impscar · 4 months
procrastinating on my math hw (: have a silly bird picture i found on the internet
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betasuppe · 5 months
I needed to share with you the loving, affectionate phrase my household has now begun to call our respective blorbos when they’re all fucked up (it started with Vash in Trigun Stampede), because my gods does it fit your Rinsler. 😆
He is Wet and Pathetic™️ 💕.
My man is Sopping Wet & Pathetic ™️ in ALL the very best of ways fUCK YEAH!!!♡♡♡
I love characters who's entire energy is that of a sad creechur that needs to be taken indoors, tidied up with a warm towel & sat by a fire until their sad sop clears up.
My absolute FAVE♡
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
And as a treat, here is some Ai art that I thought was really cute. The sun is shining on him finally 😭
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Brb. Gonna cry 😭
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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Din: actively having angst about his kid that he didn’t mean to bond with finding his community, like din found his, accepting that he’s no longer a part of grogu’s life, but understanding that it’s better for grogu to be here than with a family that isn’t right for him
Luke: omg he’s so pretty
June 17th prompt: teacher Luke and single dad din ( @dinlukeweek )
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Hello! I saw your yandere!Loki, can I request something similar for Buddha? Hopefully it’s ok! :)
Hello! I'm assuming that you mean something that has to do with a love potion! I might not be able to write a one shot but hopefully headcanons and a drabble are okay!
This is the same reader from the Yandere! Loki one shot and the same general concept of: the reader will only fall for someone who manages to beat her in a fight.
Yandere Buddha + Love Potions
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- You truly embodied what it meant to be a champion of humanity in Buddha's eyes; determined, resilient, and hard to keep down.
-Buddha would realize instantly that he adored you and would try to get close to you, courting you the proper way and making his interest known.
- However, if you weren't interested in him then he'd suddenly have no idea how to pick up social cues.
- You step away from him when he puts his hand on your back? That's cool, he totally gets not being in the mood for physical touches today.
- You laugh uncomfortably with his flirty words? Aw, you're so adorably shy♥️
- But for the sake of the story, let's say that you were either truly unaware of his feelings or knew about them and waited for him to challenge you.
- When you were chosen to fight with a God before Tameemon Raiden, Buddha actually offered that instead of the Valkyries, he would perform Samavadhāna with you.
- And it felt amazing.
- He got to be one with you, he got to be close to you in a way no OTHER person, God or mortal, could ever hope to be.
- He thought his soul was already complete but when the battle was done and he separated from you, it felt like some part of him stayed with you. As if it didn't want to leave.
- He had given up all earthly desires in his life as a mortal, but a mortal he was no longer so surely...surely it wouldn't be wrong if let his feelings grow, right?
- So he did, he let his thoughts run wild with images of you and him together in his head. His calm and chill demeanor masking the burning obsession that told him he HAD to have you, he must claim you as his and he has to hear him call you yours. Please, it's all he could ever want.
- While Buddha is a god infatuated, he was not stupid. The length of his feelings was intense and he knew it wasn't right and thats why he tried to hide them.
- However, that resolve breaks when he finds out that you had fallen in love with someone else. Someone who was less deserving of your feelings, nevermind having your love in general was maddening to the Buddha.
- But Loki had challenged you to a battle and won. Buddha knew that this was how you always wanted to chose your lover.
- Yet, while you accepted the results of the battle and welcomed Loki with loving arms, the God who couldn't stand seeing the mortal whom he connected with would not stand for it.
"It's for their own good." He reminds him as he watches Aphrodite work. His blue eyes glinting when the pink light reflected from the heart shaped vial Aphrodite had put the potion in.
Yes...that's why he was doing this. It was for you, for your own best interest. The God of Deciet was not to be trusted, in fact, Buddha was more than 100% sure that Loki must have cheated during your battle with him and that is why you lost. Perhaps he didn't have any proof but he didn't need it given Loki's reputation. But he knew well enough that you were a stubborn human, something he still loved dearly about you. He could not let that green-haired punk ruin all that made you good, all that made Buddha love about you.
Aphrodite worked in silence, wondering to herself if this was real. If Buddha, the God who was once a mortal and gave up every desire in his body, was truly making her create a love potion for someone who already promised themselves to another. She wasn't aware Buddha had this side to him, it scared her, so she kept her mouth closed and didn't dare to say a word because if he was willing to do all this scheming over a measly mortal...what else would he be willing to do.
"Her love for you will be false." Aphrodite warned him, handing him the finished vial.
Buddha stared at the potion before nodding his head in acknowledgment of her words. Yes, he knew very well that there was going to be a catch...but it was better for you to be in love with him under the guidance of the love potion than for you to make the wrong choice of your volition.
"We were never here." He says lowly to Aphrodite, his tone of voice was casual as usual but he needed no words to convey that he was threatening her to stay silent unless she wanted to piss him off.
Yes, this was for you. Buddha was just concerned for you, that's why he had to do this. If you had realized during your time together when you were both bonded that you were both meant to be, he wouldn't have had to do this, but humans were often foolish.
This is why they needed Gods. Kind gods, who'd offer them a path to a better and more happier life.
This is why you needed him.
It was honestly too easy to get you to take the potion, after all, you had no reason to distrust the man with two hair colors. Buddha was your ally, who you fought as one with and who wanted to celebrate your newfound relationship. He watches eagerly as you accept the drink from him, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as you down the entire cup. You then talk to him a little longer before looking at the time.
"I have to go but thank you!" You say cheerily, standing up to go meet up with your lover.
Buddha nods his head towards you, pouring himself a cup of tea and watching you from his peripheral. You walk only four steps before you feel yourself get dizzy, your feet stumbling before you. You were about to fall but one strong arm wraps around your waist and you feel a pair of lips on yours. Your half-lidded eyes slightly went wide with panic when you realized it was Buddha himself who was kissing you, but then that panic went away instantly.
Your eyes became softer, more docile, and before he knew it, you closed them completely and kissed him back with as much passion as he had kissed you.
He would deal with temper tantrums that your now forgotten lover would give him, he'd make sure you never see Loki again so he couldn't poison your mind with the false promises you two made to each other after your fight.
For you belonged to Buddha, you bonded with him, and he knew he couldn't live without you. He was willing to play every sneaky underhanded trick to have you in his arms because it was what was best for you. Or maybe it was because even after all those years of reaching enlightment, some part of him was still human...and you, unfortunately, just brought out the worst side of that humanity.
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kitamars · 1 year
here’s the batch of illustrations i did for the second chapter of two shorten the road! hope you enjoyed reading :D
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link to the fic:
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Do you know how to fix the "Shloomp. There It Is" episode? This can be done MIS style by putting Chase Young in Nomicon's place. After all, Chase Young was able to obtain the evil essence Omi of the Yin-Yang World. Why doesn't he do the same to Randy for a chance to get to the First Ninja? This idea addresses many important issues. Firstly, a dubious lesson from Nomicon (he put the guys in danger in the original plot development), and secondly, the very existence of NomiRandy. Where did he come from? Thirdly, this will limit Randy’s activities, which means he will not be able to get out of the Yin-Yang world on his own and get into someone else’s body. Poof! I forbid rc9gn characters from moving into other people’s bodies so easily!Randy's fall to the side of darkness will infuriate the First Ninja, which fits perfectly with the concept of his relationship with Chase Young. In addition, it will be a kind of bitter reminder: “Look, I took from you the one who at one time took from me the best chance to win you over to my side.” The First Ninja was at his most vulnerable mentally when he was going through a crisis, and only the appearance of Randy made him perk up. The First Ninja will not be able to come to terms with the fact that Randy has become evil (and even more arrogant).NomiRandy may be more than just arrogant. He may represent the vengeful part of Randy. He will probably say something that will plunge the First Ninja into long thoughts, because he will not be able to deny what he said, since it is a part of Randy, and not just his opposite. NomiRandy is everything that the First Ninja never wanted to accept in Randy himself, so this will be some kind of test for him? Very high quality test. Another plus in the karma of this idea.NomiRandy is not stupid, but he is a brutal teenager who doesn't need anyone. Because of this value system, he will not be able to become a part of society, because when he grows up with his peers, his brutality will lose its meaning. Deep down, Randy wants to show others his rebellious nature, what he can really be, but he will have to understand that being NomiRandy all the time is depriving himself of a future. Then this thirst will stop snowballing. A good lesson for any teenager, including Ninjas.So this idea is great, it has conflict, meaning and a "little" Chase Young/First Ninja feud of course. Chase Young is going to give morals for once (especially for the First Ninja), even if that wasn't his intention in the first place, because damn it, Chase Young was never JUST evil. He is many hundreds of years old, he is wise enough so that he does not have to prove it to others. That's why in this scenario I put him in the place of Nomicon, who was supposed to teach the Ninja. He could have locked Randy's moral self in the Yin-Yang world, not just to annoy the First Ninja and force him to accept his terms, but because "I may take YOUR place in the eyes of YOUR students, but the outcome will be the same as the outcome of the one that NomiRandy has taken Randy's place" (that is, a crossed out future for the whole world), or "we can feud not only physically" (Chase Young is a manipulator; he can not only give dubious advice to Randy, but also really important lessons for both him, same for the First Ninja; a kind of care, similar to medicine: whether you like it or not, sooner or later you will need it, but by taking it, you are slowly destroying yourself, because it contains a small dose of poison, and Chase Young will give for his own purposes you just enough to destroy you). What happened will also hit the value system of the First Ninja, which he chose in the afterlife. Chase Young has never been susceptible to petty mischief. In a ship with someone like the First Ninja, this should be emphasized more often.
What other episodes would you like to fix in this way?
Oh, wow, this is a very intriguing and very detailed idea that is certainly worth exploring!
There is a lot to process, and I've been thinking about it for...like a week, and I'm not sure if I got everything, so if I misunderstood anything I apologize (my brain no work so good sometimes lol sorry), but I wanted to offer you my opinion if you want it!
In general I prefer to leave canon alone and just loosely refer to events that happen in cartoon, especially RC9GN, so I never thought of rewriting/fixing an episode (I mean they are sort of 'rewritten' in my head with better lore and just cooler but like nothing definite). With MIS I tend to concentrate primarly on Finja and Chase first, and the kids are sort of in the background for me. I only had like two? three? ideas that are episode & Randy/Monks related and those are mostly in Xiaolin Showdown, and one of them is in Favorite Warrior AU, lol. And even those are not rewrites/fixers but crossover fusion - the events happen almost exactly the same but just with more characters involved. So I can't say I have many idea for rewrites/fixers in RC9GN that would involve MIS.
But what I do like, is using canon to suppliment idea for 'after' cartoon canon, so after reading your idea, I wanted to offer you a slightly different take: let the canon episode happen, but then use it to build an even more serious situation with Chase, like you described and it would hit everyone involved even harder.
Let me explain my reasoning more (this might get a bit long, be warned!):
Let's start with canon first - In my opinion 'Shloomp There it is' episode is fine by itself, however dumb it might seem at first.
I kind of agree with you on the first point, about it being a dubious way to teach a lesson, but to be absolutely fair - it was a very dubious and silly problem originally, that Randy created by being a little bit of an idiot himself. So as in theme with the show, the problem and solution kind of fit each other.
Secondly, NomiRandy. I also agree about your point of Where did he come from and where the heck did he go? Well I have (most likely unpopular) opinions about that.
Personally I believe that NomiRandy is not an actual evil representation Ninjanomicon somehow created from Randy himself, but rather it is a caricature of him that Nomicon created by itself. It's an absolutely fake doppleganger that only looks like Randy on the surface - with many of his negative and opposite traits amplified to a comical degree, but not really an evil entity made of Randy's deepest dark desires. It's nothing more but a papermache puppet Ninjanomicon used to teach a lesson and later discarded, and thats why we never see him again, because he wasn't real in any shape or form so after returning to Nomicon he doesn't exist anymore.
(I am very much aware that my headcanons about NomiRandy are probably in minority, because this fandom absolutely adores NomiRandy, lol)
So, NomiRandy was a relatively mild threat used as a mild solution to fix a problem created by Randy being a bit of an idiot.
Your third point, about Randy being limited in his activities, is where I have to disagree with you a bit more. Because what's the point of teaching the lesson if a big part of Randy is not there to learn it? I mean, in canon version Randy actually witnessed NomiRandy act as an asshole which helped him realize that he himself was acting foolishly. And him having to fight himself but in Howard's body was actually pretty interesting concept of Randy having to actually physically confront his failings and bad traits head on.
There is also something to say about the fact that the only ones involved into body swap were people who were in the Nomicon at first , so one could argue that the body/mind swap was controlled by Ninjanomicon, that it used to make a point for Randy. (But that would be a thought for another time, lol.)
So, as you can see, in my opinion the episode is relatively fine by itself, and if we replace Ninjanomicon with Chase - the total tone shift will change all of it drastically. Not to mention the lesson itself will change, becoming more serious and with actual consequences - all of it would be something completely different.
And while it absolutely could work and the idea of this rewrite by itself is incredibly intriguing, I think it would work better as a continuation, as more dire development for after the end of the series.
You might ask why the end of the series? Well primarily because of my own headcanon that Chase in general tends to stay out of Norrisville Ninja business out of respect to First and also because they change so fast, (I mean what are 4 years to immortal??) he rarely gets to pay attention to them, let alone get interested in them and their usefullness to his agenda with First. But if something big happens, like I dunno, Randy defeating Ghoulian and unmaking the Sorcerer himself it would make Chase pay attention to Randy and realize how useful he can be.
The other important reason, is because of episode 'Winner Takes Ball' where we catch the tiniest glimpse of the actual evil side of Randy that appeared thanks to influence of Chaos Ball. He is power hungry, he is so sure of himself, he is cocky, he is merciless and ruthless and most importantly he still loves being THE Ninja. There is no annoyed apathy and uncaringness that NomiRandy displayed, this Evil Randy would have been just as hyper as normal Randy, enjoying his newfound powers just as much, but also would be unburdened with morals of using those powers.
Because, you see, I think Actual Evil version of Randy is in many ways would be a lot like an Evil version of Omi. Evil Omi was hyper pumped, thriving on newfound power, in this new freedom from morals, ruthless and doing what he wanted, rather than what is right. And what he wanted is to fight, to show everyone how talented he was, that he was the best warrior there ever was.
And what does Randy want? Constantly throughout the show Randy expresses his delight at being the Ninja (unlike some protagonists that find themselves suddenly thrust into a hero role, Randy takes to it instantly, there is literally ZERO hesitation from this boy), he loves it and most importantly he wants to be this strong, powerful, capable and amazing.
But that is also one of the most important Ninjanomicon continues to impart on the Ninjas - not to be this prideful and arrogant, and chase after power with such disregard to everything else.
So, now picture it like this:
Chase learns about Randy and what he has done, and how talented and powerful this new ninja is. At some point he discovers about NomiRandy and what happened, and it gives him an idea.
Chase Reverse Chi-s Randy, and this Evil Randy is still Randy in many ways, and it would absolutely devastate First to see him like this - power-hungry and ruthless, disregarding everything that Ninjanomicon taught him to prevent exactly this fall to Darkness and Evil, and the worst part is he has been taken under Chase's wing not only to nurture and encourage this new evil seedling - but to taunt First and Ninjanomicon, because - isn't it what you once wanted to teach him by creating NomiRandy? About his dark self that should be kept in check and balanced in a good warrior, good ninja? But your lesson was deeply flawed and now look at me, I will do a so much better job than you ever attempted, and I will show this young Ninja, that it's not only the bad side that needs to be balanced but the good side as well.
Which would play into what you said earlier - NomiRandy, or in this case just Evil Randy - will be so power-hungry and thirsty for fighting, he will disregard many things, like the fact that existing like that is impossible - even such urges must be tampered in order to actually live a fullfilling (if evil) life. And who is better to show and teach it to him than Chase Young, who (most likely) spent centuries in the beginning of his immortal life so hungry for battle, he served as an attack dog for Hannibal Roy Bean. But with time Chase has found balance in his new evil existence, and that helped him to overcome Roy Bean and rise to new heights.
That comparison about how Roy Bean controlled Chase, can also can influence how Randy views Ninjanomicon (and by extension First), and how tightly it tries to hold reigns of Ninjas it teaches. I mean, Randy sometimes resented the lessons and rules Ninjanomicon gives, we've seen it a few times, but Evil Randy will feel all of that frustration and annoyance even more, like a rebelious teenager that saw how controlling the authoriive figure in their life is and it will poison his relationship with Ninjanomicon.
And First? Well, Evil Randy could also bring up how Randy, a supposedly not-good enough for your high-and-mighty Ninja Rules and Forbidden Powers managed to do what the original oh-so-powerful Ninja could not - finally defeat the Sorcerer. About how a teenager that you dumped your mask on, your responsibility, and kept holding back with all your stupid rules and limitations - did what you couldn't in 800 years. And what can First even answer to that? Because its all true, no matter how poisoned Evil Randy's view may be, the bare facts are all true.
So, First can only watch, helpless and angry and so so sad, how Chase takes under his wing the one who saved the world from Sorcerer (not even once, but twice) and twists that raw power and energy that served for good into something that will serve evil. ( And the worst part, is that it all happened because of First - because of Chase's initial interest in First. All in an attempt to get to him.)
And well, like you said, there could be two endings - where Evil Randy is here to stay (aka Very Bad Ending lol), or where Good Randy makes it out of Ying-Yang world and reunites with his Evil self again.
But even then, the damage will be done. Because Chase's lessons could still continue. I mentioned earlier about lessons in balance, and how in good warrior, not only his dark side should be kept in check, but his good side also. In a way, I think Good Randy will lack a very important part to being a Ninja - and its the ruthlessness that Evil Randy brandishes like a blunt weapon, but with Chase it could be sharpened into a precise tool, and if Good and Evil reunite, the lesson will be still carried over.
And not only that will be carried over, but all the words and feelings that Evil Randy experienced -Randy will remember, and that can forever change and/or damage his relationship with Ninjanomicon and First. And Chase? Well, Randy will also remember that Chase was not just an Evil Jerk that split him in half - he actually tried to help and teach his Evil self to control himself better, so the seedling of mentor&mentee relationship will still be there.
After all of this, I have to admit, unlike you, I have a harder time imagining how exactly the situtation will help Chase sway/manipulate First to his side. I mean, this way Chase might probably sway Randy to his side, especially if he somehow orchestrates the return of Good Randy and says that all of this was just a lesson to help Randy be a better warrior, because he just couldn't watch all this talent wither away under Ninjanomicon's dubious tutelage.
But when it comes to First, If anything, I think it will actually backfire horribly. First is already constantly unstable in his regards to Chase, but something like this will only solidify his belief in Chase being a manipulator that could never be trusted, because its one thing to try and manipulate First to his side, but its another to involve his kid successor. First might even lose whatever respect he had for the immortal, because he would view manipulation of children as beneath him (of course I think Chase will argue, that those young warriors are hardly children).
I think I mentioned it before in some ask, but I personally believe that if Chase will try to get to Randy it will just send First into apocleptic levels of anger, and destroy any slim chances Chase had, and will literally set him back to zero in his progress with First, lol.
But that's just my personal view, you probably have some really good ideas about that! ;D
On another note, a tiny thing I got to disagree with a little - is about Chase being above 'petty mischief'. I can agree about Chase not being particularly petty, but mischief? In my opinion, this immortal lizard is very much into mischief, albeit a more strategic type of mischief. xD This is the man who continuously taunted pre-teens while trying to manipulate one of them to his side, and also continuously made poor Jack's life hell.
Though admittiedly, I like to think that being around First Ninja brings out more of Chase's mischevious side (opposite to his cruel and uncaring sides) - partially because First Ninja doesn't always reacts the way Chase expects him to. And sometimes Ninja catches Chase before he gets into a scheme and that sometimes leaves Chase himself wrong-footed. And partially because, Chase grew to enjoy testing Ninja's patience a little too much, after the got to know each other better.
But you are right about the fact that in this ship it should empathized more how much of a threat and manipulator Chase could be, the problem is i can't write this type of characters like at all, lol, to my great dissapointment i just don't know how to do it well. xD So that version of Chase just kind of exists half-baked in my mind, and meanwhile in my art and fics he just turns into a mischevious asshole with all his schemes in background, haha.
Anyway, I tried really hard to adress everything you mentioned and offer some insights and ideas, but i still feel like i might have missed something, so - sorry about that! I know its probably not the answer you quite expected, but I do hope it was sufficient, and if not - that at least it was entertainin to read! ;3
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ojbrush · 2 months
hai,... ccan u draw floory x mephon if ur comfortble w it?? tytyty ^_^
Ofc!!! Here ya go!!! Its not alot but i hope you like it anon!!!!
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Extra little doodle below
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dobythealpaca · 9 months
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GG tomster fans!!!! We will see how far we can take you with us!!!!!
vote for lar lar :3
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wegaswarm · 2 months
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I need to make more shitty drawings of characters I like late at night hunched over my sketchbook with a small light next to me lighting up my paper
shout out to a friend who doesn't know anything about mmv2 for giving me this idea btw
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mokio294 · 26 days
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Fandom https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Miimo_Guardians/Gallery?file=The_Miimo_Guardians_%28Sweet_Sins_Superstars%29_3.jpeg
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shima-draws · 8 months
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tacosoupp · 10 months
Do you have any headcanons for Necrozma from your AU? He looks like such a cutie!
Oh boy! The light thief himself! He certainly is!
Here we goooooo
He’s the youngest sibling out of the trio
Yet he’s taller than Solgaleo & Lunala
Only a few know this; but he’s gay
Necrozma eventually gains the mega hawts for Space God
Man is colourblind (like me fr)
He doesn’t have social skills
Him and Groudon are sworn enemies and almost ended each other once…
Oddly enough, became good friends with Ho-Oh
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linkware · 5 months
Me when im possessed by a fox
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psalmsofpsychosis · 5 months
tell me about your favorite movies and books!! i wanna dissect your brain (lovingly) (affectionate)
Choccy my belovedest you broke in through my bedroom window at 3am with the hardest question asked of mankind huh 😭❤️❤️ i have so many favs!!! i dont remember any of them!! but. i will try to make an effort because i love you 💕 so! 5 movies/tv shows and 5 books ayy
For Media,
• City of God!!!
the pace of this movie is insane, i call it the movie that never sleeps, both narrative wise and production wise. It's constantly in motion and a whirlwind of a wild story but it never loses its ground and its significance, which is not something i can say about
• Shameless US
jesus. listen, Shameless US is as wonderful as it's shit, in equal measures. It's a story that feels like the best unprotected sex of your life that also gave you Hepatitis B. ShU travels into territories noone dares to tread, and sometimes it's a cheap hitch in the back of a junkie's stolen van, and sometimes it's a first class experience in Bono's private jet; no inbetween. It's insanely creative, insanely unapologetic and honest, hits like an unexpected 2am urge to go scream from the rooftop of your house, and it's quite frankly unforgettable, both in its bad and good moments.
• Tokyo Godfathers
• Doukyuusei
This bitch here is SO dear to me, i dont even know how to describe it. It's quite different from the manga, and i love the manga so much i think about it more than 3 seconds and i die, but the story feels more fluid in movie format. To me Doukyuusei is the best example of how you can tell the richest and most fascinating and intriguing story without ugly shock value or Angst TM or stupid twists; just life as it happens. The Manga's characterizations are so intricate and complex and distinct it blows your mind, not a single stereotype in sight. I really need Doukyuusei to be some kinda food so i can eat it for the rest of my life.
• Corvette Summer
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no excuses. This is my trademark movie, the Farimah TM movie, i've claimed it and i bite anyone who gets close. It's so saccharine it rots half of your tooth halfway in and i love a good "take of life all you can; for the love of gods want something, anything, take what is yours and never apologise twice" story. I adore how flirty and sweet and soft this movie is. Plus, yeah, Mark Hamill and Annie Potts. The dream sandwich.
• Honorary mention: Blue Eye Samurai
Simply the most intelligent piece of media i have seen in the last 5 years, holy fucks. It works your brain on 99 different subtle levels to the point that it makes you glad to possess a brain and being able to comprehend stories. It's a challenging watch, intellectually, emotionally— solid makes you proud to understand it the way you'd be proud after finishing a 6k piece puzzle.
And as for books, i've mostly been indulging my fiction thirst with fanfic and flash fiction, and been mainly reading nonfiction in terms of published stuff, so, yeah, it's gonna get a bit technical. sorry.
• Tara Campbell's "Angels and Blueberries"
This story healed 15 years of my childhood trauma with 30% discount.
• Anne Waldron Neumann's "Monologues with Euphemisms"
There's something about flash fiction that forces people to get creative and by gods creative they get. The structure of this piece is so unconventional and sturdy it makes my brain sing 99 motown tunes. Speaking of story structure though,
• Jane Alison's "Meander, Spiral, Explode"
This is a book about story structure. I read it in pieces the way you read poetry and philosophy essays. Take of that what you will. Like, this is such meta read; you can analyse the book itself on its narrative flow and rhythm. I think i learnt more about Aristotle's idealogies reading this book than i learnt by reading Aristotle's essays. and this is the second "nonfiction that reads like poetry" book on this list. The first one is,
• Carlo Rovelli's "The Order Of Time"
Yep. Quantum physics is art to me by nature, but Rovelli really drives the art part home, and he's so sexy for it. This book is so lyrical and it plays with your heartstrings as much as it plays with your brain, i dont care about what category it falls under; this is top notch fiction to me.
• John Luckovich's "The Instinctual Drives And The Enneagram"
an older read i keep picking up every other half year, since i got into Luckovich's theories back in 2017, but yeah, this book is basically the foundation of majority of my worldviews, the spine of it. Luckovich is such thorough and unconventional thinker, getting into his stuff uprooted my brain in uncomfortable ways, and it's been an exhilarating journey.
• Honorary mention: Peter A. Levine's "Waking The Tiger"
Honestly? if i had to give someone one single book to read in their lifetime and nothing else, this would be it. I reference this book mentally in my everyday life so goddamn much i think it's etched into my DNA at this point, this book and Luckovich's theories on human instinct.
Thank you for picking my brain love, be sure to drop the diagnosis in my inbox later 🤣❤️
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bloodanddiscoballs · 1 year
You have such lovely hair!! It really suits you, you look great :D
aww thank you so much! you're so sweet! it's thick as hell sjfbdj I actually need to trim it again but I've been lazy. I used to have the shaved on the sides long mullet look for a bit but I got so tired of dealing with it that I chopped it all off again.
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see? it also grows SUPER fast. in order to keep it nice I've gotta have a full haircut every 3 weeks. it's great!
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