#THANK you for this one ive been HOPING someone would ask abt the whirring and the breathing thing
sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
How do like,, android bodies work in your android au? You mentioned, I think, that Poison has a warm body temperature— is that intentional on BLI’s part, or as a result of mechanisms and stuff running? Do they need to breathe/can they breathe? How easily would one be able to tell someone’s an android? How common is it for androids to defect from BLI? Is Poison’s hair red by choice, or is it naturally red? Do they know how much I love them? /j on the last one :)
!!!!! okay SO (keep in mind ive done no research and i like to pretend i know shit about mechanics)
to my knowledge, all contained mechanical things need to be cooled somehow, either with a fan (like a laptop or a video game system) or a coolant system (like uhhh cars (which also have fans shhh)). androids in this verse have fan systems to keep from overheating and like, frying their boards, but they dont rlly work well bc there isnt a lot of venting for the heat to escape. (why dont they have coolant then, you may ask, bc i dont want them to). so its not an intentional thing but jsut a byproduct of mechanisms running, but i like to use it as a way to show emotions. anytime im like “there was a whirring sound” odds are the person whirring is doing some like, intense thinking. Might be modeled after how my computer sounds like a jet trying to take off anytime im in a zoom lecture (dont tell anyone)
they can breath! but they dont need to. however, the way i picture their like, voiceboxes/vocal cords working is that they need some kind of airflow to create the sounds so while they dont need to breathe, they do if they want to talk/make noise.
it depends!! for things like android girls (pornodroids but i feel like thats not how they like to be called yknow?) and patrol/security droids its more important that they look organic because of the emotional response they need to draw from citizens. like in canon, other droids can totally look robotic but then theyre less considered droids and more considered robots (by BL/ind at least, i think its a bit of a self-identification thing to them if they prefer being robots/droids. android specifically refers to the ones that look organic tho) (you didnt ask for a tangent about naming conventions but its my post)
HOWEVER! desert patrol droids are easier to tell that they are droids because after long enough in the sun, they start to fade (you know how fences need to be repainted?) and they fade unevenly. access panels fade faster than regular ‘skin’ so an old desert patrol droid (like poison) will have patches of skin that r way more washed out than the rest of them. (also they fade, not lighten)
i dont think it’s super common for droids to defect :/ poison was a rare case bc he literally got abandoned and ghoul was right there when he woke up, but if ghoul hadn’t been then they probably would have just made their way back to the city. the better treated a droid is (BLi standards of droid treatment apply) the less likely they are to defect, and treatment is kinda tied to how organic a droid looks, (think abt like, headless preacher droid from the comics)
GOOD QUESTION! i havent fully fleshed this out yet. im caught somewhere between droids arent given hair vs they are given hair but its all standard issue vs somehow BLI made it possible for droids to actually grow hair. but i think regardless, poisons hair wasnt RED the way it is in the zones. that was a them-reclaiming-their-body thing
i know ur joking w the last one but im gonna be soft for a moment and say that poison and kobra do know, very deeply, how much their crew loves them
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