- Three commentaries on Aristotle 1499-1516
– Three commentaries on Aristotle 1499-1516
¶   A public commission, in 1516 was appointed to find a way of ending the interminable strife between rival academic parties, they asked Eck to prepare new commentaries on Aristotle and Peter of Spain. And so in 1516 & 1517 he published These two commentaries on the Summulae of Petrus Hispanus, and on the Dialectics, Physics and lesser scientific works of Aristotle, which became the textbooks…
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maxatron · 8 years
“...the choice books of the Library of St. Victor.” (Rabelais)
The for Godsake of Salvation. The Codpiece of the Law. The Slipshoe of the Decretals. The Pomegranate of Vice. The Clew-bottom of Theology. The Duster or Foxtail-flap of Preachers, composed by Turlupin. The Churning Ballock of the Valiant. The Henbane of the Bishops. Marmotretus de baboonis et apis, cum Commento Dorbellis. Decretum Universitatis Parisiensis super gorgiasitate muliercularum ad placitum. The Apparition of Sancte Geltrude to a Nun of Poissy, being in travail at the bringing forth of a child. Ars honeste fartandi in societate, per Marcum Corvinum (Ortuinum). The Mustard-pot of Penance. The Gamashes, alias the Boots of Patience. Formicarium artium. De brodiorum usu, et honestate quartandi, per Sylvestrem Prioratem Jacobinum. The Cosened or Gulled in Court. The Frail of the Scriveners. The Marriage-packet. The Cruizy or Crucible of Contemplation. The Flimflams of the Law. The Prickle of Wine. The Spur of Cheese. Ruboffatorium (Decrotatorium) scholarium. Tartaretus de modo cacandi. The Bravades of Rome. Bricot de Differentiis Browsarum. The Tailpiece-Cushion, or Close-breech of Discipline. The Cobbled Shoe of Humility. The Trivet of good Thoughts. The Kettle of Magnanimity. The Cavilling Entanglements of Confessors. The Snatchfare of the Curates. Reverendi patris fratris Lubini, provincialis Bavardiae, de gulpendis lardslicionibus libri tres. Pasquilli Doctoris Marmorei, de capreolis cum artichoketa comedendis, tempore Papali ab Ecclesia interdicto. The Invention of the Holy Cross, personated by six wily Priests. The Spectacles of Pilgrims bound for Rome. Majoris de modo faciendi puddinos. The Bagpipe of the Prelates. Beda de optimitate triparum. The Complaint of the Barristers upon the Reformation of Comfits. The Furred Cat of the Solicitors and Attorneys. Of Peas and Bacon, cum Commento. The Small Vales or Drinking Money of the Indulgences. Praeclarissimi juris utriusque Doctoris Maistre Pilloti, &c., Scrap-farthingi de botchandis glossae Accursianae Triflis repetitio enucidi-luculidissima. Stratagemata Francharchiaeri de Baniolet. Carlbumpkinus de Re Militari cum Figuris Tevoti. De usu et utilitate flayandi equos et equas, authore Magistro nostro de Quebecu. The Sauciness of Country-Stewards. M.N. Rostocostojambedanesse de mustarda post prandium servienda, libri quatuordecim, apostillati per M. Vaurillonis. The Covillage or Wench-tribute of Promoters. (Jabolenus de Cosmographia Purgatorii.) Quaestio subtilissima, utrum Chimaera in vacuo bonbinans possit comedere secundas intentiones; et fuit debatuta per decem hebdomadas in Consilio Constantiensi. The Bridle-champer of the Advocates. Smutchudlamenta Scoti. The Rasping and Hard-scraping of the Cardinals. De calcaribus removendis, Decades undecim, per M. Albericum de Rosata. Ejusdem de castramentandis criminibus libri tres. The Entrance of Anthony de Leve into the Territories of Brazil. (Marforii, bacalarii cubantis Romae) de peelandis aut unskinnandis blurrandisque Cardinalium mulis. The said Author’s Apology against those who allege that the Pope’s mule doth eat but at set times. Prognosticatio quae incipit, Silvii Triquebille, balata per M.N., the deep-dreaming gull Sion. Boudarini Episcopi de emulgentiarum profectibus Aeneades novem, cum privilegio Papali ad triennium et postea non. The Shitabranna of the Maids. The Bald Arse or Peeled Breech of the Widows. The Cowl or Capouch of the Monks. The Mumbling Devotion of the Celestine Friars. The Passage-toll of Beggarliness. The Teeth-chatter or Gum-didder of Lubberly Lusks. The Paring-shovel of the Theologues. The Drench-horn of the Masters of Arts. The Scullions of Olcam, the uninitiated Clerk. Magistri N. Lickdishetis, de garbellisiftationibus horarum canonicarum, libri quadriginta. Arsiversitatorium confratriarum, incerto authore. The Gulsgoatony or Rasher of Cormorants and Ravenous Feeders. The Rammishness of the Spaniards supergivuregondigaded by Friar Inigo. The Muttering of Pitiful Wretches. Dastardismus rerum Italicarum, authore Magistro Burnegad. R. Lullius de Batisfolagiis Principum. Calibistratorium caffardiae, authore M. Jacobo Hocstraten hereticometra. Codtickler de Magistro nostrandorum Magistro nostratorumque beuvetis, libri octo galantissimi. The Crackarades of Balists or stone-throwing Engines, Contrepate Clerks, Scriveners, Brief-writers, Rapporters, and Papal Bull-despatchers lately compiled by Regis. A perpetual Almanack for those that have the gout and the pox. Manera sweepandi fornacellos per Mag. Eccium. The Shable or Scimetar of Merchants. The Pleasures of the Monachal Life. The Hotchpot of Hypocrites. The History of the Hobgoblins. The Ragamuffinism of the pensionary maimed Soldiers. The Gulling Fibs and Counterfeit shows of Commissaries. The Litter of Treasurers. The Juglingatorium of Sophisters. Antipericatametanaparbeugedamphicribrationes Toordicantium. The Periwinkle of Ballad-makers. The Push-forward of the Alchemists. The Niddy-noddy of the Satchel-loaded Seekers, by Friar Bindfastatis. The Shackles of Religion. The Racket of Swag-waggers. The Leaning-stock of old Age. The Muzzle of Nobility. The Ape’s Paternoster. The Crickets and Hawk’s-bells of Devotion. The Pot of the Ember-weeks. The Mortar of the Politic Life. The Flap of the Hermits. The Riding-hood or Monterg of the Penitentiaries. The Trictrac of the Knocking Friars. Blockheadodus, de vita et honestate bragadochiorum. Lyrippii Sorbonici Moralisationes, per M. Lupoldum. The Carrier-horse-bells of Travellers. The Bibbings of the tippling Bishops. Dolloporediones Doctorum Coloniensium adversus Reuclin. The Cymbals of Ladies. The Dunger’s Martingale. Whirlingfriskorum Chasemarkerorum per Fratrem Crackwoodloguetis. The Clouted Patches of a Stout Heart. The Mummery of the Racket-keeping Robin-goodfellows. Gerson, de auferibilitate Papae ab Ecclesia. The Catalogue of the Nominated and Graduated Persons. Jo. Dytebrodii, terribilitate excommunicationis libellus acephalos. Ingeniositas invocandi diabolos et diabolas, per M. Guingolphum. The Hotchpotch or Gallimaufry of the perpetually begging Friars. The Morris-dance of the Heretics. The Whinings of Cajetan. Muddisnout Doctoris Cherubici, de origine Roughfootedarum, et Wryneckedorum ritibus, libri septem. Sixty-nine fat Breviaries. The Nightmare of the five Orders of Beggars. The Skinnery of the new Start-ups extracted out of the fallow-butt, incornifistibulated and plodded upon in the angelic sum. The Raver and idle Talker in cases of Conscience. The Fat Belly of the Presidents. The Baffling Flouter of the Abbots. Sutoris adversus eum qui vocaverat eum Slabsauceatorem, et quod Slabsauceatores non sunt damnati ab Ecclesia. Cacatorium medicorum. The Chimney-sweeper of Astrology. Campi clysteriorum per paragraph C. The Bumsquibcracker of Apothecaries. The Kissbreech of Chirurgery. Justinianus de Whiteleperotis tollendis. Antidotarium animae. Merlinus Coccaius, de patria diabolorum. The Practice of Iniquity, by Cleuraunes Sadden. The Mirror of Baseness, by Radnecu Waldenses. The Engrained Rogue, by Dwarsencas Eldenu. The Merciless Cormorant, by Hoxinidno the Jew.
public domain is a very good thing
(please note - translation may vary)
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A Sammelband Of Aristotle commentaries . 1499-1509
A Sammelband Of Aristotle commentaries . 1499-1509
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253J   Aristotle, and Peter Tartaretus  (14??-1495)                                 $18,000
Expositio magistri Petri Tatereti in Summulas Petri Hyspani cum textu, una cum additionibus in locis propriis summa accuratione, summaque animadversione impressa..
Clarissima singularisq[ue] totius philosophie necnon methaphisice Aristotelis magistri Petri Tatareti expositio.
Expositio magistri Petri Tatereti super textu logices Aristotelis
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Ad1) [Lugduni] : [Claudii davost al’s de troys.],  8. August 1509  (Date in the colophon: octaua mensis Augusti anno … M.ccccc.ix.)
        Ad2) [Lyons] : Impressum cura & industria Claudij davost al[ia]s de troys, 13 July 1509
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Ad 3) Imprints suggested by ISTC [Lyons: Claude Davost, after 1500] or [Nicolaus Wolf ? about 1500] or [n.pr., about 1495].
              This is a Very Large Octavo 9 x 5 inches.  Ad1) a-l8 m10.  Ad 2) A-I8, K10, L4, M-T8   Ad3) aa-pp8 qq8
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Front Board
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Rear Board
This copy is bound in its original full calf over wooden boards, as you can se above, much of the leather has been lost exposing all the structural features of the construction of the book. It is lacking clasps but retains the catches and remnants of the attachment points of the clasps.
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Woodcut initials and quite a few schematic text woodcuts. Spaces and guide letters for large initials not filled in and individual marginalia by old hand. This copy is bound in its original full blind stamped calf over wooden boards. With the old ownership notes (including “Samuel Hoffmanns”, the other deleted) verso with contemporary note. Occasionally contemporary marginalia in red and black ink. With the clasps renewed.
This is a rare incunabula edition of the commentary on Aristotle’s Logic by Petrus Tartaretus, follower of Duns Scotus and rector of theUniversity of Paris in 1490. Here is a Memory device for Aristotle in this book.
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Aristotelian diagrams have a long and rich history in philosophical logic. Today, they are widely used in nearly all disciplines dealing with logical reasoning.
The most remarkable Scotist of his time, author of commentaries on the Physics and Ethics of Aristotle, on the Sentences of Peter Lombard and on the Quodlibeta of Duns Scotus.
Most of the bibliographers ascribe the printing of this work to the Lyonese printer Nicolaus Wolff,
  classified as quarto volume, the dating ranges between 1495 and around or shortly after 1500.
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    Representation of the Christian Aristotelian cosmos
Ad 1)  Panzer, VII,; p. 292, no. 141 Not in Adams or the BM STC, French Books..
Ad 2) USTC no.: 155038  Panzer, VII,; p. 292, no. 140
LIBRARY COPIES:  Universitat de Barcelona , Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Oxford (UK),  Wadham College Library      : Not in Adams or the BM STC, French Books..
Ad 3) Goff T43 = T40; R 758; Pell Ms 10941; IGI V p.153; IBE Post-incunables 249; Sajó-Soltész p.952; Olivar 391; Sack(Freiburg) 3337a; Walsh 3835a; ISTC it00043000
United States of AmericaHarvard Library, Johns Hopkins , Smithsonian Institution
  Now Back to a beginning !
Ad1) Aristotle ,Petrus Hispanus,Peter of Spain (Petrus Hispanicus Portugalensis)
This work, the first bound in this sammelband is Peter Tartareus’ explanation and direction of Peter Of Spains , Tractatus or Summaries, Tartareus’ follows the structure of Peter of Spain who naturally follows  “Porphry’s Tree”
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Arbor Porphyriana, “Expanding on Aristotle’s Categories and visually alluding to a tree’s trunk, Porphyry’s structure reveals the idea of a layered assembly in logic. It is made of three columns of words, where the central column contains a series of dichomatous divisions between genus and species, whcih derive from the supreme genus, Substance.
“For nearly four centuries, when logic was the heart of what we now call the “undergraduate curriculum,” Peter of Spain’s Summaries of Logic (c. 1230) was the basis for teaching that subject. Because Peter’s students were teenagers, he wrote simply and organized his book carefully. Since no book about logic was read by more people until the twentieth century, the Summaries has extensively and profoundly influenced the distinctly Western way of speaking formally and writing formal prose by constructing well-formed sentences, making valid arguments, and refuting and defending arguments in debate. ” (quoted from Peter of Spain: Summaries of Logic: Text, Translation, Introduction, and Notes 1st Edition by Brian P. Copenhaver, Calvin G. Normore and, Terence Parsons .Oxford University Press;  (December 16, 2014)
“It is still not possible to establish the date of origin of the Tractatus,( and their Summaries) the work that has enjoyed such enormous success. Recent scholarship suggests that it could have been written any time between the 1220s and the 1250s (Ebbessen 2013, 68–69). It has universally been recognised as a work by Peter of Spain. Another work that has been identified as Peter of Spain’s is aSyncategoreumata (Treatise on Syncategorematic Words), which was probably written some years after the Tractatus.[2] Considering the fact that in all the thirteenth-century manuscripts the Syncategoreumata directly follow the Tractatus, and the number of similarities between doctrinal aspects of these two works on logic, it is almost certain that they were written by the same author. Both works seem to have originated from Southern France or Northern Spain, the region where we also find the earliest commentaries on these treatises.”
The Tractatus
The Tractatus can be divided into two main parts. One part deals with doctrines found in
The square of opposition is a diagram representing the relations between the four basic categorical propositions.
the so-called logica antiquorum—i.e., the logica vetus (old logic) and logica nova (new logic)—and the other contains doctrines covered by the logica modernorum—viz. the tracts that discuss theproprietates terminorum (properties of terms).
The first main part of the Tractatus divides into five tracts. The first tract, De introductionibus(On introductory topics) explains the concepts used in traditional logic—nomen (noun), verbum(verb), oratio (phrase), propositio (proposition)—and presents the divisions of and the (logical) relationships between propositions. The second tract, De predicabilibus (On the predicables) covers matters dealt with in Boethius’s accounts of Porphyry’s Isagoge. It gives an account of the concept predicabile and the five predicables—genus, species, differentia, proprium, accidens—i.e., the common features of and differences between the predicables, as well as of the terms ’predicatio’ and ’denominativum’. Tract three, De predicamentis (On the categories), discusses the ten Aristotelian categories, as well as some items already dealt with in the previous treatise. The fourth tract, De sillogismis (On syllogisms) mainly goes back to Boethius’s De syllogismis categoricis (On categorical syllogisms). It gives an explanation of the basic element of the syllogism, i.e., propositio, and of the syllogism, and then goes into mood and figure, the proper forms of syllogisms, and briefly deals with what are called paralogisms. The fifth tract, De locis(On topical relationships), is derived from Boethius’s De topicis differentiis (On different topical relationships) I and II. This tract starts off with an explanation of the notions argumentum and argumentatio, and then proceeds to deal with the species of argumentation: syllogism, induction, enthymeme, and example. Next, it gives a definition of locus (the Latin translation of the Greek topos): a locus is the seat of an argument (i.e., the locus is supposed to warrant the inference by bringing it under some generic rule.) The intrinsic loci (= the kind of locus that occurs when the argument is derived from the substance of the thing involved) are covered first, followed by the extrinsic loci (= the kind of locus that occurs when the argument is derived from something that is completely separate from the substance of the thing involved) and intermediary loci (= the kind of locus that occurs when the argument is taken from the things that partly share in the terms of the problem and partly differ from it). Examples are: intrinsic—the locus “from definition”: ‘a rational animal is running; therefore a man is running’; extrinsic—the locus “from opposites”: ‘Socrates is black; therefore he is not white’; intermediary—‘the just is good; therefore justice is good’.
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The second part of the Tractatus comprises subjects that were of major importance in the doctrine of the properties of terms. In the sixth tract, De suppositionibus, the theory of supposition is dealt with. The treatise begins with an exposition of significatio. The definition of significatio runs: significatio is the respresentation of a thing by means of a word in accordance with convention. Next it gives a definition of the related terms suppositio and copulatio, and the differences between the terms significatio, suppositio and copulatio. Of these three suppositioand significatio are the most important in Peter’s semantics. Suppositio is defined as the acceptance of a substantive verb for some thing. Suppositio is dependent on significatio, because supposition can only occur via a term that already has some significatio. Put in other words,significatio pertains to a word by itself, and supposition to a term as actually used in some context.
The tract concludes with a division of suppositio. The first division is into suppositio communis(common supposition) and suppositio discreta (discrete supposition)—e.g., the terms homo(man) and Sortes (Socrates) respectively.
The second division, suppositio communis, is divided into naturalis (natural) and accidentalis(coincidental). Suppositio naturalis is described as the acceptance of a common term for all those things that can share in the common universal nature signified by the term in question—e.g., homo (‘man’) taken by itself by its very nature is able to stand for all men, whether in the past, present or future; suppositio accidentalis is the acceptance of a common term for those things for which the term in question requires an additional term—e.g., in homo est (‘A man is’) the term homo stands for present men, whereas in homo fuit (‘A man has been’) and in homo erit (‘A man will be’) it stands for past men and future men respectively, owing to the additional terms fuit and erit.
The third division, suppositio accidentalis, is divided into suppositio simplex (simple supposition) and suppositio personalis (personal supposition). Suppositio simplex is the acceptance of a term for the universal ‘thing’ it signifies, as in homo est species (‘Man is a species’, animal est genus (‘Animal is a genus’), in which the substantive terms homo and animal stand for the universal man and animal, and not any one of their particulars. Suppositio simplex can occur both in the subject- and in the predicate-term—e.g., homo est species (‘Man is a species’) and omnis homo est animal (‘Every man is an animal’) respectively. Suppositio personalis is the acceptance of a common term for one or more of its particulars, as in homo currit (‘A man is running’).
The fourth division, suppositio personalis, is subdivided into either derterminata (determinate = standing for a certain particular) or confusa (confused = standing for any
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individual falling under that name). Suppositio determinata occurs when a common term is taken indefinitely or in combination with a particular sign—e.g., homo currit (‘Man is running’) or aliquis homo currit(‘A /some man is running’). Suppositio confusa occurs when a common term is taken in combination with a universal sign (’Every man is running’).
The tract on supposition winds up with the discussion of a few questions regarding the attribution of supposition in a few cases.
The seventh tract of the Tractatus, on fallacies, which forms part of the Aristotelian-Boethian logic, is written in the tradition of the Fallacie maiores (Major fallacies). The eighth tract, De relativis (On relatives) deals with the relative pronouns as defined by Priscian in his Institutiones grammaticae. The relative pronouns are devided into: relatives of substance, such as qui (who), ille (he), alius (another), and relatives of accident, such as talis (of such a kind), qualis (of what kind), tantus (so much), quantus (how much). The former are subdivided into relatives of identity (qui and ille) and relatives of diversity (such as alter and reliquus, both of which can be translated as ‘the other’). The relative of identity is defined in terms of supposition as what refers to and stands for the same thing. These relatives are either reciprocal or non-reciprocal. With regard to the relatives of identity, Peter adds a dicussion of a number of questions about the rationale for using demonstrative pronouns, and some problems concerning how the fallacy of a relative having two diverse referents comes about.
The tract on relatives continues with a brief discussion on the relatives of diversity, accompanied by a rule about the supposition of the relative when it is added to a superior and an inferior in a premiss and a conclusion, as in aliud ab animali; ergo aliud ab homine (‘Something other than an animal; therefore something other than a man’). With regard to relatives of identity a rule of the “ancients”, who deny that a proposition introduced by a relative can have a contradictory opposite, is discussed and rejected. Another rule is given about the identity of supposition of a non-reciprocal relative and what it refers to. The tract concludes with short accounts of relatives of accident.
The ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth tracts of the Tractatus, i.e., the short tracts De ampliationibus (On ampliation), De appellationibus (On appellation), De restrictionibus (On restriction) and De distributionibus (On distribution) are in fact elaborations of the theory of supposition. Ampliation is an extension of the supposition of a term. It occurs when an expression is combined with a modal term—e.g. homo potest esse Antichristus (‘A man can be the Antichrist’), and homo necessario est animal (‘A man is necessarily an animal’)—in which case the supposition of the term ‘man’ is extended to more than just individuals existing in the present. The tract on appellationes is very short: appellation is considered no more than a special case of restriction, i.e., the restricted supposition brought about by a present-tense verb. In this tract the rules of appellation are in fact specific kinds of rules of restriction. The subject of restriction in general is discussed in the eleventh tract. The rules of restriction are the same ones as were presented in the early Parisian textbooks on logic (see de Libera 1982, pp. 176–177). The final tract, on distribution, deals with the multiplication of common terms as a result of their being combined with universal signs. These universal signs are either distributive of substance (such as omnis, nullus), or of accidents (such as qualiscumque, quantuscumque). In this description ‘substance’ is defined as substistent modes of being, and ‘accident’ as accidental modes of being. Separate attention is given to the universal sign omnis (‘all’ or ‘every’) along with a discussion of the common rule that the use of omnis requires three appellata (particular things). The most frequently cited example in these discussions in the thirteenth century was the sophisma omnis phenix est (‘Every phoenix is’). According to Peter of Spain, the use of omnisdoes not call for at least three appellata; an exception to this rule is found in cases in which there is only one appellatum, as is the phoenix-case. The tract also pays attention to a number of tongue-twisting sophisma-sentences.
  Author and Citation Information for “Peter of Spain” The latest version of the entry “Peter of Spain” may be cited via the earliest archive in which this version appears:  Spruyt, Joke, “Peter of Spain”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2015/entries/peter-spain/&gt; .The citation above refers to the version in the following archive edition:
Peter Tartaretus  (14??-1495)
PETRUS TARTARETUS (1494),Known for the concept of Pons asinorum (asses’ bridge ). Although of earlier origin, in philosophy this term was applied to the diagram that Peter Tartaretus constructed to assist the student of logic in the discovery of the middle term of a syllogism. The expression suggests that getting students of logic to find the middle term of a syllogism was as difficult as getting asses to cross a bridge.  He is also known as the most remarkable Scotist of his time, *Peter Tartaretus (Tataretus) one of the most eminent of the later Scotists, taught at Paris 1490. Edited commentaries on Aristotle 1494, Expositio in Summulas Petri Hispani, first ed. without date, then 1501 and 1503, commentary on Scotus Quodlibetica 1519, and on Scotus’ commentary on the Sentences 1520. “Wetzer und Weltes: Kirchenlexicon, s. v.”
Ad 2) Petrus Tartaretus commentary of the entirety of Aristotle. 
Tartaretus, begins this book by reminding us that he will be following Duns Scotus  or as he says “doctoris subtilis” And dives in to The Phisicorum of Aristotle, followed by De Celo & Mundo, De Generatione & coruptione, Metheororum with some very interesting diagrams,De anima, De Sensu & Sensato, De Memoria, and finally Methaphisice.
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    Ad 3) Peter Tartaretus  (14??-1495) on the Logic of Aristotle . Here Tartaretus comments on Aristotles Organon.    
“In fact, the title Organon reflects a much later controversy about whether logic is a part of philosophy (as the Stoics maintained) or merely a tool used by philosophy (as the later Peripatetics thought); calling the logical works “The Instrument” is a way of taking sides on this point. Aristotle himself never uses this term, nor does he give much indication that these particular treatises form some kind of group, though there are frequent cross-references between the Topics and the Analytics. On the other hand, Aristotle treats the Prior and Posterior Analyticsas one work, and On Sophistical Refutations is a final section, or an appendix, to the Topics). To these works should be added the Rhetoric, which explicitly declares its reliance on the Topics.”
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Aristotelian hexagon a conceptual model of the relationships between the truth values of six statements. It is an extension of Aristotle’s square of opposition.
Quoted from The latest version of the entry “Aristotle’s Logic” may be cited via the earliest archive in which this version appears: Smith, Robin, “Aristotle’s Logic”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/aristotle-logic/&gt;.
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  Representation of the Christian Aristotelian cosmos
  C.H. Lohr, ‘Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I, Medieval Authors’, Traditio, XXIII, 1967
Parsons, T.: The traditional square of opposition. In: Zalta, E.N. (ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philos- ophy. CSLI (2006)
Khomskii, Y.: William of Sherwood, singular propositions and the hexagon of opposition. In: Be ́ziau, J.Y., Payette, G. (eds.) The Square of Opposition. A General Framework for Cognition, pp. 43–60. Peter Lang (2012)
Read, S.: John Buridan’s theory of consequence and his octagons of opposition. In: Be ́ziau, J.Y., Jacquette, D. (eds.) Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition, pp. 93–110. Springer (2012)
A Sammelband Of Aristotle commentaries . 1499-1509 253J   Aristotle, and Peter Tartaretus  (14??-1495)                                 $18,000 Expositio magistri Petri Tatereti in Summulas Petri Hyspani cum textu, una cum additionibus in locis propriis summa accuratione, summaque animadversione impressa..
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The reason for publishing a short catalogue is to facilitate easier and cheaper shipping so that I can ship anyone who asks for one will get one quickly.
If you usually get my catalogues one will be on the way, If you would like one please e-mail or text me.   I hope you enjoy it.
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      1) 269J Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274
Summa theologiae: Pars prima. Ed: Franciscus de Neritono, Petrus Cantianus, and Joannes Franciscus.
Venice: [Nicolaus Jenson] 1477. $ 18,000
Folio. Full contemporary calf over wooden boards, rubricated through- out. This is the second edition of the ‘pars prima”, the first was 1473. The Summa was written 1265–1274 and also known as the Summa Theologica or simply the Summa) is the best-known work of Thomas Aquinas. Goff T198; HC 1442*; Mich 118; Pell 1038; CIBN T-170; Zehnacker 2241; Castan(Besançon) 95; Polain(B) 4759; IGI 9573; IBP 5300; Sajó-Soltész 3263; IDL 4392; IBE 5623; IJL2 354; SI 3796; Coll(U) 1431; Madsen 4397; Voull(Trier) 1820; Voull(B) 3669; Ohly-Sack 2743; Sack(Freiburg) 3444; Borm 2610; Bod-inc T-167; Sheppard 3283; Pr 4103; BMC V 177; BSB-Ink T-273; GW M46455 2) 353J Sammelband Of Aristotle commentaries. 1499-1509
1)Petri Tatereti in Summulas Petri Hyspani                                                                    2)Necnon Methaphisice Aristotelis magistri Petri Tatareti exposition                                                              3)Petri Tatereti super textu logices Aristotelis
1) [Lyons] : Claudii Davost al’s de troys,1509                                                                                       2) Lyons Claudij Davost 1509.                                                                                                                 3) Lyons; Davost or Wolf about 1499/1500.                       $15,000
  Many woodcut illustrations. This is a rare incunabula (and post) editions of the commentary on Aristotle’s Logic by Petrus Tartaretus, follower of Duns Scotus and rector of theUniversity of Paris in 1490. 1) Panzer, VII,; p. 292, no. 141 Not in Adams or the BM STC, French Books.. 2) USTC no.: 155038 Panzer, VII,; p. 292, no. 140 LIBRARY COPIES: Universitat de Barcelona , Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Oxford (UK), Wadham College Library : Not in Adams or the BM STC, French Books.. 3) Goff T43 = T40; R 758; Pell Ms 10941; IGI V p.153; IBE Post-incunables 249; Sajó-Soltész p.952; Olivar 391; Sack(Freiburg) 3337a; Walsh 3835a; ISTC it00043000 United States 3 copies Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Smithsonian . 3) 284J Aristotle and Gualtherus Burlaeus. (Walter Burley)
Expositio Gualteri Burlei super decem Libros Ethicorum Aristotelis the Nicomachean Ethics
Venice: Andreas Torresanus, 1500                           $10,500
Folio, Half calf over wooden boards. Second edition after that of 1481. There are two printed editions of this work, the one offered here is the second, the first is also quite rare-Goff B 1300, (3 copies)
Goff; B-1301; BM 15th cent. V, 576 (IB. 24667); GW; 5779; ; Hain-Copinger; *4144; Harman; 191; ISTC (online); ib01301000; Proctor; 5269; Pellechet; 3080 4) 198G Bernardus Basinus
De magicis artibus et magorum maleficiis
Paris : Antoine Caillaut, 1491-1492? ) $ 19,000
Quarto. Older limp vellum. Capitals supplied in Red and Blue .This treatise on magical practices was based on a speech Basin delivered in Paris before an assembly of cardinals in 1482.
Not in Goff: Dated by CIBN; Pell (Lyon) 40; Bod-inc B-132; Sheppard 6190; Pr 7967; BSB-Ink B-233; GW 3720; CIBN B-182; Aquilon 89; Parguez 146.
  5) 144J A. M. T. Severinus Boethius
De disciplina scholarium (Comm: pseudo- Thomas Aquinas) [Bound with] Boetius de consolatione philosophie necnon de disciplina scholariu[m] cum creme[n]to [sic] sancti Thome De
consolatione philosophiae (with commentary ascribed in the text to Thomas Aquinas).
Lyon: Jean Du Pré, 1491/92 $ 7,000
Small Folio (second part lacking two leaves a1 title and a2 introduction) full vellum. A very rare impression
Goff B796 (one copy Harvard) ; Pell 2531; CIBN B-581; Frasson-Cochet 59; Parguez 232; IBE 1118; IGI 1835; IBPort 383; Mendes 278; Walsh 3779; GW 4554
  6) 756G Diodorus
Bibliothecae historicae libri VI [a Poggio Florentino in latinum traductus]
[Paris] : [Denis Roce] Venundantur in vico sancti Iacobi sub signo diui Martini. (1505-08) $2,800
Approximate date of publication from Moreau, B. Inventaire chronologique des éditions parisiennes v. 1, p. 274
Octavo 19th century calf rebacked. Diodorus Siculus is the author of the ‘Bibliotheke’ or ‘Library,’ a universal history from mythological times to 60 B.C. Only fifteen of the original forty books survive fully (books one through five; eleven through twenty); the others are preserved in fragments.
Goff D215? ; Moreau I 274: 63; Renouard, Imprimeurs III 128 and I, 1508, 63; Renouard, 1005 (mark of D. Roce) Pell 4264; BMC(Fr) p.135 7) 312J. Domenico Cavalca. (1270?-1342)
Pungi language.
[Baptista de Tortis]: Venexia, Adi .viiii. de Octubrio. 1494 $17,000
Quarto Large woodcut depicting the crucifixion on the frontispiece, Rare first Venetian edition with the l woodblock published here for the first time. initial “A” in gold, blue, red and green, a colorful coat of arms.
Goff C342; H(Add)C 4776a; R 116; Pell 3448; CIBN C-195; IGI 2637; Essling 750; Sander 1853; Pr 4649; BMC V 328; GW 6413 One copy in Goff. Huntington Library.
Queried Location: New York NY, Manhattan College: sold Christie’s (NY) 1 June 1991 lot 41 (current whereabouts unknown) 8) 945G Eusebius of Caesarea c. 260-c. 340
Eusebius Pa[m]phili de eua[n]gelica preparac[i]o[n]e ex greco in latinu[m] translatus Incipit feliciter.
[ Cologne, Ulrich Zel, not after 1473] $18,000
Folio 152 of 152 leave. One of the earliest editions most likely the Second, (editio princeps: Venice 1470) New quarter calf over original wooden boards. Capitals supplied in Red and Blue. The Preparation is an introduction to Christianity for pagans, in which the author attempts to prove the excellence of Christianity over pagan religion and philosophy.
Goff E119; BMC I 194 : (United States of America: Boston Public Library Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library (- 2 ff.)YUL); 9) 307J Eusebius of Caesarea
Eusebii Caesariensis episcopi chronicon id est temporum breuiarium incipit foeliciter: quem Hieronymus praesbiter diuino eius ingenio Latinum facere curauit: et vsque in Valente[m] Cesarem Romano adiecit eloquio. Que[m] et Prosper deinde Matheus Palmerius … subsequuntur.
Venetijs : Erhardus Ratdolt 1483. $11,500.
Quarto. Old vellum. Printed in red and black, woodcut initials, a nice copy. In this book is the first printed reference to Gutenberg with a date. (1440) “The chronological tables cover the period from the Assyrian Kings to the year 1481. Edited and corrected by S.L. Tritter.”[L•S•O] Goff; E-117; BM 15th cent.,; V, p. 287-288 (IA. 20527).; GW; 9433 Goff; E-117; Hain-Copinger; 6717*; GW; 9433; BM 15th cent.,; V, p. 287 (IA.1755); Pellechet; 4634; Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.); ie00117000; Thacher; 287. Redgrave, Ratdolt 36. IBE 2338
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10) 319J Macer Floridus ( ascribed to) Odo of Meudon, Otto of Morimont )
Macri philosophi De uirtutibus herbarum et qualitatibus speciebus nouiter inuentus ac impressus.
Venetiis : Venetu[m] de Vitalibus.,1508. $6,000
Quarto full early vellum with guide letters, painted initials, antique hand glosses and some underlining, at the end of the volume a manuscript index of the plants described in the text. Some wormholes that in some cases affects the print in only a minor way. “The author of these Latin verses which describe the virtue of 80 herbs, took the name Floridus, not to be confused with Aemilius Macer” [L•S•O]
Proctor-Isaac; 12750; NLM: WZ 240: BM/STC Italian, p. 401; Brunet III, 1270; Hunt 22: Pritzel (2nd ed.); 571 The Medieval Herbal
  11) 313J (pseudo Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604).
Expositio Beati Gregorij Pape super Cantica canticorum :cantica Gregori[i] sermone breui manifestat, dulcius vt castis auribus illa sonent.
Paris: Bertholdi Rembolt et Ioha[n]nis VVaterloes, 1508.    $3,800
Octavo. Full vellum. The “expositio super Cantica Canticorum” is certainly a spurious work. A distinctive early-medieval reading of the Song of Songs would grow out of this Gregorian conception of pastoral care, encouraged by the lack of one complete, authoritative patristic commentary on the Song of Songs and the concerns of the exegetes themselves.
Adams; G-1181; Moreau,; I, p. 320, 84; Rosenthal, B.M. Printed books with manuscript annotations,; 59 12) The first medieval theologian to develop a systematic treatise on free will, the virtues, and the natural law.
245J Guillermus Altissodorensis, or William of Auxerre,
Summa aurea in quattuor libros sententiarum : a subtilissimo doctore Magistro Guillermo altissiodore[n]si edita. quam nuper amendis q[uam]plurimis doctissimus sacre theologie professor magister Guillermus de quercu diligenti admodum castigatione emendauit ac tabulam huic pernecessariam edidit.
Parisiis: Pigoucheti 3 Apr. 1500. $27,000
Folio, First edition. Large woodcut device on title, bound in a beautiful Contemporary Flemish blind stamped calf over wooden boards,
Goff G718; BMC VIII, 122 ; GW 11861; Proctor 8206 ; Polain 1787 ; Bod-inc G-295; Sheppard 6326; Pr 8206; Us copies: Astrik L. Gabriel, Notre Dame IN, Boston Public, Bryn Mawr, Columbia, Huntington, Univ.of Chicago, Univ. of Wisconsin 13) 317J Guilelmus Parisiensis.
Postilla Guillermi in Euangelia et Epistolas de tempore de sanctis et pro de functis [sic] p[er] cursum anni : vnacu[m] biblie [et] marginalib[us] apositis co[n]cordantijs castigatissimo studio emendate.
NL/NP (Straßburg: Wilhelm Schaffner 1504/07. ?) $7,900                                                      (“Mora” dated 1497 on leaf lxxxixb.)
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Quarto Two works bound as one in a newer vellum binding. “More than one hundred editions of the Postilla super epistolas et evangelia by Guillermus Parisiensis were printed during the fifteenth century. Surely this esteemed compilation must be regarded as one of the earliest ‘best sellers’, for how else can one explain why the text was not only frequently reprinted but was reissued time and time again by the same printer” F.W. Goff
GW dates about 1504-07 from the types. BMC(Ger) dated about 1510. Goff G 670; ca 1500 Assigned to Basel in Goff (“The Postilla of Guillermus Parisiensis,” Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1959, p. 73) [Goff (P)#35.: ISTC ig00670000. Listing Bryn Mawr & Library Co of Philadelphia ; HC 8241*; VD16 E4379; Schr 4166;; IGI III p. 73; Sajó-Soltész p. 485; Voull(Bonn) 504; Pad-Ink 314; Kind(Göttingen) 2206a; BMC(Ger) p.117; BSB-Ink H-186; GW X Sp.504f. H 8241;. BSB-Ink H-186. Pell 5647. Schreiber 4166. BOD-Ink H-186.
14) 172J Heures [Vellum Printed Book of Hours (Use of Rome) In Latin and French]
Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Ro[m]me ont este faictes pour Simon Vostre Libraire domourant a Paris a la rue neuue nostre dame a le enseigne sainct Jehan l’evangeliste.
Paris [Philippe Pigouchet per] Simon Vostre, 16 Sept 1500. $21,000 Quarto full 18th century chagrin. Printed on Vellum wide margins Capitals supplied in Gold, Red and Blue The “Sensuiuent les sept pseaulmes en françoys lacking (the second A 1-8 lacking “not surprisingly other copies are lacking the final ‘A’ quire). The present Horæ is illustrated with 22 full-page engravings in the text and numerous and smaller cuts, metal cut historiated and ornamental borders on every page, many with criblé grounds, depicting biblical scenes, the Virtues, the stag hunt, apple harvest and memento mori vignettes depicting including Pigouchet’s Dance of Death series (Claudin II, 53-53) Goff H412; C 3106; Bohatta, H. Livres d’Heures;(1924) 730 = 705; Lacombe 109; Pell Ms 5892 (5878); Castan(Besançon) 554; Adams H1007; GW 13263. Listed copies: Cambridge UL, Oxford Bodley, Quebec Laval UL (vell), Besançon BM, Paris BN NO copies in the US
15) 300J Johannes Sacro Bosco.
Figura sphere cu[m] glosis Georgii de Mo[n]teferrato artiu[m] [et] medici[n]e doctoris : gradiam [et] gloriam dabit dominus.
Venice [Jacobus Pentius, de Leuco] for Georgius de Monteferrato 1500, die 28 ianuarii. $11,000 Quarto, Later vellum. This is an illustrated incunable printed by Jacobus Pentius, de Leuce who started printing in 1495, his press was chiefly active after the turn of the century. Goff J421; Klebs, A.C. Incunabula scientifica et medica,; entry 874.30; BMC V 566; HCR 14126; Essling 264; Sander 6668; Pell Ms 6718 (6683); Hillard 1153; Péligry 480; IGI 5353; Hubay(Augsburg) 1247; Pr 5705; GW M14661
16) 310. J Johannes de Sacro Bosco & ed. Francesco Capuano Di Manfredonia .
Sphera mundi nouit[er] recognita : cu[m] co[m]me[n]tarijs [et] authorib[us] in hoc volumine co[n]te[n]tis vz Capuano, Giovanni Battista Cichi Eschulani cum textu. Ioannis Baptiste Capuani. Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis. Theodosii de spheris cum textu. Michaelis Scoti questiones. Petri de Aliaco cardinalis q[uaesti]ones. Roberti Linconiensis Compendium. Theodosij iterum de spheris cum textu. Tractatus de sphera solida. Theorice planetarum conclusiones cum expositione. Campani Tractatus de sphera. Eiusdem tractatus de computo maiori. Joannis de monte regio in cremone[n]sem disputatio. Theorice textus cu[m] Joa[n]nis Baptiste Capuani exp[ositi]one. Ptolomeus De speculis. Theorica planetarum Joannis Cremonensis, plurimum faciens ad disputationem ioannis de monte regio, qua[m] in aliis hactenus i[m]pressis non reperies.
Venetijs: Luce antonij de giu[n]ta …,1518. $7,000
Folio. Original vellum. Resonances between Capuano’s commentary and Copernicus’s DE revolutionibus, I, 5-11, suggest the hypothesis that Copernicus is answering Capuano, whose work was owned by Joachim Rheticus, if not Copernicus himself.”1 The authors who Capuano choses gives us a good picture of the state of teaching Astronom in the late 15th century.” Shank (2009)
Houzeau / Lancaster I, 1642. EDIT 16 CNCE 29259. STC 597. Essling 1975. – Not in Adams.
17) 314-J. Leo I Magnus. Pope & Jacobus Lefèvre d’Étaples.
Leonis pape: hoc est pontificis maximi & sanctissimi Epistolae catholicae & sanctae eruditio[n]is plenissim[a]e
[Paris] :Iodoco Badio Ascensio. 1511. $3,400
Folio (Missing fol. CII [N3]) Bound in modern vellum.
Pope Leo I focused his pontificate on four main areas. He continuously worked to oppose and root out numerous heresies which were threatening the Western Church. Among them were Pelagianism, which involved denying Original Sin and failing to understand the necessity of God’s grace for salvation. This Roman aristocrat was the 1st pope who was given the epithet “the Great” and besides Gregorius I (540-604), the most important pope of Christian antiquity.
BM STC French,; 1470-1600, S. 262; Moreau II,; 146; Renouard, Imprimeurs & libraires parisiens du XVIe siècle,; Bade-168
18) 957G Richard Mediavilla [Middleton], d. 1302/3
Commentum super quartem Sententarium.
Venice: Christophorus Arnoldus, [circa 1476-7] $22,000
Folio {320 leaves complete} Second edition. This copy is rubricated throughout with nicely complicated red initials. Bound in modern calf over wooden boards.
Goff M-424; BMC V 206; HCR 10985; BSB-Ink R-169.050; GW M22505 : ISTC im00422800 shows two US copies: St Louis Univ., Pius XII Memorial Library (-) & YUL – i.e. both defective. UCLA, Has a complete copy listed in their catalogue. 19) 303J Nicolaus de Orbellis Eximii doctoris magistri Nicolai de Orbellis sup[er] se[n]te[n]tias co[m]pe[n]diu[m] Se[n]te[n]tias Compendiu[m] p[er]utile :elega[n]tiora doctoris subtilis dicta summatim co[m]plectens quod dudu[m] multis viciatu erroribus: castigatissime fuit recognitu: ac noue impressioni in: elegantiora doctoris subtilis dicta summatim complectens: quod dudu[m] multis viciatum erroribus: castigatissime fuit recognitu[m]: ac nove impressioni in Parisii commendatum. Paris In vniuersitate parisia : Impressioni datus, studio et opera Johanis Barbier impressoris, expe[n]sis vero Johannis Petit, undated ca 1500. $3,500 Octavo .Original blind stamped calf -rebacked. Lacking final leaf. This is a commentary on John Duns Scotus’ commentary on Peter Lombard’s ‘Sententiæ’. Adams, O251;
20) 316J Nicolaus de Orbellis.
Eximii Doctoris Magistri Nicolai de Orbellis super Sententias compendiu[m] p[er]utile : elega[n]tiora doctoris subtilis dicta summatim co[m]plectens, quod dudu[m] multis viciatu[m] erroribus : castigatissime fuit recognitu[m], ac noue impressioni in Hagenarv co[m]mendatum.
(Hagenaw, impressum opera industrij Henrici Gran expensis Iohannis Rynman de Oringaw, 1503). $1,100
Quarto Lacks 11 leaves. Nicolas de Orbellis’ commentary on John Duns Scotus’ commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sententiae./ Imprint from colophon./. Bound in flexible contemporary parchment. Adams; O249; Panzer VII, 68, 15; VD16- J 549 ; Adams O-249, CGBNP 127-561, NO 0110834, VD16 J-549; Benzing, J. Bib. Haguenovienne,; p. 11, no. 25
21) 277J Paulus Orosius
Historiae adversus paganos, edited by Aeneas Vulpes.
[Vicenza]: Hermannus Liechtenstein, [c.1475]. $ 15,000 No signatures: 100 leaves unnumbered. In this copy there is a large opening initial in green, red, blue, and yellow, with floral extensions in the margin, other initials in red, some in blue, initial spaces, most with guide letters, rubricated. Full modern vellum. The Second edition of Orosius’s universal history, written to counter the prevailing belief among non-Christians that disasters which had befallen civilisation were the result of the pagan gods, angry with worshippers turning to Christianity.
Goff O-97; H *12099; GW M28420; BMC VII 1035; Bod-inc O-027; BSB-Ink O-82; ISTC io00097000; Goff O-97
22). 305J Pelbartus de Themeswar
Sermones Pomerii fratris Pelbarti de Themeswar diui ordinis sancti Francisci de Sanctis: Jncipiunt feliciter.
Hagenau : Heinrich Gran, for Johannes Rynman, 30 September, 1501.
[imp[re]ssi … p[er] industriu[m] Henricu[m] Gran i[n] imp[eri]ali oppido Hagenaw: expe[n]sis ac su[m]ptib[us] p[ro]uidi Joha[n]nis Rynman Finiu[n]t feliciter: Anno …millesimoq[ui]nge[n]tesimoprimo. vltimo die Septe[m]bris] $22,000
Folio Original binding calf over wooden boards. (Extensive provenience is available) As early as the 15th century, Haguenau became the second home, after Strasbourg, to distribute the printing press in Alsace. It was introduced in 1489 by Henri Gran.
Not in Goff, ISTC No.ip00252500; Hain 12557*; VD16 P1165; NO copies in the US 23) 238J Peregrinus of Opole ,) Jacobus de Voragine , Nicolaus de Dinkelsbuel Peregrinus: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. Add: Jacobus de Voragine: Quadragesimale. Nicolaus de Dinkelsbuel: Concordantia in passionem dominicam
Est autem huius operis ordo talis. Primo ponuntur sermones d[omi]nicales de tempore per anni circulu[m]. Secundo de sanctis, Tercio q[ua]dragesimale Jacobi de Foragine, Q[ua]rto concordantia quatuor euangelista[rum] in passiiones d[omi]nicam a magistro Nicolao Dinckelspubell collectam.” At end of leaf m8: “Sermones Peregrini de tempore finiunt.
[Ulm: Johann Zainer, not after 1479] (A copy now in Munich BSB has an ownership inscription dated 1479) $14,000
Folio Original calf over wooden boards. Only two North American copies, both defective. Harvard University (- ff 189-278) Bryn Mawr College, (ff 239-278) Goff P267; HC 12581*; C 4407; IGI 7404; IBP 4241; Madsen 3083; Voull(B) 2629,5; Hubay(Augsburg) 1582; Hubay(Eichstätt) 794; Borm 2059; Walsh 909; Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1340; BMC II 529; BSB-Ink P-183; GW M30917 – Wegener, Zainer 9 – BSB-Ink P-183 – Proctor 2542 ISTC ip00267000 24) 145J Paulus Pergulensis
Logica magistri Pauli Pergulensis.
Venice: Johannes Emericus, de Spira, 1495/96. $12,500
Quarto. 10 x 8 ½ inches. a-e8, f44 of 44 leaves (complete) Signature of Thomas Stewart, Knight of St. John of Jerusalem, dated Rome 1837 on title. Bound in early 19th-century quarter sheep; light damp staining in lower margins throughout, title and last page soiled.
Goff P195; H 12626; R 1314; Sander 5476; IBE 4363; IGI 7322; IBPort 1357; Horch(Rio) Suppl 13; Mendes 957; GW M30234US Copies (Princeton Univ (2) and The Newberry Library) Not in Copinger or British museum Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century. 25) 318J
Stella clericorum cuilibet clerico summe necessaria
[Leipzig] : [Conrad Kachelofen], before 1492. $4500
Quarto Bound in modern boards. Initals supplied in read and internal capitals stroked. This copy is lacking the final leaf comprising the poem” Aspice presentis”
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“One of the forgotten works of the Middle Ages is the Stella clericorum, Though short, often derivative in content, and generally rather unassuming, the Stella clericorum was nonetheless one of the most popular traetises of the later Middle Ages. Stella clericorum communicates, in simplistic form and for the use of lower clergy, many of the grand ecclesiological and ritual accom- plishments of the twelfth century. Its principal themes are the dignity of the priesthood and the importance of the Eucharist.”. (CAROL NEEL, Colorado College 1997)
Goff S 775. ISTC is00774800/ (listing Huntington & Newberry only )IBP 5110. H 15065; BSB-Ink S-578; IG 2522;H 15065*; IBP 5109; Sajó-Soltész 3142; Coll(S) 999; Voull(Bonn) 1091; Günt(L) 1348; Hubay(Würzburg) 1954; Ohly-Sack 2590; Borm 2522; [The copy in München BSB has an owner’s inscription with the date 1492] 26) 35J Nicolaus Tygrinus or Tegrinus or Tegrini
Lucensium Oratio Luculentissima Pont. Maximo Alexandro Sexto per Nicolaum Tygrinu[m] Lucensem Vtriusq[ue] Iuris.
[Rome], [Andreas Freitag ],15 October 1492 $5,900
Quarto, First edition, Modern roan boards. Oration such as this are usually rare and short this one is both it is a tribute from the City of Lucca to the election of Pope Alexander VI.
CF Bühler, The Earliest Editions of the “”Oratio”” (1492) by Nicolaus Tygrinus (in: Gutenberg JB 1975, pp. 97-99)” Goff T563; HC 15751*; Pell Ms 10972; CIBN T-51; Nice 209; IGI 9670; IBE 5542; BMC IV 137; 27) 246J Gerardus de Zutphania
[ De spiritualibus ascensionibus.] Tractatus de spiritualibus ascensionibus Add: David de Augusta: De exterioris et interioris hominis compositione Lib. II, 1 (De quatuor in quibus incipientes deo servire debent esse cauti)
[Basel : Amerbach and Petri de Langendorff, not after 1489]. $6,000
Octavo 67 of 68 leaves. Lacking a1 title. Rubricated in red, initials painted in red, blue and green. Contemporary binding in full calf, with blind tooling, spine slightly rubbed Final leaf blank. “the most fertile and the most successful writer the Brothers [of the Common Life] ever produced.” “Zerbolt outlines how one can redeem the soul from its fallen state, moving to higher and higher levels through “self -knowledge, repentance, combat of sin, mortification, the practice of humility and obedience.” (Post “The Modern Devotion”)
Goff,; G177;ISTC,; ig00177000; Oates,; 2803; Bod-inc,; G-081; Pr,; 7638; BMC,; III:752; BSB-Ink,; G-127; GW,; 10689
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A Sammelband Of Aristotle commentaries . 1499-1509
A Sammelband Of Aristotle commentaries . 1499-1509
253J   Aristotle, and Peter Tartaretus  (14??-1495)                                 $18,000
Expositio magistri Petri Tatereti in Summulas Petri Hyspani cum textu, una cum additionibus in locis propriis summa accuratione, summaque animadversione impressa..
Clarissima singularisq[ue] totius philosophie necnon methaphisice Aristotelis magistri Petri Tatareti expositio.
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