starshine-valley · 1 year
I got bored so have a brain rot of my mixed units AU!! (Switched them up a bit)
Soaring \/ Phoenix
“let’s chase our dreams to the fullest!”
-> Members: Emu Otori (“Everybody’s so talented! So wonderhoy!”), Mafuyu Asahina (“Everything… is so bright and colorful…), Toya Aoyagi (“Is this a chance to change?”), Ena Shinonome (“I’ll get my art on stage!”)
-> Sekai: Curtain Sekai (A bright and colorful auditorium)
“We invite you to the world of dreams!”
-> Virtual Singers: Miku, Rin and Len!
-> Relationship Chart:
“Super scary… but very pretty!” <-> “Energetic, quite a handful.”
“Selfish for not sharing his talent” <-> “very blunt, I appreciate it”
“Her art makes the Wonder Stage stand out!” <-> “A bit out there but thank you for liking my art.”
“Something’s bothering her…” <-> “Something’s holding him back…”
“He’s super Wonderhoy! Like a prince!” <-> “She reminds me of them…”
“Jealous over her abilities” <-> “cares too much about her art…”
-> Leader: Emu Otori (Theme of Soaring \/ Phoenix is how sometimes it’s good to never give up and strive for what you dream in)
“A group of talented people come together to reach for the stars!”
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Power of the Doctor - Quickfire Thoughts
So it's time for a New Doctor to take the reins
It's been a mixed tenure for Whittaker - by no fault of her own, moreso the writing - but let's see how her final effort goes
Spoilers for the Episode
Hang on, isn't that Luther from Umbrella Academy?
Didn't expect the Cyber Masters to be back, let alone be shot down by laser blasters
Bit reckless from the Doctor to drop her 'fam' into a Cyberman raid
They were still opening the box, this is not the time to do the speech
Ace the poor museum lady's not gonna tell you some alien shit is going down with the painting
Inevitable write-off for Dan even though we've had a whole season to come to terms with mortality, y'know to push the whole Doctor and Yaz thing he was thirdwheeling
First time? Dalek Sec Doctor? Rusty?
Of course the Master is Rasputin
Got some classic stuff going though; Kaled mentions, Tegan and Ace, Master's hypnosis and action figuring, referencing the Second Doctor's Forced Regeneration someone has been doing their homework
Joker was here and he stole a TARDIS!
Doctor you do have a Time Machine, time should be all you have
How polite of the Master to message UNIT at that exact moment
Vinder! Why aren't you with your girl?
Sacha Dhawan's Master is at its best right now, but seriously how many times do you have to bring the Master into a secure and sensitive facility for it to be part of his plan before you think twice?
As dangerous as jumping a train full of Cyber Masters Yaz?
Oh so the Lone Cyberman is just a pawn again? Bit of a waste
UNIT aren't aren't so ready if they just have simple machine guns...
To be fair the garb works
United in a common goal and all you could get is Daleks and Cybermen? I mean, the Pandorica had a bigger alliance
'Yo Dalek is this a bop?'
So does Sacha technically become the Fourteenth Doctor or are we gonna count this the same way as War Doctor and Metacrisis Doctor? I mean he's even wearing a wardrobe mismatch of other outfits, even the flute and celery.
I mean, couldn't this have been achieved by just...changing your name?
CGI Hartnell (well, David Bradley but a bit of work done), also irl Colin, Davidson, McCoy and McGann
McGann could still play the Doctor I'm just saying
Guess no CGI Pertwee, Troughton or irl Baker, no Eccleston, Smith (guess he is housing dragons at this time) or Capaldi either
I miss Osgood, anyone else miss Osgood?
Okay so if they can shoot through the window what's stopping them from escaping the building?
Sorry Ace it's kinda a NuWho thing; River, Clara, even the sentient piece of jet fuel
So UNIT has a laser shield but not a laser gun?
Technically he never accepted the terms...
So does the original Master just chill in a box forever?
Wait, how can the AI turn into Fugitive Doctor? Yaz never met her didn't she?
We're...just gonna leave the Master there?
Guess Kate isn't liked enough to have AI Doctor helping her out
Daleks can survive bullets but not a baseball bat
Good thing Vinder was here to shoot the Master once
Won't doing that still disrupt the tectonics on the planet?
What about the other Brother Eye Death Star thingy?
Aw man no more Graham :/ if we were just gonna cameo it would've rather we just swapped him and Vinder for Dan and Karvanista
I mean, you were hit with a laser from a being of pure energy
The fact that we will never get Dan and Graham as a comedic companion duo is the true tragedy
Companions of future past being cameo'd too, would've thought there'd already be a support group
So he's not a past iteration for the special? I guess the Curator did say we'd be revisiting a few old faces in the last special
So is DAVID counted as the Tenth AND Fifteenth Doctor or is this also gonna count as another War Doctor or Metacrisis Doctor?
If we had a penny for every time the Doctor unexpectedly turned into David Tennant again we'd have two pennies, which is not a lot but it's still surprising it happened twice
So there we have it. I liked the episode, but I didn't cry. I think it's just that I wasn't as attached as previous, part of that does come down to me never really being a fan of Yaz. Even in this episode the most impressive thing she does without help is pilot the TARDIS with the help of post-it notes, I could've told you from the get-go that the episode would find a way to write out Dan as well. It was nice seeing past companions like Ace, Tegan and Graham, but most of them had a limited role, also UNIT were extremely ineffective, as were the Daleks and the Cybermen really, especially the lone Cyberman who was just a named redshirt. The plot felt a bit convoluted as well, the interesting stuff didn't get as much time you know? We could've had like a full 3-parter on this to flesh it out more, the train stuff at the beginning was a bit meh, plus the CGI and wiring were a bit iffy.
But it was still good, end on a surprise and we had a lot of fanservice, a lot of clever callbacks, we'll have to see in 2023 how Tennant course corrects to Ncuti Gatwa
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starstruck-dragon · 4 years
An Explanation of Contra
I suppose I should go first… We want to leave a good first impression, after all! Greetings! I am Aquis, the ex-heir to the Merkingdom. I am here to explain the different lands and species in our world, known as Contra. First off, there’s the Ignis Peaks, a volcanic country where Volkan society is entirely based off of strength. Next, there’s the Underground, a vast cavern governed by the Jewel Humanoids. Third off, Neopolis, the futuristic flying city. All kinds of blokes, dubbed as Neopolitans, live there, seeking fame or refuge or power. Then there’s Dragon Haven, a bunch of ancient cliffs and whatnot presided over by the Dragons. There’s the Great Glacier, a huge, frozen land where they Glaci hide from the eternal storm on the surface. South of that lies my homeland, the Sapphire Sea, where Merhumans like me thrive below the depths and along the islands. There’s also the Mysterious Megaforest, which is full of… well, mystery. And Mages. Lastly, there’s the Uploft Archipelago, the flying islands where Lofti roam the skies. ...Ah, was that all? ...No? But what else is there--Ah. I see. There’s also a ninth land. It’s technically two separate lands: The Haunted Moon Woods and the Punishing Sun Desert. No one lives there but monsters and lost souls. No one may enter this forsaken ninth land unless they have a Stone...Oh, I’m done? All right, then. It was lovely to meet you, dear!
...O-Oh, me next? Okay… Um… I’m Faun, a Life Dragon from the Haven. And I’m here to tell you about the Stones. They’re basically magical amulets--Most significantly, they allow the wearer to control a certain element. For example, mine is the Life Stone. It allows me to control plant life, like this...W-wait, what? O-Oh! S-sorry, I didn’t know they couldn’t see me... Um… where was I? Oh, right… They contain more than just power, though. They contain bits of the Shadow Plague, which is...O-oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I wasn’t supposed to talk about that. Um… When they are assigned to someone, it will stay with them for the rest of their life. If you throw it, it’ll just come back to you, and if you break it...You’ll release the Shadow Plague. ...Oh. Oh, I can stop now? Good, good. Um, th-thanks for listening to me…
It’s my turn? Hmph. About time. My name is Lixue. I’m a surface-dwelling Glaci. I’m here to tell you about the Shadow Plague. It’s an infection on our world, essentially. As Faun mentioned before, breaking our stones from physical, mental, or emotional trauma causes it to release the Plague. If it touches a human, it will amplify their worst aspects tenfold, until it has turned them into a monster. The only way to cure the Plague is...well, we don’t actually know. It’s… a work in progress. We figure the two who made it might have a way to reverse it...oh, It’s over? Ugh, thank god. I’m out of here.
OOH! OOH! DO ME NEXT!!! Heyyyyy! What’s up? I’m Thunderbolt--If you’ve ever been to Neopolis, you’ve probably heard of me, hehehe~ Anywayz, I’m here to have a little chat about Lun and Sol. They’re kinda like… The gods of Contra? Lun controls the moon and darkness and junk, as well as managing, like, parallel/alternate universes or some shiz, and Sol controls the sun and light and stuff, and she also handles time paradoxes and alternate timelines and jazz like that. They’re kinda scary and HELLA evil--They made the Stones we wear around our necks, as well as the Shadow Plague. Their only motivator is boredom, so we’re like… their main source of entertainment?? Yeah. Oh, also, they sort of did this weird border thingy--
--Which is what I’M supposed to say next, TB.
Oop, you’re right! I guess I’ll leave you to it then!
...Hey. I’m Skye. I’m a Lofti, but I have no wings for some reason or whatever. I’m gonna tell you about the land borders. Before us, the land was divided into segments. Lun and Sol would “take care” of anyone who ran into the borders. Buuuuut then they decided to screw that when they gave us the Stones, ‘cuz they wanted to see us try to stop the impending war or some shiz. Yeah, the eight Contra races REALLY kinda hate each other-- Except for us, of course....
I disagree. I’m going next.
Uh, I was kinda in the middle of--
Quiet, you. Hello, there. My name is Hecate. Despite what the others think, I’m going to be the next Great Mage of the Forest. I’m going to tell you about Contra’s conflict. The eight races are drastically different. The eight of us are living proof of that. The Sun Goddess, Sol, tasked us with a duty: To protect the land and establish peace. Of course, nobody cares about that.
I-I care…
Well, NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION, FAUN. Now, where was I? Oh, right. Not all of us care for peace. Some of us would even RATHER have war break out. Hence our current predicament. The fate of the world lies in our hands. Isn’t that something? ...My time is up. I suppose I’ll see you. 
Hey there. I’m Blaze, the Volkan champion of the Ignis Peaks. I’m gonna talk a little more about those parallel universes for a mo’. Sooooo, yeah. You in any fandoms, like UNDERTALE  or Steven Universe? Ever heard of an AU? ...No? Yes? Hellooooooo? Oh, it’s a recording. Uh...Anyway. Yeah. An AU (Alternate Universe) is like… a thing where something is different in the storyline, for no real reason at all. For example, there’s a Contran AU where we swap races and roles--So, like, in that AU, I’m an exiled Glaci, and Lixue’s a super strong Volkan. It also stretches into other series’ worlds sometimes as well. So, like, for example, a Yoshi could just suddenly drop into Contra for literally no reason. It’s--
Hey. I’m Co--
Oh. Whoops. Uh, carry on.
...Uh...Ah, whatever. If there’s anything you don’t understand or just wanna ask questions to screw with us, there’s always the ask page. Go on, Coal, you fucked me over anyway.
Oh, aright, then. Uh, hi. I’m Coal. Well, that’s not my NAME. I’m just a Coal Humanoid--Unit SGB9...something something something. I don’ really remember anymore. Coal is just what Aquis calls me, so… yeah. Uh, what was I s’posed to talk about again? ...Oh, right, alternate timelines. So, uh, on top of th’ alternate universes, there’s also alternate timelines: Places where things coulda happened differently, so… they did, I guess? It’s hard t’ explain. We can use the Stones to time travel, kinda, but uh, if we create a paradox, Sol gets mad at us ‘cause then she has to fix it. But, uh, yeah, it’s a thing. Uh... looks like I gotta go. Bye, I guess.
...Is this thing on? Yep! Okay, great! So, um, hi! I’m Star, the creator of this webcomic! As you can see, things are sort of… complicated on Contra. Still, I hope you’ll stick with me while I improve--I think it has great potential, with help from people like you! Anyway, that’s all for now.
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orindasfinest · 5 years
Welcome to the first installment of the TouchDongers Foobaw Lig Power Rankings  yadda yadda this doesn’t really require any introduction – reading this is kind of like waking up in a virtual gulag in a Black Mirror episode. You can feign ignorance all you want, but you know deep down why you’re here, Mohamed Jetta.
I’m hosting this on tumblr because it’s barely more public than a google doc thanks to the porn ban that whisked away all my piss bookmarks just as I was starting to make real inroads on a new fetish. Thanks for nothing you Puritan technocrats. If the pageviews from this post give you 35 more cents in your next worthless sale I demand compensation in the form of 45 second clips of coeds soaking granite countertops.
Pay your league dues so I can indulge my second favorite fluffing pastime of mailing people ostentatious shit they don’t need. I’m accepting submissions for the name of the championship trophy. Current front-runner is The Shiny Hiney so you might want to get on that (and I’m not talking about scaling Griffin’s stark-white cracked mountainside prone to avalanches and civilian suffocation)
10. Leaguema Balls (Dirty Mike)
Record: 0-1 | PF: 73 | PA: 167.7
Playing Next: Airstrip One Ezekiels Engels (Derv)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Living with the knowledge that he gave himself forehead welts
The only man in double digits for team score created a gulf between himself and the rest of the field almost as big as the space between his eyeballs. I’m not saying Mike’s squad is already done for, but on the heels of many players demanding trades from Miami after their week one demolition, Travis Kelce called his agent and said he wouldn’t do another mind-numbingly stupid McDonald’s commercial until he was cut loose to go play for another Dongers contender. Not only was this performance abysmal, but I can’t even label it an outlier because Devonta Freeman is now hurt and his 3 other major skill players are from the NFC North where points are harder to find than Josh Gordon’s 2 week AA chip.
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9. Airstrip One Ezekiels Engels (Derv)
Record: 0-1 | PF: 120.9 | PA: 151.6
Playing Next: I just fukcing did this one
Questionable Decision of the Week: the Mets
Writing a summary of Derv’s fantasy prospects feels a lot like breaking the news to a wounded soldier that he’s had to have his dick amputated. Sure, you’re not technically dead, but what is there to live for? Derv has two good quarterbacks in a league where you can only start one, which marks the first and last time she’ll have two men vying for one of her slots. Zeke ended his holdout just in time to put up 12 points a game because Jerruh will be GOT DAMNED if he pays anyone an obscene amount of money and then has them succeed. Her best wide receiver made softcore porn with Pete Carroll. I’d rather read The Sun Also Rises again than keep looking at this roster to make any more jokes.
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8. James White is Right (Tori)
Record: 0-1 | PF: 131.2 | PA: 173.4
Playing Next: The Queen’s Booty Lickers (Liv)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Thinking that being introverted is a substitute for a personality
Tori ran into a Clemson-scented buzzsaw this week and was really not at fault for the enormity of her loss, which is more than I can say about the fact that 85% of her Sundays vanish into her duvet cover because she got alcohol poisioning after gagging down 3 jello shots and looking at her bottle of listerine before she got into bed. That considered, though, she’s going to need Austin Ekeler to keep putting up 40-point games like he’s not a body double from ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ AND she’ll need Matt Ryan to learn what side of a football holds the white thingies for her to get any kind of consistent production going forward. Much like she would say about Sacramento being a gangrenous taint, “I just don’t see it.”
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7. Sean’s Hard Mangos (sean)
Record: 0-1 | PF: 130.7 | PA: 136.2
Playing Next: Mark Ruffalo’s Ruffalo Bills (Aidan)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Paying more than the cost of a Notre Dame education for a military-grade laser-guided beard trimmer
Sean dropped his game versus Griffin in the closest fight since the donnybrook between his ex-girlfriend and sanity. A couple breaks here and there and he might have come away with a W. Unfortunately, Tyreek Hill will be out for an indefinite period of time after finding out that it’s hard to box with people who aren’t 5 years old and Evan Engram is going to put up 28 points again as soon as Father Jenkins decides it’s high time to adhere to his vow of poverty. His third-leading scorer this week was his kicker. Last time everyone discovered so obviously that something fishy was afoot Sean needed his location tracked to a downtrodden dormitory fuck-barn.
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6. Mark Ruffalo’s Ruffalo Bills (Aidan)
Record: 1-0 | PF: 151.6 | PA: 120.9
Playing Next: Reading comprehension
Questionable Decision of the Week: $45 says he’s still doing Fontaine to all of his roommates and they’re plotting in equal measures to cut him out of the will and to put a steak knife in his femoral artery
Big boy trade man saw his wheeling and dealing pay off, running contrary to his favorite Silver-and-Black organization, and to the time he swapped his dignity for his desktop toaster oven. Drew Brees stepped up, and not just on the baby footstool he uses to properly gaze into the bathroom mirror to examine his face birthmark that looks like Spaghetti-O cum. Julio and JuJu took the field, which is worth 15 points apiece in standard ESPN scoring. Outside of that, though, we have another aberrant kicker performance, this one from Harrison “Anal” Butker, and Josh Jacobs putting up 25 against a Broncos defense more porous than an Aidan snap group selfie. Expect a greater fall from grace than that of the Robert Pattinson Porsche launching itself from the car WTC.
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5. Cartoon Colt Copulation (Gabe)
Record: 0-1 | PF: 127.1 | PA: 145.3
Playing Next: The Birds Have Arrived (John)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Drafting from Hawaii during my last day on that particular vacation because I value disposable carnal pleasures more than lasting memories with my aging and loving parents
This ranking is like the number of inches I used to tell Tinder hookers after snapping them at 2AM: obviously inflated because I think I’m in control. A charitable read tells you that all of my risky/reachy picks paid off in spades and that I was one Desean Jackson start from starting the season off strong. A realistic assessment brings you back to the reality of the fact that depending on Desean Jackson for a victory is a lot like expecting me to bring you to orgasm. I’m just going to drop out before anyone crosses the line. Can’t wait to be 0-6 by the time AJ Green and Golden Tate come back, leaving me in a scramble for respectability that nobody respects, much like how I acquired my college degree.
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4. Poo Poo Point Diarrheas (Griff)
Record: 1-0 | PF: 136.2 | PA: 130.7
Playing Next: TEAM DUMPSTER BEARS (Lauren)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Being really fucking amped about his band despite ostensibly not being under the influence of cocaine
Griffin’s starting lineup is the quintessential example of boom or bust, which is odd, because I thought the quintessential example of boom or bust was his nightly decision between offing himself and masturbating. Every single one of his starting skill players suits up for the Panthers, the Chargers, or the Rams. That diversity is so poor that it makes Mendoza look like the fucking United Nations. I’d tell you to branch out, Griff, but your bench is thinner than you if you were half your size and if half your size wasn’t also still fat. Will Lutz, your kicker, almost tripled the score of your quarterback. As the signal-caller in question is none other than Cameron Newton, I imagine that we won’t be hearing from Tori for a while, as her resultant pussy surge at a black man’s failure sent all of her electronics into traction.
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Record: 1-0 | PF: 173.4 | PA: 131.2
Playing Next: What cruel twist of fate caused me to do the rankings like this
Questionable Decision of the Week: Letting me find out you actually own a Deshaun Watson jersey as if I didn’t already have enough roasting ammunition
Wowie! High score! Hope you’re hard at work roasting up some tasty crow for me to eat after my little draft-day Clemson jab because A) You cook so infrequently you thought a “burner” was one of the twitter accounts you use to solicit Hunter Renfrow dick pics and B) this is the last week you even sniff this stratosphere of point-getting. It is not often I flex my fantasy football “expertise” because clearly I don’t know shit about fuck but anyone who’s played this sick game of roulette for more than one season has learned the unalienable truth that you CANNOT TRUST SAMMY WATKINS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Holy god that 46.8-spot is a bigger mirage than someone looking at your hair under favorable light and thinking it has volume. Sammy will get run over by a stock car, Deshaun will have his spleen removed in week 6 when Laremy Tunsil turns his back on a bootleg to get fitted for a new nicotine gas mask, and your chances of success will disappear faster than your willingness to take on any more of my emotional baggage once I let you in the cargo hold. Much like our relationship, enjoy it while it lasts.
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2. The Queen’s Booty Lickers (Liv)
Record: 1-0 | PF: 145.3 | PA: 127.1
Playing Next: James White is Right (Tori)
Questionable Decision of the Week: We won’t find out till next week, when she gets in contact again and sends 14 messages, 13 of which relate to topics nobody remembers and 1 of which is feloniously horny
It is cruel fucking fate that the Eagles stans would fly to the top of the power rankings from the word go. I know I attract toxic elements to my life, but being friends with multiple people from Philadelphia is like trying to run a fever to get out of going to school and instead having both your arms fed into an original Eli Whitney cotton gin. Liv didn’t even draft her squad, which probably explains why both Dak and Amari are both properly valued and are on this roster, ready to put up a combined 245 points a game because NFC East teams treat defense like Louis CK does consent. They don’t really think about it much. Hey Liv, hope that reflective road vest is enough to save you when Griffin trips coming out of a show and rolls downhill for 5 miles. It’s a good thing you have OBJ because you both look like closeted lesbians trying to stand out in Catholic school.
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1. The Birds Have Arrived (John)
Record: 1-0 | PF: 167.7 | PA: 73
Playing Next: Cartoon Colt Copulation (idk some guy, poor bastard)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Getting piss on the floor of his bathroom, totally missing my mouth
This is a truly upsetting squad about which to write a recap. John’s team put up the second-most points with consistent performances across the board despite having AB and Melvin Gordon on the shelf. I haven’t been this worried about two people returning since John’s parents told him they were just going down to the store for a pack of cigarettes. It’s tough to not look at this lineup and be intimidated, so now we all know how John’s organs feel when they receive the message from his tastebuds that there’s a combination of peanut butter, salsa, Drano, and barbeque sauce slathered on a cheesesteak coming down the hatch. At least that sub is still more palatable than his dating life. John wanted me to hear two words: Antonio Brown. I got 2(1) words for ya, John: You’re the Anthony Fantano of book reviews if Fantano looked like Steve Brule and had the follower base of the Shakers.
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See ya next week!
0 notes
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Dabb vs cars
Surprisingly, not the next round in my ongoing, bitter feud about his continuity problems. A "I come in peace" study on parking.
I watched 10x09 today and I did the usual OTP "aw they're so far apart" sad heart feeling at the shot of them all outside Sharkey's.
No, not Dean n Cas.
The Impala and Pimpmobile.
Anyway it got me thinking about in that moment it represented pretty well how Dean and Cas were doing with each other. Of course there isn't room to park beside Cas's car, so Dean goes and parks on the other side of the door, leaving this big gap between them, bigger because there's a parking mark thingy Cas is about to trip over before the shot abruptly ends. (I hope Misha was okay.) The cars have a clear line of sight to each other, but there's just something so unutterably sad about there being no way for them to park side by side, per Cas's parking, and Dean putting that extra space between them. (Also so they can go in the door... I'd say unobstructed but the longer I watch the gif the more I become convinced there's footage out there of Misha ruining the impression of Cas's reserved dignity...)
In the context of season 10, where Destiel was at right then was the first time they'd seen each other since 10x03, when Dean cleared his bed for Cas like, thanks for saving me from myself pls make yourself comfy, and Cas freaked out and gabbled some stuff about work and Hannah and such and told Dean to rest up, then fled the scene. Dean is pissed off Cas called for help over trying to deal with Claire (and it kind of looks like making excuses of busywork to not come home, when you flee with an apparently important mission and it turns out you're wandering around trying to earn back brownie points with your vessel's daughter, having randomly and abruptly swapped onto a personal mission without telling Dean a word of it) and in general the car placement amused me by seeming to echo how they were doing.
Being me, obviously thinking about that made me start thinking about Dabb, cars, and his old Carver era patterns. He got the one per season (two if we were lucky) Deep Emotional DeanCas Talk, to give us a real, solid moment to show how they were truly doing. 8x08, 9x10, 9x22, 10x09, and 11x10 spring to mind though obviously in other episodes he wrote with them they also still shared some pretty epic emotional moments or there were other strong Destiel things. However he is the one who gave us Cas's original car, and two of these instances are directly before the Big Talk to tide things over and give us the emotional background for later. I figured some thoughts about some notable Dabb car stuff would be a nice thing to do. After my amused nostalgia run through Carver era moments, I've included Dabb era in general and picked out some other moments.
9x10 is the start of all this, once Cas finally gets some wheels of his own. The most interesting set piece barely involves any driving, but is the first time the Impala and Continental are parked beside each other. Like, RIGHT beside. Like, Dean n Cas should be this close to each other all the time. Cas's car is a step ahead (I mean, I assume so he could get out the door). All episode Dean n Cas are a beautiful emotionally supportive unit, but Dean can't cope with this, and so he gets in his car and leaves, pulling away from the closeness he's offered from his family, the thing with the cars being exactly what he did when he walked away from them on the bridge too. I mean, that's fairly obvious, I'm just amused after I went back to look, HOW closely the two cars were parked, like they wanted Cas's car in that shot, next to Dean's, and they'd force the most unrealistic parking job ever when there's all that unused space around them, to get all the random details into the shot they needed. As a bonus, Dean had to have been the one to park the Impala so close blocking Cas's car in. Unconscious desire to be so close to him and to keep him? He's still recovering from asking him to leave.
(I know the Impala and Continental shared space in several end of season 9 episodes but not 9x22 as far as I recall in the earlier parts, and the Worst Dabb Vs Cars Fuckery Of Them All occurs in the final driving moment of that episode, just putting Cas IN the Impala for the drive home despite the fact his car ends up the Bunker at the start of 9x23... That's a symbolic gesture of what he was trying to convey in the moment of Cas sitting in the back of the car but for the sake of talking about how they park together, useless. I feel like in 9x18 it's just a reminder Cas HAS the car, and the show doesn't do anything useful with it to represent Cas...)
Onto 11x10, and honestly my favourite of Dabb's Dean n Cas chatting scenes because it's technically pretty superfluous except for the fact he really really wanted a final DeanCas chat before Cas got Casifered, and so he made one heck of a driving continuity snarl to wrangle it. Obviously Cas followed Dean's longing to his spot because how else... Anyway, he parks a long long way off. In season 11 he's feeling very distanced from Dean by his anxiety and trauma. This is the epitome of the "I came as soon as you called" behaviour, with Cas dropping everything to come help Dean, and romantic blurring into focus walk aside, the long shot shows us beautifully that Cas is hesitant to approach, and maintaining the distance with Dean. After all the season 10 and early 11 drama between them, including several rounds of mind controlled punch ups, they're fragile and miserable, and Cas's last interaction with Dean on screen was an angry and frustrating one. Cas himself bridges the distance betwen them but his car waiting off in the background suggests his reservations, and the rest of the episode spells out everything, before he chooses to do something he thinks will help move their cars closer, as it were.
Entering Dabb era proper, in 12x02 we see Cas's new truck (still with hay) and Dean pulling up to it. Obviously they've got their mission to save Sam, the jokes about Mary being brought along to chaperone their date, etc. But since the car conversation in 11x23 the ball has been in Dean's court to approach Cas, and I would assume the mythical instance of mixtape giving is somewhere between 12x01 and 12x19; the point is, here, as the first 2 episodes of season 12 in general showed (and Dean in 12x22 confirmed talking about how happy he was to have Cas and Mary back in the same breath), Dean approaches Cas, parking right behind his truck, as a symbol of the confidence and comfort they have now. They work great as a team in this part of the season, although Cas has been standing around by his lonely parked truck waiting for most of the episode up to that point, and is forced to continue standing by the truck for most of the rest of the episode.
12x12 Cas is still in the "I'll just wait here then" mode, hanging out at their designated meeting place as Sam, Dean, Mary and Wally arrive in a convoy and park on the other side of this parking lot, so he has to come to join them (Dean rotating on the spot as he does so... heh, I love that moment.) By the middle of season 12 Cas has run away to find Lucifer, echoing 10x03's parting, and also killed for them and invited cosmic consequences, and in 12x10 given a firm well-communicated emotional talk to help him feel included and loved, and yet he also leaves to search for Kelly some more, echoing other times he's gone off to do a side project and been very much on the outside. Once again he's waiting for them to catch up, and Dean seems to breeze by him - and there's so many other people with them (and part of why he left in 12x03 was to give Sam and Dean space with Mary, exclusing himself from the family). In the diner scene Cas has the whole waitress thing to deal with, with Dean acting up around so many people with conflicting needs to perform. Cas has been waiting for an incredibly long time, but if you ever needed a more firm "the ball is in your court" it's the "I love you" at the end of the episode.
12x19 also has a important "where the cars are placed" sequence, which you could really do with a whole gifset of, but of course the Impala is there because Kelly stole it, and it's been left off to the side by them; likewise Sam and Dean are left to the side by them as they drive off. Sam and Dean placed the truck before they did that and took it back (and all the stuff about Cas and Dean and fixing the truck in the episode is a whole 'nother thing)... From this angle it looks ominously like the park in which Dean found Mary, with the lights behind the trees going on - of course night has just fallen rather than the sun coming up, and Cas is driving away from the light. As Dean walked Mary into their lives, newly resurrected, Cas drives out of their lives >.> Between all the stealing cars and rushing into save Cas, the gap between them as they're parked is obvious and as a result of the circumstances. They're apart because there's too much going on, Kelly made off with Cas in the car, and Sam and Dean were helpless chasing after them. The distance and swapping around of cars and using them as part of the chaos is very effective. Cas calmly takes possesion of his truck again, freshly fixed by Dean, but drives off with Kelly. In 12x23 they steal some stock Destiel phrases to exchange, and it's touching the truck which opens the rift. I had a nose around the outdoors scenes and couldn't spot Cas's truck and the Impala even on the same side of the building, and honestly am kind of confused about where the truck went. Not, as I said, that I'm trying to continue the feud with this post. But I mean.
*clears throat*
I'm just saying he ruined the continuity in 12x01 for 12x02 by doing the exact same thing as 9x22 by just not using Cas's truck when it would make sense to take as many vehicles as they can get their hands on so they could split up... Obviously all the many set pieces to do with cars worked best/could only work if there was just the Impala but it's all style over function again... So in 12x02 to let Cas split up to help they add an extra day to let him get the truck so he can follow leads and do the legwork, and Mary and Dean end up back at the Bunker, immediately falling back into old static patterns when it would have made so much sense to just have them in a motel NEARBY instead of abandoning their hot trail on finding Sam so Mary could shower... He handed them that excuse on a platter and killed the urgency and Dean n Cas were split up all episode when they could have been at least local-ish to each other and maybe had that phonecall in person and and and... shh Lizzy
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hisaribi · 6 years
oh gosh
/so @thisnewjoe​ tagged me with this thingie (which thank you), but I’m way too anxious about tagging other people, so if you wanna take it and do, just do and @ me! Also note that thingies in [] are wht I had to add!
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
look at the begiing! You can take it if you want to!
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for you. Swap one option out for a new one, if you have something you want to say.
APPEARANCE I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses [I kinda need them though] - I have at least one tattoo - I have  at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do/did some form of martial arts
EXPERIENCES I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol [and I didn’t like it] - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year [not sure if check up is counting] - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s/artist’s concerts
MY LIFE I have one or more persons that I consider to be my best friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling [my father have at least 2 more kids, elder brother and younger sister, so I think you can call them siblings, even though I literally never met my brother and didn’t talk to my sister at all, because last time I saw her she was too young to even be able to walk] - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity [though it’s not romantical or sexual, can you even call it a crush??] - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I have admitted my feelings to my crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year- I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher whose name is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I speak at least two languages [4, if you count french and chinese, though Im not good at them, but I can understand a little of both, I’m fluent in english and russian] - I have made a new friend in the past year
0 notes
hazel7stark49-blog · 8 years
Five Must-haves Before Embarking On largest Us Cities
Judge Enables Wisconsin Administrators Decide How To Perform Vote Recount The most effective 10 jobs in demand inside the US's list is composed mainly of health care jobs, the nursing profession nonetheless contains the list that is most effective. Many of these jobs have manpower supply shortages; some improved due to renewed hobbies within their sector. Unfortunately, others have low-pay. I am having problems with people hearing me on my LG306G. I do not have trouble reading them. Has someone else experienced this? Any tips? I did verify the zip code spot prior to purchasing. People with say that you could look here is, that I talk appears like I'm in a canal. I am imagining of returning the phone (however under 30 day guarantee). The critical functions for this phone are touchscreen, GSM network, WiFi and Triple Units. Let's enter what we like, and don't like, regarding the LG 306G to separate it down somewhat further. The LG 306G can be a fairly new (2014) supplying from Tracfone that features a touchscreen, WiFi, Double Minutes for lifestyle and runs on GSM sites. (we shall include more about the GSM network further down). I have today learned how to swap-off the slide-show thingy, therefore they will be opened by only clicking on the images on a complete site where many will enlarge additionally with another click - if the cursor is in a 'plus' sign. I named my sister in IN from my family area today, no challenge, she named no problem there either and me back. The ZIP Code table (below) is going to be turned up after you enter the address and hit 查詢 (cha xun) key. Thankyou. I eliminated the plastic screen-saver after I obtained the phone. I removed the case and fit it back on. Also, I cleaned the very best of the phone off. Preferably, this will enable. Thanks for the knowledge. Verify your mail. Verify your mail on a regular schedule. When the request happens, click the hyperlink to join for the assistance. Just like the others have claimed, you simply rescued me a ton of time (that I did son't have). I am an African American single-mother from Topeka, Iowa who lives in one single of one of the most wealthy (and conventional) zip codes my review here in Metro-Atlanta. I'm proudly chose a multi-racial, and Religious gay couple from New Mexico as my oldest sonis godparents. School that is private is attended by my newer two sons, and I'dnot have it every other method. In my opinion in financial conservatism but slim generous on dilemmas that are social. I am a political Impartial. If my Facebook profile image was deleted by me and scrolled through the images of my friends, it would be difficult to determine my race. Or my sex. Or my political bureau. I have had a membership in the bumper sticker and the local shooting range to verify it. Like walking contradiction sometimes I'm. It truly is robust to determine me out. And I adore it that way. Montana's 14 deaths in 2014 presented it the difference of their state using the highest fee of deaths resulting from publicity to freezing, relating to the CDC. Three of those deaths occurred in Yellowstone State, home to Billings, relating to the Montana Team of Public Health and Human Services. I've been striving to buy Bejeweled and Tetris, but constantly got the authentication failed. Nonetheless as of this afternoon I used to be capable to buy Bejeweled. Possibly I could get Tetris also. Another choice is to check large school alumni Web sites out. Not every school has its site, however Get More Information many do, and you're able to search for it by going to any search engine and typing in the title of the school with the area and express it's based in. You can also search at, a huge hosting site for thousands of superior schools throughout the U.S. In 1995, Congress failed to reauthorize a charges that fed the Superfund software, consequently it leaped out of cash by 2003, needing that taxpayers grab the price. That is right: A bunch of corporate and military polluters took a dump inside your backyard - and they quit of spending for it you the opportunity. But best of luck with that lawsuit. Guatemala: 99999. The first two amounts identify the section, the third amount the option and the past two any office. Åland: (AX-)99999 Notice: Place code: AX despite the fact that aspect of the Finnish postal code system.
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