#TY SO MUCH MARI DEARIEEE ur the sweetest! this was so cute to do! <3
thedeadthree · 2 years
1, 20, 28, 35, 41 and 50 for Chiara and Marc?
MARIIII i adore u sm ty ty for the ask about my two loves! between chiara/marc, marta/ricardo AND vika/goro they have been living in my mind rent free and haven’t released their grip since! i will never not yell about these two!!!! 🤍😌
oc asks relationships edition 🤍
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1. what were their first impressions of one another?
marc thought she was an enigma! frustrating but also interesting and not to mention quite easy on the eyes. but WHY was she... traveling with him? at their first expedition into a ruin for a valuable relic she wanted, he refused to have her tag along. where they were going there was BOUND to be others who would be more than happy to kill her for what they were after! he can’t make money if his client is dead u know? but she insisted! and did phenomenal well! they were in and out with the artifact with relative ease :). someone bearing the name BORGIA as her maiden name, with such high esteem was the last person he expected to hit targets with her precision. Chiara’s first impression of marc wasn’t much. he was a merc! someone she needed to watch her back were anything to happen. he was definitely appealing to her, but to be honest she never would anticipated seeing him after the endeavor was over. let alone find herself as enamored by him as they continued working together.
20. what are they like when sharing a bed?
a moment in bed together is a raare moment for them them both when they’re not on endeavors into ruins, or taking on some of their rivals and power players of the criminal/merc underworld, or whatever harebrained errand khonshu had them run. its just a respite for them to be in the presence of the other close and he might absentmindedly play with her hair, she might hum a tune. they’re just sort of... enjoying the short rest that moment is while it lasts? they don’t get very many so!
28.  are they affectionate in public? is it too much?
for the first? few months? or so? they were very private about their relationship! her ex husbands nonna is still alive *SIGH* so chiara had to be strategic on how public she wanted things to be between them both. a huge fear was that marc would meet the ire of her and her families adversaries, so for a bit to protect him she asked that it just be her, marc himself, layla, steven, jake, and khonshu being the only people in the know! then she broke the news to her close friend (and college ex boyfriend who unbeknownst to her also harbored feelings so it was bittersweet for him!) dane, and then finally she announced that she was seeing someone to her immediate family. so they would stop hounding her about remarrying ajndia. i would say that they’re not like SUPER into public affection but they’re not opposed to holding hands, a kiss to her forehead from marc, subtle displays are usually their go-to!
35. what moment did they realise that they were in love?
so for chiara, for a few months after they began on working together on a particular op? it hit VERY close to home for her. the artifact in question was cosimo’s wedding ring that she found out his nonna stole from his body, sold it to a black market dealer and claimed chiara donated it. so as to further incriminate her on her *murdering* her grandson. the dealer was holed up in a private island on a heavily guarded estate in the aegean island archipelago. it was different than their usual op but there was nobody else she trusted to carry this out with her. when they recovered the ring, she explained to him why this meant so much to her. he probably said something along the lines of, “all that? for this? must’ve been special.” and it was! inklings of her feelings were coming it but it hit her when she told him about how her au pair made her a sleeper widow without her or her parents knowing, and she sh*t her husband. telling him how she didn’t remember the weapon in her hand, and how he? understood? he sympathized? it was when he pulled her in and she sobbed into him that maybe what he meant to her changed! for him, it honestly was that very first op they went on! it was when he realized she was more than she seemed, when she took down a merc ready to put him in the grave while he was in combat with another enemy of theirs. she put herself on the line! it meant more to him than he thought and that’s the moment he went, “oh.” sakjnans.
41. what green flags do they have for one another?
hers? would be his concern for her wellbeing, when he dropped himself down to be there alongside steven/save him in the sands, for being the only soul she can open up to and not dread them thinking negative of her or believing what has been said of her! for him, it’s that likewise, shes concerned for his! as well as the wellbeings of steven and jake! that she had his back through everything they’ve been through, that they’re something akin to soulmates is a green flag if he’s ever seen one!
50. is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
chiara 🤝 marta in this ask <- terrified of losing the one person that means the most to them! except unlike marta it’s a little different for her! marc is already aware that she was a sleeper widow and until yelena undid her conditioning with that red gas, could k*ll him at any given moment should anyone know the activation words, and that bc of her being a sleeper widow without her control killed cosimo... and though a fear of hers WAS that potentially she could do that to him, that went away after she was reconditioned! her biggest fear about her relationship and was ultimately why it took her so long to reciprocate the mutual feeling that she in turn had for him, was that now that she was reconditioned it didn’t spare him from others hunting him down. anyone who knew the truth was a THREAT to cosimo’s nonnas plan to bring down chiara and the last dregs of the borgia name. sure, he had khonshu. but her enemies are CALCULATING. what if he was caught off guard? what if there is a moment like during the series where marc DOESN’T have khonshu and the moon knight suit to defend him? her biggest fear in their relationship doesn't necessarily have anything to do with HIM per say, its others! she’s waited this long to call him hers, she doesn’t want to lose him now!
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