#Tails does NOT fix Kit though. Just to establish
butchratchettruther · 9 months
Kittails fic where Surge persuades Kit to start seducing Tails in order to defeat Sonic because Tails has an “I can fix him” crush on Kit but it works a little bit too well and Kit maybe isn’t dating him for the plan anymore and also Surge DOES NOT have a crush on Amy
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
Its pretty much the exact same as the last one, I just redrew her <3
Character Bio:
Lesbian; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 8 cycles, 10 moons; ~52 Hyrs
Title meaning: -bush =  A sturdy cat, a cat you can depend on; is especially good at building; a cat who spends much of their time helping around camp and fixing dens
Caretaker of Thunder Order
Mentor: Tawnyspots
Mother: Poppydawn
Father: Windflight
Siblings: Sweet
Half Siblings: Dappledew; Thrushcloud
Kits (outsider sire): Redtail; Spottedleaf; Willowchime
Grandkits: Darkstripe; Sandstorm; Poppy; Flint; Graybelly; Sootfur; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail
Other notable kin: Downnose (niece); Cricketstep (nibling); Star Ravenscourge (nephew); Dustpelt (nephew)
Extra notes: 
She defo has a secret outsider gf or something, she deserves a gf. If I wasnt attached to Snowstorm and Thistleclaw's fucked up relationship plot, Rose would have been Snow's mate.
Character Summary:
Rosebush is a sort of jack of all trades in the Caretaker role, she is very big and strong, she's one of the best builders in the Order, and she does a lot of the heavy lifting around the camp. She also is very loving and empathetic and loves caring for kits, elders and just anyone who needs some love and care. She's a big buff lady who loves and cares about everyone.
Rose is the mother of Redtail, Spottedleaf and Willowchime, she always wanted kits so she found an outsider to sire a litter! Its pretty sad that her kits had such short lives... at least Red and Willow are carried on through their children.
Rose is also in cahoots with Bluefrost and Thrushcloud about Thistleclaw's assassination. She doesn't join in herself, but she instead stays in camp with Spotted, she knew her daughter needed her.
Rose is one of Bluefrost's best friends, Blue, Snowstorm, Thrushcloud and Rosebush are/were a tight nit friend group, and were almost always spending time together. The deaths of Snow, then Rose and then Thrush is one of the biggest blows to Bluefrost's mental health.
Rosebush dies early in the first arc due to illness, though she lasts longer than in canon bec I think her death would be more impactful if her relationship with Bluefrost, her kits and the Order was established first.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Rosetail from Warrior Cats. She is standing with her right side showing, she has a calm expression and a smile on her face. She is a big chubby tortoiseshell and white molly, she is mostly black, with pinkish-orange spotting on her back, tail and the top of her face, there are pink spots on her sides in heart and droplet shapes, there are also a black spot like this on her flank. The lower half and middle of her face is white, and this continues down her fluffy neck and stomach, her paws and tail tip are also white. Her eyes are a teal green color, her inner ears are pink, her nose is dark pink and her eyelashes are green like her eyes./End ID]
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brindlestorm · 3 years
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Heads-up guys, my asks aren’t working anymore and you can’t seem to submit anything either. I messaged support about it so hopefully it gets fixed soon! If you’re comfortable, feel free to dm me what you would have asked and I’ll post it with an answer! (unless you just want to chat, don’t be afraid to message me, I love talking to you guys :D ) Moving on! @lovewing3​ 1) Sandstorm follows Fire and Gray to Raven and Barley’s barn to spy on them after the first gathering in Forest of Secrets. She hears about how Redtail really died and leaves long before they did. She ends up hunting to get her mind off of it all and sees them returning to Thunderclan territory after they’re done. She doesn’t confront them about it but has them each carry a piece of prey so that their alibi is still believable.
2) Like Bluestar, Sandstorm cannot believe that her father would kill another warrior, even in the heat of battle. So when Fire and Gray start getting secretive again and whisper about going to visit Riverclan to ask about Oakheart’s death, she follows them again. She hears everything and now has to reconcile the fact that she shares a den with her father’s murderer. She also remembers when Cinderpaw got hurt and comes to the same conclusion as Fireheart, that it was Tigerclaw’s fault.
3) A week after Bluestar lashes out at Fireheart for implying that Misty and Stone are part Thunderclan, Sandstorm goes to press the issue about Tigerstar with Bluestar herself. When accused of arguing on Fire’s behalf because she fancies him, she first gets defensive, and then reinforces the fact that she and Bluestar would have known Redtail best, and if she didn’t believe her, perhaps it would be better to ask Crookedstar about it at the next gathering. Something she should have done in the first place.
4) Bluestar does so, at first she almost refused to because Sandpaw kinda called her an idiot for not doing that before, but she figured that if she did then at least her and Fire would stop chasing that lead. Crookedstar is naturally offended that Bluestar would imply that Oakheart was anything less than honourable, and when the question comes back “Then who killed Redtail?”, Tigerclaw finds himself on trial for taking credit for Oakheart’s death when it was Redtail who accidentally drove him under the rocks. Fireheart stands up and says that Ravenpaw told him Tigerclaw killed Redtail, and the gathering gets heated. Tigerclaw can try to defend himself all he wants, but he gets drowned out by the voices of all four clans.
5) After establishing with all the warriors involved with that battle when they had left, Its decided that Tigerclaw is guilty and must be punished. Bluestar goes to exile him when Sandstorm objects. She argues that Tigerclaw will never stop his quest for power, he could rally rogues to fight for his cause and bring around more trouble. Death and chaos will follow Tigerclaw wherever he goes for as long as he lives, so he should be executed. Its a bold and usually frowned upon method, but the four leaders agree. They decide not to do it that night as it was a gathering night, so Tigerclaw is taken back to Thunderclan as a prisoner. While they’re there, they decide to kill Brokentail as well seeing as he caused just as much, or even more trouble than Tigerclaw had time to do. Bluestar consults Fire and Sand on how to do it, Shadowclan offered their strongest warriors, Windclan suggested the dogs on Barely’s farm, and Riverclan promised to let them use the gorge, Bluestar even considered using the adders at Snakerocks. Sandstorm is the one who gets the final say,, because it was her father that Tigerclaw killed and she decides that the two of them shouldn’t get the honor of going out fighting, especially since it could put other cats at risk. There’s no guarantee that the dogs would kill Tigerclaw, and they’d be at risk keeping him there until they do. And it was also possible that Tigerclaw could survive the gorge. Instead, she suggests feeding them prey stuffed with death-berries under the pretense that they’re still deciding. A humiliating way to go, one that they won’t see coming. The two are dead by dawn, their screams ignored throughout the night, and they’re bodies are left to rot next to the thunderpath near Twolegplace. Tiger on Thunder’s side and Broken on Shadow’s side.
Bonus! 6) Because Tiger was the main focus of the previous gathering, no one remembered Swiftpaw accidentally telling others about Brokentail. Broken showing up dead was a shock for Shadowclan, but welcome as it meant they wouldn’t have to deal with the threat of his return looming over them. Nightpelt goes back to the moonstone and gets his lives this time. 7) Also, because Tiger is dealt with publicly and with the other clans’ input, Bluestar doesn’t spiral nearly as bad, though she is constantly thinking about her own kits after Graystripe brings his and Silverstream’s kits to Thunderclan. Instead, she dies in the fire with Patchpelt and Half-tail, trying to save them. In this scenario, she takes Yellowfang’s place and she’s the one who goes back to save the elders with Fireheart.
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selanaris · 5 years
A Beastly Fate
(Note: An amazing writer @moonlightdeer739 wrote this amazing piece and I cannot wait to read more!!)
Bumblebee made an impulse buy as he and the rest of the repair crew were docked on Cybertron, most mechs buy small domestic pets to keep them company on long flights, but hey, when a hulking great big Cyger is going for less than most fancy breeds, who’s he to turn such a deal down? Little does he know just what a fate he’s set himself, the Cyger, and his small team on.
Chapter 1
Bumblebee wasn’t the brightest bot, he’d never claim that, one of the fastest online? Oh he’d say that until his final cycle, he’d say that if he was rusted to the planet itself, one of the fastest bots ever even.
But now he had a new little title to go by, Bumblebee, the impulse buyer.
He’d bought things on impulse before, upgrades, frame decals, the whole seven kliks, normal things that normal sane bots will on occasion impulsively buy.
But this?
His latest purchase had ever mech and femme leaping aside in horror, and was following him like some obedient cyberhound, keeping a good bit of slack on the leash he’d bought to attach to the blank collar of his latest impulse purchase.
The beast that’s shoulder was higher than his helm, with jaws that could snap his helm off, and massive claw bearing pedes almost as big as Bulkhead’s clumsy servos, had a colouration of bright red and blue, with near neon yellow breaking up the two in a pattern of yellow strikes that slashed downwards to the black and grey underbelly of the beast.
Bumblebee almost laughed when a mech leapt clean into a trash receptacle to escape his new purchases gaze.
Those bright, almost crystal blue optics, hazed unlike the clarity of higher sentience, continued to glance around, taking in every shocked face, but also kept focused on his new owner, the first member of his colony.
Bumblebee was practically preening himself, this was so worth it, this was worth Zeta screaming at him, worth Ratchet’s scolding at miss-using their funding for getting spare parts for the Spacebridges, Bulkhead would, well, Bulkhead would probably be too scared to be in the same room as his new pet, the big soft spark.
Bumblebee glanced behind him when the leash went taught, his impulse buy was looking at something, giant snout sniffing the ground, massive whiskers twitching as the beasts optics narrowed a bit, before winding when he gave the leash another tug.
Not a moment later, and his purchase practically trotted a few steps to stand beside him, the beasts helm was level with his own, a slightly unnerving factor.
He reached out, and after a moment of hesitance, petted the beasts helm armour, which came with an interesting addition, a detachable helm guard, which wrapped around the beasts pointed audios, the lip at the front could be pushed forwards to cover the beasts slit optics.
The beast perked up, letting off a chuffing noise at it leant into the touch.
Honestly, Bumblebee had been shocked at how… tame the beast was, all chuffs and huffs, tail wagging up a storm despite the giant blade like stinger that appeared from the second to last piece of armour on the beast’s tail.
He’d been just, window shopping when he noticed a petshop was getting a rather large delivery.
He’d gone to investigate, and after a bit of a wait, the owner of the shop, had dragged the beast into a holding area, Bumblebee had purchased the giant beast on the spot, shocking the much larger mech, who’d had to drag the beast through the shop, it’s massive talons schreeching as it tried to fight the pull.
Clearly the cybernetic beast was much happier following him, so, he kept going, taking another step, the beast ambling at a slow walk, it’s massive strides far longer than his own.
Bumblebee’s attention left his pet at the next shrill screech of someone noticing the beast on the other end of the leash he was holding.
He’d hate to return the beast, but if all the fun he got to have, was seeing those around him react to the giant beast, then it was worth the shanix he figured.
If the others, namely Ratchet, he didn’t care what Zeta wanted, let him keep the beast, he’d have to come up with a name for the beast, which was a him, something good.
Now it was just a matter of convincing the others to let him keep it.
“CYGER!” Someone shouted someway ahead.
And again Bumblebee chuckled, he couldn’t understand it really, his new pet was so… docile, like a well trained Cyber hound, only, much, much bigger.
Oh, and known for being Cybertronian eaters… back when all the Cygers weren’t locked away and domesticated-ish.
How the sweet slag had he forgotten that?
Ratchet was going to fragging murder him.
By some miracle, Ratchet didn’t slag him for using their teams funds to buy a Cyger, he cursed the minibot out about it, or at least tried to.
The Cyger made itself known again when Ratchet reached for a wrench, the growl it let off more a… chastise… over a threat of attack, and it cowed Ratchet into stepping away from the wrench covered bench… somehow…
Bulkhead, surprisingly, was absolutely enamoured by the giant beast, comenting how hard it was to get ‘such a nice balance of the primaries’, whatever that meant.
He, Bulk, and surprisingly the Cyger’s, it’s optics suddenly going wide like as if it was still a little kit and not taller at the shoulder than both him and Ratchet, were all able to convince the old war vet, that, though unorthodox, a pet Cyger would be a good guard pet for his ‘precious ship’.
Bumblebee even cited the reactions he got when he’d walked the Cyger back to the dock they had the ship parked in, refuelling for another run out to fix another bridge.
Within a cycle, the Cyger was well established, he never followed one of them for long, but when the congregated on the bridge, he’d be there two, flopped over on his side, tail wagging lazily as hazed blue optics followed the mechs, listening to them speak, but not really understanding any of what they were saying, or even the language really.
Well no, he knew what they were saying, he had enough sentience for that, just not what really to do with it, and how he should react to it.
So, he did what his base coding told him, make sure his colony was happy.
Bumblebee was easy, just chuff and huff and rub up against the mech till he fell over, laughing at the absurdity of a Cyger really acting like an overgrown Cyline.
Bulkhead liked to pet him, he was big enough to not have to worry about the larger mechs cumbersome servos crushing him, in fact, when the mech was paying attention, he was a really good at it, even knew what spots to avoid.
Which was primarily, his paws, the plating over his simple spark, and the plating that covered his interface array.
The last of which, Ratchet had learned not to go near, after having tried to check if the Cyger.
The scratches weren’t deep, but the surprising amount of fear and wariness in the Cyger’s hazed optics was enough to convince Ratchet that it was probably better not to see if the Cyger had been… fully domesticated.
Within a few joors though, the Cyger was right back to sniffing stuff in the med bay, giving the old medic a chance to ramble of explanations, it was nice sometimes just to talk about his tools, the ones he still had.
He wasn’t blind, he noticed that the Cyger had spotted the missing part of his arms armour.
The look in the Cyger’s optics had been one of a strange… sympathy, not quite there, but enough to read.
It somewhat unnerved the medic to see such a… advanced expression on a creature of sentience like a Cyger, yes they were self aware creatures, yes they were as alive as he was, but they… they didn’t have the processors for that level of emotion…
Unless he was just confused and going on his basic, run of the foundry understanding of Cyger’s, and they were all just collectively a bit sharper in the processor than many gave them credit for.
It was all going well enough, they all forgot their Captain hadn’t yet returned from his own ‘rendezvous’ with the city of Polyhex.
 Until he did, that is.
Zeta, none of them would ever actually refer to him by his title, was furious.
He threw an absolute fit, yelling all sorts of threats at the small yellow mech for ‘brazen miss-use of funds’, and other such slag they’d all worked through much more calmly.
The Cyger, evidently, did not like Zeta, the mech received no love from the Cyger, not that he even tried to show any back.
When the Cyger whimpered his way to Ratchet, the blade like stinger at the end of his tail missing, the stump sparking, and a good chunk of the tail itself flattened, it wasn’t difficult to guess the culprit.
The blade couldn’t be found, so Ratchet had to put the Cyger under, and just remove the rest of it properly, leaving a flat, weapon-less tail, that, upon waking and realising what he’d lost, the Cyger had just, shut down for a time.
At least, until Bumblebee flopped down against the Cyger’s side, and scratched the massive beast under the chin, perking the Cyger right back up.
It wasn’t spoken, but it was obvious that the Cyger, who still hadn’t been designated when they took off for the next job, was now avoiding Zeta like the red rust.
Which was fine with the less than liked captain, who amused himself by bossing around the two younger bots and trying to get on the old veterans sensors, primarily by trying to toy with the ships systems. ‘Make it go faster.’ ‘Still can’t believe you didn’t let me install a holo-screen’. And so on and so forth.
It got to the point that the three mechs actually started just… venting, to the Cyger, still not designated, but not for lack of Bumblebee trying, he just couldn’t find a designation for the life of him that stuck.
 The Cyger, surprisingly, or really, unsurprisingly, at this point, was a very good listener, and seemed to follow their vents well enough to react with similar emotions.
Zeta kicked the ships controls again? The Cyger would curl up around Ratchet’s pedes, and just listen as the mech vented out his frustrations on the latest little gizmo he worked one to keep his servos active.
It kept him from pulling at his old war wound.
Zeta called Bulkhead a bumbling foo, or some other unpleasant thingl? The Cyger would be chuffing and rumbling a storm, driving out those harsh words with the soothing rumble.
And whenever Bumblebee was given the worst jobs to do? Specifically because Zeta took offense to him buying the Cyger in the first place? They’d race in the lower level of the ship, Bumblebee always won in his alt mode, but he swore that was because the Cyger always seemed to trip, or stumble, or suddenly run out of endurance just before the finish line when he took the lead.
Bumblebee actually tried to talk about that to the Cyger, convince the beast that, no, he didn’t want an easy win, he wanted the Cyger to help him go even faster.
The Cyger apparently took it to spark, and now, Bumblebee was now really having to push himself to keep his title as the fastest member of the small team.
Within two Orns, it was almost like the Cyger had always been there.
Zeta still hated the Cyger something foul, but after an attempt to throw the beast out of the Air-lock whilst it recharged backfired, mostly because the airlock refused to open, and Ratchet finally reached the end of what could be considered his patience, and threatened to space the captain himself, considering the ship was technically his, not Zeta’s.
Since then, the Captain hadn’t made anymore attempts to harm or remove the Cyger, but the animosity still festered.
The Cyger himself seemed to be relatively unaffected by this, focusing on either recharging in places Zeta couldn’t reach, like hidden away in the engine room, or in the cargo bay, or Ratchet’s medbay.
When the giant beast wasn’t resting, he was prowling the halls, sniffing and huffing at everything and rubbing his flanks against everything, marking his territory when Zeta couldn’t see and get defensive.
And when work had to be done on a Spacebridge?
Turns out the Cyger was very much a helpful servo so to speak.
Primarily working with Bulkhead, all the larger mech had to do was point, and the Cyger would tear larger space debris to shavings, the hooked claws normally hidden away easily sharp enough to cleave through the vast majority of what blocked up the giant portal generators.
It certainly sped up the process of getting to the mechanical work.
As was the routine, Zeta would stay on the ship, not even paying attention to the work, and rarely giving a Scraplets aft if the conditions were even safe to work.
They all knew this, they all accepted that that wouldn’t change, and that they had to just keeping each other as safe as they could whilst they work.
It was on one of these more dangerous cycles when Bulkhead and the Cyger were having to fight against a small asteroid field, that had been bombarding the bridge they were now at, that Bulkhead’s wrecking ball swung wide after bouncing off an especially large piece, that it crashed into what looked to be a hollow rock.
Almost instantly, the Cyger perked up, and jumped away from his teammate, bounding to the hollow rock, huffing and sniffing as his whiskers bounced, picking up even the faintest of electro-magnetic signals.
Claws scrabbled against the rock for a moment, before purchase was found and the Cyger managed to force himself inside.
This whole incident flew completely past the others of the crew, too busy trying to prevent any more damage to the Spacebridge.
That is, until a scream came from that very same hole.
One that caught Bumblebee, who was closests, attention, in a moment he’d abandoned his position, and raced over, clambering up himself as best as he could to see what had caused that noise.
What he saw, surprised him.
In the hole, no, cave, was his Cyger, practically flattened to the ground whining, tail tip flicking as his hazed blue eyes kept staring at the other entity in the cave.
A black and gold motorcycle former with a blue visor, three pointed throwing weapons primed and ready to fight.
Realising this mech could actively hurt his pet, Bumblebee called out. “Hey! Hey! Leave him alone!” He called, catching both of their attentions, he was too busy trying to get through the hole to notice the shock on the bots face, or really hear the happy chuff coming from his pet, but once he’d less than gracefully fallen flat on his aft and looked up, he was able to better see the situation.
The cave was lived in, somewhat, there was a small stash of energon cubes, a few small trinkets and other weapons, and outside of the hole in the cave, what looked to be an exit had been blocked up.
Had the mech planned to slowly offline in here?
Before he could speak, his Cyger was on him, chuffing happily and giving him a lick with that rough glossa, taking some of his paint with it, he didn’t bother complain, his Cyger just liked to be affectionate.
“Hey! Hey, no, down… good Cyger.” He petted the side of his pets helm when it gave him room again, allowing him to look over to the other mech and gestured to himself. “Bumblebee, and this…” He gestured to the Cyger. “Is my pet, so put the weapon down, he ain’t gonna hurt you.”
The other mech didn’t look convinced, at all.
Bumblebee couldn’t help it, he smirked. “What’s the matter? Scared of a little Cyber-kit?”
The black and gold mech scowled. “Does your processor malfunction? That’s a Cyger.”
Bumblebee gave the mech a surprised expression, looked back at the giant metal beast, who’s helm was level with his own. “Oh? I didn’t notice, he’s cool, see, hey, pet, do the thing.”
The ‘thing’, was the Cyger opening those massive jaws as wide as they’d go, baring the rows of serrated fangs within.
Bumblebee smirked at the bot, and stuck his servo into that open maw.
The Cyger didn’t even twitch.
“See? He’s completely tame.”
The other bot just looked at Bumblebee like he was out of his mind.
Bumblebee just rolled his optics. “Fine, don’t believe me, come on, we need to go back to work, or Zeta will have even more to shout at us for… Err… Pet?”
The Cyger didn’t follow, still looking intently at the other mech, tail thumping on the ground.
Then the Cyger looked at him. “Mmmrroww?”
Bumblebee shuttered his optics a few times and looked at the Cyger. “Huh?”
Whatever had just passed between them, brought his pet to a decision, the Pet slunk up to the mech,and then reared up onto his hind pedes, causing the giant Cyger to tower over the over mech.
Within a few moments, the Cyger had the mech by the scruff bar, and was waddling the mech back over to the hole in the cave and climbing back out, completely ignoring the mechs protests.
It took Zeta four cycles to notice the new, somewhat aloof and less than amused member of the crew.
But by that point, there was no turning around, not that Zeta would, another pair of servos meant work got done quicker, and he could have them take on more jobs, meaning he’d get paid more, a win in his logs, so, he just ignored the matter, though sent the Cyger another foul look when he overheard it was the beasts doing.
It mattered little, the Cyger had already gotten into Prowl’s spark, and the mech wasn’t so keen on going anywhere else anymore, not that the Cyger would probably let him.
The Cyger was practically preening, another member, his colony was one stronger now, this was good, the bigger the colony, the happier the colony.
And when his colony was happy? He was happy.
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witches-and-weirdos · 4 years
Info Page: Sally
“What? Mages? No, I didn’t see any around. I think I would know.“
Brief Introduction
Sally Mounter, The Little Sparrow is a female human from Demacia
She is a young bard, travelling from city to city and singing the excellent songs she makes up herself
She is also a mage, trying to learn more about her powers without being discovered, and being a secret helper of the mage rebellion
Residence: constantly travelling, mostly in Demacia
Goals/Motivations: - Meeting great heroes and legends and seeing the world - She needs to stay undiscovered as a mage - She’s trying to learn more about her powers - She secretly helps the rebellion when she can
16 personality types test:
Sally is bisexual
[Link to playlist]
[This will stay here until I paint a reference]
White hair usually in a pony tail, blue eyes, ordinary traveler outfit, lots of smiles, roughly around the age of 22
Faint white burn markings across her right forearm to her fingers
Some Facts
Sally travels on her trusty mount, a crimson rider’s raptor that she and her brothers jokingly named Fred back when they were just little children. The name stuck of course, even though Fred grew into a majestic female.
Her parents know she’s a mage, but she only suspects they do. No member of her family knows she’s helping the rebellion though.
Her father sometimes jokingly calls her Silly
She is one of 13 children. Many of her siblings were adopted from the local orphanage, but it doesn’t really matter to them, everyone starts equal in the Mounter family
Yes, the family name came from a long lineage of dealing with various mounts, mostly horses and rider’s raptors
She usually manages to establish contact with the local rebels and she sometimes steals supplies and scrolls for them or helps them with information she overheard. Sometimes she even participates in their missions or enters their camp. To them, she keeps her name The Sparrow.
She travels with her small guitar, a flute and a violin, but she had learned a couple other instruments over her travels
Her songs are inspired by her own travels, her strange adventures, by the people she meets and the legends and stories she hears about. Sometimes she bands together with other musicians to make better performances.
Perfect examples for the songs she performs: - Lorelei, inspired by unforeseen adventures of getting captured by a pirate ship named Lorelei, captained by a charming woman also named Lorelei who fell in love with Sally at first sight - Home Again, sang when she first traveled back to her hometown - Hanging Tree, about a great ancient tree she once came across, inspired after an old lady told her what it was like back in her early childhood - Mid Winter’s Night, inspired by not being able sleep on a random winter night, she came up with this song and then she could finally fall asleep
Unknown Magic
The only things Sally knows about her own powers are from personal experience: It looks blue, it can demolish things, it can move things and it can do seemingly random weird stuff, such as spontaneous combustion in and around her arm without dealing actually real damage. She’s not entirely the master of these powers, nor does she know their true potential.
Her burn marks were left by a wild burst of magic while practicing, at a closer inspection they look a bit strange, the magic didn’t actually do any long term harm
She tries to practice in the wilds, hoping no one sees her there
Unless in a rebel camp, she practices in clothes that leave only her eyes exposed. Yes, even in the scorching summer.
Once she summoned a lightning strike on accident and split a tree open
Once she had a random magic outburst that made half the kitchen’s tools float, it gave her and one of her brothers half a heart attack each and took them some time to fix, this time was bought by her father who saw city guards walking towards his home and ran up to them, telling them he spotted a dangerous mage in the woods and lead them on a wild goose chase
Sally’s bio
Ingame Kit
Link here
“Getting involved was against all my instincts, but... it was the only right thing to do. As a mage, just living is a sin! And the rebellion could actually change that.“
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How Much Electricity Does a Wind Turbine Generate?
A wind generator generator is essentially an analog electrical machine that converts the kinetic energy from the wind in to the needed rotational mechanical energy by using turbine blades that is required to create free electrical power.
Turbine generators for use at home can generate many kilowatts of free electricity and therefore are a well known option for remote farms, houses and log cabins without any reasonable use of mains electricity but they are in areas with enough wind speed.
Generator set
What are the primary benefits of utilizing a wind generator generator?
They're eco-friendly they do not emit any dangerous green house gases in to the atmosphere or leave any potential dangerous residues.
Even though the initial purchase and installation costs of the wind generator generator might be high, the savings produced in generating your personal electricity will offset this cost, so you may be having your electricity free for years to come.
Turbine generators provide you with independence by getting rid of having to pay the power companies for the electricity, with a turbine generator by yourself land, you've your own power generating plant.
Generating your personal power may be as simple as installing a appropriate wind generator generator and taking advantage of the ability in the wind to reduce your regular bills. Wind generator design and generator technologies have come a lengthy way during the last couple of years as more companies jump to the alternative energy bandwagon. Today complete wind generator systems and DIY kits are for sale to the homeowner with turbines which are more effective, smaller sized and quieter than in the past.
Generator set
Most contemporary "wind generator generators" can be found in your area or online in quite a number of various sizes and power ratings to match any homeowners needs. Although turbine generators are based mainly on well-established motor-generator designs that have been effectively employed for many decades, the newer generator designs tend to be more energy-efficient and therefore include many new enhancements.
Previously, to possess a home wind generator system, most owners needed lots of free space on their own property that was completely open and uncovered to supply a sufficiently strong and consistent quantity of wind to rotate the bigger heavier blades from the traditional wind generator.
In those days wind energy would be a relatively recent, therefore the old-style electrical generators employed for many domestic installations were simply scaled-lower versions from the bigger commercial motor-generators. However these weren't perfectly suitable for smaller sized domestic type installations.
To start with, these early generators needed quite strong winds to assist start the blades rotating, the end result was they have to be fixed and installed on the ends of tall rods up high over the ground so that you can catch the more powerful winds. These generators were themselves very heavy, so they have to be positioned in to the oncoming wind before they'd began rotating and producing usable energy.
This positioning and orientation in to the oncoming wind was achieved using a large tail fin positioned directly behind the generator. Because of their heavy weight, it needed a powerful enough quantity of wind to rotate it in to the needed position. This resulted in more often than not they'd miss the majority of the smaller sized lighter winds and never position themselves properly. Although they were excellent at turning these more powerful winds into immeasureable electrical energy, most residential and domestic locations aren't normally favourable to those strong winds.
However, a few decades ago, smaller sized modern generator designs started to become on industry that will take larger benefit of not just the more powerful winds however the lighter winds too present in most residential locations. These newer wind generator generators could rotate at reduced speeds compared to older generators and since they were lighter and balanced, they might even orientate themselves in place much faster with no need of large heavy tail fins.
Some newer vertical axis turbine designs are able to catching and taking advantage of an easy breeze targeted at it from the one direction. These newer more innovative turbine designs alllow for an ideal turbine generator to be used in your home, boat or motorhome, but for the homeowner they're really much less costly to operate compared to electrical energy that they generate.
The current wind generator generator currently available is made to be installed and utilized in most residential type installations. So that they are produced smaller sized and much more lightweight letting them be rapidly and simply mounted directly onto a roof covering or onto a brief pole or tower. Installing a more recent turbine generator in your home wind power system will help you to reduce the majority of the greater costs of maintaining and installing a taller and much more costly turbine tower while you might have before previously.
Also, although these newer generator designs would generate less power when turning when compared with their bigger and older cousins of history, without a doubt they'll be rotating more frequently and for that reason can create the same levels of free electricity during a period of time. As a result these improved wind generator designs will really provide a more consistent and reliable quantity of electrical power out of your wind energy system.
Because these newer "wind generator generator" designs are quieter and fewer obtrusive, there might be lesser complaints out of your neighbours regarding your wind energy system. You'll be able to relax within the understanding that the wind generator generator will still keep delivering free power from the passing breeze or strong wind for years to come.
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qwloapp · 7 years
Auto Repair Tips: How To Keep Your Car In Great Shape
Are you a car? If you do, repairs have probably been needed at one time or another. It can be very stressful to find a credible auto repair service shop. This article provides tips you can use to keep your vehicle in good shape and find a reliable mechanic.
Do not give your keys to your mechanic before knowing more about the cost of the repairs. If you don’t understand something, talk to the mechanic first. Don’t end up surprised by extra fees.
TIP! You do not have to call a mechanic every time you are having car trouble. There are a few things that could be fixed very easily.
Don’t underestimate how important it is to keep an emergency car kit for granted. You should put together a kit that includes the tools you need to change a tire, help you get some extra gas and tire changing tools as well.
Inquire as to whether the mechanic has had previous experience working on your specific vehicle model before. If they are able to say they’ve done work on a vehicle similar to yours, then they’re probably aware of what kind of work is necessary to fix yours.
TIP! Check online for reviews of local mechanics. You will get a great idea of how the shop operates this way.
If something is unclear, talk to the mechanic first. You probably don’t want to incur extra charges after the car is fixed.
You can save yourself a great deal of money by repairing your burnt out head or tail lights yourself. In some vehicles, this repair is easier than in others. But, if you can do it yourself, you will save money. Ask someone you know if they can instruct you on how to do it.
TIP! Ask friends for referrals. They have used mechanics before and can fill you in on their experiences.
Referrals are your best best when searching for finding an auto mechanic. Ask the people you know for recommendations. You can find out about the quality of service and value that way. People can tell you know what kind of things they had to deal with and if the person was honest.
Do not hand the keys over until you have talked both price and the rates for labor. Fees can be hidden and need to be detailed. You need to know how you’re billed for the repairs. Some service shops have estimated times for repair, establish by the manufacturers. You may find that a repair that is deemed minor may take all day.
TIP! Whenever you fill your gas tank, check the pressure of your tires. Check for foreign debris that may be embedded in your tires too.
Look for signs that should serve as a new auto repair company. If they talk to you in circles or they don’t pay attention to your questions, then they might not be all that you want them to be. You want to be able to trust the person doing your repairs, so don’t be afraid to choose another one.
Don’t ignore minor issues you car is having, hoping they will go away on their own. Have it looked at. A small problem can become a big one if it is left unchecked.
TIP! Don’t try to diagnose complicated issues. You’re still new to this! Vehicle repairs can be complicated.
Make sure any mechanic you hire knows about your particular car. If you’re not comfortable with your mechanic working on your car, pay a little more to get an authorized dealer to work on the car.
The manufacturer is the first point of call if your new vehicle is unsafe or not performing as it should. It is possible that there was a recall you didn’t know about. Oftentimes, the manufacturer will have your car fixed.
TIP! A portion of auto repair comes from consistency. Try not to jump around to different mechanics every time something is wrong.
Most mechanical shops are trustworthy, but some are not. Try and locate a shop that are experts in fixing your specific type of car. These shops are more likely to understand how to perform the needed repairs your car needs.
Though the expense can be higher, a mechanic at the car dealership can be your best bet. A dealer’s mechanic will know your car type inside and out. They have been trained on specific repairs for your car. They have participated in regular training as well.
TIP! Let your mechanic know that you do not want to spend more than a certain amount on unauthorized repairs. If you get your car dropped off to get assessed don’t just give them the ability to set whatever price they want.
Auto Repair
When discussing your car’s problem with a mechanic, question him about the repair and why it is needed. In addition to asking about the price, tell them you want repair details. Ask how much work is involved. Ask questions about the work being performed and why it is needed. What is the cost of parts? Ask away. You have a right to know. This way, the mechanic will know that you are well-informed about the topic.
TIP! If you go to a auto body shop and they do good work, go there every time that you need work done. Developing a camaraderie will ensure that the mechanic does his best work.
With the large number of shady auto repair shops, it can be troublesome finding one that really has your interests at heart. It is in your best interest to use these tips when you have an auto repair need. Putting in some time and effort will save you a headache later.
Familiarize yourself with your vehicle and pay attention to the small things that influence its performance. Don’t always rely on auto mechanics if issues occur, but only if you’ve learned about the issue yourself. You will save money if can handle flat tires and oil changes on your own.
TIP! Your mechanic is what you have to deal with first sometimes in auto repair. If you think the mechanic is a bit shady, you obviously want to avoid them.
Lots of folks want to understand the subject of Download the Auto Repair Mobile APP From Play Store but don’t know where to begin. This article, luckily, is exactly what you need for that. Apply the data that you take in from this article to real life.
from Auto Repair – QWLO http://ift.tt/2jPYXSS via QWLO from Blogger http://ift.tt/2jcZyfw January 25, 2017 at 06:09AM
0 notes
qwloapp · 7 years
Auto Repair Tips: How To Keep Your Car In Great Shape
Are you a car? If you do, repairs have probably been needed at one time or another. It can be very stressful to find a credible auto repair service shop. This article provides tips you can use to keep your vehicle in good shape and find a reliable mechanic.
Do not give your keys to your mechanic before knowing more about the cost of the repairs. If you don’t understand something, talk to the mechanic first. Don’t end up surprised by extra fees.
TIP! You do not have to call a mechanic every time you are having car trouble. There are a few things that could be fixed very easily.
Don’t underestimate how important it is to keep an emergency car kit for granted. You should put together a kit that includes the tools you need to change a tire, help you get some extra gas and tire changing tools as well.
Inquire as to whether the mechanic has had previous experience working on your specific vehicle model before. If they are able to say they’ve done work on a vehicle similar to yours, then they’re probably aware of what kind of work is necessary to fix yours.
TIP! Check online for reviews of local mechanics. You will get a great idea of how the shop operates this way.
If something is unclear, talk to the mechanic first. You probably don’t want to incur extra charges after the car is fixed.
You can save yourself a great deal of money by repairing your burnt out head or tail lights yourself. In some vehicles, this repair is easier than in others. But, if you can do it yourself, you will save money. Ask someone you know if they can instruct you on how to do it.
TIP! Ask friends for referrals. They have used mechanics before and can fill you in on their experiences.
Referrals are your best best when searching for finding an auto mechanic. Ask the people you know for recommendations. You can find out about the quality of service and value that way. People can tell you know what kind of things they had to deal with and if the person was honest.
Do not hand the keys over until you have talked both price and the rates for labor. Fees can be hidden and need to be detailed. You need to know how you’re billed for the repairs. Some service shops have estimated times for repair, establish by the manufacturers. You may find that a repair that is deemed minor may take all day.
TIP! Whenever you fill your gas tank, check the pressure of your tires. Check for foreign debris that may be embedded in your tires too.
Look for signs that should serve as a new auto repair company. If they talk to you in circles or they don’t pay attention to your questions, then they might not be all that you want them to be. You want to be able to trust the person doing your repairs, so don’t be afraid to choose another one.
Don’t ignore minor issues you car is having, hoping they will go away on their own. Have it looked at. A small problem can become a big one if it is left unchecked.
TIP! Don’t try to diagnose complicated issues. You’re still new to this! Vehicle repairs can be complicated.
Make sure any mechanic you hire knows about your particular car. If you’re not comfortable with your mechanic working on your car, pay a little more to get an authorized dealer to work on the car.
The manufacturer is the first point of call if your new vehicle is unsafe or not performing as it should. It is possible that there was a recall you didn’t know about. Oftentimes, the manufacturer will have your car fixed.
TIP! A portion of auto repair comes from consistency. Try not to jump around to different mechanics every time something is wrong.
Most mechanical shops are trustworthy, but some are not. Try and locate a shop that are experts in fixing your specific type of car. These shops are more likely to understand how to perform the needed repairs your car needs.
Though the expense can be higher, a mechanic at the car dealership can be your best bet. A dealer’s mechanic will know your car type inside and out. They have been trained on specific repairs for your car. They have participated in regular training as well.
TIP! Let your mechanic know that you do not want to spend more than a certain amount on unauthorized repairs. If you get your car dropped off to get assessed don’t just give them the ability to set whatever price they want.
Auto Repair
When discussing your car’s problem with a mechanic, question him about the repair and why it is needed. In addition to asking about the price, tell them you want repair details. Ask how much work is involved. Ask questions about the work being performed and why it is needed. What is the cost of parts? Ask away. You have a right to know. This way, the mechanic will know that you are well-informed about the topic.
TIP! If you go to a auto body shop and they do good work, go there every time that you need work done. Developing a camaraderie will ensure that the mechanic does his best work.
With the large number of shady auto repair shops, it can be troublesome finding one that really has your interests at heart. It is in your best interest to use these tips when you have an auto repair need. Putting in some time and effort will save you a headache later.
Familiarize yourself with your vehicle and pay attention to the small things that influence its performance. Don’t always rely on auto mechanics if issues occur, but only if you’ve learned about the issue yourself. You will save money if can handle flat tires and oil changes on your own.
TIP! Your mechanic is what you have to deal with first sometimes in auto repair. If you think the mechanic is a bit shady, you obviously want to avoid them.
Lots of folks want to understand the subject of Download the Auto Repair Mobile APP From Play Store but don’t know where to begin. This article, luckily, is exactly what you need for that. Apply the data that you take in from this article to real life.
from Auto Repair – QWLO http://ift.tt/2jPYXSS via QWLO
from Qwlo http://ift.tt/2jcZyfw via QWLO
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2k1XEm9
0 notes
qwloapp · 7 years
Auto Repair Tips: How To Keep Your Car In Great Shape
Are you a car? If you do, repairs have probably been needed at one time or another. It can be very stressful to find a credible auto repair service shop. This article provides tips you can use to keep your vehicle in good shape and find a reliable mechanic.
Do not give your keys to your mechanic before knowing more about the cost of the repairs. If you don’t understand something, talk to the mechanic first. Don’t end up surprised by extra fees.
TIP! You do not have to call a mechanic every time you are having car trouble. There are a few things that could be fixed very easily.
Don’t underestimate how important it is to keep an emergency car kit for granted. You should put together a kit that includes the tools you need to change a tire, help you get some extra gas and tire changing tools as well.
Inquire as to whether the mechanic has had previous experience working on your specific vehicle model before. If they are able to say they’ve done work on a vehicle similar to yours, then they’re probably aware of what kind of work is necessary to fix yours.
TIP! Check online for reviews of local mechanics. You will get a great idea of how the shop operates this way.
If something is unclear, talk to the mechanic first. You probably don’t want to incur extra charges after the car is fixed.
You can save yourself a great deal of money by repairing your burnt out head or tail lights yourself. In some vehicles, this repair is easier than in others. But, if you can do it yourself, you will save money. Ask someone you know if they can instruct you on how to do it.
TIP! Ask friends for referrals. They have used mechanics before and can fill you in on their experiences.
Referrals are your best best when searching for finding an auto mechanic. Ask the people you know for recommendations. You can find out about the quality of service and value that way. People can tell you know what kind of things they had to deal with and if the person was honest.
Do not hand the keys over until you have talked both price and the rates for labor. Fees can be hidden and need to be detailed. You need to know how you’re billed for the repairs. Some service shops have estimated times for repair, establish by the manufacturers. You may find that a repair that is deemed minor may take all day.
TIP! Whenever you fill your gas tank, check the pressure of your tires. Check for foreign debris that may be embedded in your tires too.
Look for signs that should serve as a new auto repair company. If they talk to you in circles or they don’t pay attention to your questions, then they might not be all that you want them to be. You want to be able to trust the person doing your repairs, so don’t be afraid to choose another one.
Don’t ignore minor issues you car is having, hoping they will go away on their own. Have it looked at. A small problem can become a big one if it is left unchecked.
TIP! Don’t try to diagnose complicated issues. You’re still new to this! Vehicle repairs can be complicated.
Make sure any mechanic you hire knows about your particular car. If you’re not comfortable with your mechanic working on your car, pay a little more to get an authorized dealer to work on the car.
The manufacturer is the first point of call if your new vehicle is unsafe or not performing as it should. It is possible that there was a recall you didn’t know about. Oftentimes, the manufacturer will have your car fixed.
TIP! A portion of auto repair comes from consistency. Try not to jump around to different mechanics every time something is wrong.
Most mechanical shops are trustworthy, but some are not. Try and locate a shop that are experts in fixing your specific type of car. These shops are more likely to understand how to perform the needed repairs your car needs.
Though the expense can be higher, a mechanic at the car dealership can be your best bet. A dealer’s mechanic will know your car type inside and out. They have been trained on specific repairs for your car. They have participated in regular training as well.
TIP! Let your mechanic know that you do not want to spend more than a certain amount on unauthorized repairs. If you get your car dropped off to get assessed don’t just give them the ability to set whatever price they want.
Auto Repair
When discussing your car’s problem with a mechanic, question him about the repair and why it is needed. In addition to asking about the price, tell them you want repair details. Ask how much work is involved. Ask questions about the work being performed and why it is needed. What is the cost of parts? Ask away. You have a right to know. This way, the mechanic will know that you are well-informed about the topic.
TIP! If you go to a auto body shop and they do good work, go there every time that you need work done. Developing a camaraderie will ensure that the mechanic does his best work.
With the large number of shady auto repair shops, it can be troublesome finding one that really has your interests at heart. It is in your best interest to use these tips when you have an auto repair need. Putting in some time and effort will save you a headache later.
Familiarize yourself with your vehicle and pay attention to the small things that influence its performance. Don’t always rely on auto mechanics if issues occur, but only if you’ve learned about the issue yourself. You will save money if can handle flat tires and oil changes on your own.
TIP! Your mechanic is what you have to deal with first sometimes in auto repair. If you think the mechanic is a bit shady, you obviously want to avoid them.
Lots of folks want to understand the subject of Download the Auto Repair Mobile APP From Play Store but don’t know where to begin. This article, luckily, is exactly what you need for that. Apply the data that you take in from this article to real life.
from Auto Repair – QWLO http://ift.tt/2jPYXSS via Auto Repair
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2kqSDnM
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