antisocialgaycat · 3 months
something i love about choir is we only see each other once a week so we're allowed to be very unhinged and its kinda great cos i just get to be myself like today there was this bit that us ones were constantly messing up and our tutor was getting a bit annoyed so i look over to the twos and i just see my friend bella signing you suck be better at me then at the end we did hotseat and i got volunteered to do it and the kind of questions we get are wild lmao it was great and one of the questions i got was would you ever have kids and me and bella were talking about it afterwards and then frankie came and joined the conversation and was like what do yall have against having children and bells looked her dead in the eye and was like we're lesbians and frankie was like oh. so i was js like its ok we wont infect you. probably. so ofc we ended the night chasing her around trying to infect her with the gay which was fun but yeah i love my friends
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slash-em-up · 4 years
I Was (Not) Born To Be A Cowboy Pt. 3
Ok, so since this seems to be turning into an actual story, I’ve pulled it out of the one-shot series ‘Meeting of the Minds’ and renamed it as its own piece. Apologies if this is confusing to anyone!
BTW, NSFW below!!
You would never admit this to a Jesse but you were actually having a pretty good time on the ranch.
If you discounted the freezing weather and the hands-on farm work, it was almost like a camping trip.
And you were getting pretty good at most of the daily tasks, if you did say so yourself.
Not by any merit of your own – Asa had kept his promise and taught you enough to keep you mounted on your horse;  and Brody, along with the other ranch-hands, were nice enough to not make fun when you dropped the lead on one of the cows and had to chase her around the paddock – but you could definitely tell there was no love lost between Jesse and the cowboys.
It started at breakfast.
Once you’d arrived at the mess, you’d been introduced to the five other hands that worked the ranch. Mr. Ephriam was nowhere to be found, which you thought was a little odd; but hey.
The men all seemed like friendly enough guys until Jesse came huffing through the door.
“Hey there Stretch, where’s your horse at?” one of the men queried.
Reaching angrily into his pocket, Jesse pulled out his phone and typed out his answer, letting the electronic reader give out a monotone ‘Dr. Emory stole it’
The man chuckled at that, giving Asa an appraising look.
“How are ya, Doc. I’m Henry, I run this place when Mr. Ephriam ain’t here. You know your way around horses?”
Asa turned from his place in the food line and faced the man, raising an eyebrow behind his glasses at being dubbed ‘Doc’.
“Enough to get by.”
Henry gave an approving nod.
“It’ll be nice to have one of ya around that can keep his seat. Ever worked with cattle before?”
Asa shook his head.
“Well, you’ll catch on quick. Or ya won’t. Be interesting to watch…”
Henry turned to look at you momentarily before grunting and returning to his eggs.
You didn’t know if that was a good sign or not.
You joined Jesse, who’d seated himself in the corner as far away from the others as possible, and was currently moving what looked like beans around his tray with a spoon.
“Proper cowboy breakfast, huh?”
‘I miss coffee…’
“You literally have a full mug of it sitting in front of you.”
Jesse looked affronted.
‘THIS is not coffee, this is what comes out when you clean a gutter.’
You rolled your eyes.
“Oh please, like you’ve ever cleaned a gutter in your life…”
Jesse’s retort was cut off as Asa sat beside you, taking a long sip from his own mug.
“At least the coffee is decent.”
You choked on your potatoes and Jesse glared.
Asa looked confused (for Asa) and went straight on to befuddled as Jesse lobbed a biscuit at his head.
‘Keep it in your pants ‘Doc’.’
Asa sneered.
“Easy enough, ‘Stretch’.”
“I can’t do this, I’m going back to Illinois.”
You could almost read the ‘take me with you’ in Jesse’s eye as he leaned against the wooden fence, watching you try your hardest to lasso a very slippery calf.
It has all started out so well too. You were sure nothing as cute as the baby cow before you could give you too much trouble; but boy oh boy had you been wrong.
You turned to watch Asa and Spann ride by – herding the grown heifers as if they’d been doing it for years – while Jesse and you were stuck chasing these adorable little monsters.
“Show-offs…” you muttered.
Jesse nodded in agreement, sending a glare at the two riders.
Twin looks of disapproval met his, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. Asa and Spann were usually on the same wave-length when it came to handling Jesse’s childish behavior and you found it hilarious.
The length of rope making up your lasso flew once more through the air, coming pitifully short of the tiny brown calf.
Before you could reel the loop back in a dark-sweatered form passed you with a ZOOM. A tiny yelp left your mouth as you watched Jesse charge towards the calf - who immediately took off, prey instincts telling it to GET AWAY as fast as it could.
You couldn’t help but flinch a little as you watched Jesse run - while he was extremely fast and almost graceful when he was chasing a piggy, he had a tendency to be… less so when he wasn’t in a hunting mind-set. 
And the mud in the pen looked pretty damn slippery…
Jesse overtook the tiny cow quickly and hoisted it up and over his shoulder like he would any other body, looking incredibly proud of himself as he walked back to you, keeping the tiny cow held tight as it wriggled.
“Well that’s one way to do it.”
A jerk of Jesse’s head indicated that you should open the pen you’d been trying to lead the calf into and soon the baby was locked in safe and sound with its friends.
Smirking, the two of you passed by Asa and Spann - heading back to the cabin now that your task for the afternoon was finally finished.
You’d nearly cleared the fenceline when the mud got the better of Jesse’s footing and he plummeted into the freezing muck with a loud squelching noise.
Unfortunately, on his way down he’d grabbed your shoulder in an attempt to steady himself and his much larger form was more than happy to take you right down with him.
You’d discovered that the saving-grace of the overall chilly ranch was that it had hot water, and lots of it. It had become your habit over the last couple of days to end your evening with a boiling shower before curling up in front of the fire between Asa and Jesse.
Having been thoroughly dipped and dunked in some icy dirt made you even more grateful for this as Jesse and you trudged together towards the bath-house.
It reminded you of your gym’s locker-rooms, honestly. 
It split into two sections, one for men, the other for women and as you entered there were several rows of lockers and benches for people to stow their goods in before getting undressed and occupying a shower stall.
You grasped Jesse by the hand before he could turn into the men’s side.
“Nuh-uh, you got me dirty, you’re cleaning me up.”
Any fatigue he’d been showing left Jesse immediately, perking him right back up as he offered you a grin.
His brown eye twinkled seeming to make no promise that you wouldn’t leave the shower dirtier than when you’d arrived.
You let out a squeak of surprise as Jesse lifted you effortlessly into his arms, pausing for a moment so you could wrap your legs around his hips before pressing a deep kiss to your lips.
The three of you hadn’t had the energy or privacy to be intimate like you usually would, and you were starving for this.
Your hands gripped Jesse’s shoulders as he deepened the kiss, walking you both through the lockers and into a stall.
Gasping, you pulled away to catch your breath and turn one of the dials, starting the shower.
Jesse’s hands were everywhere, feeling you up and pulling at your clothes as you did the same to him.
He preened as you rid him of his sweater and ran your hands admiringly across his tattooed skin.
Once you were both naked, you found yourself pressed tightly against the wall as Jesse sucked and kissed your neck.
“Oh god, Jesse, yes…”
His large hands nearly encircled your ribcage as he lifted you once more, letting you rest between his body and the wall - the cool tile creating an intense contrast with his water-warmed skin.
You could feel his cock pressing insistently against your entrance and you grasped Jesse’s shoulders tightly in an effort to fill yourself with his erection.
He glanced up at your face - eye’s glinting in a devilish way as he moved his hips just out of your reach, then back - small thrusting motions against your skin that were driving you wild with need.
“Fuck, please, get inside me… stop teasing you bastard!”
Jesse stepped away from the wall, causing you to cling even tighter to his wet skin as he brought you both back under the heated spray.
He grinned with satisfaction as he lowered you inch by inch onto his cock, lifting you and pulling you down slowly until you were fully seated.
Your head lolled back in ecstacy at the feeling of being so full. Jesse was large enough that just by filling you he hit nearly every sensitive nerve inside your body, and it was all you could do to keep from cumming right then and there.
Jesse shivered at the feeling of your inner muscles clamping down on him as you tried desperately to stave off your orgasm.
He’d never let you or Asa hear the end of it if you came from just his cock entering you.
When he finally began to move, his pace was still torturously slow - you could feel the desire to cry out with every thrust increase as he drew out your pleasure, pausing his movements over any place he found that made you writhe in sensitivity.
He was a god damn evil man and you were ready to tell that him just that as soon as he moved his cockhead away from your g-spot.
You were panting and whimpering as he finally decided to take pity on you and began thrusting at a rapid pace, bouncing you on his cock like you weighed less than a feather.
Supporting your back with one arm, he brought his free hand down to rub roughly at your clit, causing you to scream to the ceiling and jerk your hips up into his grip.
You came like an atom bomb and tightened like a vice around Jesse.
He nearly lost his grip and leaned back into the rough tile wall to support your bodies as he threw his head back and came inside of you.
Releasing you slowly, he gently lowered you to the floor, letting you lean against him in the shower spray until you’d caught your breath.
“I missed that.” You said, pressing a soft kiss to his chest.
Jesse grinned down at you before signing ‘It hasn’t even been two weeks yet. Miss my cock that much?’
You were feeling far too languid from an excellent orgasm to tell him off, so you simply reached around and pinched his ass instead.
“Among other things, asshole.”
Warm and clean, you returned to the cabin wrapped tightly under Jesses arm.
To both of your surprise, there was a suspicious lack of Asa in the cabin and a note pinned to the door.
It was in Spanns writing
‘Mr. Cromeans,
Please bring Y/N and join Asa and I in the mess-hall. I think you’ll enjoy this.
“What the hell? What does that mean?”
Jesse shrugged, looking perplexed by his second’s cryptic note.
“Up for another ride?”
You could tell Jesse wanted to make a joke; but one glance over at Sugar soured his mood immediately.
‘Not particularly...’
You hummed in amusement, tucking yourself back under his arm.
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to end up in the dirt again.”
Jesse scowled; but pulled you closer anyway. His distaste for the cold overcoming his annoyance at your cheeky comments.
Giggling, you both headed towards the mess-hall.
To Be Continued...
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280I got tagged by @simplyghosting! (Thanks, friend!)
Name: Liam
Nicknames: Backspin, Leem, That Idiot With The Goddamn Hat
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5′6
Languages: English. Just English, sadly. My primary school couldn’t hold a French or Spanish teacher for more than a year consecutively, so my education in other languages people actually speak is limited, as I took Latin in high school and have since repressed much of my memory of high school.
Nationality: USA
Favorite season: Fall/Winter.
Favorite flower: Iris.
Favorite scent: Vanilla.
Dogs or cats?: ...dogs. But like. Only barely.
Number of blankets: All.
Dream trip: Ireland, Vienna, or Tokyo. Any one of the three.
Blog established: Uuuuuuh some time in 2013...? It’s been a while, I forget precisely when...
Random fact: My family on my dad’s side are descended from a bunch of ax-murderers that killed so many people they got kicked out of Scotland and exiled to Ireland for a few hundred years.
Gender: Male
Current time: 2:43 PM
Favorite fictional character: Hmmm...that’s hard. Toss up between Ed Elric, Celty Sturluson, or Imperator Furiosa.
Coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate?: I was gonna post the Polar Express conductor meme, but I couldn’t find it that easily.
Hot chocolate, then tea, then coffee.
Average hours of sleep: [REDACTED]
(I have no idea, my sleep schedule is nonexistent right now)
Favorite artists: Rush, Pendulum, Jade Cicada, Jeremy Blake, Mick Gordon, Porter Robinson, G Jones, Madeon, Gramatik, Linkin Park
Stuck in my head: Switches between Madeon’s Heavy With Hoping and Gramatik’s Dont Mind It VIP. Talk about mood whiplash, lol.
Last movie I saw: Sat down and rewatched Arthur: Legend of the Sword the other day. Still a fun movie.
Last thing I Googled: PO-20 user manual
(Thank god for Teenage Engineering’s user guides online, BTW)
Other blogs: None that are active. It’s really just this one.
Do I get asks?: Occasionally?
Reason for URL: It used to be a Mega Man ZX reference using my online stage name thing from high school, with my URL being the-backspin-megaman, but then I discovered FMA in proper and realized it’s my favorite thing ever, so now I’m the-backspin-alchemist as an FMA reference.
Followers/following: 774/280
Lucky number: 343
Currently wearing: Wrangler jeans, Skemata t-shirt, Triaxial pendant, bass-clef beanie hat
Dream job: I’d really like to be able to do creative stuff for a living. Just because it feels like the one thing I’m halfway decent at, and because maybe, just maybe I could help make things suck less for some people by giving them a nice distraction. @charlezarrd and I are trying to found a multimedia studio to make that sort of stuff happen somewhere further down the line. Not sure how good I’m doing on creative stuff at the moment, does kinda feel like I’m floundering a bit, but he’s not letting me totally lose hope on it, which is a good thing.
Favorite foods: chili, brownies, Hubert’s lemonade, and there’s this pizza place near me that makes chicken a la vodka pizza and it’s so damn good...
Instruments: Synthesizer, sorta, even if my keyboard playing sucks, and...bass? Question mark? I know very little about playing bass right now but I am learning.
Favorite song: Waiting For The End - Linkin Park
Tagging...hmmm... @punkpuppydragon @anythingelsebutthat @grandduchessgemini @artietheyorkie @tumb1rprincess and @tahrovin. As usual, totally optional, just passing this around for fun right now to stave off quarantine insanity and to say hi.
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itsnewstome · 7 years
javid + 13 maybe? (love your writing btw)
!!!! thank you omg
13. things you said at the kitchen table
send me more prompts!
rating: g+
pairing: Jack Kelly/Davey Jacobs
Shuffling out of the bedroom, Jack could really only think of toast and orange juice. He was fairly certain he’d skipped dinner. And he knew for a fact that he skipped lunch, since he was too-wrapped up in his work to bother.
Since David’s been off on that business trip, Jack’s had to say that his whole motivation to properly look after himself flew out the window. He just didn’t think about it. The motivation to get a painting done won out over the annoying grumbling in his stomach most time. He’d down a bottle of water and go on.
Was it pitiful that he needed help remembering to take care of himself? Maybe. But really, that wasn’t the point. The point was that he was terribly hungry and toast would be a great thing to have.
The lights were on in the hall, but it wasn’t a big deal. He rubbed his eyes grumpily and yawned. He supposed that David must have left them on before he went running. Jack swore. David just got home late the night before, and he’s still out there. Running.
David did that. He ran. He got up early, in the middle of the worst hours of the day to run. Jack didn’t understand his boyfriend sometimes.
Jack expected the kitchen to be dark, with coffee in the pot the only thing to help stave off the chilly December morning. He did not foresee the scene that lied before him. David was in front of the stove, singing quietly to himself. He was all wrapped in an old painting apron of Jack’s and there was a spatula in his hands.
His efforts for toast momentarily forgotten, Jack sidled up to David and wrapped his arms around him from behind.
“Good morning,” David hummed to him. Jack grunted and buried his face in the crook of David’s neck. He peeked out to see french toast frying in the pan. He could smell it - and wow. Delicious.
He remembered that he was hungry.
David poked at one of the pieces of toast with his spatula while Jack reached forward and tore a piece off from one of the pieces already finished and sitting out on a plate.
“I’m almost finished, Jackie.”
“I’ll still be hungry when you do,” Jack said. “Promise.”
And he was. They sat at the kitchen table, syrup soaking into their French toast. David had a cup of tea cradled in his hands, and Jack had already went through two glasses of juice, currently on his third.
“I was thinking of going on a run,” David said suddenly. “If you want to join.”
Jack blinked at him. “I thought you already went,” he confessed.
David shrugged. “I slept in.”
“It’s six in the morning, Dave,” Jack deadpanned.
He laughed. “I guess I’m still on Nevada time.”
“You’re adorable,” Jack said, caught up in the truth of his own statement. “But.” He took a vicious bite of his toast. “There’s no fucking way you’re taking me running. Especially after breakfast.”
“Oh come on,” David smiled at him, like it was a crowbar to the nail of Jack’s resolve. He knew that Jack couldn’t say no to him. “When’s the last time you left the apartment?” Jack held silent stubbornly, lifting an eyebrow. The question Who told? was clear in the expression. “Jackie,” he laughed. “You practically become apart of the wall paper when someone isn’t here to bring you out into the sunlight.”
Jack groaned and flung his head back like a petulant child. “Alright. Alright! But I ain’t freaking running. We can walk. In the park.” David’s grin was much too pleased. “And we’re doing it in like an hour, because this is too early to be alive.”
David agreed, but didn’t wipe that smirk off his face.
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shadowlink720 · 7 years
FE: Birthright Randomised Prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
(aka ‘I can’t believe Shadow is freaking Dead’)
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ok Are you ready for this? I’m sure not but let’s mcfreaking go I’m gonna go on a lot of tangents probably so please forgive me for that---
oooooooook so let’s see if this actually works (I haven’t actually tested it yet, but it loaded instead of hanging at a black screen so I’m assuming it does), let’s also see if it breaks the game or not b/c I’ve heard that Birthright can so therefore Conquest is more reliable but I never want to play Conquest ever again holy heck I don’t have a physical copy of Conquest ayyyy
But enough stalling! Let’s get right to it! Ah jeez I really want to give Corrin the really short hair I did when I branched off to Revelation but I want to keep the SYMBOLISM-
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.... a lot of these pictures are gonna be squint ahah (also it’s Samurai b/c I need Astra lmao)
ok then let’s goooooo
I suppose I should be worried that the ‘No’ option doesn’t show properly but w/e (the button is blank lol)
........ Azura could you build the suspence any higher ahahahah;;;;;;
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TAKUMI REPLACED HINOKA I’M GOING TO D I E And he’s a Diviner lmao no Fujin Yumi for u m8 I hope that the Ryoma and Takumi replacements can/will use Raijinto and Fujin Yumi lol ohhh my farore I am actually shaking aaaaahhh give me a minute ahahh--- this is so surreal is this actually happening I don’t even kno w ANYWAY
Takumi are you saying ‘How dare you!?’ to the Nohrian for trying to attack me or me for not knowing how to dodge-
also I’m going to skip enemy/ally phases so there aren’t any spoilers >:3c
ok I know it’s for stability’s sake, but Takumi with the Sky Knight class looks like he has short hair-
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ah yeah since it’s Birthright then the Nohrian siblings won’t get randomised for stability :V
ohhh my gosh Sakura is replaced with Mozu aaaaaahhhhh that’s adorable auhfiughdfysdgf
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Ryoma is Yukimura I’m This playthrough is going to end me tbh---
I don’t think I’m ever going to get over Felicia being Takumi and Azura being Ryoma tbh holy heck
also I really hope Felicia turns out to be a class that can use bows so that she could possibly have Fujin Yumi idk how it works tho ahahahhhh;;;;;;
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I’m not getting over this, I can’t wait to see more of Felicia being passive aggressive/throwing the extreme SALT around
Azura, Takumi just asked if u were alright, I don’t really think humming is gonna help u with answering him-
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Azura, High Princess of NoChill-shido
aaaand more vanilla sibliings (I’m sorry, I didn’t have the courage to try to get Revelation to work-)
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It’s at times like this when you realise just how different Hinoka and Takumi are when it comes to acting towards u at the start asfhiudfsiudh
WELP ANYWAY that concludes the Proloooogue, time to get right into Chapter 1 aaaaaah
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also this is what I was talking about with the button being blank ahahahh;;;;
time to see Felicia and Jakob’s replacements ayyyy OH MY GOD
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Felicia is now an Oni Savage Hana holy heck- JAKOB IS KAZE I’M GOING TO DI E
OH MY GOD Flora asked Hana if she’d help w/ waking Corrin up and Hana’s voiceline was just ‘No’ aioasdfudfhsudfs I think I’m going to do Chapter 2 as well seeing as basically nothing will be different this chapter b/c I ain’t doing Conquest ahahah;;;
I always seem to forget how tutorial heavy fe games are, but especially in Fates :’’’’D ayyyy first level up! ..... I only got hp! :’’’’’’’’D yikes that was an awful level up audgaiufhaduf do the growth rates change for Corrin? idek ahahah (no they don’t seem to)
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anyway hope ur ready to Die, Xander if not then.................. well this is Birthright ayyyy lmao
aaanyway we don’t need to see this cutscene we’ve already seen it before many tiiiimes because it’s exactly the saaaaaaaaaame but there’s Leo with his inside out collar again lmao there’s a tag on it and everything that’s cute
You know what I realised the other day though??? A unit’s clothing can get ripped in this game, idk what causes it tho, probably getting low on HP, and it’s certainly not fixed magically w/ healing it’s a funny little detail idek
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lmao bye Hana we won’t see u again for a whiiiile ahahh;;;;
onto Chapter 2! :D (I love this so far ngl, oh my Farore)
So! who are the Hoshidan prisoners!? >:D oh yeah we have to see Ganon- GARON, first asjhifadufa Dragon Veins, Ganglari, magic from Valla, yadda yadda yaddaaaaa PRISONERS!
..........oh my Farore-
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Kaze don’t be mean >:V I mean.... yeah tea sounds great right now but THAT DOESN’T MATTER U were in their position once, in an alternate universe :Y
........................... Holy Hylia-
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...... So does this mean I can call Jakob a grill he certainly does roast ppl a lot in the original-
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THAT RINKAH REPLACES KAZE- it was really funny tho, when Corrin said ‘Huh? Have you heard of me?’ Rinkah just said nothing, but her mouth was open and her voice line was ‘What?’ so I’m just imagining her like ‘Bitch, I am Hurt’
yeah yeah Dragon Vein tutorial and all that I GET IT- Let’s look at Kaze’s stats and skills! >:D
...... Holy shit he’s a monster
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His personal skill is Collector, which is super neat because hey! free stuff! :D He also has Seal Magic which could be good with his terrible less than stellar Resistance, and Good Fortune, which restores up to 20% HP EACH TURN, well.... based on his luck stat, which is..... pretty bad lmao- maybe he has a really good Luck stat growth idk (I peeked at the output file after having played the chapter and his stat growths are HP = 15, Str = 30, Mag = 35, Skill = 50, Spd = 25, Lck = 50, Def = 20, Res = 40, so yeah, pretty decent barring HP and Def haha;;;) But LOOK AT THAT STRENGTH HE’S A BEAST AND A C RANK IN SPEARS THAT’S FANTASTIC UGH- Kaze........ my man, I can’t wait to see what you can Heart Seal into it could probably be really cool, or..... pretty bad, idk anything could happen with this randomiser
I just realised how ironic his randomised class was; he went from a light, speed based Hoshidan class to a bulky, defence based Nohrian class ahahah;;;
but enough digressing! Let’s get started! >:D
....... Goddesses damn it Kaze, why do you have such an adorable laugh u’r gonna kill me- also don’t lie, you can’t use staves :V Anyway, I shouldn’t bother letting Gunter get experience because reasons, this is Birthright-
I’m just gonna end the turn without doing anything and see what happens, because I want them to still be paired up when they attack/still be on the healtile;;;
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Rest in pieces, generic samurai.
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Look at how quick these guys are to throw their lives away, how cute. Another level uuuuup 1 point to Speed and Luck, wow that’s.... not all that great, but I’m not going to have a lot of luck anyway so I should just take what I can get :V
Jakob no, it’s no use You have a club and your against a sword I mean yeah you survive but not for long m8
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....... I hate to break it to ya, Jakob, buuuut
ah jeez, Corrin almost leveled up again-
Dammit Corrin, we could have finished it there and then if you had just HIT HER- no matter, she should be done now
Ayyy, level up for Kaze!
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And it’s pretty darn good too! :V
I still can’t believe that Kaze replaces Jakob, like, they couldn’t be any different with how they treat people- I’m not complaining tho; means I get Kaze pretty early on >:3c ayyy he got Defence +2! :D
aww that’s the end of the Chapter ;;u;;
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ooooh hey! Jakob’s a Nohr Prince and Rinkah’s a Spear Fighter! (That makes what Jakob said earlier even better lmao;;; ) I can’t wait to see Jakob turn into a mcfreaking DRAGON awwww yeeeaaaah >:3ccccc
oh yeah, Garon talking about ‘kill the Hoshidans!’ all that nonsense like, bruh. nah. I want a Nohr Prince and Spear Fighter, yo. it’s funny how Jakob still stands the way he does tho, but I can’t get a picture of it agusdasusfgha
ahhh, wheesht Xander, u idiot, you know more than anyone that there’s something definitely up with Garon and all that stuff with the vanilla Nohr siblings yadda yadda
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Ok you can’t really see it, but there’s Jakob standing the way he usually does lol
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Why u gotta be so r00000d it’s still oddly fitting that he’s in the place of Rinkah, tho; it’s like, what Jakob would act like towards Corrin if he hadn’t been their butler, albeit a little less passive aggressive :V
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JAKOB I told u to STOP-
aww man, that’s the real end of the chapter
safjuhduhfsdufhasf I wanna play moooore but I shouldn’t make this go on too long ;;;;u;;;; So u can bet that I’ll keep going later hahahah;;;;
Sorry for the low quality images btw, I might look into getting a screenshot plugin at some point, idk I also don’t know how often I should do these, so if anyone who bothered to get this far could tell me what they would think would be best that would be really great :0
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