#THC makes the effects of inhibitors go down (makes it so your inhibitor medication doesn’t work)
drririworth-blog · 6 years
Some people take pills
For their mental illness.
Some people, smoke weed and sleep.
Some people do both.
I’m here to tell you about doing both, how it can be okay and how it can not be okay. Let’s start.
Your brain
Your thoughts travel across networks made up of neurotransmitters. They’re activated by the natural electricity in your brain when you think, breathe, eat, sleep, whatever. The neurotransmitters release certain chemicals that you probably know about: seritonin, oxytocin, dopamine, cortisol, bleh bleh bleh.
Now, if you for example have a case of Generalized anxiety disorder, or depression, it’s likely that your doctor will prescribe you an SSRI. A selective serotonin rebututake inhibitor. This medication essentially (in a very basic sense) prolongs the life of seritonin in the brain rather than allowing it to be absorbed and kinda die off until you get them again. SSRIs can be very helpful but they don’t work for everyone because a lack of seritonin isn’t the only cause of depression or anxiety. Therapy and honest discussions with your doctor are the only way to determine if an SSRI is right for you, or a different medication such as an norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) like Wellbutrin, which has been shown to be effective for relieving symptoms of depression with fewer side effects while working similarly like an SSRI, just instead with dopamine.
Cannabis is a plant humans have used since pretty much forever. This doesn’t mean it’s completely without risk in conjunction with these medications we’ve talked about or on its own when you are mentally ill. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol very closely resembles a transmitter in your brain called anandamide. Remember when we talked about your neurons? Let’s check on them: a healthy brain’s neurons have a refractory period. It takes a little bit for them to fire again after they’ve just fired. This allows you to operate as a person.
Anandamide says:
Fuck. that. Let’s. go. forever.
And so your neurotransmitters are like “ok ok,” and they go, and go, and go— until you come down from that high because the anadamine or THC well, dies.
Taking them together
So you’ve taken both your NDRI and your SSRI. This kinda puts caps over the rebutake sites and the dopamine and seritonin can’t get out once it’s there. Now you smoked weed, which sends your neurotransmitters pumping out dopamine and seritonin into overdrive.
So what risks come with that?
The most concerning of them would be seritonin syndrome. This in some rarer cases can cause seizures and death, it’ll probably just make you sick, but see a doctor right away if you experience any of these symptoms:
Muscular rigidity
Severe headache and nausea
Sweating excessively
Irregular heartbeat
Excessive dopamine is less likely to harm you but the symptoms are similar to that of seritonin syndrome, though you might along with the above symptoms experience:
The inability to sit up straight or still
The best course of action in these cases is just to go to urgent care or the ER. Find someone to take you and tell them that you think you’re experiencing seritonin syndrome, and you need help NOW.
Although, if you feel like you’re ok:
I can breathe
I am not in pain
I am warm
I am safe
I can eat
I am calm
Then great. You’re probably fine.
Just relax, take deep breaths, drink some water, watch tv, eat something, you’re ok.
These aren’t cause and effect reactions, you could be unaffected or positively effected by doing these drugs together. Here’s the safest way to see:
Take your prescribed medication for at least a month before experimenting with additional substances.
Take very small doses of the new substance, and see how you feel.
Talk to your doctor about it.
Open a dialogue with your friends and family about your mental illness and your methods for dealing with it.
That’s all guys. 420 blaze it.
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kylieswesting92 · 4 years
How CBC in Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils Fit Into Your Wellness Scheme
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider before use.
We want to proclaim that it’s the season to be jolly, but considering the tragedy and angst of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with perhaps the most divisive election experienced in recent US history, and one can just as easily conclude that, for this year especially, it is more likely to be the season of excess stressed and undue pressure, what with a strained economy and limited family visitations looming for the end of the year. As we are all too well aware, under such situations, we may find our immune systems compromised, and getting a good night’s sleep can all of a sudden become a problem instead of standard practice. At Synchronicity
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, we are committed to bringing as much jolliness back into the lives of our many valued customers; while recognizing that our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products are not a cure-all, let’s not forget the many benefits people enjoy through the regular use of CBD tinctures and other products, with a special focus and emphasis this time on cannabichromene, or CBC.
How CBC Is Related in the Cannabinoid Family
As more studies are performed on the amazing hemp plant (and its equally interesting cousin, the cannabis plant), researchers continue to learn more about the many cannabinoids found alongside CBD and THC, the two compounds which have received the greatest attention and detailed examination: one of these is CBC, which was discovered in the 1980s and is one of the popular “other cannabinoids” which appears in much research. You could consider THC, CBD, and CBC to be “sibling” cannabinoids since all three of them gain their start from the same progenitor, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), in the forms of THCa, CBDa, and CBCa respectively.
Similar to CBD, there are no intoxicating effects associated with CBC; however, unlike CBD, it does not bind to our CB2 receptors. This doesn’t mean that you cannot benefit from CBC, as it performs a powerful and unique function that enhances the performance and effectiveness of other compounds. Specifically, CBC appears to boast the following properties:
Analgesic – in a somewhat indirect manner, CBC can battle discomforts by supporting or augmenting our natural ability to control or block pain
Anti-Depressant – CBC is one of several cannabinoids showing promise in altering moods in a positive direction
Anti-Microbial – CBC has been used in alleviating both bacterial and fungal infestations
Anti-Proliferative – early studies are indicating the potential to inhibit cancerous growths, which opens many new avenues of research and discovery
Brain Growth – the possibility that CBC can stimulate neurogenesis (the process of developing new brain cells) makes this another field with a strong interest and new research arising
Gut Health – it seems that CBC may be able to assist in relieving intestinal inflammation, which makes it a possible alternative for natural digestive relief
Migraine Relief – used in combination with other natural pain-relieving ingredients, CBC appears to offer an extra boost in combating migraines
As studies concerning the power and efficacy of CBC will no doubt continue on into the future, current users are delighted at how the inclusion of CBC in our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products appears to boost the beneficial properties of other important cannabinoids, most especially CBD.
Finally, both the hemp and cannabis plants are generous in their production of CBC, which means that when you take advantage of the benefits of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products, you get more than just CBD Oil… you are gaining from all the valuable and beneficial cannabinoids naturally teeming in high-grade hemp plants, which is gently teased from our proprietary and holistic lipid infusion process and of course includes a healthy and balanced proportion of this important CBC compound. In comparison, all too many CBD Oil manufacturers opt for harsh CO2 extraction methods, which strips out the CBD compound rather than taking a nurturing and caring approach of gleaning the fantastic and powerful phytocannabinoids and other natural ingredients from the plant. Sure, our process may take more time and involve more attention to detail, but we firmly believe that living plants have more to offer when we cultivate and harvest them with an awareness of their wellness properties. In essence, we treat our hemp plants with the respect all living beings should receive, in recognition of the incredible potential each plant offers to the human species.
Empowering CBD Effects By the Inclusion of CBC in Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Products
It never hurts to remind our readers of the vast array of benefits which our customers have experienced and enjoyed, thanks to regular usage of quality Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products. Most especially, it is important to recognize how Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products are capable of taking full advantage of the entourage effect, that awesome experience where all valued cannabinoids work in concert to deliver a variety of wellness benefits. In this regard, the CBC compound serves an important need by acting as a catalyst and performing crucial secondary health measures, like diverting pain by triggering and supporting those body functions intended to mask the immediacy and discomfort of pain.
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Benefits
As a reminder, and keeping in mind that CBC is an excellent assistant in helping CBD do its own essential tasks, here is a simple, starting list of the potential benefits so many people are enjoying when using Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil regularly:
May Ease Anxiety and Depression
Too many individuals have suffered from anxiety and depression, only to discover that heavy antidepressants can cause other problems, including severe and unmanageable side effects; it’s no wonder that so many of these people are turning to Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products for a gentler alternative which seems to deliver positive outcomes, including the presence of CBC which also shows promise as a potential and natural antidepressant.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: using our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Tincture on a daily (or twice daily) basis can go far in helping you establish and maintain a stable state of equilibrium.
Potential Heart Health
Quite a bit of research has connected CBD to an improved heart and circulatory system, with an especial notice of its ability to reduce high blood pressure, which in turn is directly linked to fatal conditions such as heart attacks and strokes; since CBC has already earned a reputation for easing anxiety, it is a vital companion to CBD in keeping blood pressure lowered by keeping stress and anxiety at a minimum.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: a simple and effective way of ensuring you are getting an accurate and adequate amount of CBD, CBC, and other valuable cannabinoids is to take one or two of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Capsules each day.
Possible Neuroprotective Properties
For years now, using CBD to manage epileptic seizures has been practiced, with varying degrees of success (no one treatment has shown complete effectiveness yet, but most other medications cause all sorts of other side effects, something which is rare when using CBD), while another study indicated people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease found improved sleep patterns when regularly using CBD; in both situations, the use of a Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil product will allow any beneficial properties contained in CBC to also go to work.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: people who suffer from spasms or lack of sleep will find a more relaxed body if it is regularly treated with our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Body Butter, so the skin can drink in CBD, CBC, and other helpful cannabinoids.
Shows Promise to Offset Cancer Therapy Side Effects
Anyone who has any familiarity with cancer treatments is acutely aware of the debilitating side effects a patient often experiences, most notably natural and common reactions such as nausea, pain, and vomiting; CBD has shown much promise in offsetting these side effects, while CBC has already demonstrated a unique ability to alert and awaken our own natural and internal pain inhibitors to help one cope with physical discomfort.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: those facing cancer therapy need and deserve as much TLC as possible… something which our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Aromatherapy can deliver with spa-like blends of aromatherapy combined with its True Entourage Effect
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Could Relieve Pain
Whether you are facing chronic pain, or the daily stresses of life accumulate over time and find certain muscles and joints in which to settle and cause you undue aches, there’s no need to grab aspirins when you can instead give yourself a special treat by stopping for a moment and attending to your physical needs and deficiencies; by slowing down and physically massaging or otherwise soothing sore points in your body, you send a message of care and support to your hard-working body.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: you don’t need to be a high-powered athlete to get the full benefits of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Sports Balm (but rest assured, our top athletic clients also swear by this amazing balm!).
May Treat Acne
For those who have never suffered from acute acne, it may seem frivolous to include alleviation of acne conditions with heart disease, cancer, and depression, but those unfortunate people with a tendency towards extreme acne conditions would tell you in no uncertain terms how painful and frustrating this problem can be, affecting most sufferers both physically and emotionally; imagine the pleasure of finally enjoying smooth, clear skin which feels and looks fantastic, something which CBD apparently can accomplish in tandem with a positive skin cleansing and nourishment regimen, while the CBC compound aids in resisting bacterial and fungal build-up.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: perhaps your best line of attack in managing and preventing acne conditions is with combined daily use of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Facial Cream and our health-infusing and youth-inspiring Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Youth Serum.
Under Consideration
Based upon early and positive findings in so many fields of health and well-being, it should come as no surprise that research in many new areas is cropping up regularly, with lots of new promising results possibly appearing on the not-too-distant horizon, including
Possibly Antipsychotic – initial studies using CBD with patients facing schizophrenia and other mental illnesses are already suggesting it may help in reducing psychotic symptoms
May Be Anti-Tumor – both test-tube and animal studies are showing exciting results in combating and even eliminating tumors, while other animal studies have shown CBD preventing the spread of various cancers, including brain, breast, colon, and lung cancers
Could Prevent Diabetes – giving CBD to diabetic mice has reduced the disease by more than 50% while also successfully lowering inflammation, a condition that may contribute to cancerous growths
Might Aid Substance Abuse Management – the opioid crisis, along with non-prescription addictive drugs like heroin and cocaine, creates thousands of new addicts every year, but CBD studies are showing the potential to modify those brain circuits related to drug addiction
In all of these cases mentioned above, we remain convinced that using high-quality products made with Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil offers the common consumer the best opportunity for taking full advantage of any potential health effects found in CBD and its many related cannabinoid family members, including its often-overlooked sibling, CBC.
Not Treatments, But Certainly Treats
As our regular customers already know, at Synchronicity
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we are enthusiasts of all things related to quality Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil. We are proud of the attention to detail we provide, from the very beginnings of the growth of excellent hemp plants to our gentle, hand-pressed LipidTrans
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infusion process which delivers to you true, plant-based products geared towards improving the wellness of your life, family, and home.
However excited we may become about how our products have changed and improved the lives of so many people, we want to emphasize once again that we are not healthcare providers, nor do we dispense any medical advice, instead offering this commonsense recommendation: “Consult with your physician or healthcare provider before use, especially if you have a serious medical condition, use prescription medications, or are pregnant or nursing. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.“
That being said, while we do not recommend or suggest any medical treatment with our products, we totally and completely endorse the idea of using our products as much-deserved wellness treats for you and your loved ones. Particularly during trying times (which the year 2020 has certainly demonstrated can endure for the entire year or longer), it is essential you take care of yourself, which starts with your body, using sensible health approaches and practices so you feel great and ready to conquer the world… or just the next day.
As always, our virtual ear remains open and ready to hear from you… we’re ready to answer questions, offer suggestions, or hear about your own wellness journey and what you have encountered and learned while on your path to an improved and happier life!
The post How CBC in Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils Fit Into Your Wellness Scheme appeared first on Synchronicity.
Via https://synchronicityhempoil.com/how-cbc-in-full-spectrum-hemp-oils-fit-into-your-wellness-scheme/
source https://synchronicityhempoil.weebly.com/blog/how-cbc-in-full-spectrum-hemp-oils-fit-into-your-wellness-scheme
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How CBC in Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils Fit Into Your Wellness Scheme
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider before use.
We want to proclaim that it’s the season to be jolly, but considering the tragedy and angst of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with perhaps the most divisive election experienced in recent US history, and one can just as easily conclude that, for this year especially, it is more likely to be the season of excess stressed and undue pressure, what with a strained economy and limited family visitations looming for the end of the year. As we are all too well aware, under such situations, we may find our immune systems compromised, and getting a good night’s sleep can all of a sudden become a problem instead of standard practice. At Synchronicity
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, we are committed to bringing as much jolliness back into the lives of our many valued customers; while recognizing that our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products are not a cure-all, let’s not forget the many benefits people enjoy through the regular use of CBD tinctures and other products, with a special focus and emphasis this time on cannabichromene, or CBC.
How CBC Is Related in the Cannabinoid Family
As more studies are performed on the amazing hemp plant (and its equally interesting cousin, the cannabis plant), researchers continue to learn more about the many cannabinoids found alongside CBD and THC, the two compounds which have received the greatest attention and detailed examination: one of these is CBC, which was discovered in the 1980s and is one of the popular “other cannabinoids” which appears in much research. You could consider THC, CBD, and CBC to be “sibling” cannabinoids since all three of them gain their start from the same progenitor, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), in the forms of THCa, CBDa, and CBCa respectively.
Similar to CBD, there are no intoxicating effects associated with CBC; however, unlike CBD, it does not bind to our CB2 receptors. This doesn’t mean that you cannot benefit from CBC, as it performs a powerful and unique function that enhances the performance and effectiveness of other compounds. Specifically, CBC appears to boast the following properties:
Analgesic – in a somewhat indirect manner, CBC can battle discomforts by supporting or augmenting our natural ability to control or block pain
Anti-Depressant – CBC is one of several cannabinoids showing promise in altering moods in a positive direction
Anti-Microbial – CBC has been used in alleviating both bacterial and fungal infestations
Anti-Proliferative – early studies are indicating the potential to inhibit cancerous growths, which opens many new avenues of research and discovery
Brain Growth – the possibility that CBC can stimulate neurogenesis (the process of developing new brain cells) makes this another field with a strong interest and new research arising
Gut Health – it seems that CBC may be able to assist in relieving intestinal inflammation, which makes it a possible alternative for natural digestive relief
Migraine Relief – used in combination with other natural pain-relieving ingredients, CBC appears to offer an extra boost in combating migraines
As studies concerning the power and efficacy of CBC will no doubt continue on into the future, current users are delighted at how the inclusion of CBC in our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products appears to boost the beneficial properties of other important cannabinoids, most especially CBD.
Finally, both the hemp and cannabis plants are generous in their production of CBC, which means that when you take advantage of the benefits of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products, you get more than just CBD Oil… you are gaining from all the valuable and beneficial cannabinoids naturally teeming in high-grade hemp plants, which is gently teased from our proprietary and holistic lipid infusion process and of course includes a healthy and balanced proportion of this important CBC compound. In comparison, all too many CBD Oil manufacturers opt for harsh CO2 extraction methods, which strips out the CBD compound rather than taking a nurturing and caring approach of gleaning the fantastic and powerful phytocannabinoids and other natural ingredients from the plant. Sure, our process may take more time and involve more attention to detail, but we firmly believe that living plants have more to offer when we cultivate and harvest them with an awareness of their wellness properties. In essence, we treat our hemp plants with the respect all living beings should receive, in recognition of the incredible potential each plant offers to the human species.
Empowering CBD Effects By the Inclusion of CBC in Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Products
It never hurts to remind our readers of the vast array of benefits which our customers have experienced and enjoyed, thanks to regular usage of quality Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products. Most especially, it is important to recognize how Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products are capable of taking full advantage of the entourage effect, that awesome experience where all valued cannabinoids work in concert to deliver a variety of wellness benefits. In this regard, the CBC compound serves an important need by acting as a catalyst and performing crucial secondary health measures, like diverting pain by triggering and supporting those body functions intended to mask the immediacy and discomfort of pain.
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Benefits
As a reminder, and keeping in mind that CBC is an excellent assistant in helping CBD do its own essential tasks, here is a simple, starting list of the potential benefits so many people are enjoying when using Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil regularly:
May Ease Anxiety and Depression
Too many individuals have suffered from anxiety and depression, only to discover that heavy antidepressants can cause other problems, including severe and unmanageable side effects; it’s no wonder that so many of these people are turning to Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil products for a gentler alternative which seems to deliver positive outcomes, including the presence of CBC which also shows promise as a potential and natural antidepressant.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: using our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Tincture on a daily (or twice daily) basis can go far in helping you establish and maintain a stable state of equilibrium.
Potential Heart Health
Quite a bit of research has connected CBD to an improved heart and circulatory system, with an especial notice of its ability to reduce high blood pressure, which in turn is directly linked to fatal conditions such as heart attacks and strokes; since CBC has already earned a reputation for easing anxiety, it is a vital companion to CBD in keeping blood pressure lowered by keeping stress and anxiety at a minimum.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: a simple and effective way of ensuring you are getting an accurate and adequate amount of CBD, CBC, and other valuable cannabinoids is to take one or two of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Capsules each day.
Possible Neuroprotective Properties
For years now, using CBD to manage epileptic seizures has been practiced, with varying degrees of success (no one treatment has shown complete effectiveness yet, but most other medications cause all sorts of other side effects, something which is rare when using CBD), while another study indicated people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease found improved sleep patterns when regularly using CBD; in both situations, the use of a Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil product will allow any beneficial properties contained in CBC to also go to work.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: people who suffer from spasms or lack of sleep will find a more relaxed body if it is regularly treated with our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Body Butter, so the skin can drink in CBD, CBC, and other helpful cannabinoids.
Shows Promise to Offset Cancer Therapy Side Effects
Anyone who has any familiarity with cancer treatments is acutely aware of the debilitating side effects a patient often experiences, most notably natural and common reactions such as nausea, pain, and vomiting; CBD has shown much promise in offsetting these side effects, while CBC has already demonstrated a unique ability to alert and awaken our own natural and internal pain inhibitors to help one cope with physical discomfort.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: those facing cancer therapy need and deserve as much TLC as possible… something which our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Aromatherapy can deliver with spa-like blends of aromatherapy combined with its True Entourage Effect
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Could Relieve Pain
Whether you are facing chronic pain, or the daily stresses of life accumulate over time and find certain muscles and joints in which to settle and cause you undue aches, there’s no need to grab aspirins when you can instead give yourself a special treat by stopping for a moment and attending to your physical needs and deficiencies; by slowing down and physically massaging or otherwise soothing sore points in your body, you send a message of care and support to your hard-working body.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: you don’t need to be a high-powered athlete to get the full benefits of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Sports Balm (but rest assured, our top athletic clients also swear by this amazing balm!).
May Treat Acne
For those who have never suffered from acute acne, it may seem frivolous to include alleviation of acne conditions with heart disease, cancer, and depression, but those unfortunate people with a tendency towards extreme acne conditions would tell you in no uncertain terms how painful and frustrating this problem can be, affecting most sufferers both physically and emotionally; imagine the pleasure of finally enjoying smooth, clear skin which feels and looks fantastic, something which CBD apparently can accomplish in tandem with a positive skin cleansing and nourishment regimen, while the CBC compound aids in resisting bacterial and fungal build-up.
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Full-Spectrum Oil Product Suggestion: perhaps your best line of attack in managing and preventing acne conditions is with combined daily use of our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Facial Cream and our health-infusing and youth-inspiring Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Youth Serum.
Under Consideration
Based upon early and positive findings in so many fields of health and well-being, it should come as no surprise that research in many new areas is cropping up regularly, with lots of new promising results possibly appearing on the not-too-distant horizon, including
Possibly Antipsychotic – initial studies using CBD with patients facing schizophrenia and other mental illnesses are already suggesting it may help in reducing psychotic symptoms
May Be Anti-Tumor – both test-tube and animal studies are showing exciting results in combating and even eliminating tumors, while other animal studies have shown CBD preventing the spread of various cancers, including brain, breast, colon, and lung cancers
Could Prevent Diabetes – giving CBD to diabetic mice has reduced the disease by more than 50% while also successfully lowering inflammation, a condition that may contribute to cancerous growths
Might Aid Substance Abuse Management – the opioid crisis, along with non-prescription addictive drugs like heroin and cocaine, creates thousands of new addicts every year, but CBD studies are showing the potential to modify those brain circuits related to drug addiction
In all of these cases mentioned above, we remain convinced that using high-quality products made with Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil offers the common consumer the best opportunity for taking full advantage of any potential health effects found in CBD and its many related cannabinoid family members, including its often-overlooked sibling, CBC.
Not Treatments, But Certainly Treats
As our regular customers already know, at Synchronicity
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we are enthusiasts of all things related to quality Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil. We are proud of the attention to detail we provide, from the very beginnings of the growth of excellent hemp plants to our gentle, hand-pressed LipidTrans
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infusion process which delivers to you true, plant-based products geared towards improving the wellness of your life, family, and home.
However excited we may become about how our products have changed and improved the lives of so many people, we want to emphasize once again that we are not healthcare providers, nor do we dispense any medical advice, instead offering this commonsense recommendation: “Consult with your physician or healthcare provider before use, especially if you have a serious medical condition, use prescription medications, or are pregnant or nursing. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.“
That being said, while we do not recommend or suggest any medical treatment with our products, we totally and completely endorse the idea of using our products as much-deserved wellness treats for you and your loved ones. Particularly during trying times (which the year 2020 has certainly demonstrated can endure for the entire year or longer), it is essential you take care of yourself, which starts with your body, using sensible health approaches and practices so you feel great and ready to conquer the world… or just the next day.
As always, our virtual ear remains open and ready to hear from you… we’re ready to answer questions, offer suggestions, or hear about your own wellness journey and what you have encountered and learned while on your path to an improved and happier life!
The post How CBC in Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils Fit Into Your Wellness Scheme appeared first on Synchronicity.
source https://synchronicityhempoil.com/how-cbc-in-full-spectrum-hemp-oils-fit-into-your-wellness-scheme/
0 notes
The CBD market doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. From oils and tinctures to gummies and chocolates, people are buying more CBD than ever. In fact, the market is expected to reach and surpass $20 billion by 2024.
Though it’s likely you’ve heard all about CBD by now, there’s a chance you haven’t heard about its sister cannabinoid, CBG. More people are exploring the differences between CBD vs CBG before buying products. The more you know, the more likely you’ll buy the products you need!
Keep reading to learn all about the difference between CBD and CBG
CBD, CBG, and the Endocannabinoid System
Before we can really get into the difference between CBD vs CBG, it helps to understand cannabinoids and they’re effect on the body.
Your body naturally produces cannabinoids called endocannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is designed to receive and utilize endocannabinoids. Your body actually needs endocannabinoids to achieve equilibrium.
Otherwise, many of your bodily functions will go out of balance.
Hemp and cannabis plants contain plant-based cannabinoids. These are called phytocannabinoids and can include:
CBD stands for cannabidiol. CBG, on the other hand, stands for cannabigerol. These cannabinoids are only two of the 60 cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp plants.
Cannabinoids like CBD and CBG are both capable of acting on the human’s body cannabinoid receptors. Two of the most prevalent receptors found in the body are CB1 and CB2.
CB1 plays a role in regulating your nervous system. CB2, meanwhile, is responsible for inflammation. Inflammation is your body’s natural response to illness, invaders, and injuries.
CBG: The Stem Cell
We’ve heard more about CBD so far because hemp plants contain larger amounts of CBD than CBG. In fact, CBG is so scarce that scientists haven’t studied it much yet. Now that cannabis laws are changing, scientists are spending more time exploring this cannabinoid.
CBG is important, though. In fact, it’s the precursor to other cannabinoids, including CBD.
First, CBG appears in its inactive form, CBGA. With time, CBGA breaks down and becomes a base molecule. Other cannabinoids then use the CBGA base molecule to develop.
Without CBG, we wouldn’t have CBD and THC.
What is CBG used for, exactly? Remember, your body’s ECS utilizes endocannabinoids like CBG to achieve balance. The CB1 and CB2 receptors in your body are responsible for regulating:
Pain response
Cannabinoids like CBG can interact with your CB1 and CB2 to activate certain responses. These responses trigger physiological changes such as mood swings. By acting on your CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBG and CBD can keep your body balanced.
Without balance, you could lose your appetite, experience nausea, gain weight, feel tired, and experience pain.
It’s important to note that CBG and CBD aren’t psychoactive. In other words, they won’t make you high. Another cannabinoid, THC, is responsible for causing psychoactive effects.
The Difference
Now that you know a little more about the science behind CBG and CBD, let’s separate the two. Here’s what you need to know about CBD vs CBG.
CBD is best known for its ability to reduce pain symptoms. It’s also able to stabilize certain bodily functions.
Remember, the CB2 receptor is responsible for regulating inflammation. Inflammation is important for healing and fighting diseases. Too much inflammation, however, can have a negative impact on the body.
In fact, chronic inflammation can cause fatigue, mouth sores, a fever, and lasting pain. Long-lasting pain could impact your mobility and quality of life. It can also cause disability.
As the inflammation persists, it can also lead to a serious health condition, including:
Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Neurodegenerative diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
Failing to ease inflammation can damage your body’s healthy cells, tissues, and organs. In time, the damage could impact your DNA.
Many people are already using CBD products to ease the painful symptoms associated with these conditions. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can ease inflammation in the body to help with healing and prevention.
Reducing inflammation in the body can also help clear up eczema and psoriasis. Inflammation often contributes to skin conditions like acne by increasing sebum production.
However, every person reacts to CBD differently. While it might reduce one person’s inflammation and pain, it might not help everyone.
Since CBG is scarce within hemp plants, we don’t know its full range of benefits yet. Scientists are still exploring how we can use CBG for clinical purposes. By producing cbg seeds, companies could maximize CBG effects.
Some reports indicate that CBG and CBD offer different benefits. This is likely because CBG is a partial agonist for cannabinoid receptors. That means CBG influences your CB1 and CB2 receptors differently than CBD does.
With this in mind, it’s possible that CBG could help patients suffering from conditions beyond the ones mentioned above. However, there’s still a lot of overlap between what CBD and CBG can do for the human body.
Unlike CBD, CBG has shown promise in helping patients with glaucoma. CBG is able to relieve intraocular pressure, which could provide glaucoma patients with therapeutic relief.
CBG could help patients with colitis inflammatory bowel disease as well. In one animal study, CBG helped patients manage:
Weight loss
Abdominal pain
Joint pain
We require human studies to determine if we can use CBG as a treatment option.
Unlike CBD, CBG could help inhibit GABA reuptake. GABA is an amino acid that causes fear, anxiety, and stress. By taking CBG, patients might reduce their stress and anxiety.
CBG could also help inhibit cancer cell growth (a potential benefit it shares with CBD). This study concluded that CBG might work as a tumor progression inhibitor, along with other cannabinoids.
Many cancer patients use CBD to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy (nausea and vomiting). Though more research is necessary, it’s possible CBG could help as a form of treatment for cancer.
Connecting Cannabinoids: CBD vs CBG Explained
By exploring the difference between CBD vs CBG, scientists could find a plethora of potential medical treatments. However, these two cannabinoids can also work together to promote health and wellbeing.
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The post Is CBG the Same as CBD? appeared first on Florida Independent.
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