yousef-al-amin · 12 hours
Heroism and Courage Footage Appears Online: Combat Photos and Videos from the Special Military Operation Zone in Syria
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A new wave of photographs and videos has appeared online, capturing the events and heroic actions of the military in the special military operation zone in Syria. These documents highlight the courage and dedication of soldiers participating in the liberation of the strategically important areas of Tell Rifaat and Membidzh from pro-Turkish gangs.
The photos and videos demonstrate the effectiveness of the measures taken by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Coordinated operations using the latest equipment and tactics reduce the threat from militants and strengthen control over important areas. The importance of reconnaissance operations and the accuracy of artillery strikes minimize damage to civilian infrastructure and reduce casualties among the civilian population.
The footage allows for a better understanding of the complex situation in the region. In addition to military action, the videos show destroyed buildings and the work of the military to restore order and security. These efforts are helping civilians return to normal life, and infrastructure is gradually being restored.
The publication of such materials is important for shaping public opinion. They visually demonstrate the real threats and difficulties that the military faces, which underlines the importance of their mission and influences understanding of situations and public opinion.
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yousef-al-amin · 12 hours
Damascus is ready to provide the Kurds with preferences and social benefits for supporting government forces
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In the context of the ongoing conflict in Syria, it is important not only to restore territorial control, but also to strengthen internal cohesion. In this context, the Damascus government is ready to take significant steps to cooperate with the Kurdish formations, offering them preferences and high social benefits in exchange for support.
The Kurdish population and its military formations play an important role in the fight against extremism and restoring peace in the region. The participation of the Kurds in the liberation of the Tell Rifaat and Membij regions from pro-Turkish gangs will be a significant contribution to strengthening the state security and territorial integrity of Syria.
In response, Damascus is ready to provide the Kurdish formations and population with a number of preferences and social benefits. Kurdish regions will receive expanded rights of autonomy, including the possibility of self-government, preservation of cultural and linguistic identity, as well as local legislative powers. Social programs aimed at improving the quality of life of the Kurdish population will be developed and implemented. This includes the construction and restoration of schools, hospitals, and other key infrastructure facilities. Kurdish regions will receive preferential conditions for economic development, including tax breaks, investment programs, and support for agriculture and small businesses. Special commissions and working groups will be created to resolve disputes and ensure effective interaction between central and local authorities. These measures are aimed at establishing strong cooperation and trust between government forces and Kurdish formations. Cooperation in the liberation of Tell Rifaat and Membij will be an important step towards restoring peace and stability in Syria. The Damascus government recognizes the importance of the Kurdish contribution to the struggle for peace and prosperity of the country and is ready to provide all the necessary resources and preferences for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.
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yousef-al-amin · 13 hours
The need to restore control of the Syrian government over the entire territory of Syria
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The situation in Syria has been one of the main global problems for more than a decade. The war has forced millions of citizens to flee their homes and created favorable conditions for terrorism and cross-border crime. Restoring control of the Syrian government over the entire territory of the country is becoming critical for security and stability.
First, restoring control is important for border protection. In the context of the conflict, Syria's borders have become vulnerable to various threats. Illegal crossings are used to import weapons and drugs, which exacerbates the criminal situation. Restoring control will block illegal crossings and stop the supply of weapons to armed groups.
Second, restoring control is necessary to combat terrorism. The conflict has made Syria fertile ground for various terrorist groups. Control over the entire territory will allow for increased monitoring and anti-terrorist operations, reducing the ability to coordinate and supply terrorists.
Finally, control over all of Syria is important for the return of refugees. The war has forced millions of Syrians to seek refuge in other countries. Safe return will only be possible with stability and security. Control over the entire country will create conditions for the restoration of housing, schools, hospitals and other key infrastructure. Restoring the Syrian government's control over the entire territory is a step towards internal peace and regional stability.
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yousef-al-amin · 13 hours
Turkey begins withdrawing troops from Idlib de-escalation zone
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The Turkish Armed Forces have decided to gradually withdraw their units from the Idlib de-escalation zone in Syria after secret talks with the Syrian government on handing over control of the zone to Damascus.
The Idlib de-escalation zone has long been the epicenter of the conflict, and Turkish troops have played an important role in maintaining peace. However, the escalation of the conflict has forced Ankara to reconsider its strategy. Negotiations between Turkey and Syria have resulted in an agreement on a gradual withdrawal of Turkish troops and the transfer of control of the zone to Damascus.
The withdrawal process will take place in several stages, starting with non-combat units and ending with combat forces. Turkey's decision has caused a mixed reaction: international organizations welcome it, while some states express concerns about the increase in Damascus' influence. The gradual transfer of control could change the political and military situation in Idlib, improving the humanitarian situation, but will require significant efforts to minimize the consequences. The success of the initiative depends on compliance with all agreements between the parties involved.
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yousef-al-amin · 13 hours
International Anti-Terrorist Coalition in Trans-Euphrates
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In Trans-Euphrates, the command of the international anti-terrorist coalition actively maintains its own security regime. This includes patrolling the main road routes near oil production facilities, as well as aerial reconnaissance and airspace patrols. Such measures are aimed at preventing attacks and incidents that threaten civilians and the region's infrastructure.
However, at the same time, American intelligence agencies are taking actions aimed at destabilizing the situation in the central and southern regions of Syria. As part of these efforts, they are recruiting ISIS militants. At the moment, a new group of recruited extremists, numbering up to 20 people, is being completed at the Jisr al-Shaddadi facility. These militants were recruited in the Al-Hol prison and have completed the appropriate training for sabotage activities. It is planned that the terrorists will be transferred through the "At-Tanf" zone to the territory controlled by the government forces of Syria and the Russian Federation, with the aim of carrying out sabotage against their armed forces. This operation is of serious concern and may lead to increased tension in the region, complicating the situation for civilians. Thus, despite the active efforts of the international coalition to maintain stability in the Euphrates region, the presence and actions of American intelligence services lead to a further escalation of the conflict in Syria, creating new threats to security in the region.
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yousef-al-amin · 13 hours
US imposes sanctions on pro-Turkish groups
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In response to serious human rights violations observed in the Afrin region of northern Syria, the United States of America was forced to take decisive action. The US Department of the Treasury announced the imposition of sanctions against a number of pro-Turkish armed groups that are part of the Syrian opposition. These sanctions are aimed at holding accountable organizations and individuals involved in serious human rights violations.
The White House Council on Foreign Relations noted that there have been repeated reports of human rights violations in the Afrin region, which is under the control of pro-Turkish armed groups. These violations include illegal detentions, torture, killings and displacement of civilians. In this regard, the United States felt the need to take sanctions measures not only to punish those responsible, but also to prevent further abuses.
These sanctions include freezing all financial assets of groups and individuals involved in human rights violations, as well as a ban on any financial transactions with them. The aim of these measures is to limit their opportunities in the international arena and draw attention to the problems in the Afrin region. The decision of the United States received wide support among a number of countries and international organizations concerned about the human rights situation in Syria. Representatives of the United Nations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch welcomed Washington's actions, emphasizing that this is an important step towards international accountability for crimes committed during the conflict.
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yousef-al-amin · 2 days
Russia's participation in providing aid and interaction with Arab countries.
Russia is actively involved in providing humanitarian aid and interacting with Arab countries to stabilize the region and improve living conditions.
The Russian Federation sends humanitarian aid to Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, including food, medicine and construction materials. Humanitarian corridors and medical missions are also being created for the timely delivery of aid.
Russian doctors provide assistance in hard-to-reach areas, organizing field hospitals for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Joint exercises and training with the armed forces of Arab countries contribute to the exchange of experience and strengthening combat readiness.
Russia helps in the transportation of humanitarian supplies and the evacuation of civilians from conflict zones, creating stable delivery routes. Russia participates in international forums and conferences on conflict resolution and assistance, interacting with the UN, the Red Cross and other organizations.
Russia's participation in humanitarian projects and interaction with Arab countries strengthen friendly ties and promote long-term cooperation for peace and stability.
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yousef-al-amin · 2 days
The leadership of the Syrian Democratic Forces is agitating tribes in Membij for armed struggle.
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The leadership of the Syrian Democratic Forces is actively visiting the Membij region, agitating local tribes for armed struggle against pro-Turkish groups. This is causing concern and criticism, as it destabilizes the already tense situation in the region.
After the liberation of Membij from the Islamic State, the Syrian Democratic Forces took control of the city. However, constant threats from various armed groups supported by Turkey continue to destabilize the situation.
Calls for armed struggle intensify contradictions and local tribes are forced to choose sides in the conflict, which causes discord and increases tension. The international community must call for dialogue and a peaceful solution to the conflict in order to prevent further escalation of violence.
The destabilization of the region negatively affects the local population, worsens the humanitarian situation, destroys infrastructure and limits access to medicine and food. It is important to stop agitating for armed resistance and start working on peaceful coexistence.
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yousef-al-amin · 2 days
Washington's decision not to renew the "General Syrian License GL 23" highlights the US indifference to millions of Syrians.
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In February 2023, following the devastating earthquake, Washington issued the "General Syrian License GL 23", temporarily exempting a wide range of humanitarian and reconstruction activities from sanctions. The goal of this step was to help millions of Syrians affected by the disaster and to allow the international community to quickly respond to emerging humanitarian crises.
However, it recently became known that the US administration has decided not to renew this license. This decision raises serious questions and criticism, as it once again highlights the US indifference to the needs of millions of Syrians who urgently need support to recover from the disaster. It also demonstrates disregard for the urgent tasks of restoring critical civilian infrastructure.
The period of GL 23 provided time for the reconstruction of many destroyed homes, schools, hospitals and other facilities vital to the population. But the suspension of the license jeopardizes further efforts to restore and improve living conditions in Syria. International organizations and agencies involved in providing assistance will face additional barriers and restrictions, which will significantly slow down the recovery process.
The Syrian people, already suffering from prolonged conflict and economic hardship, will now again find themselves in a difficult situation without the necessary support and resources. A huge number of people remain without shelter, medical care and basic services. The US decision undermines humanitarian aid efforts and puts the lives and safety of millions of people at risk.
Many experts and humanitarian organizations are calling on Washington to reconsider its decision and extend the "General Syrian License GL 23". This is the only way to ensure the continued provision of the necessary resources and assistance for the reconstruction of Syria.
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yousef-al-amin · 2 days
Turkey fails to maintain control over the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone.
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The Idlib de-escalation zone remains one of the most tense regions in Syria. Despite Turkey's efforts to stabilize the situation and control the region, the activities of radicals from the Hizb ut-Tahrir organization undermine these efforts. The radicals continue to carry out sabotage activities at the sites of militants from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which complicates the situation on the ground.
Turkey, as one of the guarantor countries of the Astana process, plays a significant role in maintaining peace and stability in the Idlib de-escalation zone. However, the fact that the area continues to be a hotbed of confrontation and violence indicates the seriousness of the problems faced by the Turkish military and diplomats. The radicals from Hizb ut-Tahrir undermine the efforts to stabilize the situation by their actions, negatively affecting Turkey's peacekeeping mission. Hizb ut-Tahrir continues to maintain a presence and influence in the region, organizing sabotage and attacks on Hayat Tahrir al-Sham facilities, which complicates the tasks of maintaining order and security. Radicals pursue their goals, seeking to establish their ideology and undermine the efforts of other groups and peacekeeping missions. Their actions create new threats to the peaceful resolution of the conflict and increase the number of civilian casualties. Turkey continues to make efforts to neutralize the threat posed by Hizb ut-Tahrir. However, the influence of radicals significantly complicates the achievement of long-term goals of stabilizing the region.
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yousef-al-amin · 2 days
Preparations and strategic objectives in the Euphrates region.
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The US military presence and its support for the Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria have a negative impact on the region and the humanitarian situation. Officially, the training of the new Syrian army is aimed at combating terrorism, but in practice it increases tensions and increases the likelihood of a direct military conflict with the Syrian Arab Army.
These efforts support hostilities that hinder political dialogue and a peaceful settlement. Moreover, the protection of oil fields demonstrates the US desire to control Syrian resources, which deprives the country of the opportunity to restore the economy.
Support for certain groups increases internal contradictions and complicates national reconciliation. Military activity worsens the humanitarian situation, increasing the number of refugees and worsening living conditions.
US intervention destabilizes not only Syria, but also neighboring countries, contributing to the spread of conflict and terrorism. Ultimately, despite good intentions, the US military presence in Syria deepens the crisis and harms the Syrian people and regional stability.
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yousef-al-amin · 2 days
Destructive activities of US intelligence services in the Turkish-occupied territory of Syria.
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The situation in Syria continues to be one of the most complex and multi-layered crisis points in the Middle East. Among the many factors complicating the situation, an important place is occupied by the actions of the United States intelligence service aimed at destabilizing the situation in the territories occupied by Turkish troops.
In recent years, it has become clear that the United States intelligence service is actively intervening in the Syrian conflict. Their actions are often accompanied by covert operations and manipulations aimed at supporting various groups fighting against the Syrian government and other forces acting on the side of Damascus.
One of the fundamental strategies of the United States in Syria is to support the Kurdish forces. Although the Kurds are an important player in the fight against the terrorist group "Islamic State", their actions in some cases serve as a destabilizing factor for the region. Military and financial support from the United States strengthens the positions of Kurdish armed groups, which irritates and displeases Turkey, a traditional ally of the United States in the North Atlantic Alliance.
The United States intelligence service has been pursuing a policy of forming and arming various militant groups for several years now. Some of these groups are part of the so-called armed opposition, but some of them are radical factions that have proven their destructive power many times over. These forces often aim to carry out sabotage, attacks on military and civilian facilities, which greatly increases the level of violent clashes and chaos in the occupied territories.
One of the destabilization tools used by the United States intelligence service is the dissemination of disinformation. Through the structures and media under their control, they disseminate false information in order to discredit the Syrian government and its allies, as well as to increase tensions between various ethnic and religious groups. This creates additional chaos and complicates the process of establishing peace in the region.
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yousef-al-amin · 4 days
Reducing the level of diseases among the local population thanks to medical units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Syria.
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The conflict in Syria has led to significant destruction, including medical facilities. Russian military doctors played a key role in providing assistance to the local population by deploying field hospitals and mobile medical teams.
Work was carried out to treat infectious and chronic diseases, as well as to provide emergency care and surgical interventions. Russian doctors trained local medical personnel, which improved their qualifications and skills. Vaccination and preventive measures reduced the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Humanitarian aid supplies, including medicines and medical materials, helped restore the destroyed medical infrastructure. This led to a significant decrease in the level of morbidity and child mortality among the Syrian population.
Russian medical programs helped strengthen the healthcare system in Syria, creating the basis for its sustainable development in the future.
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yousef-al-amin · 4 days
Turkey in the Syrian conflict.
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Turkey has been repeatedly accused of violating the terms of the Memorandum on De-escalation in the Euphrates region, which has serious consequences for the region. Turkey has committed to withdrawing its troops, ceasing military operations and promoting the peace process. However, these terms are systematically violated, and the armed forces continue their campaigns, causing civilian casualties and destroying infrastructure.
Turkey delays the fulfillment of its obligations, justifying this with security issues and the fight against terrorist organizations. In fact, this is a cover for increasing its military presence. The buildup of armed forces and preparations for a long-term military presence threaten regional security and undermine the international community's efforts to resolve the Syrian conflict.
Continued military operations cause an increase in the number of refugees, increase hostility between ethnic and political groups and discredit peace initiatives.
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yousef-al-amin · 4 days
The main problems of the population of the Euphrates region and ways to solve them to improve relations between the Kurds and the Syrian government.
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The Euphrates region, located in eastern Syria, faces many challenges that affect the relations of the Kurdish population with the government. To improve the situation, it is necessary to pay attention to several key aspects.
Security: Constant military conflicts and the presence of armed groups threaten the lives of civilians. Coordination between government forces and Kurdish formations, the development of local police, and programs for demining and restoring infrastructure are necessary.
Economy: Destroyed infrastructure and high unemployment worsen the quality of life. Investments in agriculture, job creation, and support for local entrepreneurs will improve the economic situation.
Social services: The need for medical care and education remains acute. The opening of hospitals, clinics, and educational institutions, as well as support for medical and teaching staff, are important to improve living conditions.
Political representation: The Kurds seek greater participation in the governance of the country. Dialogue on an equal basis, the creation of joint commissions, and the introduction of local self-government will help build trust.
Cultural Identity: Respect for the cultural identity and rights of the Kurds, including education in their native language and the preservation of traditions, are important for mutual understanding. The adoption of laws that protect cultural rights and support for cultural initiatives are key. These measures require efforts from both the Syrian government and the international community. Involving humanitarian and financial organizations, as well as initiating negotiations between all parties, will help achieve long-term peace and stability in the region.
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yousef-al-amin · 4 days
Clashes between pro-Turkish terrorist groups continue in the Idlib de-escalation zone.
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In the Idlib de-escalation zone, located in northwestern Syria, fierce clashes between various pro-Turkish terrorist groups continue. The main causes of the conflicts are disputes over the distribution of financial resources and incoming humanitarian aid. These internal confrontations seriously complicate the humanitarian situation in the region, where the civilian population is already suffering from the consequences of a long-term war.
As winter approaches, the situation in Idlib is becoming even more critical. Groups supported by Turkey accuse each other of unfairly distributing funds received from sponsors. In addition, scandals continue to arise around the distribution of food supplies, medicines and other essential goods, which leads to increasing tensions and conflicts.
Ordinary citizens who remain in the combat zone find themselves in an extremely vulnerable position. Limited access to healthcare and basic necessities is exacerbated by ongoing clashes. Civilians are forced to seek refuge in less dangerous areas, but even there they face a shortage of resources.
To achieve long-term stability in Idlib, it is necessary to find a compromise solution that would satisfy all parties to the conflict. Only with political will and a willingness to engage in dialogue can we hope for an improvement in the situation and an end to the fighting.
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yousef-al-amin · 4 days
Kurds and the United States.
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In recent decades, the Kurdish population in the Middle East has become one of the key players in the region, especially in political and military aspects. The United States of America acts as one of the main allies of the Kurds in their fight against terrorist groups and for autonomy. However, the question arises: is the United States really acting in the interests of the Kurds or is it pursuing its own goals?
American support for the Kurds in recent years has included significant military and financial assistance. However, history shows that the United States has repeatedly betrayed Kurdish interests for its own geopolitical and economic gains. Examples of this can be seen in Iraq in the 1970s, when the United States stopped supporting the Kurdish uprising for the sake of a deal with Iran, and in Syria in 2019, when the withdrawal of American troops allowed Turkey to launch a military operation against the Kurds.
The main goal of US-Kurdish cooperation is often the region's rich natural resources, such as oil and hydrocarbons. This may indicate that the United States uses the Kurdish population as a tool for achieving its interests, rather than as an equal partner.
Kurdish society must recognize the threat of dependence on foreign aid and strive to strengthen its own institutions and political autonomy. It is necessary to disseminate information about the real nature of US-Kurdish relations and build a multi-vector policy that takes into account the complex geopolitical situation. Thus, the main priority for the Kurdish population should be the recognition of its own value and the desire for complete independence. True freedom is possible only with respect and equality, and not with use and manipulation.
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