Atlas by @distractedkat
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So I've used the warp design before for my design for @pleasantboatpress's copy of For Gladness of You, and I wanted to see if i could replicate it again. I do think if I ever re-attempt this design i'd like to use a little purple in there.
Design inspired by queercore's lovely modified long-stitch bindings, which i've bastardized into purely decorative spine designs (i am the jackass of decorative faux long stitch and i'm not even sorry). Blue endbands are also inspired by nim from morningstarbindery on instagram's beautiful copy of Away Childish Things. It's ridiculously gorgeous and i'm always pushed to do better and more beautiful things by my friends in Renegade.
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Some stats for you - as per usual:
135,529 words || 426 pages
Cover Titling font: Mandalore Gradient
Body Text: Liberation Serif, 10.5 point
Accents: Alien League II
Can you tell how much I freaking love this fic? I actually received a RIDICULOUSLY STUNNING and beautiful copy of this fic from queercore from the exchange but I had already started typesetting and prepping this amazing story and MORE PHYSICAL COPIES OF THIS FIC SHOULD BE IN EXISTENCE.
This is probably the first long star trek fic I ever read. It is that old, so it holds a lot of special memories in my heart. I used colibri graphite for bookcloth (colibri my beloved, of which i tragically scuffed the back cover, hence no photos). Endpapers are renato crepaldi (can you tell i have some loves), and the spine design is done with lightly waxed linen thread in 4 different shades of blue. I once again forgot to factor in the bulk of the thread at the spine, could possibly have added 0.1cm to the length of the cover boards but what's done is done. had a near catastrophic fuck up with endpapers on casing in because of the bulk of the thread, but luckily remedied fast enough before the PVA dried. the squares are not perfect, particularly on the back cover, but i can live with it.
I couldn't really decide what to do with the cover so as I always I kept it simple with some silver and subtle holographic HTV.
I have also discovered my binds bookshelf is absolutely fucking full and i have a problem. The solution is evidently to buy another bookcase.
next on my list are the author copies for FFWAD - they've been started and i hope to finish two of them in the next 2-3 weeks.
As always, @distractedkat, if you'd like an author copy please don't hesitate to let me know, I love making author copies :)
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