aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
nahh jil red came over and told me to give you this to you, he was very flustered but it's the intention that counts <3
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: i come to this cafe often and by often i mean pretty much everyday and i know all the workers except for you cause youre new and oh youre really handsome
requested by: @sofiafabulousphan (thank u love!!)
(A/N) in all honesty,,, i dont really know how johnny would b as a barista but lets see!!! also!!! thank u so much for requesting this!!! i hope this is what youve asked for and im s o r r y if it isnt as good as youd like it to be!! but anyway !! pls send some feedback and i hope you enjoy! thank you for waiting patiently!!  (also excuse my summary I Don’t Even Know Anymore) (ps, she wasn’t edited)
hm hm hm hm
where to start Ladies,,, idk where to start!! okay anyway
so you always go into this Specific cafe
like all times of the day, every day
but not twice in one day u kno???
and so u obvi know all of the workers if you go there All Of The Time
and one day you walk in while getting out your wallet
and when u look up ur all like: That’s Not Ten
but its this guy,, a really tall one too,,, and hes--
hes pretty cute--
and then without any thought you blurt out, ‘are you a new worker?’
and then u snap your mouth shut because,,,, LMAO  SIS
but all he does is greet you with a smile and he shyly says yes,,, omg uwu
ad then hes just like ‘what can i get you?’ and hes s o cheery omg its adorable skfdskdjf
barista!johnny?? more like abby uwus her way through this headcannon
and so you just say your order and hes just smiling the whole time and at one point he looks up at you and then he turns red and then he asks for a name
and you say, OH right its y/n
and he just says ‘pretty name for a pretty person’
speechless is what u are LMAOOO
and hes just casually entering your order in like he didnt j u s t say that 
‘your total is $3.97 please’ 
you just like come back to reality cause you were still speechless
and so u give him like a $5 dollar bill or whatever and tell him to keep the change and then u leave
u sit down and u Think About That for a lil
okay but johnny would be the kind of person to bring your drink to you if the customer sat down cause he doesnt want to inconvenience them
so he brings your drink to you and then you get startled Cause That Has Never Happened Before
and ur just— wow i Love This Song Cafe
and so you hang around for a bit and ogle the cutie barista and u text ur bestie like: AYO B!!! I JUST MET THE CUTEST BIH EVER !!!
and you’re just tapping rapidly on your phone johnny is just questioning and wondering if you’re okay HAHAHA
then u feel that its time to go and hope that tomorrow u see him again
u see him sooner than you thought you would
cause you go out after you’ve left the cafe and it’s like what,,,, 10 PM???
and you see johnny in your apartment complex
and he lives in the same floor as you,,,
and you know this cause u arrived on the floor as he was unlocking his apartment
u kno what u did? you mf ZOOTED 
ur pretty sure he didnt see you but he did
and so you wait like five seconds and before you go to your home
anyway!! you go into ur home and ur Surprised cause wow,,, the cute new barista lives a few doors away from you,,, wtf,,,,,
and u just sleep on it cause youre Too Tired u have morning classes s o
time skip to the next day!! you wake up bright and early ready to get ur coffee fix
so you just get ready and youre dreading the day caus e your bed??? comf y
when you leave your apartment, coincidentally johnny does too!! your heart !! soaring because he remembers your name!!!
‘oh y/n! i didnt know you lived here!!’ and hes just his happy self and youre wondering how he can be this happy this early in the morning
and you can’t talk,,,,,u just can’t for some reason so u just awkwardly wave at him
and then when you d o speak its like five minutes after u guys just starring at each other
‘are you headed to work? cause im on my way there to get some coffee and was wondering if you wanted to walk together?’ AND U INTERNALLY SCREAM CAUSE
where did that come from big OOF
johnny doesnt mind,,, hes just smiling and he nods at you and he gestures for you to leave first
and so u guys are in the elevator and you guys talk amongst urselves
while walking to the cafe you guys are just chatting away and laughing and getting to know each other
you guys arrive at the place and johnny opens the door for you GENTLEMAN I AM T E L L I N G YOU
and he changes quickly so he can input your order since he r emembers
and this time you wanted a cute lil mug so u can just hang around for a while
and when johnny calls you up,,, it has a heart drawn in there!! cute??? wtfdfhlsak
johnny really out here being such a cutie 👏🏼
so time skip !! few months
u and johnny always leave ur apartments at the same time and u guys walk to the cafe
he ALWAYS draws the heart in ur coffee
people r always saying and asking if u guys are a thing and ur always blush cause PFfTTt no???
we r just friends ok sweetie keep telling urself that!
theyre always telling you ‘do u see how he looks at u!!! ur so lucky to have a mans like that!!’ and ur stuttering like
o-oh no!! we r jJUstTtT FRIENDS— but its too late to change their judgement cause they lef t
and so u start to wonder if johnny likes u like that cause honestly??? u like him like that
whats there not to like???????? a whole Man
but u dont wanna tell him that cause it will probably!! ruin ur friendship!!!
CAUSE WHAT IF HE DONT LIKE U LIKE THAT!! sis just ask him and Go Home
so u keep to urself but u act normal cause ignoring him would succ so u dont do that
and the rest of the day youre in calss, you just think about johnny and your feelings that u caught
googles: how to uncatch feelings
johnny notices that you’ve been acting just a tad bit weird, like you’re always nervous or something which u r ahhahdhsjd
and then he questions u abt it during his break when u visit after classes
‘me?? actin g weird??? hahahdhjsjs’
and johnny is just skeptical but he has a surprise for u so he doesn’t pry or anything
‘well ok,,, but if you aren’t busy, you wanna go to the park with me tonight?’
‘UhHHhH sure! what time??’
‘i’ll meet you back at your apartment at 6 tonight!! bye y/n!’
and ur just like haha what happened??
but you wave him goodbye and then go home cause it’s like 4:30
and u just chill for a bit and then decide you should get ready
when its 6, johnny knocks right as the clock turns and you get Nervous
but you suck it up and then open the door!!! and there he is!! why is he so cute uwu
so then you both walk to the park and when you arrive he tells u to close ur eyes
and then u just freeze cause Why Tho
but u do it anyway cause!! it’s johnny ur bestie so u don’t really question it
you can feel his hands go to your waist to guide you and you just Blush Tomato Red and pray that he can’t see u
he does but he doesnt say anything
and when you tells you to open your eyes
you see all of these fairy lights and little paper hearts all hung up on this Big Tree
where did u get the outlet johnny this place is like in the middle of the park
and ur sqeualing because!! this for you??????
and you look at him and he’s so Shy wow cu te i--
johnny just says that he likes u a lot but he’s noticed you acting a little weird so he just says that if u don’t like him that way then its fine and that he understands and then goes into this long rant--
but then u kiss his cheek and then he shuts up
‘i like you too, johnny, i think i have for a while now’
and you’re both grinning and johnny whips out this picnic basket from behind the tree and you guys are just star gazing
and when it’s time to go home, you guys are just giggling the whole time and holding hands
this is So Soft i feel So Soft
and so next day!! you guys leave ur apartments at the same time again
and johnny is just grinning at you and you have the Hugest smile on your face
and you guys walk hand in hand to the cafe
when you two walk in, ten is shouting ’Freaking Finally!!! im pretty sure everyone was sick of watching u two pine’
johnny draws not one, but TWO hearts in ur coffee!!
and life is good
johnny: a whole Man give him love
send him love everyone
but anyway!! end!!! 
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