#Tekri Hullbreach
alta1r1an · 1 year
Tekri Hullbreach: Reporting
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god I finally made an iron legion Charr
Ship engineer! where is iron legion keeping all these ships when Ascalon is landlocked? no clue! they probably have plenty of canals to ferry these boats around, and they do have sizeable lakes.
Anyway, you will be finding Tekri often below decks of his ship working on his beloved engine. He'll probably be available in his short downtime to field some questions!
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alta1r1an · 1 year
Tekri, what's your scariest sailing story? Have you ever seen anything out at sea that you couldn't explain?
Tekri stopped to grab a rag and clean some of the grease of his arms and chest. He wiped his paws on his overalls, which currently were rolled down with the sleeves tied around his waist.
"Scariest? Well, many scary things out at sea really"
He humms in thought. "There were plenty of things, boarding attempt by dominion forces one time, one time by krait, few times we got stuck in a bad scramble"
"This one time however, started out looking like just a standard scramble but... then these black energy tendrils started wrapping around our ship. Whatever it was, looking at it was dangerous. One of the crewmates did, gibbering mess they were after that."
"Then, these creatures started forming from this magic. Looked like dragon minions to me. haven't really fought on deck like that ever."
He huffs, bringing his arm up to his forehead to wipe the sweat off. It was a hot workspace after all.
"Certainly can't explain that one, hope it doesn't happen again though."
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alta1r1an · 1 year
Question for Tekri, what's your dating life like? Have you got a partner?
Tekri grabs a rag to wipe the sweat of his brow and clean his paws of the engine grease.
"Dating? on this ol barge? Not much time for that am afraid! Besides, no one is wanting to wait around on shore for me to come back each time!"
He smacks his paw on the metal of the engine he was working on.
"This baby though. Me and her go on plenty of dates, and she don't get jealous too when me and my shipmates get it on from time to time!"
He scratches himself. "Cant recommend a hammock for... activities though."
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alta1r1an · 1 year
Hey Tekri, would you ever consider working on an airship? Or do you just stick to aquatic vessels?
Tekri's ears perk up at the mention of airships.
"Would I consider it? I'll have you know I applied for a role as pact engineer way back when!"
He scratches his chest, thinking about what happened to the pact fleet.
"Might've been for the best that I didn't end up on one of those ships. I didn't manage to get a posting because I hadn't made a name for myself with any of the orders of the pact, nor did I really get anywhere yet within Iron."
"Now, some decade later and- Well, I got me my posting on my boat I am more than happy with right now. Floating about water isn't so bad." Tekri shrugs, then puffs out his chest. "But you bet that if the Legion ever starts one of these airships on their own, or the pact gets back to rebuilding the fleet, I'll be right there to get me a spot! Am a damn fine engineer after all."
Crossing his arms with a smirk, he cocks his head. "In more ways than one!"
"But hey, if ye ever hear of an opening on an airship yourself. Drop me a line yeah?"
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