cloudsspoke · 1 year
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              How does it feel, to be the reason FIFA changed its rule?
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This thing that Dibu did, despite we’ve seen it already during Copa America 2021 Semifinal when he distraught Yerri Mina by saying “I’m gonna eat you up, bro” , and then 2 months after Copa, this time took place in Premier League when Villa against United, and all the other Goalies before Dibu must have done it thousand times, but funny how FIFA only reacted to this kind of behavior AFTER Dibu’s performance in this World Cup.
++ This OP made a thread explaining from the psychology aspect after that Villa game versus United. What a thread.
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Crazy Dibu. No wonder Bruno dragged the Argentine without reason (he shouldn’t do that with Licha as his United comrade tbh).
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soon after I read the news, I tagged Dibu on my IGStory and he saw it 😂 I hope he feels proud. And pretty pissed off that he’ll find a way to cheat FIFA rule again 🤞.
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