#Tereza Agnes
flwrsmyth · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ    。୭̥‧₊˚┇𝓝𝓮ᴡ ρȯʂᡶ 𝄒𓏲࣪ . ☄️ 𝄒 p𒀭st ๑゚˛𓍊𓋼
ㅤㅤ    𓂃 ࣪៙͘⸳⭑ࣶࣸ 🅖𝕚𝐯e̲ ✿ꦿ𝕮ꪹ𝘦𝗱ỉтṡ –ﻌ–ა ָ࣪ ۰ !さ
ㅤㅤ    𓍊𓋻𓍊 % . . 𝗹𝘪𝗄ȇ̈ ꪮя 𝚛ᴥb̶𝕝ᴏ𝐠 𖥻 🦚 !? ✫៳!
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felinefractious · 4 months
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Agnes Gru Milk Moon
🐱 British Shorthair
📸 Tereza Čeháková [Milk Moon Cattery]
🎨 Black Tortoiseshell Bicolor
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dianapopescu · 2 years
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26 august: Ziua de Naștere a Maicii Tereza
Maica Tereza, având numele de mireană Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhin, s-a născut pe 26 august 1910. Dedicarea ei în ajutorarea umanității este cunoscută și admirată în întreaga lume. Maica Tereza și-a focalizat viața pentru îngrijirea celor mai săraci oameni din India. A devenit călugăriță la 18 ani. De la o vârstă mai tânără și-a asumat misiunea sprijinului celor care aveau cea mai mare nevoie de el. A fost laureată cu Premiul Nobel pentru Pace pentru munca sa excepțională în ajutorul lumii. https://www.diane.ro/2022/08/26-august-ziua-de-nastere-maicii-tereza.html
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myabeautifullie · 5 years
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Kaya Scodelario for Vogue Russia, August 2019.
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tkwc · 5 years
Now Available: Being Together Precedes Being, A Textbook for The Kids Want Communism (Archive Books, 2019)
Edited by Joshua Simon
Copies available here. 
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Even as global capitalism’s extremes of inequality, violence, nationalism, and imperialism expropriate the lives and futures of most of the planet, hope for another future, one of justice, solidarity, equality, and life, continues to burn. The works collected here not only attest to the fact that the kids want communism. They fuel the desire for communism with new memories of its past and imaginings of what communism can be for us again.
— Jodi Dean, author of The Communist Horizon
We want what we got! This riotous, ravenous collection of communisms past, present and future is what we want and what we got, what we’ve had, what we have, and what we can have again. But the only way to have it is to share it. And the only way to share it is to share it all. So share this amazing book that was brought together to bring together.
— Stefano Harney, co-author with Fred Moten of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study
In the turmoil leading to the October revolution Lenin wrote about the importance of finding a new slogan that will capture the totality of a specific historical situation. “The Kids Want Communism,” the title of the series of exhibitions documented in this volume, may be the appropriate slogan for today. This book brings new passions and joys to the spirit of communism, and reminds us that communism may be the truly human way of being together.
— Noam Yuran, author of What Money Wants: An Economy of Desire
This volume offers so much more than an updated version of Sartre’s famous dictum that existence precedes essence. Combining theory and practice, art and philosophy, politics and aesthetics, it is a resounding call to make communism a thing of the present.
— Bruno Bosteels, author of The Actuality of Communism
Contributions by Bini Adamczak, Odeh Al Ashhab, The New Barbizon Group (Asya Lukin, Natalia Zourabova, Olga Kundina, Anna Lukashevsky, Zoya Cherkassky) Toy Boy, Diego Castro, Angela Dimitrakaki, Paul Eluard, Max Epstein and Yuri Primenko, FAMU Archives (Piyasiri Gunaratna, Nosratollah Karimi, Nabil Maleh, Krishma Viswanath), Stano Filko, iLiana Fokianaki, Agnes Friedrich and Ivonne Dippmann, Tal Gafny, Jonathan Gold, Irena Haiduk, Nir Harel, Ronny Hardlitz, Raana Harlap, Micah Hesse, Yota Ioannidou, Nikita Kadan, Jakob Kösten, Konstantinos Kotsis, Mati Lahat, V.I Lenin, MAKI Archives, Alelsandr Medvedkin, Ohad Meromi, Olaf Nicolai, Tamar Nissim, Antonis Pittas, Praxis School Archive, Yakov Protazanov, David (Rabino) Rabinovici, Oleksiy Radynski, Yorgos Sapountzis, Joshua Simon, Tereza Stejskalová, Ian Svenonius, Kuba Szreder, Piotr Szulkin, Pelin Tan, The Union of Soviet Artists (Vasil Artamonov, Dominik Forman, Michael Hauser, Alexey Klyuykov, Avděj Ter-Oganjan), Vladimir Vidmar, Vangelis Vlahos, Nicole Wermers, Tony Wood, Noa Yafe, Dana Yoeli and Hila Laviv.
Specters are haunting the globe—the specters of anticommunism. From the European Union and its erosion to the disastrous “war of terror” and the destruction of the welfare state, from Wahhabism to neoliberalism, from debt economy to privatization, from game theory and disruptive innovation to cybernetics and the deployment of computerized surveillance/entertainment devices—all these anticommunisms are fighting one another, and they are now haunting us. What began with the implosion of real existing socialism almost thirty years ago comes full circle with the current collapse of the neoliberal arrangements that were then constituted.
Being Together Precedes Being offers a text book for the project “The Kids Want Communism,” which was initiated towards the 99th anniversary of the Soviet Revolution of October 1917 as a series of exhibitions, symposiums and conferences, screening programs, publications and a summer camp. In this textbook, communism does not merely describe an “us versus them” relation, but also offers that we are becoming the future. This trajectory of communism runs parallel to us at every single moment and its guiding principle is that being together precedes being.
Also see here. 
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mondomoda · 3 years
Quem foi a musa inspiradora da canção 'Beatriz' de Chico Buarque e Edu Lobo
Quem foi a musa inspiradora da canção ‘Beatriz’ de Chico Buarque e Edu Lobo
“O médico de câmara da imperatriz Tereza – Frederico Knieps resolveu que seu filho também fosse médico, mas o rapaz fazendo relações com a equilibrista Agnes, com ela se casou, fundando a dinastia de circo Knieps de que tanto se tem ocupado a imprensa.” Com estas palavras começa “O Grande Circo Místico”, poema surrealista de Jorge de Lima, escrito em 1938, e publicado no livro “A Túnica…
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haberyeri · 3 years
Milli badmintoncu Neslihan Yiğit, Avrupa üçüncüsü oldu
Milli badmintoncu Neslihan Yiğit, Avrupa üçüncüsü oldu
Ukrayna’nın Kiev kentinde düzenlenen Avrupa Badminton Şampiyonasında olimpiyat sporcusu Neslihan Yiğit sırasıyla, Çek Cumhuriyetli rakibi Tereza Svabıkova’yı 2-0, Macaristanlı rakibi Agnes Korosı’yi 2-0 ve Alman rakibi Yvonne LI ‘yi 2-0 mağlup ederek yarı finale yükseldi. Yarı finalde ise Dünya ve Olimpiyat Şampiyonu Carolina Marin’e 21-18/21-9 setlerle 2-0 yenildi ve bronz madalya kazandı.Avrupa…
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myhouseinhistory · 4 years
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『我們人類最大的不幸,絕非貧困、飢餓或是病痛,而是在於當我們處於貧困、飢餓或是病痛之際,卻得不到任何旁人所伸出的一絲援手。』 . 8月26日知名壽星:加爾各答聖德雷莎 / 德雷莎修女(Sanctus Teresia de Calcutta / #MotherTeresa;本名:Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu,1910-1997) . 堪稱西元二十世紀傳教士華美典範,敬崇的宗教家與慈善家,西元1979年「諾貝爾和平獎」得主,誕生於昔日東歐奧斯曼土耳其帝國馬其頓的德雷莎,18歲時即立志奉獻己身,投入修女會行列。同一年年底,歷經長途跋涉後,她抵達了印度,在接受一系列培育課程下,開始在加爾各答地區(#Kolkata)首屈一指的貴族型修女會中學教授地理和宗教學課程。 . 西元1947年,隨著英屬印度爭取自治獨立的浪潮越演越烈,印度境內穆斯林與印度教教徒的種族與宗教紛爭也日漸升溫,但卻也讓位處要塞之地的加爾各答一下子湧入了數以萬計、意圖躲避穆斯林迫害的難民!然而,難民不只帶來了霍亂與痲瘋,也破壞了當地原本的平靜…委身於修女會中學高牆之內,當時已被派任為校長的德雷莎修女,看著外面的世界猶如末日煉獄,每天都有大量無辜的性命因為缺乏醫療和食物在街頭嚥下最後一口氣,但有更多活著的人卻根本不知道,苟延殘喘,自己存在的意義究竟為何?一點一滴,歷歷在目,亦不斷刺痛她的心扉,經過禱告後,她決定致函梵諦岡中樞,親自向教宗表達自己的心願,她想要放棄修女會中學校長的職務,改以自由修女的身分來服事當地的貧窮百姓! . 如此疼愛世人與無畏艱難的勇氣,三年過後,西元1950年,透過露天學校與貧民醫院的開設,教宗除肯定德雷莎修女的善行外,也正式批准了專為痲瘋病患、乞丐和孤兒等,所謂窮苦中至苦者們服務的『博濟會』(Missionaries of Charity)計畫…德雷莎修女首先將教會的修女服改為印度婦女傳統的白棉粗布「沙麗」(sari),但此貼近一般庶民衣裳的行為,反倒引起了身旁同工、信眾,乃至於教會高層的爭議與不解,認為她不應自貶身價!德雷莎修女此刻毫不猶豫地表示說,她已經把「吠舍」,過往印度種姓制度的下等人重新定義為是主的兒女…因為上帝既然已啟示她一生要為窮人服務,就理應跟他(她)們平起平坐,穿著和貧民相同的衣服!象徵合一與慈愛的無隔閡。 . 白布鑲上樸素的藍邊,日後也就成為普世博濟會的制服…而修會除了擁有天主教修會傳統的『貧窮』、『貞潔』、『服從』三個誓願外,還加上了『全心主意』,『不要酬勞』,『為最貧苦的人,也就是基督受難的化身而服務』的信念…從西元1952年開始,德雷莎修女負擔起服事生活中最引人注目的善行,那就是為快要死亡的窮人服務,她在市政府所捐贈的房舍裡建立了世界知名的「垂死之家」,經由上帝的帶領與看顧,有不少生命看似走到終點的窮人,因為修女們的細心照顧轉而起死回生,有些人甚至還獲得了謀生的技能,回到了社會…當然,更有許多垂死病人得到了收容之家的修女、醫生、護士或義工們的細心照顧之下,平靜安詳、有尊嚴的離開人世,回歸阿爸父神的天家。 . 德雷莎修女,以天使般的熱忱和無微不至的用心,感動了全世界,同時也號召了更多來自全球的有志之士,共同投身救貧的行列…西元1997年,當修女因心臟惡化而告別人世後,印度政府破格替她舉辦了史上第一次替總統與總理以外的一般平民所進行的隆重國葬,各國政府、各宗教團體也都紛紛派出代表前來致意,向這位奉獻給貧苦人民的偉大宗教家,獻上最崇高的追思之意…值得一提的是,修女也是美國建國至今,七位享有合眾國最高殊榮,由總統親自核發的「美國榮譽市民」(Honorary Citizen of the United States)其中的一位,也是第二位尚在世時就獲頒此獎項的偉大人物! . 此外,由於德雷莎修女本身是阿爾巴尼亞裔,因此阿國政府為了紀念她,也於西元2001年時,正式將國內唯一一座的主要國際機場定名為「帝拉納德雷莎修女國際機場」(Aeroporti Ndërkombëtar i Tiranës Nënë Tereza)。 . 故事最後,小編再次分享修女曾經說過的一句話: . 記者問她: 『我們需要有什麼作為,才能夠帶來世界和平?』 . 修女回答: 『回家!並且愛您的家人!』 . #歷史 #生日快樂 #history #8月 #love #catholic #birthday #august #quotes #great #nobelprize #india #salute #macedonia @nobelprize_org https://www.instagram.com/p/CEVYzVgH7wO/?igshid=62s81648vt7b
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cryptodictation · 4 years
'Malhao': Anjinha catching her father leaving a motel; see summaries
The girl take a beautiful scare (photo: TV Globo / Reproduo)
O Spotlight this tuesday (3/24) gets the real weather pie that the teen soap Malhao – Every way to love to present. That's because the plot has quite a bust. Anjinha (Caroline Dallarosa) and her boyfriend is really looking forward to a night of love, but when they try to go to a motel they'll come face to face with the girl's father, Marco (Julio Machado). Be a mess!
* Abstracts are the responsibility of broadcasters and changes may occur due to editing decisions.
Malhao – Every way to love
Indicative rating 12 years
Filipe argues with Lgia. Clber suggests going with Anjinha to a motel. Carla insists on knowing which subjects Marco deals with Rugieri. Guga, Serginho and Meg take care of Z Rafael. Anjinha argues with Marco because of her courtship with Clber. Diana celebrates the success of her campaign for sexual abstinence. Nanda and Fafi press for Andressa to tell Henrique the truth about her sexuality. Ramila discovers that Andressa is the most virgin. Max denies Guga's help in his new business with Serginho, and Regina confronts her ex-husband. Everyone celebrates Madureira's birthday. Marco and Anjinha meet at the exit of the motel. Filipe questions if his friends forgot Rita.
branches six
Indicative rating 12 years
Isabel celebrates the presence of Lola. Ins fears the proximity of Lola and Leon. Olga and Zeca prepare for their ship trip. Lola feels uncomfortable in the home of Isabel and Felcio, and tells her daughter that she will move into Mother Joana's retirement home. Afonso leaves for Rio de Janeiro in search of Lola. Olga and Zeca meet Adelaide and Justina on the ship that travels to Europe. Candoca invites Emlia to Itapetininga. Assad alerts Julinho about his submission to Soraia. Mother Joana receives Lola.
Save yourself who can
Indicative rating 12 years
To asks Helena to prepare a family dinner to receive Luna / Fiona. Alexia promises to do another supposed spiritual session with Kyra for Rafael. Bia pretends to be balancing Dionice's cousin, and Agnes believes. Kyra blames herself for being attracted to Alan. Helena believes that Luna / Fiona is manipulating To. Renatinha v when Alexia / Josimara arrives Labrador accompanied by a woman and decides to investigate.
Fine print
Indicative rating 12 years
Antenor arrives at Patrcia's house and doesn't realize that his mother is in the garden. Patrcia tells her father that she invited Vanessa to dinner. Rafael tells Antenor that he needs to return the motorcycle he borrowed. Tereza Cristina talks to Griselda. Tereza Cristina blames Cr for Patrcia for inviting Vanessa to dinner. Daniel tells Antenor that Griselda was in the mansion and he worries. Guaracy woo Griselda, who doesn't pay attention to him. Ren upset Tereza Cristina and asks Vanessa to go to Le Velmont to do an interview for the receptionist position. Tereza Cristina demands that Antenor's mother be present at her daughter's official engagement party. Griselda looks for Celeste. Antenor returns the bike to Rafael and asks for his help to continue keeping the story for Patrcia. Griselda scolds Antenor for defeating her in college.
The adventures of Poliana
Indicative rating 10 years
Vini goes to Mirela's house and the two rehearse for the school's theater presentation. Luisa starts to get Violet's jealousy. Gael, Bencio and Lorena begin looking for the secret passage to the laboratory in Estela's room. Marcelo questions his brother about the suspicious transactions he encountered while analyzing his mother's actions. A police investigator goes to Luca's house to question him. Srgio assaulted while making his deliveries. Waldisney's mother meets Gleyce and introduces herself as Waldineusa. Pendleton offers Fernanda a job offer. Bento and Joo go to Glria's house to deliver a letter from Poliana Luisa. Fernanda loses her charm for Pendleton. Waldisney asks his mother to impersonate his aunt again and accompany him to a dinner organized by Branca.
My heart
Indicative rating 10 years
Lnin comments to Edith that he and Fanny met Leon at the university, and that when they saw them fighting, he realized that they still love each other. Ana shows Fanny the video they recorded at the meeting with the owner of Chicago and asks her to, if something happens, immediately post the video on the internet and call the police. Ana is moved when Fernando presents her with a new wardrobe. Dorival threatens Ana, and asks for two extra shows. She accepts for “Chicago”, but asks that everything be done in writing. Ana threatens Dorival, saying that she will hand over the video in case something happens to Fernando. Bruno breaks up with Beatriz, because he doesn't want to neglect work. Fernando talks to Leon de Fanny. Edith apologizes to Fanny and says that friendship between them is the most important. Jennifer and Ana thank Diana for helping them with the video. Dorival plans to take revenge on Ana, and the only way he finds to do it is through Isabela, who has long wanted to destroy Ana. Fernando tells Beatriz that the previous night asked Estefnia if he could marry Ana and she replied yes, so I would even have to rush this marriage. Helena tells Edith that she doesn't think about quitting fighting for Nando. Edith reacts badly, but Helena says they can treat each other in a civilized way, even though they are “rivals” for Nando's love. Sebastio makes Nando see the impact that his change in look caused on social networks. Isabela gets furious when Yolanda says she asked Ana for forgiveness and even suggests that she do the same. Fernando tells Ana that he doesn't want there to be any secrets between them, and that makes her feel bad. Jennifer tells Fanny that everything went well with Dorival and Ana. Isabela does not accept giving Dorival money in exchange for information about Ana. Ngelo informs Fanny and Jennifer that the situation is serious. Isabela feels betrayed by Yolanda, who insists that she is sorry for all the wickedness against Ana. Isabela decides to investigate everything on her own and not pay Dorival anything. She starts searching on the internet, and finds out that Ana dances in “Chicago”. Ana is nervous when Luz asks if she is going to marry her father, as she saw them kissing in the library.
Cmplices of a rescue
Free indicative rating
Geraldo tells Joel that he blames everything on Vicente, turning him into the orange of piracy crimes. Meire and Dinho went off to go to the record company to know more information about the Vaz brothers. The two end up in an audio room to sing the song “You Do Too Crazy”. Marina leaves the meek with her disguise, after she misses Oflio. Vicente recognizes Meire and Dinho and the two say that they went there to investigate the fact that the Vaz were living alone. Regina listens to everything and is suspicious. Pedro goes after Helena in the city and declares himself to her. The two kiss emotionally. Rebeca questions Berta about her relationship with Safira.
Unique love
The broadcaster itself indicated the 12-year indicative self-rating
Until the closing of this issue, the broadcaster did not send the summary.
Betty the ugly in New York
The broadcaster SBT requested the classification for 10 years and awaits a final decision by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Armando and Ricardo discover that it was Ncolas who hired Betty's lawyers. Ricardo insists with Armando to continue with the plan to conquer the ugliest. Flirtatious, he shows his friend a photo of a model so he can remember her when he's with Betty. Convinced that this is the only way out, Armando enters his assistant's room and gives him a kiss. Scared, Betty runs out through the city streets, recalling moments that passed by the boss. upon arriving at Central Park she screams that he kissed her and passes out. Catalina, who is passing by, helps her and asks who kissed her. She did. Armando tells Marcela that Betty's sudden departure was because their boyfriend had an accident. Jenny changes the lock and gives Efrain an ultimatum: either sell the house and divorce Sofia or forget about her forever. Marcela indicates lawyer Karen to Sofia. Karen assures Sofia that she wins the case against her ex-husband. Sofia comments what the lawyer said to the peloton's friends and Jenny overhears the conversation.
The post 'Malhao': Anjinha catching her father leaving a motel; see summaries appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/24/malhao-anjinha-catching-her-father-leaving-a-motel-see-summaries/
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
BURNO ŽIVOTNO RAZDOBLJE SPLITSKE GLUMICE Više nije u ljubavi s čelnikom političke stranke: 'Istina je, više nismo skupa'
BURNO ŽIVOTNO RAZDOBLJE SPLITSKE GLUMICE Više nije u ljubavi s čelnikom političke stranke: 'Istina je, više nismo skupa'
Lana Barić uoči svojeg trideset i sedmog rođendana na novom je početku. Splitska glumica, koja se nedavno rastala od političara Dragana Markovine, u velikim je pripremama za film “Tereza 33”, za koji je sama napisala scenarij i u kojem igra glavnu ulogu, a trenutačno u Mađarskoj snima film “Eden”, koji režira europska redateljska zvijezda Agnes Kocsis. Uči mađarski – U filmu redateljice Agnes…
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felinefractious · 6 months
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Arielle Milk Moon & Agnes Mill Moon
🐱 British Shorthair
📸 Tereza Čeháková [Milk Moon Cattery]
🎨 Black Tortoiseshell Bicolor
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myhouseinhistory · 5 years
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『我們人類最大的不幸,絕非貧困、飢餓或是病痛,而是在於當我們處於貧困、飢餓或是病痛之際,卻得不到任何旁人所伸出的一絲援手。』 . 8月26日知名壽星:加爾各答聖德雷莎 / 德雷莎修女(Sanctus Teresia de Calcutta / Mother #Teresa;本名:Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu,1910-1997) . 堪稱西元二十世紀傳教士的華美典範,敬崇的宗教家與慈善家,西元1979年的「諾貝爾和平獎」得主,誕生於昔日東歐奧斯曼土耳其帝國馬其頓的德雷莎,18歲時即立志要奉獻己身,投入修女會行列。同一年的年底,歷經長途跋涉後,她抵達了印度,在接受了一系列的培育訓練下,開始在加爾各答地區(#Kolkata)首屈一指的貴族型修女會中學,教授地理和宗教學課程… . 西元1947年,隨著英屬印度爭取自治獨立的浪潮越演越烈,印度境內穆斯林與印度教教徒的種族與宗教紛爭也日漸升溫,但卻也讓位處要塞之地的加爾各答,一下子湧入了數以萬計、意圖躲避穆斯林迫害的難民… . 然而,難民不只帶來了霍亂與痲瘋,也破壞了當地原本的平靜…委身於修女會中學高牆之內,當時已經被派任為校長的德雷莎修女,看著外面的世界,猶如末日煉獄,每天都有大量無辜的性命因為缺乏醫療和食物在街頭嚥下最後一口氣,但有更多活著的人卻根本不知道,苟延殘喘,自己存在的意義究竟為何? . 一點一滴,歷歷在目,亦不斷刺痛她的心扉,經過禱告後,她決定致函給梵諦岡,親自向教宗表達自己的心願,要放棄修女會中學校長的職務,改以自由修女的身分,來服事當地的貧窮百姓! . 三年過後,西元1950年,透過露天學校與貧民醫院的開設,教宗除了肯定德雷莎修女的善行外,也正式批准了專為痲瘋病患、乞丐和孤苦無依兒童等窮苦中的至苦者們真心服務的『博濟會』(Missionaries of Charity)計畫… . 首先,德雷莎修女將教會的修女服一律改為印度婦女傳統的白棉粗布『沙麗』(sari),但此貼近一般民眾衣裳的行為,引起了身旁不少人,包括教會內部的爭議與不解,認為她自貶身價...但是德雷莎修女毫不猶豫地表示,她要把『吠舍』,所謂種姓制度的下等人重新定義為是主的兒女…因為她認為,既然上帝啟示她要為窮人服務,就理應穿著與那些貧民相同的衣服! . 後來,這白布鑲上樸素的藍邊,也就成為了普世博濟會修女的標準制服…而修會除了擁有天主教修會傳統的『貧窮』、『貞潔』、『服從』三個誓願以外,還加上要『全心主意』,『不要酬勞』,『為最貧苦的人,也就是基督受難的化身而服務』的信念… . 從西元1952年起,德雷莎修女負擔起服事生活中最引人注目的善行,那就是為快要死亡的窮人服務,她在市政府所捐贈的房舍裡,建立了世界知名的『垂死之家』,經由上帝的帶領與看顧,有不少生命看似走到終點的窮人,因為修女們的細心照顧轉而起死回生,有些人最後還獲得了謀生的技能… . 當然,更有許多垂死病人得到了收容之家的修女、醫生、護士或義工們的細心照顧之下,平靜安詳、有尊嚴的離開人世,回歸阿爸父神的天家。 . 德雷莎修女,以著天使般的熱忱和無微不至的用心,感動了全世界,同時也號召了更多來自全球的有志之士,共同投身救貧的行列… . 西元1997年,當修女因心臟惡化而告別人世後,印度政府破格替她舉辦了史上第一次替總統與總理以外的一般平民所進行的隆重國葬,各國政府、各宗教團體也都紛紛派出代表前來致意,向這位奉獻給貧苦人民的偉大宗教家,獻上最崇高的追思之意… . 值得一提的是,修女也是美國建國至今,七位享有合眾國最高殊榮,由總統親自核發的『美國榮譽市民』(Honorary Citizen of the United States)其中的一位,也是第二位尚在世時就獲頒此獎項的偉大人物! . 此外,由於德雷莎修女本身是阿爾巴尼亞裔,因此阿爾巴尼亞政府為了紀念她,也於西元2001年時,正式將國內唯一一座的主要國際機場定名為『帝拉納德雷莎修女國際機場』(Aeroporti Ndërkombëtar i Tiranës Nënë Tereza)。 . 故事最後,再次分享修女曾經說過的一句話: . 記者問她: 『我們需要有什麼作為,才能夠帶來世界和平?』 . 修女回答: 『回家!並且愛您的家人!』 . 加爾各答的天使~德雷莎修女。 #修女 #諾貝爾和平獎 #神愛世人 #愛 #普世 #印度 #天主教 #歷史 #hero #birthday #nobelprize #peace #life #time #great #honor #india #catholic https://www.instagram.com/p/B1nowi7HeVH/?igshid=1wpyg9m5pl3i8
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tkwc · 5 years
Coming soon: Being Together Precedes Being, A Textbook for The Kids Want Communism  (Archive Books, 2019)
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Edited by Joshua Simon. Published by Archive Books. 
Link to PDF preview here.
Specters are haunting the globe—the specters of anticommunism. From the European Union and its erosion to the disastrous “war of terror” and the destruction of the welfare state, from Wahhabism to neoliberalism, from debt economy to privatization, from game theory and disruptive innovation to cybernetics and the deployment of computerized surveillance/entertainment devices - all these anticommunisms are fighting one another, and they are now haunting us. What began with the implosion of real existing socialism almost thirty years ago comes full circle with the current collapse of the neoliberal arrangements that were then constituted. 
Being Together Precedes Being offers a text book for “The Kids Want Communism,” which was initiated towards the 99th anniversary of the Soviet Revolution of October 1917 as a series of exhibitions, symposiums and conferences, screening programs, publications and a summer camp. In this textbook, communism does not merely describe an “us versus them” relation, but also offers that we are becoming the future. This trajectory of communism runs parallel to us at every single moment and its guiding principle is that beingtogether precedes being.
Even as global capitalism’s extremes of inequality, violence, nationalism, and imperialism expropriate the lives and futures of most of the planet, hope for another future, one of justice, solidarity, equality, and life, continues to burn. The works collected here not only attest to the fact that the kids want communism. They fuel the desire for communism with new memories of its past and imaginings of what communism can be for us again.
— Jodi Dean, author of The Communist Horizon
We want what we got! This riotous, ravenous collection of communisms past, present and future is what we want and what we got, what we’ve had, what we have, and what we can have again. But the only way to have it is to share it. And the only way to share it is to share it all. So share this amazing book that was brought together to bring together.
— Stefano Harney, co-author with Fred Moten of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study 
In the turmoil leading to the October revolution Lenin wrote about the importance of finding a new slogan that will capture the totality of a specific historical situation. “The Kids Want Communism,” the title of the series of exhibitions documented in this volume, may be the appropriate slogan for today. This book brings new passions and joys to the spirit of communism, and reminds us that communism may be the truly human way of being together.
— Noam Yuran, author of What Money Wants: An Economy of Desire
This volume offers so much more than an updated version of Sartre’s famous dictum that existence precedes essence. Combining theory and practice, art and philosophy, politics and aesthetics, it is a resounding call to make communism a thing of the present.
— Bruno Bosteels, author of The Actuality of Communism
Bini Adamczak, Odeh Al Ashhab, The New Barbizon Group (Asya Lukin, Natalia Zourabova, Olga Kundina, Anna Lukashevsky, Zoya Cherkassky), Toy Boy, Diego Castro, Angela Dimitrakaki, Paul Eluard, Max Epstein and Yuri Primenko, FAMU Archives (Piyasiri Gunaratna, Nosratollah Karimi, Nabil Maleh, Krishma Viswanath), Stano Filko, iLiana Fokianaki, Agnes Friedrich and Ivonne Dippmann, Tal Gafny, Jonathan Gold, Irena Haiduk, Nir Harel, Ronny Hardlitz, Raana Harlap, Micah Hesse, Yota Ioannidou, Nikita Kadan, Jakob Kösten, Konstantinos Kotsis, Mati Lahat, V.I Lenin, MAKI Archives, Alelsandr Medvedkin, Ohad Meromi, Olaf Nicolai, Tamar Nissim, Antonis Pittas, Praxis School Archive, Yakov Protazanov, David (Rabino) Rabinovici, Oleksiy Radynski, Yorgos Sapountzis, Joshua Simon, Tereza Stejskalová, Ian Svenonius, Kuba Szreder, Piotr Szulkin, Pelin Tan, The Union of Soviet Artists (Vasil Artamonov, Dominik Forman, Michael Hauser, Alexey Klyuykov, Avděj Ter-Oganjan), Vladimir Vidmar, Vangelis Vlahos, Nicole Wermers, Tony Wood, Noa Yafe, Dana Yoeli and Hila Laviv. 
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cryptodictation · 4 years
'branches six': Soraia humiliating Lola; check out the soap opera summaries
Soraia (Rayssa Bratillieri) humiliates Lola (Gloria Pires) in Rio de Janerio (photo: TV Globo / Reproduo)
O Spotlight this Monday (3/22) stay with the soap branches six, which is going on for the last week. The plot presents – one more – difficult time for Lola (Gloria Pires). After giving in to her son's blackmail, the woman moves to Rio de Janeiro, but life with her daughter-in-law is not easy. Lola's first moment in the new house will be one of humiliation on the part of Soraia (Rayssa Bratillieri).
* Abstracts are the responsibility of broadcasters and changes may occur due to editing decisions.
Malhao – Every way to love
Indicative rating 12 years
Marco dodges Madureira's questions. Guga suffers to get used to fatherhood. Lgia hands Nina to Leila, who invites Filipe to spend the afternoon with her and the child. Marco tells Rugieri that he fears that Rui's participation will damage their scheme. Rassa confesses to Nanda that he does not approve of his courtship with Marquinhos. Jaqueline and Anjinha think about Rita. Clber helps Thiago to paint Baixadas. Carla suffers from the lack of news about Rita, and Marco comforts her. Carla congratulates Tatoo for his graffiti in the new Baixadas. Fafi kisses Henrique, who says the two need to get away. Carla tells Marco that he seems to be leading a double life. Filipe assures Lgia that he will not give up on meeting Rita.
branches six
Indicative rating 12 years
Lola believes that she will never see Alfredo again. Genu and Ins despair over Lcio's arrest. Soraia and Karine disrupt Lola. Virgulino and Afonso confront Gusmes about the situation of Lazio. There is a passage of time. Ins of light Leon. Genu, Virgulino and Afonso strive to free Lcio. Soraia convinces Julinho to ask Isabel to receive Lola at her home. Soraia humiliates Lola, and Julinho is embarrassed in front of his mother. Lola leaves for So Paulo. Lazio released. Zeca cheered by the people of Itapetininga. Olga gets emotional when Zeca invites her to travel. Lola meets Mother Joana at the door of an asylum. Lola arrives at Isabel's.
Save yourself who can
Indicative rating 12 years
Vernica comments to Gael that she sabotaged the distribution of invitations for the opening of Micaela's restaurant under Hugo's command. Vernica is disgusted to see Micaela's restaurant full of celebrities. Kyra tells Alexia that she fears that the actress will fall in love with Renzo again. Dominique catches Renzo with Alexia's ring. Agnes decides to accompany Bia in the balloon class. Helena discovers that To spent the night in Rio de Janeiro with Luna / Fiona.
Fine print
Indicative rating 12 years
On the beach, the volleyball net's water pump breaks and Ferdinand asks Pereiro for help. Griselda says goodbye to her children and leaves for work. Tereza Cristina reminds Ren of Patrcia's gift. Cr asks his employer to pay for his niece Vanessa's college. Quinz complains that Teodora has abandoned him. Griselda repairs the broken pump in Ferdinand's volleyball net. Esther hands Cr an invitation to her fashion show. Griselda sees that Antenor forgot a notebook from college, but when he goes to hand it over, disgraced by his son. Antenor gives Patrcia a ring and lies when he says it is a family jewel. Griselda helps Ren change the car's tire. Tereza Cristina insists that her garden is lit during dinner for Patrcia. Then, he decides to call the “Rental Husband”. Ren is surprised to find Griselda and Tereza Cristina asks where the two meet.
The adventures of Poliana
Indicative rating 10 years
Luigi tries to talk to Mrio about his brother's addiction in the game Vetherna. Poliana is upset with her father for forbidding her from seeing her aunt. Glria tells Luisa that she will try to convince Pendleton to change her mind. Marcelo checks his mother's finances and discovers some strange movements in the company's account. Kessya and Filipa start rehearsing for the dance performance. Falco shows up at Lindomar's house to collect money. Mosquito tells Zio that he is not happy to have returned to crime. Nancy suggests that her grandmother invite Violeta to dinner at home. Under pressure by Falco, Lindomar gives up his house in Jardim Bem Te Vi to the bandit. Pendleton takes Poliana to his lab and takes some questions from his daughter. Bencio, Gael and Lorena go to Pendleton's house for information. Pendleton asks Poliana to keep the lab a secret.
My heart
Indicative rating 10 years
Fanny is concerned because she doesn't find Edith, and tells Lnin that Edith and her brother had problems, and she was very upset. Leon does a professional test. Fernando asks Beatriz to send Ana a bouquet of flowers in her name, and the secretary decides to send one to Bruno too. Zeus tells Manuela that he should forget about Bruno. Dorival bribes the lawyer to protect “Chicago” and not to close it. Johnny, Ana and Jennifer record Dorival's meeting. Isabela asks Fernando the full name of Johnny, so that a detective can locate where he lives. When Ana, Johnny and Jennifer are about to leave “Chicago”, Tarcisio finds them and asks what they are doing there, they lie to get out of trouble and leave. Yolanda confesses his sins to a priest. After hearing it, the priest affirms that Isabela's conduct is his fault, as he did not know how to educate her. And he says that if she is really sorry, she should ask forgiveness of the people she hurt. Leon finds Fanny with Lnin and says they need to talk, but she rejects him. Fanny and Lnin go to Edith's house to see if they find her because she doesn't return calls or messages. Magda meets with Soledade, and asks for his help to win back the ice. Yolanda arrives meekly to ask Ana for forgiveness. Magda asks Soledade to help her recover from the ice, but she says that he is in love with another woman. Fanny tells Nando that Edith is missing. Yolanda asks Ana for forgiveness for everything she has done, but both Ana and Fernando do not believe in her regret. Ana and Fernando talk to each other and decide to give Yolanda a vote of confidence. The children decide to play a trick on Yolanda. Isabela goes to Johnny's house and tries to seduce him, but he replies that he already has a girlfriend. Fanny calls Edith from Nando's cell phone, and she answers. Isabela throws Johnny on the bed and goes over to him. Jennifer comes home right now and sees them. Isabela tells Jennifer that she and Johnny kissed passionately, but Johnny says it was a lie. Isabela says something ugly about Ana, and Jennifer slaps her, knocking her unconscious. Fanny and Lnin arrive at Edith's house. Helena calls Fanny and hangs up when she finds out that she is at Edith's house. Soledade tells Ana that she must tell Fernando that she leads a double life. Isabela leaves and Jennifer tells Johnny that she believes in him and loves him. Fernando tells Nando that he's going to propose to Ana.
Cmplices of a rescue
Free indicative rating
Safira tries to get close to Priscila and takes her a gift, but the girl says she doesn't want to see her mother anymore. The Golden horse is improving in recovery and Mateus and Dris are celebrating. Omar is enraged that no one is going to his party at the farm, only Sabrina. In the village, Frederico says he misses Rebeca on On-Enterprise. The stylist says he closed a deal with Giuseppe and is very inspired. Frederico reveals that Berta made a personal call to Safira and that the two are friends. Strange Rebeca.
Unique love
The broadcaster itself indicated the 12-year indicative self-rating
Until the closing of this issue, the broadcaster did not send the summary.
Betty the ugly in New York
The broadcaster SBT requested the classification for 10 years and awaits a final decision by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security
It is being very difficult for Armando to win Betty, as he has no attraction for her. Ricardo proposes to his friend to make an appointment in a poorly lit and unknown place. Armando shocked Betty by saying he has jokes about Ncolas. Armando goes out of his way to drink and, making a great effort, tells Betty that he is in love with her, but he can't kiss her. Betty confesses to Armand that she is in love with him. Marcela feels jealous when she sees that Armando is not in the office. She doesn't believe that Armando is with Betty, so she goes to look for him at Ricardo's house. Thieves invade the academy to steal. Sandra and Wilson face offenders. After leaving Betty at home, Armando discreetly about what happened. Upon arriving home, Armando feels guilty for playing with her feelings. The next day he faces Marcela's cold. Sofia makes Jenny believe that she spent the night with Efrain. Outraged, Jenny throws Efrain out of the house.
The post 'branches six': Soraia humiliating Lola; check out the soap opera summaries appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/23/branches-six-soraia-humiliating-lola-check-out-the-soap-opera-summaries/
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tkwc · 7 years
The Kids Want Communism Closing and Final Weekend ❤️  ☭
After the closing and final weekend of The Kids Want Communism at MoBY and at Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien (curated by Joshua Simon), we would like to say thank you to everyone who has been involved and supported this project!
TKWC would not have been the same without the participation and collaboration with: Bini Admczak; Toy Boy; Diego Castro; Maya Elran, Efraim Davidi; Tamar Gozansky; Max Epstein; FAMU Prague program curated by Tereza Stejskalová: Nabil Maleh, Piyasiri Gunaratna, Krishma (Krishna) Viswanath, and Nosratollah Karimi; Tal Gafny; Nadya Bakuradze; Michal Helfman; Jacob Blumenfeld; Michael Jones McKean; Jonathan Gold; Nir Harel; Raanan Harlap; Micah Hesse; Ivonne Dippmann and Agnes Friedrich, The Israel Communist Party Archive (MAKI); Nikita Kadan; Jakob Koesten; Mati Lahat; Hila Laviv and Dana Yoeli; Ohad Meromi; Ian Svenonius; Stano Filko; Olaf Nicolai; Tamar Nissim; Ingo Niermann; Angela Dimitrakaki; Jonas Staal; James Bridle; Vincent van Gerven Oei; Irena Haiduk; Kostis Stafylakis; "Notes on Division" (curated by iLiana Fokianaki): Konstantinos Kotsis, Yota Ioannidou, Antonis Pittas, Yorgos Sapountzis, and Vangelis Vlaho; Praxis School archive curated by Vladimir Vidmar; Yuri Primenko; Katya Oicherman; Natalia Kopelanskaya; The New Barbizon: Zoya Cherkassky, Olga Kundina, Anna Lukashevsky, Asya Lukin, and Natalia Zourabova; Nicole Wermers; Noa Yafe; Ekaterina Degot.
It has been amazing to see TKWC evolve and grow together with institutions around the world throughout 2016 and 2017: tranzit, Prague; The Visual Culture Research Center, Kyiv; Free/Slow University Warsaw; State of Concept, Athens; Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana; West Space, Melbourne; Marx200; CCA Tel Aviv; The Young Communist League of Israel (BANKI); The Left Bank; SDAJ; ZHdK and Corner College; Northwestern University; Erev Rav; Artis Contemporary; Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin; Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung; Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - Israel Office; MoBY Museums of Bat Yam.
The Kids Want Communism was organized by iLiana Kokianaki, Vladimir Vidmar, Oleksiy Radynski, Vit Havranek, Patrice Sharkey, Kuba Szreder, and Joshua Simon.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this project happen and kept us going!! Naama Henkin, Meir Tati, Noa Tsaushu, Avi Bohbot, Ofir Finkelstein, Alina Yakirevitch, Nechama Winston, Michal Raz, Nufar Kaplan, Shulamit Bialy, George Choresh, Jonathan Goldstein, Moyu Honda, Ariel Blitz, Rani Rosenheim, Shimon Malka, Moran Paz, Layne Goldman, Jordan Selan, Michelle Paterok, Matthew Turell, Ofri Omer, Yafir Ido, Sassi Mazor, Danielle Kaganov, Yael Meromi, Tamir Davidov, Tali Konas, Tsafrir Cohen, Raffi Gueta, Stephane Bauer, Theres Laux, Esther Tusch, and many others.
We're excited for The Kids Want Communism book which will be published next year!
The book "Communists Anonymous," edited by Joshua Simon and Ingo Niermann, will be published by the end of the year in the Solution Series by Sternberg Press in Berlin. 
We would like to celebrate The Kids Want Communism with a recap of all the events, conversations, exhibitions, and conferences that have taken place in the last two years below. 
The Museums of Bat Yam — MoBY, Israel:
The Kids Want Communism, Installment One
Also see here
Ekaterina Degot: Shockworkers of the Mobile Image
Also see here
Kuba Szreder: The Political Economy of Art and Beyond
The Kids Want Communism, Installment Two 
Also see here, here and here
Artist Talk: Nir Harel
“The Future Is Ours,” Reunion of The Young Communist League of Israel 
Also see here for stories from the history of The Young Communist League of Israel—BANKI
The 10th Marx Forum in Israel: “Imperialism Then and Now”
As Radical As Reality Itself
See more photos here
The Kids Want Communism, Installment Three / Final Installment 
Also see here, here and here
Artist Talk with Tamar Nissim and Tal Gafny
Artist Talk with Max Epstein and book launch of RESTRooM
2017 Marx Conference: 100 Years after the October Revolution
Finissage and party for the exhibition series The Kids Want Communism and 100 years to the October revolution
The Visual Culture Research Center, Kyiv, Ukraine:
The Postman always rings twice: Why does history repeat itself? Day 1
The Postman always rings twice: Why does history repeat itself? Day 2
tranzit, Prague, Czech Republic:
First congress of the Union of Soviet Artists/ painting symposium and exhibition
Also see here and here for an interview with the initiators of the First congress of the Union of Soviet Artists in Prague (Artalk magazine, September 6th, 2016)
Škuc gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia:
Nikita Kadan: Above the pedestal the air condenses in a dark cloud
Also see here and here
Free/Slow University Warsaw, Poland:
Summer camp hosted by the Free/Slow University of Warsaw
State of Concept, Athens, Greece:
Solution Communism, a one day symposium organized by iLiana Fokianaki, Ingo Niermann and Joshua Simon 
Also see here for video recordings of some of the talks, panel discussion and Q+A
See  “Assemblism” by artist Jonas Staal, in  e-flux journal issue #80. The text came out of a lecture presented at the conference Solution Communism
West Space, Melbourne, Australia:
The Kids Want Communism at West Space
ZHdK and Corner College, Zürich, Switzerland:
Guest lecture of the Postgraduate Programme in Curating CAS/ MAS ZHdK — Joshua Simon: Verschüttete Traditionen // The Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Communism and The Dividual
Northwestern University, Chicago, USA:
Visiting Artist Lecture, in collaboration with the Graham Foundation: Joshua Simon, The Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Communism and The Dividual
CCA Tel Aviv, Israel:
The second gathering for Solution Communism on April 6, 2017
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany:
The Kids Want Communism in Berlin, to mark 100 years of the Bolshevik Revolution (also see here and here)
Also see here for an interview published online by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in Israel with Joshua Simon
Photos from the Vernissage (also see here)
A celebration of 100 years of Soviet Revolution: Lecture & music
❤️   +  a playlist
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