jrwi-transgender-swag · 10 months
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Jay Ferin
"I mean.. just look at her" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she has a lot of transgirl swag and i love her. jay ferin forever" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "the transest ever. i swear" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she is a TRANS ALLEGORY YOUR HONOUR. LOOK AT HER. TRANSGENDER SWAG." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag "She's so trans coded. I mean, she runs away from her family who expect her to be one thing (navy) and she joins a group where she tests what it's like to be something else (a pirate) but then reverts when her dad shows up. She pretends it meant nothing but then Chip shows her that it's okay to change and to act against her family. So she's living her best trans girl life. Also she has bird imagery which is very trans coded of her. And she was named after her dad so like… Just saying" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "jay jay okg jay. her entire story is so fucking trans coded. i literally can’t oo her wholeee story is so trans coded. like??? she runs away from home and doesn’t tell her family shes joining pirates bc it’s the exact thing they would disapprove of. she first joins them to scope them out and learn their secrets but as time goes longer she realizes these people love her and she loves them and she is a pirate LIKE THEM. and her father appears and literally disowns her for being a pirates like holy shit. and she tries to spare her friends by going back to life where she would be in misery. and and she finds drey, a pirate like her and someone close to her who was also kicked to the curb and she finds comfort in someone like her. and she has to deal with the idea that her dead sister might hate her if Ayva knew jay was a pirate like???? but she’s so dress and happy now and she wouldn’t trade it for the world DO YOU HEAR ME???? becoming a pirate is how jay discovers HERSELF and who she WANTS TO BE!!!! i can’t she is so trans coded i literally can’t. she was so alone but notre she had ppl who UNDERSTAND HER!!!!! also tgirl failgirl swag." - Submitted For Transfem Swag "HER WHOLE STORY COULD BE A ALLEGORY FOR BEING TRANS FR. her father hates pirates, pirating for her has been freedom and helped her seen a new perspective, she gets wings, her journey is og just being a "spy" and then becoming a pirate and sensing the "freedom" in it !! and loving it and being accepeted just as she is her dad even makes a comment abt her being a pirate in 53. shes sooo transcoded ^_^^^^^^^^ to me i love her jay ferin sweep - Submitted For Transfem + Secret Fourth Swag
Rumi / Elena
"i mean. cmon. he’s so trans swag. theyre like every form of trans" - Submitted For All Swag "first canonically genderqueer pc and also JUST? LOOK AT THEM? THEY MADE THEMSELVES A PRETTYBOY ON PURPOSE. THEY CHANGE GENDERS WITH EVERY FORM THEY TAKE. THEYRE A CHANGELING. that bitch is TRANS" - Submitted For All Swag "canonically non-binary, very trans coded storyline in general, love her" - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag
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quanxui · 3 years
this weekend (plus this monday) i...
- hung out with my baby cousin. he's so cute, i treasure our conversations and the art he drew on the app i use to color manga panels. he likes playing around with the colors and pens!
- i bought a newspaper. an actual physical copy! i had my dad buy it so i can study how to write news articles
- read the newspaper to my grandfather. i now know an inch of the events in our town lol. i also enjoyed reading the articles to him, i felt so helpful. i support him getting a phone so he can have it read things for him but i also want to read for him.
- played lots of genshin. finally got xiangling too!! i ascended her character once but im focusing on my noelle for now cause she's my main, and on traveler and kaeya. i honestly used to not like using kaeya because i only like the girls HAHA but i've been trying my best to build and improve him recently for the spiral abyss fights and it's been good to me 😌 i really love rain in teyvat now.
- i also destroyed some ruin guards without panicking and feeling bummed out after because i lost, i destroyed them in one go HAHA i felt so happy with that. the ruin guards scare me so much because my characters keep dying. i also tried using amber more often, it's fun but im so slow with shooting enemies when im near them so whenever i use her i have to use noelle's E or shield then start shooting. i cant aim properly fast, a large contrast to when im actually doing archery hehe
- i took in a feature article to write. if i finish it along with my piece for the literary section this week, i might take on a sports article about pacquiao running for president. i don't like him and many from our org don't want to take the article but i need to write more articles TT if it's taken i have to hunt for another article to write, im planning to interview this local filipino artist but i have to look for a reason why i want to feature her in our publication. im glad i have some connections under my belt but i wish i could find a good and proper use for them.
- i also noticed that im writing articles from different sections, i don't know if that's good or bad but it's certainly a bit overwhelming AND fun. maybe im a masochist jk
- i finished some school stuff in advance. my scores for the quizzes are so average i have to keep trying ugh. i want to finish next week's activities this week too because i want some time to copy the readings on my notebook and review them, kasi the midterms are coming early next month.
- started using this app called study bunny! it's cute haha but my bunny's become sad so i have to study lots today i guess.
- i cried myself to sleep LMAO. it's been a while since i did that... just to cry in the dark until i feel sleepy, i feel much better though after crying. i still want to cry more but im all lighter for now! i've also been reflecting on my "suicidal-ness" and honestly, i feel helpless because it's a constant for me. i remember that short animation film i watched back then about this woman with a crocodile that's always following and annoying her and it feels exactly like that. i wouldn't say it's friend but it's definitely a companion, like how mom is mom but mom is not a friend? something like that... still, i hope one day i'd have a month where i don't think about that dark stuff even once.
- finished fruits basket season 2. it's so beautiful! i love everything about it especially the OST!! i usually watch things muted because i get anxious or worried about people judging me for watching anime but i watched this season on my laptop and had it in a low volume. it was fun, liberating too! i'll watch the third season soon i guess
- i caught up with hometown cha cha! im upset it's an ongoing series because i want to know what happens next!! arrgggh!! i want to gif some scenes i liked but i feel as if im too busyyy TT
- i haven't read any manga recently, it makes me sad but i'm really swamped with school and i use my free time to think or reflect on things or plan what to do or watch to destress. i used to read to destress but recently, watching has been way quicker than reading. it used to be reading.
- im trying to practice not bringing my phone with me when i wake up and head to the shower. it's day 2 and i have to go through some discussions in my head before i relent and go to the bathroom phone-less. one day i'll do it easily like back then! also maybe soon i'll try picking up my simple skincare routine back again!
- my dentist said i'm becoming prettier everytime i visit for my monthly check-up. she also said my outfit (it was a casual polo dress with slits on both sides and a belt and rubber shoes) made me look taller hehe. what she said made me happy :) im also happy none of my brackets got removed, the penalty is expensive TT
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binniesthighs · 3 years
you did- you did not just- you didn’t 😳
Did you take that love?? Hmm??🤨😐 you better cause you deserve it
But yeeeee I get you, just write whatever I want but I’m worried that someone’s gonna go off at me if it’s like similar to another fic or something and in case like people don’t like it I guess?? I don’t know man but I did like stop writing the seungmin fic for a hot second to write the hyunjin angst one cause like I just kept going on it but yeeeeeeeee 😅
DOES IT REALLY?? I’m really really glad you liked that 🥺 I’ll have to do more like that in the future then 👀 and like the fucking corruption!kink I love corruption kinks and I hope if I ever get with someone in my life they like it as well cause it do be 🥵
Eeeeee hopefully I’ll finish like a few chapters first before I upload any just to make sure I have something to post kind of thing if you get me and while I’m here the jeongin fic SPECTACULAR the poly/hyunbin PHENOMENAL and then the call me babydoll update IM RUNNING OUT OF BIG WORDS BUT YOU GET WHAT IM SAYING RIGHT???????
(We both be bb, {bbb??} but MWAH MWAH MWAH MWAH)
(Is it grammatically correct or like can you put a bracket in a bracket or is that just wrong cause I do it all the time but I’m not too sure)
lolll i relate hard core to ya HA i swear i write like three different wips at the same time bc I just get so so excited writing them and then go through little blocks with one and then just move around a ton and it gets so confusing and complicated LOL but it’s still really fun! I feel ya too, i feel like when writing certain stuff it is really easy to get overlap with stories, but at the same time it’s super normal! theres only so many ways ya can write fkn haha this is why writing with your own spin is so fun!! I love writing softdom!binnie but there is so much softdom!binnie out there (haha rightfully so) so it’s fun to then add in other cute lil things that makes it unique to you! 
also yessir we love ourselves a corruption kink in this house teehee, idk what it is that seems so appealing about gettin’ destroyed that is so appealing?? i really do wonder about this sometimes aHA but ya know what else is hawt...writing a fic where the idol is the one that wants to be corrupted HOT DAMN i love those hehe 
also thank youuuu 🥺 i’m so happy that ya liked my new fics! i’ve been feeling unchained lately (and working on things to procrastinate my big time wips/updates ooP) so i thought why not with the two of those teehee (also catch my changjin loving ass any day of the week hahahhaha) 
YOU. ARE. THE. CUTEST. 🥰 hehe have a nice day! (also i’m not too sure on the brackets hahahah) 
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booksandchainmail · 5 years
nanoha vivid liveblog: episode 8
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oh the castle from the op
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and looks like it’s the saint church, makes sense
… this was probably already established, I just forgot
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must be awkward fighting clone jesus in a tournament when youre a nun
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this is a really good point, and also raises questions about vivio’s friends all training together
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some sort of invisibility?
Oh no wait she was the speedster right? So too fast to be seen
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Also, cool device design
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Okay, paying attention during the tournament section of the op this time, and it looks like harry punching with fire, 
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victoria with a polearm and lightning,
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unknown glasses girl with chain circles, chantez with her tonfa (do they spin?), 
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shrine maiden with a katana, 
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miura gets a longer segment, 
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and then sieglinde still hooded
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That is the least trustworthy thing you could possibly say
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called it
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I feel like attacking before your opponent is armed is cheating
Then again, vivio was in a fighting stance and ready to go, so maybe its legit
Also, on a closer look I think chantez’s weapons could also be wielded like swords (edit from later: no kidding she can, her style was listed as dual swords)
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Huh, have we ever seen a non-transforming power up before?
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naruto run
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eye glint! magic is happening her folks
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i will never get over how happy vivio looks all the time when she’s fighting
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dramatic much?
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wait what
(also i promise this looks genuinely worrying when its not a screencap paused on a goofy mouth) 
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oh okay it was a vision? Killer intent or whatever?
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Do not tempt fate like that chantez
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like i said, maybe don’t fight clone jesus in church when you are a literal nun
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it’s the tie club
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awww, they have a family gesture thing
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...okay, those particular kitties are kinda doofy looking around the faces
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agito has good clothes
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thank you for giving this child one soft cute thing, even if it also a weapon
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well fuck now im sad
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oh gods
so they just actually are nerds
okay then
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that’s a really good name that i had completely forgotten from the manga and am now suddenly flashing back to
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this is very fair, and a major disadvantage of being an unarmed fighter. normally that gets mitigated by speed i guess, but no one in this show seems to have trouble swinging giant weapons around, so that might not actually give an advantage
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So golem practice for corona, and maybe some basic review just in case her golem goes down? Though at the level she’ll be competing at, basic skills probably won’t help
More martial arts for rio I guess. It might be better for to be training with her family since she uses their style?
And vivio either needs a weapon, which I kinda doubt based on the shape of this anime, or techniques to counter weapons and range
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With who? I guess it could be chantez, but that seems implausible for the whole “going to be competing against each other thing”
Presumably the tsab group is too busy with work, and hayate has her own candidate, so maybe another number?
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Oh so it was another competitor, and a new character. Bit of a conflict of interest there, but im glad nove has made friends
And holy hells is she experienced
actually, I took a look at the wiki, and nove is technically 17 (barring clone weirdness). Which means she’s younger than this girl, and could totally be participating in this tournament. Honestly, if your teenager’s tournament has coaches who could compete in the age bracket they’re coaching it’s probably a sign you should narrow the brackets. 
That said, I’m guessing nove doesn’t compete because this is a civilian tournament, and even four years on I doubt she sees herself as a civiliain
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So… do you have any strengths?
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... they used to belong to jesus, so if anyone you’re fighting is religious it’ll throw them off?
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Okay, I thought nove was just going to go for some sagebrecht power thing, given the eyes association, but using the cradle would probably disqualify vivio
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~magical girl show technically~
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called it!
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didn’t call it!
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Yeah, nanoha probably has access to a hell of a lot of training materials, plus footage of high power fights
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oh, for chris? didn’t think of that
... the fact that he’s looking for this on his own raises disturbing questions about how sentient devices are
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this reminds me a lot of bnha where baby izuku watches all might, except its just a tiny plushie
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Oh that’s gonna be hard for rio
Though they both have similar personalities I think? And maybe both use flames? So could be a fun matchup
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So that’s sword girl against vivio? And her weakness is weapons, and that girl has a long sword…
Honestly kinda surprised it doesn’t look like einhart and vivio will fight each other
Maybe they’re saving that for past the qualifiers? But honestly with the power levels we’ve been shown, idk if vivio could make it realistically, and idk how much this show will push protagonist plot powers
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So we do have two of our protag group in direct competition, but not a pairing that’s thematic
And no mention of who else is in that group. Probably at least one other important character? Victoria or sieglinde would have belkan relevance to einhart
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theyre also so sweet and kind about violence
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good team name!
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Every group competing at once is probably the only practical way to get through this many people, but it must be annoying if two good/personal matches are on at once
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this year’s contestants are noticeably more anime than the girls in the video from earlier
also, are there any guys in this thing? there’s no mention of it not being co-ed, so i guess were just running on nanoha rules of very few guys existing
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His voice is so deep
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There are at least 367 contestants in this thing? Even with six matches at once, that’s at least 60 rounds, and those things could run for a while
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Oh she’s tiny and excitable, it’s like vivio’s mirror
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also they can’t use devices this round, which makes things fairer I guess. Probably non-device weapons are allowed, otherwise this would bias towards hand-to-hand fighters, but this levels the playing field in terms of money and equipment
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Someone weve never seen before, who’s disparaging towards our protagonist… yeah she’s going down
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she is so nervous
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in utter contrast to literally all of teachers being battle hardened knights
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so she’s kicking focused? a good contrast to all the punch girls
also, im a big fan of miura’s opponent
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MAGICAL GIRL LYRICAL NANOHA: where tiny girls beat up teenagers
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Oh so that’s the personally important matchup they’re going for
also i guess it isn’t one ring per group
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whatemmafound-blog · 7 years
I love the festive season, log fires, snowy landscapes and a warm cinnamon smell in the air. That is until I stick my mudguards on and get splattered with icy water kicked up by my teammate’s wheels – then it is not as fun! The bitter crisp air, so peaceful and cold. It makes me come to the conclusion you can never have enough winter kit!
I have had a few organised people ask for my wish list muttering ‘something cycling related no doubt’ to which I say – yes! I would love a new stem – collective groan – ‘what is a stem’! Therefore I have decided to pull together a cyclists gift list to help the non-lycra wearing friends of ours, and also give you a few ideas too!
  Zwift Membership (not sponsored I promise!)
Winter can be a massive pain, extra layers, ice, constant bike washing. Why not just train indoors? Personally, I much prefer a 30-60 min training session sweating inside on a dark rainy evening than I do finding the brightest lights and most reflective gear. I’m not going to pretend that I even consider it. All thanks to Zwift! Why not ask for a membership so that you too can ride indoors and stay dry. Group rides, races and training sessions will keep you busy all winter long. website
Just look at that blue sky!
Wahoo Trainer
(to go with your new Zwift membership)
Turbo trainers are a minefield! Smart? Dumb? Wheel-on? Direct drive? Basically, it just depends on how much you want to train, how accurately and how much you want to spend. Or just ask for one for Christmas!
Not all trainers are expensive but they tend to be louder and have fewer features. A good mid-range trainer is generally a smart trainer – one that can measure power and speed as well as respond to software, this means it adds resistance when you virtually climb a hill. Most mid-range trainers, such as the Wahoo KICKER SNAP are wheel-on (you attached your bike using the quick release). The Wahoo KICKER SNAP is currently priced at £499 – so start being very nice now and you might get lucky!  Wahoo KICKR SNAP
  (probably doesn’t come with the bike though)
Full Circle by Joanna Rowsell Shand
If you are looking for inspiration, look no further. Joanna Rowsell Shand is such a star of the cycling scene and is someone I personally look up to. Her autobiography is a must read! Full Circle
Victory Chimp
I first found Victory Chimp flicking through my Instagram feed and absolutely fell in love with these prints! Hand printed in Northern Ireland using ethically sourced fair wear garments, sustainable paper stocks and water-based inks. Custom prints are available. Victory Chimp allows you to commemorate your own local climb or personal victory in a unique illustration.
Deffinaly one for the Christmas list! Their cycling caps, socks and kit marry the latest Italian fabric technology with Victory Chimp’s unique graphic style. Every cyclist values their socks, and this my friends is what we call sock doping! Here are a couple of my favourites but there are lots to choose from on the website.
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  Sportive Entry
Let’s kick it up a gear (i know, im funny!) and add something that is a real experience! Why not add the entry to a sportive to your list? Wiggle has a great selection and speaking from experience, the events are well run. There will be one in your local area or why not head off to France for the day? With multiple ride lengths to choose from and dates throughout the year, they are great gifts for the cyclist that has everything! Wiggle Events
  A Bike Computer
Whether you are new to cycling and would like to seek out new roads, or you are a segment hunter looking for KOM/QOM glory. A bike computer should be on your list of must-haves. The ELEMNT BOLT is a great option if you are looking for a sleek design and handy features. ANT+ and Bluetooth compatible the ELEMNT BOLT is a great little device.
Other options such as the Garmin Edge 520 and Lezyne Super GPS are all around the same price bracket.
It’s winter, which means it gets dark, which means – you need lights! A good set of LED lights will be great for dull days and dimming light. In winter, I generally have a good pair of LED lights on my road bike and then a really good pair to commute with as it tends to be dark and they are needed for visibility. You can’t really go wrong with these Lezyne Lights Set.
They are easy to clip on and are water resistant. £14.99
   New Kit
I have to mention my friends at Pactimo, their kit is the best kit I have ever worn! I genuinely mean that. The prints and colours are really unique and the fit is always spot on. You can never have too much kit – am I right?
  Alpine Thermal RT Jersey
Alpine Thermal RT Bibs
Flagstaff RT Jacket Ascent Aero Ratio Jersey
Ascent Aero Camber Jersey
Ascent Aero Camber L/S Jersey
If you hurry, Pactimo is having a Black Friday sale so you might be able to pick up a bargain. There arm warmers and leg warmers are great too for those extra little stocking fillers! I have added some links to the kit that I am loving right now.
My personal favourite the Alpine Thermal RT Jersey in Blue/Grey. It is on my list if anyone fancies being nice (joking, not joking!)
For those really cold days, the Flagstaff RT jacket is a must. My boyfriend has the men’s version of this, and he loves it! He has been wearing it with just a long sleeve base layer and has been more than happy pedalling around.
  Do you agree with my list? Share your ideas and let me know what is on your list this year!
Happy shopping everyone!
NEW BLOG - Gift Ideas For Cyclists #cycling #gifts christmas #feelingfestive I love the festive season, log fires, snowy landscapes and a warm cinnamon smell in the air.
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