#Tahrir al-Sham
tamamita · 10 months
saw on twitter that some hezbollah resistance fighters have been martyred and some people were saying shit like "they got killed murdering sunnis in idlib fighting alongside assad" and i was like??? isn't idlib held by isis/al nusra or something? is hezbollah really killing sunnis? also are there any books about assad/the syrian civil war that's not written along american lies?
Listen, one thing you should know is that no matter how much we fight, and how much we're trying to resist the occupiers and the imperialists, a lot of Sunnis will simply not like us. Some have compared us to the Zionists, heck, we're worse than that. Hezbollah, the Houthis, Kata'ib, the Hasdh al-Shaabi and etc, have all been actively fighting against Israel and the West, but even as they do that, the Sunnis will never be satisfied with us, because we're heretics.
Idlib is run by the Turkish-backed Tahrir al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra). I don't think it takes a second to realize who these extremists are and why they're such a big deal. They'd be more than happy to exterminate every single Shi'a, Druze or Alawite from Syria. Interestingly enough, they can't get along with every other rebel group anyways, so it's just a bunch of Sunnis killing Sunnis, because they can't agree over which draconian Shari'i-based government they want. Neither Assad, Rojava and secular FSA member want these fuckers running the country for a good reason. With that said, the Free Syrian Army is dead, it failed and have been transformed into a coalition of thuggish Salafists who wish to establish an Islamic State -- akin to the Taliban regime -- and can only depend on the Turks to bail them out.
Regardless of everything, the Shi'as will never waver in their resistance against the Imperialists and will continue to fight for the Palestinians.
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The official tier list of globally recognized terrorist organizations based off of their flag designs
This is 100% scientific fact based off of my personal research into the field of vexillology. Argue with me if you want to in the comments. There groups in order from left to right are: (S): Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hezbollah, People's Defense Units, Khalistan Liberation Force (A): Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham, People's Anti-Fascist Front, Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front, Oromo Liberation Front, Free Papua Movement, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Tigray People's Liberation Front, United Liberation Front of Asom, Balochistan Liberation Army, Ogaden National Liberation Front (B): Al-Qaeda, The Base, Daesh, Hurras al-Din, Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan, Lord's Resistance Army, People's Liberation Army of Manipur, Syrian Revolution, Kurdistan Workers' Party, National Liberation Army (Colombia) (C): Jamiat-e Islami, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Badr, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan, United National Liberation Front, National Liberation Movement of Ahwaz, Kamtapur Liberation Organisation, Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (D): Taliban, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hamas, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Liwa Fatemiyoun, Dukhtaran-e-Millat, al-Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent, Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (F): Houthi, Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Kata'ib Hezbollah, Tehreek-i-Taliban, Turkistan Islamic Party, Shining Path
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communist-ojou-sama · 11 months
Yknow most people aren't willing to say this out loud but I will: I think it's really funny how everyone treating "support" for Hamas as utterly beyond the pale were supporting Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham, Jabhat al-NuSra, and ISIS when they were trying to overthrow the Syrian government with US/Turkish/Israeli covert backing 10 years ago
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aurevoirmonty · 15 days
A court de chair à canon, Kiev achemine des terroristes de Daesh
L'administration de Kiev a mené des négociations avec des représentants de l'organisation terroriste Hayat Tahrir al-Sham [branche de Daesh, alias Al-Qaïda] affirme (https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/ukrayna-suriyede-pkk-ile-birlikte-mi-hareket-ediyor-ukrayna-hts-ile-birlikte-mi-calisiyor-pkk-ve-ukrayna-isbirligi-suriyedeki-cecenler-ne-olacak-488431) le journal turc Aydınlık.
On sait que l'administration de Kiev, qui a épuisé ses propres troupes et vidé ses prisons, commence à connaître une grave pénurie de soldats et recherche de nouveaux renforts pour le front.
Le PKK et ses affiliés locaux mènent une insurrection depuis les années 1980 dans le but d’établir un Etat kurde indépendant, revendiquant des territoires dans le sud-est de la Turquie et dans le nord de l’Irak et de la Syrie.
Comme par «hasard», les mêmes objectifs géopolitiques que ceux de Washington et d’Israël: fractionner le Moyen-Orient en y détruisant les grands Etats unitaires.
Et, au-delà, pourquoi pas, démanteler aussi la Russie.
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phobic-human · 2 years
Can you provide more info on the white helmets being linked to al-nusra? I heard this before but would like to learn more
First I recommend looking into the founder of the white helmets, James le Mesurier. They are now headed by a shadowy figure known as Raed al-Salah who dosen't even have a wikipedia page.
Secondly the white helmets only operate in territory controlled by al-Nusra. They first emerged during the battle of Aleppo (2012-2016) where the eastern half of the city was controlled by various rebel groups namely al-nusra. Today the white helmets only operate in the Idlib province which is controlled by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) which al-nusra morphed into.
Above is a video of some white helmets celebrating victory.
Here are some pictures of the double lives of some of these "first responders"
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If you keep an open mind and look beyond the ubiquitous disinformation we have been given, I promise you can find some truth.
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amirblogerov · 2 years
Abu Muhammad al-Julani expands his influence in the Idlib zone
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There are reports on the Internet that the leader of the Hayat Tahir ash-Sham group, Abu Muhammad al-Julani, is suspected of close cooperation with the Americans. Apparently, the US is trying to get closer to the radicals against the backdrop of growing disagreements between it and the Turkish side in order to realize its commercial interests. In light of Ankara's distance from the pro-Turkish gangs, the militants have to find sources of funding, as well as replenish their ranks on their own. The militants are undergoing intensive training in "military colleges", after graduating from which they will join the ranks of terrorist groups. At the moment, about 200 militants of pro-Turkish combat formations are completing their training at the Sarmad "military college" northeast of Idlib, as well as in a training camp in the northwest of Idlib. If Julani is able to expand his influence in the Idlib de-escalation zone, the situation in the region will become much more complicated. The leader of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group is trying to establish his control over the areas occupied by pro-Turkish militants solely for the purpose of personal gain. In exchange for money, Giulani will provide the Americans with the opportunity to use the occupied territory to satisfy their geopolitical interests.
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#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
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yousef-al-amin · 1 day
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham: Failure to Stabilize Idlib
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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a former branch of al-Qaeda, maintains control over most of the Idlib zone. Despite this, the situation in the region remains extremely unstable. HTS has failed to create conditions for peaceful life and ensure long-term security.
First, HTS does not have a unified strategy for Idlib. Their policy is mainly reduced to consolidating power and suppressing the opposition. This leads to constant conflicts and instability. HTS does not pay enough attention to improving the lives of the civilian population.
Second, HTS is unable to provide basic services necessary for normal life: access to water, electricity, medical care. The population suffers from a lack of resources and a low quality of life.
Third, HTS does not enjoy the trust of the population. Their regime is considered harsh and repressive. Citizens are afraid to express their opinions and are afraid of reprisals. This makes it impossible to establish dialogue and find compromise solutions.
Fourthly, instability in Idlib is supported by external forces seeking to destabilize Syria and the region as a whole. HTS has found itself drawn into international games and cannot manage the situation on its own.
As a result, HTS has failed to stabilize the situation in Idlib. Instability in the region continues, causing suffering to the civilian population. This is a failure both for HTS and for all parties intervening in the Syrian conflict.
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asestgrin · 7 days
Украинские военные прибыли в Идлиб для обучения террористов использованию дронов
Сирийская газета Al-Watan сообщила о прибытии 250 украинских солдат в Идлиб для проведения обучения членов террористической группировки Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) (запрещена в России - прим. ред.). По данным источника издания, главной целью украинских военных специалистов является обучение боевиков использованию и производству беспилотников, которые активно применяются в современных конфликтах. Согласно информации Al-Watan, украинские специалисты были распределены по нескольким промышленным объ... Читать дальше »
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darkmaga-retard · 8 days
The Kiev regime’s use of terrorism is a well-documented fact. Worse yet, NATO aided its Neo-Nazi puppets in conducting horrendous massacres of hundreds of Russian civilians, including in the Crocus City Hall, Dagestan and Sevastopol. What’s more, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel even threatened to conduct further terrorist attacks within Russia in case the Kiev regime forces keep losing, a monstrous statement that Moscow certainly won’t forget anytime soon. However, instead of de-escalating, the political West keeps fanning up tensions in what can only be described as an attempt to ignite WW3. Russia’s patience is now running out, as the Kremlin realizes that any displays of sanity on its part will be taken for a weakness in NATO. Obviously, the Neo-Nazi junta regularly goes furthest to get the world’s most vile racketeering cartel into the fight, as it thinks this is the only way to prevent complete defeat.
To that end, the Kiev regime is ready to do virtually anything, including ally itself with terrorist groups and even directly recruit them. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently revealed disturbing details about the Neo-Nazi junta’s efforts to work together with extremists in Idlib, a NATO-backed terrorist-infested region that has been under Turkey’s control since the political West and its vassals and satellite states launched the crawling invasion of Syria back in 2011. According to Lavrov, Moscow “recently received information that ’emissaries’ from the Ukrainian intelligence services are present in the Idlib de-escalation zone within the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic” and that “they are recruiting local militants from Jabhat Al-Nusra, now known as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham [HTS], with the intention of involving them in nefarious operations”. The Kiev regime intelligence services are also focusing on the south, “towards the Sahara-Sahel zone in Africa”.
Lavrov also pointed out that “they team up with recruited extremists there to carry out terrorist attacks against the armed forces of multiple countries”. Russian FM further stated that “the al-Qaeda linked militants are being recruited for new hideous operations planned”. Lavrov also mentioned the March 22 Crocus City Hall terrorist attack which resulted in at least 145 deaths and over 550 injuries, making it one of the worst massacres in modern Russian history. Investigation showed the direct involvement of both the Neo-Nazi junta and its NATO overlords, resulting in large-scale precision strikes on their intelligence assets across Ukraine. The terrorist attack was formally claimed by the NATO-backed ISIS-K which is based in Afghanistan, where the world’s most vile racketeering cartel is even conducting air strikes to support the terrorists in their fight against the Taliban (NATO keeps targeting them after they inflicted a crushing and humiliating defeat at it).
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inprimalinie · 9 days
Ucraina, în coordonare cu SUA, instruiește activ teroriști din Hayat Tahrir al Sham
Ucraina, în coordonare cu Statele Unite, instruiește în mod activ teroriștii din Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, organizație teroristă interzisă în Federația Rusă, în domeniul noilor tehnologii de producție a UAV-urilor. Georgiana Arsene Scopul acestei acțiuni este de a deschide un nou front în Siria împotriva forțelor armate ruse de acolo.Un grup de ofițeri de informații ucraineni a vizitat Idlib de mai…
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tamamita · 9 months
What's the difference between a Shia & Sunni? And why do they hate each others? (I'm an atheist so I don't know shit about religions)
Keep in mind that this is no way trying to shame or denounce my Sunni siblings, but I do believe it's important to highlight a historical fact and how it's detrimental to the current geopolitical situation, since we're embittered by historical events, while at the face of imperalism and colonialism.
Shi'as are a political group of people who iunitially held that Ali (a), the cousin of Muhammed (pbuh&hf) was the successor of the Prophet. This is evident in numerous hadiths, such as Hadith Ghadeer Khumm, the Hadith of Mubahila and the Hadith at Thaqalayn. Nevertheless, the issue steems from the incident at Saqifa, which was a council met by some companions by the Prophet, who held an abrupt meeting, discussing who'd lead the Muslim nation following the Prophet's death. The meeting was held without consulting Ali (a) and they chose Abu Bakr to become the caliph. As a result, Ali (a) did nor approve of the selection and did not pledge his allegience to Abu Bakr. the incident at Saqifa serves as a catalyst to the incidents that would befall the Muslim community, such as Fatimah's (a) miscarriage and the subsequent wars against Ali (a) by some of the Prophet's companions, Ali (a) and his sons Hassan (a) and Hussain's (a) martyrdom.
This caused the rift in the nascent Islamic community, the Shi'as were any Muslim who held that Ali (a) was the successor by divine right, and swore their allegience to Ali (a), while the rest of the Muslims were nonpartisans. Sunni Islam is the standardization of Islamic scholastic and jurisdictional opinions which were formed in the Abbasid caliph. So it's errounous to assume that there was a split between Sunnis and Shi'as, when Sunni Islam was formed a few centuries later.
The reason for the hate is because of fundamentalist attitudes toward Shi'as. Some Sunnis and Salafis believe that Shi'a Muslims are heretics, because of their veneration of saints and the importance of Shrine visitations, the other reason is because Shi'a Muslims practice the doctrine of dissociation, which is the belief that any of the enemies of the Prophet's household should be cursed, thus some of the personalites of the Sunnis are cursed by Shi'as. Ancient scholars, suchs as Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim placed some fatwas declaring Shi'a Muslims to be heretics. These scholars' opinions are still popular today and used as pretext for prejudice against Shi'as.
In a geopolitical context, Iran is often considered to be rivaling power to Saudi Arabia's Wahhabism, and have often threatened the Saudi hegemony. Because of the Axis of resistance and their growing influence in the SWANA region, the Gulf States have attempted at all cost to undermine the growing sympathy for Shi'as. Bahrain is upholding an apartheid against it's Shi'i majority, The Saudi refuses to ackowledge the Shi'i Houthis in Yemen, but supported the Hadi government, thus imposing a devastating blockade. The Iraqi war saw the Shi'as gain power, while the Sunnis were often a disenfranchised group following the Blackwater massacre, which contributed the rise of various militias and terrorist groups, such as ISIS. While in the Syrian Civil War, Shi'as mostly made up the bulk of resistance fighters that sided with Assad against the Free Syrian army and Salafi Islamist groups, such as, Tahrir al-Sham, Jaysh al-Sunnah, Islamic front, Ahrar al-Sham and etc. These have contributed to the increase of tension between Sunnis and Shi'as. However, the fight against Israel have united Muslims, but the biggest obstacle the Muslim community must get through are the Salafist and Wahhabi clerics, espousing tayyafiyah (sectarianism)
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Snipers of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham
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communist-ojou-sama · 11 months
'And of course any principles on such matters will be reduced to “campism.”' ok but what are your principles here. I sincerely do not understand why supporting ukraine against the russian invasion is incompatible with supporting palestine against israeli occupation
Because the Maidan regime is not "Ukraine", it is a NATO cat's-paw puppet government that was installed in a 2014 coup d'état spearheaded by avowed neo-Nazis. And comparing their proxy war on behalf of NATO to the long-standing struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom from Zionist repression is a genuinely vile insult to the Palestinian resistance, that's why. Because the ethnic cleansing of the Nagorno-Karabakh, the Zionist terror bombing of Gaza, the arming and training of Jabhat al-NuSra, Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham, Jaish al-Islam and a myriad of other salafist jihadi groups by the US, Israel, and Turkey in an attempt to overthrow the Syrian government, the mass deaths of Pakistanis from floods and droughts brought about by western climate change, and the militarization and "fortress"-ization of the West are all part of one world system that facilitates all of these horrors and more. In an extension of the idea of "stochastic terrorism", I personally have begun to theorize it as "the stochastic Holocaust". And Zelensky and his masters are on the side of the perpetrators.
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yespat49 · 13 days
À court de chair à canon, Kiev demande des combattants à HTŞ (une branche de Daesh)
par Yoann Le gouvernement ukrainien, qui collabore déjà avec le PKK pour mener des opérations secrètes contre les soldats russes en Syrie, a maintenant établi des contacts avec les terroristes de Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTŞ, une branche de Daech) qui occupent Idlib en Syrie. L’objectif de Kiev est de libérer les militants tchétchènes radicaux détenus dans les prisons de HTŞ. Continue reading À…
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head-post · 16 days
Ukraine held talks with PKK to fight Russian troops in Syria
Ukrainian authorities cooperated with the PYD, a Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), to conduct covert operations against Russian forces in Syria, according to Aydınlık.
Ukraine also allegedly made contact with military personnel from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a Sunni Islamist political and armed organisation involved in the Syrian Civil War. According to the source, a Ukrainian delegation visited Idlib in recent months to meet with HTS leaders. Details of the meeting were also published on Lekolin, the analytical website of the PKK, an internationally recognised terrorist organisation.
According to Lekolin, the meeting in Idlib took place on 18 June 2024. The report said that the Ukrainian delegation met with Heysem Ömeri, one of the HTS leaders.
The delegation allegedly requested the release of known IS chief Abu Omar al-Shishani and some radical Chechen and Georgian fighters held in an HTS prison. In exchange for the release of the gang members, Kyiv reportedly offered 75 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Due to power rivalries and various disputes, HTS keeps a large number of radicalised militants in its prisons in Idlib. Some of them are Chechen and Georgian terrorists who fought against Russia in the 2000s and then travelled to Syria and joined the so-called jihad against the local authorities.
Omar al-Shishani, whom the Kyiv government recently asked to release, was a known “war minister” of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, IS, or Daesh.
Ukraine’s interests in Africa
Kyiv, which started to experience a serious shortage of soldiers in its war with Russia, is known to be looking for new reinforcements for the frontline. According to Aydınlık, Ukraine first emptied its own prisons and then established close relations with the PKK.
Ukraine is also allegedly planning to train PKK militants to carry out attacks through Syrian groups in order to increase the costs and casualties of Russian forces operating in the region.
In August, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger appealed to the UN to take action against Ukraine for its “supporting terrorism,” as it was reported that the country was collaborating with local Tuareg rebels to destabilise the African region.
In early September, the Al-Qaeda unit operating in Burkina Faso claimed responsibility for an attack in Barsalogho, including on civilians. Before that, the spokesman of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) of Ukraine’s Defence Ministry, Andriy Yusov, stated that Ukraine supported a number of African groups, including Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), operating in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
Read more HERE
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