#Taw Studio
for the ask game, can you tell/share a bit more on Cold Iron/Funiculars of the Fantastic?
i just like saying 'funiculars' <3
Funiculars and the Fantastic
AKA Cold Iron
AKA Olton Hall goes to Florida
First, some disclaimers:
This fiction engages with the existence of the Harry Potter Franchise
I do not recommend financially contributing to said Franchise at this time
This work of Real Locomotive Fiction (RLF) is inspired by Hatt v Rowling by halfbakedhex8 on twitter and Joezworld's headcanons regarding Olton Hall and Taw Valley 
Written for Traintober, this work plays with themes of cosmic horror and the threshold of the uncanny valley for steam locomotives
In which Olton Hall, due to unfortunate contract compromise and/or the mistaken assumption that his celebrity status would be properly acknowledged, finds himself neglected and obsessed over for a week on a plinth in Universal Studios theme park, Florida. His only reprieve from the endless stream of park goers? A seemingly Lovecraftian horror that mocks his form and speaks in his voice.
I have cleaned up excerpts of the scenes that inspired me:
And indeed, as Olton squinted over the heads of passengers, he saw what his driver meant. The engine was uncanny. Protruding from its smokebox was a face unlike any Olton had ever seen, but which also reflected Olton’s own complexion. Its mouth creased in the well-worn motion of connecting rods rather than the fluid motion of lips, and its dead eyes meandered to and fro in mechanical synchronization with the rhythmic oscillations of its expressionless countenance. Its skin was too rubbery and pale, and lacked a healthy metallic shine. Judging by the parkgoers in que, it seemed even some humans found its presence disturbing.
But Olton could perceive more. Living machines have a certain perception of architecture in the manner that a human perceives and imperceives faces. Certain schools of design define many a machine's very sense of self and other. Curves and straight edges, proportions and profiles, the placement and choice of components; any decision that is penned to blueprint (knowledge trivial, niche, enigmatic or even arcane to the layman) ought to have appeared as plain to Olton as the funnel on his smokebox. And so, even through the throng of people, Olton could sense an uncanniness. Parts whose function he could not understand. Parts that operated in unfamiliar ways, and certain familiar parts to him missing. As Olton scrutinized, he became more perplexed and unsettled, and curious, and sore in the smokebox. Once, he swore he caught sight of its driving wheels simply stop rotating as it left the platform and glided swiftly away. In the end, he was forced to conclude that he simply could not understand how the form so intent on impersonating his likeness could function the way it did, without actually possessing the functionality that made Olton, well, Olton. Despite functioning apparently fine? "Rich criticism", thought Olton, "coming from the engine currently on static display." But there was something else about the engine that disturbed Olton on a completely different, visceral level. It spoke in his voice. His past voice. It spoke entirely and unerringly from a script pulled piecemeal from various clips of his acting career. "Doesn't it have a voice of its own?", Olton had complained to his crew. "Of course not!", his crew had replied. "It's only a model, like a mannequin!", "It's line is only half a kilo-long, it would be wrong to confine a living engine like that, it might even be illegal here in the states." "Oh, like static display is any better", Olton groused, annoyed. His crew could only grimace awkwardly at that. Slowly, Olton softened. "Is, -did it die?" "Oh goodness! No! Its never been alive at all, just a model, remember?" "Only Cold Iron."
Some time later, uninterrupted exposure to the Public™ and the park's unwillingness to cater to the needs of their local locomotive celebrity (such as designated meet and greet events rather than a continuous barrage of attention from the public at large) leads Olton Hall to demonstrate why imprisoning a very sentient steam locomotive in a theme park is not a profitable idea. [Not Pictured]
Olton sat in the studio lot after his outburst. A rumbling noise disturbed the elevated track before him, and two terribly familiar trains approached from opposite directions. He stared, incredulously. “Are there two of you?”
For a moment, eyes literally blinked into existence where there shouldn’t have been. Olton’s vision went hazy, speckled with afterimages. Squinting, he inspected each engine, tender, and carriage. No, no eyes, why did he see —two sets of Dead eyes swiveled jerkily to stare at Olton. A staticky staccato chorus. “No. Only. One.” A detached part of Olton noted that he recognized which clip from his past that each word had come from. The rest of him didn't really know what to think. As the two trains continued, out of view, they echoed, "Our. Heart. Belongs. to. King's Cross."
Bonus Notes:
POV Your upset celebrity guest accidently gave the spark of life to your very intentionally repressed and isolated amusement park attraction and it developed a gestalt consciousness to cope.
In a world where look-a-like locos are generally sentient, animatronic loco faces are exceptionally creepy.
For more information on the funicular in question, watch the other thing that inspired this work.
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sexypinkon · 3 years
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                                       S   E   X    Y    P    I    N     K
                                      COURSES | Trinidad & Tobago
This workshop targets visual art students of forms 3-6, pursuing  the sculpture and ceramic component for exams.  During ten 3hr sessions, students will learn the basics of clay sculpting and ceramics, tools and their uses, workroom saftey and design and create 3 pieces for SBA submission. REGISTER NOW !!!
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sk0ps · 3 years
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SHIGGY !!!!!
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aefward · 4 years
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Shirt, Emma Willis; rings (set of three), Spinelli Kilcollin.
Photography by Anya Holdstock, Styling by Viktorija Tomasevic, Art direction by Phil Buckingham, Hair by Liz Taw at the Wall Group, Make-up by Martina Lattanzi, Production by Maddie Varnedoe, With thanks to Sunbeam Studios, London.
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rosereaperwrites · 6 years
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Here’s a test render for Astrid! No postwork, done in DAZ Studio>Reality>Luxrender, with one HDRI and one mesh light above the scene. Decided to stick with Reality, because I wasn’t happy with Iray’s results. Materials are easier to control in Reality, and it interprets light better in my opinion.
What I want to correct so far:
Lips are too shiny and a bit too dark (looks like she’s wearing lipstick).
Hair is too thin, shouldn't be that see-through.
HDRI picture resolution is too low, and lighting negates the shadows on the ground.
I miss Callad’s Reality light set, it’s not working anymore. Guess I should buy her new set and give it a try.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
loving the notes and messages I'm getting about people realizing *just how much* happened late 2017 into early 2018.
Yeah. The attack. TAW and Mark's attempted recursion with Castiel's Angels (later to become Lineage, and Arcadia, but they've all but been flushed out) Mark's weird show idea to help him sue fans since he went broke trying on us already. Etc.
And yeah. Years of fans battling the network and studio over Wayward, and Berens finally getting it to TV, honoring it with the very trailer pitch song it was sent with.
And it cancelled. And despite whatever fandom narratives are out there, that crushed EVERYONE and yeah, Jensen's part of everyone. And Bobo, of course. He almost left when his contract lapsed, but we know what he stayed for.
A lot. A lot of pain happened in Dec 2017-May 2018. A lot of very deep hurt. While Supernatural as a body sort of took a mortal blow it, itself, would never recover from in the hearts of the crew, a lot of new movements came. A lot of ideas, a lot of mindsets even, a lot of engagements with the fandom, it all started changing.
Look back. When did they shorten seasons. When did they get their silent two year greenlight to end it.
Look back. Yeah, they love that early Destiel Doesn't Exist gif. Let's look when that was. And let's look where we were by Tombstone airing. And that trajectory has only amplified as certain hostilities mindlessly increased, making an ironic self feeding vortex they were unaware of fueling. Antis basically pressure cooked themselves into a Destiel receptive jensen praising extended cast and begging for spinoffs and extended worlds and carrying this forward, in a way that everything he's learned since has taught him.
Like. You guys aren't the only ones that can double down. You doubled down on exclusion and Jensen doubled down for his friends, which was a foreign concept to you people, and most explicitly Misha who had received excessive attacks not just from wonko J1ers but from the TAW catastrophe.
Again, T2P0 and those right now are trying real hard to split fandom and cause distress, because they realized we were becoming rightfully confident in this lane and few people were listening to them. But I've said it so many times. This is a long, long time coming. And if we go wayback in the wayback machine, there's thousands of fans that were involved in this, unfortunately many became dispirited and bitter, some to the point they're fighting against the new attempts, because they weren't quite ready for the representation battle they judged other creators on their merits of, tbh.
but like yall i mean it.
They're gonna try to shake the fandom back but they're not going to stop the shakes that come out of the show. These are just weird fuckin death knells.
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emeiburell · 7 years
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These are some of my future dreams, hopes and goals! Fingers crossed that I'll make them happen!
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architectnews · 3 years
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building, Architect, UAE Design Project Photos
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Design
6 October 2021
Design: Grimshaw Architects
Photos by Phil Handforth
Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai
Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion, opened to the public in 2021 as one of the top three attractions of the Dubai Expo 2020, and aims to illuminate the ingenuity and possibility of architecture as society looks to intelligent strategies for future sustainable living.
photograph : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Drawing inspiration from complex natural processes like photosynthesis, the dynamic form of the Pavilion is in service to its function, capturing energy from sunlight and fresh water from humid air. The relationship of building to site, and to its physical and cultural contexts is critical, as the facility’s strength lies in its capacity to demonstrate a new way of living sustainably in a challenging desert environment.
Sited in a prominent location, the Pavilion structure works in tandem with the considered landscape of demonstration gardens, winding pathways and shaded enclaves to create an aura of magic punctuated by the sights, smells and tactile opportunities of nature. The gardens are both experiential and functional, setting the stage for the exhibition contents within and creating shaded gathering areas that will manage and distribute crowds while providing retail, food and beverage opportunities.
When creating a building with a goal of generating its own energy and water in a harsh climate, the solution cannot be driven by a single aspect of the design. To achieve net-zero, the design required a series of technologies, building systems and design solutions to act in unison. This self-contained, micro-ecosystem resulted from a combination of strategies: optimizing the natural conditions inherent in its location; working with and within them to maximize efficiency; and supplementing them with pioneering sustainable technologies to create innovative solutions
The design is driven by maximizing efficiency which it does by seeking shade in the one place available: below the ground. The Pavilion uses the insulating properties of the earth to shield it from the harsh ambient temperatures which can soar to 50 degrees in the warmer months.
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Most of the accommodation is below grade and cased with an earth roof system, creating a substantial barrier to help reduce its cooling loads and conserve energy. The above ground surfaces are clad with a gabion rainscreen wall – sourced with local stone from the Hajar Mountains – which provides enough thermal mass to absorb the heat while the stone’s natural color reflects the sun.
Flora and fauna sourced from the surrounding deserts – including some species that have been never been cultivated by humans – are arranged on the planted roofs and throughout the gardens, creating a water efficient landscape that functions through a series of closed loop systems designed to filter, supply and recycle water. The framing of these local topographical and floral features, combined with the technologies of water recycling and reuse, provide visitors a newfound appreciation of the unique region and its biodiversity. The site also includes areas for productive agricultural landscape featuring halophytic agriculture and other testing beds.
The culmination of the building’s systems can be found in the heart of the Pavilion, its large exterior courtyard. Borrowing from the vernacular of the region, the courtyard provides a large, passively cooled space for visitors. During the design, thermodynamic studies charting the prevailing breezes were used to shape the courtyard to allow desirable cool south-westerly breezes to enter while blocking warmer winds.
Soaring over the courtyard, the Pavilion’s canopy accommodates more than 6,000 sqm of ultra-efficient monocrystalline photovoltaic cells embedded in glass panels. The combination of the cell and the glass casing allow the building to harness solar energy while providing shade and daylighting to the visitors below. The experience in the courtyard is of being beneath a large shade tree with dappled light projecting onto the surfaces below. The form of the canopy works with the courtyard to direct cool air in, while simultaneously exhausting low-lying hot air through a chimney effect at the centre.
The canopy also serves as a large collection area for stormwater and dew that replenishes the building’s water system. The result is a structure that combines the most advanced technology in solar capture and a clear understanding of the natural conditions of the site to actively generate energy while passively cooling and enhancing the experience of the visitor. With over 6,000 sqm of exhibition space, the Sustainability Pavilion will enjoy a long life after Expo is over, transforming into a science museum and expanding on its mission of exploring sustainable practices and the critical stewardship of our fragile planet.
ENERGY E TREES The Sustainability Pavilion is complemented by an installation of Energy Trees which contribute toward its goal of producing its own energy. Nineteen E-trees ranging from 15-18m in diameter are dispersed throughout the site and provide 28% of the energy required to power the building. Inspired by the Dragon’s Blood, a tree found only on Socotra, an island 200 miles off the coast of Yemen, the E-Tree is designed to be a deployable freestanding shade structure that harvests the sun’s energy. The structure is constructed from steel and complex composites and has been optimized to support an 18m photovoltaic array.
Taking further cues from nature, the array follows the sun in the same manner as a sunflower, rotating 180 degrees throughout the course of the day to maximize the energy yield and increase the efficiency of the solar cells, before returning to its original position at night. Bespoke trapezoidal panels composed of highly efficient monocrystalline solar cells, embedded within three layers of glass, provide shade below without casting severe shadows or blocking views to the sky.
Supporting the array is an engineered carbon fibre structure inspired by the design of the steering wheel of a yacht. The structural design maximizes strength in its shape, with radial branches encircled by a compression ring while decreasing the load of the structure itself. Carbon fibre was chosen for its light weight which allows the form to extend unsupported for up to nine meters in all directions.
The E-Trees have become an integral part of both the exhibition and the Pavilion site – showcasing and educating visitors on the research on solar harnessing and panel technology – while at the same time, serving as an integral part of the systems that contributes to a net zero energy goal of the building.
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Terra Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Design – Building Information
Project Data:
Client: Emaar Properties & Expo 2020 Dubai
Location: Expo Road Dubai South, Jebel Ali P.O. Box 2020 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Website: https://ift.tt/3FmYDo0 Completion date: January 2021 Gross square footage: 17,000 sqm Project cost: confidential
Project Team:
Grimshaw: architect Buro Happold: engineering Desert Ink: landscape architecture
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Other Consultants:
Rice Perry Ellis: local architect Sherwood Design Engineers: civil engineering, water management Cerami: AV, IT, acoustics, security Tricon: food service Orca : crowd flow RWDI: climate analysis Thinc Design: exhibition design Eden Project: exhibition content TAW Weiss: maintenance Arch4Blind: accessibility Charcoal Blue: theatre design Lord Cultural: operations Friday Group: specifications
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Grimshaw Design Team:
Andrew Whalley – Chairman – Partner in Charge Matthew Utley – Principal – Director of Middle East Operations Mark Rhoads – Associate Principal – Project Director Casimir Zdanius – Associate Principal – Industrial Design Lead
Associate Principals: Iouyu Chen, Robert Young, George Hauner, Croz Crozling, Andrew Anderson
Associates: Jorge Salgado, Aimee Duquette, Aaron Vaden Youmans, Ross Goldsworthy, Woojae Sung, Andrea Debilio
Design Team: Zach Fine, Augustine Savage, Kyle Day, Renua Itsueli, Fernando Fisbein, Hannah Park, Anthony Mopty, Joana Torres, Justin Brammer, Mehnaj Tabassum, Diba Dayani, Mason Nabors, Albert Hsu, Kurt Hanzlik, Patricia McKee, Fan Cao, Kyle Spence, Vincent Velasquez, Max Dowd, Wooyoung Choi, Leland Jobson, David Mans, Greg Smith, Konrad Sobon, Raphael Ogoe, Alexandra Danciulescu
Photos: Phil Handforth
Sustainability Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai Design: Grimshaw Architects image courtesy of architects Sustainability Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai
Expo 2020 Pavilion Abu Dhabi Sustainability
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion building design images / information received 061021 from CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati Architects
Location: Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE
Dubai 2020 Expo Pavilions
Dubai Expo UK Pavilion Design: Es Devlin photo by Alin Constantin ; image courtesy of Es Devlin Expo 2020 Dubai UK Pavilion Building
Dubai Expo Swedish Pavilion Building Design: Alessandro Ripellino Architects, Studio Adrien Gardère and Luigi Pardo Architetti photo courtesy of Swedish government Dubai Expo Swedish Pavilion Building
Dubai 2020 Expo Pavilions Design: Santiago Calatrava, Foster + Partners, BIG and Grimshaw Architects image courtesy of architects Dubai 2020 Expo Pavilions
2020 Expo Dubai Luxembourgish Pavilion Design: METAFORM Architects image courtesy of architects 2020 Expo Dubai Luxembourg Pavilion Building
Dubai World Expo 2010 Masterplan Design: HOK / Populous Dubai World Expo Masterplan
Grimshaw Architects
Dubai World Expo
UAE Architecture
Abu Dhabi Architecture Designs – chronological list
Dubai Buildings
Hyperloop Pods and Portals Design: BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group image from architects studio Hyperloop Pods and Portals in Dubai
Architecture Tours Dubai by e-architect
Dubai World Expo 2020
Comments / photos for the Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building design by Grimshaw Architects in UAE page welcome
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signorformica · 5 years
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[Fragment of an amazing, bloody series of interviews with the musician "Jelly Roll" Morton, conducted by Allan Lomax in 1938 for the Library of Congress 
“Tell us about some of these bad men they had down in New Orleans.”
“Well, I believe Aaron Harris was, no doubt, the most heartless man I’ve ever heard of or ever seen. I knew him personally, but I really didn’t know the man until I had known him for quite a while. He used to love to play pool. And I was, er, supposed to be a very good pool player.”
[Plays chords softly as he speaks]
“So, every day he used to play me for two dollars. It was really his object to try to win some money off me, because he knew I played piano in the sporting houses every night. And we all made a lotta of money, so it was his object to try to beat me. So I’m playing this man every day and nobody tells me that it was Aaron Harris. At this time I believe he had eleven killings to his credit, including his sister and his brother-in-law. Somehow or another he got out of all, all the trouble that he ever was in. So, one day he said to me, with his last money.
“He said, “Let me tell you something.”
“I said, “What do you mean?”
“He says, “If you make this ball on my money, I’m gonna take every bit of the money you’ve got in your pocket.”
“I said, “Well, a lot of people, you know, they go to the graveyard for taking. I got what it takes to stop you.”
“He said, “What is that?”
“I say, “A hard-hitting thirty-eight special. And that’ll stop any living human. You have your chances to take my money, because if I can make this ball, in the pocket she goes.”
“I raised my cue high in the air, because my taw ball was close under the cushion. And I stroked this ball, and into the pocket she went. It was then that Aaron Harris found that he had been playing a shark all the time. So, undoubtedly, he decided I didn’t know he was Aaron Harris, at the time. Of course, I never would have spoke to him like that if I had a’known it, see?
“He said, “Okay kid, you’re the best. Loan me a couple of dollars.”
“I said, “Now, that’s the way to talk. If you wanna couple of dollars, I’ll be glad to give it to you. But don’t never take anything away from me ‘cause nobody ever does.”
“After leaving, at that time one of the big gamblers in New Orleans, a good friend of mine, that used to wear a diamond stud so big that he could never get the tie — no kind of a tie — firm enough to hold that diamond in place that it would stand straight up, it would hang down. His name is Bob Rowe. He’s a man that owns strings of racehorses on the track when he died some years ago. He said to me, he says, “Kid,” — I guess he’s a little older than I — he says, “Don’t play that fellow no more.”
“I said, “Why? Why should I eliminate playing a sucker? He brings money here every day for me. Why should I pass up money?”
“He say, “You know who you playin’?”
“I say, “Why, certainly, I should know. Why I beat him every day. He’s my sucker, that’s who he is.”
“He says, “Yes,” says, er, “You know him, don’t you?”
“I said, “I do.”
“He said, “What’s his name?”
“I said, “Don’t know his name, but I know him.”
“He said, “Well, I’ll tell you his name and maybe you’ll know him better.”
“I says, “Okay, let’s have your . . . let’s have you divulge it.”
“He says, “Okay,” he says, “That’s Aaron Harris.”
“Thought I’d come near passing out.
“I says, “From now on, I won’t play Aaron Harris no more.” So I’ll play one of the, well . . .”
[Plays chords softly as he speaks]
“Of course, I never played Aaron Harris no more. From then on, I decided to be good friends with Aaron. And I didn’t want Aaron’s money any more. Well, of course, they wrote a song about Aaron, because Aaron was known to be a ready killer. I wouldn’t be saying this now, but he’s dead and gone because he got killed. But here’s the song they wrote about him:
    Aaron Harris was a bad, bad man,
    Aaron Harris was a bad, bad man,
    He is the baddest man,
    That ever was in this land.
      He killed his sweet little sister and his brother-in-law,
    He killed his sweet little sister and his brother-in-law,
    About a cup of coffee,
    He killed his sister and his brother-in-law.
      He got out of jail, every time he would make his kill,
    He got out of jail, every time he would make a kill,
    He had a hoodoo woman,
    All he had to do . . . pay the bill.
      All the policemens on the beat, they had him to fear,
    All the policemens on the beat, had old Aaron to fear,
    You could always tell,
    When Aaron Harris was near.
      He pawned his pistol one night to play in a gambling game,
    He pawned his pistol one night to play in a gambling game,
    When old Boar Hog shot him,
    That blotted out his name.
 [Plays chords softly as he speaks]
“That was the baddest man I ever seen. Boy, that man was terrible. That man would chew pig iron and spit it out into razor blades. And chew the, er . . . I’m telling you, he’d chew glass up, if it was necessary — the same thing that would cut a hog’s entrails out. He’s a tough man, Aaron Harris was. He was no doubt the toughest.
[Note: Aaron Harris (1880-1915) was one of 14 children of a black New Orleans grocer, George Harris, and his wife Mary Jane Moore. The family lived at 2238 Cadiz Street in the 13th Ward in 1900. Despite his reputation, Harris was never convicted of a crime in New Orleans, although he stood trial for the murder of his brother, Willis Harris, in 1910. Aaron was acquitted on the grounds of self-defence. After a heated argument, Willis attacked Aaron with a razor, and Aaron coolly shot his brother dead. In 1915, Aaron was working as a cotch dealer for various gambling houses. Boar Hog, the nickname of George Robertson, a watchman for the Frisco Railroad Company, had accused Aaron of stealing goods from the company. Aaron, never one to ignore a challenge, threatened to kill Boar Hog.
On the fateful night of 14th July 1915, Aaron left work and was walking down Tulane Avenue when he encountered Boar Hog. He reached for his Colt ·41 but Boar Hog was quicker and shot Aaron twice with his Colt ·44. Aaron fell to the ground, and the blood-splattered “heartless killer” never moved again in this life. As Leadbelly sang in the Los Angeles studios of Capitol Records in October 1944, when he recorded that thrilling blues-ballad called Ella Speed, Aaron Harris “was dead, goin’ home all re-ragged in red.”]
[Plays chords softly as he speaks]
“See, Aaron, er, I guess the reason why he got out of trouble so much . . . It was often known that Madame Papaloos was the lady that, er, always backed him when he got in trouble. I don’t mean with funds or anything like that. Money wasn’t really in it. As I understand, she was a hoodoo woman. Some, some say voodoo, but we . . . it’s known in New Orleans as hoodoo.
“Well, er, Madame Papaloos is supposed, that is — from, er, certain evidences — to tumble up Aaron’s house. Take all the sheets off the bed. Tumble the mattresses over. Put sheets in front of the glasses. Take chairs and tumble ‘em all over. That is said, and known to, er, discourage the judge from prosecutin’. And of course, the different witnesses, er, have all their tongues supposed to be tied. They supposed to tie ‘em with, er, buy lambs’ tongues, and, er, beef tongues and veal tongues out of the markets, and stick ‘em full of needles. That is what I understand. I don’t know, but I’ve never seen ‘em. Stick pins and needles all through ‘em. And take some, er, we’ll say, twine, in order to make it real secure and tie these tongues up. And that’s supposed to have the prosecuting attorneys, and the judges, and the jurors, and so forth and so on, have their tongues tied that they can’t talk against whoever the victim’s supposed to be. Not the victim, but, er, the one that’s arrested — the prisoner.
“So Aaron Harris was always successful in getting out of all of his troubles. Of course, they had a lot of bad men in New Orleans, because New Orleans . . . wherever there’s money, there’s a lot of tough people, there’s no getting around it. But they had a lot of swell people there too.
“We had another tough guy by the name of Sheep Bite. He was the toughest man in the world, until Aaron Harris showed up. When Aaron . . . Aaron Harris showed up, he was just like a lamb, like anybody else. He was also one of those raiders go round the games — the cotch games as they call ‘em. Er, they what you . . . cotch game is what you call, er, a three-card Spanish poker — and take all the money, and curse you and beat and kick you, take a pistol and slap you across the head. It was all right, when Aaron Harris walked in. Why, he’s just the nicest little boy you ever seen in the world. [laughs] He’s nice, lovely, see?”
“Do you have any songs about Sheep Eye?”
“No, never had a song about him, see? Because he really was yellow, see? Listen . . . I hope that he’s dead, because if he ever hears this, I’ll be dead soon, see?” [laughs]
*Image: Bryan Cunningham Hoodoo Folk Art. Red Truck Gallery New Orleans
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shimokitazawathree · 5 years
2019 10 01-15
1 tue
¥1,000 (+1D)
19:30 open
20:00 sitart
The Folksoons
the deadly school
and more
2 wed
3 thu
Live Time
VOGOS×NoLA presents OUTRIGHT japan tour OUTRIGHT welcome party
 open/start 19:00/19:30 
adv/door ¥1500(+1D)
live / OUTRIGHT(Australia) 
 DJ / 小野ボーイ 
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Bar Time
4 fri
Live Time
OP/ST: 18:30
ADV: ¥2,000 / DOOR: ¥2,500 (+1D) 
Live: GeGeGe / Waater / Hearsays / Bearwear / I Saw You Yesterday
DJ: Kendrick Omar (Dead Funny) 
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Club Time
OPEM 23:30
music charge ¥1,000
copa salvo / FRISCO
FOOD/ スタンドかげん
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5 sat
Day Time
open 12.15pm | show starts 12.30pm
adv. ¥3,000 | door ¥3,400 (+1DRINK)
mmm with Emerson Kitamura
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Live Time
Ita’s “Nat Records working” 25th Anniversary Party
Open 17:00 / Live Start 20:00 ~ Close 23:00
前売 2,500 Yen / 当日 3,000 Yen
Mega Munch Oysters Winstons
Los Rancheros
Crocodile Cox And The Disaster
Keisuke Naito / Shj (London Nite) / Katchin’ (London Nite) / Noel (Mystery Meat)
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6 sun
Day Time
Studio Crusoe Presents
Open 12:00 Start 12:45
ADV ¥1500(+1drink) DOOR ¥2000(+1drink)
毛玉 / ARAM / ムラタユスラ
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Live Time
OPEN 18:30  START19:00
前売り¥2200+1d  当日¥2400+1d
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7 mon
Live Time
Shimokitazawa Three Time: 19:30
Cost: 投げ銭/name your price (¥0~) 
LIVE: Tropical Death -tentative four -Demon  Altar
DJs: -koyeh (come to my party) -Noel Callan (Mystery Meat) -Ian Martin (Call And Response)
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Bar Time
8 tue
Live Time
OPEN 19:00 CLOSE 23:30
CHARGE ¥1,000
BOOK SELECTOR & DJ:福富優樹(Homecomings)
DJ:小野田雄, Half Mile Beach Club, FRANKLIN’S BOOK CLUB 
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Bar Time
9 wed
Live Time
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Bar Time
10 thu
Live Time
最高のウィークデイナイト 『Kira Kira Vol.19』 2019.10.10(thu) @下北沢THREE 開場/開演 19:00 チャージ ¥1,000(+2D) ■出演■ yokoThema 斉藤めい the autumn サヨナラボーイ ◽︎DJオファー中◽︎ DJ ミシシッピ ■FOOD■ いさわ食堂 チャージ1,000円(+2D) ■公式Tumblr,Twitter■ https://kirakira-official.tumblr.com https://twitter.com/kirakiraweekday
Bar Time
11 fri
Live Time
Hazy Sour Cherry 1st Album "Tour de Tokyo" Release Party!!! ★LIVE FLASHLIGHTS Mule Team The Original Mixed-Up Kids Hazy Sour Cherry ★DJ ホシエイスケ open19:30 前売り¥2000 当日¥2500
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12 sat
Live Time
SMELLS pre.『night after night vol.41』 
OPEN 18:00 START 18:30 
adv.2,000+1d door.2,500+1d ※高校生以下¥1,000(1d込み)
 Vital Club(山形) 
Teenager Kick Ass
 フライヤーデザイン やまもとみく
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13 sun
Live Time
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14 mon
Day Time
 開場 11:30 / 開演 12:00
 前売 ¥2,500 / 当日 ¥3,000 
女性 ¥1,500 / 学生 ¥500 (入場時学生証のご提示お願いいたします)
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Live Time
Bar Time
15 tue
Live Time
¥1,000 (+1D)
19:30 open
20:00 sitart
Bar Time
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The Infamous Finals Week..
Hey Goslings! 
Finals week has officially begun! I am at the point in the semester where I am just burnt out and cannot wait to go home and take a break from working. I will miss being here at WAC of course though, and I am very excited for the next semester. 
So far finals week has lived up to the hype it gets. It is just as busy and overwhelming as everybody says it is! This school however is amazing and offers a lot of support and encouragement to students on their finals. The best support though comes from your loved ones. 
Last week my mom sent me this awesome care package! 
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WAC has a service with the local Women’s League that allows parents to send care packages as well. I had no idea about it though, so as an alternative my mom sent me a healthy snack care package! I’m glad she chose this one, with Christmas around the corner I cannot afford to stress eat junk food during this time! My absolute favorite snacks so far were the sour Motts fruit snacks and the zesty rank veggie straws! 
So far the week has been very hectic. On Sunday I had my ballet final, my professor opened up Tawes Theater for us to perform in. I haven’t danced on a stage for years so it was definitely an adjustment from the usual studio. It felt good to try it out, especially with my dance minor! 
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Here is a low quality photo of me posing in my attire before the final assessment! 
My history paper was also due on Monday morning at 10. Being that I knew I did not have my economics exam until 4 on Thursday, I chose to hand in my paper early so I can be lazy and sleep in. 
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I finished revisions, printed and handed it in at 10:45pm. I was very lucky that Goldstein was still open! 
Monday was dedicated to studying for the most part, I did a few things in between as well though. As proof that college is amazing and completely worth it, WAC hosted a late breakfast last night. It was awesome, getting the delicious breakfast food without the waking up before 9am part. 
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I ate like a pig, I was so full after late breakfast I honestly could not move. Another thing that made Late Breakfast great was the Birthday Ball Theme reveal! The SEB decorated the dining hall to reveal the 2019 Birthday Ball Theme, it was so pretty! 
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They chose a perfect time to reveal the theme, it surely lightens up the mood of finals week! 
Until Thursday, I am going to be studying my head off! I can’t wait to update you on how the rest of the week goes! 
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Until then, my desk will most likely look like this- covered in papers with a coffee cup that will be filled constantly. 
- The Golden Goose 
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lyrics2world · 3 years
22 Kehnda Lyrics - Kotti
22 Kehnda Lyrics – Kotti
22 Kehnda Lyrics by Kotti is the latest Punjabi song lyrics written by Kotti and the beautiful music also given by Yeah Proof.This song published by Single Track Studios. 22 Kehnda Lyrics Yeah Proof! Mera 22 kehnda rohb nahio jhallna kise da Mera 22 kehnda raah nahio mallna kise da Mera 22 kehnda rohb nahio jhallna kise da Mera 22 kehnda Mera 22 kehnda jehde jehde raah dakkde ni Saale tawe utte…
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aefward · 4 years
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Shirt, Emma Willis; rings (set of three), Spinelli Kilcollin; necklace, Meadowlark.
Photography by Anya Holdstock, Styling by Viktorija Tomasevic, Art direction by Phil Buckingham, Hair by Liz Taw at the Wall Group, Make-up by Martina Lattanzi, Production by Maddie Varnedoe, With thanks to Sunbeam Studios, London.
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rosereaperwrites · 6 years
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Remember when I said that I would stop fiddling with Astrid’s features? I LIED.
I had issues with her previous face, because of all the morphs I had to apply. There were creases at places where there shouldn't be, and correcting everything in ZBrush was a pain in the ass. That's when I remembered that I had a figure from a previous generation that had the right features for Astrid. It took me a while to make it work, but I transfered Genevieve 7's face morph to Genesis 8. From there I only changed her brow arch height, and eye shape.
Those clothes are better, but it's still not her definitive outfit.
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incarnateirony · 6 years
So I kind of just need a place to let it all out.
If you don’t want to hear me ranting about my truest encounter with the embodiment of male privilege, the stereotype of millennials, and even bad stereotypes about queerfolk - that I’ve ever encountered in a single being - please keep scrolling and /ignore. But it’s better to rant about it here in this contained area than have it wank up in an SM area that is adjacent to a growing business profile. If someone finds it, okay, I have nothing to hide, but still, better to keep clear air over there rather than kick up in main venues.
But holy shit.
Beware: Much cussing afoot. Minding through this journey this guy is trying to demolish weeks of my work and tried to use my credit card and busting up people’s hubs and turning friends on each other and all kinds of stuff. This is my personal blog and at this point, I’m furious. 
 Okay so I’m going to start with CultFans. Some of you saw some of the work done. Let me tell you a little bit about how CF started. (and before making any judgments about CF because of this dude as described below, read the whole thing and understand how it’s changed now.)
There was a little podcast called Order of the Outpost. The Outpost is a small CW summer show with a tiny fandom, but I watch it because... well, it’s honestly an indie studio getting its first real shot and struggling through a lack of budget to swing with the big dogs and fuck yes I am trash for that kind of content. But anyway, OotO was started by a girl named Kira, who formerly ran The Lit Round Table for the Librarians fandom, and producer Dean Devlin showed up on it at one point. She got to go to set with the others. It was cool! Dean also signed on to support Outpost next to Arrowstorm, so heyyyyy it was just sort of a neat idea, maybe he’ll show back up one day and if not, we can nerd meta talk.
Several people pile in. One is this dude who happened to make semi-friends with a young actress getting a role in the show, who referred a few people to the stream. The problem is, when people got there, the streams went a few hours, it wasn’t structured - but I mean, that’s understandable. It’s a young fan stream in a young fandom, there’s not gonna be a lot of structure. And we don’t want to take over her podcast with a RuEL oF lAW but we see that the last guest got visibly exhausted. In fact, it was bad enough Shea and I left the call because it had run for 2 1/2 hours and that was just ridiculous. But it left Kira and... dude with the one semifriend actress (Tim/TJ). So the call went into eternity.
I felt bad for Josh (the set guy that was there) and thought - okay, I mean, I have the experience to help this keep rolling, but things have to change. You don’t want to change up her podcast but... if you want guests to stay engaged something has to change. So I propose making like, a second feature. This proposal was originally a second piece of content/second show on the same channel, but Dude With The SemiFriendish Actress ran off and, while I was checking my funds to consider investing in a website, registered a separate social media account, already started spamming tags out and alerting people about a change... okay, weird and unnecessary but whatever, roll with it.
He says he likes the idea of a more professional environment so that’s why he ran off and made the separate channel. I ask if he can invest in it at all. He says no. Okay, well, we need better than what we have, if we want any agents to take us seriously, so I drop the hard cash for website, domain, etc etc up front. I let him know it’s gonna be a hard road if he wants to do that kind of thing, he says he gets it and will listen.Totally open to feedback since I know what I’m doing and I’m totally an owner because I’m investing. Cool. So we do our first independent podcast which ends up being like... an hour and a half of him interrupting everything and talking at the guest. Flashbacks to the call with Josh, which dude COMPLETELY blamed Kira for. Even though he was one of two participants. 
I pull him aside, say that’s not okay, that’s still way too long. We’re gonna start scripting it. Nobody’s here to see you talk, dude, or hear your opinion. If you want an opinion stream, go to OotO, you’re supposed to be supporting guests. That’s why they show up - publicity for a small studio. Says he gets it... give him a script. I start working on videos. He visits OotO one more time and drops a GIANT PR BOMB I DARE NOT REPEAT BUT IT COULD HAVE COST SOMEBODY THEIR JOB. (for the record, it’s something it turns out he completely hyperbolically inflated to make himself look good and turned up completely false but this isn’t shit you play around with son, these are careers.) We lock down the OotO stream and scrub it. He does a thousand frowny faces and apologizes and says he gets it. Okay! He’s new to this... will give another chance. 
Now, let me insert, I love Sonalii Castillo to death. She’s talented in every way imaginable and a sweetheart. But she is not a big name. She deserves to be a big name, but she isn’t there yet. Her star meter floats at about the same level as TAW, if that gives you any idea, only she’s not a complete shitlord like TAW - she just hasn’t gotten a lucky break yet. But due to huffing crack from talking to her, dude sets up a patreon. We’re so new we have like 6 subscribers but he makes tiers like “$200/month TJ will add you to PS4 and play games with you.” Who the fuck are you dude??? Who is going to do that??? What the fuck? I tell him to take that shit down.
And... another. Dude, who all are you emailing? Wait, why do we have a new email? Wait, you registered an email on top of my domain? That we don’t have access to? Wait - what? Make a fucking spreadsheet, what the fuck is going on. 
“Make a spreadsheet” - he comes back with this eye bleeding hot mess:
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Just... pages of that. (Contacts blacked out for obvious reasons) O-...okay... he’s... he’s trying, I guess? Need contact to the email to see what you’ve said so we can follow up. Wait, you have THREE emails? Okay - he - he let us in one. Good enough for fucking now I guess, despite bitching him out to not do things in private.
Find him sending two page bricks about his aspergers and hopes and dreams to agents when they ask for more details. Uh- that’s... that’s not what they meant dude? “I didn’t realize-” dude there’s aspergers and then there’s just being completely- like- ridiculous. Dude, I have aspergers. And boy did he pitch that as an excuse every chance he got. Either you’re cut out for this kind of work or you’re not.
So I’m going behind, scrubbing on audio and video PR bombs, busted agent rep, vats of what turns out to be HUNDREDS of emails, writing scripts, making videos and even running the live broadcast because nobody else can handle it - oh, and paid for the site, because, you know, it was me saying we needed a better environment to begin with that kicked this off, but I never meant to completely break away but WHATEVER it is what it is. I made a point to keep attending OotO while, unsurprisingly, he dropped them cold.
He convinces a comic shop owner to give him swag for a light sponsorship deal for advertisement-vs-giveaway - cool, that’s cool. Inventory it. But he wants to keep this super rare rogue poster! Did he give it to you as a gift or as a sponsorship? ...For a giveaway. Okay, then you don’t keep that, that’s fraud. [pouty face]
Keep in mind this dude is 25.
He keeps turning up going “look at the stuff I got from the comic shop for giveaways!” and we’re like, dude, stop spending money, we don’t have money, you’re on welfare, knock it off until we get some sort of income. DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY okay but if that’s your money that’s on you, I’m not taking that as an investment I’m going to have to pay back when we keep saying to stop buying shit. INVENTORY it so we can BUNDLE it and make GIVEAWAYS. Took like a month of me telling him this for him to inventory a grand total of like 12 items. 
So I got him to close his utterly failed patreon and opened one of my own, that stayed in MY management, and he starts bitching for the login. Dude, you didn’t give me yours? You literally won’t give me anything that has a card on it so why am I going to give it to you? We’re not the ones blowing random money left and right? If there’s an expense to pay back, minding of course I’m the one that’s invested triple digits in this and he’s... spastically bought random swag at a comic book store and registered a redundant email on top of my domain that clogs up my ability to use *MY* free email in my package, while paying a few cents a day on it - I’ll fucking paypal you the money dude. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow Shea lives in the same house and can handle it. You don’t need my login creds.
I mean by now, there’s already huge red flags. Add in calling us each and rambling at us three hours a day about jack schitt all nothing while we say we’re trying to do work and mostly just talking about himself, kinda like he does on live air. Serious major narcissism shows, increasing creepiness with female guests, his weird obsession with anything money based, impulse spending, oh and he takes this “I’m the creator” attitude. ???? I... bought everything? And... Shea and I make... literally all of the resulting product? ???? You... ran off early and registered an SM account???? What did you create? Oh, it was “his idea”... right... okay. Yeah, no it wasn’t. Cue arguments and shitfits about it starting up.
But hey, I’m going to stay on point because we have a good thing going.
Again, HUNDREDS of emails. Try to navigate that hellhole of a spreadsheet and eventually just go “Fuck it, I’ll reformat, and make him fill in the other parts,”
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Tada, a spreadsheet you can actually like, find shit. Suddenly the other team members could understand what the fuck was going on. I put in a date of contact, and email of contact field (now it’s all uniform now that we’ve cleaned up, but there were FOUR emails bouncing in there that he was doubletapping people from, once I made him type it out). Made him go find his own bullshit and put in dates/emails while haranguing him into giving us access to all but one email, and he pitched a fit saying his personal payment details were on it (because he chose to register the gsuite ON TOP OF MY DOMAIN just because he had limited delegated access to my godaddy I guess. IDK how Gsuite gets signed up for but I’ll just guess randos can’t do it without SOME kind of access)
Well, keep in mind, I’d been spending bare minimum 6, often 18 hours a week resorting emails, ELI5ing basic business or even basic human engagement, on top of my scripting and video work and everything else, because I bought into the “nobody ever gives me a chance” whining. And I’m all about giving people chances to do things they have fire to do. Literally all we’re asking for is to like, spellcheck his work (he was posting things through the blog like “Exlcusive”), not be a PR bomb, and sort out his shit (spreadsheets, emails) so I didn’t always have to clean up over him. Not exactly exorbitant work standards. Also stay relatively on script because, well, nobody wants to attend a stream for 2 1/2 hours, 2 hours of which is him talking at everyone instead of pulling information from the guests or engaging on behalf of an audience.  But he’s trying, I tell myself! Against my better judgment. And, well, at least he contributes to paying imdbpro? 
Well, I thought he did. Until I found out he was on a free trial and that expired. Sooo guess who had to register for the next trial? [this guy thumbs] Guess who started demanding access despite not allowing access before because of payment creds?
Because I’ve worked in stuff before, I run this by an old art director that’s worked on some pretty big shit. She doesn’t know anyone on the stream from Adam but HONES in on TJ. Her “protect the model” instinct kicked in immediately with how he was engaging female guests. “Mouth breathing basement dwelling perv” was the vibe she got off of him, without any prompting, and she immediately skeeved out. “He’s a problem, he’s a huge problem.” And I legit hadn’t said SHIT to her. She apparently saw the look on my face and was like “What?”  so, storytime kicked in. But I did still make excuses for him. He’s an aspie, sometimes we’re weird about how we communicate, our tones are off, it may just be a quirk outside of his control - etc etc. But all this other shit has built up despite my thousand excuses I’ve run for him (and some I’ve completely brushed over in this novel) She also noted he choked on the McNally interview - that we were all nervous but he was squeaky. I said that was my fault, I rode his ass too hard about staying on script, poor baby was trying, that was a my bad. 
And there’s parts I haven’t even touched on, TBH.
But let’s review where we’re at
Original OotO stream
I still attend, he drops Kira cold
He’s bitching in private quarters that he can’t stand her
I still try to refer guests we get to her 
He starts dragging her when off air to blockade her getting guests
I now lose my shit on him
More frowny faces
after PR bombs
after unsorted emails
after the eyebleeding spreadsheet
After wrecking connections to a few agencies
After many long talks
after him running off script for weeks
After an art director spots him as a problem immediately
After I do all scripting, videos, and broadcasting
After Shea does all the graphics
After we made all of the triple digit investment
Dude randomly thinks he owns it because he bolted off to register an SM first
But wait, there’s MORE!
Dude starts pitching bitches that I put out deadlines. Because he’s done things like try to bait guests on live air to make commitments to him and all kinds of shit, and I’m hard scripting it now to PREVENT that. But if the artists are gonna get the script in a time they can yay/nay we need to get it to them BEFORE THE FINAL HOUR. So he misses deadlines and then expects everyone to hand him their questions and work so he can be on the whole stream after he fucked off for a week and failed to even SUBMIT A QUESTION TO BE SCRIPTED? Um, NO? Guess who loses his shit about “his baby.” Oh boy, the entire team has a comeapart on him at this point.
He comes forward with telling the story of how the australian version of welfare (I forget what it’s called? Centerpoint? Some shit like that?) is up his ass to get a job but they’re getting “off his ass” because he’s “trying to make a business” and he’s happy about that, so he “might get a part time job, if he has to" but he wants to finally move out, get a two bedroom apartment. Dude, I point out, if there’s ANY money in this at ALL it is a LONG way away so get the fucking job.
He apologizes, says he gets it... whatever. But boy, an older, not-classically-attractive and not-big-name male guest? He suddenly doesn’t give a shit. Like, no questions, outright says he doesn’t care if he’s on it. But - but Jennifer is the week after!! He absolutely has to be there!!! Uh, why? Do you know anything about what a producer even DOES? Well, no. But he’s bouncing on Charan so he should be in the front THERE. Okay, so what are you going to ask her. Oh, he has no idea. But there’s going to be a GIRL on the stream to talk at, so hey!
But here we are right after I say it was my fault he was choking on McNally’s interview and he runs 15 minutes off script on the next one AND tries to talk over me for a SOLID MINUTE during our scripted wrap. I manage to end the broadcast, I drop mention of OotO to the guest and he goes OFF about it being an unbearable stream; like yes I will be honest literally everybody jokes about her laugh but saying “just letting you know it’s unstructured-” isn’t an invite to go off calling her stream a hot mess and yes, once you go off about her laugh everybody’s gonna laugh a bit and chuckle it off and roll long enough to not go off on you in front of an actor but everybody else knew to shut it down with “but Kira’s sweet” and end it. And nothing about her having any kind of laugh is worth HARDBALL BLOCKADING her getting guests. It’s fair to warn them that it isn’t structured like an interview, because, you know - well, let’s not blindside them, but that still WORKS for some personalities. That DOESNT mean you go off calling it a hot mess and all kinds of other shit. And people lightly rolling with it long enough to not make you look like a TREMENDOUS THUNDERCUNT and make a scene in front of an actor they KNOW you will blow up on us in front of does not WARRANT that behavior, catch a clue when everybody’s cutting it off with “But she’s a sweet girl” dude. Or the fact that SOME OF US STILL GO TO HER STREAM. You’re the one that hard dropped her.
But after the last time he dragged Kira I went off on him. I even deadass told him the feedback from the art director finally. I try to sort his vat of emails to cool off, and wake up in the morning to an ENTIRE INBOX full of him shittily forwarding things from his private email we said he shouldn’t even HAVE, full of attitude about me doubletapping a few clients, after HE put the wrong contact date/email in the sheet BY HIS OWN HAND. Like, I’m supposed to psychically know what’s in his fucking private email he won’t cough up when he put the wrong data down.
So here I am, cup of coffee still untouched, put my butt down in the chair, see an inbox FULL of him being a wumbo sized shitlord and he starts calling me on Hangouts, like he must have seen my indicator turn green. Again, keep in mind him being notorious for three hour phonecalls about nothing, and/or arguing. So I decline. He calls again. I decline. He calls again. I answer. “What.”
Long silence.
“I’m not creepy.”
“Come again?”
Long silence. “I listened to the stream. I don’t sound creepy.”
“Dude, a creepy sounding dude isn’t going to think you sound creepy. And it’s not just the art director. I’ve gotten that from a few other viewers.” 
Long silence. He starts trying to argue and I cut him off. Like, no dude. After all of this shit, after ALL of this, after we have literally built and invested in ALL of this when you don’t have a single goddamn skill sufficient for the job and we spend full work weeks trying to mentor you while trying to do other shit, you had the audacity to talk over me during our wrap THEN DRAG KIRA.
“Well I didn’t realize I was doing it.”
“What do you mean okay?”
“I mean, okay? What do you want me to say to that? If you have something going on in your head that somehow makes you unable to process you’re trying to talk over someone for a solid minute, during a point that has literally been part of a routine for a month and a half, what do you want me to say?”
Long awkward pause. “So how do we fix it?”
“I don’t know, dude. I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried scripting, teaching you metronome, I’ve tried moving your position around in the stream to see if you sync somewhere better, I’ve tried having you watch other interviews, I’ve tried giving you templates. I’ve tried being gentle, being firm, I’ve tried outright bitching you out. And if you don’t even realize you’re doing these things, I don’t know how to make you fix them. I’m a production coordinator, not a psychologist.”
“But... how do we fix it?”
“I... just said I don’t know.”
“Yeah but I mean, how do we fix it.”
“I mean you can keep asking me that over and over but I just told you, I’ve done everything I can even think of at this point to make this work and to give you chances that I am in no way obligated to give you. And you know, through all of this, I haven’t even gotten a single thank you from you? For even giving you a chance to be part of this?”
Awkward silence. “But it’s m-”
“Don’t start that it’s mine shit. There is no universe in which this is yours. And if you want to play that, I can walk with the site, the domain you registered your emails on, my videos, broadcasting software, Shea’s design and my general understanding on how any of this works, like I could have done a month ago from your bullshit, and you can try to do it with a google hangouts and a wix site and see how that works.”
Awkward silence. “Well how do -”
“I swear to god if you ask me how to fix it one more time I’m hanging up. [Brief silence] Okay, so how about you tell me how to fix it, instead?”
He’s quiet a minute. “I don’t know.”
“Okay well if I’ve reached the limit of my ability to think on how to fix it, and you don’t know how to fix it, I’m going to need you to try harder.”
He loops this cycle several times. In hindsight, I’m aware now, he was trying to make me be the wicked witch that kicked him out. But I wasn’t. He came up on his own, “Maybe I should take a step back.”
“Is that what you think will fix it?”
“Yeah. I mean. Maybe. But... if I step back... what do I get out of it?”
“...Come again?”
“I mean, if I step back, what kind of money do I get.”
“Okay, look dude, what money? There IS no money. There’s like 5 bucks in a patreon when I paid out well over 100 bucks in startup costs. These problems, all of these problems, these explosions in the team all have one source. It’s that simple. If you think you stepping back fixes it, I’m not going to stop you, but there IS no money.”
“But what about if you start MAKING money?”
“Like in a few years, this gets big. I mean, I created it and all - I get money, right?”
“What did you create?”
Crickets. Finally, “It was my idea.”
“No, dude, it was everyone’s idea. And even if it was your idea, which it wasn’t, an idea is just an idea. I have an idea that I’d love to genetically splice a lizard back into being a T-Rex but if I have no idea how to fucking do it and someone else does all the work for that, they’re the creator of the goddamn new T-Rex, so you can put that down right now.”
Awkward silence. Says he has to think. Hangs up.
Okay well, I have an interview to prerecord, so we just get to rolling.
He comes back in the NEXT MORNING bitching about money again. And not even just about money. 
So here’s the deal. Yet again, like many a morning recently, I approach with an untouched cup of coffee, sit down... and there is a WALL OF BRICKS in our team chat. Why? Because Shea fucking triggered on him like two hours ago and they haven’t stopped. Shea, a woman with more than 10 years management experience, who was supposed to handle any money we DID get coming in, was out working her 55 hour a week shitty retail job (for the record, due to being physically broken beyond function I am on disability, but I worked until I couldn’t do it anymore, literally, and at least it’s SOME income), when he came in saying, I shit you not, that he needed “that money” because he never wants to have to work retail, sales, or food and he shouldn’t have to get a part time job at Samsung.
What the fuck? Who the fuck are you dude? Needless to say, Shea went postal in righteous anger. And we ALL had righteous anger of our own. Our work, our history in regular work force, our input in this, and asking him what he thinks any of us should get paid for our work or how much he thinks this is going to pull for him to move into a two bedroom apartment. Does only he get paid if we somehow start pulling a few thousand dollars? And is he going to give anything back to Arrowstorm? To Sonalii? How much does he think this digital business is going to be paying in the first year? 10K? 20? or does only him getting a few thousand dollars count? Arrowstorm is indie, don’t just ride their shit to fame as your goal dude, that’s not how this fucking works. Even Stacy, sweetest pea in the pod that hates confrontation, bricked him about the need to respect Arrowstorm and how hard this all is. And what do you even do to justify making all the money? He fills out the imdb spreadsheet, he says. That original hot mess that I had to reformat. And sends emails, that I have to clean up after him. That takes TIME. I bundled it up and did the math like I did and said he was running an average of 1-2 hours a week of work. But he’s super busy. That’s his excuse. We just dont KNOW what his life is like.
Meanwhile we get wind he’s going back to Kira, after ALL THE SHIT DRAGGING HE DID OF HER, and abandoning her stream which I was STILL going to every week. Why? Because everybody’s sick of his shit here, so he’ll go there for convenience, I guess, since he burned everybody up here. And when we confront him about how shitty and gross that is, he tries to justify it but gets reamed. Tries to blame it on how busy he’s been too. Super busy. A wall of busy. And it’s a fantastic busy wall.
Dude goes dead silent on everybody. Kay, well, we have final prep for a live feature with THE ARROWSTORM PRODUCER the next day so we get back to our shit, because we’re sick of him derailing everything. Wake up in the morning to him trying to ultimatum US about the emails we said he shouldn’t have and leaving. So, you know. That was a thing. And we get a notice that he tried to set the FB to delete. Now it becomes a mad dash to password change EVERYTHING. And change all of the recovery options. Luckily my godaddy account was already delegated and restricted access but I go to doublecheck and THIS motherfucker has a domain registration package IN MY CHECKOUT CART. What. The FUCK. Luckily he can’t see or use my payment details but I screenshot that shit. I still have to be live with the producer in a few hours and put on a good face. Like the last interview, it went great without him (barring a tech difficulty that slammed us because of my shitty tech). She said she had a great time. Said she was gonna text the leads in the show (which IS a CW show) to get in contact with us. We smile and wave and thank her and off she goes.
I look back in hangouts and he’s bitching about the emails, I tell him just delete the shit dude, I can register them again, I’m not an idiot and already backed everything up to a zip folder and if there’s downtime it’s the weekend and agents won’t be answering anyway while I put it back up, I don’t give a shit but HEY, while we’re at it, I’m super curious about why I spotted this in my checkout cart and why you pitched a bitch about your access levels suddenly. You know, right before I password locked you out. So are you going from passive fraud of accidentally keeping things from the comic store to active fraud using my card to buy shit? Luckily I’m smarter than you, son.
Oh, the excuses flowed. It was an accident. He didn’t realize, he was just checking how much it would cost (like they don’t show that before you select), IDK, they never found the bodies was probably next.
So I dig in google history to make sure other weird shit wasn’t going on and make sure he was locked out of everything and find that this dumb motherfucker set the group email to be his microsoft account so both microsoft AND google were tracking him and this fuckface was playing more than 60+ hours of random games and bullshit a *week.* And I don’t mean like “might have left it running when he left the house” games, I mean rotating titles every 30-45 minutes was common. You could literally see when he’d try to initiate his three hour google calls, then hang up and go play Marvel, then pick a fight and when people got pissed, turned around and played asphalt, then came back to complain about money, and then when people bitched at him went on grindr or looked up a mix of ageplay and/or pedo porn. Like it’s RIGHT THERE in the tracking history and it’s hard to miss because *he’s the only fucker in australia in the team* and you can track the logins. Mine are all like searching for the acting reels i need or whatever to build their video features then his is like Hungry Sharks > Asphalt 8 > FIFA > Grindr > Some PotC game and so on. The occasional single googling of an article. And you can track this shit going on every day for WEEKS. So I bold ass call that out.
Like, you’re too busy to put in more work or to talk to Kira until it’s convenient to you but you can do [list of 20 apps] for 9 hours a day? On TOP of calling each of us for hours? What the FUCK?
He starts typing to argue back and I’m like, no motherfucker, don’t start. You are literally in here, hoping to work on the actual product being created by people with the work skills making this happen, claiming it’s your creation just because you ran off half cocked and made an SM account you tagged us into and it would look weird to break off AGAIN from OotO, so we ran with it but have literally put in every penny and working hour and bit of product to this and you expect us to wire you any and all cash out of it because what? You LITERALLY have said you just don’t want to work, you LITERALLY have done NOTHING but eat up our time while we give you endless chances, and you’re on here doing [list of 20 more apps] and googling a site once a day as your labor into this expecting cash to just pour into your pockets? Are you on crack?
Typing again, 
No dude, we’re not here to pave your way. 
Delete... typing again.
No, dude, you’re looking to make a quick buck on everybody else’s work and that’s not gonna fly.
Delete... typing again.
Dude, don’t even, it’s RIGHT THERE in the google history.
...[Tim has left this group]
Okay. Whatever. Ding dong the bitch is dead, we have more work to do. I onboard a few friends to help out with my video/transcripting load - not that TIm ever did any of that anyway - and get to work. I just leave it out of public. Keep rolling. In 2 days we get more work done than I usually did in 2 weeks because, guess what, I’m not cleaning up a manchild’s messes and getting called hours on end and having to argue about basic common sense. And I mean tangible work. Like, now we’re literally a month ahead on prep for our content that we were always running to the last minute on, off of a few DAYS of work. The rest is all time to grow and settle in now.
Turn around... find out his ass is subtweeting us. And not just subtweeting, he’s claiming it was discrimination because he was gay.
I shit you not.
He’s out there saying that Grindr was used to “throw his sexuality in his face” despite being on a list of like 20394203942039420394203942039420394 apps he was fucking around with all fucking day while pitching this attitude. *And* claiming someone was “creepy” for “checking out his browsing history.” not that I checked out *our group account history* because he was *trying to spend money on my card and tried to delete our facebook*, but hey. Spin it how you want, I guess?
My friend, who joined the hangout, and by proxy it loaded the chat history, called him on his shit. Who, by the way, is queer. Like no, motherfucker, this is just your own lazy spoiled entitled ass making its own bed, if it was a straight chat site you’d be getting bitched out for doing Fuck All just the same, what the fuck. I don’t care if it was eHarmony listed in there amidst all the games. Deal with your shit. He blocks her. Blocks everyone. Starts messaging people that are liking said friend’s comments on the thread going “I see you noticed the thread-” and trying his bullshit schpiel on them. Sorry dude. These are people I’ve built rapport with for years and know my work ethic, better luck next fucking time.
And the proof is in the pudding. I’ve gone from being entirely MIA and unreachable for weeks at a time drowning in this shit to being a month ahead on work, with said-friend only having to put in like 3-4 hours of useful additions (rather than basically working against us 16~ hours a week) and boom, we’re way ahead of the curve now! I’m talking to people again! Shit called. Mischief managed.
But if you ever want the image of a thousand stereotypes in one ball
a 25 year old white dude that is creepy as fuck with female guests to the point almost everybody picks up on it, lives with his mother, has never worked a job in his life, thinks breathing in his vicinity or playing games with him is reason to throw money at him, thinks he owns anything he looks in the direction of and thinks he should get all the money; and, on the other hand, falls into the (GENERALLY FAKE) stereotype that calls of discrimination against LGBT folk are just excuses (WHICH IS SHIT THAT MAKES IT HARDER WHEN ACTUAL DISCRIMINATION HITS).  *AND* having the audacity to go public about it *AFTER* we tried to quietly let him walk. The literal embodiment of the worst of every fucking stereotype rolled into one, from lazy young generation to men taking credit over the work women do and feeling superior to even attitudes that make honest hard-working LGBT folk have a hell of a time in the world when real discrimination hits.
...[flips tables]
For the record, here is said friend calling his shit. Some of you may know her, too. 
So there, my rant of the day.
Men. Are fucking. Exhausting. Oh. My god.
But now, we’re ahead. We’re pulling ahead. We’re going to be stable and strong and we’re now poised to even increase our number of guests on the week, especially if those emails from the leads come in. We can take the punches, and everybody’s comfortable on interviews without him being weird on them now, and things are going places.
But christ on a coconut. This is literally *WHY* it’s so hard to get given a chance in the world. Because people like this are given a chance and they just... KSJFKSJDFksjfskdjf
I hate people.
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feingx · 3 years
Bít - Chờ Rạng Đông (MUSIC VIDEO) Recording: Beat Switch Studio Music Producer: JaKWo Composer: Bít MV Production: Midnightworkclub Director: Nakhoi Producer: Feingx Art Director: Kiantomato & Tue Tue Director of Photography: Tuan Vu Starring: Hoang Long Editor: Pham Hoang Nhan Colorist: Lenni Ken VFX / Animation: Quang Ta VFX Supervisor: Tue Tue Graphic Designer: Feingx & Namor Storyboard: Kiantomato Props Master: Quoc Trang Pham Set Design: Lemon Drop Hub Camera Operator: Luc Oliver Camera Assistant: Thien & Long Equipment: Gao Studio Lighting: Tran Vinh & Linh & Quoc Anh Makeup Artist: Minh Tho Stylist: Ky Quan Assistant Director: Zunnie Le Script Supervisor: Namor Catering: Hg Nguyen Photographer: Bao Nguyen Retoucher: Quan Nguyen Subtitle: Bao Quynh & Taw Babycy Costumes: Muse’s Muses Clothing - Bonjour Store - Do Cua Ngoai Music Distributor: Yin Yang
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