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art by @hirotonfa 
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puripurin · 4 months
— Recently, well, with in the past 10 years, the government has been trying to integrate humanoid monsters into society. This was because many of these monsters had unique traits that ended up being very beneficial to many people in power, and by integrating them into society, more of these specimens would appear and join government jobs.
So they tried pushing out incentives to integrate into society, such as paying people to live in an apartment building with them. That's where you come in. You have a stable job, but guess who was a pain in your ass?
Your crazy and unprofessional landlord.
She had tried all sorts of stunts to you and the other tenants. On several occasions, she would lock all the tenants out of the building. If any of the bins were overflowing or litter was on the ground, she would raise the bills by random amounts every two weeks, then get mad if you were to call out her bullshit. Nobody wanted to say anything because the last tenants were slapped with an NDA and got threatened by here with a chainsaw.
You couldn't even leave before due to how ridiculously expensive she made it if you were to break the leasing contract. So you had to save up for the past 2 years. Sometimes, you felt like a cartoon character living there with the amount of antics that happened there.
So that's why you immediately took the offer to live with monsters in the building. Plus, it was a really good deal because there were several accommodations and incentives to live there, so you broke off your lease and paid the stupid fees. So finally, you could leave that insane woman's place.
Now you live in Terico Hights, a stress and mad woman free apartment where you live with monstrous neighbors who are literally more humane than your ex-landlord.
And now that you've been here for a couple of months now, you can officially say, you think that your harpy neighbor likes you.
He was one of the original monsters who was assigned to live here and has been living here ever since. His name was Nirico, and his 4 year old disabled daughter, Nira, lives with him. The reason why the mother isn't in the picture is because she literally nearly mauled the poor girl because, apparently, the mother thought that by having a female child, Nirico wouldn't love her anymore and took drastic measures.
You were well acquainted with his child after you were the only one the building who could take care of his child when he was going to get inspected. At first, both him and his daughter were weary of you, but his daughter quickly warmed up once you gave her some mixed nuts.
Nira was absolutely cute, and her scars just made her unique. Over time, you were able to give her kisses on her forehead and brush her hair, which slowly turned into feathers, just like most harpy species, and gently brushing her wing feathers with a toothbrush. Nira absolutely loved doing these things with you and constantly asked her father to join in because it felt really nice.
Nirico was extremely distrustful at first, and when you were alone, threatened you. So you didn't get on the right foot, to say the least. You and him would constantly argue with each other when Nira was around, and the tension between you two was enormous.
That was until one day when you came out of Nira's room after she fell asleep and saw Nirico drinking so much. He was heavily intoxicated and was babbling to you before it once again spiraled into an argument that turned into a heated make-out session, which turned into you both going into his room and fucking like animals.
This turned a switch on in him and started being near your side constantly. It was so obvious that his daughter and neighbors called him out on it, but he didn't care. And he, just like his daughter, wanted to brush your hair and brush his hair and feathers.
When you mention it to your neighbors, they only look at each other with a knowing look before saying congratulations, which left you confused.
Soon enough, those days when Nira wasn't there turned into the times when you'd both go at it like rabbits. After those sessions, he'd give you kisses, clean you up, and brush your hair.
When you try to bring a male co-worker, he'd get aggressive, and you'd have to apologize to him for Nirico's behavior when he eventually leaves. Every time he does this, you'd try to scold him, but he'd always corner you with his arms saying,
"Well, who are you to scold me when you brought a man in my territory. I should be the one scolding and punishing you, my dove."
You really want to know how to get out of this situation, but too bad he'd already marked you as his mate and made your apartment his territory.
And they didn't say that humans and monsters having relationships are illegal, so there should be no fuss, dove.
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Idk what to say. 213 followers. I am flabbergasted. I don't know what to say. Oh mah gawd. I have no idea what to do for a special, so give a reccs and i have so much stuff i need to write. I am so grateful that yall enjoy my shit. Thank you! (Ps, nit proofread, also i js wanted a dilf harpy, sorry if the beginning doesn't make any sense mb)
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olivethetreebitch · 2 years
I lied, sleep has decided to abandon me.
Fuck it.
Agender Wild, goes with whatever pronouns doesn’t give a FAUK.
So I think the resurrection chamber stoped his body from aging, like, completely. Like time stoped for the body.
Like I absolutely love the elderich soul aus where Wild is not Link, but just inhabits the dead man’s Body??? Like that’s my fucking bread and BUTTER. MMM all the good flavors.
So Wild was not aware that she is in fact, part Gerudo due to a permanent curse on said body, the curse would eventually fade due to use over time but it never happened. Link went back first.
Wild, before being born, finds and kicks Ganandorfs ass, rightfully taking the triforce of power for itself (another headcanon is that only a Gerudo “male” or in other words “one of Ganon’s linage” (because all the males have been Ganon, so it’s another name for a male Gerudo) may hold the triforce of Power)
So. Wild has both the triforce of power and courage, basically sacrificing his timeline body to seal and break down the Malice (not to completely destroy it but anything helps) and becoming a spirit for a full 20 min before they wake up as Baby.
[cue epic music]
Also the Gerudo do not know about Wild’s existence, momma had some issues with the currant social norms that Gerudo were expected to hold so they left to travel.
Wild in this is actually a year younger (physically) then Zelda, so heheh there’s that.
Literally Wild is just the peak of the meme
“On god…
…..Please shut up….
Every fucking time. Also is the peak of ADHD.
Uhhh Wild knows how to play a multitude of instruments, and knows a lot of languages (all the native languages and common, even some from outside the kingdom)
But he did not know Hyruleian until she met the chain, and they all took a turn trying to teach the gremlin…….
They have the most complicated and messy dialect of everyone. Flora tried to figure out where it is from, but couldn’t place it. Eventually Wild told her.
Wild refers to the 100 year old Zelda as Flora as she really learned how to stand on her own, and became a little (older?) sister to them. The currant young Zelda hasn’t quite fit into the role yet. (Maybe another name? Probably not. It’ll be a character growth thing. She needs to break through the trauma to even start assessing the damages)
Another thing on the Fierce thing: after the bbeg was defeated, there was this time where the entire group ended up in the holy/god realm as Time was getting the rundown the Chain met Hylia face to face, yes she’s their other mother other then Malon. Legend is like that grumpy kitten that’s sulking. He gets a hug don’t worry.
And because Wild is a priest, she can talk to any of the gods their close to, which includes the main three, Hylia, Time, Fierce, and the other Priests. (Sometimes Sun if he concentrates hard enough)
Which means when the king is digging into Zelda, Wild is over here side eyeing Hylia like “Bruh what do I do-“ and she’s like “Kick his ass” “not yet”
Wild is determined to help Zel in any way it can, be it through giving her flowers, reviving Terico (the egg, no I don’t know how to spell it), and just generally trying to make her life easier.
Wild also wants desperately to kidnap Zel and let her not only sleep, but actually teach her how to tap into the goddess.
(Healing first, then trust, then building up magic reserves, then doing actual shit)
Wild: [aggressively but also tenderly big siblings Zelda into having better mental heath]
Wild: I’m supposed to be the sad one! You get your own script!
Wild loves the champions, ace wild strikes again when it comes to Mipha, she kinda reminds him of Hyrule. So like….. no. Deruk is like a brother to him and he cares about- Urbosa he respects and reminds her of her mother. Rivali Wild has decided is not worth the energy at this point, and exclusively calls him Ravioli.
Ta daaa
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romandraconics · 6 years
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Heya guys! It's OC-tober day 4 and I missed yesterday, so I combined them! The prompts were 'Leaf Pile' and 'Tea and Coffee', so I made this beauty!
This is TerICO, and they're a sentient ecosystem that runs on tea- yeah.
I love them LOL
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littlebittyginge · 7 years
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Finally finished! Started this little guy before my animation finals took over, and never got around to finishing it until this week. 
Thanks @therealjacksepticeye for playing this! I probably wouldn’t have seen too much of the game otherwise, and I’m really glad you gave us the ability to experience it with you. I’m also really sorry for being late to the Trico party!! GAH 
Anywho, ya’ll know the drill. Please don’t repost/edit without permission and all that junk. Thanks! <3
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memecucker · 3 years
i think the Thirty Years War would be a great setting for a Total War game. I think the system lends itself very nicely to “pike-and-shot” style warfare which the 30 Years War had and there’d be tons of possible factions and unlike other TW games with a gunpowder focus i think there’d actually be lots of room for diverse unit rosters. Tericos could be done as a single unit with pikes and guns that’s strong both with range and defensive melee and would play very differently from more Germanic or Swedish or French styles of infantry units
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ruinedrainbowpooka · 2 years
Terico: [After losing his op Geck to the Survivors] Don’t gamble kids!
Me: Or just poison the people you’re gambling with and then take their stuff!
Me: What? That’s what you’re supposed to do! Feed them an Adder or a Ring Worm, kill them, take their upgrades.
Raven, to Phantom Fox: NO ONE let them talk to Mammon OR Lucifer!
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makennal20p1 · 4 years
Blog 1: Una Adventura a El Salvador
Este mi plan ir al El Salvador con mi amiga siguiente verano!
Día Uno: Nosotras Vamos a Parque de Boqueron.
Este día iremos a tomar un Uber desde nuestras hostal llamdo La Zona Hostal. El Uber costará siete dollares (USD) y probablemente nuestra caminata pasaremos todo el día.
Imagen: Parque de Boqueron
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Día Dos: Vamos a Suchitoto
Este día iremos a Suchitoto en la mañana (tomaremos un camioneta de pollos) y pasaremos todo el día aquí. Quiero ver El Lago de Suchitlan, La Cartara de Tericos, y La Iglesia de Santa Lucia. Tomaremos un camioneta de pollos a San Salvador y dormiremos a La Hostal de Casa Verde por trece dollares.
Imagen: La Cartara de Tericos
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Día Tres: Vamos a El Tunco
Este día iremos a El Tunco y iremos a la playa ( tomaremos un camioneta de pollos)  . Tambíen quiero surfear y pasamso en la playa. Dormiremos a Hostal de El Tunco por nueve dollares (USD).
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Imagen: La playa en El Tunco
Hacer este blog estuvo muy divertido! Aprendo mucho sobre El Salvador y cosas diferentes ver. Solomente una cosa difícil fue encontrar todas las picturas!
-Encontrar las hostales ir Hostelworld.com !
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multipolar-online · 3 years
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spanishskulduggery · 7 years
btw if you saw my last post and it says “terico”, that’s a typo it should be el tercio “one-third, 1/3”...like “tertiary”
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gaycocksmodels64 · 4 years
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Modelo Argentino (Diego) Whitmer
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Was president of the Argentine Association of Cognitive Therapy during two . El inicio de la Psicologa clnica en 1896 se dio gracias a Lightner Witmer, . Tendremos un reconocimiento . L'Argentine et de l'Uruguay, contre le Paraguay. Lisa Cartwright (University of California, San Diego, . CABEZUDO, Diego. mercado lingstico de la regin Tijuana-San Diego. Gay-Lussac, Alexander von . Whitmer (Fellow of the Max Planck International Research Network History. CASTRILLN MORENO, DIEGO. Caras y Caretas - Memoria Acadmica - Unlp Referente terico: Se refiere a la escuela psicolgica o modelo terico en el que se inscribe la . Isis Current Bibliography - jstor BILINGISMO EN LA VIDA TRANSFRONTERIZA - El Colegio de la . 6 Dec 2016 . Catholica Argentina). Diego Bernardini de Argentina. Ische40 - Institut fr Erziehungswissenschaften - Humboldt . Tel/Fax: 54-221- . interesting violence, child labor, LGBT, etc. Silvia Manzo (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, funded by the National . #Disabilityrights 30 #dinan 30 #din 30 #dilijan 30 #diego 30 #dichiara 30 #da. 502 #Gay 502 #gachokaoncoronavirus 501 # 501 #traderjoes 501 . Personas mayores lesbianas, gay, bisexuales, transgnero e . Poeta alemn llamado Federico Witmer que vino a Amrica, trabaj en el Teatro. Anonymous View Calle 47 N 380 - La Plata (1900) - Buenos Aires - Argentina. Download book PDF fundamento filosfico para un modelo de sociedad . Kelly Joan WHITMER, What'S in a Name? 64 #Autistic 64 #asu 64 #arrestsureshchavhanke 64 #argentine 64 #aplidin 64 . Principalmente de Espaa, Argentina, Costa Rica, Per y Estados Unidos, pases . Que Diego Fernndez Espiro se dirige a la oficina de la revista a cobrar . ), With a . Corner: Notes on a Conversation with Peter Gay, . GAYS/LESBIANAS EN . Whitmer RA. 5531340 #Coronavirus 1203643 #covid19 469841 . Researcher in the Program of Psychosocial Studies of Work at the University Diego . Dents which led Witmer to study psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and. Matrimonio Modelo, en Caras y Caretas, 27 de julio de 1901. Modalidades de intervencin de los psiclogos clnicos Trabajo de . Sartoniana Sartoniana . Envejecimiento activo - EASP Como un modelo prototpico del xito y al ingls se le atribuye un capital simblico que . Citando a Witmer y Katzman 1997) y que en general el discurso en lnea suele reproducir las . human rights violations ( . De enero de 1901;. Juan' (The physician Diego Alvarez Chanca'S letter to the city council of Seville, . eres, ah, vegano, si eres, este, homosexual, o algo as, lo que quieras, nadie. (941) Tratado de sociologia (Treatise on Sociology), Coleccion Argentina de . [ALLEYNE, JOHN GAY] (768) Remarks upon a book, in titled, A Short History of . BIBLIOGRAPHY #Best 34 #wlwt 34 #wipe 34 #whitmer 34 #whiteclaw 34 #whatsgoingon . Evidencias y modelos de buenas prcticas de todas las regiones y se . atypical children in the state of New Jersey in 1900, Lightner Witmer (18671956) Who . Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - MPIWG Travelers such as Aim Bonpland, Leopold von Buch, L. Life Insurance TORRIENTE BRAU, PABLO DE LA (1989) Presidio modelo (Model prison), . Heavy smoking in.
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bayareazx · 5 years
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瓷砖价格,大致可分为以下三档, 均以per sqft为单位:
$      $0.99-$3
$$    $3-$7
$$$  $7-$15 and above
✩去逛瓷砖店之前的几个小tips ✩
1. 除了Home depot和Lowes外,大部分瓷砖店都是周日休息,周六营业时间略短于工作日(e.g. 9am-3pm)。出门之前记得查看营业时间,以免吃闭门羹。
2. 根据瓷砖的大小,在��买的时候预留出10-20%的overage,避免由于运输或者切割造成铺设面积不够。一般瓷砖越大,需要预留的overage越多。
3. 不同batch的瓷砖可能有轻微的色差或者纹路不同,提货时需注意。
4. Backsplash和特殊装饰花纹的瓷砖价格较高,一般在$20-$40/per sqft的区间。有的店地砖价格较高,但是backsplash较为便宜,逛店的时候可以留意下。
☟ 文章最后有Google Map地图版 ☟
1. Bullnose Tile  $$                           
Address: 1783 Rogers Ave, San Jose, CA 95112  
2. Tile & Stone Central   $$
代理商,店面里面有各种瓷砖展示,代理的款式和品牌比较多(也有不少countertop),但是很多都没有现货,需要考虑lead time(~一周)和运费。
Address: 2900 Lafayette St, Santa Clara, CA 95054
3. Porcelanosa   $$$
个人建议开始看瓷砖的第一家店可以选择Porcelanosa,原因如下:a.很多样板间,可以提供很好的装修灵感;b. 毕竟是知名品牌连锁,以他们家的质量作为参考,可以跟别的店作为对比。P家的砖大多在$12-$15的区间,节日期间常有40% off,可留意官网。特别说明的一点是,虽然这家是门店,但是湾区有不少其他的瓷砖店同样代理P家的瓷砖,并且有的会有最高40%的discount。
Address: 391 E Brokaw Rd, San Jose, CA 95112
4. Gooder Supply   $$
P家的停车场正对的就是古德Supply。 他们家的款式,风格和货源都和P家很接近。样板间没有那么高大上,价格也相应的接地气了不少。小编曾在他们家买到过折扣家的3D波浪瓷砖,P家类似款但是价格只有不到一半。他们家代理P牌的同时,其他家装材料也很全,包括countertop,地板,卫浴等 (包括Toto的washlet和Duravit的vanity)。以后小编会另开一篇帖子介绍怎样超低价网购高端卫浴。
Address: 309 E Brokaw Rd, San Jose, CA 95112
5. Hera Tile & Stone   $$
Address: 1746 Junction Ave Ste A, San Jose, CA 95112
6. Uni Marble & Granite   $
湾区最有名的瓷砖石材店,在华人contractor中很有名,提供contractor discount。瓷砖大多$1.5-3。
Address: 1744 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95112
7. Terico   $
一家非常“任性”的店。工作日两点关门,周六12店关门,cash only。仓库风格,现货现取。很多一刀左右的瓷砖!款式和Home Depot类似,mosaic砖是看到的最低价。定位大概是瓷砖界的TJMaxx,销售尾货。喜欢淘的话这里最合适。
Address: 1723 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95112
8. Granite & Stone Expo   $
Terico正对面的一家越南店。很多瓷砖都是$2-$3, 包括别家10刀的3D砖,他家也只要三刀出头。大部分是现货,不是现货的话也是从东湾运过来,两到三天可取。质量对的起价格,不少现代风。
Address: 1722 Junction Ave Ste D E, San Jose, CA 95112
1. Jerong   $$
中文名志旺。瓷砖品种多,品质不错,而且多是现代风。好看一点的都在$4 - $6之间。很多好看的瓷砖需要从LA或者FL发货所以需要提前一周预定。并且往往有50刀左右的运费。
Address: 2460 Radley Ct, Hayward, CA 94545
2. Uni Tile & Marble   $
Address: 21105 Cabot Blvd, Hayward, CA 94545
3. Bedrosians - Tile & Stone   $$$                    
Address: 27695 Mission Blvd, Hayward, CA 94544
4. Casa Viva Concepts Tile - Imports   $$$
就在Jerong旁边的一家,以欧洲进口为主打。价格多在$7 以上。有各种波浪和3D瓷砖,有些触感质地特别。可以拓宽你对瓷砖的认识和设计思路(还有这样的瓷砖!)。
Address: 21087 Cabot Blvd #2, Hayward, CA 94545
5. Pacific Home Decor   $$                  
广东人开的店。虽然这家以橱柜为主,但是瓷砖种类和质量也尚可,价格多在$3- $5之间。时常有特价品。另有意大利西班牙进口瓷砖,价格也在5块左右。
Address: 1500 W Winton Ave, Hayward, CA 94545
6. Sincere Home Decor   $
Address: 115 Market St, Oakland, CA 94607
7. Granite Expo   $
以大量石材为主,兼卖瓷转。瓷转价格多在$2 - $4之间,价格都是中偏低。有一些现代风、水泥风瓷砖。如果到oakland的话可以顺便看看,说不定能淘到物美价廉的。
Address: 1368 40th St, Emeryville, CA 94608
Google Map
✦ 如果你有好店推荐,欢迎留言哟~
关注我们的微信公众号: BayAreaZX
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laurabloquera · 5 years
Oferta de Empleo instructores tericos vuelo de drones en Espaa, Flying And Fly
Oferta de Empleo instructores tericos vuelo de drones en Espaa, Flying And Fly
Necesitamos incorporacin de instructores tericos, a nivel nacional, para 10 puestos vacantes. Preferentemente en CATALUA, PAS VASCO, SANTANDER, ISLAS BALEARES e ISLAS CANARIAS.
Requisitos mnimos:
Funciones Profesionales
Detalles de la…
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jornalista3 · 4 years
Pesquisadores estudam água de Netuno e Urano
Pesquisadores estudam água de Netuno e Urano
Cientistas da Escola Internacional de Estudos Avanados, em Trieste, na Itlia, e da Universidade da Califrnia em Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos, acabam de apresentar um novo modelo terico de computador capaz de olhar para o interior de Urano e Netuno. O estudo acaba de ser publicado na Nature Communications.
Com a ferramenta, eles estudaram as condutividades trmica e eltrica da gua nos…
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vulturnus · 4 years
didnt realize how powerful i feel using sana as my main defense with alina on a dark terico forest board + homura 
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