#THANK U TAY i got caught up playing chrono/phantasma and forgot about these kjfsldhkg
kiddphel · 4 years
💕 🎵 and 🌟for one of your Blazblue f/os? [queenvonhresvelg]
@queenvonhresvelg I let fate (aka told my friends to pick a number 1-3) decide and it looks like I’m answering these with Hazama!
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
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Neither, tbh. It’s an odd relationship between him and Felli that 90% of the time looks like coworkers who are flirting a little too much on the job, but neither of them are really clingy tbh? If anything, I would say Hazama looks like he’s clingy but really he’s just a tease.
🎵: What are some song lyrics that make you think of your f/o/your relationship with your f/o?
This song hit me as a Hazama song one day randomly, and it’s Villain by Teniwoha, but I specifically like the English translation by Demondice. It’s actually a song with explicit trans meaning, so of course I relate to it (and by extension Felli since he’s trans), but with a lot of the lyrics about “identity” it makes me think of Hazama.
Mister Crazy Villain Villain The remains of a flower that falls in the night Believe at your expense in My changing fashion sense All because I'm "masquerading" as a...
To any passerby that I haven't met before In some odd stranger's story, I'm the villain
🌟: Who’s the tease in the relationship?
HAZAMA. He’s a tease and he’s a good trickster and smooth talker and he absolutely uses that to his advantage to tease Felli. It’s funny, Felli is a flirt but the second Hazama flirts with him he goes into lil angry man tsundere mode.
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