sorcerysword · 5 months
the wizard: *just learned about the creation of the universe and is apart of another spiral-wide prophecy AND was threatened by the literal Creators of the Universe*
tarrak: haha why do you look scared lol anyways who wants a story time!!!
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fred-george-fic · 3 years
In the Middle Pt. 23
George Weasley x Reader & Cedric Diggory x Reader (Previously)
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A/N: A short chapter leading up to a large part of the story!
Summary: After the events of the wedding, the three of you returned back to the shop.
Word Count: 1730
Warnings: A fluffy filler chapter to fill in the gaps before the Battle of Hogwarts
The very next day, after the madness that was the end of Bill and Fleur’s wedding, George, Fred and yourself aparate back to Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Throughout the entire morning, everyone has been quiet, especially considering George and Fred’s talkative nature, which made everything seem less than normal.
As you walk into the empty shop, the only source of light coming from the large glass windows, it seems almost dim. The bright colors, although lit, do not fill you with the same happiness they have in the past. You slide your hand softly over the colorful banister as you ascend up the steps towards the flat, feeling the coldness radiating from the wood. You’re lagging behind the twins, quite a bit more than you realize, as you hear the small click from the door to the hallway leading to the flat. You’re not sure why, but you’re not quite ready to head inside, so instead of heading in that direction, you sit on the top step of the stairs, looking down at the floor below.
The fear of what’s to come, radiates throughout your body as you catch your breath, realizing the stairs are not the issue but the idea of what will come next in the coming months. Questions begin to ring throughout your head, will the “new” ministry constantly fill space in the shop, breathing down your necks? How long will it take Harry, Ron and Hermione to complete their goals and what will that mean for the rest of the wizarding world? Are the three of you truly safe now?
You do not want to be selfish either, with the idea floating around if you and George would ever make it to your wedding day. You are more than willing to fight, but you also want nothing more than to protect those closest to you, no matter what the cost. Your mind continues to race, almost causing you to miss the sound of the creaking wood as footsteps approach you.
“Are you alright, love?” You hear George ask as he sits down in the small space next to you, his long legs causing his knees to sit awkwardly taller than your own.
“What are we going to do, Georgie?” You ask, finally breaking away from your trance and looking up at him. He looks at you for a moment, his own eyes meeting yours with a sorrowful glance and places his arm around your waist pulling you in and resting his head onto yours.
“Well, tomorrow we’re going to open the shop and try to continue on like normal,”
“Like normal?” You try to make it sound more like a basic question, but it sounds almost strained and angry.
“As normal as we can. We’re still not sure what comes next and we may not know until it’s already here.” George sighs, not really sure how to make light of the situation.
“We’re going to participate in an actual battle, aren’t we?” You knew it was true, but part of you hopes that George would disagree and you could keep him here and Fred here and they would both be safe.
“I wish I could say no,” He says, sorrowful. All you do is nod your head slowly before getting up from the step, holding out your hand for George.
“Well, come on then.” You give George the best smile you can muster before he grabs your hand and follows you into the flat.
The months continue to pass by as your routine continues to be the same daily. George attempts to discuss a future wedding date, but you always give the same excuse that you do not want it to be spoiled. He understands of course, it was his idea to wait until the War is over, but he wanted to try and get you out of your slump. But it was difficult considering that you were unable to really leave the shop or do anything else for fear of being deemed suspicious. It felt as though all the dreams you had for the future were stunted before they could even begin.
However, one night, you were doing your usual routine of counting the money in the register when you heard the familiar crack of someone apparating nearby. You ran to the window, only to see Bill Weasley, heading in your direction. You open the door for him, just as George and Fred catch up to you.
“Bill, what are you doing here?” Fred asks, looking confused.
“Ron’s been captured by snatchers along with Harry and Hermione,” Bill calmly says. “You to grab whatever you need and head to Aunt Muriel’s, no questions.”
You can see the twins hesitate for just a moment but they just nod as they head up into the flat. You look at Bill for a moment, who just gives you a nod before exiting the shop and disapparating away. You slowly make your way up the stairs and walk into your bedroom where George is packing up his luggage case, noticing he also pulled out one for you. You add some clothes and a few without actually saying a word. Before leaving the room, you grab your Pygmy puff and bring him along with you, considering you’re not sure how long you’ll be gone. George leaves and you can hear himself and Fred hatching a plan to continue their business. You watch as they run down into the shop, grabbing various products and materials, you slowly follow behind watching the scene unfold. It felt almost like the three of you were back at Hogwarts where they were attempting to run their shop out of their custom designed Weasley & Weasley briefcase.
You smile as you stand by the door, while you’re upset about the circumstances, watching the two boys run around the shop made you laugh. Eventually, the two approach chatting happily about all the possibilities of keeping the shop open while you are away. The three of you step outside and apparate to Aunt Mueriel’s house.
You slowly open the front door, calling out as you do in an attempt to not startle anyone. You slowly make your way towards the living area, where Ginny runs up to you.
“I thought you were back at Hogwarts?” You ask, wrapping her in a tight hug,
“Easter holiday,” She says, returning the hug. When you part, you can see Arthur and Molly walking up with Aunt Mueriel sitting in a chair nearby. Arthur clasps each boys shoulder as Molly hugs you all.
“Thank you for not fighting Bill about coming here,” She says. “We thought you might not want to leave the shop.”
“Bill made it sound awfully important,” George says, looking over at Fred.
“Don’t worry, we came prepared,” Fred’s face shifts into a smirk.
“You boys better not be up to anything,” Molly says with a stern look, before shifting to you. “Y/N dear, you’ll be sharing a room with Ginny, while Fred and George will be sleeping down here.”
“Aunt Muriel, you still have that back room, right?” Fred asks. The old woman raises her eyebrow at Fred, determining on how to answer.
“You two best not be pulling any of your mischievous tricks,” She glares at the boys, but points over to the door in the back of the living room. “Go on, then”
You take your bag upstairs to the room you’re sharing with Ginny before heading back down to see what George and Fred are up too. Immediately, when you walk into the room, something flys towards you, causing you to duck. It hits the door with a thud and you can almost feel Aunt Muriel’s disapproval in the other room.
“What in the world are you two doing?” You ask, stepping over something on the ground.
“Just because we can’t be at the shop, doesn’t mean we can’t work!” Fred exclaims, putting something into a package.
“Yeah, the business must continue!” George says, doing the same.
“You’re both ridiculous!” You yell, but there’s something different about the two of them, as if the passion they’ve always had has been rekindled. George’s smile spreads all the way across his face and Fred cannot seem to stop laughing. Even with all the negative things happening, they both manage to smile because it's what they do best. You walk over to George and plant a small kiss on his cheek, causing him to smile even wider and you leave the room allowing them to continue their work.
Eventually, Bill informed everyone that Ron, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Dean, Ollivander and a goblin named,Griphook were all safe. Ollivander eventually joins the rest of you at Aunt Muriel’s but Griphook apparently insisted on staying with Harry. Which Bill informs all of you when the trio and Griphook leave the safe house, which causes silence throughout the house.
The next day, you’re standing in your room, looking out the window when you hear a small knock on the door. You open it slowly, revealing George standing in the hall. Before you can say anything, George’s lips are connecting with your own, causing you to stumble back a bit. His hands wrap tightly around your waist keeping you steady as your arms wrap around his neck, embracing the full force of the kiss.
You both pull away breathless, “George-“
“I love you, Y/N” He says, a small smile on his face.
“I love you too, but what’s wrong?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“I-“ He pauses for a moment, considering his next words carefully. “Truthfully, I’m worried about the next few days.”
“Me too.” You whisper, putting your hands on his cheeks and looking into his face.
“It could be tomorrow or even the day after, but I just want you to know how much I care about you,” He puts his hand over yours and plants a kiss on your forehead.
“We’ll take it on together,” You smile at him, when Ginny bursts into the room. You both look over at her and she holds up a token that the two of you remember very clearly from your 7th year, the token from Dumbledore’s army.
“It’s time.” She says as Fred approaches behind her, looking determined.
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