#( this is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation / ooc )
widowshill · 7 months
I love watching Dark Shadows solely through your liveblogs…like I’ve seen just enough of the show to know some (most?) of the characters, but these situations they’re being put in sound WILD. Though I wish I could say I was surprised to hear that David joined a cult 💀
they sure do put these guys in Situations !!
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fuckintwist · 3 months
the way that brokeback mountain is fifty five pages long and they still managed to get a movie and a play out of it.
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
Compliments to the Chef #1?
I decided to share the first(?) chapter now that my dash is dead👍
Might write more and post it. Might keep it to my website. Who knows!! Also probably OOC but it was written before I went to bed  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
By the way, the title comes from the credits song because I like it :]
Bob Velseb woke up feeling like shit.
He got up with a pained groan. His back hurted from laying in the stretcher for too long, and the bullet holes in his chest ached like hell. He was no stranger to death, nor how the body reacted after it. And he had faced a fair amount of feisty victims during his hunts, so he had dealed with pain after those before. But ultimately, he was usually the one that did the killing! Being shot at fucking sucked, but at least he still had all of his limbs.
However, that didn't matter now. He could tend to his injuries later. Now he had to get out of there fast, while he was still alone. If someone came back now, who knows how long he'd have to play dead.
Ignoring the pain the best he could, Bob got to his feet and rummaged through the box labelled as ‘evidence’ in search of his trusty tools. Dammit, they were not here. Not even his boning knife! The amulet was nowhere to be seen either... That stupid, moustached old guy probably took them for some kinda analysis. Or maybe that trigger-happy idiot did something with them.
The sound of a door opening was heard somewhere in the building.
He snapped his head up to look at where the sound had come from. Fuck. Okay, fine. No matter, he will try to get those back another time. He had to leave right now. The window was too small for him, so his only option was to go out the main entrance. Now, this would have been a difficult plan to execute in any other place. Luckily, this town was filled with incompetent people, thus it was rather easy.
“Piece of cake,” Bob thought as he effortlessly left the building (this is lazy writing and you can launch the author into the Sun for this).
Finally out and free! Bob hid in the shadows and made his way back to his old house. Except his place was crawling with police. Well, that explains why his breakout had been so easy (the author cannot be launched anymore). He swore he could see every single damn officer ever there.
On one hand, he was flattered. He had made such an impact on the town that he had half police force investigating him!
On the other, god fucking dammit. This was one goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation. The rest of his plan was ruined. He needed to change from his holey and bloodied sweater. And also deal with his injuries. Those were still relatively fresh, and doing something as simple as walking hurted like hell.
Bob groaned again, this time in annoyance. Not a single break for the Red Devil! The big guy turned back, and started thinking a new plan as he wandered the dimly lit street. He just came back from the dead, and he had no tools nor home. He couldn't go back to the morgue (duh), and he didn't feel like going back to the Cult. Who knew what they would do to him after finding out that he failed to kill that dead member's wife and irritating kid... again. As well as losing his amulet. Maybe they'd find out a way to keep him dead. No, it was too risky. He needed somewhere to hide. Somewhere inconspicuous.
His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by something bumping into his large back. He turned around, ready to break someone's neck if necessary. He was in no shape to run away, his body still sore after that stupid police officer ran over him a gazillion times. Only option was to fight and quickly get out of there
Expecting to see a law inforcer, Bob instead found a woman dressed in a magenta dress on the floor. She was picking up some of the groceries that dropped from her bag as she kept rambling on.
“Oh man, so sorry. Had to buy dinner before the store closed, but I'm not familiar with the town so I kept wandering around 'till I found one and now I'm wandering again like a fool because I forgot how to get back home and—”
Holy shit, talk about timing. Just as he was running out of ideas, the solution to his problem literally bumps into him in the form of the shortest lady he has ever seen. Okay Bob, play it cool. You need her to trust you enough to get you to her house. Remember your days at Boys & Grills. Customer service, fool them into easiness.
“Don't cha worry. Say, I could help ya get there!”
The lady waved a hand dismissevely as she got up. “Ah well, I mean— Thanks, but I'm sure you got other things to do than being bothered by a stranger.”
“Oh no, it's alright. Say, a favor for a favor. I help you, and ya let me use your telephone to call someone? Forgot my own phone at home.” Wow, he was the master of lies. “C'mon, where is it?”
“.... Alright.” The lady rummaged in the grocery bag and pulled out a wrinkled paper. Bob's eyebrows raised when he read the text. First, that was some pretty cursive. Second, she lived surprisingly far away. It'd take a while to get there. He almost started cackling right there. This was too good to be true.
“Yeah, reckon I know where that is,” he said. “Gonna be walking for a bit, but nothing too bad. Could walk you there, if that's alright with you.”
“If... uh, if you don't mind. Thanks.”
He smiled. “Don't mention it.”
Bob had to fight back the big grin that threatened to take over his friendly façade as they made their way to the lady's house. A house tucked away in a quiet street. The owner was new in town, thus she would not be missed. And it'd take time for the police to check around that zone, if they ever did. In less than a moment, his problem was solved—until he could go back to his own house. He briefly turned around to the woman behind him, who was checking the contents of the grocery bag. Some drool started to pool around his chin.
He just came back from the dead, and he'd soon have tools and a home. As well as dinner dressed in magenta to celebrate.
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my vanity won.
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magnetictm-blog · 5 years
hit the ❤️ for a starter
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ghoststorytm-a-blog · 6 years
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes’ Military Medals and Commendations
Since the MCU and Wiki doesn’t give us much information Bucky about the commendations and medals that Bucky received for his service posthumously in WWII I decided to do some research and this is what I have come up with. (personals please do not reblog this)
·        WWII Victory Medal
All service people who served between 12/07/1941 and 12/31/1946 received this medal.
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·        Purple Heart
This is awarded to all US military service men who were wounded or KIA after 04/05/1917.
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·        Oak Leaf Cluster
Along with the Purple Heart he would have been awarded a 5/16 inch star in honor of each wound or injury he received at the same time which was worn on his Purple Heart medal.
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·        Silver Star
Awarded for his outstanding bravery and sacrifice in his work with the Howling Commandos. This is also the third highest personal decoration for valor in combat.
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·        Distinguished Service Cross
For his work with Captain America and his extreme bravery and risk of life in military campaigns
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·        Medal of Honor
This one is dependent on who lobbied for him to receive the medal posthumously but once information about the Commando’s missions became available to the public he may have received this commendation, which is the most distinguished bravery commendation given.
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Be advised that I know relatively nothing about the US military or how these commendations are rewarded or what the criteria this is just the information I found through my googling and thought he may have received.
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jojoingjoseph · 5 years
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( me: I want to catch up on drafts, asks and IM’s then do Roleswap stuff. )
( Brain: :) about that.. how bout we dont and just lay here after doing exactly one (1) reply. )
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fuckintwist · 3 months
putting jack’s theme in my pinned was the best decision i’ve ever made, actually.
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happy munday, here’s a selfie from last week because that was the last time i slept and looked like a person
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steve is just loud frowning that everyone seems to think that he’s a virgin or at least vanilla in bed.
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this blog is now an archive, 
you can find bucky and steve over here!
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this blog is now an archive! 
you can find bucky and steve over here!
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i’m back to my vain ass ways.
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am i grunge enough yet
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steve is 100% daddy and you may address him as such.
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