saifkhan93 · 2 years
Kidney Failure Causes and Treatment
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Kidney disappointment is a condition wherein the kidneys can never again work appropriately, making the body not be able to eliminate waste and overabundance water from the blood. Kidney disappointment is a possibly lethal infection, as it can prompt numerous organ disappointments and demise. On the off chance that you are encountering any of the accompanying side effects, you ought to address your primary care physician right away: an unexpected expansion in thirst and pee, an abrupt feeling of completion in the midsection, an unexpected sharp aggravation toward the back or flank, an unexpected misfortune in craving, and a sensation of outrageous tiredness.There are many reasons for kidney disappointment. Among these causes are diabetes, dialysis, malignant growth, and pregnancy. The side effects of kidney disappointment fluctuate contingent upon the reason. For instance, diabetes causes enlarging in the feet and legs, though malignant growth causes exhaustion, weight gain, and trouble relaxing. Kidney disappointment is an infection that makes the kidneys quit working typically, which can prompt numerous inconveniences. In kidney disappointment, the kidneys can't channel squander from the blood and transport it to the bladder. This makes the body hold more water than it ought to, which can prompt a few confusions including cardiovascular breakdown, lack of hydration, and even passing. Notwithstanding these inconveniences, kidney disappointment can make the body lose potassium and sodium.Itis a significant condition that can prompt passing and on the off chance that you assume you or somebody you know might be in danger for kidney disappointment, getting a conclusion quickly is significant. It is likewise critical to go to lengths to forestall kidney disappointment. Kidney disappointment can be brought about by a wide range of variables, including diabetes, hypertension, coronary illness, and particular sorts of disease. Assuming you or somebody you realize has been determined to have kidney disappointment, it is vital to know the side effects of the condition, including: - Pain toward the back, side, or midsection - Mild to serious weariness - Nausea and spewing - Inability to pee - Frequent pee - Frequent need to pee around evening time - Blood in the pee - Dark pee - Frequent desire to pee - Urgent need to pee - Pain in the genital region - Pain in the crotch - Painful pee - Bladder fits - Discomfort in the mid-region - Extreme thirst - Dizziness - Loss of appetiteThe kidneys are answerable for the development of pee and the guideline of electrolytes. Kidney disappointment can create because of a wide range of causes. It's generally the consequence of a fundamental infection or condition. Normal reasons for kidney disappointment incorporate diabetes, cardiovascular breakdown, and glomerulonephritis. It's critical to know about the side effects of kidney disappointment and the accessible medicines. Ayurveda is a customary Indian arrangement of medication that has been utilized in India for north of 3,000 years. An all encompassing way to deal with health underlines the equilibrium of body, mind, and spirit.Tatkshana, one of the most outstanding Ayurvedic treatment focuses in Bangalore offer medicines for kidney disappointment. The medicines depend on the individual's constitution or Prakriti, which still up in the air by analyzing the individual's food propensities and way of life decisions as well as their family ancestry. Ayurveda underlines the utilization of regular solutions for battle any ailment or illness. Tatkshana is ayurvedic emergency clinics in Bangalore that offer ayurvedic medicines for kidney disappointment patients.
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roshini · 2 years
Understanding your BMI
Weight is usually one of the first topics that come up about personal health. But the number you see when you step on the weighing scale doesn’t give you the full picture of how healthy (or unhealthy) you may be. Those looking for a clearer picture of what their weight means to their health may want to see metrics other than weight. One of such metrics is the body mass index, or BMI, which is an estimation of body fat that can be calculated using a person’s height and weight. Much could be known by looking at the body composition, which refers to the proportion of fat tissue you have, relative to lean tissue (muscles, organs, etc.).
Health care professionals use BMI, as well as advanced body composition tools, to assess their patient’s risk factors for certain weight-related health conditions. You can use readily available tools — such as online BMI calculators, skinfold calipers, and bioelectrical impedance devices — for a deeper understanding of their health and physical fitness from the comfort of their own home. Of all the mechanisms for evaluating physical fitness is BMI which is the most relevant and practiced.
What is BMI? Body Mass Index (BMI) is simple to calculate. BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of height in meters (or feet). Doubtful) Your BMI will fit into one of 5 bandwidths: under 18.5 – underweight. between 18.5 and 24.9 – healthy range. between 25 and 29.9 – overweight between 30 and 39.9 – obesity 40 or over – severe obesity
If your BMI puts you in the “overweight, obese, or severely obese” category, you should consider losing weight if there are additional risk factors, such as smoking, inactivity or high blood pressure co-exists. The writings on the wall are very clear. The risk for various cardiovascular diseases, stroke, blood pressure, kidney problems, cancer, arthritis, and other chronic diseases starts to rise at a BMI of 25. This is why people are encouraged to be at a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. Men tend to be at the higher end of the scale and women toward the middle and lower end, but your desired weight may vary depending on your individual health goals.
While BMI is used to categorize people’s weight, BMI charts are mainly used for working out the health of populations rather than individuals. Within a given population there will always be people who are at the extremes (have a high BMI or low BMI). A high or low BMI may be indicating a poor diet condition, varying levels of activity, or high-stress level.
Just because someone has a ‘normal BMI’ does not imply that they are healthy because, BMI doesn’t take into account body composition, for example, muscle, fat, bone density, sex, and other factors which can impact your weight and may lead to an inaccurate reading. BMI calculation per se is not a suitable measure for some people including children and young people under 18, pregnant women, and athletes. If you have lost weight because you have been poorly or not eating under a normal source, or you don’t know the reason, you can consult Takshana Ayurvedic Physician.
A BMI of 25 and over are described as a ‘higher BMI’ and maybe just be one of the many reasons some are at higher risk of adverse health conditions, including type 2 diabetes. For many, achieving a BMI within the ‘healthy range’ is not a reality. We, at Tatkashana, do have an Ayurvedic treatment for obesity. Irrespective of your weight, there may be changes you want to make to improve your health. Making a few small changes to your lifestyle can improve your health. Losing a small amount of weight, 5-10%, and maintaining this weight loss by Ayurveda can have a significant positive impact on your overall health.
Why your weight range is important Health problems associated with a higher BMI in the obesity range include: type 2 diabetes stroke heart disease some cancers issues with fertility in women high blood pressure osteoarthritis fatty liver disease kidney disease
Health problems associated with a lower BMI as in the underweight range include: weakened immune system osteoporosis anemia issues with fertility in women palpitations
We at Tatkshana provide Ayurveda treatmentthat ensures safe and effective treatment, customized as per the individual health condition.
For more information:
Get in touch: Ph: +91 77601 04333
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roshini · 2 years
Obesity and infertility
A BMI over 25 is termed as overweight and above 30 is Obese
The following grid explains the same.
between 25 and 29.9 – overweight
between 30 and 39.9 – obesity
40 or over – severe obesity
If your BMI puts you in the “overweight, obese, or severely obese” category, you should consider losing weight if there are additional risk factors, such as smoking, inactivity or high blood pressure co-exists.
The writings on the wall are very clear. The risk for various cardiovascular diseases, stroke, blood pressure, kidney problems, cancer, arthritis, and other chronic diseases starts to rise at a BMI of 25. This is why people are encouraged to be at a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. Men tend to be at the higher end of the scale and women toward the middle and lower end, but your desired weight may vary depending on your individual health goals. One of the major illnesses associated with Obesity is infertility. Infertility due to Obesity can affect both women and men. Takshana, Ayurveda hospital, Bangalore is the best Ayurveda Hospital in Bangalore, to treat infertility.
In women, the early onset of obesity nurtures the development of menstrual irregularities, chronic oligo-anovulation, and infertility during adult age. Obesity in women enhances the risk of miscarriages and impairs the outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and pregnancy when the body mass index exceeds 30 kg/m. The adverse effects of obesity are obvious in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a common condition in young women (about 8%–10%).
Not all women with PCOS are overweight or obese, but many women with PCOS have signs of insulin resistance and/or obesity showing the inverse relationship between these two. A low-calorie diet and regular exercise may lead to weight loss, regular menstrual cycles, and in turn regular ovulation. However, women with PCOS may require additional treatment to get pregnant, including medications to decrease insulin resistance or any other hormonal imbalances as the case may be. Studies show that in obese women with anovulation, the underlying cause is most likely due to PCOS. PCOS is linked to obesity or overweight along with symptoms of high male hormone secretion.
The main factors implicated in the association may be hormonal like insulin excess and insulin resistance. Pregnancy-induced (gestational) diabetes and high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia) are more prevalent in obese women than in others. Obese women also have a greater chance of delivering by cesarean section. Children of obese mothers are at increased risk of some birth abnormalities and having a high birth weight. Weight loss treatment in Ayurveda is best suited once infertility is attributed to obesity and at Takshana, Ayurveda hospital, treatment for infertility in Ayurveda is done.
In men, obesity results in low testosterone levels. In severely obese individuals, reduced spermatogenesis associated with severe hypotestosteronemia may increase the chances of infertility. Moreover, the frequency of androgen imbalance & erectile dysfunction increases with increasing body mass index.
Obesity increases the chance of miscarriage and thus decreases successful pregnancy rates among obese women. This could be due to various conditions including, but not limited to poor quality of eggs or ovum, defective implantation, or defective reception of the fertilized egg onto the womb mainly due to insulin resistance and or defective and altered levels of hormones that help in sustaining the pregnancy.
Obesity causes high failure rates of successful pregnancy even after employing artificial methods including stimulation of ovulation and assisted conception. Given the situation, getting pregnant by a natural process in the case of obese women is a remote possibility. Experts believe that women who are severely overweight should not receive treatment until their weight has reduced, signifying the importance of weight reduction.
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