1unpaid-intern · 11 months
Sooooo I usually just post about my recent obsessions (that being tgcf rn), but I just had an internship and I figured since I fits my name I might as well post something about it.
I actually applied at a different company first, because everything was online and via email, so I didn't have to call anybody. And at first everything was looking great. I filled out the online formular, wrote a few emails with a lady from the human resources department, she said it's looking good and that she'll write me again when my application has been fully processed. After that I didn't hear from her for a while and then out of nowhere she's like "Sorry but we can't take anymore interns rn". So after emotionally recovering from that I replied with the typical "Sad to hear that, but thanks for your answer bla bla bla ... Also could I maybe apply for an internship at a later date?" Aaaaaannd I haven't heard from her til this day, so yeah I got the hint.
I then ended up at a smaller company, because my Mom knows a guy there (I think he is the husband of her great cousin or sth like that). I first had to suffer through some VERY awkward phone calls, but I somehow survived (I ended up giving them the wrong email, because I was so nervous, fuck you social anxiety, and even had to call them again because of it 🥲).
The internship wasn't bad, I originally wanted to do one as a graphic designer, but since the small company's marketing department consisted only of two people, who actually just were office management clerks, that specialized in marketing and knew all the Adobe programms, I had to compromise a little. Even though they were super nice and showed me all their tasks, I felt kinda useless, because I barely did anything in comparisson to them.
I had to:
- Check the new calender they designed in case they got holidays or something else wrong (they obviously didn't)
- Prepare a presentation on how to reache and then also hopefully get more trainees (they gave me way to much time for that, I'm used to pumping those out in two hours, because of school)
- Put some labels on Schnaps bottles, that they gave out to customers for their 125th anniversary
- Help packing up some other giveaways (like pens, measuring tape, t-shirts and so on)
The best thing was honestly overhearing all the gossip from the department next to us. My personal favourite was when they were talking about this one lady and one of the younger employes joked about her having an onlyfans. His older coworker obviously didn't know what that was, so he explained it to him and his reaction was just priceless. At first he was in denial, he thought he was joking, then he was in shock, because he just couldn't believe that people actually made money with this, and in the end he just stared laughing hysterically.
After the internship was over, I actually realized that they were making fun of me too and I feel kinda stupid for not realizing it earlier. Apparently it's very common here in Germany to refer to an overweight intern as a "Praktifant". A mix of the words Praktikan (=intern) and Elefant 🐘. The young guy, who made the onlyfans joke, always started playing "Colonel Hathi's March" from the Jungle Book shortly after I came in ...
I mean I'm not mad, because I geniunly like the song and it made everything less serious, so I wasn't as nervous. So, thanks I guess?
Also Bowser is into Elephants so I'll take this as a compliment. 🐘
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