#Tarou is like Haji's Renfield and finds him humans
radio-ghost-cooks · 6 months
okay so long story short i have a hard time coming up with what to say abt my ocs so i'm just gonna start dumping my ideas on ya'll starting with this:
ghoul AU for my OCs based loosely on Ghost (the band)
tbh the only part of this that connects to Ghost is the concept of elemental ghouls.
it all starts with Leo (as a Satanist priest) finding an old abandoned church with a basement full of black sludgy water. after performing an old ritual, the next day he comes back to find Hajime clawing his way out of the water.
Hajime is a blood ghoul. he kinda follows vampire rules but instead of constantly needing blood, it's more like wine for him. a couple glasses every once in a while is good for him but if he drinks an entire human, he gets all blobby and floppy and spacey. he gets hella affectionate when he overindulges too. he's got ibex horns and a double-barbed tail (like a bee's stinger)
the next one to come is Tarou (he's a fire ghoul). he has horns like a kudu. at the tips of them are little flames. his tail is shaped like a spade from a deck of cards. Tarou can't touch water or else He Will Begin To Die so he came SPRINTING out of that sludge. his fire is fueled by emotion + adrenaline. if he's sad, the fire is weaker. if he's happy, the fire gets stronger. adrenaline overrides the typical happy = strong rule. if he's in a fight or anxious, the fire gets stronger.
finally Hanako comes gracefully swimming out and surprise surprise, he's a water ghoul. he's got your traditional ram horns, but his tail is actually soft and acts like a buoy. it puffs up when he dives underwater so the others always know where he is (somehow, no matter how far down he dives, its always bobbing on the surface...). Hana also has a set of secondary gills meaning he can breathe both water and air
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