#TH user: why would u make an OC like this...
modifiedyincision · 2 years
Toyhouse users messaging me to bitch about my OCs shut the fuck up and touch grass challenge
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cryptidofthekeys · 7 years
I never wanted to hurt them (OC Story)
((Btw, yes, Iver/Revi is a giant, but when they begin the true fight, they'll shrink down to a certain size)) Iver was standing there, holding his head and growling all the while "W-What the...?" He mumbled, shaking his head a little, but this only seemed to make things worser. Boop and his other halves looked up at the giant, Boop was the one to speak [ Iver? Are you feeling alright? ] He questioned, raising a brow, his tone surprisingly held concern for once. Iver simply groaned "N....No... Something's.... W r o n g..." He snarled, clutching his head even more before screaming in pain, the others looked on in concern as they backed up. Iver now had his head tilted down to where you couldn't see his face anymore, this made Boop grow more and more worried as he approached [ Iver...? ] His eyes widened when he felt the force of a kick knock him back, it wasn't hard enough to cause critical damage but it was enough to daze the poor robot. [ W-WHAT THE HECK?! WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU IVER?! ] 'Iver' started to chuckle maniacally, then it turned into full-blown laughter as he lifted his head up, revealing dark green eyes, a wicked smirk and when he spoke his voice was much deeper. "Iver? Nah lads, m somet'in much more excitin~! Name's R e v i~!" He exclaimed with a sick glee as he stared down at the bots, his gaze cold and merciless, he pulled out a knife and grinned "So, who wants ta go ferst lads?~ Hmm, Purple? Red? Or how bout Black?~" Boop and the others growled and stood close to each other, Boop spoke up once more [ I... I will not allow you to harm me or my other halves, stand down User or else you will r e g r e t i t... ] This made Red curl his hands into fists, glaring up at the giant [ I WILL  D E S T R O Y YOU... ] The being chuckled "Aw, ain't tha' cute~ So Red's yer anger... He'll be tha' ferst ta die!~" The being dashed over, preparing to swing his knife, Red quickly dodged and snarled [ H E Y! YOUR A GIANT, THAT'S CHEATING YOU LOW PILE OF TRASH! ] Revi sneered at the tiny bot "Oi, yer right lad~ T'is wouldn't be too fair now would it?~ Fine, m' gunna fight fair for t'is~" He stated, taking the potion around his neck and gulping it down, he shrunk down to about 7'0ft. Boop and the others growled, he was still a lot taller than him but he wasn't giant-sized anymore so this should make things fair, the bots took they're stances and so did Revi. The bots looked at each other, giving a small nod, the first to step forward was Green, however he was pushed out of the way by Red [ Green no, stay outta this, he's M I N E... None of you interfere! ] He growled out, glaring daggers at Revi who simply chuckled and rolled his eyes "Brave of ya lad~ But, m' afraid tha' won't get'cha anywhere in tha' long run~!" Red's eyes flared with pure rage as he charged at Revi [ E N O U G H! ] He shouted, proceeding to try and punch Revi, the being stood there and took the punch as if it were nothing to him, he did get shoved back by the force however. "Oh wow, ye punch like a girl laddie! Hmm, once yer done fer, m' gunna tell tha' others a lil secret~!" He cackled, dashing towards Red with his knife held high, slashing at Red but missing, the bot growled aggressively [ What do you mean s e c r e t? AND DON'T MOCK ME, I AM STRONGER THAN YOU THINK! ]He roared, his blood red eyes flaring up intensely [ I WILL MAKE YOU R E G R E T KICKING ME! ] (the reason he says me is cause basically, they're all apart of Boop they feel his pain when he gets hurt) Red rushed once more at Revi who had a smirk on his face "I knew ye'd succumb ta tha' rage~" Boop and the others stood back, Boop's eyes widened however when he saw Red become enraged [ RED! STOP! FOCUS ON YOUR TARGET, YOU ARE-- ] Red cut Boop off with a snarl as he turned to face the other bot [ S t a y o u t o f t h i s! ] however turning for even a split moment was a bad decision, he turned back only to be face-to-face with Revi, his eyes widened as he felt a searing pain shoot through his chest. His circuits were going haywire now, his body was making booping and warning sounds [ W-W-W-W-WARNING: C-C-CRITICAL....D-D-DAMAGE... ] He announced as he collasped to the ground at the monster's feet. Revi cackled, twirling his now bloodstained knife, he tsked down at Red "Didn'tcha ever learn na' ta turn away from yer opponents?~ M' disappointed in ye lad~" He sneered, picking the damaged bot up by the shirt. Red gasped for air, blood and some form of silver liquid seeping from the wound and his mouth [ G-G-Go... t-t-to... h....hell.... ] His eyes then closed as he fell limp in Revi's grasp, the brute simply smiled, tossing Red to the ground and then turning towards the others. Boop gasped loudly, falling to his knees [ M-My anger... My rage... It's... gone, there's... nothing there anymore... ] The others glared at Revi who simply laughed and twirled the knife around "W h o ' s n e x t?" His tone becoming darker as he cackled, meanwhile... *In the mindspace* Iver sat there... hugging his knees to his chest, his ears fallen completely back "Lads... M' so sorry ye had ta see this side of me... Please, forgive me..." He muttered pathetically, tears streaming down the big brute's face for once. *Poof, back to the fight scene~!* Revi began approaching Boop next, his stare was cold and uncaring, he stopped when he saw Purple, Black, and Green jump in the way. Purple spoke up [ Now listen here big boy... You can fuck with me, in more ways than one but, if you fuck with my friends... Well, guess as the saying goes... ] His tone took a darker turn as he glared at the brute in front of him [ Y o u d o n e f u c k e d u p... ] This made Revi burst out into laughter "Aw, lad, yer too funny~!" He continued to laugh, not noticing that Purple had dashed towards him, punching him straight in the face, this was enough to leave a bruise. Revi's eyes widened as he was dazed for a moment, before he turned back towards Purple, a glare on his face for a moment before it turned into a wicked grin "Ha....ha ha ha ha.... Lads, ye remember how I said I was gunna tell ye all a lil secret? ...W e l l... If ye hurt me, then yer hurtin' yer P R E C I O U S Iver~ We do share tha' same  body after all~!" Purple's eyes widened [ Oh... Oh no! I don't wanna hurt him... ]He mumbled, looking towards Boop with a concerned look [ Boop... What do we do...? ] Boop simply looked at him, not saying a word, suddenly Black stepped out, a knife of his own in hand [ Oh wow~! Big bad man thinks he's sooo tough huh?! Well, I'll show ya how to REALLY handle a knife! You don't scare ME~! ] Black cackled insanely as he charged at Revi, raising his knife high however the brute dodged, making Black curse loudly. [ JUST, GO AWAY! NO ONE LIKES YOU, YOUR H O R R I B L E AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING FROM ME! ] He glared at Revi, his eyes widening when he saw the other's terrifying grin. "Aww, lad, ye hurt me so~ So, yer na scared o' me huh?~" He took a step forwards, sneering when he saw the other take a step back "Oh? If yer na scared o' me laddie, then why ye backin' away?~" Black's eyes were wide with fear, he knew deep down he couldn't beat this guy, for once, he felt fear... [ I.... I.... I'm not-- ] He gasped when he was shoved back against a wall, knife pressed against his throat. Revi smirked when he noticed the bot starting to tremble "Na' so tough when yer a victim now are ya?~" He purred in sick delight, digging his blade a bit deeper into the bot's neck. Black trembled and tears began forming in his eyes, a small smile suddenly stretched across his face [ Haha... Oh how the t-tables have turned... haven't they? Heh, so, this is what it feels like to be a victim... There's only one thing I gotta say before you kill me User... ] Revi rose a brow "Ay? Speak on up lad~" Black's smile never left his face [ I don't r e g r e t a D A M N T H I N G for what I've d o n e ] He laughed a little, before the laugh turned into garbled and strangled noises. Revi had slit the bot's throat, watching as the red and silver liquids mingled with each other, he then let Black fall to the ground with a thud, the bot managed to make some final garbled noises [ S-S-S-Systems... f-f-f-ailur-r-r-re.... S-S-Shutting.... d-do-own... ] His form went limp, laying on the ground in a pool of blood and the same form of silver liquid. Revi cackled as he turned towards the others, grinning when he saw they're moritifed expressions "Did'ya enjoy th' show lads?~" Boop gasped again, clutching his head [ Black... My....My... insanity?... I... never fully understood what emotion he could ever be but he was still apart of me... He's... g o n e too... ] Purple and Green growled loudly as they glared at Iver, Green's eyes were filled with tears to see basically his brothers dead on the ground [ YOU... YOU M O N S T E R! ] He cried out, only to get a chuckle from the brute in response. "Ay lad, tha' I am~ I've been called worser~ Now, which one of ye wanna join yer fellas in tha' afterlife?~" Green cried out in anger for once, usually he was happy, a bit sarcastic at times but still an overall good guy, he rushed at Revi suddenly, screaming out in frustration. [ GREEN NO! DONT' DO IT, YOU AREN'T STRONG ENOUGH-- ] Purple was cut off when he heard Green scream out in pain. Revi stood there, a menacing stare on Green as he had plunged his knife all the way through the bot, he then roughly removed his arm, leaving a gaping hole of robotic parts and a lot of blood and silver liquids oozing from the wound. Green was gasping and garbling out something, before he fell over on the ground, sparks radiating from his body as he twitched and sputtered on the ground [ I..... I'm sorry... All of you... I failed... S-Systems... s-shut-- ] He was cut off when Revi stomped down on him, crushing him for good. Purple put a hand over his mouth [ N-No... No.... NO NO NO! WHY?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! ] He screamed, glaring at Revi who simply grinned and laughed in return "Oh? Ye wanna know why m' doin t'is? Well its real simply lad~ M' gunna make E V E R Y O N E Iver c a r e d about S U F F ER! And thar aint no stoppin' me~!" Purple kept his glare, tears running down his face [ You... bastard...! You will pay for all of this, for Red.... Black... And... Green... ] He then realized something, turning back to Boop with a look of concern on his face. Boop sat there, an emotionless expression on his face as he rocked back and fourth [ My happiness.... Gone... It's gone... it's gone... it's gone... ] He kept mumbling over and over, this saddened Purple deeply as he turned to glare at Revi with an intense expression of hatred [ I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! ] He then charged at Revi full force, his newly found rage fueling him. Revi tsked and wagged a finger at Purple "Remember, ye hurt me, yer hurtin' Iver too~!" This made Purple stop dead in his tracks, he sighed, stopping his assualt before it continued, standing there with his head down [ Just.... Just kill me... ] He sighed, ready to accept his fate [ Kill me but whatever you do, please, let Boop live... ] Boop looked over at Purple, tears in his eyes [ Purple...! Don't.... Don't do it ] Purple turned back to Boop with a smile on his face [ Boop.... I know we didn't get along the best out of the others but I want you to know... I always cared for you, you gave me life basically, and I thank you for the life you have given me... Thank you... ...Goodbye... Boop ] He turned towards Revi who had his knife raised "Oh fer feck's sake, enough with the sob stories!" He grumbled, glaring down at Purple who suddenly spit in the brute's face [ I'll see you in hell, d a r l i n g~ ] Revi growled loudly and plunged the knife into Purple's chest "Aye... Same to ya laddie... Ye feckin' prick..." He then shoved Purple's body to the ground harshly, smirking when he saw the bot just simply shut down. He turned towards Boop who looked completely broken now, he laughed when he saw the bot rocking back and fourth [ Purple.... gone... No more... can't feel... can't.... can't breathe... They're all gone.... They're dead... No... Gone... forever... ] Revi rolled his eyes and approached the bot, grabbing Boop by his throat "Pathetic, ye didn't try once ta save em... They were trying they're hardest t' protect ye and whaddya do fer em? N O T H I N G!" He snickered, staring at the bot with a merciless gaze. Boop was uncontrollably crying, his body shaking and making all sorts of noises [ My fault... They're dead.... I did nothing... I can't... I'm sorry... I couldn't save any of you... I'm weak... I'm pathetic... ] Revi rolled his eyes "Yer weak an' pathetic... Now, ta finish ye off~"He smirked, raising his knife up and stabbing right through Boop's throat "Sweet dreams...~" Boop gasped and his body sparked a little, he didn't do much, he didn't want to... He didn't care if he died, he simply fell limp and his eyes went dark... Showing no signs of life anymore. Revi cackled and threw Boop beside his other halves "Tha' takes care of tha'... Now, ta let Iver take over an' see th' c a r n a g e fer himself~" Revi let his head hang down, dropping his bloody knife... ...... A gasp, suddenly, forest green eyes opened as he looked at the bloodied bodies, the blood on his hands, he began trembling and crying as he fell to his knees "M' sorry... M' sorry... M' sorry..." He kept repeating over and over, Iver was completely distraught right now... Knowing what HE did... "It's my fault... I shoulda told ye all... Now yer gone... An' I can't do a damn thing bout it... ...Please, fergive me lads... I never wanted to hurt ye..." ((AND DONE, A LOTTA SADISTIC SHIT AND angst-ish stuff? Poor OCs.... I torment them too much, but ya know, its fun sometimes~! Anyways have a story bout my OCs Iver or well his dark side Revi basically killing Boop and the other halves, slowly one by one, the people Iver cares about die!))
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betanyagito · 7 years
tell me about hachi and bunko and the 2 girls (zombie and weed)
Full Name: Hachirou OishiGender and Sexuality: He’s the gayest fuckin-Pronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Japanese, humanBirthplace and Birthdate: I just realized I had never given a birthday to Hachi. It’s January 8th Guilty Pleasures: He really loves cookies. He loves cute little pastries so much, especially when they are honey flavoured. He also loves to watch talent showsPhobias: He’s a big strong man who’s not afraid of aNYTHING (he’s scared of mantis and ostriches) What They Would Be Famous For: Probably his dedication for his work? He’s very work oriented, and he doesn’t take no bullshit from no oneWhat They Would Get Arrested For: He’s a prison guard he’s not going to get arrested. But probably for property damage.OC You Ship Them With: JOHN’S SUNNY. THEY ARE GAY. THEY WILL GET MARRIEDOC Most Likely To Murder Them: GervaiseFavorite Movie/Book Genre: He really likes historical fiction and paranormal books!! But his favourites are mysteries! Except he’s really impatient with them and he usually flips to the last page halfway throughLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: When they put the pets through Hell for comedic effectTalents and/or Powers: He’s SUPER STRONG, and during combat he uses his size and brute force to his advantage. He’s also a very skilled spear userWhy Someone Might Love Them: No matter how scary and intimidating he looks, at the end of the day he’s still a big goof who looses his cool easily and honestly he’s just very entertainingWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Why would you hate Hachi?? Why would yo u- he can be pretty aggressive at times and make decisions on impulse. He often goes after his head too, leading him to dangerous situations that could have been avoided. How They Change: I didn’t work a lot on his back story yet so I can’t answer this neWhy You Love Them: Big Meat
Full Name: Bunko ChibaGender and Sexuality: LesbiamPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Japanese, humanBirthplace and Birthdate: June 26th, JapanGuilty Pleasures: Shitty puns and let’s play videosPhobias: Wolves, darkness, ghostsWhat They Would Be Famous For: Her hand made knick knacks! She makes a bunch of little decorations from yarn, and she even makes D.I.Y videos!What They Would Get Arrested For: TRESPASSING…PROBABLY?OC You Ship Them With: Mayb Xylia or IsleenOC Most Likely To Murder Them: No one wants to hurt Bunko she’s a sweet girlFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Romance….she digs that sht….Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: THE TH ING where character A has an incredibly promising career ahead of them but they give it up for character B who’s actually just a shitty person with no actual personality traits. But she also hates the cliché where after a makeover suddenly the girl is so gorgeous no one can ignore herTalents and/or Powers: She’s a very talented knitter and she learned how to play the clarinet! She just also seems to be able to calm down anyone and comfort themWhy Someone Might Love Them: As said, she’s an incredibly sweet girl who loves everyone and is always willing to reach out a hand to someone. Why Someone Might Hate Them: She might come across as wishy-washy and unnecessarily nice…How They Change: I don’t have her backstory developed yet either so I can’t sayWhy You Love Them: She’s the only one who’s able to control Masanori I’m so glad she exists
Zombie girl
Full Name: SHE DON’T HAVE ON E,,She’s probably gonna have a name that’s somehow related to milk because of reasonsGender and Sexuality: Femandrogyne, panPronouns: She/her, it/its, they/their Ethnicity/Species: ZombieBirthplace and Birthdate: ??? Who knows. Not her. She’s definitely been around for a couple of decades thoughGuilty Pleasures: Sweets sweets and more sweets. She eats nothing but sweets and it’s really bad for herPhobias: Nothing can really phase her anymore, but she’s kinda afraid of dogs. They tend to steal her limbs when she takes them offWhat They Would Be Famous For: She pukes rainbows I guess that’s a pretty nifty trickWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Cannibalism OC You Ship Them With: The Ao andon OC Most Likely To Murder Them: She’s already deadFavorite Movie/Book Genre: She can’t read, so she usually has people read recipes for her. She also adores fairy tales!!Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: She hates food fights. Look at them wasting all that food. Also she hates every zombie movie ever. They are very unrealisticTalents and/or Powers: She’s pretty much an undead, so she has all the pros and cons that come with it; she can take apart her body and reassemble it any way she’d likeWhy Someone Might Love Them: She’s a cute little zombie with rainboots and a sweeth tooth what’s there not to loveWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Zombies are pretty overused so I can understand why someone might dislike herHow They Change: Alive ==> DeadWhy You Love Them: I really love the design I came with for her! She’s gotta be one of my favourite OCs ever in terms of looks
Weed girl
Full Name: SHe don’t have one eitherGender and Sexuality: Genderfluid, demiPronouns: She/her, they/themEthnicity/Species: Irish, humanBirthplace and Birthdate: Ireland, November 30th Guilty Pleasures: I mean. Weed. It’s weed. And vape. But she doesn’t feel guilty about that. She feels more out of place whenever she goes to LushPhobias: She’s numb to everything at this point. But when she’s not blazed out of her mind, she’s suddenly very scared of deadlines and social interactionWhat They Would Be Famous For: For how she can manage to pass classes with straight As even when she’s like this What They Would Get Arrested For: IS THIS A QUE STION ANYMOREOC You Ship Them With: Corbin BrOtp and mayb Xylia??OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Masanori wouldFavorite Movie/Book Genre: She loves paranormal/thriller books so much holy shit she has a huge collectionLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: When in mysteries the protag is a simple angst ridden middle aged man and the sidekick given to him is a serious woman who SOMEHOW ends up falling for him. She hates it. It makes no sense. She came here for the mystery not for bedroom actionTalents and/or Powers: She’s very skilled at playing the piano but she loves to play bass the most. Also apparently no one has ever taken a decent picture of her before because no matter what happens, the picture turns up blurry and unfocused. CryptidWhy Someone Might Love Them: She’s just...super laid back, and doesn’t get mad at anything. She’s like a big sister who’ll let you borrow her car even though she knows you don’t have a license and you never drove a car beforeWhy Someone Might Hate Them: She’s laid back, sure, but she can also be super irresponsible, and her little habits can throw some people off tooHow They Change: NO BAC KSTORY CAN’T TELLWhy You Love Them: She puts pineapple and bananas on pizza. She’s Chaotic
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