ai-k1sser · 1 month
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that one kawoshin meme
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vwiivizx · 9 days
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Pyro women !!!!!!! (Yes I redesigned hu Taos design a bit.) :3 :3 :3
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I forgot to use filters on hu Taos but she looks pretty w/o it anw ,,,,,,
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amethvysts · 5 months
boa tarde gente soltei uma canetada agora de tarde mas infelizmente o vasco da gama me faz uma pessoa triste e ainda terei que assistir o verstappen pegando p1 na corrida agora
portanto vou me distrair das merdas da vida escrevendo.. se você forem bombardeados de spam saibam que sou eu 🌹
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My sister asked me to join a gym near by that practically has a mini waterpark built into it and I just spent $57 to sign up and I was like "hey. Do you want to go swimming today?" (About to be like "so guess what I just signed up for") BUT THEN SHE TOLD ME NO SHE WAS BUSY AND PUT HEADPHONES IN
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izotopi · 16 hours
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hu taoo!!
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entrapta-rp-blog · 4 months
Oo~ Another client? This must be my lucky day! Heehee
– @huu-taoo
(Imma pretend that all of the previous stuff didn't happen yet.)
Client..? For what?
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soov · 6 months
🌹✨this is the you are amazing award. send it to ten humans you think are wonderful, or just take a moment to bask in your own awesomeness! ✨ 🌹
hey rei !! eu sei q a gente nn tem muitas interações e eu tenho um pouco de vergonha de interagir , porém queria dizer que eu te acho uma diva maravilhosa !!!
ames 😢😢 fiquei mt feliz com essa mensagem, mt obrigada!!!!!!!!!!!! te acho taoo incrível e amo seu blog <3 e nao se preocupa pq vou tentar interagir mais contigo!!!!
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
Kinda a hot take but I feel like mtmte megatrons arc would have been so much better if he had stayed on cybertron, like if he had to stay and was around Optimus and starscream, people who arguably know him best, so he is always staring who he hurt directly in the face, bc to me while Rodimus is great for giving megatron a mostly impartial view, I think megatron redemption works best when he has to constantly confront his sins and magnus and rodimus feel to distant as characters to really be brutal with how much megatron has hurt people bc he doesn’t know them as well, tho megatrons arc in mtmte is really good I think this would have not made the rest of the story not so bogged down (sorry if this doesn’t make much sense)
You're making perfect sense to me, anon. And you're not the first person to tell me this. I do agree with you on some level, but the thing is that Mtmte Megatron's arc is Mtmte Megatron's arc. It cannot exist in any other story. I feel like this kind of what-if is runs into too much of an hypothetical for me to make any actual meaningful commentary. It's hard to explain but let me try.
I feel like saying what if Megtaron had stayed on Cybertron is not the same as saying something like "what if Drift had returned earlier" or "what if Pharma had stayed on the Lost Light" or even imagining ways in which his character could have been better integrated into Mtmte's narrative in that if Megatron had not gotten in the Lost Light, his character would effectively not exist.
I have told myself fanfiction where Megatron stays on Cybertron many times and there's lots of fun possibilities there., but there's a difference between a fannish idea and what it would have been in an official capacity. The key here is that the Megatron I'm incorporating into the exRID/OP narrative is still JRo's Megatron. He still has character traits and a backstory defined by that comic, even if I try to take as much of all IDW1 as I can in my interpretation of him.
Mtmte/LL, exRID/OP and Windblade/TAAO are all part of the same universe, yes, but they're all different stories, with different genres, tones, ideas and most importantly, different writers. I mean just look at what a different character Starscream is when written by Barber vs Scott. If Megatron stays on Cybertron then either Scott or Barber would have been his main writer and we just don't know what kind of character he would have been then.
Would they have tried to do a "good" Megatron? Well, the idea of Autobot Megatron was thrown at the brainstorming table for Dark Cybertron as a possibility and the JRo said that he wanted to do that. But the idea was there, maybe they would have picked it, maybe not.
I feel like, much like with Mtmte, Megatron just has too much gravity for Windblade/TAOO and the best way for him to be incorparated in it would have been sporadic appareances while he's in jail or something, probably to taunt Starscream, knowing Scott. This is double-edged for me, because I feel like the way the idea of Megatron was incorporated into Starscream's arc needed more buildup so this could have helped. At the same time I already feel like Starscream's character was too much reduced to being a reaction to Megatron's actions, which is no fun to me, and Megatron's inclusion in the narrative feels like it would highlight the aspects of Scott's writing I don't like as opposed to the ones I do. But again, I can't now. Maybe she would have tried to reform him as well, I have no idea how that would have looked like.
As for Barber, well, everything post DC was based around the fact that Optimus is just too big to not change the game completely, so the entire story became about that theme. It doesn't sound like including Megatron in that would be that. In fact, it's kind of a no-brainer, this is a story about the weight of Cybertronian history with is stuck in a cycle of violence riddle with war and colonization. The guy who did war an colonization better than everyone else should be there. It would be very satisfying to see Megatron, who rose up against the legacy of the Primes, be confronted with the fact that all he did was uphold their ideas of Cybertronian superiority. How does he handle the Decepticons? And then there's the mirroring where Megatron is trying to do better while Optimus is on the verge of losing it and everyone is worried he's gonna pull a Megatron. But again, who knows what kind of character Megatron would have been under Barber, maybe he would have played him as a villian until the end like he did before Dark Cybertron. He would have still been a thematic fit.
You know, I like exRID/OP a lot and I feel like Barber is more willing to take certain risks than JRo, so I think I would have liked the hypothetical version of his story that would have included Megatron but really, maybe he would have fumbled the bag, who knows how much the plot would have changed if it had included Megs, maybe he would have gotten a different idea, maybe it would have costed the Optimus and the Arcee I so adore. Also, a lot of people aren't that fond of Barber's writing so the general response to this non-existent story is another matter altogether.
Despite everything, I don't really begrudge Megatron leaving with the Lost Light in itself. Like yes, it removes him from the more direct consequences of his actions and is not fair that he gets to drop the Cons and go on a roadtrip of self-discovery. But Mtmte is a roadtrip story, there just isn't any way around this. Also, I don't care about what is fair because none of these stories are about fairness or people getting what they deserve. And finally, it makes sense in the way I read Megatron. One of his key traits for me is how his experiences led to him disregarding life and only finding worth in fighting, his arc is about peeling off layers of self delusion and it starts with giving him a place to chill so that he can see value in life again and be in a mental state to appreciate how badly he fucked up.
Problem is how much he bogs down the rest of the story as you said, and other minor things I can more easily ignore.
Side note, but you know that part in Combiner Wars where Windblade and Optimus are like "We cannot allow Starscream to have his way, but we can't just pull a coup?" I think it would have been really fun to have Megatron for that. No, Megatron you cannot beat the shit out of Starscream to solve the issue, you have to respect him as the president. Hilarous. I need to pay someone to do a short fic of this.
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gorepill · 25 days
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IM AWAKE DONT WORRY IM JUST CHILLIN TRYNA DRAW ANYTHING!!!!! and vibin....and got market palyer on in the bg for sounbd.... 3 scary games
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daramdarararam · 9 months
naiinis ako. meron kasi kaming exchange gift. ngayon ko lang naalala tangina kaya ayoko sumali neto kasi dagdag problema lang. naghahanap ako sa mall kaso, andaming taoo amp, wala pakong 30 mins naglalakad at hanap, hilong hilo na ako na ewan. tangina sign of aging ba to ??? huhu. anghiraap. gahol na rin sa oras if online ako bibili hays peste kasi hays
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sales-35 · 1 year
queria fazer exercícios e caminhada mas eu chego taoo cansado da escola 👎👎
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3linaturabi · 2 years
The veil of Allah (S.W.T)!!
From" Kitab al-Turf" of Sayed ibn Taoos quoting from Kitab al-Wassiyah of Shaikh Isa bin al-Mustafaad al-Zareer from Imam Kazim (A.S) from his Father (A.S): "When Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) was about to die, He called the companions and said: "Indeed the door of Fatima (S.A) is my door, and Her house is my house. So whoever disgraces it, has disgraced the veil/covering (Hijaab) of Allah (S.W.T)."
The narrator Isa then says, "Abu al-Hassan Imam Kazim (A.S) then cried for long and cut of rest of his speech and said, "By Allah (S.W.T) the veil of Allah (S.W.T) was disgraced, By Allah (S.W.T) the veil of Allah (S.W.T) was disgraced, By Allah (S.W.T) the veil of Allah (S.W.T) was disgraced, O My Mother (S.A)..."
Reference :
Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 22, Pg. 476-477
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-ahlulbayt stories
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l-unitas · 2 years
qual coisa que não é comestível que você comeria MUITO se fosse? - 🎀
NOSSA TEM TANTOS !! sabe aquele treco de skin care ? que são duas bolinhas com glitter ! tambem sabonete , adoro aqueles de frutinhas ! bolinhas de gude, predrinhas de aquário !!!! aquelas conchinhas do mar douradinhas !! parecem taoo docinhas e crocantes 🤒🤒 aqueles esfoliantes de melancia ! parece delicioso 😋😋 slime, são tantas coisas !!!
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🌺📿🌺 The Secret Of The Tasbeeh Of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) 📿
📿 Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) said :
“One who recites the Tasbeeh of Sayeda Fatima al-Zahra (sa) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
“One who recites the Tasbeeh of Sayeda Fatima al-Zahra (sa) after a wajib namaz before he stretches out his legs (i.e. he recites the Tasbeeh while he is in the posture of Tashahhud), then Jannat becomes wajib upon him”
Falaah Saael by Ibne Taoos (ra)
(p. 165)
📿 Another tradition from Imam al-
Sadiq (as) says:
“One who glorifies Allah after the obligatory prayer through the Tasbeeh of Sayeda Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and then follows it up by saying ‘Laa ilaaha illallah’, Allah will forgive his sins.”
Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat
(pg. 342)
📿 Reciting the Tasbeeh of
Fatima al-Zahra (sa) before
sleeping Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as)
“One who recites the Tasbeeh of sayeda Fatima al-Zahra (sa) at the time of going to bed, he will be accounted amongst those who have remembered Allah a lot.”
Wasaaelush Shia
(vol. 4, pg. 1026)
📿 In the book ‘Wasaaelush Shia’
there is a tradition from Imam
Muhammad al-Baqir (as)
which says that at the time of going to bed, Tasbeeh of Sayeda Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and then Mauzatain (Surah Falaq and Surah Naas) and Ayatul Kursi should be recited.
📿 Teaching the recitation of
Tasbeeh to the children In this
connection, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq
(as) says:
“O Abu Haroon! We order our children to recite the Tasbeeh of Fatima al-Zahra (sa) in the same manner as we order them for the performance of Namaz”
Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat
(pg. 343)
📿 Reciting Tasbeeh made out of the Turbah of grave of Imam Hussain (as) It is better that the Tasbeeh of Fatima
al-Zahra (sa) be made of the pure Turbah (soil) of the grave of Hamza (as).
📿 It has been narrated from
Imam e-Zaman (atfj)
“One who just holds the Tasbeeh made out of the soil of the grave of Imam Hussain (as) and does not do any Zikr, even then for him will be written the reward of having recited the Azkaar”
Wasaaelush Shia
(vol. 4, pg. 1033)
📿 Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) says:
“One zikr or Istighfaar recited on the Tasbeeh made out of the soil of the grave of Imam Hussain (as) is equal to 70 such zikr recited on any other thing.”
Wasaaelush Shia
(vol. 4, pg. 1033)
🌺 As-salamu alaykum Ya 🌺
🌺📿 Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) 📿🌺
Please share it so the world would
know the high status of reciting
📿 Tasbeeh Of Fatima al-Zahra (sa) 📿
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d3ft00nes · 2 years
queria te dizer que eu realmente te amei, eu te amo como oxigênio, eu preciso de você pros meus dias serem melhores.
mas ao mesmo tempo eu sempre me senti tao mal, tao triste com vc, vc nunca gostou de mim verdadeiramente e eu me sinto mal e as vezes parece que eu que nao fui o suficiente pra fazer você gostar de mim
eu te amo tanto, eu daria minha vida pra você, se compatível eu daria ate minha válvula do coração pra vocekkkk
honestamente vc sempre fez meus dias melhores desde que te conheci, mas quando eu me aprofundei numa dependencia em ti eu piorei tanto e sempre que eu te via eu me sentia mal
eu amo seus abraços, eu amo seu sorriso, eu amo seu cheiro, eu amo seu toque, eu te amo por completo e mesmo se eu te conhecesse de verdade eu aguentaria toda essa bagunça que você é, eu não fugiria e você sabe pq eu prometeria com corpo e alma
eu te amo com a minha alma, pq eu posso ate morrer mas ela vai sempre existir. eu te amo ate a lua, eu te amo tanto mais tanto
eu preciso te dizer várias coisas e me parece tão errado e dificil pq seria sobre você e é TAOO CONFUSO que me faz ficar maluca (nao que eu nao seja ne mas)
todos os nossos momentos continuam invadindo minha mente, eu me lembro de todos eles. quando eu te vi a primeira vez e vc tava de cabelo amarrado em um rabo de cavalo com duas meias de cano alto de algum personagem e a calça do uniforme levantada so pra mostrar as meias e seu all star vermelho, quando eu consegui falar com voce pela primeira vez pessoalmente e te entreguei um colar com quartzo rosa que eu falei que te daria como presente, quando você desceu até a avenida pra me entregar uma flor e até quando você tava do outro lado da faixa eu já tava morrendo de vergonha e te abracei tão forte pela primeira vez e foi uma coisa TAO boa uma sensação totalmente agradável, logo após isso eu me ofereci pra te levar ate sua casa e fomos até la e eu te abracei de novo e realmente percebi que gostava de vc e nao queria te soltar mas na verdade ali eu so queria poder te beijar???, quando você me beijava do nada e eu gostava, quando eu me dopei por ódio de ter feito algo pra vc e vc me viu num estado totalmente zonza na hora do intervalo e me fez deitar no seu colo e ficou me perguntando o por que daquilo e ficou fazendo carinho no meu cabelo enquanto me encarava, naquele dia em que parecia só estar nós duas e finalmente nos beijamos realmente mas nao durou tanto tempo por vergonhaKKKKK, quando eu te levei ate o banheiro do outro bloco e comecei a falar pra você o quao importante vc era e te abracei tao forte pq nao tava sabendo lidar que voce ia embora e nao iamos nos ver e a gente ficou por um tempo ali, quando eu arrumei sua gravata e te puxei pra perto e ficamos nos encarando e depois rimos por causa do que tinha acontecido, quando eu te encarava e esquecia totalmente o que ia dizer, quando você sempre me abraçava forte e eu não queria te soltar por nada, quando nós finalmente percebemos que “terça de tarde - pedrosa” era a nossa musica e quando você cantou ela tocando no violão enquanto me encarava e eu so acompanhava a musica e sorrindo, quando eu finalmente percebi que não precisava me esconder pra você e realmente confiava muito em você, quando você me acolheu em um dos momentos em que eu mais estava mal e prestes a querer tentar algo contra mim mesma, quando você comprou sorvete pra mim so pra me fazer feliz pq sabia que eu tava mal, quando eu percebi que ja tava realmente apaixonada em você, quando vc tava com raiva de mim e fiz vc me dar seu fone pra escutar musica com vc e era uma das musicas que eu mais odiava e comecei a reclamar disso, quando eu quis tirar uma foto nossa no espelho e vc foi beijar meu rosto, quando vc comprou o colar de quartzo rosa pra mim e agora eu uso sempre, e mais algumas outras coisas.
eu vou ser sincera, eu to com tanta vontade de te ver de novo e te reencontrar, e ter chance pra dizer que eu senti saudade do seu abraço, eu te prometo que você me fez sentir coisas que eu jurei que não ia sentir por mais ninguém e vc foi totalmente diferente porém conseguiu me magoar da mesma forma.
nao, eu nao tenho medo de te amar, e também nao tenho medo de amar, mas eu queria tanto saber como seria te amar e receber reciprocidade sabe :(
eu te amo muito meu amor, por mais que você ache que seja bobeira, você sabe tudo que eu faria por você, e obrigada por tudo que aconteceu em 2022. espero que você nunca se esqueça de mim. <3
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kenmalips · 17 days
minha unha tá taoo linda
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