it as much as fucking possible? Going up there, bad for obvious reasons, but sometimes when you ignore this stuff it just gets worse to get your attention."
Bro pulls his jacket over his nose. God this... smells too familiar. Like one of his really bad nights. It makes him feel sick. "I-It's an attic though- there wouldn't be a way out there, right?"
"You never know..." Jack mutters.
"...if you think it'll get worse if we ignore it then... f-fuck it I guess." He really doesn't want to but- he braces himself then tries to open the trapdoor.
A splash of liquid pours out from the trapdoor as he opens it, followed soon by a fold-down ladder. The attic is dark. It sounds like... like someone is crying up there.
"... I really don't like that-" Chase whispers.
Jack nods slowly, thoughtfully. "I think... I have an idea," he says slowly. "It disappeared when I went for it. It could've just stayed there but it disappeared. Maybe... confrontation is good in this case." He grabs a rung of the ladder. "I know you're a hero so you're probably going to come up with me, but... I want you to know you don't have to."
Chase looks conflicted but he shakes his head. "I can't let you face whatever this is alone... that'd make me a really shitty hero." He tries to laugh, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "... I'll be right behind you."
"Yeah, I figured you'd say that." Jack smiles gratefully. "...thank you." And he climbs on up, Chase right behind him.
The attic is pitch black and dusty. Parts of the floor are exposed insulation. On the ground are crinkly pieces of old papers. Jack picks one up and looks at it in the faint light coming from the open trapdoor. It's some sort of crude drawing. Done by a child? The crying is louder farther in.
Chase picks up one too and looks at it, "...why... why are these here...?" He whispers. He then swallows and shakily starts to go towards the crying.
"Who knows?" Jack mutters, and follows Chase into the darkness.
The sound gets louder as they get closer. Louder. Louder. Someone is sobbing their eyes out. Until, abruptly, they aren't.
Suddenly, Chase feels a presence behind him right before it grabs him--one hand on his shoulder, another on that same spot on his head. All at once memories come slamming into him, one after another, a highlight reel of the worst moments of his life, of his biggest mistakes and failures.
Chase freezes as he's grabbed in that same spot again and gasps as the memories flood. Tears fall rapidly down his face as he tries to shake all the memories off. Alt getting kidnapped- all the mistakes he made as a hero, driving Alt away to become Impulse- all the the people he endangered by being a hero..!
Isn't it terrible, Chase? Isn't it all so awful? Wouldn't it be easier if nobody had to deal with you?
It's almost too much-
No! No, it wouldn't!
But, then he feels that surge- that want to be better. To do better. His promise to never leave his brother alone again. His friends he'd always keep fighting for.
Chase pushes beyond the sudden memories and claws his way back to the current moment, to the fact that there is something solid behind him, with hands and a face, a strange combined smell of alcohol and old, dusty places coming from right behind him.
Isn't he a hero?!
He is!
He's a hero, god damn it! And he will not be pushed around!
He feels the solid force behind him and yells in determination, swiftly turning on his heel to try to deliver a punch right into the entity's face.
As he spins, he catches a glance of a gray face, streaked with dark tears--and then it's immediately blocked by his fist. Contact is made for a split second before the thing disappears into thin air, leaving him a bit off balance.
"Holy shit!" Jack gasps, and then laughs. "That was the most badass thing I've seen in a while! Amazing, Chase!"
Chase stumbles back, still holding out his fists like he'll need to keep punching. He then laughs and wipes at his face, "T-Thanks-! That was... that fucking sucked-!" He laughs a little more unhinged, his emotions pretty much everywhere.
"Yeah... looked like it." Jack's eye flashes with sympathy. "But at least you pulled it off."
The house shakes slightly. Not... a lot. But... worryingly so. Chase can hear whispers on the edge of his hearing, somewhere in between reality and his mind.
"For fuck's sake!" Even though it won't do anything, Jack pulls out the swiss army knife and flips open the blade. "Listen you little shit. I did not last nine months in a technological hellscape for you to kill me in a house! This guy's not even from here! So fucking let us go!" And the shaking and whispers stop. Jack blinks. "If I knew I could threaten it I would've tried that earlier..."
"... how the fuck did that work??" Chase whispers as he presses up close to Jack. Then, he shakes his head and grabs his hand to look around more- there had to be an exit still right. "F-Fuck it- let's go before it decides to try again!"
Wait--how did they not notice it before? There's a small round window in the far wall! Inspecting it reveals a latch; the whole thing swings outward into the rain.
Chase brightens up as he sees the window and pushes it open. He then quickly apologizes, "Sorry if this is weird!" And then picks up Jack in his arms before flying out into the rain.
"Whoa!" Jack is surprised--because of course he is, people don't fly here! He clings to Chase for security as they jump out. "O-okay then! Be careful!"
Outside it is indeed a drizzle, making the night darker. But the street lamps and light from windows is just enough for Chase to see.
Chase is quick to get them back down to the ground and then he sets Jack down gently. He grins at him and laughs, "Told ya I was a super hero~!"
"You did! Can't say I wasn't warned." Jack laughs. He takes a few steps, making sure that he's on solid ground, and holds tight to the strap of his duffel bag. "You know I used to be afraid of heights... but not anymore."
There's so much more to be scared of.
"A-anyway. We gotta get somewhere out of the rain. Ideally, somewhere public. There has to be some sort of petrol station nearby or something."
"Yeah right- we can try there... If you don't mind- I can get us there a little faster. But, I know its not the best feeling either," Chase laughs, rubbing the back of his head.
“No, no, i-it’s fine, I’m sure you know what you’re doing.” Jack grins, a bit nervous. Just be careful not to be seen, okay?”
"Yeah of course! I'll be quick- plus it's dark so we're less likely to be seen!" Chase scoops Jack back up and then shoots back into the air, quickly looking for a safer shelter from the rain.
It’s not long until they find a small area with a couple shops, some restaurants, and a gas station, all lit up with colored signs and white lights through the windows.
Chase tries to find a shadowed area and then lands him and Jack there, making sure the other man is set down gently again. He shakes the rain off and he sighs, "Okay- we got some options now! Still wanna do Petrol or- i think think there's food around here... we could get something warm to wait out the rest of the rain..."
"...food would be nice," Jack says hopefully. "But we should get you a charging cord first. So you can... do that while we eat."
"oh yeah! let's hop in and grab one!" Chase laughs and then heads towards the Petrol station.
Jack grins, a bit nervously, and follows Chase to the station. It's open, of course, and it does sell charging cords--as well as the plugs and portable batteries--for pretty cheap. They're probably not high quality but it doesn't need to be. Jack hovers near the doors while Chase takes care of buying those. He glances at the security camera hanging in the corner. These looks become more frequent the longer they're there but he doesn't say anything.
Chase remembers that Jack is trying to stay away from tech so he tries to be very fast- quickly grabbing the first cord he can find for his phone and paying for it right away. As soon as he has he hurries back to Jack and holds it up. "Got it! C'mon lets go get food!" He briefly glances at the security camera, just to check before leading Jack out.
"Great. Thanks." Jack smiles as the two of them leave.
There's nothing weird about the camera when Chase glances at it. But a bit after they leave, it swivels a bit, as if tracking them as they walk past the windows outside.
As for food, there a couple places. Nothing too nice, mostly various fast food places--but they are open and that's what matters. Chase can hear Jack's stomach grumble.
Chase chooses the closest one nearby that has coffee. He needs a pick me up, badly. He points to the one he picks with his thumb. "This one good with you?"
Jack nods. "Yeah. I hope they still sell coffee this late. It's been a while since I've had some good dirty bean water." The two of them head over.
Chase laughs, "That's what I was hoping to get too!" He eagerly takes them inside, the thought of coffee urging him forward.
The inside of the restaurant is warm and, importantly, dry. It smells like food and coffee. There are exactly two employees behind the counter, an older woman and a teenager who looks kind of sleepy. The place is empty except for those two--and Chase and Jack now.
"You go ahead and order," Jack says. "Get me a black coffee and whatever, anything will be good. I'll claim a spot."
"You got it~" Chase replies, going up to the counter. He smiles at the employees, "Hello! Can I get two orders of black coffee and um- two plates of fries? chips? I always forget what I'm supposed to call them!" He laughs.
It's chips here, but the teenage cashier understands what he means as she takes the order. "Just one minute," she says. "Here's your table number. We'll call it." She hands him a plastic card with the number two on it and then goes into the kitchen.
"Thanks!" Chase replies and takes the card and hurries back over to Jack.
Jack chose a table by the front windows, taking his duffel bag off and putting it on the chair next to him, leaving the ones on the other side of the table for Chase.
Bro looks around for an outlet and once he finds one he plugs in the charger and starts to recharge his phone. After that he sits down across from Jack and nervously taps his foot, watching his phone screen.
"Got us some chips-" He tells Jack idly.
"Great." Jack's expression brightens. "Food is good. Food is always good." He leans back in the chair. "Especially after a... fucking crisis, jeez. I did not expect to go right into that. I guess it's for sale because of the horrors." He laughs, a bit hysterically.
Chase laughs too, it feels better to laugh then to dwell on... whatever the hell that was. "Pft yeah. Probably... that thing was... so freaky." He shudders.
"It... kind of seemed to latch onto you," Jack says slowly. "Then again, they tend to avoid me after... what happened. So I guess you were the only available target."
"Yeah..." Chase mutters. "It... it's weird I... I almost felt like... like I... related to it... almost. That whiskey? .... I used to drink something that smelled just like that on my bad nights." He grips at his phone a bit harder.
Then, he blinks up at Jack. "Oh right... you said in the house- and... when we met. What... I mean you don't have to tell me if it's too much since we did just meet but... what happened to you...? What's the thing that targeted you?"
“I… I-I never learned what it’s called,” Jack says quietly. “I used to go online a lot, for my job. One day… I thought it was one of those weird creepypasta videos, you know, ‘ooo this thing happened totally for real,’ but… then things started happening. I started blacking out. Having bad dreams. Weird static on all my devices a-and messages and… I realized it was real. So I tried leaving home to see if that would work but… it just followed me. Hunted me down. And took me to this weird… pocket dimension, I guess.” He pauses.
The only word for his expression is haunted.
“I don’t want… to talk about what happened while in there. But there’s always a way out. I found it. And I’ve been.., like this since.” He pauses. “I wonder… if there’s some silent rule between them not to mess with me. Sometimes it seems like it.”
Chase listens with mounting horror. “Dude I… that’s- that’s awful… and you- you were trapped in that place for 9 months?” He shakes his head, “I… I get it. You don’t have to say anything more just… I’m so sorry, Jack..,”
Jack takes a shaky breath. "Thanks." He wipes at his eye. "It... means a lot to hear it. I-I do think I got one of the worse ones."
“Sounds like it…” Bro mutters. He shakes his head some more before going to check on his phone. Surely it had some battery by now, right?
Just as he checks, the phone buzzes as it turns on. As he examines it, he sees... a couple missed calls from Alt. They went to voice mail while it was off.
Chase stiffens and hurries to click on the oldest one, sitting up straighter in his seat.
Everything sounds muffled. Footsteps, a squeaking sound like old hinges, a clatter of metal. Heavy breathing, sobs catching. Then a loud commotion. Alt yells--then screams. “NO! NO LET ME GO! STOP IT!” he cries.
Chase jerks away from the sound of screaming, his face losing all its color. “No- no no no!”
There's another voice there but Chase can't make out what it is over Alt's panicked breathing and the rustling of cloth. “HELP!! SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!!”
And then, suddenly, it cuts off.
Chase hurries to listen to the next one- please please please be better- be okay please be okay…!
It is not better. It is worse. The message starts with screaming. Wordless, pained screaming. "HELP!" It's unmistakably Alt. "HELP! SOMEONE--CHASE! CHASE!" He shouts for his brother before devolving into sobs. Metal scrapes against something. A stranger laughs.
And then it stops.
Jack leans forward. He can hear the screams on the phone from here.
Terrified panicked tears are in Chase’s eyes as he listens. He holds a shaky hand over his mouth, looking like he’s gonna be sick. He looks at Jack with wide eyes. “S-something- something got- A-Alt…!”
He’s afraid to see if there’s any more messages- but he shakily does. What else can he do?
There is one last message. This one starts with sobbing, heart-wrenching cries. "No! NO PLEASE!" Alt shouts.
A different voice says something--"Nicht bewegen"--and Alt starts screaming again. His voice sounds hoarse and raw. The message stops mid-shriek.
Hilariously enough, this is when the fast food employees say their food is ready. Well, not hilarious. Just absurd. And terrible.
Chase lets the phone fall limply from his hand, tears falling down his face as he stares numbly ahead, unable to take anything in. “G-German-“ He breathes, hardly able to get his voice to work, “There was… German- I know what that sounds like but- w-who?!”
Jack goes pale. "Fuck." He grabs his duffel bag, slinging it around his shoulder again. "Okay, so, these things are worldwide, including Germany, i-in fact there are a lot there. But, from what I'm hearing, I-I think I know which one that was. Do you think you can afford the fare to get there? I-I mean, it'll be a couple train rides and a ferry, but--We could probably sneak on if we had to--"
Chase is still kinda staring out, having difficulty processing all of this. But, slowly he nods and pushes himself up. “y-yeah yeah I… I can. I have enough- h-hero money, you know?” He tries to laugh, but it sounds hollow.
"Okay. Good. I thiiiink I remember where the train station is. They're bound to run a night train at some point. We need to get to the coast for the ferry."
Chase unplugs the charger and stuffs it in his pocket then his phone.
Jack stands up. He runs over and gets their food, bringing it back and practically thrusting the fries and coffee at Chase. "We need energy but we can eat on the way if we have to."
Chase numbly takes the food and nods. “okay… okay…” He breathes, trying not to break down. “we- we gotta go-“
"Don't panic," Jack stresses. "Panic is just going to make the journey worse. I'm not going to tell you not to worry, but don't panic." He takes his own portion of the food. "Now let's go save your brother."
Chase nods and that fire of determination comes back into his eyes. He takes another shaky breath and grips his phone tight in his pocket. “Yeah. Let’s go”
There's a brief respite when Alt is able to fall into a shallow, fitful sleep. It's not long. Not long at all. But it is a sort of escape.
He's awoken by a pain in his neck. Another injection. Notarzt is not taking any chances that he'll glitch away. Whatever this formula is, it keeps him tired and weak.
Alt whimpers as that now too familiar pain wakes him up. He blearily tries to move again but his limbs are too heavy. Everything is a dizzying blur, mixed with flare ups of pain.
"Hallo," Notarzt says. "Lass uns weitermachen."
At some point, he lost his jacket. No, he didn't lose it. He can see it on a heap on the floor by that rusted sink, right by his ruined shirt. His phone is sticking out of its pocket but it's too far to reach, with his hands or his magic. Not that he can even try, with the injection and the restraints. It's like it's mocking him with how close it is.
Alt’s eyes wander to his ruined shirt and his jacket. His eyes land on his phone and he slurs out quietly, making a grabbing motion with his trapped hand even if he can’t reach. “…Chase…chase…”
Notarzt notices the movement and tilts its head, looking thoughtful. It disappears out of sight for a moment and then returns with some sort of… metal clamps? It slides one onto Alt’s arm just above the wrist restraint and tightens it until Alt can feel its sharp edges digging into his skin. There’s no blood but there could be at any moment. But that’s not all. There are three other clamps, and Notarzt attaches them at regular intervals along Alt’s arm, ending with two on the forearm and two on the upper arm.
Alt stiffens as the clamp is put on and he shifts his eyes to try to look at what’s happening. “Wha… wha’re doin’?” He slurs, panic coming back into his hoarse voice.
Instead of answering, Notarzt takes out a length of metal filament, thin as string. It ties one end to a loop on the clamp near Alt’s wrist, then feeds it through similar loops on the others, connecting them all. It ties the other end to a small metal tool with a hook on the end—and stabs the hook into Alt’s chest just below the collarbone.
Alt screams and thrashes in his binds, “F-Fuck!”
Notarzt laughs and pulls out another syringe—where the fuck does it keep getting those?! They just pop out of nowhere! But this one is slightly different. The liquid inside is green instead of clear or red like it usually is. It injects Alt in the other arm.
Alt grits his teeth against the syringe and pants, trying to glare at Notarzt. But he’s so tired…
It takes a minute for this to take effect. And when it does—it’s strange. Alt feels his magic stir, like it does when he’s getting ready to blast someone with electricity. But he can’t control it. He can’t even glitch properly.
Alt jerks when he feels the power rise and an instinctual noise of pained surprise escapes his lips. What was happening?? How is it accessing his magic??
The power just keeps rising and rising until it suddenly concentrates on the spot where the hook is.
An electric shock centered on that. The metal filament shivers, transmitting the electricity—it’s all along his arm now, muscles spasming in response.
Alt can’t help but scream again, trying to pull away from the arm that’s spasming.
It’s not over yet. Notarzt picks up a long thin blade and slices down the seam of Alt’s jeans on the other side as the clamped arm. Then it grabs—oh no, it’s more clamps. It puts them along his leg in the same manner, including linking them with the string with the hook on the end. Then it stabs this hook into Alt’s stomach just above the hem of his jeans. The effect is instant this time—the power rushes to that hook as well and soon his leg is being shocked too.
Tear are streaming down his face as Alt tries to jerk away from the part of his body that feels on fire. His voice is already cracking from the screams. His other hand digs more rivets into the table as it tries to claw into it. His eyes flash bright green, crackling energy around him. But, it's all being used against him. "S-Stop..!" He tries to wail but his voice jolts and spasms alongside his muscles and he just lays back and sobs and screams- hoping this will end soon.
Notarzt leans over the table, not reacting much to Alt’s screams. It simply stands there, drinking it in.
Three minutes. It lasts three minutes, and then, slowly, his power starts to fizzle out. The pain fades, leaving behind a shadow of itself, and his muscles finally relax.
Alt fully slumps to the table, head lolling as far as it can in the restraints. He gasps and pants, breath coming out ragged and pained. His eyelids flutter and his eyes roll around in dazed pain. He whimpers and tries to find Notarzt. "...wh...wha'did you d-do...?" he croaks.
“Es ist zu kompliziert, es dir zu erklären.” Notarzt shrugs, a human motion that looks out of place when made by it. “Oder vielleicht will ich es einfach nicht.”
Alt's head is swimming- trying to see if he recognizes any of the doctor's words. He doesn't... he wishes Henny was here. But, then, Notarzt would be hurting him too. He chokes on a quiet sob, missing his friends more than ever. Missing glitches- the kids... Oliver... what if he dies here? What if he never sees them again?
It turns away, walking—not to the trays of tools, but to the sink. Even though it should have been too rusted to use, water comes out anyway. Notarzt returns with a… surprisingly normal-looking glass of water. “Normalerweise würde ich das nicht tun...” it says, and reaches out to undo the restraint on Alt’s neck.
Alt quiets as he hears the sink running. He looks confused up at Notarzt and wary, looking between him and the glass as the restraint is removed. Against his better judgment, he feels himself relaxing without that pressure on his scar.
"Trink das." Notarzt lowers the glass to his face, propping one hand behind Alt's head to push him up.
Alt is so thirsty he doesn't even question it, he eagerly drinks the water, closing his eyes to try to focus on not choking.
If Alt wonders that there might be a trick, there isn't. It's just water.
Notarzt makes sure he finishes it before going back to the sink and putting the glass back. "„Nichts Dauerhaftes“ schränkt meine Möglichkeiten wirklich ein..." it mutters, running a single gloved hand along the tools.
Alt falls back to the table, hungrily drinking in air after he's done. He weakly look around the room, his eyes landing on his phone again. Notarzt used his magic against him... but maybe he has some back...? He weakly tries to open his hand, seeing if he can summon his phone to him at all.
At first, nothing happens. But then--then there's a tiny glitch on the screen. The phone shifts slightly, moving out of the pocket.
Notarzt doesn't notice, it's too busy messing with the tools.
Alt's eyes widen and he smiles a bit. Then, he tries to move it more, gritting his teeth and putting as much energy as he can into it. If.. if he can call Chase... he might be able to glitch out of here...! ...if he can find a way to glitch that is...
The phone moves a bit more, falling out of the pocket and onto the clump of fabric that used to be his shirt. Slowly, inch by inch, it moves across the floor, dragging the shirt with it, thankfully muffling the movement. Until suddenly it skids across the floor and gently hits the side of the table.
Alt is straining- sweating as he tries to make the phone respond to him. He freezes as the phone clangs against the table. He holds his breath.
Notarzt stiffens and glances back, but turns back around when it’s satisfied Alt isn’t escaping.
When Notarzt turns back around, he opens up his hand more and tries to get the phone to fly into it. He might not have the strength though…
Yes! It barely makes it, but he’s got it by his fingertips.
Alt’s heart soars as he scrambles to get a better grip on the phone. Please don’t drop it- please…. He tries to maneuver it so he can unlock it- if he can… he’s memorized the motions needed to call Chase. The only question was… would he be able to glitch away? He hasn’t been able to glitch at all with all the chemicals Notarzt has been pumping into him.
Slowly, painfully slowly, he calls the right number. The other end picks up immediately—and for just a couple seconds he can hear Chase’s panicked voice.
Alt laughs breathlessly as he hears Chase’s voice, “C-Chase!” He desperately tries to glitch-
SKREEEEEKEEKEEKEEKEEKEE— An awful static noise comes from the speaker.
For a split second, Alt thinks he can hear a voice in it.
Notarzt whirls around immediately. “Nein!” it shrieks.
Alt shouts out in surprise and panic and his grip on the phone loosens as he cringes away from the sound.
Notarzt rushes forward. In an instant it snatches Alt’s phone away, stabs a blade through the meaty part of Alt’s hand between the thumb and forefinger, and throws the phone out through the ajar double doors.
Alt screams as his hand is stabbed and then shouts as the phone is thrown away.
“Was haben Sie getan?!” It shouts at Alt. “Was haben Sie getan?!?!” It sounds angry—but, is that… panic beneath the anger?
Alt glares angrily at Notarzt but seeing the doctor’s expression, he loses his bravado. He shrinks back, eyes wide. “I-I… I don’t know…!”
Notarzt screams wordlessly. It grabs the blade in Alt’s hand and pushes it further, driving it into the table beneath.
Alt’s back arches painfully as the blade is pushed further into his hand. He sobs out, “m’sorry! M’sorry!!”
Then it spins around and leaves the room, doors swinging closed behind it.
Alt can’t even bring himself to look at the doctor rushing away, just shutting his eyes and breaking down. He was so close.., so close!! What… what stopped him?
And.. why did it seem to scare Notarzt?
…Why does he feel like he’s being watched?
12 notes · View notes
huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 18: Fantasy Masks
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Fantasy Masks | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes | Fantasy Masks
Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
It's still raining at the palace. How long has it been raining for? Is this normal? {It must be,} this is a strange world after all. And it's common to rain all day back on Earth as well. {The sounds are really soothing.}
Magnificent has been hard at work trying to understand more about this land and its magic. But, with the rain going on so long.... he was starting to get tired. It was... really really soothing. He felt like he could fall asleep right on top of all these books.
He's drowsing so much, does he notice the door to the secret alcove slowly swinging shut?
He does not. The lighting darkens slightly and there's a click sound.
Magnificent's hand slips from where it's propped on his chin and his head falls, suddenly very much at ease. He hardly notices the change in lighting and the sound of the door shutting. He... just gonna take a lil cat nap.
Soon, he's dreaming. He finds himself in a forest. The trees are impossibly tall, their trunks dark, their branches stretching a roof above. Fog swirls around their roots. It's dark, but in the distance he can see the end of the forest, where there's sunlight once again.
A dream...? Strange.... it's been a long time since he dreamed. But, he's so at ease he walks on, carefully treading through the forest towards the sunlight.
There is something here.
There is something behind him.
It's moving, rustling the branches. Getting closer.
Magnificent looks behind him and feels a slight sense of fear- he starts to walk faster.
He can't make out it's shape, just a pair of bright yellow eyes and the gleam of teeth. When it realizes it was behind him, it runs towards him, a rush of shadows.
He feels him screech slightly and start to run faster. He tries to blast magic out at it as he pushes himself to go.
But this is just a dream and his magic is useless. The creature just goes faster and faster--but the edge of the forest is so near--
Mag curses and puts all his effort now into running, grasping- trying to reach for that light-!
He bursts out of the edge of the forest, the trees falling away like they're cut off by an invisible wall. The creature stops. But he's not out of danger--for there's only a few feet of land left before it drops abruptly into a cliff on the edge of the sea. He's running so quickly, and--
Magnificent doesn't even look ahead- just trying to make sure the creature has stopped chasing him. He's momentarily confused by the trees getting caught off- and then he plunges over the cliff.
He screams-
And someone grabs his hand, abruptly stopping his freefall. He looks up to see--the King himself.
Magnificent jerks as he's caught and he blinks up to the king with wide eyes. "y-you...?" He whispers in disbelief.
The King flashes a smile, looking strangely friendly. He pulls Magnificent up onto the small stretch of land. "Be careful," he breathes. "Why knows what would've happen if I wasn't here?"
Magnificent blinks wide eyed at the King, as if he can't believe his eyes. "y...yes... I... t-thank you."
The King bows. "You're welcome." And, in an instant, Magnificent is awake again.
Magnificent wakes up, slightly panting, pushing himself away from the desk. He blinks rapidly, trying to connect his thoughts. ....when had he fallen asleep...?
Not much time seems to have passed. But then again, the door is closed, so there is no reference for time in the windowless room. At least the candles haven't burned too far down.
Magnificent shakily pushes himself up and looks around- and now realizes the door is closed. He feels a bit of anger and then flies up to try to see if he can open the door from this side.
There doesn't seem to be a way... At least, there is not a mechanism like there was from the other side. And the stone door is very heavy. How are people expected to move this? When he tries to teleport, {he can't. His powers are strangely blocked in this room.}
"What the fuck?!" Mag yells then starts to bang on the door, "AODHAN! Let me out of here! What is the meaning of this?!"
A moment passes. Two. Three. And then, the stone door starts swinging outward. The King is standing in the still-dim library, holding a candle and {looking concerned.} "Did you close the door on yourself?"
“What?! No of course not!” Magnificent growls, “I just- woke up and the door was closed! Did you lock me in here??”
"No!" The King is now irritated. "I told you before, it will be much easier to get back to Suilthair with the two of us. I'm not planning on going back on my word. Do you think I'd be so childish as to lock you in a room until we left?"
"Well I don't know!" Magnificent bites back. But, after a second he does seem to deflate some. That... did seem out of character for the King so far... "...p...perhaps not- but.. I don't know how it closed then. I was down below still reading. I didn't even notice that it shut..."
"You did just say you woke up, so I assume you were asleep." The King takes a step back, experimentally pushing the door in both directions. "Hmm... this palace has been empty for around four years. I wouldn't be surprised if something went off with the mechanism, leading to it slowly closing over time."
Magnificent seems to relax even more at this and his anger fades. Now, he almost seems embarrassed. He looks away and messes with his cape. "... i guess that makes more sense then... hm.."
"Still, I don't think they open from the interior, so it's a good thing I was close by," the King says. {It really is, isn't it?} "Seems a bit of a design flaw if you ask me."
"Yeah, I'll say..." Magnificent mutters. He goes to grab the pile of books and scrolls he was studying and then hurries back out of the passage. "I'm not risking getting locked back down there- I'll just continue up here."
The King laughs. "Seems a wise thing to do." A breeze gusts around the secret alcove, blowing out the candles. As soon as Mag is out and the candles are dark, the King closes the entrance. "By the by, remind me of something, Magnificent. Did you intend to stay in this world or move on to another?"
"Hm... it depends-" Magnificent says non-committedly. "... This world seems better suited for me. However, I need to see if... my ambitions can be met here." He places the books down and takes another seat. "... I will probably not stay. There's too much to learn- too much more to see."
"...ah." Did the King seem... {disappointed?} "Well, this is indeed a vast world beyond the island. And with your unusual magic, I think your power could be... There would be little real opposition. On an individual basis. The problem being that nations have armies, and such. You would need an army of your own. Glasúil does have many warriors." He pauses. Is he suggesting what Magnificent thinks he is? "Ah, but I won't impose on your wishes, of course." He nods at Magnificent's books. "Enjoy your reading," he says, and leaves the library entirely.
The King is quite powerful in his own right. Magically, and politically in this world. {He could be a great asset. Or maybe even an ally. What could this world offer the two of them?}
Magnificent pauses in his reading and watches as the King leaves. He almost wants to stop him but... surely the King wasn't suggesting... a team up? ... maybe that would be beneficial... they did seem to share a lot of the same viewpoints and goals. And with all the magic here... he could be sustained for... ages. Much longer than at home. He... he could be unstoppable here. ...as much as he didn't want to rely on another.... until he knew more about the land... He could be a great asset. ... perhaps He would stay. He just... he needed to make sure he kept his cub around- to get to other universes eventually. But, the King and him... oh they could turn so many worlds into endless droves of puppets, worshiping at their feet like the gods they are. He smiles. Not a bad plan at all...
Not a bad plan at all. But of course, {he needs the King} for it. That's the crucial part. Which means {he needs to stay close.}
Yes… Mag needs to stay close. Him and the King will accomplish great things together. He just needs Alt… he can be their pet and provide them with even more power to conquer the kingdoms. They could crush the rebels and that troublesome hero once and for all.
Back in his chosen bedroom, the King sits with his eyes closed, monitoring Magnificent's thoughts. Does he suspect how far the King can reach? If he does, the King will make sure he doesn't anymore. He wonders if the magician will make a move soon. It'll be almost disappointing if he doesn't. But at the same time, satisfying to know this power of his holds strong. It's almost a shame. Almost.
{It will be great.}
It will be great… No- wait… this. Something wasn’t right here. Since that dream… he hadn’t been questioning anything the King offered him. …why? He’s not one to just go with a plan. He-he was actually thinking of staying here?! In this primitive world?! He had so many other worlds to conquer! The King must be doing something- can he still enter his mind without detection?? No no… he- he can’t let himself fall for these mental games! He’s the strongest magician- he would make that phony king see that… was there anything in here on how to beat enchantment… he needed some kind of advantage here. He would not lose to this… he would not…!
The rocky fields have given way to more traditional grass fields, the blades knee-high or sometimes higher. The grass rustles as Draco swishes through them, wandering off somewhere. "Clear spot up there." Jackie points to a spot where the grass is slightly shorter. "Time for a lunch break."
Alt nods sleepily and without really thinking about it, glitches over to that spot and then flops down on the ground.
Bro blinks then laughs a bit, “Guess Alt isn’t used to all this walking.”
"But you are?" Jackie asks, sitting down near Alt.
Bro makes a little offended noise, “I’m a hero, Jackie! I have to be pretty fit to make sure I’m saving lives! Plus I have good stamina.” He sits down on the grass and stretches. “…I do prefer flying though. S’easier usually.”
"Hmm. I guess I shouldn't expect everyone from the same world to have the same capabilities. We don't here."
"For example, Jameson," Marvin says teasingly.
Jameson doesn't deny the slight jab, flopping down just like Alt did. I'm getting better, he says defensively.
Henrik sits down and starts looking through their food bag. "Here." He hands a couple pieces of jerky to Alt.
Alt takes a second to open his eyes to see Henrik offering him the snack. He nods tiredly and takes it, sleepily chewing with his eyes closed.
“…I guess his bad night of sleep caught up to him-“ Bro laughs.
“Shuddup…” Alt slurs between bites.
"Well then why don't you fly ahead?" Chase suggests. "Stay within eyeshot. It's not like a banshee is going to jump out screaming."
“Well that’s not very fair to you guys!” Bro waves his hand. “We’re all in this together!”
Meanwhile, Marvin looks at Alt with some concern. "Is it time to start cutting the distance with doorways? Or should we take a nap while we break? We want everyone to be ready when we get to Killithair."
Alt takes another second to acknowledge Marvin, jerky sticking out of his mouth. He blinks heavily and shakes his head, “S’whatever you guys think is best- I’m either tired or worried right now so…. Being sleepy isn’t so bad.” He yawns.
The others glance at each other.
"Nap break," Henrik decides. "I say this as a doctor. All of you fall asleep."
Chase laughs. "I don't think most people can just fall asleep on command like that."
"Oh, but speaking of sleep, are you still having those strange dreams, Chase?" Jackie asks.
Chase pauses. "Sometimes. They're... pretty rare. But they happen. Oh." He looks at Bro and Alt. "I've been have strange dreams. I'm in a garden, and there's a well at the center, and I need to get to the well but it's like something is pushing me backwards. It could just be a reoccurring dream but... well, it's a chance it's not."
"It could be magic," Marvin agrees.
Bro tilts his head, “Huh… yeah that’s weird… sounds magic to me. Whatcha think Alt?”
….looks like Alt has fallen asleep while they were talking, curled up around his bag. At least it looks like he finished that jerky though.
“…well then.” Bro laughs.
"Hey, he's not the only one, at least." Jackie points.
Jameson is also asleep, lying on his back with his head on his bag. "I'm jealous. It always takes me so long to fall asleep."
"You know what could help with that? Mind soother." Henrik folds his arms.
"Yea, yea. I've heard you before." Jackie rolls his eyes.
“Alt’s not usually one to fall asleep like this either- only when he’s really exhausted.” Bro admits, messing with his hair. “Guess worrying about Magnificent really got to him…” He hums, looking at his brother with concern.
Chase sits down. "I guess we wait, then." He pauses. "Um... have any questions about things in this world, other me?"
Bro sighs and leans on his legs, thinking. “Uhhh- hmm… I dunno. Oh! Jackie said you were a dad- wanna tell me about your kids? Our Jackie’s always talking about his!” He laughs lightly as he grabs stuff to eat.
Chase's expression visibly brightens. "Amabel and Quentin! They're my darlings, really, me and Stacia's. Amabel is my daughter, a little redhead. She's quiet most of the time and likes to be alone but she really wants to learn how to hunt like me. Heh, when she gets into something you can't tear her away. Quen is younger than Amy, he's dark-haired like his mother. He was always a bit... weak, with a tendency for illness, but he's such a cheerful kid, and he loves my stories."
Bro chuckles, smiling warmly, "Aw they sound wonderful... Amabel kinda sounds like Alt when he was younger."
"Alt must have been very cute, then, because Amabel certainly is."
"Strange thing to say when he's right there," Marvin mutters, pointing at Alt.
"He's asleep. Besides, I don't think it's strange to say someone must have been a cute kid."
"I mean, i think he was," Bro laughs. "He- wouldn't have thought so. Didn't really like being... you know. A-" He glances to make sure Alt is still asleep before whispering, "a girl." He then shrugs and smiles fondly, "Though- even when I look back on it, I never really thought of him that way. The second he told me he was a boy at like 4- He was just that. And he was... just the cutest kid."
Chase smiles back. "You know, Quentin told me once that maybe he didn't want to be a boy. 'That's fine,' I said. 'What do you want to be, then?' He said he wasn't sure. And I said, 'well, you don't even have to worry about that until you're ten like Amabel.'"
"Ah, yea, uh... explanation," Jackie jumps in. "Here, you're considered 'no longer a kid' when you're ten, though you're not really an adult until you're sixteen. And once you're no longer a kid, you're free to do things like change your name and ask people to refer to you differently."
"And start apprenticeships and more serious household chores," Chase adds.
"Not that if a kid says they want to be different beforehand we say they can't," Jackie continues. "It's just... by the time you're ten you usually have more identity about yourself, you know? So that's when it's official." He chuckles. "Of course, there are exceptions. Four is young, but not unheard of."
Bro blinks, "Damn that would have been nice for us growing up! Man... we should adopt something like that- it sure would make a lot of gender stuff easier." He laughs. "Oh it confused the fuck out of our Aunts at first. But, luckily they were willing to listen. So, Alt's lucky. He got put on stuff that would stop... things from growing until he was 15. ... then well..." Bro's expression looks sad as he slumps slightly, "I... i dunno what happened after that. I assume... he just got it figured out. But, point was- his family always was with him on how he saw himself."
"That's good," Marvin says quietly. "Family should always be with family. He's lucky he had you and your aunts."
"Very lucky," Henrik agrees. "I think you have been good for him, Bro."
Bro blinks and then feels his eyes water a bit but he laughs and tries to blink them away, "uh... t-thank you guys... that... means a lot. We uh... got separated for a while so... I feel like I have... a lot to make up for. But, w-we're together again and... that's all I could really ask for. I never thought... i'd actually get to again... you know?"
"Yea," Chase says quietly, nodding. "Now, we're really just a handful of strangers, but from our perspective, it looks like you're doing great. Keep it up. He cares about you too."
The storm at the palace has only slightly let up. There is no longer thunder, but rain continues to pour. The King remains in his chosen bedroom, watching the drops trail down the glass.
The door to the King's bedroom slams open- and a furious Magnificent stands in the door, a stone curled tightly in his fist. His eyes glow as he snarls and strides into the room. "You broke our truce, Aodhan. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
The King turns around, calm despite the sight before him. "If I must be honest? Yes." A small smile traces his mouth. "People rarely do. I did consider it, though, with your strange magic and knowledge about the mind." His hand rests on the handle of his sheathed seax. "I will say that the truce was merely that I wouldn't read your thoughts, not that I wouldn't influence them. But now that you think I've broken it, are you planning on breaking it in turn?"
"Yes!" The dark magician snarls, "You trespassed where I've allowed no one else- heard things I've told no one else!" He lights up fire in his hands as a mad light enters his eyes. "I cannot allow you to live now, knowing I was only a pawn for you to use!" He yells out in rage and tries to shoot the fire at the King.
The King moves, but not fast enough. The fire passes by his shoulder and lights his cape on fire. Scowling, he pats it out, then draws his seax. "Would you have done anything else if you were me?" he asks, the blade lighting up with electricity. He swings it in a diagonal slashing motion, and an arc of lightning shoots out towards Magnificent.
The lightning hits Mag in the shoulder, his muscles spasming for a second and he has to recover by holding himself up against the wall. "Mayhaps..." He giggles, unhinged. "I guess I haven't been thinking straight- wonder why that is." He growls, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he sweeps out a hand and lets a bloom of swirling green and purple magic appear in front of the king. "Maybe we should test out how well that will work now~!"
The King laughs, amused. "Do you think that--" And then he actually looks at the magic. And stops. Stiffens. His eyes start to glaze, then he shakes his head. "Wait," he says, a nervous tinge in his voice. "How did you...? There's nothing different, but--" He presses a hand to the side of his head and pushes, like he's trying to force himself to look away, but for some reason, it's not working. "You little--snake!" And with one burst of willpower, he throws the seax right at Magnificent. That's the last thing he does, though. Something in his eyes changes, and he slumps back against the wall.
The seax hits Mag in the arm and he stumbles back, hissing in pain. He pulls it out and then seethes looking down at the King. But, did it... did it actually work? He looks down at the hastily made talisman he made with a warding rune- something elementary he knew from his witchcraft days. Did it actually protect him? He laughs, breathlessly then a bit more madly. He strides over to the King grinning. "Well well well Aodhan... who's the pawn now?"
Aodhan stares up at him, no longer eye-level now that he was leaning back against the wall. "...me," he says in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. His body shudders as if it's trying to reject the hypnotic magic, but he can't quite shake it off.
Magnificent chuckles evilly and goes to kneel by the King and squeezes his chin in his claws, "That's right... very good, Kitten."
He studies Aodhan and hums quietly. What to do now... He still was so lost in this world- he was hoping to not have to do this until they were back in the capital. But... desperate times... It was gonna take a lot of effort to keep him down- already he can feel him fighting it. He can't have that...
"mmm maybe that's what I should do with you, pet~ Should I make you a good little kitty who can lead us back to the capital~? Keep you out of trouble- keep that nosy mind of yours away from where it doesn't belong?" He snarls.
Aodhan blinks slowly. Then he shudders again. "It's... still raining..." he says dully. "Not... yet..."
Indeed, the rain is still pouring, tracing lines down the glass window. The road leading into town was packed dirt, Magnificent had seen it when they walked in. By now it would be mud.
Magnificent tsks, rolling his eyes towards the windows. "mmm... of course." He lifts Aodhan's chin back up and looks into his eyes with a sneer. "I can't have you double crossing me again though, Aodhan. So, I'll let you enjoy the rest of the storm as a mindless kitty pet, alright?" He giggles and grins wide as he attempts to pump black magic into Aodhan.
Something darken's in Aodhan's eyes--and suddenly the King grabs Magnificent's wrist. "I think not," he says, and shoves Magnificent away.
Magnificent gets shoved and he fumbles to recover dropping his talisman in his haste to get up. He bares his teeth, "Insolent fucking whelp! How did you snap my strings so easily?!"
The King grins as he stands up. "Did I?" he points a finger against his temple. "Look at what you've done, Magnificent. Does it feel like you've lost control?"
And when Mag takes a moment to look closer he realizes... it doesn't. He should still have the King under his control. His eyes still have that glazed look. And yet, here he is standing and defying him easily. "I told you days ago, didn't I? You don't understand the situation going on here." The King smiles wider. The air feels sharp, electric. His shadow writhes on the wall behind him.
"You can't control something that's already being controlled, Marvin."
Magnificent's eyes widen and he takes a stumbling step back, dread pooling into his bones as he breathes. "No... no w-what- what are you?" He tries to yell, tries to snarl- keep up his facade. But, this thing is right. He has no idea what's happening here. And he's gonna pay for thinking he ever could.
And then lightning strikes the window.
Instantly it shatters, the stone around it exploding and shrapnel flying outward. The King doesn't move as electricity fills the room. The old furniture immediately catches on fire.
The room explodes, the stone flying and knocking Mag off his feet. Then, the crackling electricity shocks his body, making him unable to move as the room catches fire- he screams bloody murder, his body burning from the electricity coursing through him. He can't control his body as it writhes on the ground.
The King stands there, watching, head tilted to the side. As soon as Mag is mostly through the spasms, he reaches out and grabs him, dragging him back through the open doorway and into the hallway, away from the burning.
Magnificent cries out as he's dragged out into the hallway. He chokes as he's grabbed by the throat and through teary vision he tries to bite back a whimper. His entire body was in pain- he could hardly think straight.
The King crouches down next to him, grabbing him by the throat and squeezing gently. "I still think this can be salvaged," he says, quietly. "Your power can be very useful. Maybe you could be where I am in a thousand years or so." He grins. "But for now, things will change. I'm not going to be as merciful as I have been." His voice shifts. "You will obey. Do you understand?" he Commands.
Mag couldn't resist the command even if he wanted to. "y...yes.... I'll... I'll obey-" He whispers, unable to stop himself.
"Good." The King lets go and gets to his feet. "Now stand up. It looks like the storm is clearing up. We can leave as soon as possible." Indeed, the sound of rain has abruptly vanished.
Mag stumbles to his feet even as his whole body protests. He swallows thickly, everything in him focusing on staying upright through the haze of pain. "y..yes sir."
"'Your Majesty'," The King corrects. "Now let's go." He'll get food and supplies and then they'll start heading towards Suilthair. Towards his rightful home.
"...Yes, your Majesty"." Magnificent repeats hollowly. He doesn't have a choice.
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