xelles-archive · 4 years
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nerdysk8s · 4 years
For the Spotify thing: all the numbers divisible by four.
Thank you @isfjmel-phleg, but why must you make me do math?
Ok, here goes:
4. Dancin’ (feat. Luvli) - Krono Remix by Aaron Smith, Krono and Luvli It’s a catchy TikTok song that I could see as an ice dance program. It gets me moving. 
8. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga  Ok, not proud of this one but it’s good cleaning music. There has been many a bathroom cleaned at work to this one.
12. Salute by Little Mix They played this one during a practice session at one of my competitions and I love it. I could see myself doing a program to this one.
16. you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish A Sherlock reference! My Russian coach played Billie Eilish’s whole album on the way to a competition and I loved all of it. I love how fierce this one is.
20. ocean eyes by Billie Eilish More Billie! This one is so pretty. She literally created this song to be danced to. So by extension it needs to be skated to.
24. How Long - EDX’s Dubai Skyline Remix by Charlie Puth and EDX Really the only reason I like it is because of the beat.
28. Machine by Imagine Dragons I blame my little sister for my new love of Imagine Dragons. As a former homeschooler, this one speaks to me.
32. Thunder by Imagine Dragons This was my jam back in 2017 and it’s still hanging around. This song is very me.
36. Natural by Imagine Dragons This one accurately describes the skating world. I would listen to this one a lot at practice to keep myself focused.
40. Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons The rhythm of the words in this one is fantastic. I listened to this one a lot at work too especially rough days. I’m doing these small crappy jobs because I'm doing whatever it takes to achieve my dreams.
44. Peter Gunn - Max Sedgley Remix by Sarah Vaughn and Max Sedgley Dad played this one on our Alexa and I fell in love with it. This is my first choice for new program music whenever I get back to skating.
48. 100 Bad Days by AJR Such a mood. Such a good perspective too. 100 bad days made 100 good stories. 100 good stories make me interesting at parties. Something bad happens? I just got more entertaining. LOL
52. Haunted by Shurk Markiplier’s horror game outro. Dubstep and an old standby.
56. Connection by OneRepublic Another mood. If there’s so many people here, why am I so lonely?
60. Step Out by Jose Gonzalez Big piece of music from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty which is one of my favorite movies. The plot of leaving the mundane for worldwide adventure speaks to me. I really really want to skate to this one once I reach whatever my top level of skating is. I guess I want to tell my story on ice through this song. 
64. Poker Face by Lady Gaga Again, not proud but...housekeeping.
68. Alejandro by Lady Gaga  See above.
72. Land of All by Woodkid Nathan Chen skated to this one and made it popular to skate to. It’s really good.
76. french toast by FLOYD WONDER This is a weird one. I don’t know why I like it.
80. Shaky Ground by Freedom Fly I go through a indie/folk phase like twice a year. I found this one this year and it’s super catchy.
84. Hopeless Opus by Imagine Dragons Another mood. Really good play on words through the whole thing.
88. Natural Disaster by Pentatonix  Because some rooms I cleaned were a natural disaster and I HAD to play this song.
92. Wii Turn Up (Wii Music Remix) by Murcy I don’t know why this song is even this high on the list other than me trolling my siblings with it.
96. Hello Seattle - Remix by Owl City  I contemplated and turned this song down for program music. Still good and might use someday.
100. A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got) by Fergie It’s a lot of fun and I can’t help but dance to it :)
What have we learned from this? If it’s a TikTok meme and/or skate-able I listen to it LOL
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the-blue-double · 5 years
I’ve been thinking about the plot of Three Houses based on everything we’ve gotten so far, and I’ve got a few theories I thought I’d share.
- First off, an interpretation of the song that’s pretty much the basis of all my other theories. The theme song is from the perspective of a dragon going insane with age, as we’ve seen a few times in past FE games. The particular line of the song that makes me believe this is “for just this moment lost in time, I am finally me”, which sounds to me like a moment of lucidity in the midst of everything. I can’t take credit for this, I first saw it in a thread on the fire emblem subreddit the day the song released. I know it’s a kind of generic FE plot on its own, we’ve seen it with Medeus, Anankos, Mila and Duma, but I think it will be a far more central plot mover to this game beyond just motivation for the antagonist.
- And the reason for that is, who’s our most likely candidate for a divine dragon afraid that they’re losing control? Our goddess, “The arbiter of all life”. Already not a great situation for a goddess to be in, but that brings us to the crests, described as tokens of the goddesses power. This is getting into heavy speculation territory, but the way I read that it sounds almost like a way for humans to tap into the goddesses power and make use of it. But if the goddess is being corrupted with age, maybe the crests are being corrupted too, which leads me to my next point...
- At 4:24 of the second trailer, we see Edelgard and her troops fighting an enemy simply named “Black Beast”, what’s interesting about the beast is its weapon, “Crest stone of Gautier”. It’s easy to miss, but that’s not the first place the name Gautier pops up in that trailer, one of the students, Sylvain, introduces himself as Sylvain Jose Gautier at 2:54. If he’s from a noble family, maybe the black beast could be one of Sylvain’s family, or even Sylvain himself, corrupted by the crest’s power going wrong.
- In the second trailer, we see an Eastern Church and a Western church as well as the main church when the map is displayed starting at 23 seconds, and we also see the player’s army fighting Western Church Soldiers at 4:03. A common concern I’ve seen is that the story is going to end up being a generic jrpg church bad story, and this seems to back it up, but under the rest of my theory I think there’s another option. A division in the church, perhaps some of the church recognize that something is going wrong, as Edelgard suggests in the first trailer, while other factions want to continue as they always have and consider the thought heresy. If the church is as important as we’ve been lead to believe in Fodlan, it’s not hard to see how this could eventually lead to all out war between the three great nations of the continent.
- Finally, this isn’t really connected to anything else I’ve suggested, but I want to mention it. I think Sothis and the goddess are very closely connected, if not one in the same, especially because of the lyric “Yet still I hide, behind this mask that I’ve become”. I’m not sure exactly how they’re connected, but I think Sothis is definitely a creation of the goddess, and closely ties into everything.
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