#Tackling replies across a bunch of blogs today but
melodyrisen-a · 4 years
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Holy crap this blog took off overnight I mean uh- Welcome? <3 XD
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Ch 4 The Cat and the Fox
Category: Romance, Modern College AU
Rating: Will be Explicit but for now I’ll just say Mature for language and drinking
Pairing: InuKag
Words: 2,276
Also available on ff.net and AO3
Chapter 1
Tag list: @keichanz @noviceotakus-blog @hinezumi @morikothehalfangel @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @cammysansstuff
Speaking to Foxy on her trips to and from work had become a daily routine in the last few weeks. Kagome worried that she was interrupting his sleep schedule too much but he kept insisting she wasn't. So, she happily spoke to him as often as she could. Her morning commute had become quite enjoyable with him keeping her quite blissfully distracted. So much so in fact, that she never noticed when another person began riding the same trains with her every day.
He was tall, but not overly so. His hair was waist long, black and greasy looking, almost to the point of being in dreadlocks, but not quite. His skin was pale and ghostly, hanging off of his gangly frame like a malnourished child. But the most disturbing thing about this man were his eyes. They had an unnatural red color surrounding his dark irises. He wore simple clothes, jeans, a hoodie or t-shirt, sneakers, never standing out in a crowd. But almost everywhere Kagome was, so was he.
 Foxy, are you leaving for break next week?
 Nah. Got nowhere to go. I always just chill here. Why? Are you?
 Yes. I'm going back home to my family's shrine. I miss my mom, brother and grandpa so much. I've never been away from them for so long.
 Spoiled wench :P
 Hey! That's mean!
 Never claimed to be nice woman
 Yeah well you better start
 Oh yeah? Or what?
 I'll come over there and make you!
 Anytime wench ;)
Kagome stared at that last message for several minutes without responding. What the hell did that mean? Was he just messing with her? Her naïve little brain didn't know what to make of his words. Sometimes this relationship they had was confusing for her. They talked all the time, even seemed to be flirting with eachother, but they were both too chicken to even ask the other's name let alone meet again in the light of day.
Once again, she was saved by the proverbial bell as the train slowed to her stop. She tucked the phone into her pocket, determined not to think about it for now, and made her way out of the station up to the street. She pulled her jacket closer around her neck as she came up and the chilly late November air brushed over her. The vibration from her pocket drew her attention.
 Oi wench when do you leave?
 Week from tomorrow. Why?
 So I know when the last time I can text you is
Her brow furrowed in confusion as she rounded the last corner before Yoro North. When did I say you couldn't text me when I leave?
 You didn't I guess. I just assumed you wouldn't want to talk to me while you're visiting your family
 Well, you can. I may not always respond right away but I don't want to stop talking
 I have to go now though. I'm at work. Later Foxy
 Bye wench.
Kagome walked into the door only to be immediately tackled by a little kitsune.
“Kagome!” Shippo exclaimed as he leapt into her arms and latched onto her jacket with his tiny little fists.
Kagome looked down at him and smiled. “Good morning, Shippo. Why aren't you in class with the others?”
That moment Ginta came running from the direction of said classroom, looking quite exasperated. “Shippo! What do you think you're doing?” he bellowed out.
Huge green eyes filled with tears and looked up at Kagome, imploringly. “I-I-I just wa-wanted to gr-greet you, Ka-go-me!” he managed out around sobs.
Stroking his back soothingly, Kagome looked up at Ginta. “It's all right, Ginta. No harm done, right?”
He seemed to be taken aback by her statement, but he hung his head. “Yeah, I guess. Just make sure Koga doesn't find out,” he whispered at her as he made his way her direction.
Stifling a giggle, Kagome nodded. “Our secret, Ginta. Where is Koga anyway?”
A nervous look crossed the demon's features. “Um, I don't know. He just said he was going out for a while.”
Kagome's face bunched up in confusion. She had never seen him not be here in the morning when she arrived in the month since she had started. Odd. Shrugging it off as an anomaly, she snuggled Shippo close to her chest and started for the classroom. “What'dya say we go join the others, eh Shippo?”
“If we really have to...” he said, voice low and sad.
Stopping in her tracks, Kagome looked down at the boy in her arms seriously. “Shippo? Is something wrong?”
Shippo stared up at her with his wide emerald eyes. “Dumb Hiten won't let me play with Soten. He says his sister doesn't need to be associating with stupid little kits.”
Kagome frowned down at him. “Is that so? Well, we're just going to have to set him straight, aren't we Shippo?” With those words, she stormed off towards the classroom, a nervous looking Ginta in tow.
“Miroku, it's been over a week since we figured it out! I don't know how much longer I can keep this from her.” Sango told her boyfriend as they sat together on the couch of the living space of his frat house.
“Patience, my dearest Sango. These things take time. I'm working on it.”
“What exactly are you working on?”
“We need to get them in the same room together, without masks this time. Surely once they see eachother in person again they'll realize they should just be together. Have you noticed that they've actually scheduled time to talk now?”
“Yeah. It's friggin' creepy. She just stares at her phone for atleast an hour a night. No matter what she's doing she'll always respond to him. Sometimes she laughs or sighs weird. I've given up trying to talk to her about him. She won't tell me anything other than basic info.”
“Same here. Course, with InuYasha that's not too far from the norm anyway.”
Sango's eyes widened. “Y-you've never told me his name! Now how in the hell am I supposed to keep that from her you jerk??”
Miroku opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, a thoughtful look crossing his features. Finally, he simply shrugged at her, a slightly shamed look on his face.
Sango narrowed her eyes at the man. “You... you are such an ass.”
“I'm so misunderstood,” he proclaimed. “Look, you said she's leaving next week for break, right?”
“Yeah...” Sango said.
“Alright. Well, the house always throws a combo platter new year's/back to school party. Just hold out for one more week and she'll be gone. Then when she gets back just get her to come to the party and I'l handle the rest.”
Sango glowered at him. “Fine. But no longer than that or I'll tell her everything I know, consequences be damned.”
“You have my word, my dearest Sango.”
Twelve hours later, Kagome exited the building housing all those disgusting creatures she seemed to care so much about. He would never understand what about those nasty things she could possibly find appealing. He supposed it was just her kind, pure hearted nature, something he would have to be sure to set her straight on before it got too far like with her. Blanching inwardly, the greasy haired man took up his normal post across the street and a block or so behind her. He knew she was heading straight for the train, so he had no fear of losing her. Besides, nothing would keep his Kagome away from him.
How was work today wench? InuYasha typed his message out when he knew she would be on her way to the train from her job. Talking to her had become as second nature to him as breathing. If he hadn't texted her, she would have texted him, of that he had no doubt.
 Tiring. I had to scold the same kid about 100 times today. He's just so aggravating! He thinks he's better than all the other kids because of his heritage.
 I know the type. The asshole is the same way. Kinda why he hates me.
 Oh yeah?
 Yeah. The half thing remember?
 Right. Different moms. She not as classy as he thought she should be?
 You could say that. You have a lot of homework tonight?
 Not really actually. Most of my classes have actually lightened up in prep for the finals I guess. I have a free Saturday night for once.
Something inside InuYasha clenched at those words. Briefly, he had a flash of him sitting with her somewhere quiet, where they could talk. Maybe even look at the stars... Shaking his head of those traitorous thoughts, he focused back on what he could share with her.
 Yeah. Me too. Damn room mate hasn't been around much the last few weeks ever since he found himself a girlfriend.
 Oh yeah? My room mate has been mia too. I think she's been seeing a guy but I haven't really seen her to ask. Makes me feel kind of pathetic.
 You're not pathetic. If anyone is pathetic it's me. I haven't had a girlfriend since high school. And I use the term girlfriend very loosely.
Something about her short response made InuYasha feel guilty, though he didn't know why.
 Yeah. We hung out for half our senior year. She was the most popular girl in school. I had no idea why she was hanging out with me of all people. Everyone else hated me or atleast avoided me. She was different.
 Sounds lonely.
 Eh. I had my friend. And her. It wasn't all bad.
 What happened with her?
Staring at his phone for several minutes, InuYasha contemplated what to say about her. He didn't even know why he had brought her up. He hadn't spoken of her in years. Ever since she had left him.
 She left me
 She just left? No reason?
 She found someone else.
 Oh. I'm sorry.
 It's alright. I'm over it.
Atleast 15 minutes passed before he received a reply. He had almost thought that she had gotten busy or fallen asleep when his phone buzzed once again.
 Hey Foxy, do you ever think about calling me?
InuYasha stared at her latest message with wide eyes. In the month since they had met, neither of them had suggested anything more than their simple text relationship. Though if he was being truthful with himself, he had thought about it. More than once. Did this message mean she did too? Damnit! He hated stuff like this. He had never been good at reading between the lines, being a direct and to the point kind of person himself.
 Why do you ask?
 Because I do. But I don't want to if you don't. I'm fine with this too.
 All the time wench.
Almost as soon as he had hit send, his phone was buzzing incessantly, flashing 'Catwoman' in big letters across his screen. Gulping, InuYasha pressed the green button and held the phone up near his face.
“H-hello?” He inwardly cursed his choked sounding voice.
“Hey.” Her voice was soft, timid, and so sweet.
A giggle came from her end. “You said that already.”
“Nuh-uh! I said hello.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was that much of a difference. Excuse me.” Her tone indicated she was messing with him.
“Yeah, well, there is wench.” A small smile came to his face at saying that word aloud to her for the first time.
“How.. how are you?” She asked timidly.
InuYasha lay back in his bed, resting his left hand on his chest. “I'm good. I feel pretty good about my finals next week. How bout you, freshman?” A small smirk crossed his features.
Kagome sighed loudly. “I think I'm doing ok. My job has me a bit ragged. He works me more than I initially thought he would but I'm not willing to give it up. I love it so much. I'm still getting good grades as far as I know so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.”
InuYasha frowned. “Do I need to let you go so you can study? I don't want to be the reason you fail...”
“NO!” She almost screamed at him, causing him to pull the phone away from his head a bit. “I-I mean, no. I'm ok. I promise,” she amended, a lot more quietly.
His chuckle reverberated through her earpiece, sending a slight shiver up her spine. “Alright, wench. How's that bitch at your job? What's her name? Ayumi?”
“Ayame. And just as much of a brat as ever.”
“Brat? Is she five?”
“No...” she said, sounding a little confused. “Oh, wait, you were being faceitious. Oh shut up you jerk!”
“I've told you so many times, you make it too damn easy, woman.”
“Yeah, well, you're a butt face.”
InuYasha's eyebrow quirked. “A-a butt face? That's... something.”
“Yeah! And a jerk head.”
“A... jerk head. Ok, then. Duly noted.” He couldn't keep the wide smile from spreading across his face.
“You're smiling aren't you? I can hear it in your voice.” Kagome's tone was slightly hurt, but in that playful way.
“Only for you, wench.”
Kagome's entire face became beat red at his words. “O-oh.” The line was silent for a few moments as she gathered her wits about her. “H-hey Foxy?”
“Have... have you ever wanted to know my name?”
A huge wave of panic washed over InuYasha.
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scarbladed-archive · 6 years
Excuse. Who said u could be insecure? LIZZIE BBY PLS. I need you to know how amazing you are. How much I adore your writing and how you're able to interact with any and everyone you come across because you make Kenshin so versatile and able to blend into any situation, without getting rid of that scary strength he has. I want you to know just how wonderful of a person you are, and I enjoy all our little talks and you've been such a big help to me with literally everything and I love you bunches.
IT’S GONNA RAIN! ( no really it’s a rainy day feeling for lizzie * positive time ??!) 
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I apologize I seem to be feeling that way. I like to think I’m secure in myself but I think with all the life things / health things I’ve gone a bit astray . Sometimes I think even I need a little positive reinforcement and tonight is that night. And…Mei Mei my goodness. Your words kind of…made me have an emotion. Not that I don’t because I’m quiet and choose my words but – ! I really do try. Life has been busy so big things to tackle like that verse list I have? Is virtually non-existent right now .
 And it’s saddening for me because I’ve been ill and also life has been..hectic for so long that I haven’t been able to be where I want to, which is here. I genuinely resonate with Kenshin, not like …in a strange way just - we have a lot of the same idealism and mannerisms and demeanor. Can I kill / maim a man? No. Do I use ‘sessha’ or ‘this one’? No. But -  what’s it called? A spirit animal? Yeah he’s that for me. So he’s…vastly important. You want to do justice to your favorite character of all time right, I think we all feel that. i want to do that too, and keep learning stuff I definitely know I can learn more of in his history and time-period, and even though I am a horrible linguist, in terms of Japanese phrases in my metas. 
 And he got me into my career in a way. He’s been my hero since 1996 and that’s saying a lot. I’ve loved him for so long and so many others do so it’s so frustrating I can’t be reading faster, writing faster, iconing faster - getting to my follower’s replies faster because I don’t have everything set in stone right now! 
But that’s also really hard on myself. And it’s not fair to myself. And while I’m not the best at looking to myself first before looking out for others ( LISTEN THIS IS NOT ALWAYS A PERPETUALLY NOBLE THING GUYS TAKE CARE OF YOU TOO! I’M JUST STATING HOW I AM IT’S A DOUBLE-EDGE. ) even I notice that I’ve…been depressed? And my home blog well…it’s home and I want to keep working on things. I’m thankful you think so kindly of me, I know I’m so grateful I got to know you and talk animatedly about games and stories and characters with you! And life too, that too. I’m thankful you’re a loving friend. I just - I need to be kinder to myself. 
I need to be on Kenshin without thinking how much I owe but what can I do today on him that fulfills me and brings me joy ? Because isn’t that why I made my dream blog? I made this blog because I love Kenshin. 
So thank you Mei-Mei so much. ^^; I apolo–oops. I’m genuinely thankful to have someone tell me something positive along with my sweet mutuals in the post I made. You guys give me so much. I hope as a person I do the same. But right now I just feel…very raw. 
But this…really makes me feel special. I think tonight I need positive reinforcement I’m not the type to ask for it but…it means a ton to me. So thank you very much again. This got long but – you’re an amazing friend. I got a bit feeling-wise on writing this back to you. 
I really needed this. Thank you so much. 
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