kob131 · 5 years
Oh good, more bullshit from the man who thinks because people don’t fit his worldview they’re brainwashed Nazies.
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kkkob, look: You just put the word children in quotes. And, as for a refute to your ‘claim’ that agolf wanted money for those detainees?- Where is it?
There. And ebfore you accuse them of being right wing-
They’re not. they’re actually LEFT LEANING.
And I put children in quotes because everyone focuses on the kids despite the fact that most of these people are adults, people who are well aware of what was going to happen and did it anyway. It’s using children for their own ends.
Why are we still getting stories about the horrid conditions there?- Could it be that that funding was beign used to fuel trump’s boarder wall, and NOT to the betterment of conditions of the children in those camps? That money would only go to abusing the kids more. AOC pointed this out.-
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‘Well, Fox News said this-’
Quoting someone whose been building her career off of appealing to people’s irrational emotions is what makes me hate a lot of Trump supporters, what makes you think it’d work here?
Also, a screen shot convinces me of jackshit. What’s the link to? When was this said? All I know is that the person she is quoting works for Trump. That’s all.
As you said, reality disagrees with you, you nazi-apologizing fuckwit.
Remember this post?- And now remember your response to it?
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Yeah And? This proves nothing. Can I just call you a Nazi and thus shut you up forever? Because that’s what people try to do. And look at us now, with places like Google and Facebook trying to silence opposing viewpoints. What, precisely, do you think is gonna happen if companies like THEM get bought out by a right wing organization? Can’t call it bad then because you supported the act before.
Not to mention how you quoted a politician. What, can I quote Steve King now and act like he isn’t a biased fucknut?
You are here, defending hate speech. Hate speech isn’t protected by the constitution, as it incites violence. If hate speech was protected, then a person could yell “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater and get no repercussions from the government. Both of these actions cause violence to happen, and both of these actions can cause people to get hurt. Aside from that, “Freedom of Speech” means that the government can’t punish you for what you say. If your work sees you at a nazi rally, they can fire you. If someone believes their life, or someone else’ life is in danger because of what you’re saying, they can deck you. “Freedom of Speech” isn’t some indestructible shield that you can put up to downplay consequences of what you say.
Really Dudeblade?
You’re gonna try that shit on me?
You literally have a tag called ‘Every Single Trump Supporter Is A Literal Demon That Should Be Exorcised By Completely Submerging The In Holy Water For A Full Hour.’
You literally said that you’d be happy to kill Trump Supporters.
You looked at minorities supporting Trump and said ‘No, they’re brainwashed Nazis!’
Not only did I not defend Nazis as nowhere in that picture do I say ‘Nazis are okay/good/acceptable’. Not only did I call out this SAME shit in that picture. But by your ownrules, YOU call for violence. So in turn, you are saying ‘Please beat me!’
THAT is why I fought against that.
But I do want to know: Where was this “Freedom of Speech” mentality during the Jswv incident? It’s really odd that for someone who preaches about “free speech” a lot, you seemed to be awfully focused on silencing someone who had a different opinion than you.
Hey Dudeblade-
Not only will that same post prove that I never actually tried silencing them, that JSWV was silencing ME but that I tried to stop him from commiting suicide.
Meanwhile, you suicide baited Mage directly after talking about LGBT suicide rates (Mage is LGBT by the way) and he said something you didn’t like. Then your ‘apology’ consisted of blaming him for things that, according to you here, YOU’RE responsible for and still saying ‘drink bleach.’
And unlike me, you still stand by what you did here.
Or how about a fanfiction from a friend of mine?- You seemed to had forgotten about “freedom of speech” when it came to harassing them about how they portrayed fictional characters.
Oh so criticism is infringing on Freedom of speech eh?
Oh, and remember this thread?- Where you say that trump ‘outed’ pence?
The proof is even in the link provided.
A few things.
If trump was such an ally as you claim, then why did he pick publicly known homophobe Mike Pence to be his running mate?- Pence is the guy who believes in conversion therapy.
trump tried to ban transgender people from the military within his first year of office. That’s not allyship, that’s transphobia. Didn’t see any of trump being an “ally” then.
trump has recently asked (read: demanded) that some embassies take down the Pride flag. But sure. Keep deluding yourself into thinking that trump is an ally to the LGBT+ Community.
1. Because you wouldn’t be able to impeach Trump without making Peance Vice President.
2. Trans people not only need medication that a war zone wouldn’t be able to always provide but trans people have the highest suicide rate of LGBT people. And being a soldier is already stressful enough. ALso never called him an ally, just said he defend ed LGBT people in that ONE instance.
3. Citation needed.
In addition to your lack of LGBT+ Fellowship (Putting it lightly), there’s also this:
My two best friends are both bi and you’ve suicide baited one of them.
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This is you, literally trying to downplay the sexualization of minors and having sex with them. That’s you. I even provided context.
No, that’s me saying ‘That’s not your fucking country, stop judging people.’ I even show I’m fine with it being illegal if the law in THAT country says so. So that doesn’t work.
But back to your original post, you put the word children in quotes. As another person in that thread pointed out, this kinda indicates that you don’t see children as people. You think that you’re a hero, but a hero doesn’t justify or downplay the danger of pedophiles. A hero doesn’t defend nazis spewing out hate speech. A hero doesn’t try to defend the imprisonment of children in internment camps. 
Most of the people in these places are ADULTS and I know for a fact the moment the issue concerns the OP, they’d point that out. I was calling out hypocrisy.
And let’s put it this way, if I were to put the word “person” in quotes when I talk about you, you’d blow your top. You’re in zero position to be talking about anything remotely tied to morality, given your past instances of being on the wrong side of history.
The worst you have is malicious misinterpretation.
The worst I have is direct quotes and links.
Pretty sure you’re screaming into a mirror.
I ended up being compared to you, and when I blew my lid at someone that I respected, I got blocked by them. Unlike you, I actually respect their choice, and I don’t stalk their blog trying to get them to talk to m
You mean the post where you used my own arguments?
And congrats, you didn’t respect the choice of Mage when he called you out nor those people you called brainwashed Nazis nor the Trump Supporters you express a desire to kill.
But that one person you ‘respected’ (even though by your standards you would say you harassed them.) *slow claps*
So kob. Kindly shut the fuck up, and stop trying to get into discussions about morality. Stick to harassing people over opinions about a webshow. It’s what you’re good at. It’s arguably the only thing you’re good at.
You directly tell people you want to kill them over a political candidate, all while lying about me.
I’d throw the insult back at you but you have nothing you’re good at.
So be proud of your harassing skills. Maybe you can be a republican congressman. You’ve claimed to be white, so you’ll be perfect for that job.
After all, you’re a ‘person.’
Doesn’t really make sense as I called Republicans ‘bad faith fuck nuts.’ I also called Trump ‘president dumbass’ so...
And considering your own level of hatred, bile spewing out of your mouth, lies about those who oppose you and attacks against LGBT people-
You’re more like the Trump in your head than the actual Trump.
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ultramaga · 6 years
mentioned you on a post
“Stop telling women to “just say no” if they’re not interested and...”
@brett-caton So you didn't read the post then? "Murdered by her boyfriend when she tried to leave him". "Murdered by her husband when she tried to divorce him". Women are murdered if they stay and they're murdered if they leave. This is also a great example of the belief among men that women have no right to be in public spaces; the idea that the woman should leave the space instead of their man who is comitting the offending act and has clearly been poorly socialized.
“ So you didn't read the post then? “ The one about a microscopic number of murders that you whipped up into a hysteria? No, no, I just type the keyboard randomly - the fact my post addressed it and you were too brain dead to comprehend is just coincidence. “ Women are murdered if they stay “ That would mean the USA would have been depopulated. Gotta say, that ain’t happening. I noticed you never cite a reference, because Social Justice means you just make shit up because Feeelz >> facts in your mind. https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/ This is total murders, and it’s been consistently trending DOWWWWWN. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender United States of America 14,827 total.   22.2% Female (all causes) = 1.0 per year per 100,000 inhabitants The chance any woman gets murdered by any man is fuck-all. You are whipping up hatred on the basis of sex because you are a nasty little bigot in a hate movement. And a lot of those murders are of women in drug or other crime situations - so here’s an idea - STAY AWAY FROM VIOLENT MEN.
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Really, I find it hard to have sympathy for the women who flock to these guys because they have drug money, then are surprised when the violence is directed towards them. “ the belief among men that women have no right to be in public spaces “ If men believed that, we would have made laws to enforce it. Like they do in Islamist countries - you know, the ones we can no longer criticise due to feminist hatespeech laws?
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Feminists have dissociated from reality.
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The idea that the Patriarchy was policing the streets, keeping them free from teh wimminz is outright insanity. You are nuts. You are in a small echo chamber, and huffing each others farts has damaged your brain. Seek help!
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Afghanistan, before the rise of Islamism.
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Egypt, before the rise of Islamism.
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Iran, before... you get the idea. It’s not men kicking women out. But feminists? Constantly whip up fear and hatred - painting men as subhuman monsters - yet never do they act with genuine emotion, because people who are genuinely afraid fight or flee - and all feminists do is BITCH BITCH BITCH. "All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.) "Men's sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can 'reach WITHIN women to fuck/construct us from the inside out.' Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women's own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, 'even if she does not feel forced.' -- Judith Levine, (explicating comment profiling prevailing misandry.) "All men are good for is fucking, and running over with a truck". Statement made by A University of Maine Feminist Administrator, quoted by Richard Dinsmore, who brought a successful civil suit against the University in the amount of $600,000. Richard had protested the quote; was dismissed thereafter on the grounds of harassment; and responded by bringing suit against the University. 1995 settlement. 1. "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist" (National NOW Times, January, 1988). 2. "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" (feminist leader Sheila Cronan). (Somewhat ironical, because they then campaigned FOR gay marriage, because feminists flip and flop depending on whatever they think will gain them power at the time) A feminist professor at Occidental College recently argued that men must renounce their masculinity and “denounce anyone who chooses to identify with it.” Lisa Wade rejects the notion of “toxic masculinity,” saying it is time to recognize that “it is masculinity itself that has become the problem.” http://lastsonlost.tumblr.com/post/169224162977 More quotes here: http://brettcaton.blogspot.com/2015/11/quotes.html An explanation of why feminists are insane: https://youtu.be/zezhdw_dNlU
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