airanke · 9 months
The way drunk Abiteth, if she was terribly horny at the same time, would belt out "Peacock" by Katy Perry at Dabi. She'd do it in public too.
Help him.
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foxydunsparce · 10 years
Morty grew up in the suburbs of Ecruteak City but he would always tell everyone he was from Ec-Town and he was a total city slicker when in reality he had a house with a huge yard and went to his suburb's own school other than Ecruteak's public school system 
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matttheratking · 10 years
Times like these is when I'm happy I probably won't read ASOIAF bc I actually like show!Sandor who is I guess a hella botched version of book!Sandor and nobody likes show!Sandor and it's like
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ultipoter · 12 years
My team has a kadabra called kakkazam
can't wait to evolve it
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dicooper · 13 years
Yeah So, Then There's That
A couple of things: I met the Devil recently and lately, I have been on a serious bender. 
I’m not sure if the two things are related.  Common sense says so, but I am not convinced that the Devil would do me dirty like that.  I mean, why go through all of the trouble to make me imbibe large quantities of alcohol and remove any reservations that I might have previously harbored?  I’m just one man.
Furthermore, I’m not even that important of a man.   The Devil would do well to corrupt someone with some more clout.  My lowered inhibitions aren’t going to lead to much denigration beyond me soiling myself.  I don’t wield a terrible amount of influence.  I am proud to say that out of all of my friends, I am the least successful.  
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