jack-kellys · 6 months
hey i had a newsies thought for the first time in Ever
so we’re all like jack is a cowboy… he’s an outlaw he’s western-coded etc etc. we also talk a lot abt how jack puts up these fronts when he leads and speaks in public and he’s the blowhard not the brains. carefree and adventurous and allll that.
but jack is also this extremely city boy artist who views new york as his true home in the end and is afraid of change and things spinning out of his control. he can be protective to a selfish fault and he’s quick to anger and he keeps things close to the vest. and these r two very different things. very different people right.
so i guess im saying like. what if they were?
newsies ~horror au~ where every confident thing jack has ever said and done was… not him. i don’t mean a different identity within himself either i mean like a straight up doppelgänger. a mirror self. not. him.
someone- some thing is out there making jack kelly into a bigger lie than he already is. and if jack doesn’t figure it out—if his friends don’t figure it out, his brothers, those he loves—then it’ll. idk. destroy him.
(y’all can send asks my semester is over after tomorrow)
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