#Tell friends in private about a blog you know they'd want to block if you have to
I'm very late to the party it seems, because only after getting more weird asks than usual, and a few explicitly naming the bloggers involved did I learn today of the ugliness that went down a short while ago. Storm has already said her bit and I respect her choice to quietly step back so this isn't me resurrecting a dead horse to bludgeon. I'm writing this because I've been on the receiving end of this sort of campaign before, have seen it play out too many times with the same types of people, and because I want it on record somewhere that I don't know anybody here personally (a conscious choice) but that all my dealings with Storm showed her to be a forthright and thorough person. And even if she wasn't, that wouldn't excuse any of this bullshit.
Normally if this were a private matter I'd keep my opinion to myself after all I don't know any of you. But the moment anybody brings this shit into the public then anybody gets to have a go at it. We've all seen these sorts of takedown posts before, and I'm not always opposed to them because sometimes they're for good reason. If someone is actually racist, or idk a serial killer, it's good for the public to know that shit. Differing opinions on jikook being real, someone cussing you out, or blocking liberally do not meet that threshold for me, but everyone's different.
When I see these takedowns happen, including when it happened to me, I've observed it usually involves HCP personalities in this blogging space that take certain actions extremely personally and nurse grievances until it festers into fuel for drama that they gratify in because in their heads they believe they’ve been scorned and therefore are right. They usually think in a very tribal sense, rope other people in and force people into camps of friend, neutrals, and foe, and wear their egos on their sleeves.
In my case, I'd only been blogging here actively for less than 5 months before a pair of bloggers and their followers accused me of feuding with them, using them for clout, and that my opinions on my blog somehow prevented them from running their own blog and speaking freely. They'd been nursing that grievance for months with the followers who felt as they did, while I was oblivious, blogging with abandon so to speak, even interacting with them, until the call-out post. And my followers had been receiving messages about how much of a horrible bitch I am (I mean, I can be a bitch but hadn't been to anyone here at that point).
Thankfully I hadn't been blogging for long so most people could go through my blog to read what I actually think, see how I actually engage, and decide for themselves if anything those bloggers said made any sense. Storm has a longer blogging history and the campaign against her more widespread since she was very active in jikook spaces, plus she legit needs a break so I get why she's decided to take one now. I still get weird asks from people who claim to be devoted to those bloggers and that shit, that behaviour, that mentality is ugly. The point here is too many people take shit personally and then try to make it everyone's problem. Some HCP people can't help it if they have those sorts of personalities, but that doesn't excuse it. Seeing shit like this just kills the vibe for anyone who doesn't get high off that nonsense, and it further frays whatever community people are trying to build here. I usually keep my distance but I admire the people who have tried, even if only in public, to connect with people here and build community. Not everyone has to like everyone else, but there's enough abuse and BS to jokers from outside the community and fandom, for anyone to think their momentary satisfaction is worth poisoning this space, or character assassinating someone else.
Apparently anyone who has voiced support for Storm, has themselves become a target, and that in itself should tell you how weird this all is lmao.
For the people flooding my inbox who think we're in kindergarten and I should declare where my loyalties lie, get a fucking grip. If you have a problem with my arguments or views, I'm always happy to engage on that basis. But if you think me liking Storm and interacting with her posts is reason enough for you to act a fool in my inbox, you must be high out of your goddamn mind. Take my advice and block me because nobody here has time for all that. Vous pouvez vous attendre à être complètement ignoré par moi à partir de ce moment. J'ai entendu dire que le sexe anal peut soulager la pression sur la tête, vous pouvez l'essayer et me dire si cela fonctionne. Ça, je le posterai sur le blog. Tout le reste sera supprimé.
Borahae. 💜
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bright-whump · 3 years
Making this short as I can because it annoys me as much as long posts annoy everyone else, this is the super fun story about the person who just lied about me telling them to kill themselves, in case anyone was curious since they briefly had me named on their blog and a few people I know saw it (but I was given screenshots from someone else of them talking shit about me in their server BY NAME, so no this wasn't all about some random anonymous posts or something, they were directly telling people this in private).
Started with me screenshotting (and blacking out the name of) their comment on someone else's post, talking to someone else. Comment was this.
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This person reblogged from their alternate account, which by the way did not state their age so no, I didn't know they were a minor until I saw the abusive posts they made about me later, after our one and only interaction, and they interacted first. I never planned on interacting with them, anyway.
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The original post (and my response) can be read HERE, but long story short, they told me I was making things up, projecting my own issues onto them, purposefully misinterpreting words and putting meaning to them that didn't exist, essentially "sorry, but something's wrong with you and this didn't happen the way you think it did." They also apologized for harassment I was receiving because of a joke I made about an (anonymous, once again I blacked out the name!) post that said pet whump writers have "an....agenda" depending on the "right/wrong way" they write it. That's the post this all started from, it was a compete joke, I never did anything but say "and we'll take over the world!" as a joke to my followers, and the only reason they found and recognized their friend's post was because this group was already stalking someone else's blog who interacted with me in order to harass them and call them racist for "glorifying slavery" by writing pet whump.
This was attempted gaslighting. I called it out for what it was, said I didn't appreciate it and to stop, and blocked them. That was literally it.
Then it comes out (which also can be read in link provided) from someone else that this person is part of a group of friends on a server that shit talks/stalks/group harasses whump writers they think are "bad", so not only did it come off as gaslighting, it was gaslighting. They knew exactly what they were doing in private, they knew what they meant with that comment, and they were trying to convince me it was all in my head and I made mistake, they were actually innocent and it was MY fault. That's gaslighting.
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Then they got an "anon", which is super convenient they got it at the exact time they needed a valid reason to hate on someone else...but idk, even if it was real I still didn't send it. (Why the fuck would I give myself more reason to be harassed, while already being harassed? Someone was already sending shitty anons to someone else and I was being blamed, so I would have known they'd blame me too, I would have known it would make things worse, and surprise, I actually don't send anons telling people, especially not kids, to die!)
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Because of this message from someone who had regularly talked to them, I don't think I'm the only person they've done something like this to,
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As a victim of severe gaslighting and abuse, it's absolutely fucking DISGUSTING to say I'm being "disrespectful to survivors" just because I called out their shit for exactly what it was and they didn't like it, WHEN THAT BLUE CHAT RIGHT THERE, from someone else in the server, PROVES THEY WERE DOING EXACTLY WHAT THEY LITERALLY INSINUATED I WAS CRAZY FOR, they just didn't want to get caught and were doing all they could to make people think I was some crazy person who was actually secretly hurting them, I'm assuming so it would discredit me or anyone who interacted with me because they would then be supporting someone who "sends suicide baiting to minors," which, wow! Just...wow. Like if more people cared or believed the lies, and outside this group they sure fucking apparently didn't lmao, this really could have fucked shit up for me with random ass people spreading fuckery as someone who does that. I honestly don't doubt they'll be doing this to their new friends on their new blog too. That's also why I have to make this post in case anyone is looking at my blog.
Please now, everyone in this group, leave me the fuck alone challenge and stop stalking me and the other person (or hey, idea, anyone else) so we can leave behind this absolute goddamn embarrassment. Appreciated 🙂👍
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whoever sent me (6) anons imma answer them in a text post cause it’s about to get long and salty. sorry to everyone else who just let me have my on opinion and didn’t be an ass about it 💕
1. Steve never “dismissed” Bucky’s opinion during CATFA, he was trying to explain why he needed to be in the battle to. Just because he joined the Army anyways doesn’t mean he didn’t care about Bucky’s opinion, but you can’t base your future on what other people think is right for you.
2. Bucky was suffering PTSD, why would he WANT to discuss his torture? In the middle of war during a time where men were heavily discouraged from expressing emotions because they need to be ‘strong’?
3. Bucky NEVER told Steve to leave him alone, he hadn’t seen him in two years. Steve “forcibly dragged him back” because he was triggered by Zemo and thus both a risk to himself and others. Shield didn’t follow him that was Ross’s guys and Steve only went there because he knew Bucky would fight back and there was a shoot on sight order for him.
4. When did Steve ever baby Bucky or tell him to man up? He was being cautious around him in the beginning because he didn’t know if Bucky still remembered him for sure and knew could attack or flee if provoked. He tries to tell Bucky it’s not his fault and looks really sad when Bucky says he isn’t worth it, that’s not insensitivity it’s compassion.
5 was the worst one. Steve NEVER gaslit Bucky. Gaslighting is decieving/lying to make someone question their sanity. He ASKED Bucky if he knew what Zemo wanted, he was desperate for answers. He didn’t withhold from Bucky, robot Zemo showed him a paper for 5 seconds & implied Hydra probably killed the Starks, then fired a missile at him. The letter implies he was in denial. Your idea of toxic is ironic considering you ship Winteriron. Tony has literally never done anything but try to kill Bucky.
P.S. Steve NEVER forced Bucky to fight anybody. Bucky had the option of going home in WWII and Steve asked if he was willing to keep fighting, Bucky said yes. He didn’t ask him to fight in IW either, T’Challa did because he knew they needed everyone who could fight to help. Did we watch the same movies or have you been spending too much time in the Anti-Steve tag?
1) Steve outright ignored Bucky’s opinion because he was willing to DIE being strong headed doesn’t change that he ONLY ran off to war to prove something to Bucky. He didn’t go because he thought it was right, he had NO PLANS to go before Bucky went. He then dismissed Bucky IN Cap 1 when Bucky stated he didn’t think shit was a good idea Steve was like 🤷🏻‍♀️
2. Firstly great generalization there asshole that people with PTSD automatically don’t want too and also check your history facts most people would discuss their situation and a lot of camps had advisors as well as FRIENDS. Among that we’ve SEEN that 40s Bucky would be honest about his emotions with Steve, Steve just fucking blanked him
3) Bucky literally kept legging it from Steve, that’s not an invitation. Then Steve went to stop him from fighting his wait out on a shoot on sight order? Are you telling me that was helpful? Are you telling me that Bucky’s face when Steve went ‘you’ll kill people’ was good? ON TOP OF THAT STEVE STILL HAD NO RIGHT TO DRAG HIM BACK HE HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE HIM IN Steve kept going and going and chasing him even when Bucky ran and that’s *not fair*
4) Firstly, yep you’re right. It was Ross's men, not SHIELD, it was late and we all make mistakes but an opinion was given and no offer for a debate was made, you sound like a pompous asshole out for a fight. Steve is not a good friend to Bucky, accept it it doesn’t change that he’s a good person who was trying, he just fucked up in this regard
5). Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.
Steve deliberately chose to omit the murder of Tony's family, Steve deliberately triggered Bucky into remembering the winter program, Steve deliberately controlled what Bucky knew and what he didn't now, whilst he didn't do it with malicious intent that DOESNT change that it would cause serious trust, reality and memory issues in Bucky AND Tony both. He's controlling their knowledge and their truths, with Bucky it creates a false reality in which he doesn't know everything, doesn't trust what he does know and CANT trust steve. MALICIOUS OR NOT ITS DELIBERATE
( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtG-jnpw0X8 )
steve rescues Bucky, not once does he ask "are you okay?" " can you walk?" "what happened?"
NOPE it's all about steve with "i thought you were dead" "come on!"
He then takes Bucky right to the sound of gunfire, into the fight, letting go of him to walk and only looking back when Bucky talks to him
( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAoD6-CF9Jo )
1:29 onwards: steve does state some men need medical attention (thank fucking hell, not bucky tho because he's bucky) but the second Peggy comes in Steve forgets about anyone in a five mile radius and HE DOESN'T EVEN TRY AND SHARE THE GLORY DESPITE THE MEN FIGHTING JUST AS HARD AS HIM SO SURE HE'S SELFLESS DEFINITELY YEAH
( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X1qo2xsH2c )
3:50 onwards- Steve then instantly lies AGAIN in order to keep up the facade and his reality, even though they'd all JUST seen the truth thats when its proven to be deliberate control and manipulation. HE TRIED TO LIE AGAIN DESPITE GETTING CAUGH
steve's in bucky's house to get Bucky but thinks he has the right to go through Bucky's things, to read his books and his notes. I would actually punch someone if they did this???? That's PRIVATE and steves like "lookie here, whats this??"
Steve, every time Bucky talks "you're lying" "you're wrong" "yes you do know" "you're not thinking right" "i know better" EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY KNOW???? HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE PROOF??
( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK3e8m_xcXw )
Steve then immediately tells Bucky to stop so he doesn't kill anyone, despite having absolutely no qualms with ANY of his other team mates or himself killing because *it goes against his image of bucky*
( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbG1iJsDfYg )
also adding to the end of you message, I am very aware how toxic winteriron is but again this is fiction and you can write them better then they’re written in canon and develop relationships about traumatic events, which was the whole point of my original post, that yeah steve’s been a bad friend but you can fix it without taking away everything that he is as a character.
AND my post was in no light anti steve rogers, he is by far one of my favorite characters, hell i even write him, but just because he’s my favorite doesn’t make him any less problematic.
i have more but this is already too long and rambling as it is, reminder that this is MY blog and i’m allowed to post MY opinions and if you dislike them or disagree there’s an unfollow and block button for a reason 💕
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