#T4HG mod chatter
the-4-horsegents · 5 days
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happy pride from the Horsegents!! Stay safe and take pride, everyone! you are all loved and valid.
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the-4-horsegents · 22 days
Update after like 2 years
Hello!!! It's been a while since I so much as looked at this blog, I know, but I never forgot about it, I promise! Even though it's been collecting dust all this time, I want to update those still interested in the project; and if you are still interested, I definitely think you'll be pleased!
I always wanted to come back to these guys when I had my work more organized, was able to do things quickly at a quality I was satisfied with, and overall just improve upon the story. I barely scratched the surface when it came to the story I meant to tell, and while I can't promise that we'll for sure see the end of it, I am excited to say that it's coming back!!! I wanted to make a post to announce this while I reconstruct the blog's layout, redo the pinned post, and a few other miscellaneous things here and there.
I've been tinkering a lot with my timeline over the years and decided it best if I just start totally new. I'll keep the old posts up for archival purposes, but everything is being redone; the intro, the set up for the prologue, art direction, etc.
Another thing that will be different is the "askblog" portion of this story. While ask blog elements remain, I will be telling a very linear story that wont be dependant on asks at all. It's more of a webcomic with occasional breaks in the plot for asks as flavor text during downtime. I created a backlog of content way in advance before even posting this announcement, and I plan on updating the comic itself on a schedule, while asks and such will be posted more loosely depending on when I draw them. I'm not exactly sure on when I'll post the intro, but you can expect it to be within a few days of this post if nothing comes up to deter me!
TL;DR - The blog is coming back in the form of a comic with occasional askblog elements! I'll spend a a few days redecorating the blog itself before we begin completely anew!
Also, I'll keep asks open while I redecorate in case there's any questions or messages anyone would want to share regarding things.
With all that said, it's good to be back working on this again, and I'll see you all on the flipside! Thank you for reading. - Mod Shark
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the-4-horsegents · 21 days
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This blog is managed, written, and illustrated by @hammerhead-art
The-4-Horsegents is a webcomic with ask blog elements. Characters will occasionally take breaks from the plot to answer questions and fill in gaps of time.
When there is no break for in-universe questions, the inbox will stay open for mod/non-canon questions.
Viewers are encouraged to send an ask "right clicking" on a character in order to unlock their bio.
Bios will be updated for every new Act. It will be made clear whenever new bios are available.
This blog will deal with scenes of violence, among other topics. Specific warnings* will be issued to a post when applicable.
While not constant, characters swear uncensored.
Table of contents: [beginning of prologue]
No sexual questions
No roleplaying
No bigotry of any kind
No Magic Anon
*Potential topics and corresponding tags to filter (updated as the story progresses): #blood, #violence, #alcohol
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the-4-horsegents · 13 days
next update might b a big one 👀
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the-4-horsegents · 3 days
quick question abt worldbuilding, what year is it in universe atm?
Terrence is 17 and the year (at the time of the prologue) is 2008, while a majority of the blog will take place between 2013ish-2017 give or take (and, while we won't be seeing it, Completing the Mission happens 19 years after 2017, in 2036)
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the-4-horsegents · 6 days
AWWWAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH MERCY !!!!!!!! It's so super appreciated AUGH !!!
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the-4-horsegents · 6 days
mod mod guess what. i care you a lot and i also believe in YOU !!!!
THANK YOU BEAR !!! here's hoping the motivation persists I believe I believe
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the-4-horsegents · 22 days
WOOO! glad to see this comic come back :D! I wish you the best of luck with this reboot!
THANK YOU it feels great to finally post on this blog again you have no idea lol
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