absentmoon · 2 years
Woe XR thoughts be upon ye
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So ^ this robot ^ right here right??? He's built to be Buzz Lightyear's-- the main character's-- partner after his old partner "died" (spoilers: he faked his death because he's actually evil, but that's not important to this discussion). XR was built so that Buzz would, essentially stop being depressed and get back to work. (I make it sound worse than it actually was; Buzz also had some ego getting in his way.)
His whole gimmick is that no matter how many times he breaks, he can be put back together very easily. (Heck, that's how they introduce him: he gets destroyed in, some of the most brutal ways in the whole show as a demonstration.)
XR's a mostly eternal sidekick, and he does some of the most dangerous work in the galaxy on a daily(-ish) basis. He never asked to do it; he was just... forced to. Considering how people in this show treat robots (generally bad), it's not like he has many other options. If he didn't like his Space Ranger work, I can't even imagine what each day would be like for him: stuck in the golden boy's shadow, being blown up and mangled day in and day out, and this being your only option if you want to stay alive.
(It's made a point that XR basically has spaghetti code and that's how he ended up sentient. Only the aliens who made him know how to fix him without completely filling him up with error messages. Another reason why he can't really leave his position)
Luckily, he does enjoy his work and his team/found family (when it's written well).
This old Disney cartoon from 2000: Hey here's a funny lil' robot / Me: Hey what if I over analyze the hell out of him
( @gible-love-nibles )
HI YES THANKYOU LOVE ROBOTS IN THIS HOUSE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ this is so sad thoughg that he gets destroyed so much :((( what if you held him gently instead....treated him with Love and Care..........robots getting hurt is so SAD give him one billion kiss 😎😎😎😎
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