#TOME webseries
kudotsurugi · 1 year
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X-Whip Comics Season 2 Ep.3 (1/??)
And so we begin the next chapter in the Guilder's Crown arc: the Exhibition Match! This chapter, we'll get an idea of how the new rules regarding super forms come into play. And who better to show it than two of the most famous players in TOME!
As a reminder, this is a story that takes place after the events of a What-If Season 3 story that I made before the A2Z movie trilogy was even conceived. So while some things from the trilogy may carry over, this is essentially a separate timeline.
Episode 1(Part 1 / Part 2)
Episode 2(Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/Part 4/Part 5)
Episode 3(Part 1[HERE]/Part 2/??)
Welcome to X-Whip Comics, a series of comics featuring some characters from the TOME RPG and their random shenanigans.
These were initially comics I shared on a Discord server, but I was convinced to share them online, soooo.…. here we are! All characters presented belong to their respective owners.
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the-silver-sparrow · 11 months
Man I went back to tumblr cause I thought I could use my blog to post and store lore for my jesters, but now my dumbass just wants to start posting about TOME instead like what.
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butchpeabody · 1 year
ive been kinda waffling on this so ill put it to a vote. ive been talking about having a tome server ready for a bit. BUT!
NOTE that if i open it in time for a2z part 2, ill host a watch party for it! the reason i added the days before as options is in case people think it'd be a good idea to be able to get settled in the group earlier...
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violetvulpini · 2 years
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I've been doodling these guys a lot and I was like, haha what if I tried to blend each characters' designs together using my favorite elements. And then uh. I did all of them.
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ravenwolfie97 · 11 months
y'know what. fuck it. i wanna take some tome requests again. i miss those guys
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mactheactor · 7 months
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Because it's still relatively unknown to many, my name is Deven Mack and I've voiced Sonic, Chaos Sonic, Orbot and Cubot in Sonic Prime, along with Ninjago's Arin and Skull Sorcerer, Total DramaRama + Reboot Chef Hatchet and many others! I was also the voice director of Dust: An Elysian Tail and PBS KIDS' Lyla in the Loop!
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I stream Sonic games every "Go Fast Friday" and "Spindash Sunday" at 7pm ET / 4pm PT on a Twitch channel I'm legally forced to share with an obnoxious toon VTuber @TheRockyRaccoon that some might know from a certain TOME webseries.
Come hang out if ya feel like it! Our vibe is very PG friendly and we love answering questions about voice acting!
Thanks to @toydrill for da art!
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browa123 · 1 year
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Here they all are! Including the 00 Designs for Zetto and Kizuna! Individual Drawings and Fantasy Rambles are under the cut ^^
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I took design elements from every incarnation of Webby I could find for this one, and I’m really proud of how they turned out. Webmaster in this AU is non-binary, because pronouns are of no concern to the head deity, call them what you like, but they prefer they/them if you were to actually ask them.
I wanted all the Netkings to incorporate a three-pointed crown into their designs one way or another, with Webby’s in particular being the closest to the proper Netking Software logo from the canon series.
I wanted to give Webmaster a robed look while still retaining the look of a piece on a chess board, and then used the robe’s sleeves to cover where their hands would be, were they not floating freely behind them.
Webmaster is the King of Light - his ability in TOME is of course Heavenly Light, so he’s the one who brings light to the Terrain. They control the rotation of the sun and moon, and is the most powerful of the Netkings. All the others respect their power and authority, and do their best not to cross them.
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The netking that gave the land its shape and introduced plant life to the terrain using his powers. Bitopio split the land in five pieces after its creation to see how different plants would thrive in different environments. Although the other netkings would rather watch the savage artificial lifeforms fight.
Bitopio‘s design is kind of a mix of the webseries and RPG. It has the brighter and more playful colors and bodyshape of the webseries with the design elements like the cape and crown from the RPG.
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Kindar is next! Again, she’s a mix of both the RPG and Webseries. I wanted her to be a mix of both an angel and a ghost, since she also manages the Balancenter and the Moderators that live there. She’s also the one that sets up the tournaments and battle arenas for the artificial life forms.
She’s the netking who’s also the most attached to Softy / Gaia. She knows that her daughter is sleeping below the earth to protect it, but misses her dearly. She’s also the netking still in HOME most opposed to [REDACTED DRAGON BUG LORE], but she eventually caves and agrees that it has to be done. They can always start over, after all.
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Master of all things glittery and beautiful on the Terrain. Rubi grows crystals and expensive gemstones deep in the Terrain’s earth, and then fashions them into prizes and trophies as motivation to participate in the annual tournaments held for the enjoyment of the netkings.
Rubi is probably the furthest removed netking from the original designs, but I wanted to play into his role in creating Nylocke for a specific purpose, so giving them some shared traits like taste in armour and the tail were used to achieve this. (Rubi is not Nylocke’s father though, Rubi couldn’t care less. It’s like growing a rat in a lab with genetic engineering to him)
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Execk of course gets to keep his more robotic and cold look from both the RPG and the Webseries. He’s not much of a talker, creating the terrain took a lot out of him, and now he needs a mechanical body to sustain himself since his magic levels are far removed from everyone else.
Doesn’t mean he’s not tough. He created the battle web from scratch, and maintaining it takes a lot out of him, but fighting him inside his own creation is a death wish, since he can twist it any way he wants in retaliation to anyone thinking they can beat him.
I wanted Execk’s dark and usually shaded eyes to turn into a visor with digital eyes, with his one real eye resting on his crown as he pilots his cybernetic body. Execk is actually Zetto’s mentor, back when they all lived when nothing else existed. Zetto takes a lot of inspiration from him, and based his prostetic limb of Execk’s metal body later down the line.
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00 Zetto is a mix between Episode 0 Zetto (duh) and RPG Zetto. He’s the youngest of the netkings, but is arguably the best fighter out of all of them. His magic is based on pure energy alone. He can manipulate it in any way he likes, to float and fly or gather destructive blasts that tear anything in his way apart. His impulsiveness is the only thing that keeps him from actually beating any of the other netkings, as they usually outsmart him.
Webmaster usually kicks his ass with one attack should Zetto try and bug him.
After he looses his arm, it becomes increasingly more difficult to control the energy he commands, so he usually has to let it out in large bursts to keep himself in check, hence where his Breaker Beam comes from. (Or Ki-blade if he’s in disguise. In that case he lets it out using his dual swords as vents for the energy.)
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Probably the most bored looking and nonchalant magical cat girl you’ll ever meet (like an actual cat lol), Kizuna’s the netking that makes sure the delicate balance of magic on the Terrain doesn’t go out of whack and tear the land apart. She can grant or sap power from any magical object, including living beings on the Terrain. She uses this ability to grant “dark magic” to her hacker troops after she follows Zetto down to the surface to try and stop the “problem” they didn’t account for.
Because her magic is what usually propels the hackers when they do her bidding, its in turn associated with misfortune and bad luck. Altering the balance of the Terrain is what hackers do best after all, trying to lure out the virus pieces with powerful energies in order to make them reveal themselves.
She swaps to a gun over a staff when she sees how effective they are by comparison.
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mew-cake · 1 year
(I have yet to finish the RPG because I am FRAUD but-) I am perfectly aware that the webseries Flamegirl is in fact, not as deep as I thought it was when I was 15 because most of it came from projection and fandom interactions. While she is cool character she is also not the greatest written.
Does that mean I don't love her deeply both because of the memories I made from rping her, my tendency to attach to The Girl character in media, and because she was a landmark in my gay awakening? Absolutely not. I love her. I love her so much. I literally cut my hair short first day of college because of her. I am extremely biased and I don't care because I'm also right. I love this fictional woman so much.
That ain't even touching on the antivirus. I have no idea why I attached so much to that thing but my god. The trope fuckn hits so hard. Pink fire?? Fuck yeah. That is an aesthetic. Oh yeah there's also Amber who is perfect and I literally would not have created her or developed her if it weren't for TOME and or Flamey.
I have many emotions dude.
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redtailfins · 4 months
finished rewatching tome GOD i wish i had the strength + skill to make a webseries.
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ttomeposting · 9 months
just watched all 3 trolls movies in a row (a decision i made while high) and i feel like I;m fucking rapidly spiraling into madness rn.Why on gods green Fucking earth did they make one of them kirbopher. i;m so serious why Why did they do this to me. it's branch his name is branch they color his skin exactly the same way i color kirb's, he starts out with dark hair and desaturated colors and a fucking green patched-together outfit and then switches to dark blue hair and light blue skin upon overcoming his traumagenic emotional issues, i fucking .. i??? ????? ? Hello?? i feel like im having a stroke what executive decided to make the new trolls series include a guy that's two (2) steps away from being kirbopher tome, a guy from a webseries that is TWELVE FUCKING YEARS OLD NOW i. can anyone hear me in here. am i just having visions. god cannot reach me
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saphushia · 2 years
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miss them 🥺
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kudotsurugi · 1 year
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X-Whip Comics Season 2 Ep.2 (5/5)
With the Exhibition Match on the horizon, what new surprises will our heroes find going into the tournament? What powers are the GC Belts capable of? Who will be fighting in the upcoming match, and will it be someone we know?
Find out next time on X-Whips: Guilder’s Crown!
And so ends our second episode of the Guilder’s Crown arc. Sorry this took so long to come out, time was against me😅 Hope you look forward to next time
Episode 1(Part 1 / Part 2)
Episode 2(Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5[HERE])
Episode 3(Part 1 / Part 2 /???)
Welcome to X-Whip Comics, a series of comics featuring some characters from the TOME RPG and their random shenanigans.
These were initially comics I shared on a Discord server, but I was convinced to share them online, soooo.…. here we are! All characters presented belong to their respective owners.
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vhscassette · 3 years
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to be alone with me
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butchpeabody · 1 year
see i tag all my tome art with the full name (terrain of magical expertise) for outreach purposes but also i live in fear that someday theres gonna be a guy who doesnt know im talking about a webseries and theyre gonna assume im making content for some kind of ancient book
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violetvulpini · 2 years
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Shark posting cuz I just caught up with the RPG (ft some name headcanons I guess!)
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77of76-moved · 3 years
kirb ofc 😌
ding ding ding!!!
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