#Ted Cruz Big Turd
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The butchers of Tex-ass.
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Never have so many been so proud of New York Yankees fans.
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ramrodd · 6 months
"God Bless the USA" is the National Anthem of Conservative draft dodgers, Walmart Warriors, Neo-Nazi Jesus Freak and right-wing losers like One-Eyed Elmer Rhodes,
Listen the lyrics: If, in spite of the fact that my life has gone to shit because of the economic policies of the people I vote for, it's Patriotic duty of every Suffering Servant for Jesus rejoice in being Red Blooded America Patriot like Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Tobey Keith and Trump. It is my opinion that the meth epidemic among white supremacist communities is being driven by the Nazification of Supply Side Economics, FOX News and the Total Depravity Gospel of Campus Crusade for Christ. The MAGA Conservatives people who are being eaten alive by all things January 6 are the same people who have bought into the lyrics, hook like and sinker, '
God Bless the USA is the right wing response to John Lennon's "Imagine'.
I'm not a big John Lennon Fan. He and Yoko are what serious marxist call "Radish": Red on the outside but Upper East Side Salon Intellectuals with pretensions of rebellion,
But the fact of the matter is, "Imagine" is where Pauline Theology and Woodstock converge,
God Bless the USA is for people who think Toby Keith's attack of the Chicks over the Chicks properly identifying the invasion of Iraq a war crime before the fact as a righteous and patriotic American act of heroism,
As a Vietnam vet, it was an obscene act, I went to Vietnam so that the Chicks and Jane Fonda could go anywhere in the world and protest the fact I was in Vietnam defending Toby Keith's right to be the perfect Texas Ted Cruz red neck asshole with gun racks my pickup because it turns the other incels on.
"Doing more with less is the anti-DEI equivalent of "God Bless the USA , it is a self-fulfilling prophecy,
Biden's Build Back Better is the self-fulfilling prophecy of the Manhattan Project: Biggest Bang for the Buck$.
As a Vietnam vet, I hate "God Bless the USA". All the white supremacists assholes I've had to deal with since I got back from Vietnam are lined up behind it. It's like saluting the "January 6 Hostages: cover of the Star Spangled Banner. Doe it not occur to anyone but me that the collapse of the Key Bridge is God's way of saying "Shut the fuck up, Len Greenwood> Your song is a turd in my punch bowl of Blessings,"
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radiobuff81 · 3 years
RT @lindyli: Ted Cruz criticizes Biden for going to Nantucket for Thanksgiving Cruz fled to the Ritz in Cancun amid a deadly power grid failure, left his dog to freeze, blamed his daughters, incited the insurrectionists, attacked Big Bird, blocked nat’l security noms Big Turd has no shame
— Chad McVeigh (@radiobuff) Nov 16, 2021
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Cancun Cruz sounds desperate.
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ramrodd · 6 years
Why did the House Republicans block a $46B border security improvement bill in 2013, that included 350 miles of steel slats barriers (see video @ 4:30)?
Everything "Texas Turd" Cruz and the House Freedom Caucus touches turns to shit.
The House Freedom Caucus is the leading edge of the Powell Manifesto which was conceived in 1971 to sabotage Nixon’s Peaceful Structures before they could be implemented and to dismantle the administrative state Nixon’s legislative agenda created to implement his Peaceful Structures agenda in collaboration with Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
This video describes the Powell Manifesto  Who Stole the American Dream...and can we get it back?
What is ironic about Roger Stone is that he claims to be the ultimate Nixon patriot, but he has been entirely engaged in the agenda of the Powell Manifesto which was conceived, proposed and implemented to sabotage Nixon's Peaceful Structures before it got any traction and to dismantle it once it did.
Affirmative Action is a Nixon Peaceful Structure. Busing was part of Nixon's Peaceful Structures. PATCO, specifically, and organized labor, generally, was part of Nixon's Peaceful Structures. I mean, he accuses the intelligence community on launching a coup through Watergate, but it was Plumbers like G. Gordon Liddy that brought the wet works team up from Miami for the break-in in exactly the same manner the wet wet works team came into Turkey from Saudi Arabia to butcher Khashoghi.
As far as his complaint about his FBI arrest, the fact that he cannot connect the dots between his arrest, the arrest of Marion Barry and everything behind #BlackLivesMatter is totally beyond the possibilities mere "irony" can characterize.
In regards to Texas Ted Cruz, he is a big part in the growing incapcity of the federal to fill its mandate to attend to the general welfare and common defense. The government shut-down is a practical demonstration what it will be like when Grover Norquist achieves his ambition of drowning the federal government in a bath tub after Steve Bannon and Newt Gingrich complete their project to dismantle the administrative state. Michael Lewis’s The Fifth Risk explains why everything these people touch turns to shit.
Everything these people touch turns to shit.
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