torntruth · 11 months
‘  what  do  you  want  for  breakfast?  ’- for karlach
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                             morning after starters, accepting .
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karlach was feeling lighter than a feather -- which is quite the accomplishment for a 6 foot tiefling barbarian. she could have just stayed basking in this feeling all day, laying in bed, the flames just touching the vents a low blue. she was really only fussing about because her hand reached out to find dronia and hand did not immediately find dronia. eyes open, head leans up a bit. there's a little panic. it's premature though when dronia asks what she wants. karlach's head falls back to the pillow. a relieving breath in. eyes close again with a hum.
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" just ... give me a few minutes and i'll come help you. "
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epistrefei · 6 months
❤️‍🩹  to  find  my  muse  trying  to  hide  an  injury.
The day was long and scorching, and it was only now that the hot sun was beginning to descend over the horizon. Dronia and Artemis had been walking for some time—a leisurely but constant pace, trudging one foot over the other while the Goddess seemed to navigate the endless jungle with apparent confidence that Dronia's party had already passed through here. It was uncharacteristically quiet between them today—Artemis was not jabbing or teasing the other woman, but rather focused on the path ahead of them, sweat collecting at her forehead and collar.
This is only interrupted by the catch of a long, tangled root on her foot. Artemis stumbles and falls to her knees, a cry of pain ripping free from her lips. She grabs at her flank, concealed by the dark cloak shrouding her figure. When she lifts her hand, liquid gold stains it, a beautiful but haunting sight. What had wounded her that she was not able to heal from? How would she fare like this?
"I am fine," Artemis insists sharply, her hand flattened as if to enforce an invisible wall between them. "Let us continue."
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rivalsunraveled · 7 months
@thcdoomed from [x]
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Ystin is loathe to admit it, but immortality has certainly made them less aware of when to take wounds seriously. While wounds can kill them, obviously none of them have yet, and Ystin has gotten used to shrugging things off for the most part.
They wince, hissing through their teeth as the alcohol hits the wound. "I felt that," they say with a breathy chuckle. "Go for it, my lady, I trust my friends."
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waywardtavsanddurges · 3 months
"I think we should find this Halsin before we find this Creche."
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Felyn said plainly, sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the wall of the cave they'd made temporary camp in for the time. She was sharpening a throwing dagger, looking down at the blade as she worked it with the wetstone, feeling anxious and on edge. She didn't work well with others, especially strangers she was forced into alliance with. All of this, as far as she was concerned, was a means to an end with finding her mark. She knew her kin was after answers about the Absolute when she went no contact, so following this trail might lead her where she needed to go.
"I've had dealings with druids before, I know what to expect. I don't know that I trust Lae'zel's word that her people won't kill us on site when we arrive. She might feel differently, but Githyanki are more distrusting of outsiders than my own people, and that is saying something."
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recitedemise · 4 months
The blight has now lifted. It's beautiful, isn't it? Should you squint, it almost strikes him like a scene from beyond a river, all swirling little colors and gemstone-tizzied lights. The candles are flickering, goldening the edges of his wine-softened sight. Dance trembles loud the flooring, and drink rushes like the laughs, and Gale takes it all in with a wordless aweing. He finds it so beautiful. And so wonderfully free.
And he thinks, there, how many more of these has he left in his future? It's then that he finds her, dear Dronia on his line like a floundering trout. Her shadows come thickly, a crisp, clear division from the dark and the revelry, and curious, he fixes up her tea as worry settles on his brow. Between them, he lowers her cup, drink steaming, the fragrance of tangerine with a dollop with a honey.
"Marginally better than you, I'd imagine," Gale starts, speaking nothing of his missive, "which, depending on who you ask, reflects remarkably poorly on your experience tonight." Shame. "Feels a tragedy considering your role in our well-earned revelry. This is a moment of merriment, an hour for you to go and enjoy yourself. Favoring the shadows seems counter intuitive," he argues. "We've brought again the dawn. Go and bask in it." Oh, Dronia... "Do you dance at all?" / @thcdoomed continued from here.
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thcinfernal · 7 months
this meme , @thcdoomed , accepting .
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there is a part of karlach that will always feel so immensely guilty that she still ... hurts sometimes. physically , but more so emotionally. like here she is with quite a few things that she has always wanted. a caring partner. a tavern and a mini farm. a man that works out in the forge just because he decided sticking around two people he adores was the best option. there is so much love gathered here. as she wanted.
... but sometimes she still gets distant with a thousand-yard stare. she'll still never get back the things stolen from her.
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there's a baby goat just gently prodding at her legs, walking around her, being so trusting and curious. it's what jumpstarts her back to the present, it especially works when the goat yells absolutely signifying that dronia has made an appearance. it's maybe then that she noticed she was crying. only because tears have this weird sticky feeling when they're drying. karlach tries playing it off by one large hand wrapping around the goat and the other pressing at a couple of her metal holes.
they did ache though. metal pieces don't get relieved like muscles though. pressing against them doesn't do much.
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menzoberras · 9 months
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"Why is it that whenver we are sent to handle something," he begins, wiping the bottom of his boot on the still-bleeding corpse of the Kuo-Toa. Pathetic little aquatic humanoids. Disgusting. "We end up wading through shit and guts to get what we need. Fish folk, of all things. I still think they would've been far more useful had we their faith and idiotic fealty, but that is just me."
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@thcdoomed liked for a small thing. not accepting.
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dimensionalspades · 9 months
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. Camp was both comforting and not, as nothing truly felt comforting right now. The inability to simply ignore the situation or leave it crawled under his skin. The people he had been forced to work with seemed to be in similar spirit- displeased to be here, displeased to work with someone they didn't know. But none of them could find a good reason not to work as a group.
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. "All's well?" He asked, unsure of what else to ask the woman. "Not everyone likes facing trolls." He did, but he could at least tell Shadowheart hadn't been fond of the experience.
@thcdoomed got a starter from x
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shdwtouch · 6 months
❝ can I pet ya' raven ? ❞ her voice is hushed, earnest with respect. hands worrying shyly in front of her, shade fixes the other ranger with a hopeful gaze. she'd never had a companion of her own; the shadow-cursed lands were no place for animals, as much as she had wanted for a friend to traverse them with. the idea of a bird, especially a raven, as a hunting partner was novel to her.
she was almost envious... but with a gentleness; if she could not have an animal at her side then she would shower the companions of other rangers with all that she felt they were due, scritches and treats included, should their masters oblige.
@thcdoomed liked for a starter
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torntruth · 1 month
Send "lover" to caress the tail in a sensual manner - for karlach
— TOUCH THE TAIL , always accepting , @thcdoomed .
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YOU KNOW WHAT? this is usually karlach's forte , turning dronia on randomly or helping her learn new things about herself. CURIOSITY IS RATHER ATTRACTIVE , isn't it? her relaxed mood wasn't even interrupted , it was only heightened to be quite honest. the type of mood that truly means she's forgotten the world around her and there's only this bed , dronia , AND HOW MUCH SHE'S IN LOVE. the simple things.
there's also the way the sun filters in through the windows. it's something beautiful when this land used to be shrouded in darkness. JUST LIKE THEY USED TO BE SHROUDED IN DARKNESS. no more. they changed it all. every little thing.
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karlach didn't make a sound , didn't particularly want to give away right away that she thought the way dronia's fingers against the base of her tail felt absolutely exquisite. her head's facing the other direction , the way her features melted in pleasure wouldn't be an indication just as well. her body adjusted though and her heart rate picked up exponentially.
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epistrefei · 2 months
whatever you just did… do it again.
Far be it from out of character for the Goddess to be rendered breathless, but the manner in which Dronia suddenly has her pinned is enough to grace a winded smile on her features.
"Do what?" She seems to ask genuinely for a moment, breathing hard and fast, a mere inch away from the dhampir's lips—and then she sees it. That tell-tale glisten of gold there, smeared from an accidental nick of her own bottom lip. Her tongue swipes out to catch another bead of the ichor blood gathering at the corner.
Artemis hums, trying to hide the smile that blooms. The effects of her blood were not a secret to her.
"Must have bit my lip," she comments, only half-apologizing. She monitors Dronia's reaction carefully—very interestedly, it seemed.
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spiderwarden · 9 months
@thcdoomed activated the (!) dialogue (!).
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" The course that had been prepared this evening, it was much preferred than that broiling concoction that was prepared earlier in the day." Brow perk with a small smile offered, "With that said I must admit, I am impressed, surface food is often poorly, flavorless - and when compared to the Baenre banquets of my former home. I am most often in left unimpressed, grieved almost - but not tonight."
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bloodyarn · 4 months
@thcdoomed sent
꒰ Dronia gives Babette two knitting needles she carved from antlers, a leftover from one of her hunts to provide the camp with meals. "I thought you might like this." ꒱
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  𝔾𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥
❥ source (not accepting anymore)
      𝐎𝐡, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝘀𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝘀.     Her little grabby hands can barely hold still when wine-red orbs spot the freshly carved needles. Babette could not say she ever had needles made out of antlers. It must have been quite the task to get them so clean  &  pretty.
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      ❝ They feel great   ! ❞     The seamstress declared, getting a feeling for each needle like some wine connoisseur tasting a rich drop of red. Elated, she holds the gift towards the sun, enjoying the neat surface  &  soft glimmer the bone-like structure naturally holds. The next project would not have to wait long, for she was motivated to test out this wonderful present.
     ❝ Thank you so so so much. I will knit something for you tonight. Both as a thanks  &  to inaugurate these darlings. ❞
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singofus-a · 10 months
@thcdoomed requested a starter from FENYX (BG3 AU)!
As soon as she stumbled through the portal, Fenyx realised that this was different. Before, the portals would lead to bright places tinged with an edge of gold and a thrill of being temporarily in a new place to explore. To take the edge off of the Atlas-level weight currently forced onto her shoulders. Never before had a portal made her vision blur and her ears ring and hit her so much so with the realisation that this was so very different.
Never before had a portal closed behind her.
"No! Wait! Hermes!" She cried out, whirling around with a hand to her head, trying to grasp at the last sparks of magic as they faded away. A look of horror adorned her face as she looked around at quiet roadside beside her. Tears stung at her eyes but she forced her chin up to keep them in.
"No, Fenyx, keep it together. You've just got to find a way to open it again. Maybe the magic is right here and you just need a big, great portal-opener and you can be home and Typhon absolutely won't be destroying everything in the meantime."
She bent over for a moment, heels of palms pressed into her eyes until she finally felt eyes on her. With a gasp she immediately straightened, chest out and back straight - trying to look immediately confident again and definitely not scared and lost.
Then it hit her.
Another person.
Even in these other realms it had just been her. Hermes always waited on the Golden Isle and everyone else was stone or actual statues or demi-gods rather more focussed on the monsters Typhon was sending their way.
But no, there was someone here. Watching her. Fenyx couldn't help but stare back until she finally realised she was staring.
"Sorry, I'm...well I'm very lost. And I haven't seen an actual person in too long. I didn't mean to stare." An awkward but pleasant smile was given as she assessed if this person was a threat or not. It would be just her luck to be stuck through a portal and already onto hostile ground.
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archivestarlyht · 2 months
❝ do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls? ❞ - for sol
“if you mean 'knowing in few hours i will have to face that hideous sun,'   then yes,”    the drow responded flatly.  the change of day,  of night,  stirred little else in him.  ---   well,   depending upon how far the month crept.  but that was   ...   not sadness.  what he felt was something far more   ...   base.  a base longing.  his flesh and bones weren't right.  
he continued with cleaning his sword,  ensuring the metal was brought to a fine,  clean polish.  the human was an odd one.  he'd yet to fully discern why.  little to think about,  however,  with the madness of the abberation's parasite squirming behind their eyes.  “much different to a sun-dweller.”
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roguerolled · 8 months
@thcdoomed liked for a starter
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"I WONDER ... " Nashira spoke loudly , sentence trailing off into the nothingness as she pondered. There was a curious look on her face , eyes turned over to the other — observing. "Is it possible we could share a family?" Their appearances were quite uncanny where they could be mistaken as twins , but as far as Nashira knows , she knows naught of those who shares her blood. BEING AN ORPHAN.
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