#TBC this is a pretty fun question. angst lol
ask-missmargiezelle · 2 years
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Q. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO FEAR EVE IF YOJ DIDN'T HAVE EVIL PLANS AGAINST KARAMEL!! (Btw, sry about the strange autocorrects, I don't know why it insists on changing words and languages even after I corrected it...😅) Jup, that's definitely the beauty of Genshin😍 And wait, which rewards do you mean? Getting to level 50 or those weapons? I haven't focused much on it, but with my dailys I definitely got pretty far (can't remember how far tho) but I think the weapons are (TBC
The weapons are only available if you spend RL money if I understood that correctly🤔 And yesss, Karamel fluff is great for angsty wounds😍 Q. Nooo, you haven't, there is still SO MUCH to know about them😭😭😭😭 Q. 😂😂 Haha, alrighty, considering all the cultural backgrounds to consider in the naming process, I imagine that'll be hell for them anyway😂😂😂 (Btw, sry, back to 5 messages...😔) TtQ: Very stupid question, but I HAVE to ask: Is there actually a REAL thing called the apology?😅😂
(lol, it's fine. At least I can still make out what you meant to say. It's like a fun little puzzle. XD)
Just getting to lv50 and getting all the basic rewards, I'm not going to spend money. XD I did some basic math and I don't think it's possible for me... T_T
Karamel, the ultimate angst cure!
Q. Haha, okay then.
Q2. Yeeeep, it's going to be a nightmare basically. XD
(Well, we've been at 5 for some time now so it's not so bad?)
Q. Do you mean the apology song? It was in one of the three Supergirl novels written by Jo Whittemore (they tie into the show, not the comics) although I can't remember which one specifically. I thought it was cute enough to keep it/put it into PiaD so I did, haha.
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jksmoongf · 7 years
Punch-Drunk Love
Pairing: Jungkook x OFC
Genre: fluff // smut // angst (tbc)
Summary: Being a famous idol isn’t easy, but so isn’t falling in love when you get caught in a web of lies.
Chapter: 1 - Fear of Flying
Warning: none
Wordcount: 2513
A/N: I’ve been toying around with this idea for a while now. I’ll try to update once a week; my schedule is pretty packed with university and work but I will try my best. :) Also, I’m really not a fan of these opening chapters, so I just wanted to get it over with lol - Thank you @isaaclydia for proofreading & being the real MVP & bff 💖 - @jaxonah bby thank you for everything as always. Your opinion on my writing matters so much to me but you know that. ily 💖 [song that inspired the title]
Chapter 1 // Fear of Flying
It was a beautiful morning in Seoul; Namjoon had woken up a while ago and was going over some lyrics he had written down the night before, while waiting for the other boys to get up and start their day. Today they had nothing on their schedule until the afternoon. Normally he would spend the morning in bed reading a book, but he had made other plans. Around 9 am he heard noises coming from the kitchen, so he got up to see who was awake. Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and eating cereal, while Jin was looking for something in one of the cupboards. “Morning.” Hoseok said, looking up from his phone. He just mumbled a response, while grabbing a mug to pour himself some coffee. “You’re up early.” Yoongi stated, looking at his watch. “Yeah, Jungkook and I wanted to go to that music equipment store to check out some stuff he wants to get.”  He took a sip from his mug, hoping that the brown liquid would supply him with more energy. “Why doesn’t he just order it online? It would be so much easier than going there.” “I just think it’d be good, if he could test out certain things in the store rather than just relying on reviews online.” Yoongi nodded. “Maybe you’re right, he’s new to all of this. Good idea.” He patted Namjoon’s shoulder. “How do you plan on waking him up?” “Well I told him to set an alarm.” Hoseok chimed in. “Good luck with that. He was up late playing Overwatch. I don’t think, he’ll get up any time soon.”
Namjoon groaned and rubbed his face. Their youngest member was somewhat irresponsible when it didn’t come to work related things. He could easily stay up all night to play games and then completely ignore plans. “Hey Jin hyung, do you want to wake up JK for me?” The oldest let out a laugh and shook his head. “No thanks.” “Oh Yoongi, can we borrow your car?” He carefully asked, knowing that it was a touchy subject since the incident with Taehyung. “Sure, just try not to scratch it like last time.” He nodded while getting up from his chair, grabbed his mug and left the kitchen to go wake up the maknae. No noise was coming from his room when he stood in front of the door. It was already past the time he was supposed to get up. When he entered, empty soda bottles, chip bags and dirty clothes surrounded him. Rolling his eyes, he set his mug down on the sticky table. “Hey Jungkook.” He said, looking up the bunk bed to check if there was any sign of the youngest being awake. Of course, he wasn’t. Namjoon gently started nudging him until he sleepily opened his eyes. “Hyung…” He mumbled, his voice still raspy with sleep. “What time is it?” “Well, almost 9:30. So get up now and go shower.” The younger one let out a displeased noise, buried his head in his pillow and pulled his duvet over his head. “Come on, rise and shine.” Namjoon pulled the duvet off of him and threw it on the chair. Jungkook slowly moved down to the ladder of his bed and climbed down. It was still a mystery to all of the boys, how he managed to do that while being half asleep. “You’re not even dressed yet.” He said reproachfully and rubbed his eyes; his hair was sticking out in every direction. “Unlike you, I showered last night after we came home from practice so I’m ahead of you already.” Cautiously he placed his hands on Jungkook’s shoulders and guided him out of the room. “Look who has risen from the dead!” Jin joked, coming from the bathroom.  Jungkook let out a fake laugh, before closing the door to the bathroom behind him. “I’m pretty sure he hates you right now.” Namjoon just shrugged. “Maybe, but he’ll get over it.”
After an hour of waiting for Jungkook to get ready, they were finally close to their designated destination. Once Yoongi’s car was parked safely in the parking unit of the store, they went inside. “So what do you want to check out?” Namjoon asked, while looking around. “Microphones and I think I want to look at launch and drum pads.”  “Okay, those are over there.” It was going to be a long day. Jungkook was testing everything; different mics so he could record songs in his room, drum pads and he was even looking at different mixers. He didn’t mind one bit though, it was fun to see his little brother so excited about all the things he had been interested in for years and he tried his best to help him. While one of the guys working in the store explained something to them about a mixer, Namjoon noticed that the younger one wasn’t paying attention anymore. He kept sneaking subtle glances over his shoulder to where the instruments were lined up.  A group of three girls was gathered around the acoustic guitars, talking and laughing loudly. “Thank you, we’ll figure out if he actually needs one of those.” The guy nodded and headed over to one of his colleagues. “So, do you think you want one of those?” Jungkook looked at him, like he had just caught him doing something naughty. “Huh? Sorry. I-I wasn’t paying attention hyung.” “I can see that but yeah, do you think you need a mixer? I’m sure for the time being you can get by with one of mine or you can borrow one from Yoongi.” He didn’t get an answer right away. “Sure yeah, whatever you say is best.” He chuckled, looking over to the girls. “Which one is it?” “The one in the denim jacket and the black jeans.” Jungkook said, not taking his eyes off her. “She’s pretty, why don’t you go over and talk to her?” He said but his suggestion was shot down right away. “I can’t. You know, I can’t just go over and talk to her. She’s not Korean and they were speaking English. How am I supposed to talk to her?!” “I’m sure, she won’t bite you Kookie.” But he vehemently shook his head. “No, I won’t be able to say anything to her. She’s way too pretty.” He looked down but then lifted his head back up. “Stop with the puppy-dog-eyes JK. Seriously.” Namjoon should have known from the beginning where this was going. “Please hyung, can’t you go over and ask for her number? Please?” It was hard to say no to him when he looked like a puppy that was about to get shot. “I’m not going over there for you. You’re a man now, so go get the girl.” But he knew that he had lost the battle already. “Hyung, she’s alone over there by the guitar supplies, please do this for me. I promise to do your laundry for a month. Just please, do this for me.” He sighed. “Fine, but you really owe me big time. Laundry is not enough.” He straightened up his posture and started walking. He wasn’t trying to look cool to impress her, but now he was on a mission. While he was casually making his way over, he bumped into a chord display and almost knocked it over. He could hear Jungkook laugh and contemplated for a second to just walk back to him, but he promised to try. He was standing next to her, looking at the different guitar strings. He reached for the ones Jin used and then turned to her. “Hey, sorry to bother you. I’m Namjoon.” He held out his hand and she hesitantly shook it. “Hi, Mila.” She seemed a little shy, or maybe she wasn’t used to random guys talking to her. Now that he was closer to her, he had to admit that she really was pretty and definitely not the type of girl Jungkook would usually go for. “Uhm, I normally don’t do this, but do you see my friend over there?” He nodded in the direction where Jungkook was standing, trying to look busy and not like a nervous wreck. Her eyes followed the movement of his head. “Yeah, what about him?” She tilted her head in question and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “He’s a little shy and so I was wondering if you would give him your number? He thinks you’re really pretty.” It was so much easier to talk to women, when he wasn’t the one attracted to them. She took a little while to answer; thinking about what he had asked her. “I’m not sure, I usually don’t give my number to strangers.”  He pursed his lips. “I understand. I promise, he’s a nice guy. Jungkook is just really shy and couldn’t bring himself to talk to you.” A smile formed on her lips. “He is kinda cute. Okay, fine.” She took her backpack off and pulled out a notebook. She scribbled down her name and number and handed it to him. “Thank you, you just made him really happy.” She laughed and put her bag back on. “Tell him to text me.” “Will do, have a good day.” He turned around and walked back to his brother, who was nervously flipping through one of the equipment catalogs. “What did she say?” He asked immediately, basically throwing the catalog back on the shelf. “Sorry Jungkook, she said you’re not cute enough.” The disappointment in his eyes was almost unbearable. He actually was sad. “Here. I was just joking.” Namjoon held out the small piece of paper. “You lied to me?” The younger one yelled and punched his shoulder with much more force than intended. “Ouch, be nice or I’ll go back and tell her that you’re a dick.” Jungkook snatched the paper from his hand and looked at it. “Thank you so much. Her handwriting is pretty too. Is she nice? Did she say anything about me?” He was a lot more talkative now than before. “She is nice and she said you’re cute.” “Did she? Oh, that’s good.” His face was slightly flushed now. “Okay, can we get back to why we are here?” For some reason, he already knew the answer to that question. “Hyung, I think I’ll order that stuff online. We can go home, it was a really successful day.” Namjoon wanted to be annoyed but the genuine smile on Jungkook’s face was enough to wash away all negative feelings.
It had been four days since Jungkook had gotten her number; yet he still had not sent her a text. It wasn’t so much about the fact that he wanted to make her wait to seem more interesting or appear much cooler than he was, but something was holding him back. He just didn’t know how to start a conversation with her. The boys had been practicing their new dance routine for several hours and it was finally time for a break. While the others had left to get drinks and food, Jungkook sat down on the floor, against the mirror and scrolled through his phone. A little later Namjoon and Hoseok came back, carrying water bottles and lunch boxes. “Here Kookie, you need to eat something.” Hobi handed him a lunch box and both boys sat down with him. He didn’t really feel like talking, so he just opened his box and started devouring the food. Going through the new routine in his head again, he didn’t really pay any attention to others talking. “Hey Jungkook, I asked you something.” Namjoon laughed, which made him look up. “Huh? Sorry hyung, what did you say?” He swallowed the bite he was chewing on and grinned at his older brother. “I just wanted to know if you texted her?” Jungkook could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and just shook his head. “You didn’t? It has been a few days now.” “I know, I’ll do it eventually.” “What are you two talking about?” Hoseok inquired, and Jungkook automatically knew that it probably wasn’t a good idea to tell him, it would just make things more complicated if he didn’t text her at all. “When we were at the music store Jungkook saw a girl he liked.” Namjoon said casually, which caused Hoseok make an ‘oooooohhhh’ sound. “And he made me get him her number and now he tells me that he has not texted her.” “Really? Oh my God our little Kookie is a man now! You have text her!” He said excitedly. “I bet she’s really pretty if she got his attention.” He reached out with his hand and ruffled his hair. “She is pretty.” He muttered before shoving more food in his mouth. “Okay, then why haven’t you texted her, when you so desperately wanted her number?” Jungkook knew he had to answer Namjoon; there would be no way around it. “I..hmm… we were quite busy, hyung.”
“I know but you text all the time with your friends, so that’s no excuse.” The youngest started chewing on the inside of his cheek, trying to come up with another lame excuse he could use but he came up short. “My English is not that good that I could have a real conversation with her and I don’t want to make mistakes.” His lunch looked so much more interesting now that he had told both of them the truth. He picked up random bits and pieces with his chopsticks just to put them down again and to pick up something else. “Jungkook, your English has improved so much, don’t be shy.” Hoseok said encouragingly. Why was he so enthusiastic about all this? “Yeah, Hobi is right and if that’s what you’re worried about then I’m happy to help you. And I’m sure if you were to make mistakes, she wouldn’t care anyway.” Namjoon winked at him and patted his shoulder. “You would? I didn’t want to bother you again. After all, you already went and got me her number.” “Of course I’ll help you, all you have to do is ask.” Jungkook smiled and picked up his phone from his lap. “Why am I so excited? I mean, I don’t know her but I kind of like the idea of you having a girlfriend.” Hobi was all smiles and clapped his hands. “Oh my god hyung don’t jinx it, please. Maybe she won’t like me because I made her wait.” The other two burst out laughing, while his cheeks hot even more red than before. “Give me your phone and tell me what you want to say.” Jungkook handed Namjoon his IPhone. “I don’t know, I guess that’s another reason why I haven’t texted her yet.” “Well, you should apologize first! You should have messaged her sooner, that’s just common etiquette.” Jungkook nodded, he knew that Hoseok was right. “Yeah write that! But don’t ask her on a date or anything, I don’t want to seem too eager.”
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